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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-12-2016, 09:21 PM

So I don't usually write poetry but I found this one I did years ago based on a certain character from an anime. I actually like this one so I figured I would share. ^_^;

The Demon

Like a phantom of the night he came,
His goal was clear, humanity on its knees,
Bowing to him, begging him,
The task should have been simple, done as he pleased.

Stopped by the hero, defended by the fox,
Punished by the god, befriended by the lot.
She he is left to discover humanities endearments,
Love, friendship, sadness, joyfulness, and merriment.


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-12-2016, 09:21 PM

Car'a'Carn: I told you I would share this with you a long time ago but never got around to it so here you go!

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-15-2023, 07:51 AM

*stumbles in 6 years late* you really set the tone well in this! i like how you rhymed endearments and merriment, that was clever.


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