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See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-09-2010, 05:07 AM

Sorry! We don't have any available places for new characters. :)

-No demons/angels, if you please. Also, I would appreciate the thread to keep away from magic.
-Boy/girl pairings only.
-Not much else to say, though this might need an edit later on.

A time when technology was rare, if there was any. More of a fantasy-type of world - mountains and plains, forests and oceans - large cities hold the power over the land.
There isn't a large mixture of races, though if you PM me your preference, I might make a change for you.
In this time and place (which doesn't have an official name), there are not many otherworldly occurances. Nothing strange ever happens, and excitement comes from human influence - war and strife are not uncommon.
Other things will be added later, but at the moment . . . everything needs to be thought through and placed in here somewhere. :sweat:

I'm not too picky about this, so don't worry if you can't figure something out. If you want to add to it, by all means, please do.

Name: (character)
Controlled by: (Username)
Appearance: (preferably a picture, but a good description does just as well)
Personality: (Doesn't have to be too long)
History: (If you want to give a brief back story, that's fine)
Likes: (Not required, though it helps with creativity)
Dislikes: (Ditto. :P)

Accepted Profiles:

Name: Lish
Controlled by: Esmme
Appearance: Lish is Starlyn's "brother." They aren't related, but they were raised together with the mercenaries when they were young, thus only called siblings. Always dressed in black clothing that contrasts with his white hair, the pale youth wears many different piercings and chains - many of them are used as weapons.
Personality: I'll come up with it as we go . . . :XD
History: Raised with the mercs, Lish was around Starlyn's age when they first met. Throughout their years, they were trained together, fought together, did nearly everything together. When Star was given leadership of the mercenaries, Lish chose to leave her to her own devises, and moved on toward the next town to see if there was another life for him to lead. Apparently he didn't get along with the idea so well.

Name: Jarlaxle “Axel”
Controlled by: Esmme
Appearance: Jarlaxle is a mercenary that leads the others – don’t be fooled by his somewhat cluttered appearance. Wears a wide-brimmed hat with a long feather attached, an eye-patch (that truly has no meaning), carries multiple trinkets, medallions, rings, and such. He wears form-fitting leather armor and is full of attitude. (yes, I based him off of an already existing character. Someone’s gotta be strange.)
Personality: Quirky, talkative, and generally optimistic. Don’t get on his bad side . . . Axel has been known to be one of the worst out there. Charming, quick to smile, and usually a generally pleasant being, he can be your best friend – or your worst enemy in disguise. Always full of tricks, he is a mastermind of evil – or maybe it’s merely his own agenda. If you need something, even down to a glass of water – he most likely has one somewhere in his “multi-dimensional” pouches and other strange items.
History: All will become known in the thread as it moves along.
Likes: Useful items, stray chains and other odd objects, trinkets, “jewelry,” and darkness. Fireworks are another of his interests.
Dislikes: Losing control of the situation, when people find out what’s really going on, bright light, getting particularly dirty.

Name: Raziel
Controlled by: Esmme
Appearance: Please ignore his wings. Also keep in mind that the rose-like (I know, manly, right? :XD) tattoo really is on his chest. Raziel has brown eyes, though they are glazed over with a bit of metallic red.
Personality: Normally one to stand for justice, Raziel is a somewhat silent and stoic individual. Not one to cower from danger, he will fight for what he believes in - and defend those he loves.
History: All will become known in the thread as it moves along.
Likes: Fruit, kind people, the wind, rain, and other forms of weather.
Dislikes: His enemy, fire, being bound physically, and cages.

