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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 10:08 PM

A gift? That made sense. Though why anyone would give this timid man an Inn was beyond her, except maybe they had wanted to teach him a lesson. She leaned forward when he spoke about his fear. Absentmindedly, the hunter slipped her long braid from her back to her shoulder so she could play with the metal spiked leather holding the hair together. "Have you considered reinventing the Inn? Giving it a different name might help, for one. Bats aren't very well regarded. A lot of people consider them back luck, evil creatures."

There was a chance she was helping the very kind of creature she was meant to hunt. But he seemed so frail and fragile. Chrissie couldn't refuse to offer aid when she could. Only time would tell if the decision was the right one.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 10:47 PM

"I-I like bats.." Was that an odd thing to say? He certainly felt like he had said something odd once the words left his lips and he hugged himself a bit tighter. "B-bats eat bugs...I hate bugs...s-so I like bats. T-they aren't bad...they a-aren't bad luck either." Evil creatures? Well..maybe the vampires that turned into bats were just giving bats a bad reputation. It didn't matter he supposed. People would think what they wanted regardless.

Besides, even if he wanted to change the name of the inn, Virsat doubted his master would allow him to. "I-it doesn't matter anyway." He had looked away from her again, his arms slowly coming down so his hands rested in his lap. Those fingers gripping at it's pants a bit. Slowly he looked at her again, she seemed like such a nice person. Virsat felt a pang of guilt now. Was he already getting attached to this person? No no no. He wasn't supposed to make friends with his master's food! That was like trying to keep a cow as a pet and expecting people to not make steak out of it.

It didn't seem like the enchantment had worked on her either, he should tell her to leave, but then that might make her suspicious. Virsat frowned deeply, biting his bottom lip. His fingers clenching tightly at the fabric of his pants. If he told her to get out, before it was too late, his master would also be furious with him. If she did listen to such a warning she would most like bring an angry mob back, tear the place down and destroy him and his master. "D-do you like my inn?" There seemed to be a hint of hopefulness in his expression, in the way he asked the question even though he was trying to hide it.

Why should it matter to him if she liked the inn or not? Most likely she would be dead before the sun rose. His body had tensed a bit more.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 11:03 PM

The poor man, always seeking comfort from himself. It didn't see like there was anyone else for him to turn to either. That mysterious friend of his was nowhere to be seen. But she was there. Could they be friends? Maybe, if he wasn't a creature she was meant to hunt. She really hoped he wasn't. 'I know they aren't. Most of the time. People are often wrong about a lot of things."

She wanted to cheer him up. So the next question Virsat asked gave her the perfect opportunity. And what she said was entirely the truth. "This place has a charm all its own. Yeah, I like it. " Chrissie dropped her braid and laughed a bit. "The food's good." The food made up for the odd feeling she'd caught walking through the door.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 11:18 PM

That faint smile was on his lips again, she knew bats weren't bad. His smile seemed to grow a little bit when she said she liked the inn. For a moment, it made him feel warm, inside and out, but only for a moment. Then his smile faded, and his eyes had traveled to her hair. He liked the way she wore it, braided like that. It seemed like a good way to keep it back and out of the way. "C-charm? I-it's very quaint." Though perhaps to some that meant charm? Those red eyes stared at her hair a few moments longer.

He brought his own hands up, to run them through his long strands, shifting the hair. Those few red strands in the front catching in the light a bit better than his black hair did. His hair it was so long, it often got in his way, but his master liked it down. Liked it long, still. "I-I like your hair." A direct compliment. If he had been human, he might've blushed at saying something so directly like that. "I-I'm glad you like the inn...a-and the food." He shifted in his seat again.

The sun was setting, and for a moment the inn was a bit darker at the loss of outside light. Candles suddenly burst into life and the fireplace as well, Virsat flinched at the sudden light, even though his part of the table was still mostly in shadows. Still the candles and fireplace always did that at this time, he should be used to it by now but he wasn't. He ran his fingers through his hair a moment longer before letting his hands drop to his lap.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 11:38 PM

Chrissie smiled, and lifted her hands to start undoing her braid. It was a bad idea. When the lights flared on, the soft pads of her fingers slid across sharp metal. Blood welled from the wounds, but she acted like she hadn't noticed and kept unbraiding her hair until the spiked leather accessories lay across the table. Her hair fell to her lower back. Having it so long helped give her a disguise when she needed it.

