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Squeegepooge is offline
Old 11-18-2008, 06:10 AM

I'm sitting here getting ready for work, REALLY not wanting to put on my uniform, and I wondered: Where does everyone else work? I thought this would be a great way to get to know everyone!

I am a mechanic employed by the United States Air Force, and I work on C130 engines! I love my job, but before joining the military I had no idea how disgusting men are. I mean, WOW. Holy cow. I think I'd get banned if I repeated some of the stuff they say.

But anyway, I've been in over a year and now I'm stationed in Germany. I have about another 18 months left here, then who knows where!

Anywho, post you jobs here, people!

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 11-18-2008, 06:59 AM

Yep, men are potty-mouths. Hahaha. You're so right about that. XD
Hope you enjoy Germany! ^^

...And I'm unemployed. D; -dies-

Ebil is offline
Old 11-18-2008, 10:32 AM

I work for my parents business. I co-manage their holiday complex. So it's anything from dealing with guests in person, phone inquiries, e-mails, cleaning cottages, making beds, more cleaning, painting and decorating... anything that comes up really.

Good points =
At certain times of the year (like now) we're quiet and I have more free time than could possibly be healthy and get paid to do nothing, like I'm doing now xD
It's varied, so I don't get bored.
I'm not stuck behind a desk all day.
No boring old 9-5.

Bad points -
Working for parents can be stressful at times.
No set free time. Haven't been able to take a vacation for ages, as even though it may be quiet today, who knows what'll happen tomorrow.
"Can we pay you next month instead?" >.<

But still, after working as a government admin-monkey in an office for a while, before I started working for my parents... I'd much rather be doing this ^.^

Professor Lily
Building Funds for my Charity
Professor Lily is offline
Old 11-18-2008, 02:20 PM

I am self employed that way I can also b e a great mom and soon a future grandmother of twins.

diehly is offline
Old 11-18-2008, 05:31 PM

Uhhhh I work at a pet store and animals are gross...cute and lovable but gross. The gross animals are not the worse part of the job store has a lot of drama...thats the worse part of the job.

DistortedBrwain is offline
Old 11-18-2008, 05:40 PM

I am a nurse, I work in a nursing home for old people that have mental diseases like Alzheimer.

\ (•◡•) /
Lanackse is offline
Old 11-18-2008, 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by DistortedBrwain View Post
I am a nurse, I work in a nursing home for old people that have mental diseases like Alzheimer.
That must bite.

I've been unemployed for a couple of years since I was fired from my last job for the ill health that they caused. The bunch of wankers are struggling now so haha, you got served a fat dose of karma, bitches.

Now working on a voluntary project for a company making a database of their clients.

Squeegepooge is offline
Old 11-18-2008, 07:04 PM

Well I had a super stressful day...Work was hectic as all business, and just a bunch of other stuff. Holy cow, I am SO glad I'm going home on Monday. But the plane ride from Germany to the West Coast is going to suck.

My face is still dirty from work, lol. And I loathe paperwork so much.

\ (•◡•) /
Akstar is offline
Old 11-20-2008, 02:56 AM

I may be currently unemployed but due to my mother caring a lot of my education I can't get a real job until I'm out of college(only has one more year of high school before college). Yet my mom is thinking of letting me doe this weird online service thing that basically is letting me make a one page billboard for a topic and list links of places to go shopping at and I get paid to do it with no charge to start it. This might help me save up money like buying some of my own things cause at the moment my mother controls my money even though I have a lot behind my efforts around the house and stuff, this is including any money given to me for a present. Le sigh..if I could get a job I would likely end up at some sort of store if I had the courage to speak in front of an interviewer.

Willow_Moon is offline
Old 11-20-2008, 08:40 PM

I only have a Saturday job at the moment at my local superstore Tesco. I am a checkout assistant [yeah thats the posh way of say checkout person!] and have been working there for about 4yrs now, just at the weekend.

I don't really enjoy my job anymore - Such a lot has changed in the years I've been there, and I am not a person who likes change. Many of my friends have left for University/College [yet I reside at home as my Uni is only a train ride away], Team Leaders who actually care have left for other jobs and have been replaced by leaders who couldn't get a toss about who you are or what you do.

Still - Money is everything to a student these days and therefore I have to grit my teeth and get on with things!