Name: Lyna
Controlled by: Ameika
Appearance: She has teal eyes though but she basically looks like that and wears similar clothes
Personality: speaks her mind, has a tendency to say sorry a lot, is optimistic, kind, caring, and is outgoing
History: well she has a very simple past she lives with her mother and father, her family owns the stables where everyone has their horses stay when they are in town
Likes: to cook, animals, honest people, nature
Dislikes: lying, seeing animals hurt and tormented, mean people

Name: Starlyn
Controlled by: Ameika
Appearance: Merc Leader
Personality: will find out along the story
History: She is the leader of the mercenaries. The group of mercenaries was founded by her father, who was a power-seeking man. Of course, she changed how they were led - but that merely brought Jarlaxle to the surface and into her web. The dark elf has been working with her for many months, and enjoys having the second-hand leadership over the guild. She still remains leader over the mercs, and as of yet, Jarlaxle as well.
Likes: . . .
Dislikes: . . .

Name: Shiloh
Controlled by: Daeman35
Appearance: Shiloh looks like that but when shes walking around outside she looks like this... Her cape is actually black though and the staff isnt there. Theres twin blades instead.
Personality: Has a sort of laid back personality but she can be jumpy when she gets hyper ((Happens often when around people she knows)). Has a great sense of whats good and whats not so dont try to lie to her. On the other hand she can ignore that sense at times which brings in her being a bit naive.
History: Youll find out along the way
Likes: Water, nature and a cool breeze, music and fire
Dislikes: cages, chains, perverts ((unless she messes with them just to get a kick out of it))
Originally Posted by Ameika
Name: Riya
Controlled by: Ameika
Appearance: Riya
Personality: she smiles all the time.....not much else is known about her personality other then she seems to be a positive person
History: Riya is just a maid at a Inn that she has to work at just to have a place to stay, being a orphan, the owner of the inn took her in mainly to have a pair of extra hands in her place of buisness. Riya is a human who is very fascinated by dragons.
Likes: dragons
Dislikes: punishment

Name: Seth
Controlled by: ameika
Personality: i don't know
The new chapter:

Name: Neeraj
Age: 18
Race: Human
Bio: Raised by his clan, this is his chance to prove that he is one of the best of the best. He is the ultimate fighter - he uses his body as a weapon, and his surroundings as extensions of his battle. Neeraj overcomes nearly every obstacle he comes across, and will stop at nothing to achieve what he deems worthy of achieving.
Personality Traits: Prideful, a bit brash, and willing to be gruff enough to get whatever he needs. Forceful, and a bit in-your-face.
Extra: He is covered in tattoos and markings - each one signifies another achievement that he has accomplished.
The new Riya.



People call me Demi or Cora.
I am 16 years old.
I am female.

‡ My story;

Demicora is one of those in her tribe who is able to hunt, track and forage for food. It is one of her specialties. Most people in her tribe do not condone the fact that she is left handed, but they do not complain for she is the one that forages and brings back the best game. Though she is scrawny, they view her as one of the strongest children in their generation. Her family has put her up as one of the children who will be put into the tribunal games which she of course did not support. All the tribes would have to come together and put up one female and one male to fight for their tribes honor against the other tribes. This is what has stopped the wars between them for decades. To her tribe it is their kind of war and they view it as one of the highest honors. The tributes as they are called are picked at random which she also does not condone, but this year it would seem they have picked her as one of their tributes.

Demicora is a sweet girl who gives most of her bounty to the tribe itself as a whole to be split up amongst the homes that dont have as much food. She doesnt talk much unless talked to. Most people in the tribe feel as though she is not a woman of the tribe. She does not cook, clean or even make the clothes. She only forages, fishes, and hunts to her hearts content. Unfortunately for the people at which she is going against in this tribunal game, she is very light on her feet and in tune with the forest which is her advantage above the others.

