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Fairy_Tales_Are_Real is offline
Old 08-10-2010, 11:44 PM

Welcome students to the Blue Moon Academy High School.
We accept you, no matter what race you are. Human, Vampire, Werewolf, Angel, Demon, and so on and so forth. Here you will learn about the others races including your own, and sit side by side with the other races. You will live in a dorm on campus, eat breakfast , lunch, and dinner at the same time everyday, and you will have a curfew at night to be in your dorms. There will be different field trips, and you will take normal high school classes as well as classes about different races. You might fall in love, you might fall in despair, you might have enemies that come from the past or the future or from around you. Anything can and will happen at this school. Are you up for it?


1. Have Fun!
2. Be creative! Steal boyfriends/girlfriends, make your long lost evil brother come, etc!
3. Message all profiles to me, don't just post them. Labeled "Blue Moon Academy".
4. You do not have to follow the school curfew rule.
5. You can be any Supernatural being you want.
6. No TWILIGHT vampires. I forbid it.
7. You must live in a dorm.
8. Do not use ** for action. Use " " for talking. Do not txt tlk.
9. Do not kill any characters without permission from them and me.
10. Do not just quit. Tell us.
11. You can have as many characters as you want as long as you keep up with them all.
12. Check constantly, we don't want to keep having to keep people up to date.
13. That is all for now.

Profile Skelly
Character Name:
Sexuality: (Gay, Bi, Straight)
Picture: (Anime only)
As you can see I did not put Bio. That is because I want you to be able to make up stuff as the roleplay goes on for surprises and drama.

Girl Dorms
1. Ingrid && Amie Johnsome
2. Alyssa && Kelly Darcy Naxah
3. Trinity Edwards && Zetsumei Bara.
4. Eclaire Bijou
Will add more when it's called for. You will SHARE a dorm with one other person.
Boys Dorms
1. James && Mathew Kevins
2. Ace Zane Jax && Michael Aishitara
3. Ivan Innokenti
Will add more when it's called for. You will SHARE a dorm with one other person.

School Layout


Girl Profiles
Username: xserenityxninax
Character Name: Ingrid
Race: Fairy
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: shy sweet kind sometime looks into space a lot.
Username: Fairy_Tales_Are_Real
Character Name: Amie Johnsome
Race: Neko or Half Cat
Age: 16 and a half
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: A little shy, Outgoing, Scaredy Cat, Caring, Lazy

Username: TheNewCSLewis
Character Name: Alyssa
Race: Half Elf Half human
Age: 18
Sexuality: straight
Personality: Nice, compassionate, stubborn, curious, and clumsy

Character Name:Kelly Darcy Naxah
Personality:sweet bubbley when chooses to can keep to herself is Emo but likes to smile from time to time

Username: Trinty Bella
Character Name: Trinity Edwards
Age: 17
Sexuality: straight
Personality: sweet and very shy

Username: Zetsumei Bara.
Character Name: Kokoro Yumi.
Race: Vampire.
Age: Fifteen,
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Personality: Shy, but friendly.
Username: DrewDark Heart
Character Name: Jerrica Bodrey
Race: Demi Goddess - Daughter of Aphrodite
Age: 15
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Jerrica doesn't know that she's irresistible to both men and women. But what she does know is that she's craving a girlfriend at the moment and she hopes to find one soon. She doesn't know when she's trying to seduce you only because of not knowing her full powers as a Demi Goddess. She has always had a fascination for Vampires and Werewolves. She also has the power to bring people together as a couple. Her favorite color is obviously white and when she dresses up for special occasions, she'll wear pink and red.

Username: Sezumie
Character Name: Eclaire Bijou [French]
Race: Celestial Being [She can summon spirits to aid her in fight. The cat she names Petit Chat is the one she summons most.]
Age: 17
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Ignorant, disobedient, and quick-tempered.



Boy Profiles
Username: xserenityxninax
Character Name: James
Race: elf
Age: 18
Sexuality: Straight
Personality:sweet brave good listener and handsome
Username: Fairy_Tales_Are_Real
Character Name: Mathew Kevins
Race: Darklighter
Age: 17
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Dark, Laid Back

Character Name:Ace Zane Jax
Age: 18
Sexuality:straight..I have no idea
Personality:relaxed slakes off can get cranky can be abit of a jerk but thats what people like about him

Username: Raizo
Character Name: Michael Aishitara
Race: Neko
Age: 17
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Extremely lazy, easily entertained, funny, and a bit of a klutz.

