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Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 07:59 PM

Dominator x Arc

Name: Aysel Renee
Age: 21
Bio: Three movies, five commercials, thirteen print ad campaigns, and a starring role in a new TV series- Aysel could be viewed as having an impressive record for her age. She was adored by loving fans, envied by her co-workers, and the critics couldn't even put a dent in a single production she'd ever been in. As a little girl, she could've only dreamt of such a life, but as an adult woman, she was somewhat bored with routine. Her current agent was behind the times, over paid, and was starting to become a bit too demanding with Aysel's schedule.

Last edited by Arc Angel; 09-26-2011 at 01:57 AM..

Dominator is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 08:34 PM

Name: Rayne Dawson
Age: 23
Appearance: Rayne
Bio: An International Business graduate of a well known university, Rayne had just found a job in a small consultancy firm. His mentality was still pretty much one of a student. Rayne was a friendly guy who had no problems making friends or finding ways to have fun. However he was level-headed and pragmatic when it came down to emotional attachments, which resulted in a lot of acquitances but just a couple of close friends. Also, despite being really good in his line of work, he has trouble coping with corporate structures and hierarchy, which somewhat stunts his way up the chain.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-27-2011, 05:50 AM

Nestled comfortably in the deep brown, vintage love seat that occupied a back corner of the cafe, Aysel brought her knees up to her chest, her chin resting delicately upon one of her knee caps as her eyes scanned over the stack of papers she held. In her free hand was a steaming latte, foam coating her upper lip as she sipped it, letting the hot liquid warm her throat before casually wiping the white mustache it had created on her lip. Occasionally, she'd flip a page in the stack of papers she held, or squint at something in confusion, or, rather, the oddest action she'd do- mouth a comment about how dull or obvious the writer had pieced together a certain part.

After a while, she tossed the script onto a nearby coffee table, then uncurling her legs to cross them daintily upon the top of them. Papers drifted out of the wreck of a stack, but she couldn't care less. Instead, her attention turned to the atmosphere, the few customers in the shop, and the bustling crowds outside of it. They all have jobs to get to- it's the coffee rush before work, yet, here I'll be, all afternoon... She fancied the thought of lounging in her favorite place all day, but knew better than to think she'd really pull it off. The owners were friends of hers, but that didn't mean they'd be willing to stay open so long for a customer- even if she did happen to be a celebrity- she was doing them no favor by hiding away in the back of their cafe. Slipping her phone, which was making a small spaced out beeping noise, from her pocket, she stared at the lit-up screen blankly before sitting the damned device down next to her papers. "It won't stop beeping," she muttered softly, then groaned audibly to herself, holding her face in her hands. The woman at the counter looked over at her pitifully, "You should check those messages- they could be your agent," she remarked, then added to herself, "Up for another role, I suppose, that man can really work some magic." Aysel rolled her eyes a bit, grinning to herself wryly as she went back to sipping her latte, "If that's what you'd call it. He's a little much."

Dominator is offline
Old 09-27-2011, 10:12 AM

", I told you sir, sell the UMC stock by the end of the week. Spain's credit rating is expected to be reduced and that would..." the blonde man, who had just entered the cafe, dressed in jeans and checkered shirt, rubbed his forehead in desperation. The retards he was supposed to name clients wouldn't even leave him alone on his day off. He gestured at the coffee mashine, while listening to a rant - fifth one for this week so far - on how Rayne was too young and green to know anything about the harsh world of investements. He had stopped paying attention to the words after several seconds and just took his coffee, moving to a less populated part of the cafe.

"No sir, I do not take you for a fool...yes sir, I do make mistakes sometimes. Yes sir, my prediction about MMH was wrong..." that was it. He had enough for today "Do you happen to recall there was a tornado involved? How the hell am I supposed to predict tornadoes?! You know what, nevermind. I don't have to listen to this. Not working today."

He hung up and sighed, taking a sip of the coffee. This job was going to be the end of him. He always knew there were a lot of...less than smart people in the world, but it seemed every single one of them wanted to play on the stock market and thought he knew more about it than Rayne did. He raised his head and spotted the girl on the next table, seemingly lost in work as well. She was stunning, but there was something he had seen her somewhere, but couldn't remember where. Suddenly he realized he was staring and shook his head lightly "Sorry for troubling you. I'll try not to disturb you anymore. In fact, I'd be more than happy not to be disturbed myself..." he finished with a hint of annoyance, switching off his phone which had begun ringing again "Again, sorry about that."