Again, PM me if you wish to join. ^_^

The night air was cool enough to make his breath turn to mist before him. Holding a hand to his side, the young man stumbled into the village, gritting his teeth. Glancing about, he slowly headed for the nearest building - a mere stable. It suited his purpose.
Once inside the structure, Raziel collapsed into a bit of golden hay, scattering the dusty strands about the stall. This wasn't quite allowed, but the man didn't have time to think about that. Complete exhaustion and pain overwhelmed him, and his head swam as he forced himself to stay awake.
The sound of hooves striking stone caused Raziel to flinch, pulling back into the shadowy nook he rested in. If they found him now, his death was at hand. He was too weak to fight back at that moment. His energy was endless - until a point. He didn't tire until a specific point, and when he did, it caused him to go into a state of weakness. When he was younger, the doctors called it a sickness. Raziel had labled it as a disease; a mark of his past life.
Barely able to move, the young man wheezed, coughing as quietly as he could. As his own body seemed to grow ever more heavy, Raziel let his head lean against the wood behind him. There was nothing he could do but wait. If they found him, then so be it. If not . . . then he would live to see another day. He ran his fingers over the slender chain that hung from his neck, the small red crystal that hung just below his collar bone.
At the sounds of his enemy's passing, Raziel closed his red-glazed brown eyes. Letting himself drop into a deep sleep, he lost track of the world and the passing of time.

Last edited by Esmme; 02-07-2013 at 02:18 AM..

Kilia is offline
Old 02-09-2010, 07:03 AM

I woke up to the sound of horses neighing from the stables. I got out of bed and pulled a over coat on over my night gown, and slipped out the house. It was cold out, cold enough for me to see my breathe. I walked out of the fence in the front yard and drew my coat closer to my body to try and keep warm. As i walked closer to the barn I thought i could here the horses talk to each other. That couldn't be, it must have been my imagination. I went into the side barn door and looked around. " is okay. Everything is going to be alright." I said to each horse as i stroke thier muzzle. I looked around and noticed some footprints on the floor. Following them i found a handsome man i have ever seen. I leaned close to his face to see if he was still alive. I felt his breathe on my ear, i ran to the tack room and pulled out one of the blankets, going back to him i threw the blanket over him.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-09-2010, 07:11 AM

The sound of someone else in the stable woke Raziel just enough so he could open his eyes, and he frowned when a blanket was thrown on top of him. Slowly letting his brown eyes flit up to the girl's face, he tried to calm his labored breathing. Though he'd been resting for a while, he couldn't fight the exhaustion that clawed at him.
"Thank you," he whispered breathlessly, pulling the blanket closer about his bare shoulders weakly. "You didn't have to . . . help me."
Staying in his place on the floor, the young man let his head fall back to the floor, too tired to keep it up any more.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-09-2010, 07:39 AM

"Your welcome. I was always taught to help someone when they are in need. I will be back tomarrow with breakfast or you could join us." I said as I smiled at him, and sat down next to him. I was glad he is conscious enough to hold a conversation with me. I pulled my over coat closer around me to help hide my night gown and to try and get alittle warmer.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-09-2010, 07:50 AM

"I . . ." Raziel paused, hesitating. "Thank you." His breathing still somewhat labored, the stranger closed his eyes. Food sounded so good . . . but should he risk someone else's safety? Clearing his throat lightly, he frowned.
"What is your name?" he asked quietly, trying to regain his breath. With his eyes closed and body relaxed, he looked like he was asleep - except for the fact that he spoke. His long hair slipped in front of his face as he shifted under the blanket, but Raziel ignored it for the sake of being too tired.
"I would like to know who is kind enough to help me."
Carefully glancing up at the girl who sat beside him, the young man met her gaze for a moment. She's nothing but a young girl.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-09-2010, 08:26 AM

"I am Lyna. You are welcome again. What is your name?" i said as I leaned a little closer to hear him speak to me. I picked some straw up and started to braid them together. i moved to push the hair out of his face but then stopped myself and went back to braiding the straw together. I pushed my hair behind my ears, and i tried hard not to fidget to much. I shiftted uneasily as i noticed how tired he is. I stood up, igrabbed some water and brought it back over to him.
"You must be thirsty, here is some water." i held the tin cup out to him and watched as he seemed to have trouble breathing.

Last edited by Kilia; 02-09-2010 at 09:05 AM..

