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Plagg, claws out!
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Old 06-17-2015, 03:01 PM

Wouldn't it be nice if you could warp the world so that it revealed all its secrets? So that you would never have to not know again? What if you had the ability to phase between worlds--past, present, future--to alter time, right wrongs, and fix the broken?

Although such things aren't possible for us, they are for the Dethune brothers and Miss _______. Graced with a unique gift to warp and phase between time, this trio is on a mission to restore balance to the world.

Their world, much like our own, has been brought into chaos by dark forces. These dark forces seek to consume all of life and end humanity.

So how does one, or rather, three prevent the end? Simple. They must build the key to the magical artifact known to bring about balance and a century of peace and prosperity.

Knowing little of their mission at hand, the trio must face the odds as they unclue clues and solve issues in the past, present, and future. While in the past, they must solve an undiscoverable case about a dead body and a missing girl. In the past, they must also hunt the witches that are throwing a holy city into a tizzy of insanity. In the present, they must avoid the eyes of those that seek to destroy by phasing into objects and making their way around the maze that leads toward the holy artifact. In the future, they've a battle to win against an alien invasion. And, in the future, they must also eliminate the threat that currently seeks to destroy them.

Once they have completed all five-tasks, the present day task being the longest and hardest of them all, they will have a clear shot to the key and its mystical powers.

A word of caution. Should the dark ones get their first, the trio will fail and the world will end. But, if the trio can stand tall and put pride aside, they can and will become the heroes the world needs them to be!

Time is of the essence and their abilities to work together will be pushed to the limits as they warp their way to saving humanity!

Last edited by Xavirne; 06-17-2015 at 07:13 PM..

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 06-17-2015, 03:02 PM

Kynal "Ky" Dethune
(Kai-null Death-un)
5-foot, 11-inches
Raven with gray orbs

Some people walk a different tune to life. Seeing things in a darker, more pessimistic light. Although Kynal isn't a true pessimist, he isn't exactly a cheerful one either. His face is often sullen or lacking emotion, both signs of a man who's seen too much. Kynal comes across ruthless, often giving everyone (even his brother) the cold shoulder. Being capable of surviving on his own and taking care of his own skin, Ky likes to think of himself as a lone wolf--needing no one other than he. Still, once you get past that brutish, surly exterior, you'll find a man who would go the extra mile for you. He's fiercely loyal and his inner-drive is peerless. If you prove you're there for the long-haul, he won't let you down.

Kynal has the ability to "flash." Flash allows him to rewind time to avoid originally unforeseen issues. His flash can only go back about 15-seconds but it's usually just enough to undo whatever damage could have been caused during the original iteration. When Ky is about to flash, a red light pulses from his eyes and then swallows him whole. Anyone Kynal is touching can be rewound and brought back 15-seconds. Once back 15-seconds, that group is unscathed and ready to try again.

A major downside of "flash" is that it's extremely taxing on its user. Kynal can only use it so many times before it renders his mind numb and his eyes blind--something this dramatic would only happen if he used it multiple times in a row. Usually, though, Ky will lose a memory of his past. They tend not to be big things, but sometimes forgetting your first kiss, your brother's birth, etc. takes its toll on you. Flashing backwards in time is great and all, but is the cost of life memories really worth it?

Malreth Dethune
(Maul-reth Death-un)
6-foot, 4-inches
Dirty blonde with golden eyes

Friendly, kind, charming. He's everything a woman looks for in a man. He's respectable, sincere, and humble too. Or at least, he's all those things when he's beside his brother. If you weren't to compare him to the older, moodier Ky, Malreth might not seem as charming. Yes, he's friendly. Yes, he's sweet. But so sweet that all women swoon over him? Not so much. Malreth, like any man, has his bouts of anger, sarcastic moments, and belittling down talk. However, such fits aren't usually what define Malreth. He's more optimistic, care-free, and easy-going. He really does his best not to let things get him down.

