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Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 03:27 PM

The tiger remained silent for a moment as his eyes remained there even as the woman moved between them. As the other approached signaled by the one before them as being the one of water, he still did not move. Hikaru watched the other, he sometimes wondered how the other could be so patient and silent, sitting still for so long. He was a bit more of the one to hate merely doing nothing, it was often Mitsukai who became the voice of reason for him. Feeling a shift however, the massive white tiger lifted his head to the air. He took a breath, taking in the scent of the world around him. He seemed to frown, even for a tiger. Hikaru could feel the tension build within him a bit.

Looking down at the other, he kneeled. He placed a hand upon his head lightly, "what is it?" he asked. Mitsukai scanned the trees for a moment. "Something has shifted.....I am not quite sure from here but.....the air feels more weighted...darker....tinged with blood..." he stood, once more taking in another breath of air. Hikaru looked towards the trees, had something happened within the woods? Part of him itched to say they should go and see. If something was going on, he did not want to risk letting something bad happen if they could prevent it. On the other hand, he knew the more logical thing to do would be to move now why they had the chance. Mitsukai turned his head to the fire elemental's partner. Her friend was still within the were possibly the others.

Hikaru sighed, opening his mouth for a moment to say something, when the tiger spoke first. "They do not know of us yet, if we are going to do something, it would be wise to move on the element of surprise" he said. Hikaru blinked for a moment, then smiled lightly, he was going to let them go? Mitsukai turned his head to the other two women for a moment, nodding to them. "We will see if we can find your friend...and what is going on, if we do, we will send him her or find you" with that, he turned his form in the other direction. The tiger could outrun Hikaru if he wanted to, the power within his massive form impressive. But the other kept his pace as he took off a slow enough trot to allow the other to keep up with him, but quickly enough to begin closing distance between them and the tree line. Breaking through them, he took another breath of the air before him.

The scent travelling through his senses. His paws carried him first along the way towards the scent that caught his attention most. The scent of blood. "Stay here" he said to Hikaru as they got close, not missing a beat before he sped up, off through the trees. Hikaru paused, staying for a moment by the trees. He knew the other wished to protect him, seeing if whatever had happened was still deadly. But he was not a child and they were still partners. Heeding his warning while at the same time refusing to stay to far away from his partner, Hikaru began to make his way along the side, along the perimiter of the area as he wound his way slightly closer. The light guardian slowed his pace as he approached, his foot falls silent in nature now as the scent of blood swarmed his senses. The animal inside would have usually been excited, hungered by it, but the light man inside kept his level head because the honest scent of blood repulced him.

It meant death....darkness....that was something that cut deeply within him. Nearing the scene enough, he could see the two there, the one called Gaia as well as the form of a massive lion who soon shifted to human form. So, that had been the one the female from before was looking for. Listening to their words a bit, his eyes moved to the scene nearby them. He felt a pang in his chest, before lowering his head. This....He did not wish to interrupt them, it was not really his place to interject himself at a moment like this. The pain and sadness within the scene was more than apparent, it was strong and for good reason. He had told the other he would send the lion back to her if they saw him, so he owed her that much. He pressed one paw out of the bush, stepping one more out after. His head following suit soon after, as he made his presence known to the pair. He was silent at first, before lowering his head to the female Gaia, "such a loss can not be made better by words....but I am sorry for your loss....such a wound can cut deeply within the heart and very soul..." his eyes closed for a moment.

He did not bother to hide his speech here, they would probably guess who he was. If she lashed out at him, he would take it. He would feel no anger or anything towards her, she had a right to feel the way she did. The pain that she did. His eyes turning then to the man within the pair. "You....your partner was looking for you....I agreed to tell you and send you to her if we crossed paths...." he could tell Hikaru had not listened fully. The other closer now, not far off in the trees. This kind of scene, this kind of pain. The boy knew all to well in a sense. Many that he loved, they had been slaughtered at the price of one's whim. He could feel the price that seeing this now was having upon him as well. The memories that it was bringing back. His eyes once more turned to the scene, he did not deserve this, a proper burial and blessing should be done. However, that was still not for him to decide. It was her choice, so for the moment he remained silent.


