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Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 04:54 PM

It’s the Feast of Fools! A time for food, dancing, acrobatics… the list of fun and merriment goes on. You and your friends decide that the perfect way to earn an extra buck (or two) during this event is to put on a show of your own. Specifically, you are going to plan, prepare, and perform a street circus show! What are you waiting for? Start working to get the show ready; time is money!

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-16-2010 at 12:22 AM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 05:13 PM

Earn money by completing tasks in different categories.

1. Backstage Assignments--
In order to put on a successful show, everyone involved must first make the necessary preparations backstage. Teams do NOT have to complete all of the assignments. Only one player can do one assignment. The assignments must be finished and submitted by the specified time, and you can’t do an assignment for your teammate and let them submit it as their own.
Each completed Backstage Task earns $10, unless otherwise stated.

2. Promotion Strategies--
It’s no use going to all that effort to prepare your show if nobody knows about it! Carry out and finish the assigned strategies before the rival teams do. Every single strategy must be finished in order to earn money; your team will not get any money if even one strategy is not completed. The first team to complete all the strategies gets the most money. In the end all the work more than pays for itself, so remember to work as a team!
Each completed Promotion Strategies round earns $500; $300 goes to the second team to complete the round; $100 to the third team.

3. Opening Day Acts--
These will be opened on the last day of the game. They don’t have to all be completed in order to earn points, but they will be more difficult than normal Backstage Assignments or Promotion Strategies. The Acts require participation from EVERY member of your team in some way.
Each Opening Day Act is worth $100.

4. Journalist--
Throughout the game, a journalist will stop by to all of the teams’ stages and ask random trivia questions. If you’re the first to answer correctly, your team will get extra publicity, and thus a little extra cash!
Each correct answer is worth $5.

It is perfectly fine if you complete a Backstage Assignment and want to lend your team a hand with completing the Promotion Strategies.

Page Prizes

July 12: Yes, we now have them!

Page 50: 100g to first poster (must be a frequent poster in the thread) -- Itsuna
Page 100: 100g to first poster (see above requirement) -- Siti_Hajar
Page 150: 100g to first poster (see above requirement)

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-16-2010 at 12:28 AM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 05:29 PM

1. Follow the rules of Menewsha and the Terms of Service.

2. That means being a good sport and not lashing out at, flaming, etc. the other teams. I'm not saying that you can't be competitive, but don't take it too far.

3. Goblin Maiden (myself) and Lilith W will have the final say on any disputes that crop up. Listen to them or face the consequences.

4. Put your back into the tasks you do! Tasks will include drawing a picture, a brief piece of writing, etc. You don't have to put a ton of time into a task, but... please, make it clear that participating in this game means something to you, and isn't just a waste of time.

5. Be creative and have FUN! ...okay, that's kind of two rules, but whatever.

1. Sign up for one of the three teams. They are: Gypsies, Jesters, and Artists.

2. Look at the schedule that lists the game days and game times.

3. On each game day, a group of Backstage Assignments and Promotion Strategies will be posted.

4. Work on and complete the tasks! Backstage Assignments have to be done individually, but Promotion Strategies can be (and should be!) completed as a team. While each team member can choose their own Backstage Assignment, make sure to check with your other team members so that you're not repeating tasks.

5. Make sure to check this thread throughout the game days, in case a journalist comes by to ask questions! You DO want that extra cash, right?

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-08-2010 at 12:40 AM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 05:47 PM

Sign up for the team you want to be in. Act fast, slots are limited!

July 12: Sign-ups are now closed.