Last edited by Dominator; 09-27-2011 at 03:18 PM..

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-27-2011, 11:20 PM

She had seen the man walk into the cafe on his phone, and immediately classified him as the regular office stiff- one of those people that would most likely ruin the peaceful atmosphere with the tension that practically eminated from most of those folk. However, she would grant him to be cute, up-tight office personnel or not. After her quick observation, she would pay him no mind, picking up her script and tuning out his phone call with the thought of finishing her work as she slowly worked on her latte. It was not until he raised his voice as an argument seemed to ensue that she became intrigued, her eyes wide with curiosity as she turned her gaze in his direction. Placing the manuscript back down on the coffee table, she adjusted her feet so that they were crossed, watching him quietly as she finished the coffee remaining in her mug. Glancing back up at him after he quieted, she caught his eyes, a slow grin spreading onto her face as she assumed he may recognize her, then, of course, choose whether to ignore her presence or proceed to ramble on about how his sister was a fan and how much she'd love it if he got her an autograph. Much to her surprise and delight, he did neither- as for now, this could be a conversation between two everyday strangers. Finally, the chance to speak to someone normal again, and someone who seemed to have an opinion. Someone that might actually be intelligent, and worth talking to.

Laughing softly, she shook her head, "It's really no problem. I can understand where you're coming from," she explained. Holding up her phone so that he may catch a glimpse of its still-glowing screen, it would broadcast that she had a call coming in, albeit that her phone was silent and unmoving. "Silent mode's my favorite," she added jokingly, placing the infernal device back down on the coffee table. Then, deciding that the subject wouldn't be prying, seeing that she had heard everything he said, "Your boss, right? Won't he be angry with you?"

Dominator is offline
Old 09-29-2011, 12:36 AM

"To tell you the truth, right now I don't really care. I just wanted to relax today, you know? I'm not sure if I should keep working in the same place, but I don't like to quit."

Rayne smiled, tapping on the table with his fingers. This was unnerving, he couldn't quite put his finger on this girl, where had he seen her before? In the end, however, he decided to forget it for a minute. A beutiful girl had talked him up just as his mood had been steadily dropping. This was too good to simply be a coincidence and he wasn't about to just let it pass him by. Besides, he liked meeting new people and talking with them. Best way to see things from a totally new perspective, as he always said. She didn't seem troubled by him at all, so Rayne decided to take a chance. He moved his coffee cup on the other table and then sat across the girl, smiling warmly.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you, but...what is your opinion, should work give you pleasure? Or is it just a means to getting paid? For instance, I'm good at what I do, I really am. I like doing it usually too, but at this point I'm really close to a mental breakdown here, not because of the work itself, but because of the organization that employs me, mostly." Rayne nodded to the papers in front of her "I'm only asking because you look like you have things to do yourself. Maybe you can provide me with an insight, right? What are you reading, if you don't mind me asking?" he extended his arm and nodded repectfully "My bad, got ahead of myself. Rayne Dawson, nice to meet you."

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-29-2011, 03:43 AM

She laughed melodiously at his response, more at herself than at what he had said. He was a man who wanted to relax. Now, he truly musn't be the stiff she'd taken him for, and she found herself taking back her earlier judgment of him. This was quite the refreshment from her employees and employers- all were so up tight that they wouldn't let her live a life outside of some kind of acting role. "If only my employees thought more along those lines," she added with a warm smile, showing that she was enjoying their conversation now. It was interesting to hear a philosophy similar to her own in others' words. As he casually moved on over to sit with her, she adjusted her things so that he had some room on the table before moving her gaze back to him with a smile. An intelligent, attractive man who didn't know who she was was talking to her: that made her day.

She again laughed softly, "You aren't bothering me, don't worry about it," she reassured him, then thought about his question and what he'd said about it. "Well, though I'd have to say I'm sort of in the same place right now, I believe work should be entirely for pleasure. The majority of a person's time is spent making a living- why shouldn't they be doing something that they love? Coming to work used to be the favorite part of my day..." Her thoughts trailed off a bit as she thought about that, her entourage, her manager, her publicist. They're the reason why work hadn't been fun in quite a while, though, she supposed, she'd be lost without them.