"I don't get compliments very often. Thank you for this one." People tended to shy away from her. They also tended to judge her as unnatural, because she did everything the opposite of what they thought it should be. And yet those same people depended on her to survive. She hunted their demons. Chrissie smiled again. It was hard not to look at the red streaks in his hair, even if the firelight that made them shimmer had been conjured by magic.

Magic was not used very commonly for such a simple task as lighting candles. It took away power that might be needed for more serious workings. And yet someone in the Inn had done just that.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 11:59 PM

Didn't get compliments often? But she was such a nice person, she should be showered with compliments, but Virsat was not the one to do such a thing. His master complimented him often when he did things properly. He had a feeling he was not dealing with this person very properly. That faint smile was on his lips when she thanked him, but it faded quickly enough. His nose twitched slightly. The scent of blood. Her blood. It made him tense and the shadows seemed to shift a bit. Restless. Hungry.

Virsat wasn't allowed to taste the blood of anyone or anything but his master. Now the scent of this woman's blood was in his nose, and in his master's. The scent hung in the air, though of course such a thing only hung in the air to those sensitive to that type of thing. A vampire and a creature of darkness were two such things. His body almost trembled, it smelled good. Different than his master's blood. Warm and almost inviting. It was different than the scent of death and decay his master left behind when devouring humans. This was warm, living blood. Virsat licked his lips.

"T-that s-s-seems like a d-dangerous h-hair tie." The words could barely leave his lips. His eyes on the spiked band on the table. He could see it. A drop of blood on it. So faint, so warm. It smelled so inviting. His masters blood wasn't warm. It was hot and cold at the same time, a strange sensation and it's smell was of dust and mildew. It was nothing like the blood he was smelling now.

Virsat wanted this woman's blood! Such a thing wasn't allowed though. No, she was food for his master, and his master was the only one he could take food from. He clenched his hands tightly and stood rather suddenly. "E-excuse me!" He spoke the words quickly and would dart away from her, unless stopped. If she didn't stop him he would head into the kitchen, then down a small hall and to the door at the end of that hall. Through that door and into the basement.

Last edited by Kry; 04-29-2014 at 12:37 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 03:57 AM

So, her braid had upset him. Or perhaps it had been her blood. Chrissie licked her fingers, and picked up the spiked leather bindings with careful hands. She couldn't let him leave. There were too many questions still hanging in the air. Still, perhaps some time apart would do them both good. Questions flickered through her thoughts, only half formed. Why that tingling when one walked through the door? Then there was that sudden sensation of being watched, observed. Chrysantha had felt that before, in the most dangerous of situations.

Her belief that Virsat couldn't be responsible for it only drove home how clouded her judgement had become. People couldn't be trusted. Appearances lied more often then not. The truth lay hidden swathed beneath layers of cobwebs and fog. "Virsat. I would like to have breakfast with you tomorrow. There are some questions I'd like to ask. Would that be alright?" For the most part, vampires slept during the day. She supposed she wanted to test him still, to see if he really could be one of them. It was imperative that she find out.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 04:31 AM

Virsat paused in mid flight when she spoke, he hadn't really made it more than half a step anyway. Those red eyes turned to her and he blinked, looking a bit surprised, that nose wrinkling slightly at her scent. He had to get away from that smell, so warm and inviting. It made it hard for him to concentrate on what she was saying. So hard to focus, he grit his teeth, his hands clenched tightly. "Y-yes..that...that would be a-alright." Those words spoken and he fled from her. From her scent.

He wouldn't stop again until he was safely in the basement. The door closed behind him and his back pressed against it as he stood on the top step. If he were human his heart would have been pounding, but his body did tremble, his legs felt shaky and he didn't trust them to carry him down the stairs. He didn't need to, his master came to him. Tendrils of shadow came from the depths of the dark basement and wrapped around him. Pulling him gently down the stairs. The creature that waited Virsat at the bottom of those steps looked human enough but it was far from human.