"My feelings and opinions towards the man do not matter within this case" he said, his own eyes for a moment moving to the castle beyond them. "It is something that can be put up with if it means getting the job done" and if it meant helping the other out. That was all he cared for, more than the arrogance of some king. Looking back at the partner before him, he chuckled lightly. "Though winging it is always an you are often comfortable with." His eyes turned off to the forest within the distance at the opposite edge of the village. "There is another village a ways beyond the woods. If anything, I doubt the guardians would be foolish enough to come this close to the kingdom."

Then again, some of the best ways to hide, were to hide right under your oponant's nose. Though dangerous, it was often the last place they looked. Most of the others he had heard of that had been sent out for this task, had headed towards those whoods themselves. The were large enough to span between various places. Thicker in some, sparce in others. It would be a great place for anyone to travell if they wished to pass through unseen. He pondered for a moment, perhaps some of them were still within...perhaps so was possibly their prey? He looked to his companion. "I will spare you the drabble of the king, there is no need to bother him till the task is done. Instead, lets see what the trees can tell us hmm?" he smiled, turning down the street.

He would begin to head towards the woods in question, unless the other stopped him for some reason. He did not think he would though, because going this way did seem a lot better than going to talk to the king, or his wife. Besides, they were already lagging a bit behind the others. It did not matter to him, he did not care what they thought. Their opinions of him were not really his concern, only one mattering to him in the slightest. So if that meant remaining behind by his side as they gathered information or rested instead of rushing off into something, that was fine. There was strengths in moving as a unit, but also strengths in moving on separately. Pros and cons to both sides. His eyes moved back to the other for a moment, as he remained silent in nature. If the other did not oppose, he would begin the journey at hand.

Slow and steady, keeping the other within his sights. They would rest slightly at times if the other got restless or tired, before it was best to continue on. They did not stop fully till they broke the tree lines, traveling into the woods and through the trees. The woods seemed still enough, for now anyways. He turned to look to his partner. He kept an eye and ear on him, should he speak of being tired or something more. The journey within the forest was not to hard itself, it seemed almost peaceful the more they got away from civilization. Pausing for a moment, he kneeled. His fingertips lightly brushing over the soft undergrowth and ground below. There was an impression within, one of a massive paw. Large cats were not to common within this area. His eyes lifting for a moment to scan between the trees. He frowned lightly, as he stood once more.

"Seems we were right in choosing this path...there is more within these woods than meets the eye. If there are still the others within these woods, then we might be a tad later than thought" he smiles. Standing, he chose to press further. They had been making well enough time, so there was no need to have to stop now. As they covered more ground, he gained slight sightings of more evidence that suggested other creatures within these woods. The tracks of what seemed to be a wolf were soon more abundant. Kneeling to look at them for a moment, his ears caught track of some commotion further on within the trees. He tensed a bit, glancing back at his partner, seemed they had found something.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 06-04-2015, 05:21 AM

The onslaught continued, ice cracking in the air around her as she continued to dodge the whip being used by Katarina. A smirk briefly formed on the woman’s lips as the iceling claimed that her partner was bluffing. Valarie continued to stay light on her feet, but she wasn’t going to be able to keep up this speed much longer.

The huntress did her best to anticipate her opponent’s attacks. This helped to a point. Still it wasn’t enough as the woman dodged the whip yet again. Unfortunately Valarie wasn’t quick enough to dodge all of the blades of ice that were sent her way. The first three had been easy enough, but the next three not so much. The fourth sliced her left arm, the fifth cutting her left side and the sixth lodging itself into shoulder. She hissed in pain as she stumbled, taking cover behind a tree. The rest of the blades hitting the other side of the tree.