Something seemed to click in her head as she observed the man in front of her as their conversation went on. Hesitant to answer his question, she looked down at the stack of papers in a bit of disgust before looking back up at him, grinning halfheartedly, "Rubbish, the lot of it. It's a manuscript my manager wanted me to look over..." Another click in her head- why was she considering acting a role that she despised? However, whatever delight she'd gotten from their conversation was put at risk as she decided to introduce herself in turn, with her proper name as opposed to the fake one she'd considered using for a split second. Taking his extended hand in hers, she shook it firmly, "I believe we both did. Aysel Renee, it's nice to meet you as well, Rayne."

Dominator is offline
Old 09-30-2011, 04:23 PM

Aysel? The name sounded familiar, convincing him he had seen the girl before somewhere. He wasn't a big fan of TV, especially for entertainment purposes, but read quite a lot of newspapers and magazines since he had started work in the firm. Actually, he had read an article about her, but hadn't paid attention to it too much. As a result, he still wasn't sure where he knew Aysel from. Her manager wanted her to review a manuscript...ah, an actress then? Maybe in some movie or other? He had to ask. in truth, the young man had seen Aysel on screen, some of his friends almost worshipped her too, but he had never paid much attention to showbusiness before. Not because it was too confusing or anything like that...but because it seemed pointless to him. Publicity stunts didn't fascinate him and, as far as he saw, that was pretty much the only thing happening in showbusiness.

"In a perfect world, we'd all do the things we love with the people we love, and get compensated for it." Rayne shrugged lightly "But this world's far from perfect, isn't it? See, tomorrow I'll have to go through another day filled with annoyance and lacking opportunities for personal growth. I do that, so that one day I can do my favourite job, without some incompetent guy standing over me in the hierarchy. Just as you have to study manuscripts - overly unpleasant ones, judging by the look on your face. Once you get some more stable appearances, things will change. It's you who'll be calling the shots and your manager who has to do the work."

Unknowing of her already great career, he was just speaking the things he was aware of - stars brought more money and subsequently demanded more from their managers and agents. A famous performer could find a good manager easier than a manager could find a celebrity to...well, manage. And since the girl was young and sitting by herself, studying, he had assumed she was still starting up as an actress.

"I'm sure it won't be long. You look spectacular and have a real charm to it. I'm serious. I think you've chosen the right proffession." he smiled after the casual compliment and took a sip of his coffee "By the way, is it possible that we've met somewhere before? I swear, this is not a pick up attempt...your face just looks really familiar. Grade school maybe? Or somewhere on TV?"

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-30-2011, 10:50 PM

Aysel nodded in understanding of his point that they did not live in a perfect world, however, she did have to disagree with his thoughts on working. Humans have the capability to do what they love- with who they love- every day, if they so wished. It was definitely within the realm of possibilities, though she realized there were very few who have actually managed it. Aysel considered herself to fill the criteria half of the way. She'd achieved the job of her dreams, working in the movie-making an television industries, so without the childhood fantasy she'd had about the inconceivable Prince Charming, she was set. That was, with the exception of her agent- a disagreeable man with bad taste and an IQ undoubtedly below the average. However, his assumption that she was a rising star as opposed to a fully accomplished professional made her realize who was supposed to truly be in control of the dilemma she had with him, and he brought up an interesting point.

Fully prepared to respond to his thoughts on the matter, she was caught off guard as he went on to compliment her. It was a sweet gesture, Aysel believed, causing a warm smile to break out onto her face. However, his later question ruined her thunder the slightest bit. It was time for her imaginary life as a normal person to come to an end, Aysel coming clean as she gave her response, "Thank you, Rayne, I appreciate it... However, I do have to confess that it is entirely possible that you've seen me before, and not in a casual setting, such as in school. At least, I don't believe we've run into each there before, I don't recognize you from anywhere..." Then, getting on with her point, "Anyways, I shall tell you my plans for tomorrow." It would seem she had completely changed the subject, when she had indeed not. Instead of getting straight to the point, she borrowed the set up for the point he'd made earlier, instead placing it in different context.