Username: xserenityxninax
Character Name: Zero yuki
Race: vampire (he is not twilight)
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: sweet kind good looking and good with girls
Username: Sezumie
Character Name: Ivan Innokenti [Russian]
Race: Puppeteer [Bloodie (bloody bunny with axe) does his work.]
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Mute [He speaks through the doll.], rude, and sadistic.

Originally Posted by Sezumie
Username: Sezumie
Character Name: Grey Otto Bijou
Race: Beast Summoner [He summons a dragon]
Age: 30
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Flirty, ignorant, lazy.

Headmaster of school
Originally Posted by Graxdon
Username: Graxdon
Character Name: Atchuak
Race: Incubus
Age: 14
Sexuality: straight
Personality: mischievous and seductive ;)
Picture: but no horns




Amie yanked at her rolling suitcase. It was stuck, just at the gates of the school she had just transferred to. She'd been going to a human school and was constantly picked on because of her cat eyes and two different colored eyes, so her parents had found this school, and here she was! She stood at the entrance, wearing a big black sweater, and white leggings, along with shoes. Sighing, she put her big duggle bag which she had decorated herself and her book bag on the floor and yanked at the suitcase again. See, there was a big crack that the wheels had gotten stuck in and now wouldn't come out. It didn't help that she wasn't the strongest person alive. And for her to put as much effort into this as she was, it should've come out 5 minutes ago when it had gotten stuck. And yet, here she was, 5 minutes later still yanking at it. She wanted to cry because she wanted it to come out so badly.

Maybe if she.....Nope. Nothing was working! Weren't cats suppossed to be strong? Why wasn't she? Her cropped hair bounced with her useless effort. Finally she gave up and sat down next to the bag. She leaned back against it. Her first day there and already she was having problems. Was this like a bad sign? Was she doomed at this school? There had to be other supernaturals coming soon, maybe one would help her....

Last edited by Fairy_Tales_Are_Real; 09-21-2010 at 09:09 PM..

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 03:43 AM

Alyssa was sitting a tree with her hat resting on her knee and a book in her hands. She was almost done with this book and she had just started on it last night, it was just so interesting to her that she couldn't put it down. But when she saw a girl out of the corner of her eye struggling with her suitcase at the gate she had to look away to see what was going on. She couldn't help but give a little giggle at the girl's misfortunes but she decided after a few minutes that she was going to need some help. She put her book in her messenger bag and put her hat back on her head before she jumped down from the tree branch that was ten feet high and landed softly in the grass. Casually she walked over to the girl and smiled. "May I help you out?" she asked. "It seems that your suitcase has gotten caught..."

Fairy_Tales_Are_Real is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 03:59 AM

Amie jumped when she heard a girls voice. How come she hadn't noticed her coming? She looked up at her and nodded happily. "Please?" She asked, jumping up to her feet. She was so happy that someone was willing to help her and was there that she forgot to be a little shy. She was normally a bit shy when she first met someone. "It got stuck in the stupid crack...." She mumbled, glaring at her suitcase and the crack. She looked back at the other girl to see what she could possibly do that she hadn't done to get the bag unstuck.

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Old 08-11-2010, 04:07 AM

Ingrid was at pond near the trees and saw two girls she walked to them and sigh and said "what are you guys doing you need to get into the school soon before the guy comes I don't want that guy to come we might get it this time."

Ingrid said to them and she had her wings out and looking at them and than the road to the other side of the school she is worried about that guy might come and look at them.

Fairy_Tales_Are_Real is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:11 AM

Amie looked over at the girl who came over, and blinked. Guy? "Guy? What guy?" She asked, beginning to get a little scared now. The girl talked about the guy like he'd kill them for standing at the gate. She looked over at the girl who had came over to help her with her luggage and then back at the girl. What about her rolling suitcase?! It had some of her clothes in it. She needed that stuff, if she didn't have what was in the bag she'd be down some of her favorite things and clothes. It was ridiculous. What could that guy do to them?