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Old 02-09-2010, 09:48 PM

'Atta Boy. I've taught you well, you''ll make your Father proud one day. Now show your Brother what you can do, he needs some more practice' Alexander patted his son on the back as he wandered off to his brother to practice swordfighting. Alexander was always proud when his sons faught. He knew they would one day follow in his footsteps and do their country proud. Alex wasn't in the army at the moment, so he enjoyed spending his spare time with his sons and his wife, who helps run the tavern. In his year off he has learnt a lot about the city. Mercenaries were growing in numbers, and rebellion was thriving. It wouldn't be long until he was reassigned he was sure, and it wouldn't be easy to leave now he was settled so comfortably here. After all he had heard, he wasn't even sure he'd be on the right side. And if things kept going like they were now, he couldn't say who's side his own sons would be on...

Meanwhile, Lavinia was serving Mead to the locals. Friday night was always busy. Commoners and drunks usually settled here for a tankard or 3, and conversation was a bonus of the Tavern life. Lavinia enjoyed hearing the gossip, and she knew her husband would be grateful for the knowledge. Hope there's no trouble tonight She thought...

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 12:26 AM

"How did you miss him?"
The man shook his head, shrugging. "He was in front of us one moment, and gone the next. We searched all over the streets."
"And not in the spots he'd hide?" The woman narrowed her eyes, glaring at the mercenary.
"Of course we did," the merc said, looking up to the tavern's hostess. Waving his hand for the woman to notice him, he called her over for a drink. "Still no hint of where he went."
The two were silent for a moment. "Someone has to find that murderer. You were given the task. Get it done, or I'll have your head." Standing, the elegantly dressed female headed outside.
The mercenary grumbled to himself before ordering an ale.

Without a word the young man forced himself to sit up, leaning against the wall beside Lyna. After he accepted the cup, he sipped at it for a few moments before telling her his name. "Raziel," he said, looking over at the girl. The water was gone quickly, as he was thirsty enough to finish it off. His red-glazed eyes moved back to her gaze, the slitted pupils focusing on her. "It isn't safe for you to help me."
His breathing was finally calming down, though it had taken far longer than it should have. Still weary, the well-muscled male shifted to set the cup in front of him. Brushing his long dark hair behind his shoulders, Raziel closed his eyes.
The last person to help him had been killed - murdered. And he had been blamed for her death. He didn't want to go through the same situation again - not if it meant the death of others.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 01:00 AM

"Nonsense, You seem like a good person there is no reason for me not to help you. It isn't like you are going to hurt me or anything." I said as i stood up and streatched, taking the cup i got him some more water and brought it back over to him. I looked out the door and saw that dawn is coming up soon, i turned back to him and saw how tired he is.
"I am sorry, it is almost dawn and I have to get back to the house. I will be back with food, apple cider, and different clothes for you. Folks around here arean't to keen on having strangers about. Don't go dissappearing on me now, Raziel." I turnned a back towards him and smiled kindly. The rooster started to crow that the sun was comming up, i left the barn quickly and snuck back into the house, before my parents woke up to find me gone.

Last edited by Kilia; 02-10-2010 at 01:46 AM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 02-10-2010, 01:13 AM

Shiloh walked around the forest. She was always traveling and people didnt really get to know her before they passed her off as a bum who might take money from them. She didnt need their money, she just liked to travel and well payed work was always there for her to find. She came up to a house where two boys were sword fighting. Their father praising them. If only she had lived with that kind of childhood
"Shiloh. Little shy come on out." It was her big brother. She always played hide and seek.
It was a fun game but you could never stay in one spot or Gabriel would find you. Gabriel. Her older brother. The master of finding people and figuring out what they were trying to do.
Shiloh crouched low and moved on the overhead boards above him. He wouldnt be able to find her though it took her around the count to 100 just to get up. She stayed low. Being 7 years old helped because of her short stature and small, light body.
Gabriel looked up and down and all around searching for her. After 20 mins of looking and finally coming to this one place he saw that the board she was on was slightly ((Like a hair slightly)) bending. It wasnt much but it was enough to suspect. He took his sword out and slashed the wood so that she fell and he caught her. "Now what were you....."