"I plan to go to work, fire my incompetent agent, and film the opening segment of the television series. It will be the most enjoyable work day I've had in a very long time. I'm hoping to end the day at dinner with an intelligent man whom I intend to hire as at least a replacement manager. A man who seems to have a good sense of himself and knows one thing or another about business." Opening her bag, she withdrew a piece of paper, handing it to him with a smile- her resume. "I apologize for any misconception you had of me, Rayne, but I don't very much like walking around with the world's eyes on me. I've enjoyed our conversation, and would love it if you considered taking the job. No resume necessary on your end, I just believe seeing mine will answer your question as to why I look familiar." Grabbing her stack of papers, and slipping her bag onto her shoulder, she walked over to the exit, disposing of the atrocious script on the way. Turning with a smile, she would wave towards Rayne if he turned, "All my contact information is on the paper. I hope to hear from you!"

She walked out in great confidence, happy with herself and content with the situation she'd presented herself with. Having a decent conversation with an attractive man at a coffee shop. Offering a job to that same, intelligent man whom she hardly knew. Firing her current agent. Filming a segment without having an assistant to help her. Tomorrow was going to be a good day- and whether or not Rayne accepted the job, she really did hope he would call her.

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Old 10-09-2011, 03:32 AM

Rayne smiled and waved goodbye as he watched the girl exit the cafe. What was that about the world's eyes now? He wasn't getting it. But even though she had complimented him - at least that's what he gathered - he was probably going to have to disappoint her. Well, he'd give her a call anyway, but he sincerely doubted he'd want to quit his sure job for some random actress he had just met. Still, it wasn't going to hurt knowing a bit more about her. Rayne shrugged lightly and pulled the papers over to him...

About an hour later he was already home, in the small downtown apartment he was renting, scrolling through internet sites, gathering info. That was damn well amazing. Coincidence or fate, he really couldn't say, but either way it was simply awesome. fanbase in the millions, successful movie and TV-series career, despite the young as hell too, but that he already knew. A genuine gem. Now he remembered where he had seen the face - he had watched one of the movies and most likely a commercial or two. If he had been more interested in the cast of such, he would have probably known who she was beforehand. But maybe this was even betterAnd she had sounded serious in her offer...of course, Rayne wasn't about to bet on becoming a star's manager overnight. For all he knew, this all might have been a practical joke on her part. Still, even the possibility was too good to pass up. Still, he had to be patient, since he didn't want to seem neither desperate nor annoying. He was going to give it a shot tomorrow, but he wanted to prepare, at least a little bit. Business and negotiating he knew well, but the specialized knowledge which was essential when dealing with the "stars" he still lacked. Not for long though. In the several hours he had, he was going to research at least the latest and greatest events and deals in this sphere...

It was about 10 A.M. on the next day when he woke up and yawned, blinking slowly a couple of times. Seconds later his brain finally switched into gear as he sat up and reached for his phone. At first he began to dial, but in the end decided against it. Now that he knew who she was and what she was currently working on, he had a pretty good idea of how busy her day could be. Text message then.

"Hey Aysel, it's Rayne, we met yesterday in the cafe...I'm definitely interested in your offer and would love to hear more about it. Tell me a time and place to meet up and talk, at your leisure. ;]" Rayne clicked the "Send" button and sighed, going to the kitchen to see what snack he could salvage from the fridge. Well, this was it. At least in the next several hours he'd find out whether the girl had been serious or not.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
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Old 10-09-2011, 06:12 AM

The lights in the room were far too bright - as of now, that's all Aysel cared about. A buzzing in her head evoked a soft groan from her lips as her hands rose to her face, rubbing her eyes as if she could adjust their sensitivity to light manually. Her thoughts ran in a million different directions, and her limbs felt weak. A woman fawned over the distressed actress reverently, only to be shooed with a hand gesture while a burly man in his forties paced back and forth, going on with a speech about what she needed to work on: being more 'personable', 'cutting ten pounds,' and 'being more active with her scripts'. Her thoughts may have had no direction with her lack of caffeine, the latte which he'd confiscated 'for educational purposes', but she knew each and every line of every script he'd blessed her the torment of reading through. When he was finished, Aysel made her move. Standing warily, she snatched the latte from the ranting man's hand, foam coating her upper lip as she took a huge, rewarding sip from it. Briskly walking to leave the room, the man paused only a moment to smack her behind firmly before heading for the door. Something clicked in Aysel's mind.

