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Your Resedent Ninja Turtle
BrokenEnglish is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 04:48 AM

Welcome to the U.S Army
Infantry (Elite)
Ranger & Delta Force (Elite)
Green Berets (Elite)
OR ANY Others you can think of



PVT Private
PV2 Private 2
PFC Private First Class
SPC Specialist
CPL Corporal
SGT Sergeant
SSG Staff Sergeant
SFC Sergeant First Class
MSG Master Sergeant
1SG First Sergeant
SGM Sergeant Major
CSM Command Sergeant Major

WO Warrent Officer
CWO1 Cheif Warrent Officer 1
CWO2 Cheif Warrent Officer 2
CWO3 Cheif Warrent Officer 3
CWO4 Cheif Warrent Officer 4
2LT Second Lieutenant
1LT First Lieutenant
CPT Captain
MAJ Major
LTC Lieutenant Colonel
COL Colonel
BG Brigadier General
MG Major General
LTG Lieutenant General
GEN General

There are none can swear..
I swear so yeah

Name: D.O.B:
Age: Rank:

My Character(s)

Name:Ariana "Ari" Ryder ( Likes to be called Ari)
D.O.B: 3/10/1990
Age: 20
Rank: Staff Sergeant I.D No.: 72385649
Bio: Ari is a former Mossad agent, when she was 16 she ran from Israel choosing not to live the life her father wanted her to live. She has three sisters, and two brothers. Her mother was killed when she was 10 by an Israeli Sniper on the Gaza Strip. She third brother Eli was murdered by a rouge Mossad agent, he was then shot by Ari.
Job/Occupation: only Female U.S Army Ranger
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight (In A relationship with Sergeant Jamie Smith)
Extras: Ari has the word "Sinner" tatooed on her left wrist and she has her military I.D number on her ankel

NAME:Jamie Smith (Jay, Jame or Smith)
D.O.B: 12/3/1990
Age: 20
Rank: Sergeant I.D No.: 73495472
Bio: Smith is a 5th Genertation Soldier, He joined the Ranks just after his 18th birthday, he has four sisters, his father was a green beret in veitnam, The Gulf, and Korean war. Jamie flew fastly up the ranks he is a real prankster and often likes to pick on Ari.
Jod/Occupation: U.S Army Ranger
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight ( In a relationship With Staff Sergeant Ariana Ryder)
Extras: Jamie has the American Flag on the sole of his right foot

Your Resedent Ninja Turtle
BrokenEnglish is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 09:57 PM

Usrname: Severin169
Name: Solus Talcy
D.O.B: 1/4/1992
Age: 18
Rank: PVT Private
Bio: Solus was brought up in a military family, both of his brothers had joined the army and served as rangers. As recruit fresh from boot Solus is inexperienced and abit apprehensive of his new Platoon.
Job/Occupation: Infantry
Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight
Extras: Solus has the Kanji for "Bastard" Tattoo on his right shoulder


Lets start..


Ari's POV:
Sand, I hated it -- which was kind of ironic because I was practically brought up in a dessert which is full of sand..and the occasional pathways. Iraq was something that nobody back home really talked about, my brother Cole was on his fourth tour of duty, the old fart. I was on my second, quite frankly I didn't mind it but the sand got to me.
So did the camel spiders. That thought made me shiver.
Jamie the F**king ass threw a dead camel spider on me just as I had woken up
the bloody loser. Gonna have to get him back for that too.

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Old 07-10-2010, 06:45 PM

Solus watched the wind blow across the sand dunes from his seat by the open door of the Blackhawk. "so how much longer till we get to the bace?" he called over the sound of the engin of the chopper to the man sitting across from him. The man turned his attention from the endless sands below to look at the recruit and shrugged.
After a few minutes the Blackhawk finaly made its landing at the base. without a second though Solus jumped out of the blackhawk and made his way to his new C.O.

Last edited by Severin169; 07-10-2010 at 06:58 PM..

Your Resedent Ninja Turtle
BrokenEnglish is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 11:00 PM

Jamie's POV
The thing I found most hilarious about Iraq...
was well nothing I would prefer to get myself shot. Actually no not really.
because then I would have to go to the doctors and I hated the doctors.
I was sitting on the bonnet of one of the humvees looking out at the men plying war games on the feild
I wasn't games enough to join in I'd watched a Hogan's Heroes episode where Hogan switch a crap load of grenades for the real thing.
Hey what the hell was there to be scared about? I was a ranger?
The humvee jolted and I went flying off the bonnet, I was now face first in the sand.
"thats for the f**king camel spider the other day" I looked up, Ari was sitting in the drives seat.
"what are you tring to get me f**king killed?" I snapped
"bullshit" she got out of the humvee and helped me up
"your a cow you know that?


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