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:12 AM

Alyssa looked at the bag and then quickly looked back up when another girl came up to them. She laughed. "I don't care about the guy, he can't do anything to me," she said, she was stubborn about things like that. But she had no idea who the guy was either. "Besides why would we get in trouble for trying to get her bag out?" she asked and then bent down to look at how it was stuck. "I'm Alyssa by the way," she said not looking at the other girls because she was too busy trying to wiggle the bag free. After a couple of time moving it back and forth the bag came free and a smile grew across her face. "There ya go," she said sweetly as she handed the bag to the girl. "Be gentle with things and they be nice back."

Fairy_Tales_Are_Real is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:18 AM

Amie looked over at Alyssa. She smiled lightly and took her bag happily. She placed it down carefully and hugged her. "Thank you so much!" She exlaimed happily. Though she didn't understand how Alyssa had gotten it out of the crack so easily. It kind of made her a bit mad. So many emotions were moving around in her brain it was crazy. Scared for the guy, wierded out because of the way the girl acted, happy because Alyssa got her bag out, mad because Alyssa could get her bag out and she couldn't. She moved away from Alyssa and picked up her duffle bag and threw it over her shoulder, then grabbed her back back and slung it on her back, before grabbing the handle to the rolling suitcase and looking back at them both. "I'm Amie."

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Old 08-11-2010, 04:19 AM

Ingrid just looked at them and said "the guy is James he is head of the 12 grade class and he is a elf they say they are so rude but I didn't care about him I am just warning you that is all. Oh my name is Ingrid."

Just than James was looking at them from behind and he heard about him and he was rude but he had to play the nice guy here for a bit. "what are you girls doing out here it is like 7 pm you all should be in the dorms getting ready for dinner and going to bed as well. James just looked at all the girls and looks the two girls not Ingrid she and him don't like each other that much elf and fairies don't get along that much "oh my name is James head of the 12 grade class."

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:27 AM

"No problem," Alyssa laughed as she could feel Amie's frustration. She then turned to the guy that had just arrived, this was the guy Ingrid was talking about? "Ah, so you are the class president," Alyssa said with a smile as she put her hands on her hips. "I'm a senior as well," she told him, not caring at all what he had said about the time, he was out as well. "So, are you like patrol or something?" she asked crossing her arms and then giggled, she couldn't help it.

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Old 08-11-2010, 04:28 AM

Amie froze when the boy Ingrid had just told them about came over. She nodded. "I'm sorry.... I'll hurry then..." She told him. It wasn't that she was scared to go against him, okay maybe so, but more like she didn't want to get into trouble. She made sure she had everything before she began to walk through them to go find her dorm, then go to dinner and then bed. Like the tall elf said to do. He was older, and the head of a class, and scary...

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Old 08-11-2010, 04:34 AM

Ingrid didn't care about him that much she just walked and followed the cat girl and put her hand on her shoulder "don't worry about him he is not always rude he is just weird he is the class president for the 12 grades anyway besides I am just a 10 grader here oh my name is Ingrid by the way what is your name" she smiled at her.

James looked at her and laughed " the teacher at this school need the 12 graders like us to watch for students that are up around the school at night that is why. and a 12 grader like you should be the same way as well and why be friends with a cat and a fairy I don't like them at all." James was being rude now he hates fairies that much and cats as well.

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:44 AM

Alyssa watched as the two younger students walked away and then turned to her fellow classmate. "Why would you say that?" she asked as she tilted her head. "They haven't done anything wrong," she told them as she scratched her head under her hat. "I never judge a person before I get to know them, life is always nicer that way." She gave him a smile as she patted him on the arm. 'Maybe you should try it sometime..." she said with a shrug. She was probably going to make him upset and she would rather be friends with him, but she always spoke her mind.

Fairy_Tales_Are_Real is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:44 AM

Amie stopped feeling Ingrid's hand on her shoulder. She listened to her and nodded lightly with a smile. "I'm Amie." She told her and then frowned at what James said to Alyssa. She stood up tall, her emotions driving her crazy. 'I'm not going to cry... I'm not going to cry...' Rigidly, she turned away and began to walk away again. She didn't understand what she had ever done to the elf. Her suitcase rolled behind her, her book bag and duffle bag bouncing lightly against her, her short hair swishing with her movement. She already didn't like James, and that was only because he was so mean and judgemental.

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Old 08-11-2010, 05:02 AM

Ingrid went to her room and put her stuff away and went on her bed and went to sleep she didn't want to go to dinner anyway.