Ten minutes later, Aysel was wide awake, the job opening she'd offered Rayne was available, and she was on to filming for the rest of her day. That was, after she slipped her cell phone from her . Eyes scanning the screen quickly, her eyes widened and a slow, goofy smile spread onto her face as she read the most recent text message. So he had actually contacted her. Delighted, Aysel took a few moments to reply, "Rayne, I'm so glad you got a hold of me! Blue Fin at 6? :]" The restaurant was casual, as were most of her chosen hang-out destinations, but more importantly it was rather close to the cafe where they'd met- she didn't want to pick a place too far out of his reach, and she figured he must be somewhat close to that part of town. That message was the topper to a great start to the day, and the fact that she may be seeing Rayne again later was just further encouragement for her mood.

After a good six hours of filming, Aysel set out on foot for home with a slight swing in her step. She didn't want to get her hopes up on the dinner meeting, she really didn't want to, but going out to discuss the job opening with a seemingly intelligent man sounded like a good time. The idea that he was so handsome was just a bonus.

Last edited by Arc Angel; 10-09-2011 at 06:16 AM..

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Old 10-19-2011, 09:36 PM

Five-thirty. Rayne had come early and was now sitting on a table close to the corner, slightly farther away from the others. He had ordered a smal Jack and was now tapping on the edge of the glass with the fingers on his right hand, obviously nervous. The last thing he wanted right now was to attract attention, though he suspected he'd get it whether he wanted or not. How had this happened again? The young man could hardly believe the turn of events in the last two days that had brought him here. But he had checked his messages several times already and was pretty sure he wasn't seeing things. Not that he doubted his skills or anything, it just vexed him how he could get this chance without even putting counscious effort into it. And now that put more pressure on him. He had gotten a shot at something great and had to make it count, go all out. But how was he going to go about this? The way he had met her, it wasn't really in a business environment or anything...was he supposed to just talk with her, try and charm her into approving him? No, that didn't make sense. He was pretty sure there were plenty of random charming lads with a smile to die for lining up to be her coat holder, let alone her, he had to show something exceptional. Usually job interviews didn't bother him much, but this was weird.

Suddenly he picked up the glass and drank the chilled whiskey in one go, shaking his head afterwards. When he looked at the door again, he looked far more composed than a second before. The alcohol had just come as a slight mental slap and now he felt a lot calmer. He was already here, wasn't he? Aysel had voted him enough confidence from early on and he knew he had a lot to offer. He'd convince her of it, no matter what on the base of which kind of relations she wanted. That was a golden chance, he knew it. If she wanted to be his business partner, he'd be okay with that. If she wanted to become personally involved with him in some way, he'd be more than okay with that too. He'd just let her set the tone of their...meeting. Rayne gestured to the waiter for a refill and leaned back in his chair. He'd make this count. No panic.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 03:59 AM

With a casual swing of the door, Aysel entered the restaurant, an air of relaxed confidence about her as the waltzed on up to the host's podium to be greeted as she look about the room quietly, explaining only that she was here to meet with someone. Upon spotting Rayne in the corner, she would smile warmly, pointing him out to the host and sending him a short wave in his direction if she were able to catch his eye. So he had shown up after all-- not that she had doubted him, but she was glad that their meeting was actually coming to fruition. The host would let her by, and she in turn would begin the walk on over to the corner of the restaurant, finding his choice of location much to her liking, seeing that she wanted this to stay casual. She'd taken the term 'casual' and ran with it, dressed in a simple, cream-colored, summer dress that was bound to have been mass-produced. With luck, and her knowledge of dressing down, perhaps no one here would recognize her. Said dress swayed slightly as she stopped mid-way along the short walk suddenly, her gaze having caught the mini bar at the side of the room, temptation nagging at her as she saw the drinks the bartenders were making for their customers. Glancing over at Rayne quickly, she held up her index finger, mouthing the words 'one moment', as she sidestepped over to put in an order with the bartender.

A couple of minutes later and she was holding a raspberry daiquiri, her hands chilled pleasantly by the glass as she took a quick sip to test its sweetness. Delighted by the fruitiness and slight zing it offered, she'd pay for it and make her way over to Rayne's table, greeting him with a friendly smile as she took a seat across from him. "Sorry," she laughed softly, "I couldn't resist, they're my favorite." She'd been a few minutes early still, having entered Blue Fin at around five-forty-five. The fact that he was early was refreshing, earning him more respect in her book. He must be serious about this. "Have you ordered yet?" she asked casually, relaxing in her seat and setting her drink down on the table, one of her hands lingering on it momentarily.