1. HappyStarr
2. FeyonaSaibre
4. Silver Magi
5. KageShio
7. General Lee Outrageous
8. LaVida

1. Siti_Hajar
2. Facade
4. BellyButton
5. Linnea
6. Keyori
7. Xion
8. carzeebear

2. Cora Lorington
3. Anglie
4. Siri
5. M i r o
6. d2hiriyuu
7. Haven
8. Itsuna

DAY 1 - Jul. 9, Fri. - Sign up
DAY 2 - Jul. 10, Sat. - Sign up
Day 3 - Jul. 11, Sun. - Sign up
Day 4 - Jul. 12, Mon. - Round 1 - 7am-7pm CST
Day 5 - Jul. 13, Tues. - Round 2 - 7am-7pm CST
Day 6 - Jul. 14, Wed. - Final Round - 7am-7pm CST

Day 7 - Jul. 15, Thurs. - Bonus Round - 7am-6:30pm CST

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-15-2010 at 12:02 PM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:05 PM

Pick up your assignment and get to work!


1. A task can only be completed once by each team. It's up to your team to decide which team member does which task. Remember, it's one task per team member.
2. All photos submitted must have the "time and date" feature ON so we know exactly when the photo was taken.

Backstage Assignments are worth $10, except when listed as otherwise.


All submissions must be posted using the form below:

HTML Code:

Team Name: 
Task #:

ROUND 3 (7am--7pm CST, July 14): Do These Pants Make Me Look Fat?

1. Time to sit for the makeup artist! Draw, photomanip, or provide a photograph of your own makeup job for 3 individual performers. If you photomanip, be sure to provide the original photos that you manipped from and the sources.
Worth $30.

2. One of the acts involves people flying on wires… So, you guessed it, that means wings are to be made. Draw or craft 3 individually unique wing designs. They can be any kind of wings, they just have to be different from one another.
Worth $35.

3. Oh, the drama… one of your performers has called you complaining about their costume. You’re annoyed at their over-reacting, but at the same time, they’re your best performer so you can NOT lose them over something like this. Write 200 words in which you detail how you respond to them in a manner that keeps them in line, makes you sound diplomatic, and in the end makes everyone happy.

4. Now for hair. Draw or create and photograph 3 hairstyles for your circus performers. Make them unique!
Worth $35.

5. Cripes! Someone’s costume ripped. In 200 words, explain what the costume is, where it was ripped, why it was ripped, and how you are going to repair it. Be creative!

6. Break time! Your team is lounging around doing pretty much nothing, and the conversation eventually turns to cosplay. Find out if anyone on your team has ever cosplayed, or if they want to. Each team member then needs to pick 1 fictional person to cosplay as (from a comic, movie, etc). Make a list of your team members’ names and the people they would willingly cosplay as.

7. One of your team members just found out that since their pet-sitter is sick, they have to bring their pet with them to the show. Looks like you now have a mascot. Find out if anyone on your team actually has a pet. If no one does, pick a random domestic species and breed, then draw it. Either way, design a mascot costume for the pet.
Worth $25.

8. Your team is tired of planning for the street performance. You guys don't want to get too far off track so one team member comes up with the idea of looking to the past.
Pick a time period and place. Find a picture that shows the fashion of the time and place. Then, redesign the fashion of the time your team picked into a costume that could be used in your street circus. Must include at least 3 articles of clothing (must be main articles like shirt, pants, dress, skirt). Submit the time period, place, and picture that you researched as well as the finished costume.
Worth $50.

ROUND 2 (7am--7pm CST, July 13): Setting the Stage


1.Choose an area to set up the stage. Is it next to a river (for audience members to jump into in case the fire breathing act goes wrong), a bakery (for consecutive snack-breaks throughout the day), on a hill (so people will buy drinks from you after having to walk up it)? Now draw the area and give a brief 200 word description of why you chose it.
Worth $30.

2.Build a model of the stage out of household items. Make sure to take into account a space for the audience to stand\sit. Make the stage as elaborate as you wish, just make sure that it’s recognizable as a stage. Take a photo of it when it’s built to your liking.
Worth $40.

3. Your team members’ obligations are pulling them ever farther away from planning the show, but you are determined for preparations to continue. Describe in 200 words how you would harmlessly sabotage (paradox anyone?) their jobs\household chore-doing\etc. in order to get them back to planning.

4. The company you ordered your stage decorations from shipped you the wrong ones… That’s the last time you’ll order from them. Because of your team’s budget, you now have to make your own decorations. Draw 3 decorations that you will put up on your stage.
Worth $20.

