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The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 12:46 AM

Alex was starting to grow drowsy about halfway through his studies and he wished to go to sleep. But he kept his eyes open so he wouldn't disappoint Winzer. But he couldn't stop a yawn from coming out after the hour mark. He glanced over at the knight with Misa fast asleep on his lap. "Can I go to bed now?" he asked.

An assassin waited outside, counting down the moment when the young prince would enter his room. He had a good view of the bedroom from where he sat. The only problem would be getting past the guard.. It was a good thing he was wearing completely black so he could sneak in.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 12:55 AM

"Your not even done with 2 of the books you have 8 more to go before you can go to bed." He snap back his answer then draw his weapon and looked around. Some thing was wrong he grabbed Alex hand. "Lets go..." He put his prince behind him with out another word and started to look around the place some thing wasn't right in the castle but he didn't know where this feeling was coming from. Unlike his brother Winzer could actually feel when Danger was near it was kind of like a sixth sense to him.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 12:59 AM

Alex frowned when he had to sit through six more books. That was not something he planned on doing. A confused look crossed his face when Winzer grabbed his hand. "What's wrong?" he asked, scooping up Misa with his free arm so she wouldn't get left behind. He didn't like how tense Winzer seemed. Or the fact that his weapon was drawn.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 01:08 AM

"Master don't leave my side and stay quite it." Winzer didn't said much more jsut cautionly walked back wth the prince to his room. He was going to get the prince saftly back to his room and watch him there. It would be the only place safe if he was there guarding his prince. He slowly open the prince bed room door looking in side carefully.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 01:12 AM

Alex stayed silent. It wasn't as if he left either of his guards side for any period of time. But he just nodded as they headed to his room. Once they got back to his room, he waited for Winzer to be done looking around before going over and getting in his bed, setting Misa down gently. She stirred in her sleep, but didn't wake up. "Am I allowed to go to sleep?" he asked.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 01:21 AM

Winzer kept Alex behind him as he checked the room. He moved to the windows and locked them up tightly and closed the shades. He even check the ceil and under Alex bed. When no danger was inside the room he let go of Alex after locking the room up tightly. "We are not leaving here for the night." He looked out the window still feeling uneasy even those he could not see the assiassin out side.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 02:00 AM

Alex wasn't exactly planning on leaving the room at any time during the night. He wasn't exactly the time to wake up in the middle of the night, needing to get up and walk around. He settled under his blankets. Misa curled up beside him and he set one of his hands on her gently.

The assassin sat outside, watching as the curtains were closed to the room. This would cause some complications, but he wasn't going to not even try to get his target. He just had to wait long enough for the young prince to fall asleep.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 02:10 AM

Winzer still had his weapon out and watched his Prince getting ready for bed. "You can sleep." But he would not. He was going guard over his prince and not let any thing happend to him. Winzer even kept the lights in the room on just in case ebcause of his bad feelings.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 02:13 AM

Alex nodded as he closed his eyes. But he laid there for a long moment, unable to fall asleep. He sighed and sat up, looking at Winzer. "I can't sleep with the lights on." he said, crossing his arms. Misa rolled over on the bed and stretched her legs out, purring lightly. She was completely content on being able to lay down on the bed.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 02:20 AM

"Well if for your own good. The lights stay on tonight end of the story." Then he riped a peices of his shirt making a blind for his prince. "Put that over your eyes." Winzer toss the blind over to Alex and kept guard he had not drop his weaposn from his hands as he did this,.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 02:43 AM

Alex frowned when the piece of shirt was thrown at him. He didn't think anything was going to happen to him, so he didn't understand why the light couldn't be shut off. But he didn't say anything as he tied it around his eyes and laid back down. It definitely helped make things darker and he started feeling tired again.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 02:47 AM

Winzer was uneasy he gripped his weapon tighly in his hand and waited he know the attack would come if the lights went out so he would wait and wait because that would come soon he know that. He know when it would be dark in this room it was be a prefect time to attack.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-19-2011, 09:33 PM

It wasn't long until Alex drifted off to sleep with the help of the blindfold. Misa meowed in her sleep and scooted closer to her master, wanting to feel his warmth. He smiled lightly in his sleep and set a hand gently on her.

The assasin Dante counted silently in his head for the perfect time to strike. He already realized that the lights weren't going out anytime soon, but luckily he's planned ahead. While the prince was in the library, he had snuck in and attacked a device to the lights in the room to bust them so that they would go out on a moment's notice and would be unable to be turned back on. Now was the right time. He pulled on a ninja-string and in just a second, all the lights in the room shut off and he took that time to slip into the room, quickly and quietly.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 09:01 PM

Winzer know the second the lights went out the attack would begin. His weapon was still in his hands as his ears listened for any sound of breathing or movement. He was ready for this attack those he would rather be dead then see his prince die. He wasn't going to let this attack again. Winzer caught the fiath sound of a breath that was not his or his princes. It was not the cars breath either. Winzer smirked to him self so it being. He took his Scythe and with one stroke of it he sliced a jar of mables over on to the floor covering it to make it harder for the ninja to move with out knocking in to them. Also Winzer knew he had time to make this move because the assissan would have to come deeper in to the bed room to actually attack. He waited for the assissan to make his move.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 09:35 PM

[B]Alex didn't even notice when the lights went out. He was already that much asleep. But somewhere in his subconcious mind, he knew. He just didn't think much of it. He figure that Winzer changed his mind and turned the lights out. He almost woke up at the sound of the jar breaking and marbles falling onto the floor. He managed to stay asleep though.