She didn't know how she would go about this, and was perhaps a tad nervous, though she had already made the decision to keep it casual. If she was going to hire anyone new into her entourage, she wanted them to be on friendly terms. While, of course, the thought of being more than friendly with Rayne had entertained her thoughts briefly, she didn't want to put off that she only wanted a man's charm around. No. She wasn't quite sure what she was looking for with this man yet, but this meeting she had decided she would focus on getting to know one another and discussing the basics of the job. A friendly dinner with an entwined interview, she supposed. "I assume you have a few questions for me? About the position?"

Last edited by Arc Angel; 10-20-2011 at 05:06 AM..

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Old 10-20-2011, 03:08 PM

"Questions? Uh, yeah, actually there were a couple of things. Well..." Rayne leaned back in his chair, holding his glass in one hand "...not only that. I have something interesting to tell you."

Rayne took a sip and placed the glass back on the table, looking at Aysel with a thoughtful expression on his face. Game time. If it was business negotiations, he would not lose to anyone. Now that research he had done the previous night was going to pay off.

"I don't know if you follow trends and statistics, but they can provide some interesting insights. For instance, were you aware that your popularity and fan base have increased with over a three hundred percent in the last nine months alone? And at the same time your net worth's increase is a measily 47%." Rayne smiled lightly, his fingers tapping on the edge of the table "Those two values should be far more closely linked. I call that sloppy management and cost allocation. Either that, or outright corruption. I can change that. Can't promise I can make it happen overnight, but as soon as I meet the right people and get the right data..." the young man shrugged, as if to show that then he could do just about whatever he wanted "I've only spent several hours looking into this business and even after so little time, I can promise an increase of your income by over one quarter in the next month. And that's just a start."

Rayne nodded slowly, carefully studying Aysel's reactions. Regardless of whether she wanted to be his boss or his friend, it was going to be useful to know more about the way she behaved. He felt he had built a convincing case, avoiding more complex explanations and terms. He didn't want to confuse the girl, nor did he needed to in order to succeed. After the poor management he suspected she had to go through, even if he now did a mediocre job, he still would bring her more fame, fortune and contracts than she was getting. And performing on a mediocre level was far from what he had in mind.

"I brought a resume with me too, if you'd like to go through it." the man reached into his inner pocked and unfolded several sheets of paper, placing them on the table. He felt pretty good about it. Three languages, stable grades...he even suspected he'd get a Magna Cum Laude if he only put a little more effort in sudying and a little less in partying. Only thing he lacked, basically, was work experience "I only have this one initial question before we continue: what kind of duties will I be performing, in the event that you decide to hire me? Do I only get to handle negotiations or am I to be more involved, planning your trips and participation in charity events, things like that? It really depends on how much sway you want your manager to have over your professional...and personal life, to some extent. This piece of advice is for free. For others though, I'm going to need compensation" Rayne finished with a joking tone and took another sip of the whiskey, still smiling. Now that he had started the conversation, the anxiousness was all but gone and was replaced by excitement and the clear desire to show he's capable and informed enough.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
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Old 10-21-2011, 03:09 AM

Aysel looked over at him, listening quietly, her eyes a bit wide with curiosity as a child's would be. If he had aimed to impress her with something surprising that she would not know, then he had done it. As an actress she knew when her popularity had begun to grow, but never had she thought to think that 300% was the exact number, and that her pay check should have correlated with that number earlier on. That was an eye-opener. He was doing well, in her opinion, and his confidence had a relaxing effect on her. She leaned back in her chair casually, sipping her drink at a slow pace as she listened intently, nodding slowly as he stopped to hand her her resume. She would lean forward slightly, setting her drink down to take the papers, looking through them carefully as he continued. When he finished, she would look up at him with a small smile, setting his resume on the table next to her, "Is it alright if I keep this?"