Unlike his magical older brother, Malreth doesn't have a power or special ability--or at least he has yet to discover one! That being said, Malreth makes up for his lack of magical abilities by being extremely well-versed in that wonderful thing known as... not panicking! No, seriously, Malreth is a very handy man. He's always been good at putting out fires and undoing whatever damage is done. Ky is, more or less, hot-headed and prone to rubbing people the wrong way. Malreth, though the younger of the two, learned to step to the plate and keep things from getting worse.

Cooking. He cannot cook to save his life. He can clean, sew, build, fix, but he cannot cook. It's just too unpredictable for him. Malreth also has a terrible fear of heights and unstable ground. Whatever you do, don't let him cross a rickety bridge over an endless abyss. He won't make it!

Last edited by Xavirne; 06-17-2015 at 06:44 PM..

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Old 06-17-2015, 09:00 PM

Aria Vandar

5-foot 8-inches
Dusty black with crimson eyes

Most girls are born with one, very distinct personality trait that few boys have... The unyielding love of all things girly. Not Aria. All Aria ever wanted was to be left alone. Her blood red eyes and black hair forced her out of normal social situations, and after she lost her family, well... She finally had her wish: Complete solitude. The only problem then was how to survive? Over the years, Aria has become somewhat out of touch from humanity. Avoiding eye contact with anyone she walks by, and keeping her head down has given the world a bad impression of her. Though she would never admit it, time has drawn her to the conclusion that in actual fact, all she wants is company. A hard, cold exterior protects her soft, vulnerable core from the cruelties around her. All she needs now is courage... A trait she is sorely lacking. Oh, and maybe an attitude adjustment. Talk about anger management issues!

Aria has only one power, and it is something that has puzzled her for longer than she can remember... The darkness doesn't seem so dark to this girl. In fact, there doesn't seem to be any darkness, anywhere. Though she isn't really aware that this is a power, she does know that there's something different about her. People seem to walk towards her when she catches their eye. She's even witnessed one man walk right into a tree to get closer to her. Aria tries to avoid looking directly into people's eyes after that incident, but that still doesn't bring her any closer to understanding why it happens.

Aside from her confidence issues and her lack of social skills, Aria has always been cripplingly afraid of cats. No idea why, they've never done anything to her, it's just those cold, expressionless faces... And the needle sharp teeth... And the claws! It makes her skin crawl just to think about it.

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 06-18-2015, 06:11 PM

"Awww, c'mon, is that really the best you've got?"

Blood. There was a lot of it. The vast majority of it was on his fist or streaming from his nose. Cheek, swollen from absorbing so many throws and kicks, was starting to gleam that nasty purple hue--a surefire sign of bruising! Still, he provoked onward. It was almost as if he enjoyed getting his ass-kicked.

It was just one very five. To be fair, the odds weren't in his favor and yet there he was, risking on his shaking, sore knees. Drawing up another fist, he rubbed his nose to wipe away the blood.

"Don't tell me you're pussin' out," he haunted while panting. Sweat drenched him from head to toe. Truthfully, he looked horrid. Wasn't smelling that great either. But such is the case with Kynal. He never knew when to throw in the towel and quit.

"Fiddy on the kid," a man from behind the railing shouted while waving something green. Another chimed in, offering to drop "'undred" on the kid.

In no time, the kid by the name of Kynal Dethune had about 2k to his name. If he could win this fight, almost all that money would be his. His handler, extremely gracious, would only take a small cut because, let's face it, the handler doesn't do shit once the bell is rung.

With his eye on the prize, the last of the five thugs, he gave the first swing. Soon, fists met faces and the two men--one 27 and the other 41--were rolling around in the dust and dirt. Kynal took a snap at the man's back while the man gave the raven a good kick in the gut. Recoiling back, the kid really had to be wary about this fight. If he didn't time it just right, he would lose!

Lost in thoughts, he didn't see the older man grab a chair. He only felt it as it slammed into his back. In seconds, Kynal was defeated. That was until he cracked a grin and let the "flash" happen.

A pulse of red light shot from his eyes. Everyone in the arena was rewound and time was reset to 15-seconds earlier. Knowing just how his opponent was going to fight, Kynal could easily punch him out with one more.

The audience, sitting in stifling silence, broke into a fit of screams and claps. Never before had they seen a knock out like that!