Panting she gritted her teeth, pulling the shard of ice from her shoulder. “Damn it!” From this point on her left arm wasn’t going to be much use to her. It was time to change weapons. Pulling out her chakram she peeked around the tree. While she bided her time behind the tree she glanced in the direction of where Galven battled Malik. It seemed he wasn’t fairing much better.

The woman chuckled to herself. They really screwed up this time. Taking a few slow breaths Valarie prepared herself for her next attack. Moving from behind the tree she ran, throwing the chakram at ice elemental. Again she ducked behind a tree. Come on hurry up.

The loud metallic thud drew her attention back into the direction of the other battle. Galven, he was being reckless. It seemed that he knew what she did in the back of her mind. This was probably going to be their last battle.

Just as the huntress had started to resign herself to this being the end a familiar voice caught her attention. The others they had finally made it. It seemed that Brock, Takumi and Alana where taking their pick on which battle to join. The boys chose to help Galven. One turning their attention to the storm elemental who had thrown a knife at their friend. The other moved to help their friend. As for Alana she quickly came to her aid. “You look awful.”

Quickly Valarie was told that the guys planned to lead the others away from here. The original target Setsutarou was spotted running off. It was him that would lead them to the darkness pair they had been tracking up until now. They would lead them that way in hopes that the elementals might take each other out once they realized that Setsutarou was using them to get the hunters off the darkness pair’s trail.

Crazy, Clumsy, Anime Obsessed Ge...
Shadowgamer42 is offline
Old 06-04-2015, 08:13 PM

Audra noticed something out of the corner of her eye. She noticed more hunters joining the fight. "Crap!" she hissed under her breath. Then she noticed Brock was heading toward her. Keeping her knife in her hand, she got ready for the fight they were about to have.


Euria was slowly walking by herself through the forest. She couldn't find Audra anywhere, and it was starting to frustrate her.

After she walked a while, Euria noticed someone not too far ahead of her. At first, excitement grew inside her, and she started running towards the person ahead of her. "Audra!" she called out as she ran. Then she noticed that it wasn't her elemental partner at all, and she slowed down. It was Alister, and she gasped at the sight of him. Looking around, she found a tree and hid behind it.

"This is not good," Euria whispered to herself. The only person she knew she could trust was Audra, and she was off fighting. She didn't know anyone else very well. What was worse was the fact that she gasped pretty loud, and he most likely heard it. He probably heard her yelling as well. "I'm in big trouble," she whispered. Euria tried to find a way out of the mess she was in.

Last edited by Shadowgamer42; 06-06-2015 at 03:03 PM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 06-07-2015, 03:45 AM

The petite auburn haired woman approached the water elemental. She simply shook her head. “It has been a little while and it is good to see you again. As for still being in the forest it’s only natural that I would still be here. The forest is a place I prefer to stay then in the wide open or within a village or city. Even if there are hunters searching for my partner and I.”

The light pair seemed to have noticed the shifting within the forest that Roshan was already aware of and doing her best to ignore. She was positive that the shift had something to do with the pain she had felt from the connection she shared with the fire elemental earlier. She would have to leave soon to search for him especially if the pain returned. The opportunity to speak with other elementals and their partners was a rare one. So for now she would take advantage of it. It would give the woman a chance to learn more and possibly learn things that Cináed wouldn’t tell her. Unfortunately it seemed that the redhead would find herself alone with Anubina once again.

With a smile she nodded to Mitsukai and Hikaru. “Thank you for your help. I will stay in this area a while longer before moving on. When next we meet I shall pay you back for your help Light pair.” It only flickered momentarily, but there had been a flicker of concern in the woman’s azure eyes. “You two be careful,” she called after them.

Her thoughts momentarily shifted to the grumpy lion that was her partner. Cináed you better be fine when I find you. If you’re not… At the thought her anger flared, but Roshan didn’t show it.

With the other two leaving her attention returned to Anubina. “Well it seems we are on our own again. Maybe you could tell me more about yourself. Like why you seem to be travelling without a partner.” The smile Roshan gave her was kind.