Dante froze for about half a second when the jar broke. This guard was more observant than he thought. He drew in a slow breath, making sure not to make any noise with it. He held his breath as moved forward silently, heading towards where he knew the bed was. He somehow managed to evade the marbles and made it to the bed. A small smile formed on his face as he quickly grabbed hold of the prince. He wasn't supposed to kill him. Not yet. He was just supposed to grab him. He clamped one hand over Alex's mouth to prevant him from yelling out. [/B]

Ribe is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 09:56 PM

Winzer had changed his movements when he heard the breathing had changed. He sliped over Alex his waking him while the Assissan had made his move. Should the assissan hand was over his mouth not the princes. Winzer weapon was in his one hand and he moved his dragger from his belt and slam it in to the assissan side slash back. Then pushed the assissan off of him. The real fight was about to begin now and he know it.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 10:02 PM

Dante was not expecting to have a dagger slammed into his side. He winced and forced himself not to make any noise. How dare this guard hurt him?! He focused his eyes and was faintly able to make out the shape of the guard and the prince. He realized that was his own mistake for not paying better attention. It was not a mistake he planned on making again. His attention focused onto the smaller form of the prince and he moved forward, making sure to keep an eye on the guard as well. He wasn't supposed to get in a fight with him, so he was going to avoid it the best he could.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 10:17 PM

Winzer other hand move the Scythe it a guarding pose over his prince. Then when the assissan move to the prince that when Winzer slash his weapon at him trying to back him up from the Prince or cut him in half what ever came first. He was about to protect Alex. He was very silent with his moves and his cloths like the Assissan were black and dark bearily any flesh was actually showing. His breathing could not be heard from all of his hard training. If the Assissan didn't know better he would swear The prince guard was an assissan like him. Winzer didn't speak at all and the noise from both the Assissan and him wear minnal which was in both people favor. For Winzer to keep his prince asleep for the Assissan to keep other from knowing what he was doing.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 10:25 PM

Dante remained absolutely still for a few seconds, assesing the situation. This guard was well trained. It was obvious by the way he moved. But how well trained was he to fight in the dark? That was actually the assasin's specialty. A small smile slowly formed on his face as he took a step closer. The longer he stayed in the dark, the more adjusted his eyes became. It didn't matter what color of clothing the guard wore. Dante could still make out his body perfectly. It was darker than the darkness from the room. He gripped his blade tightly as he went to the side, trying to see if he could get around the guard.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 10:36 PM

Whiled the assasin paused Winzer moved his eye patch from one side to the other. Aloud him perfect darkvision in his one eye. Winzer counter the assasin move backing sure to block his path his weapons posed for the strick. He swung it but this was the first sound heard since the jar was broken. His blade of his Scythe hit the assasin's blade and a small spark flew and died out.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 01:31 AM

Dante wasn't expecting the guard to be able to block him so easily. He frowned lightly and thought quickly on how to get around him. No way seemed available. He really didn't want to kill the guard unnecessarily, but he felt like there was no way to avoid it. He swung out at him, only to get blocked. There was a brief spark when their weapons struck each other. He gripped his blade tightly and swung low, aiming for the legs.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 01:51 AM

One thing good about a Scythe was it was longer. This help because where his blade of his Scythe was, was not in a good spot to block the blade of his attacker. But this did not stop him from blocking it was the long hilt of the Scythe. Another clash of metal was heard as the assain blade hit the long handle(hilt of the the Scythe ). Winzer need to force this guy back he remeber the dragger in the assain side now he was wish he had posion that blade now. Those the reason why he never did was just encase Alex cut him self on it.Winzer span the Scythe trying to knock the attack blade from his hands.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 09:20 PM

Dante frowned again, seeming to be unable to get past the guard's defense. He thought quickly of what he could do. The only logical thing he could think of would to just take the Sythe away from him. So he reached out and grabbed the hilt of the weapon and pulled with enough strength to pull it out of the guard's hands.

Ribe is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 09:56 PM

When Winzer felt the pull of strength he smirked and knew he could used all of his strength. He held tight to his weapon but he was going to use the attack own strength agiest him. Winzer bent up his leg and kicked as hard as he could in to the guys chest. He used his weapons as his balance point so he could not fall as he kicked. He wanted to get this guy away from his little prince and that was the end of the story.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 10:02 PM

Dante was not expecting the kick. So that resulted in him falling backward. He stayed on the floor for a moment before moving with quiet, catlike abiltiy on the floor, well out of the guard's line of sight. But his gaze flickered up every once in awhile, keeping an eye on him so that he'd be able to defend himself against any attack that would come.


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