Grin in tow, he bowed and walked to gain his prize. It was time to blow this popsicle joint before someone caught onto his antics and called him out on cheating for "magical gifts" weren't allowed in the rink.

Shrugging it off, he fingered the cash before turning on his heels to exit. Only, instead of moving forward out the door, he flew backwards onto his rump!

"Hey," his voice had a snarl to it.

"Using the flash again, bro?" A man, easily standing over 6-feet tall, glared down at the raven. "I'm telling you, you need to stop relying on that. It's eating away your life." He had a very authoritative voice about him, likely due to being the older brother. However, such was not the case.

the raven rolled his eyes, "must you always be the downer?"

"Ky, I'm never the downer. I'm just worried."

"Bleh, I'll be fine." He sensed an objection. "Ayh! I'm the older brother. I make the rules here. No more complaining!"

"Seriously? Using that card again, are we?"
Sliding his hands over his chest, the blonde laughed. "But fine. Can we, uh, clean you up? You stink."

Ky glared. "Not shit."

"Hmmm, no. I think you're more of a sweaty man smell."

Snorting then grunting, Ky kicked his brother in the shin. "Move it, Groot."

"I... am... Groot!"

"Yes, yes. We get it. You're a walking, talking, useless tree."


Pinching his nose, Ky brushed past the taller yet younger brother. Now outside, he squinted his eyes and growled. "It's still day time?" Yanking his brother's arm toward him, he sighed. "Ugh, it's only 3. Today is dragging."

"Well, maybe after you shower and clean up, I'll treat you to ice cream." Hands on his hips, Malreth smiled. "Unlike you, I have a real job that makes real money."

"Boo, detective Malreth is boring."

"Who's the older one?" With a laugh, the two wandered down the street without a care in the world. Only, about 5-minutes later, Malreth's phone went off.

"Eek, sorry, bro. I have to take this. A witness is being a problem now and demanding to speak to me. I'll uh, catch you later?"

And like that, Malreth was gone. Letting out a sigh, Kynal just slouched. "Fine. But you still owe me ice cream," he half-shouted. Now alone, he slowly walked home, still caked in blood, dust, and sweat.

Last edited by Xavirne; 06-18-2015 at 06:13 PM..

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Old 06-18-2015, 06:53 PM

"Urgh, you have got to be kidding me!"

Out of all of the places, in all of the world, was this homeless guy seriously going to use her her porch as a bedroom? As she stomped out through the ornately carved wooden door of the 1930's timber panel house, Aria's anger subsided. What the hell are you doing, woman? You'r not going to shoo him away!

"Damn it!" she scolded herself. Turning, she grabbed her keys from the side table and slammed the door shut. As she locked up the man on her porch began to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper now that her anger had truly subsided. "You think that lock's gonna stop me, sugar?" were the words that came from those cracked lips, and Aria could smell his breath from the other side of the porch.

As usual, the timid girl turned away, saying nothing. If he breaks into my house, God help him! she though, and then realised that she probably wouldn't do anything at all.

The day was quiet. Grey clouds rolled through the usually blue sky and the air was humid and sticky. Looks like storms Aria though, and sighed. Walking beneath the neat row of trees along the street, Aria was grateful that the impending storms seemed to be keeping people in their homes. There would usually be primped housewives mowing lawns or planting flowers, their husband's at work for the day and their snotty children at playgroup. Today, there was peace.

Not that any of that mattered. They never spoke to her anyway. Every now and then Aria would catch one of the neighbours giving her sympathetic looks, some of them even gave her crude scowls, and still nobody spoke.

Pulling the hood of her hoodie tight over her head, Aria began the short walk to the local shop. Why don't they deliver milk any more? she pondered to herself. Glancing up, Aria spotted a fat white cat coming closer to her. She stopped dead in her tracks and the cold sweats started. "Keep going, please keep going, fat cat" she murmured. And just like that, the cat smelled her fear and began to growl, low in it's throat, that menacing growl that cats do when they hate you.