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 06-07-2015, 07:54 PM

Aya's cheeks puffed out. "Whaddya mean, young? You probably barely have 5 years on me!" She turned her head and looked at the ground. "I know plenty about danger.." She whispered, her voice trailing off. Bouncing back fairly quickly, she smiled again.

"Yes, I think I can handle myself from here- Ow!" Aya reeled back a bit, but was able to regain her footing without falling. She quickly looked around, trying to see what had run into her. Actually, who had run into her. There was a girl, not much younger than Aya, flat on her back. The girl stood up and introduced herself. Awfully perky, isn't she? she thought. Still, Aya couldn't help but feel something familiar. She had a aura, similar to Ziarra. Not quite the same, but close enough for her to recognize.

With the hunter right next to her, Aya quickly ran through her options. She could fake having known the girl, who called herself Jennifer. No. That couldn't work. She introduced herself, so it wouldn't make sense for her to pretend to know her and get her out of harms way. She decided to play it by ear and wait.

"Oh, um, I'm Mary."

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 06-10-2015, 04:06 AM

A grin of victory crossed Katarina’s lips. Some of her knives had hit in very good places. She started to stalk forward when the huntress threw the chakram at her. The ice elemental easily dodged it by diving to the ground and rolling back up to her feet.

Flicking her wrist she snapped her whip in the air as she changed directions to stalk the huntress once more. The grin that had been on her face faded into a growl as she spotted the new comers. So he hadn’t been bluffing, oh well.

Katarina stopped and took her bow off, where it had been resting on her back. Her ice whip coiled around her arm as she pulled the string back on her bow. An ice arrow appeared nocked and ready to go. Aiming at the two female hunters she let go and watched it fly before nocking another arrow. She sent one after the other at the two of them.

She needed to incapacitate at least one of them.

With narrowed eyes Caden stayed in front of Lydia and watched the battles in front of him. When the other hunters showed up he cursed but still didn’t move from him spot. He would only leave Lydia if he absolutely had to.

Kilia is offline
Old 06-14-2015, 12:02 AM

Gaia sniffled as she wiped at her face once more. She knew that it was an accident, that he felt as bad as she did over the incident but she could not help the ill feelings the filled her. "Well they did happen....and what is even worse is the fact that something bad always seems to happen." her words sounded defeated, her demeanor was more of one of a person who was forcing herself to pull together.

"No...I will not take anyone's blood." her emerald green eyes locked on him as she stood up, her body was still shaking. "I...I will not damage this world even more then it already has been. I am also not you." she said to him, the word she emphasized upon was meant to let him know that she saw him as a man who was out for blood. She took a deep breathe, calming herself down as she touched the rose bush, feeling each of them.

"Yes....Rachana. Our mother..." her voice cracked once more as tears streamed down her face. Everything that happened that day washed over her once more. "she spent the last of her energy to tell me about what we had to do. Soon after she passed." she closed her eyes, and soon she could not help but to cry into his chest once he was in human form. Clinging to Cinead, which was completely different from how she had been earlier where she had been ready to kill him. She looked up at the tiger that stepped out of the underbrush, her eyes were swollen and red from all her crying. She didn't even know how to respond to her light brother.

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 06-17-2015, 05:00 PM

Hand falling onto the helmet that masked his scarred face, he let out a sigh. Was this really how everything was going to play out? Sure, he was a novice compared to the others of his kind but that was something gravely overplayed. Just because he was youthful did not mean he was without experience, skill, and knowledge. In fact, he was probably more capable than some of them, especially witnessing everything play out before his eyes.

He had been following Aya since she first bumped into the hunter. Shepard, having the uncanny ability to not really stand out (aka blend in like the chameleon he was), was doing his very best to stay off the hunter's radar. Much to his luck, something happening deep within the forest seemed to keep the wandering hunter's senses from catching his aura.

Just as Aya seemed to be in the clear, another woman practically toppled the little thing. It was at that moment that Shepard felt a very strong notion to protect. It was overwhelming to the point where his ears started to ring and his palms grew sweaty.