James looked at her and thinks she is cute but he just smiled and said "well try to keep in mind that the girls will be the future 12 graders try to help them out and maybe I can go out with you. James wink at her and walked off as well.

Fairy_Tales_Are_Real is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 05:07 AM

Sooner or later, Amie found her dorm, to find Ingrid asleep on one of the beds. Quietly she set up on the other side. The room was pretty spacious and she didn't mind sharing. Though she did leave to go try and find the cafeteria which she was sure she had passed somewhere...

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 05:09 AM

Alyssa blinked a couple of times as she took in what James had said, he deeply confused her but he walked away before she could ask any questions. "Okay..." she mumbled as she scratched her head again. As his back was turned she couldn't help but blush at the fact that he winked at her but then she quickly shook her head and straightened her back before heading toward the cafeteria to grab something to eat before she went back to sit in her tree to finish her book. She wasn't really heading straight toward the cafeteria, she was just aimlessly wandering but she was slowly making her way over to it and would be there eventually.

Fairy_Tales_Are_Real is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 05:15 AM

Amie made it to the cafeteria and found it pretty empty except for a few people sitting here and there. She went into the line and got herself tuna and crackers and an apple juice bottle. She sat down at a booth in the far back by herself. At first she sat there just staring at her food, letting herself calm down. And then she began to eat. She grabbed a cracker and began to spread some tuna onto it.

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Old 08-11-2010, 05:20 AM

James got found and didn't see the girl again. James got his food and sat down and looked over his notes for the speech for tomorrow he is head of the class.

Ingrid was in her sleeping she didn't want to eat she wasn't hungry and didn't like James that much she just sleep for hours until class start.

Fairy_Tales_Are_Real is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 07:52 PM

Amie saw James walk into the cafeteria but didn't say anything to him. Especially since he sat far away and because he wasn't nice at all. She nibbled on her cracker covered in tuna. She didn't know how this school year was going to go. She was only in the 10th grade, how much could she handle?

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 11:08 PM

Alyssa finally made it to the cafeteria and when she got in there she noticed Amie and James on opposite sides of the table. Not really sure which one to sit with, Amie was a nice girl, but James was in her class, she decided to just sit at a completely different table. That way whoever sat by her was by her because they wanted to be. She either wanted to be around people that liked her, or not around anyone at all. Sitting at her table with her legs crossed and her back straight, she began to eat her dinner. Lost in thought she was blankly staring at James because he was in her line of sight, she wasn't aware of it though.

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Old 08-12-2010, 12:18 AM

Amie looked up from her booth to see Alyssa. She smiled and waved a little, but she wasn't looking at her, she was looking at James. Sighing, Amie looked down at her tuna and crackers and continued to eat it, taking sips from her apple juice here and there. Maybe Ingrid would be her friend, even if she was kinda weird...

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Old 08-12-2010, 01:47 AM

James was done with his dinner and left the table and went to his room and went back to sleep.

Ingrid woke and she had to eat something she got dressed and went to the cafe and got something and sat a table and she saw the two girls she sat with the 12 grader girl and ate her food.

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Old 08-12-2010, 03:05 AM

Amie saw the other girl come in and she thought she would finally have someone to sit with, but Ingrid sat with Alyssa leaving her all alone. She should have figured it would have been like the other school. No one liked cats... She didn't finish her food, but threw it away not hungry anymore. She walked to the girls dorms and showered before changing into her pajama pants and tank top before cuddling into the blankets and falling asleep quickly.

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 08-12-2010, 03:19 AM

Alyssa looked up at Amie as she walked away and wondered why she didn't just sit with them. She also didn't understand why Ingrid sat next to her instead. Once she was done with her food she decided to go back to her tree that she was sitting in earlier and finish her book. But before she left she said good night to Ingrid just to be nice. When she had gotten herself situated back in her tree she finished her book and not long after that she fell asleep on the branch with her hat on her knee and her limbs hanging off the side of the branch. She slept outside a lot but always in places where she couldn't be seen so she wouldn't get in trouble. She hated being inside for very long, three hours was her limit.

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Old 08-12-2010, 03:28 AM

Ingrid finish her food and went to her room but on the way back she heard something it was the cat girl she knocked on her door she was worried a little bit "little kitty are you alright I really don't want to knocked down your door."

Ingrid waited until the cat girl was at the door she needed to know what was wrong with her and she will wait if it takes her all night.


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