"Shit!" Aria gulped as she started to walk faster. Faster. Faster. And now she was running. "Leave me alone!" she was shouting. The furry demon seemed to be governing where she went and before she knew it, Aria had missed the shops completely and was heading into the down town area.

Too caught up in fleeing from the flee bag, Aria had been neglecting to look where she was going, and then with a force that knocked her down onto her butt, she slammed into Ky. Without even looking up or thinking to apologise, Aria threw herself onto her hands and knees and scrambled behind him. "No! Get away from me!" she screamed at the furry menace as it prowled and stalked it's way closer to her.

Last edited by OriginalSin; 06-18-2015 at 06:54 PM.. Reason: Tiny Writing!

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 06-18-2015, 08:01 PM

Please don't rain, please don't rain, please don't rain. He kept saying those words over and over in his mind. With the looming gray clouds, it was bound to open up at any point. Even though Kynal didn't want it to rain, it probably wouldn't hurt him. He did smell after all! Still, one cannot blame a man for not wanting to get caught in the rain. And so, he kicked up his pace and kept his mind on chanting the "rain, rain go away" song.

Just as he was nearing his turn something ran into him. Honestly, with the momentum he was putting into his steps forward, the sudden thud didn't phase him. It almost didn't phase him to the point where he missed that a woman was frantically scrambling behind him.

Finally realizing what was going on, the raven cocked a brow.

A woman. Running from a cat.

Did women not love cats? He browsed through his mind. Every women he knew had an obsession with cats. They would literally shrill at the mere sight of a cat. And yet, here this busty broad was, cowering in fear behind him. Truly, it was a sight to behold. Where was Malreth when he needed him?

Eyes coasting down his roughed up form, Kynal sighed. He looked like hell. He was surprised she wasn't running from him. The day a man dotted in blood and sweat is concerned "prettier" than a fat, fluffy, tubby cat was the day pigs would fly.

Looking up, Kynal noticed no pigs. "Drats," he cursed under his breathe. Clearly the 'scary cat' was still 'prettier' than him

"Here, kitty, kitty," Kynal bent while trying not to throw his ass in her face. "C'mon, c'mon." Wriggling his finger, he tried to coax the cat forward. "Is this woman being mean to you?" His voice sunk and he dramatically said again, "Is she being mean?"

The cat, as if on cue, drooped its ears and dropped its attitude. Softly, it mewed.

"Awww, are you chasing the pretty good because you wanted her to pet you?" The cat mewed again. "I'm sowwy, baby. I'll pet you instead." Walking while still in the squatting position, Kynal ran a hand down the cat's spine. "Datta good baby," he cooed while his other hand tickled the cat's chin. "She just doesn't appreciate you and your tubbiness, does she?"

Before the cat could offer Aria a hiss, Kynal was swooping the fat thing into his arms and burying his head in the massive, fluffy belly.

"This is Tubberz." Peering up from over the fluff, he glanced down at the woman. "My brother's friend's cat. He's cat-sitting this week and Tubbsie-Wubbsie must have escaped."

Literally just feet from his apartment, Kynal ran up the half-dozen steps and let the cat inside. "I'll get you some tuna when Malreth's not looking." Closing the door, Kynal leaned back up against it and just stared at the woman.

"So... you're afraid of cats." Doing the typical thing all men do when they think they're a hero, he gracefully ran his finger under his nose and turned his chin up. "Guess that means me owe me for saving you're life."

While all this transpired, Kynal's anti-rain chant stopped as did his memory of what he wore. He was still dressed in his hobo-esque fight get-up. And, naturally, the sky cracked open and began to dump buckets of water on him.

Brows furrowing, he scooted under the lip of his apartment just enough to dodge the large drops. And, sadly, this is the part where Kynal's real personality came out--he just turned and walked inside, completely ignoring the girl in the streets.

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Old 06-18-2015, 10:12 PM

Aria sat staring in complete disbelief. What is this guy playing at? That cat is a muderous loon! she thought to herself. Her mouth hanging wide open, she cradled her knees to her chest and prayed that he didn't bring the damn thing any closer to her.