What was this feeling? It was something he'd only really felt once before and it was when he was told that he was graced with a wondrous gift of protecting his life-partner.

Blinking his eyes, Shepard forced himself to regain composure. There was no need to lose his wits to her sweet, intoxicating aroma.

Not wanting to waste another second, the man clad in black somersaulted gracefully from the tree. Flicking the dirt from his uniform, his black helmet render reading his emotions useless. If one could see beneath the glass, however, they would see a rather straitlaced look on his face.

"I suggest you two run," his back was turned toward the enemy. "I will handle this one." He nodded toward Rufio. "I will find you once the threat has been nullified."

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 06-19-2015, 01:13 AM

The man chuckled at her. “That might be true little Miss, but you’re still barely an adult.” It was good that she seemed to be warming up to him, but still he had a decision to make. Would he leave her here to track her down later with her partner or would he make Alister wait. He was already late.

Not really listening Rufio began to shake his head while Aya spoke. Before she could finish what she was saying something ran into them both. It caused the young woman to reel back and him to grunt slightly from the impact. Out of instinct he caught the Aya’s arm to help her regain her footing before looking down to see what or who ran into them. His eye grew large at the sight of the girl laid flat on her back at their feet.

This one was younger than the first one he had run into earlier. Boy today was turning out to be rather…interesting. Letting go of Aya’s arm he offered Jennifer a smile. Again he chuckled. “That the little dove is.”

The hunter turned to the stranger again. “You should be more careful little dove. It wouldn’t do to get hurt out here in the middle of the forest.” Like he had been with the wind spirit’s partner earlier he was kind, feigning concern for the wisp as he spoke to her. “Also little dove it isn’t safe to be out here all alone. Are you lost as well little dove?” Rufio was subtle with his way of gaining answers to what he was curious about.

Since this new girl seemed to be a stranger even to his current companion he also introduced himself. “I am Fio. Mary and I were looking for the group she had been travelling with and got separated from. You wouldn’t have happened to have seen anyone near here would you?” That’s it keep up the kind act like before. You need to keep up this façade for now Rufio; soon you’ll find the truth you seek.

Even though it seemed like today was the hunter's lucky day were running into strange women was concerned another yet even stranger person appeared. This time it was a man clad in black. Rufio’s azure eye narrowed as he took in the appearance of the male who had made a rather flashy entrance.

At Shepard’s words he gave a light growl, his eye narrowing. Glance back and forth between the two girls, his relaxed stance changed to a more defensive one. “Do you two little doves know this flashy guy?”

Had they planned this to trap him? Did they know from the start that he was actually a bounty hunter? Curses, his plans were ruined. It didn’t matter the raven had no intentions of dying just yet. He would fight his way out of this if he had to.

“Threat? It seems like you’re the only threat here. I was merely helping out the little miss because she was lost. I’ve done nothing wrong.” Cautiously the hunter took a step back. His hand moved ever so slightly, ready to pull out his dagger if needed. Fight or run? Which should he do? Would he, could he leave Aya and Jennifer with this man? “Damn it,” he cursed under his breath.

Euphonium Panda
Euphonium Panda is offline
Old 06-19-2015, 05:44 PM

Jen smiled at the introductions, and felt relieved that she hadn't caused any harm it seemed. She let her wisp self take the back seat, and made sure she appeared to be entirely human to these two strangers. It was a nice perk of having her human self be sixteen now, she could get away with being alone and not worry about the questions. She put her hand out to the two, offering a shake to each one. This was interupted by the man who dropped between her and the one named Fio. Her green eyes flashed from green to a shockingly grey color, and she felt a strange sensation of trust for this new man. When he told her to run, she just knew that he was right.

She grabbed the hand of the woman who called herself Mary and ran off the path, turning into her wisp form as they increased their distance. Once they were far enough away she stopped and let go of Aya's hand. "Sorry, it's just that I felt like he was right, whoever he was. Fio wasn't to be trusted." She said, explaining her actions. She was no fully wisp, her grey hair falling into down and seeming to disappear near the ends. She seemed like she almost wasn't even there, becoming most translucent further away from her torso.