Flashback cuts out.
Shiloh is sitting by the tree again. Her cloak flailing in the slight breeze as she watched the boys from the outskirts of the house. What was that? She couldnt tell what the flashback was or who it was that was in it. All her memories had gone from her past. One day she just woke up and was 14 in the forest. Half the things she did or knew how to do shocked her. Did she have some sort of amnesia?

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 01:17 AM

The youth sat stunned for a few moments, blinking slowly after Lyna left the stable. When she disappeared, he thought briefly about what she had said. "Don't go disappearing on me now, Raziel." He frowned, and picked up the fresh cup of water she had left for him. Usually it was the other way around - they always asked him to leave. Letting a breath escape his lips, the dark-haired male finished off the water before laying down. Pulling the blanket closer about his bare shoulders, Raziel shifted to get comfortable.
Sleep came easily, and he swiftly dropped off into unconciousness. Please don't let them find me.

Last edited by Esmme; 02-10-2010 at 02:52 AM..

Kilia is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 01:45 AM


When I got back to my room I couldn't help but wonder why it seemed like he didn't want me to have anything to do with him. I sat down and brushed my hair until i could braid it down my back. After that was done i looked through my closet and pulled out my work clothes, which consitated of some pants, boots, and a shirt.
"Lyna!! Come on down here and eat breakfast and don't forget to take care of these nice people's horses either!!" said my mother as i was coming out of the room. I grabbed a basket and put a brush, hair tie, some of my father's clothes in it, and when i reached the kitchen i put to bottles of apple cider and some food in the basket too. I eat my breakfast then walked out into the living room and saw the people my mother were talking about. They weren't normal people, the looked like Mercenaries from the look of thier clothes. I ran quickly out the front door, with the basket, grabbed the horses reins, and pulled them into the barn.
"Raziel.....Raziel, i am back. Stay quite please. There are Mercenaries here, I think they are looking for you." I whispered as closed the barn doors behind me, and moved over to him with the basket. I saw he was a sleep and i hopped no one else heard me as i whispered to him.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 02-10-2010, 01:58 AM

((Dont worry... she mixes up names all the time lol))

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Kibz is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 01:59 AM

Lavinia overheard some mercenaries speaking of a murderer nearby. This worried her, but she couldn't make it obvious or they'd have her hands for earwigging. She did as they asked and fetched them each a tankard of ale. They didn't look happy. But Lavinia knew how much it annoyed Alex when a chase came back empty. She wondered where her two sons were. Probably fighting with Alex again. I hope they don't grow up too fast..

Alex watched his sons from a distance, proud of the talent they both showed. His first son, or the first born was Tristan. He was always the fastest to learn. And the second born was little Johan. He always looked up to his brother to take care of him, but he could fight always as well. Alex was so proud. If he did get sent back into the army, at least he knew his wife would be safe.

While Alex was deep in thought, he thought he caught a glimpse of someone in the forest behind the boys. He headed towards the woods and called. 'Who's there? I will not harm you if you announce yourself!' The boys stopped fighting and looked at their father at he sneered towards the forest.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 02:02 AM

((lol okay i was just wondering i lol it is all good we all make mistakes))

Last edited by Kilia; 02-17-2010 at 06:45 AM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 02-10-2010, 02:04 AM

Shiloh looked to the man that called to her. She stepped out from behind the trees though it wasnt like she was hiding or anything. He looked angry though. She walked towards him. Only but a young girl walking towards a man teaching his sons to fight. This wasnt awkward at all. She looked at him again as she walked up, not even touching the twin swords crossing behind her back narrowly. "Hello.... Sorry about that i just needed a rest." She said politely then smiled to show she meant no harm.

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Old 02-10-2010, 02:10 AM

'Boys, go inside and help your mother, it sounds busy in there' Like the good sons they were, they put their swords away in the barn shed and headed inside. He was right about it being busy. There were mercenaries, drunks, and regulars mixing together. Looked like trouble would be had before the night was over.

'I do apologise, old habbit i suppose. Theres a lot of bad people lurking about so i wanted to be sure. And don't worry about the boys, they wouldn't harm a fly unless they were ordered to. They just enjoy the practice. So what is your name young lady? And why are you wondering alone?'