The vampire was embraced gently, almost tenderly and the creature's neck presented to Virsat's lips. His pet was hungry, tormented by the scent of blood of a human, only this creature was allowed to torment his pet in anyway, so he would ease Virsat's hunger for now. Then once Virsat was satiated the creature would feed on one of the few patrons sleeping further upstairs.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 04:57 AM

Chrysantha continued her braiding, and sat at the shadowed table for a while. A man slumped over his own table, snoring. He'd probably had too much to drink. Some of the staff got him up and about, and carried him upstairs to where his room probably was. The hunter spent her evening watching. Nothing suspicious ever happened, nothing that indicated the Inn was far more then it seemed.

Only Virsat had been different. And the flames, and the tingling of walking through the doorway. She thought of that, as she stood and whispered a few words to one of the staff. A stable hand rushed outside to care for her old horse, to give the gelding warm mash and a comfy bed of straw. Meanwhile, Chrissie wandered up the stairs and into her own room. To wander anywhere else would have been imprudent.

As she settled down for sleep, disrobing and slipping on a simple white shift, Chrysantha caught herself running fingers through her loose blonde hair. Virsat had said he liked it. She didn't even know what to think of such words. Shaking her head, she shoved the thoughts aside like she did the blankets of her bed. Sleep claimed her the moment the hunter let herself relax.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 05:28 AM

Sometime during the night one of the patrons of the inn had been devoured by the creature. He hadn't bothered Virsat's new friend, not yet at least. The creature would wait, he could torture her in front of Virsat, it would be a fun game but not just yet. Once the sun began to rise, and fully fed the creature departed into the shadows, taking human form in the basement again. This time to gently wake Virsat and let him feed some.

The sun had been up for maybe an hour or two before Virsat came out of the basement. Moving down the hall that led to the kitchen and from there to main area of the inn. He was a bit worried, she wanted to have breakfast with him, but he couldn't eat human food, or anything for that matter. His body couldn't digest food at all, and other blood was forbidden to him. There was a bit of a frown on his lips as he exited the kitchen, wondering if Chrissie was up yet. He stretched a bit, careful to avoid rays of direct sunlight as he moved to his table. Half shrouded in shadow.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 05:35 AM

Chrissie slid from her bed, and the first thing she did was grab one of her knives. She started going through every inch of her room. Nothing had been moved, and nothing taken. Good. She dressed in clothing similar to the day before, braided her hair once more. Floor boards creaked as she left her room behind, with a few little hidden surprises in her pack for anyone who might wander by and want to take a peek inside.

The bracelet around her wrist chimed lightly with her every move. That was a new addition to Chrysantha's attire. She didn't believe the charms actually worked, banishing those with ill intent away, but it couldn't hurt to try when she was so uncertain of everyone. Once on the main floor, where a rare few patrons sat at their tables, she veered for Virsat's table. "Hi there. Sleep well?" She settled down with a half-smile.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 07:55 AM

Virsat had slept well and he nodded lightly in response to her question as she approached. He had slept well, but he was tired. It didn't show, but the sun was rising and as it rose it did weaken him but that was only natural. As a vampire he would much prefer to be sleeping right now and waking up as the moon rose, but this was how things had to be. How they had been for a long while now, and Virsat was used to it by now.

A faint smile touched his lips and then faded as the serving girl came to see what Chrissie wanted for breakfast. As before Virsat ignored the doll and she in turn ignored him. His red eyes on Chrissie, but just looking at her made him remember the scent of her blood, it had only been small droplets the scent had been so strong. The vampire tried to push those thoughts away, licking his lips slightly to moisten them. "D-did you have a g-good rest?" It was the polite thing to do, wasn't it?