She realized her mistake and quickly fixed it, becoming entirely visible and tangible now as she looked at Aya. "So why were you with that guy anyways Mary?" She asked, wondering why the other man protected both of them against the one threat. "He told both of us to run, but if Fio was a threat then you'd think you were a threat too because you guys were together, but that man protected both of us, which is why I grabbed you and ran because there would be no point in leaving you behind if he was protecting both of us." She finished the last statement with a laugh and then looked Aya in the eyes. "You aren't bad too, are you?" She was suddenly serious, her amber eyes staring straight into Aya's.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-23-2015, 03:25 PM

He did not wish to push her, so he said nothing more. Instead, eyes moved back to Hikaru outside of the treeline. He knew that the other was there, watching. He could also read what was going through him at the moment, without having to ask. The other had watched his kingdom, his people and his family fade away. He had watched them murdered and obliterated for the man who called himself king. Seeing this now, it struck a heavy cord within the younger male. One that still left him at times with nightmares. Hikaru stepped back, before turning and leaving the scene. Mitsukai sighed slightly, before turning his head back to the other two.

He looked to the earth elemental, his eyes on her's for a moment, before turning. He took off, his paws brushing the ground for only moments before another stride was in the wake. He caught up to Hikaru quite easily in this form, cutting him off. The other stood there, his head down for the moment. Mitsukai could feel the darker feelings pouring off of him in waves. Sadness, pain, suffering, all of them the other tried to burry away often for the good of their partnership and the world. Mitstsukai wished he would not at times, the two were a team. They were friends, as such, he hated seeing the other going through this pain. Hikaru's hands were clenched.

Mitsukai lifted his head, leaning in to gently brush his soft fur against the other's hand. Hikaru lowered to his knees slowly, before wrapping his arms around the neck of the massive tiger before him. Mitsukai did not move, closing his own eyes for a moment. He allowed their hearts to beat together, over time it felt like they were beating in tune. Hikaru calmed a bit more, gathering himself more than he had been. Even now though, he kept the bulk of it under wraps. Letting go of his partner, Hikaru sat back a bit with a sigh. "I'm sorry..." he said slowly, his eyes on the ground. Mitsukai shook his head, "there is nothing to apologize for.." He lifted his head to the sky a few moments later.

There was still so many dark feelings and intentions swirling about within the air. More thirst for blood and for pain as well. These trees were no longer safe, not for now.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 06-26-2015, 11:16 PM

Malik's attacks were unrelenting. He didn't notice Audra's attempted attack, nor the blade that missed the hunter he fought. The wolf snapped at Galven viciously, furious that the hunter had managed to escape being pinned. Auburn eyes narrowed and locked on Galven as the Metal elemental stalked forward. He looked ... pleased. More than pleased. He looked as though he were enjoying the fight. This is what he'd been craving: excitement. Blood. He'd really been craving the sense of emerging from a battle victorious.

"Can you hear it, weakling?" Malik's dense form grew heavier as he moved toward Galven. The ground crunched beneath his paws as he eyed the other male's side with a knowing expression. His jaws pulled back in a wolfish grin. "Your breath hitches. Your bones scrape." He stopped his advance to offer a sickening bark of laughter. "Your last breath will be a more pleasing sound."

Malik's advance continued, this time with a loud strike against the earth as he leaped forward. At that moment his ears flattened - he could smell others. There were more hunters. Malik snarled, planning on making quick work of Galven as he lashed at the male. He was relentless as he bit, clawed, and shoved the male - he would be a bloody mess, sliced by metal too often to hold his weapons properly if he continued to fight as he did.

"Worthless creature," Malik's grating voice continued to mock Galven even as he lashed out. "I will enjoy watching you squirm!" His metal jaws clamped about the hunter's wrist at last, and he jerked as though to pull it from its socket.