Last edited by Kibz; 02-10-2010 at 02:17 AM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 02:17 AM

"Umm well i actually always have travelled alone from what i can remember. My name is Shiloh.... Whats your name?" She asked politely as she watched the boys put their swords in the barn then go to help their mother inside. "I understand about the bad people by the way. Its not too uncommon." Looking around in the woods and the farm on which she was now standing. The place seemed nice and so did the people. Maybe she could as them if she could stay awhile til she would need to leave. She was ahead of schedule for her drop off point anyways so it would be nice to just sit and relax for a little while. But she wouldnt ask yet till she got to fully know the family.

((Are you on the same farm as Lyna?? Just wondering))

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Kibz is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 02:40 AM

((No, she lives at a stable, i own a tavern with a nighthouse, besides, Alex is an ex mercenary, so he'd be obliged to capture raziel if he caught him, unless he was in a good mood ;) ))

'Hello Shiloh, I'm Alex, and those were my twin boys, Tristan and Johan. You look unrested. Maybe i can offer you a meal on the house seen as your on your own, but if you plan on staying the night i would ask for a small fee. We're always glad to have guests, but i do warn you, its friday night and theres usually some trouble, so stay low, especially around the drunks. I'll introduce you to my Wife Lavinia, she'll be glad of the female company'

Alex lead Shiloh inside and told Lavinia to fetch her some food and a drink. He left her to check out the guests and watch for trouble. There were mercenaries here tonight but he didn't reconise any of them so he left him to it. He assumed Lavinia would have listened in anyway.

Lavinia saw a female enter with Alex. She did as he asked of her then sat down with the girl named Shiloh while her husband took care of the guests. 'So, your not from around here then?'

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 02-10-2010, 02:54 AM

Shiloh followed the man inside after nodding to his warning. "Its ok i can handle myself." She said smiling as they walked. Once inside she was asked to sit down while he told his wife to fetch the food and drink. She was glad the woman had brought back water instead of any alcohol. Who knows what wouldve happened if she got drunk. She laughed at the thought. Then the woman sat down next to her "Your not from around here then" She asked. "Sorry... No im not. Im not really from anywhere" She said then smiled at the woman as she took a bite of the food. She savored the delicious taste in her mouth.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 03:03 AM

((Bwahaha, so sorry. I just finished with a different thread. :XD))

Raziel stirred when Lyna entered the stable, and glanced up at her. "They're here?" he asked quietly, his brown eyes narrowing. The youth shifted under the blanket, pulling it tighter about him. "In your home?" Worry crept into his smooth voice, and he frowned.

The mercenary frowned, gulping down his drink. This tavern was where they'd meet up again. In the meantime, the dozen mercs had been split up into groups - some went into the town, others were checking the surrounding land. Glancing about, the rough man sighed, and finished his ale.

((Mercs everywhere in search for this "murderer". . . what will happen now!! *le gasp* :O))

Kilia is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 03:13 AM

((it is okay i had other threads to post in too lol))

"Yes, they are here and in my house. I brought some of thier horses to take care of, if you want to see for your self. Oh, i almost forgot, i brought this basket, it has food, cider, clothes, a brush, and a hair tie in it so you can take care of your self. I thought if you ate and got cleaned up and changed your clothes they would have a hard time reconizing you. You can go up into the loft and take care of your self. I don't think they will come in here yet." I set the basket next to him and went back over to the Mercs' horses and brought them over so he could see that i wasn't lying to him. I started to take everythin off of them and set them on the side of the stalls i was putting them in. I feed them, gave them water and began to brush them down.

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Old 02-10-2010, 03:20 AM

'It's sure nice to see somebody enjoying my food. Most of the guys that come here are too drunk to taste a thing. Hey, if you'd prefer to be alone just tell me to go, I'm just happy to see a lady around the place for a change. It gets lonely when all you hear about is fighting, murders and up and coming wars.'