Sitting there, watching him, she started to feel a weird feeling inside her chest, and for no reason at all, Aria started to laugh. She hadn't laughed in so long! It was a like a bubble bursting inside her. As she watched him, she noticed little things, like the fact that he had blood spatters over his clothes and he smelled... Really bad. She began to wonder what she had just gotten herself into. Was this guy some kind of crazed murderer? Was he going to turn on her?

Aria found herself backing away from him and moving closer to a stairway behind her. By the time he started to head up to his apartment, she was sat on one of the steps with her legs cradled to her chest, and she had began to shake uncontrollably. She wasn't sure if it was shock or cold, but she couldn't stop. Everything from there happened so fast, one second he was acting like a hero, the next it started to rain and then he was gone.

What the...?. Aria sat staring at the doorway where he had been standing and she couldn't help but wonder if she had offended him in some way. She wasn't even sure if she was relieved or upset that he had gone. People are so confusing!

With the rain pouring down in heavy waves, Aria sat where she was for a good ten minutes. She didn't really know what to do with herself. She hadn't spoken a word to him, she had avoided looking at him so he didn't start acting all weird, and he had still slammed the door on her. Eventually, Aria stood up and a sharp pain spread down her leg. Looking down she realised for the first time that she was bleeding from her knee. She had been in such a panic that she had dragged it across the floor when she crawled behind that guy.

"Great!" she whispered. "This is all I need right now" and Aria started to limp her way back the way she had come from.

The long, dark hair that usually flowed around her shoulder in big wavy curls was completely flat and had begun to stick to her face. Her green hoodie was heavy with water and her black skinny jeans were hugging her tighter than they usually did. Water squelched in her black sneakers and Aria felt more alone and full of sorrow than she had done in a long time. As she limped along, she began to cry, and all she could think was Why can't I just be normal?!.

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 06-18-2015, 11:04 PM

Back in his rather quaint apartment, Kynal was peeling away his clothes and hopping in the shower. He also gave the cat its much promised tuna! While showering, he thought of nothing, save for the fact that he earned some good cash. Still, a shudder ran down his spine. Something about today was eating away at him. It was as if he knew something bad was about to happen and he didn't know what.

Out of the shower and freshly dressed, it finally clicked that he left the poor girl out on the steps. Smacking himself in the head, he went to check on her but saw she had left.

"Oh thank god," he mused while looking at his phone. "Come on, Mal, when are you coming home?" A boom of thunder shook the house and Kynal growled. "You're not helping, weather!" With little to do but watch TV, he flopped on the couch and flicked the 40-inch LED Smart TV on. "Boring, boring, boring," he said aloud as he scrolled over titles. Eventually he just quit and started at his phone. Not receiving a text from Malreth was really starting to chip away at Ky's soul. His brother never went this long without giving him a head's up.

"Maybe I should... call him?"

"Ma'am, please calm down. I really don't want to book you." Malreth was doing his best to talk down an irate witness but it seemed hopeless. "Listen, if you keep this up, we'll toss you in a cell. You can bet your ass that he won't get you in here." As she blabbed on, the blonde finally rolled his eyes and walked out on her.

"Lock her up and throw away the keys, please," he stressed as he handed off his files to another officer. "I think I'm going to attempt to head home again. If something serious comes up, you can page me. If not, I'd like to take that vacation day I was promised."

Stepping toward the front of the building, he stopped just in time to catch a flash of lightning. "Whoa, don't want to go outside without you, my friend." Reeling backwards, he grabbed an umbrella and started back out.

"Hey, you want a ride?" A female receptionist who lived just two blocks from him came running at him in ridicuously high heels. "I could drop you off, if you'd prefer."

"Nah, your place works. I'll just have a brisk, 5-minute jog in the rain. Might be nice to soak up some water," he teased.

Following his coworker, he got into her civic and they drove away. "Hey, thanks," he smiled. There relationship was always awkward. Mainly her fault. She tried to kiss him when he was dating a cop in the next city over. Needless to say, the relationship ended between Mal and cop. These two? They tried not to act too awkward so she frequently drove him home in hopes of not tipping the rest of the station off.

"Not a problem," she faked a smile.