((Note: Lydia is quietly avoiding the fight and slightly freaking out because of how many hunters have arrived. Malik will continue his rampage until either the hunters surrounding him are dead, or he is wounded badly.))

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 06-28-2015, 03:03 AM

The male closed his eyes. Gaia was right. Bad things always seemed to happen when they met…no whenever he was involved. “Everything I touch is eventually destroyed,” the words were mumbled and barely audible to the woman or even the light pair that were now nearby. A few moments passed before his golden eyes opened again, but the grim expression he wore still remained.

His eyes never left the woman’s as she stood before him. Her words were comforting, but in some ways he wished she would take her frustration and anger out on him to ease the pain she was in. “Thank you. I know you are not me.” That was something he knew well. Since the first time they met. They were in many ways the opposite of each other. Cináed knew he couldn’t hide the fact he was out for blood, nor would he deny it. There had been a time long ago that he wasn’t out for so much blood, but that changed when the one person he loved and cared for most in this world was taken away from him because of the king.

“I see. It is sad that she is no longer with us.” As Gaia cried into his chest, clinging to him he gentle wrapped his arms around her. A few tears ran down his own cheeks. He would miss their ‘Mother’. The fire elemental rubbed her back gently to sooth her. Though he knew their light brother was nearby he didn’t look over at him. He didn’t want to face him yet, not sure what he would make of this scene.

To the fire elemental relief the light elemental left along with his partner. He would not have to face them just yet. He hugged the earth elemental tightly for a moment before returning to just holding his arms around her lightly. “Gaia I can never apologize enough nor undo the things that I have done, but at least allow me to work with you. To help you do what our mother wished for.” The sadness and guilt he felt were still evident in his voice as he asked her permission to help her.


The King was pleased to hear that nothing major took place in his absence. He knew well that his queen could handle things and his brother would act accordingly, but he didn’t totally trust his brother. A man who didn’t so much ambition for possibly taking what was just as much his birth right was a man that needed to be watched and couldn't be trusted. In his opinion sometimes Alister acted too content with his position.

“It is good that no much seemed to have happened.” Alaric continued to smile at her. “That is good. As always you are on top of things my love. It pleases me to know I can leave the kingdom in your capable hands when I must go away. At least I know you will keep that twin of mine in line.” He chuckled a bit before resting his head against hers.

Silence filled the space between them. Right now he didn’t want to move. His duties could wait, he was king and could do as he pleased. Catching up on everything was far more important at the moment. “For taking such good care of the kingdom while I was away what would you like my Kalypso?” This was one of the rare times he actually asked her or even offered to give his wife anything she desired.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 07-11-2015 at 04:12 AM..

Shikabane Hime
So...tired....just...let me....d...
Shikabane Hime is offline
Old 06-30-2015, 06:37 AM

Abraham listened to the slightly taller male, taking in what he was saying as he looked back towards the castle every so often. They had to think of something to do. It wasn't until Kuro brought up the fact there was another village past the woods, Abraham scratched the back of his head. "And this is why I leave the planning to you." He said with a smile on his face. He was glad that Kuro had come up with a plan, he really didn't want to see the king. It would have been slightly awkward. However, going through the woods wasn't the always the best choice for him since he didn't like the trees, well he didn't mind the trees, it's just he believed they were after him. It was a thing he had since he was little, mainly because he was horrible at climbing.

The woods might have answers as Kuro had said before, maybe a bit more information than the villagers in this part of town. Watching the taller male walk away, Abraham followed behind, holding his one bag close. The tall male watched as the scenery started to change around them going from the village to the woods, the transition was slow, but it was still a bit unsettling to him since Abraham wasn't comfortable get. The gray-haired male was paying attention to the trees as his mind started to drift again, the taller male was speaking yet so he didn't really have anything to keep his attention. However, it was taken once he heard a voice.