He shifted a bit in his seat, though there was something about her this morning, it made him slightly more uncomfortable to be near her. Virsat couldn't quite put his finger on why though. Maybe he was just nervous his master would eat her, or punish him for trying to make friends with her. It had to be one of those reasons.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 09:29 PM

She lifted her head, gave her order to the serving girl again. It was a different one this time, less buxom, a slight frail looking young woman. That had to be why her eyes were so bored looking. Or was it just that? The hunter shook her head, and turned her attention to Virsat. Maybe he was a new friend, or perhaps a new enemy. The uncertainty of not knowing nearly had her yelling for the truth. Instead, the blonde leaned her arms across the table and smiled. "I did, actually. But I would have rested well anywhere, after the time I had getting here. You'd think the towns would put some patrols out to keep bandits in check, but no. So travelers need to be smart enough, and nimble enough, to dodge out of sight at a moment's notice, taking all their things with them too."

There had been no signs of anything dark, or ominous. It brought her thoughts back to the rumors. She had gotten to the inn seeking a bounty, and found a potential friend instead. "I really hope those rumors that keep putting people off, well I hope they aren't true. Not even a bit." Her blue eyes flicked up to assess Virsat. "I head some people talking about hiring a hunter when I passed through town." Mentioning her own profession was probably a bad idea. Still... she did want to tease out the truth of things. That was the whole reason why she was there. And if matters were other then what people thought, then warning Virsat was only the right thing to do.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-30-2014, 08:15 AM

That faint smile was on his lips when she said she had slept well, though it faded a bit, nodding slightly. Agreeing that the roads were treacherous. Honestly, Virsat didn't know the full extent of how dangerous the roads were but he did know some bandits plagued stretches of it in either direction and for a while that had sufficed as a good cover for why most people never made it out of the inn.

He nodded again when she said those wistful words of the rumors being false. Virsat felt a slight pang for hiding the true, but his survival, more importantly, his master's survival depended on such a thing and the vampire would do anything in his power to keep his master safe. However, when she mentioned the word 'hunter' his body jerked rather visibly like a jolt had gone through him, and he seemed a little paler than usual. Those lips parted slightly into a tiny 'O' and he trembled a bit. Fear evident in his red eyes.

Those eyes had turned from her, shifting towards the door, as if at any moment a hunter might burst in and start slaying him or his master. "N-no...T-that...that w-would be t-terrible..!" His voice seemed a bit shaky to his own ears, and his wary gaze didn't leave the door. Virsat knew he shouldn't have reacted like that, but he couldn't stop it. His arms had come up to hug himself. Sitting like that, with his eyes on the door it almost seemed as if he were waiting with bated breath for the inevitable to occur.

Last edited by Kry; 04-30-2014 at 08:31 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-30-2014, 09:16 PM

Now that had gotten a very obvious reaction. She sighed and leaned back, shooting a look at the door. While her suspicions grew, so did Chrissie's want for them to be wrong. Not all vampires were bad. She knew that. Some of them had helped her oust their malicious brethren. That still didn't mean the hunter was on friendly terms with any denizens odd the night. But if Virsat was one of them ... If he was, then he knew what was going on inside the Inn, and why patrons kept disappearing.

"But having a hunter take a look at the Inn would put the rumors to rest, wouldn't it? Which means that more people would start coming here again." The blonde said the words matter-of-factly. Still, she did somewhat understand his reaction. People thought of hunters as a hateful necessity most of the time, seeing them as only a step above their prey. She understood why a normal human might fear someone such as her. Hesitantly, the hunter reached out to press her hand against his arm comfortingly. "I'm sure everything will be alright."

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Kry is offline
Old 04-30-2014, 09:51 PM

Virsat twitched slightly when she reached out and touched his arm. His eyes moving from the door to look at her, the vampire still looked rather startled. Virsat shifted in his seat slightly, nervously, shaking his head a bit. "N-no. H-hunters would just...just barge i-in and s-start attacking w-without discrimination. With...with no r-regard to the safety of the innocent in the room." There was a deep frown on his lips. Virsat wasn't really sure a hunter would burst in and act like that, but it did seem the type of thing they were capable of.