Umbrella up and out, Malreth started his hasty walk back to his place. At one point, he even started running but a strange turn of events made him slow to a near-crawl.

"Miss," he held his umbrella out to shield her from the water, "are you okay?" He couldn't help but notice that the raven was crying and bleeding in the middle of the sidewalk. "If you'd like a hot cup of tea and for someone to look at that, my place is just down the way," he gestured back down the path she just came from. "If not, let me call you a cab so you can get back home." It was plainly evident that he was a man of the law for his badge was hanging out from beneath his semi-untucked shirt.

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Old 06-19-2015, 08:04 AM

As Aria moped along, she began to wonder how her life might have turned out had her parent's had still been alive. Her mother was a short, slender thing of about 5 foot 3, with a big beaming smile and radiant blonde hair. Her father had been in the police force, and was a stocky 6 foot 2, with raven black hair and blue eyes that were so light they almost looked silver. Neither one of them had ever questions their daughter's strange eyes, and neither one of them had been affected by the strange allure they seemed to have. I miss you, both! she thought to herself.

Maybe if they had still been here, they would have been able to help with Aria's anxiety and confidence issues. Her father had always said that she got the best of both of them; her mother's smile and petite frame, and his hair and attitude. It was hard for Aria to see either one of them in herself when she looked into a mirror. They had been gone so long she had started to forget what they even looked like. The only thing to remind her were the pictures dotted around the house that they had left for her.

After a while, Aria realised that she was still crying. She grabbed her sleeve and wiped her eyes with it, leaving dark streaks of mascara where soft green fabric met her face. I bet I look like a drowned rat. With make up on. And a hole in my knee! she grumbled. Out of nowhere, a man appeared in front of her, and she immediately turned her eyes down and looked at the converse sneakers on her feet. He asked if she needed help, and she began to feel a sense of panic.

Just as soon as her fear set in, she noticed the badge hanging from his waist band. He was a cop, of the same district that her father had been. She relaxed a little "I've no change for a cab, only my card. But thank you anyway. I'm okay to walk" she said, in her bravest voice, but even still, her words were almost lost in the thrashing of the rain. As she began to walk again, there was a loud clap of thunder and Aria almost fell over with shock. How long has it been thundering? she wondered, thinking back and realising she had been wandering in her own little world. Spinning around on her heel, Aria did the most uncharacteristic, brave thing that she had ever done in all her life.

Glancing up momentarily, she said "But a tea would be nice. And I don't have any bandages at my place. If you don't mind, that is?"

Last edited by OriginalSin; 06-19-2015 at 08:07 AM..

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 06-25-2015, 04:47 PM

Malreth hadn't expected the woman to immediately accept his offer as it would be very strange to take a man up on such a cryptic offer. Granted, when she eventually saw his badge (which, might I add, he tried to subtly show), he cracked a smile. "Well it's whatever you prefer. I have a duty to uphold to ensure all the fine citizens of our lovely city are safe and happy."

At her comment about not having medical supplies, he frowned. "We'll have to fix that. Wouldn't want you to be empty handed if something like this ever happened again."

Shifting the umbrella, he walked just close enough to the woman to keep her dry all while keeping himself dry, or at least his front half. His rear and back seemed to stick out from beyond the umbrella--the curse of getting an umbrella just big enough for one!

In relatively no time, they were before a familiar set of apartment buildings. Before she could offer up a decline, he was escorting her into the house and shaking off the water as if he were a dog.

"Br-" his voice cracked as the male literally appeared out of nowhere from behind and touched his shoulder. "Holy hell, you scared the living daylight out of me." Hand on his heart, he glanced at their guest. "Put on some tea for Miss...."

Well that was awkward. He never asked for her name and yet he invited her into his home. Whacking himself mentally, he forgot the same thing!

"I'm so rude," he said while collapsing the umbrella. "I'm detective Malreth Dethune. And this is my twin, Kynal."

Kynal, instantly realizing who she was, kindly tucked the cat behind his ankle. "Yeah, I know who she is. She hates cats."