5. You want your street circus’ planning to be a secret from the other teams. For this reason, you construct a super-secret hide-away base! (what happened to the budget?) Draw a picture of what the base looks like, and point out 3 major features of the base that serve to up its secret-ness.
Worth $20.

6. Oh no! Another team has discovered your super-secret base, despite all your attempts to keep it… well, secret. Quick, choose one of your team members to act as decoy while the rest of you run, draw the other team away, just plain kick them out, etc. Write 100 words of who you choose, why, and how they get rid of the other team.

7. Phew! The other team has gone and your team can get back to planning. Go on YouTube and find 3 songs to play during your street show (ex. for the opening act, grand finale, etc). Link to the songs when you submit them, and in 200 words tell why you chose those songs for those acts.

8. The stage set-up is done! It’s chill time. Find out from all your team mates what their favorite hobbies or past-times are (being on Menewsha does not count). Make a list of each team member’s name, their hobby, and a brief 50 word description of that hobby (for example, if they like to sky-dive, where do they like to dive, and what is important to make sure they don’t go splat?)

ROUND 1 (7am--7pm CST, July 12): Team Get-together


1. Your team members have other things to do besides planning this show. Interview each member of your team and ask them to tell you what else it is that they do that could take their attention away from planning, no matter how silly. Then quote the answers they give you (answers must be realistic, so no, “I have to help NASA build a new rocketship” or “I have to clock in at the Ministry of Magic”).

2. Oh no! One of your team members gets lost on the way over to your place. Draw a 5 panel comic of how this might have happened, what their reaction might be upon realizing they are lost, and how they eventually get to your place anyway.
Worth $25.

3. While one of your team members is taking a bathroom break from planning, you and your other team members decide to play a harmless prank on them. In 100 words, tell who you decided to prank, what the prank is, and why you chose both.

4. Two of your team members end up having an argument while planning. It turns out to be ridiculous, much to the amusement of the other team members. Draw a 5 panel cartoon of the argument; you can include the reactions of individual team members as well.
Worth $25.

5. It’s getting late. You and your team members are all deeply into planning and don’t want to stop to make dinner, so you all decide on take-out. Which of your team members makes the call to order the food, and why? Write an explanation of 100 words.

6. So much for being deeply into planning. Somewhere along the way you and your team members get side-tracked into browsing for a movie of yours to watch instead, all the while claiming that watching it would be for “research.” Pick a movie, write a three-sentence summary about it, and explain in 100 words why watching this movie would be beneficial to getting ideas for and planning your street circus. Make the explanation as factual or ridiculously humorous as you would like.

7. Oh, crumb… Your TV’s volume decides to die while you’re all watching the movie. That doesn’t stop your team from having fun, though… you can all just provide your own captions. Find a YouTube clip of the movie you decided to watch, select a segment that is a maximum of 1 minute in length, and write up a “script” that can be followed while watching that segment with the sound on mute. Provide a link to the clip, the time segment you selected (ex: 00:30-1:30), and the script that you wrote.
Worth $15.

8. After a long day of planning, you and your team members are too tired to even go home to their own beds, and fall asleep where you’re all planning . Draw a humorous picture of how you and your team members might look in this situation.
Worth $25.

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-14-2010 at 04:06 PM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:10 PM

Get your marketing mojo on and drum up some notice for your street circus!

Your goal is to complete all of the strategies before the other teams do! The team that finishes first gets the most money.

First team to finish: $500
Second team to finish: $300
Third team to finish: $100

JULY 13: Extension of rules. Read it. Believe it.


All submissions must be posted using the form below:

HTML Code:

Team Name: 
Task #:

ROUND 3 (7am--7pm CST, July 14): Going Virtual

1. Choose 3 NPCs and write them each different “e-mails” asking them to promote your circus around Menewsha, and explaining why it would be worth their while. Do not actually send these “e-mails.” In 300 words, tell who you chose and why. Then quote the “e-mails.”