Then thinking over his earlier mention of finances, she let out a soft sigh, rubbing one of her forearms as she replied in an embarrassed manner, "I hadn't an idea that my finances were so screwy..." Starting out, she'd simply let her manager handle everything-- literally everything. Once she'd really taken off, she didn't ever consider checking up on the man's work, and that fact made her feel foolish. Shaking her head a little, she would laugh at herself softly, for she believed that that was all going to change, "Anyways, I guess I do owe you a job description," she added thoughtfully. "If I hire you, I suppose you'd start by just sorting out my finances and handling negotiations, at first. I'd like updates on money matters at least weekly for now. I'd also ask that you began to begin acquaint yourself with those I work with as soon as possible, meaning you'd be expected to be on set almost daily. Once you're comfortable with most of the people I work with often, I would like to further your involvement with finding jobs, planning events, and whatnot." Taking another small sip of her daiquiri, she would then look at him with her head at a slight tilt, "There would be much to learn, on both parts. A lot of preparation to be done before the press got a hold of the matter, if you were hired. Any other concerns that you have?"

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Old 10-23-2011, 09:59 PM

"Not exactly concerns. More like additions to an eventual contract. I'd like to be tied to a percentage of your income, rathen than a steady sum. Fifteen percent, standard one-year contract, extension optional." Rayne shrugged "I think that's fair, considering I'll eventually be working more than 12 hours a day, right? I don't know what, ex-agent was getting, but I assure you the gain will be far greater than the cost. And I'll be glad to get acquitanced with whoever you'd like me to get acquitanced."

He leaned back with a content smile. That had gone well. He was afraid he'd somehow scare the girl off somehow, but it seemed even if she wasn't knowledgeable on her financial state, she wasn't stupid. She could recognize a good opportunity, since he definitely considered himself to be one. Now all they had to do was agree on a price and then...then what? Rayne blinked somewhat confused when he realised the onterview had all but finished in a flash. And that was pretty much what he had been psyching himself up for. What next? After the initial rush of excitement when he talked about his area of expertise, he now was, as in the very beginning, acutely aware they were sitting on a small table. And still they hadn't ordered anything. What was the proper thing to do now? Was he to shake her hand, thank her for her time and leave? Didn't seem like it. Order another drink? Some food? Now the pressure to make a good impression was returning. Rayne tapped with his fingers on the edge of the table a few times, after which he leaned forward a little and smiled, albeit a little unsurely. Being honest had gotten him so far, maybe he had to give it a go again.

"On an unrelated I call you Miss Renee? Aysel's fine, I hope? Can you do me a favour? Can you tell me are we staying longer? I'd like having another drink together, honestly, but if you have somewhere to be - by all means. Also...around what time should we be expecting to draw too much attention? I'm guessing it could be uncomfortable and I know some good places in the area, so..." he left the sentence unfinished, as he gestured to the waiter to come over. Well, depending on what she decided, he'd either ask for a refill or the tab...

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 10-23-2011, 11:00 PM

A slow smile spread over Aysel's lips as he mentioned, once again, another gain she would acquire by hiring him. She didn't think it unintelligent of him, for this was an interview of sorts, but she thought he would know her answer by now. If it had gotten down to discussing payment, then she was sure that he would know that he got the job. It really was that simple, in her mind. What he suggested sounded fair, however she did have to think for a moment to consider the answer to his question concerning his work hours-- they may become rather inconsistent. "Yes, 12 hours sounds about right. It might sky rocket some days, relax others... In any case, I believe you can relax," her smile turned playful as her mood did, "You've got the job. I'll call my lawyer later to write up the contract, and we can go over it tomorrow to make it official." Her ton was casual as she delivered her verdict, not making a huge deal of it. He seemed to be a well put-together man, intelligent, and thorough in his work. He'd even taken the care to research her finances.

Aysel felt an all-too-familiar headache begin to come over her, a slight frown tugging her lips down slowly as one of her hands rose to casually rub one of her temples. Grabbing her drink with her free hand, she took a leisurely sip as he spoke, a smile playing onto her face again as she replied. "Aysel, please," curiosity made one of her brows raised slightly at his next question, however, but her smile didn't dissipate in the least. She was starving, having not eaten since her short breakfast, and having dinner with him didn't seem like such a bad idea. "Actually, have you eaten yet tonight? I'd take another drink, but I'm afraid I'm rather hungry as well..." Then pausing to scan the room casually, she grinned half-heartedly, "I would expect the press to have caught wind of the dinner sometime later tonight, some rumors may surface in tomorrow's tabloids- nothing serious, mind you." Sighing softly, she tilted her head slightly in thought as she looked over at him, amusement dancing in her eyes, "I'd suspect the press release of you as my manager will come in the next few days, given that no problems arise over the contract."


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