Most would just be interested in the money and glory, especially if a town had hired them. A lot of hunters were in it to try and get rich, but then. There were some hunters that just wandered around looking to kill creatures that threatened humans for no prize other than keeping humans safe. He shook his head again, seeming to somewhat calm down. A faint smile touching his lips. "Nevermind...It...It d-doesn't matter...My...My f-friend will protect me." Those words, spoken with sure certainty from a creature that always seemed so uncertain. He believed it absolutely. His master would protect him.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-30-2014, 10:00 PM

She leaned back. His friend sounded powerful. Or Virsat must have thought his friend was. Most hunters were not easy to handle for your run of the mill human. Perhaps the man's friend was a warrior of great prowess, or a magic user. Or perhaps his friend was something other ... "Will I be able to meet this friend of yours today? I'm curious about him, since you keep talking so well of him." Chrysantha smiled and tilted her head to the side. Just a bit more, that was all it would take for the knots surrounding the thread to unravel.

Later she would need to go exploring. The kitchen was the first place she'd look, since it would be the easiest to get into. Then the rest of the place. Each room would need to be looked at. She didn't relish the thought of that. People came and went all the time from their rooms. Sneaking inside would be a hard thing to do. Maybe she would save those for last. She ruffled her bangs and sighed a little.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-30-2014, 10:15 PM

Virsat flinched slightly when she asked that question and gave a slight shrug. "I-I don't know....He is a very...p-private..person." He hugged himself very tightly for a moment and then let his arms fall so his hands rested in his lap. A moment later one of the empty eyed girls brought out Chrissie's food. Ignoring Virsat, even as the vampire made it a point to not look at the doll. He shifted slightly in his seat. Hoping rather desperately that Chrissie wouldn't meet his master at all, such a thing would only end badly for her.

The vampire was frowning deeply, he didn't want anything bad to happen to this woman, but how could he warn her away without arousing suspicion? He couldn't think of any way at all. He grit his teeth, his hands clenching into fists, he had never really wanted to save any of his master's victims before. This was a new feeling for him, and also, it made him feel as if he were somewhat betraying his master. That would be a betrayal after all. He squirmed in his seat a bit. Virsat didn't want to betray his master, or lose his new friend. Such a dilemma.

Virsat's eyes were downcast, and his hand came up to finger the leather collar around his neck. He was loyal to his master, but this woman had been nice to him, talked to him. Seemed concerned for his safety regarding hunters. Still that charm hadn't worked on her, like it had the others that entered. There was something about her that made him uneasy just the slightest bit. He couldn't put his finger on it.

"M-maybe you s-should leave...B-b-before h-hunters c-come." There, that was a way to warn her away without arousing suspicion, right? He had raised his eyes to look at her, a bit of worry and concern in them, almost pleading for her to go. Virsat could lie easily with words and voice, but he was far too honest a creature for the emotions in his eyes to ever lie.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-30-2014, 10:52 PM

Private was one way of putting it. His friend sounded like a recluse. And yet he lived in an Inn, and so did shy Virsat for that matter. The profession just didn't suit him. There was just something there, a missing puzzle piece. If only she could find it. If only Virsat wasn't part of the puzzle. Chrissie had started to think of him as a friend, despite her suspicions. She hoped he wasn't helping anyone lure innocent people into the Inn. But what better front then him?

When the waitress brought over her food, she poked at it unhappily. "You want to get rid of me? So quickly?" His eyes. They were so transparent, the ruby pupils containing worry. The color ... oh why hadn't she noticed the unnatural hue before? Chrissie sighed. Demon, vampire, whatever he was, Virsat was one of the beings she usually took down on a regular basis. Of course there were exceptions. She truly hoped he was one of them.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-30-2014, 11:05 PM

He was so tense, though slowly he forced his body to relax a bit. "N-no..I didn't...I didn't m-mean it like that!" For a moment he looked almost as if she had hurt his feelings. She could have just been teasing, but to Virsat's ears she had made it sound like he was just trying to cruelly turn her away. "I-it would b-be safer...I..I don't want you to get hurt!" That desperation was in his eyes again, the emotion pure and clear, those last seven words he had spoken with a bit of strength and such certainty in his voice.

Virsat looked away quickly, biting his bottom lip. The shadows around him seemed to quiver but that could have just been a trick of the light. His body stiffened slightly. "I-it c-could be dangerous f-for you...I-if hunters show up." He spoke the words softly, quietly. An added explanation for why he thought she should leave. Blame it on the hunters. Blame it on them having to no regard for anything but payment for slaying. Keep her safe from his master. The vampire flinched slightly a pang of guilt in his chest. He was betraying his master.