2. Your team has decided to launch a website promoting your street circus! Design the home page (can be drawn, digital, etc). Include the team name and “links” to other site pages (ex. About, Contact, etc). In 300 words or more, describe why you chose to integrate the different elements of your homepage (ex. Color, font style, images, etc).

3. Create 5 different 200 x 40 pixel banners that other sites can use to link to your team’s website, either drawn or digital.

4. Look at 5 other well-known businesses, shows, etc. Find their websites and give 3 reasons each why and how the sites succeed at marketing their products.

5. While online you get distracted by a website. In 300 words tell us what site it is, why you got distracted by it, and how you came upon it in the first place (no, Menewsha does not count).

ROUND 2 (7am--7pm CST, July 13): Expanding Outwards


1. With real items, construct a miniature-scale billboard promoting your street circus with both a framework and ad. Make the ad simple but eye-catching… Remember, it has to catch the attention of people driving by, and then stick in their memories! For the structure and frame, use popsicle sticks, toothbrushes, etc… be resourceful and creative! Photograph the billboard when it’s complete.

2. Describe where you would put the billboard in your town to have the most people see it, and why this is a good place. Descriptions do not have to be specific; “near the supermarket” or “outside the high school” is fine. 200 words.

3. Think of the forums as streets. Now describe where you would put the billboard in Menewsha to get the most people to see it. In 200 words, tell us why you placed the billboard there.

4. Make a TV commercial to promote your team’s street circus. You can write a script or make an actual video. It must not be longer than 30 seconds, whether the actual video or read. Post either the script or the link to the video here.

5. You decide to sabotage the other teams’ billboards. In 200 words describe how you would do this, and how you would get away without getting caught.

6. Design a banner advertising your team’s street circus to hang on a blimp. Draw, traditionally or digitally, the banner on the blimp.

7. A fast food chain has agreed to make a meal to promote your team. Draw a meal that represents your team. It must include the food and the packaging.

8. Draw a promotional toy design to be given out to kids in the fast food meal. It must represent your team and include a tag that shows the date of the performance. In the “blueprint,” include 1 nifty feature to be integrated into the toy (I.e. electronic sounds, moves its arms, etc).

ROUND 1 (7am--7pm CST, July 12): Around Town


1. Go through your team members’ friends lists and write a PM to 1 person from each list (7 people total), telling them about your street circus. Do not actually send the PMs. Each message must be different from the next. Quote each PM you write and indicate who it was written to and whose friends list you found them in.

2. Create a 100x100 pixel avatar icon, 1 for each member of your street circus team. Each icon must be unique and reflect some aspect of the member it represents, whether something you’ve noticed, knew beforehand, or had to ask about. Your team mates do not have to use the icon in any way.

3. Write and record a short radio advertisement motivating people to attend your team’s street circus. It can not be more than 1 minute. It can be a skit or a jingle. Link to where the recording can be heard.

4. On paper, design 3 unique fliers advertising your team’s street circus. Use markers, glitter, stickers, etc. to make them eye-catching. Include your team’s logo, brief description of the show, location (Menewsha’s Town Square, etc.) and the date of when the show will premiere (the end of this event). Photograph\scan the fliers when complete.

5. Write a press release about your upcoming street circus. Make it no more than 2 paragraphs long. Include 2 images (drawings, photos, etc) that are pertinent to your circus.

6. You decide to get crafty. Make a craft (bracelet, puppet, etc) that promotes your show in some way. Photograph it when it’s complete.

7. A team member volunteers to become a moving billboard. Create 5 different designs promoting your team’s circus in some way for them to use as forehead-stickers, car decals, etc. Note: they won’t actually be using them.

8. You are feeling evil. Write a 200 word chain letter and submit it here. The catch? Try to make it connected to your team’s street circus, but at the same time try to make it NOT obvious that you, a member of the team, wrote it. Do not send the chain letter to anyone.

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-14-2010 at 12:07 PM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:28 PM

The big day is finally here! You ready to make it big?

You do not have to complete all the tasks. All tasks involve two team members in some way.

Each task worth $100.