Mystic is offline
Old 11-20-2008, 09:11 PM

I work at PetSmart for now. I pretty much run the petcare department over there. It's not worth it much. I'm hopefully getting a second job at supermarket, if they call me back. I want to work midnights over there. Eventually I want to open up my own fish store though, but I need to save up money first.

burden of love
burden of love is offline
Old 11-20-2008, 09:33 PM

Originally Posted by Squeegepooge View Post
I'm sitting here getting ready for work, REALLY not wanting to put on my uniform, and I wondered: Where does everyone else work? I thought this would be a great way to get to know everyone!

I am a mechanic employed by the United States Air Force, and I work on C130 engines! I love my job, but before joining the military I had no idea how disgusting men are. I mean, WOW. Holy cow. I think I'd get banned if I repeated some of the stuff they say.

But anyway, I've been in over a year and now I'm stationed in Germany. I have about another 18 months left here, then who knows where!

Anywho, post you jobs here, people!
Are we supposed to quote the first page? lol...dunno.

Aaaanywayz....yea....(dont tell anyone) But I'm in the military too. I'm a medic, but in the reserves so I get to stay home for a while.

Aaaaaanywayzz...ya. Us guys are pretty disgusting, lol. But I think you should really expect it. I IS the military...we kill people...I mean...if you ask me...that is way more disgusting than many things you'll ever hear or even see. Being a medic we get to see alot of things that are gross while training. Like the most horrible car crashes ever and body parts that are places they shouldn't be.

Every guy has a show to put on and once you get to see their real side, its not pretty most of the time. Heh. I used to sleep in a bay with 90 guys and it was one of the most retarded times I have ever experienced. There ARE some decent guys, but most of them get really really idiotic...probably 80% of the guys in that bay disgusted me...and they were just being who they are! It's sad...yes...but at least a lot of them will be fighting for the our country and all that jazz so we should give them that at least.

Wynna is offline
Old 11-22-2008, 12:05 AM

I'm a manager at McDonalds....and I do enjoy my job. (It helps me pay for university) but...I hate my boss.

Tilly is offline
Old 11-22-2008, 03:13 AM

I used to think the public was like, horrible. But it's very rare, actually. You do get bitchy customers, but most are pretty best kind.

I work at McDonalds. I'm just crew.

burden of love
burden of love is offline
Old 11-22-2008, 03:45 AM

Where do you LIVE?? lol. :)

Agrias leonhart
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Old 11-22-2008, 03:58 AM

I am an actor and model :D
And i can officially call myself an actor because i got my first acting gig two weeks ago! AAAAHAA!
Its hard work though :S
Long monotonous hours and usually its in the elements. Icky! Dx

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Old 11-23-2008, 02:01 AM

I work at my university library. I do tech support/helping people with CS stuff. It is really fun. Hoping to get a co-op job making codez this summer.

Well actually I KNOW I am getting a co-op job this summer. Kinda want to try the game industry. I know it's hard work with no gratitude but I <3 code. I also like the idea of livign under my desk while working overtime. I do that in the Unix lab at school already.

Neko Neko Kitty
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Old 11-23-2008, 03:31 AM

I'm not quite sure where I find time to do everything, but I'm a full time student and have two official jobs. I work at my college's library as well as a cook and dietary aid at our town. I also have a small crafting business selling what I make as well as teaching classes, I'm hoping to expand that soon. I also take care of cleaning the house I share with several other people including my legally blind fiance. This summer I'm hoping to start working at the co-op instead of the nursing home, I'm tired of the early hours.

Sadistix_Love is offline
Old 11-23-2008, 04:56 AM

Wow, that's impressive! I work nowhere. =( Just a junior, trying to pass high school and hopefully go into uni.

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Old 11-23-2008, 04:54 PM


Wow, how do you manage to do two jobs+full time school? I work like eleven hours a week and I still find it hard.

Where do you go to school at?

Neko Neko Kitty
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Old 11-24-2008, 03:04 AM

Right now Feather River College. I used to attend VCU until I moved to California and discovered that they require more gen ed than Virginia did so I've been playing catch up and next fall I'm probably going to SFSU. I'm not quite sure how I get through the day, knitting keeps me pretty sane though. The hours span out to total only 28 or so hours a week so it's not too too bad or anything. I am stressing with finals coming up so close though, I'm really trying for a 4.0 this semester.

Squeegepooge is offline
Old 04-20-2009, 07:03 PM

Mmm. I need to sign up for classes here soon. I'm looking forward to getting my Associate's Degree without ever having to go to college. :)

siaasgn is offline
Old 04-20-2009, 07:33 PM

This thread hasn't been posted in for 5 months so I'm going to lock this up as being dead.


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