"Cats?" Malreth quipped a brow and turned from his brother to the woman. "And how do you know this?"

"She was running from the cat," he glanced down to his feet, "who somehow escaped. She ran behind me and I took the cat in."

"And you couldn't offer her some alcohol and band-aids?" Malreth was shaking his head while sighing. "Ky, Ky, Ky...."

"What? I saved her. I did my part." Rolling his eyes, the male retreated into the kitchen to prevent the teapot from whistling. "Besides, she didn't tell me she was hurt."

"And this is why you're not a detective." Pointing down to her knees, he gave his brother a stupid face. "Are you sure you're not blind."

"I have more important things to worry about."

"Like what?"

"Saving her from the cat."

"Wow," he clapped sarcastically. "My hero." Turning to face Aria, he sighed. "You'll have to forgive and ignore him. He's a special one. Anyway, why don't I show you the bathroom and see if I can get you all patched up." His smile was contagious and so pure. It was evident that, of the twins, he was the nicer, more sincere brother.

"Black or cream and sugar?" Ky looked up at the female. "For the tea. How do you want it?"

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Old 06-28-2015, 02:37 PM

Aria blushed a little at the sudden shock on the man's face when she accepted his offer. After he smiled at her though, she felt a little easier. "I, erm, saw your badge, and, well, I don't usually act like this. I'm trying something new today" she mumbled. What Aria didn't mention was that she had a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. Somehow, she just knew that this man was about to change everything for her.

When he mentioned something like this happening again, Aria had a sudden urge to laugh. "Thing's like this don't happen! Ever! I've never actually fallen over before" she giggled, whilst trying not to let her embarrassment show. And then she was underneath his umbrella, walking back the way she had come. Aria could see that Malreth was getting wet, but she didn't want to move any closer to him, so she just walked along beside him silently. A million thoughts were racing through her mind, none of them were expecting to stop outside the same apartment block she had fallen at.

As Aria started to protest, the man ushered her inside and suddenly her fears were gone. The building was so warm, and she hadn't realised how cold she was. Wrapping her arms around herself, Aria followed the stranger further into his home. When another man appeared behind them, Aria felt a familiar sense of panic, but when it became obvious that the two knew each other, she relaxed again. When the man finally introduced himself as Malreth, Aria nodded. Glancing around to look at the man Malreth was introducing as his brother, her heart sank.

Frowning, Aria decided to speak, finally. "Hi, I'm Aria." she smiled at Malreth. "And I do NOT hate cats! They hate me!" she defended herself against Ky's words.

Watching the two men, Aria couldn't help but smile. They were very quick with each other, and their teasing words were also quite fond. Having noticed the white, fluffy ball of mayhem sat on the floor behind Kynal, Aria took one hesitant step backwards, but when the beast padded off into another room, she felt her shoulders slump and her breath flow easily again. "That's alright" she smiled at Malreth when he apologised for his brother. When he smiled at her, she could feel the warmth and kindness coming from within him, and she instantly grew fonder of him. So much so, that she actually dared to look up at him. Her red eyes settled on his and she gave a radiant smile. Aria had been living in the shadows far too long.

When Kynal spoke to her again, she looked over at him. "Black, please. If it's not too much trouble" she smiled, but it wasn't a whole hearted smile like the one she gave his brother. This one was more reserved. Somehow, Aria knew that Kynal was going to take a while to come around to her, but that didn't matter, because she wasn't sure if she would ever come around to him.

Looking back at Malreth, she decided to find that courage of her's once more. "What's the deal with your brother? He seems to have developed a dislike to me, and I'm not too sure why! I barely said two words to him" she sighed, and looked into Malreth's eyes, hoping for an answer that wouldn't upset her as much as the one she feared.

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 07-06-2015, 02:13 PM

As she righted his wronged brother's assumptions, Malreth smirked. This woman has spunk, even if she was previously crying on the corner in the rain.

Mal rolled his eyes, "He's got one of those long, sad back stories. He would kill me if I told you, but I'm going to share anyone since you seem to be at the receiving end of his angst." Getting out some gauze and cleaning supplies for her wounds, he began the little trip down memory lane.