All submissions must be posted using the form below:

HTML Code:

Team Name: 
Task #:

The Acts

1. Time to get into costume! Gather Mene avatars from yourself and at least 1 of your team members in which you\they are wearing a costume to perform in. You and they must write 300 words each as to why you\they chose that costume and what it lends to your\their performance. Post the avatars and quoted explanations all at once.

2. Have 1 member of your team draw 3 comic panels that convey their part in planning and preparing your street circus. You must draw 3 comic panels, as well. It does not matter how they are drawn (stick figures are fine), or what they’re drawn with. Put the comic panels together in the manner that you think is best, and submit the completed comic.

As well as the panels, you and your team member must write a 300 word description each of why you\they think your\their role in planning will make your team’s street circus a success.

3. You and 1 other team member must sign your\their autograph for fans. For this Act, go around the Menewsha boards and “autograph” 1 item from 5 members’ avatars. Submit both an image of the item and of the avatar so that we can see them wearing it, as well as the usernames of the people you got the item from. You can not autograph your own avatar or an avatar of any of your team members. You can not both autograph for the same avatar. Each item must be different from the other, so I don’t want to see more than 1 Elegant Gold Pocketwatch, for example.

But wait! There’s more. These are the first autographs you and your team member have ever signed, and in your excitement you both write more than just a simple phrase. Each autograph must be 60 words in length.

4. Opening night was a hit, and you made the front page of the newspaper! Write an article by a critic praising the show. The article must be at least 300 words in length and include 2 quotes from you and 2 from another member of your team. Have your team member draw 3 images to accompany the article and submit the images and article in the same post.

Done that? Good. Reverse roles with your team member, only your team member has to write an article by a critic who disliked the show. Other than that, follow the above requirements.

5. Your team is being interviewed on TV! Write up a 300 word interview in which you ask a member of your team 5 questions. Each question must be different from the next. Send the interview to your team member and get their responses. Have your team member do the same for you. Submit both of the interviews and you and your team member’s responses.


Everyone knows that word-of-mouth is a surprisingly effective way of getting news out… or in this case, word-of-post. That’s right. You’re going to start a blog for your team.

Have your team decide on 1 person from the team who will create and maintain the blog. You may have more than 1 person maintaining the blog if you choose (in fact, I would advise this). You can use any blog platform (ex. Blogger,, etc).
Include the name of your team in the blog’s title.

Then, once every half-hour, post on the blog about what’s going on with your street circus (fictional or real events, or both!). Each post must be at least 200 words long. You will not get extra money for longer posts.
Each post must include an image that relates to the post.

You do not have to post every single half-hour. You must have at least 4 blog posts to get money, and you will receive bonus money for every extra post. However, you will LOSE money if you post more than once in a half-hour.

4 required posts: $200
Each extra post: $50
Penalty for posting more than once in a half-hour: -$70

But wait, there’s more! If you are lucky (perhaps not the right word to use in this case), you will receive a humor bonus! A bonus-bonus? Anyway, criteria below:

Made me smile: $20
Made me chuckle: $40
Outright loling: $60

So, if you want those bonus-bonuses, you might want to collaborate with your team mates about what exactly to write.

Link to the blog in the first Submission form.

Use the second Bonus submission form each time you post in your blog so I know to go read it.

HTML Code:

Team name:
Link to blog:[/B][/COLOR]
HTML Code:
[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][B]BLOG POST:

Team name:
Link to blog post:[/B][/COLOR]

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-15-2010 at 12:00 PM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:32 PM

At least 1 member from each team must be online when trivia is going on; otherwise trivia questions will not be given at that time. I will ask each team to "check in" (not in those precise words) before starting trivia.

If you edit your post after posting an answer to trivia, it will not count!

Use the form below to submit answers to trivia:

HTML Code:
[B][COLOR="magenta"]Team Name:
Answer: [/COLOR][/B]



Gypsies: $0
Jesters: $5
Artists: $10







Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-14-2010 at 05:31 PM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:37 PM

Come back here after each round ends to check how your team is doing money-wise!