Lavinia looked around the tavern. Alex was trying to spark a conversation with the mercenaries and her son's were keeping a close eye for trouble. Ok, for now...

Lavinia couldn't help but worry about Alex. He'd been away from the army for so long, it was only a matter of time before he was sent out again.

Alex was trying to start a conversation with the Mercenary, but he didn't find out much, apart from the fact that mercenaries were all over town looking for him. Alex was given a description and was told to keep an eye out. One of them informed Alex that they would be returning here some time soon, so he assured them he'd keep a close eye on surrounding area's.

'Father!' Alex jumped to his feet as Tristan called over. 'Trouble's brewing in the corner!'

The drunks were at it already. Arguing over who was paying for the next drink, of all things. 'Keep it calm folks, you don't want to cause any trouble?'
Trouble? I'll shew yoo trubble The roudy drunk slurred his words as he threw his tankard over the bar and hit his son over the head.
'Mercenary!' With that one of the Mercenary's ran across the room before he had even finished asking and grabbed the drunk by the arm and wrestled him to the floor'

'Anymore of this lad and i'll have your head! Leave now, and take your drunk friend with you!'

With that, the two drunks stumbled out of the tavern and walked on in to the night.
'Thanks, i could have handled it, but i don't look much like a mercenary these days, we have enough trouble as it is without them causing extra trouble!'

Lavinia checked on his son, he was fine. All was calm once more. But it was getting late so she began clearing away. 'Shiloh, do you want a place to stay tonight? We have a spare room upstairs for you to rest in. And i'll not ask you to pay till the morning.'

((I like this RP. hope i'm doing ok, it's my first RP of this style, but ive always wanted to own my own tavern in one xD I have to go real soon though, so if i don't reply i'll get back first thing tomorrow!))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 03:27 AM

Shiloh smiled at the woman who seemed to be happy that there was another female here. "Dont worry your not bothering me" She said as she looked at the men. She stood as the drunks went to attack Alex and hit his son in the head with the cup. She ran over with Lavinia to check on him. He seemed fine. She then suggested that she stay the night. "Sure ill stay but ill pay tonight if thats ok. Maybe for the next three nights or something just to get back on my feet from my long journey." She said happily. She saw the other Mercenary who had given Alex what seemed to be information that he wanted. She flipped her bangs out of her eyes. It was nice to see that some of the mercenaries knew how to take their liquor.

Last edited by Daeman35; 02-10-2010 at 03:54 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 03:59 AM

Raziel took the basket and stood, still tired. "You think well," he said, moving to climb up the ladder. When he reached the loft, he smiled down at the girl. Nodding once, he slipped into the shadows to change and pull his hair back into a rough ponytail. When he sat on the edge of the loft's wooden balcony, he began to eat the breakfast that Lyna brought him. A kind girl, he thought to himself, watching her clean up the horses.
It was best to stay out of the mercenaries' sight, but if it was unavoidable, he may as well look useful. When he finished eating, the young man slipped down the ladder and picked up a pitchfork. Beginning to clean out one of the stalls, he decided to make himself look like hired help.
Many loose strands of his dark brown hair flit about his face as Raziel began to clean out the stable, but he ignored them diligently. Glancing over to Lyna, he smiled a bit. He was feeling better already . . . he was recovering already.

((Any mercenaries that you wish to control, please do. :D They're smart, dangerous, and go to the highest bidder - which at this moment is part of the government, so they would be hard to outpay.))

The mercenaries that were in Lyna's house began to look around.
"We're going to have to give this place a good checking," one of them said gruffly, glancing about. "If we find him in your care, your family will be killed for your betrayal of the Alliance." The man then held up a picture of Raziel. "Have you seen this man?"
As he spoke, a couple of his group headed outside to check the stable.
Glancing at Lyna, one of them moved to look into the stalls. Seeing Raziel, they didn't think he was who they were looking for, and moved on. When finished with their inspection, they left.
The look of relief on Raziel's face was clear, and he reached up to touch the red crystal that he had hidden under his shirt. As long as he stayed hidden, they would never suspect.


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