The creature needed food, and food was getting scarce in these parts, so it wouldn't do at all to frighten away that food before a decision to move somewhere else had been made. Virsat knew he would most likely be punished for this later, but not right now. Not in front of a person that wasn't enchanted by the spell, the other patrons wouldn't have noticed, because of the spell placed over them.

His red eyes swept around the inn, noting that two patrons were missing. His master had eaten twice instead of once. That was foolish, to eat two when there were already so few. His food source wouldn't last long enough if he kept that up but Virsat couldn't exactly scold his master.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-30-2014, 11:14 PM

Chrysantha knew then, when she heard his voice, that he was speaking the truth. Virsat really did consider her a friend. She felt a pang of guilt for her deception, for making him so afraid, but there was no way she could tell him the truth. Not yet. It wasn't time. Virsat's mysterious friend was still a shadowy figure, an unknown part of the equation surrounding the Inn. He had to be found. The hunter felt it in her gut.

"Is there something, or someone, else in this Inn who might hurt me? Is that why you insist so much that I need to leave?" He had only started being like this when she'd mentioned the hunters. A perfect excuse really, to cover up for anything else that might have been going on. A chill swept down her spine, making the blonde woman shiver.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-30-2014, 11:34 PM

That question, Virsat shook his head and then shrugged. His eyes turned away from her so she couldn't read them, not because Virsat knew they showed the truth more easily than he spoke, but because he didn't want to look at her. He was feeling guilty as well, for several reasons. He was betraying his master by telling her to leave, and he was betraying her by not telling the truth. She was so nice to him and he was being so mean. If he had been looking at her she would've seen the fear in his eyes.

"N-no..I..I mean...d-drunken guests m-might bother y-you...But d-drunks are..are..un-unpredictible." Another excuse, another thing to lay blame on instead of his master. Though at the moment, a drunken person bothering her seemed highly unlikely. The few guests were so self absorbed they didn't really seem to notice or care about anything else happening around them. He shifted a bit in his seat. He had the feeling that he needed to turn this conversation to something else, some how. But what? And how? The vampire wasn't very good at small talk.

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Old 04-30-2014, 11:48 PM

She laughed. Chrysantha grabbed a hunk of raisin bread and nibbled on it before explaining herself. "I do know how to defend myself, Virsat." The blonde woman leaned forward a bit and poked at the vampire lightly. "As a treasure hunter, its kind of part of the job. Don't worry." She pulled back and leaned against her chair. 'Unless there's some other reason you fear I might get hurt?"

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Old 04-30-2014, 11:58 PM

He nodded slightly when she said she knew how to defend herself, still not looking at her. At least, not until she poked him, he had twitched slightly and his head jerked up to look at her. That fear still in those red eyes of his. "N-no.." He bit his bottom lip, turning those eyes away from her. This was so difficult, it was too hard. Having a friend shouldn't be so hard. Then again, were they even friends? She was so nice, it would be wonderful to have such a nice friend. That was just wistful thinking, though, wasn't it?

He looked at her again, the fear gone, just replaced with uncertainty. Uncertainty, it was such a common feeling for him. It was always about him, that air of uncertainty. Virsat was frowning deeply though, and chewing at his bottom lip almost gently. "A-are...we...I-I...I mean...c-could we be friends?" He was sure he didn't want to hear any answer she could give him to that question. If she said 'yes', he would just feel even more guilty for letting her remain here where his master could devour her. If she said 'no', then he would be a little disappointed, and probably still feel guilty about letting his master devour her.

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Old 05-01-2014, 12:24 AM

Her eyes widened. Chrysantha hadn't expected the question at all. She shifted nervously, and smiled. It was a shy, uncertain expression, unlike what she usually showed. "Of course we could! Aren't we already?" The hunter considered him to be one. The other patrons in the Inn were concentrated on their food. The waitresses always sidestepped the shadowy table in the corner. How odd could one place get? She was near certain Virsat's other friend had something to do with it, if not everything.


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