GYPSIES: $1,510
JESTERS: $1,410
ARTISTS: $2,375

1ST PLACE TEAM: 1,300g each member
2ND PLACE TEAM: 1,000g each member
3RD PLACE TEAM: 800g each member

Each team member must participate in at least TWO rounds to qualify for the prizes.
Bonus Round does not count towards team members getting individual prizes, only for the all-around team.

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-15-2010 at 11:35 PM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:40 PM

I will be posting each team's submissions here.


Backstage Assignments:
Final Round, 2
Final Round, 4
Final Round, 5
Final Round, 7
Final Round, 8


Promotion Strategies:
Final Round, 1
Final Round, 2
Final Round, 3
Final Round, 4
Final Round 5

Opening Day Acts:
Final Round, 1
Final Round, 4
Final Round, 5


Backstage Assignments:
Final Round, 1
Final Round, 2
Final Round, 3
Final Round, 4
Final Round, 7
Final Round, 8

Promotion Strategies:
Final Round, 1
Final Round, 2
Final Round, 3
Final Round, 4
Final Round, 5

Opening Day Acts:
Final Round, 1


Backstage Assignments:
Final Round, 1
Final Round, 2
Final Round, 3
Final Round, 4
Final Round, 5
Final Round, 6
Final Round, 7
Final Round, 8

Promotion Strategies:
Final Round, 1
Final Round, 2
Final Round, 3
Final Round, 4
Final Round, 5

Opening Day Acts:
Final Round, 1
Final Round, 3
Final Round, 5

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-15-2010 at 12:06 AM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:42 PM


Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 07-08-2010 at 12:41 AM..

Forsaken Eyes
\ (•◡•) /
Forsaken Eyes is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 01:54 PM

Woot first post! :boogie:
Sign me up for Artists please.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:00 PM

Ooo, I will sign up in a moment. <3 -brbing-

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:00 PM

WOOT! Since I won't be here for most of the event, it would be stupid to sign up, but I bring good luck and lots of fortune to this thread. -poofs with confetti-

Someone New
Send a message via AIM to Siti_Hajar Send a message via Yahoo to Siti_Hajar
Siti_Hajar is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:03 PM

Yay~!! It's open! Sign me up for JESTERS please. Oh,and, do we need to do a thread for our team like the "JESTERS Team Thread" to discuss and stuff like in the Celes Paradi?

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:10 PM

If you want to you can.
If you don't you guys will be doing a lot of pming.

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:28 PM

*shuffles around*
... *tries to decide if she should or shouldn't *

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:33 PM

If something happens with my chances to be online or something, may I resign, especially during the sign up time? -wants to know before she really joins-

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:38 PM

If it is durning the sign up time I am going to say the answer is yes (not positive) but it would be hard to fix if after the game actually starts so I'm not sure about that.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:48 PM

Well, considering I'm on for numerous hours every day.....Sign me up for Gypsies! >D

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:54 PM

Hm. That worries me a little. D: I don't know how things will turn and how active will I be able to be.
Maybe I should refrain, just like last time.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 03:16 PM

MOMMY. *Mai hugs* If you're absolutely not positive about whether or not you can join, though, I'd really prefer that you did not. At least until you're sure. It would make things easier on me in terms of keeping track of people. ^__^;;

Oh, and as a note to everyone else, if you resign AFTER the game starts, you'll make me mad and sad and all those other negative emotions. But mainly it will be a huge setback to whatever team you were on and they'll all have negative emotions, too. So please don't do that. ^_^;;;

EDIT: Added all the people who signed up onto the team lists! This is so exciting!!

Send a message via AIM to FeyonaSaibre Send a message via MSN to FeyonaSaibre Send a message via Yahoo to FeyonaSaibre
FeyonaSaibre is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 03:20 PM

I'd like to be signed up for a Gypsy, please!


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 03:24 PM

I'll sign up for artist ^.^

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 03:43 PM

-kinda wants to, like really, but is so randomly on and off and busy/unbusy she can't promise she would make good teammate-
... Even if Cora will be in the team. ;w;


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