"Kynal had it all. Perfect grades, perfect girl, perfect friends, perfect everything. He was an all-star soccer player for his college who was to go on to bigger and better things. Or at least, that's what we all thought. But all of that tanked post-Valentine's Day. His girlfriend of seven years decided, out of the blue, to cancel their date last minute. We both thought it odd and I, being the kid with the degree in criminal law and having a detective knack for investigating, had to dig deeper."

He frowned. "Kind of wish I hadn't as Kynal's world came crashing down that day. His girlfriend had been seeing his best friend off on the side. He came from money. Ky and I... well, we don't. The only reason we got into college is because I volunteered a ton and got a partial ride to school. And Ky? Being the all-star athlete got a full ride based on his soccer skills." He gingerly cleaned out the cut and applied some ointment before putting down some gauze and taping on a band-aid.

"He hasn't been the same since." Looking up, he pat her fixed up leg. "And that was two years ago. He hasn't trusted anyone since then." Rising, he placed his hands behind his head. "Can you try walking on that? I want to make sure it's not too tight?"

It was around that time that a whistling noise came from another room along with a shout. "Tea's done!"

Malreth rolled his eyes again. "Aria, please do try to forgive his manners. When she left, the better side of him died. It's been a long struggle but I've slowly been bringing back the charming man he once was. He'll warm up to you eventually, especially if you promise him nothing in return. I honestly don't think his heart can take the betrayal again."

"Yo," Kynal was now poking his head in the bathroom. "If you two keep chit-chatting, the tea will get cold." His eyes flicked up past Aria. "Since the ice cream is off the table due to piss-pour weather, you can get me pizza instead."

Malreth cocked a brow before shifting his attention to the woman he was helping. "Don't suppose you want to join us for pizza and wait out this rain?"

Pouting ever so slightly, Ky glared at the woman. "You better like buffalo chicken...."

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Old 07-07-2015, 09:37 AM

Aria sat quietly while Malreth told her all about Ky's past and his problems with trust. Occasionally, she winced or flinched with the pain of having her wound cleaned out, and when Malreth poured an ointment onto it she had to fight with herself to stop from screaming, or kicking him in the face. She wasn't too sure which one.

"So, he's like with everyone? I haven't offended him or upset him in any way?" Aria asked with slight relief. As Malreth wrapped bandages around her cut, Aria began to ponder. What must that have been like? she thought. It suddenly struck her that she couldn't even imagine what it would be like to have suffered that much betrayal. She had never been that close to anyone that wasn't her parents and she had certainly never been in love with anyone. Apart from that guy from the Supernatural series. Jensen...

Shaking her head back into reality... and making sure she wasn't drooling... Aria nodded as Malreth asked her to try to stand on her leg. "That's great, not too tight and doesn't feel like it might fall off" she smiled as she stood and bent her knee to make sure she could still move her leg. He was good with a first aid kit, that was certain.

"I didn't realise that there was a reason for it, and now that I do, I'll at least be less sarcastic. I might even be nice" she smiled, but there was something hanging over her now. Something she never thought she might feel for another person; Sympathy. There was a brief moment when Ky poked his head around the bathroom door that Aria saw him for something she had previously thought he could never be. She saw him as damaged. And though Malreth was helping him to heal, he still had a way to go before he was himself again. She could relate to that, most definitely.

When she was offered to stay by Malreth, Aria couldn't contain her grin. "I'd love to!" she smiled. "If that's not too much of an intrusion. You've already helped me so much" she added as she regained her composure. Turning with a smile towards Ky, she saw the look on his face and almost burst out laughing. He reminded her of a child that isn't getting it's own way, and she was suddenly brought back to a phrase her mother used to say to her all the time when she was small. "Turn that frown upside down" and Aria had such an urge to repeat it to Kynal. Instead, she beamed a huge grin at him as she shuffled past him through the doorway. "I love buffalo chicken" she giggled as she turned back around to face him. "What are you waiting for? The tea's getting cold" she chuckled repeating his words back to him.

Turning on her heel, Aria made her way back through the apartment only looking back to see if they were following her.


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