Abraham turned his head, blinking a bit as he looked down towards the ground. The footprints are what he was talking about, which meant what they were looking for were in this least, he thought so. "We are? Wow well, this will be a bit more interesting." He said with a growing smile on his face. He continued following behind Kuro before he came to a halt. His body tensing slightly as he whipped his head towards a sound he heard in the woods. His eyes narrowed slightly, blinking a few times before sighing faintly. Something was there, but what it was was beyond him. Abraham shifted his eyes towards Kuro as if waiting for what he was going to do. This had to be done as a team. He didn't want anything bad to happen to the taller male, he was important to him and having him near was something that he enjoyed.

Anubina nodded her head once to the woman, closing her eyes for a bit before opening them again. She had listened to the young woman before her, staying quiet as she let her speak to the others. It would have been rude for her to communicate with them since she didn't know them. She placed her hands behind her back before looking around slowly, rocking on her heels a bit.

It wasn't until she heard Roshan speak to her again, once again it was about her traveling without her partner. A sweat drop slid down the side of her head before letting out a faint sigh from her lips. "Well, th-the partner thing is a little hard t-to explain." She said smiling a bit worriedly. It wasn't all the time that she had brought up her partner, she wasn't really sure how he would feel if he knew she was out here. It wasn't until actually thought about what she want'ed to say that Anubina spoke up.

"O-Oh m-my. We-Well, wh-what would you like to know about me?" She asked a bit curious. She had never had anyone interested with her. Then again, she had never talked with anyone. It was a little hard to do so when you were swimming in the ocean for most of your life while hiding.

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 06-30-2015, 02:16 PM

From Fio's point of view, Shepard really was the 'threat.' He came from the trees, he had been stalking them, and now he was pulling a sword out on a man who had yet to do any harm to the two women. Realizing all of this, Shepard sheathed his weapon and took a step back. Sweeping into a bow, he kept his hidden eyes locked on the target. He did what was only right--apologize.

"My apologies, Fio. Although I applaud and thank you for accompanying Miss Mary, I'm afraid your services are no longer required. She, or at least by proxy to the other one, is now my responsibility."

The naive nature displayed by both Aya and Jennifer was likely the only reason they hadn't been captured by Fio. Everything about them was raw youth and innocence. They hardly seemed threatening, especially when asking such childish lines like "are you bad" or "whaddya mean, young?" Neither woman likely meant to appear so... well, unworldly, but such was the case displayed before Shepard. And seeing such a display of trusting yet misguided intuition, he was forced to step in and be the wall between life and death.

Much to his pleasure, the one by the name of Jennifer--the one he was truly drawn to--seemed to be quick in accepting his direction. Knowing this pleased him and brought a hidden smile to his face. At least he knew their connection could and would run deeper than what laid on the surface for most.

With both girls running into the woods, Shepard continued to keep his weapon holstered.

"As I see no real reason to kill you were you stand, perhaps this is where we both walk our separate ways as unlikely friends."

---------- Post added 06-30-2015 at 10:32 AM ----------

Hands on his hips, the man by the name of Quinell Favager, smirked. "That's right," he wiped his hands together in approval, "I just outsmarted a mangy mutt."

For perhaps the last ten minutes, Quinn (as he liked to call himself) had been running from a dog. Ever since that day, he has had an ungodly fear of dogs. He got lucky this time and just so happened to make enough fast turns to ditch the thing about a mile back. Although tired from all the running, Quinn was running on an adrenaline boost that would likely keep him from crashing anytime soon.

Standing beside the lake, Quinn took it upon himself to wade into the water just enough to cool his body down. It felt amazing, so much so that he smiled. Only, it was fleeting for before he knew it, his ears were tuning into something happening across the way. He heard someone shout out a name and with it came a rather odd gesture from the figure that was being spoken to.

Curious, much like a cat, he used the lake as his cover as he swam over to the other side. As he got closer, he made out to figures--a male and a female (Alister and Euria)--the male was in the open whereas the female tried to hide behind a tree. Brow piqued, he swam to a patch of reeds and lily pads to eavesdrop on what would transpire. He had little insight as to who these people where and what they were up to. With any luck, he could deduce who was who and figure out just where to go (or what to do).

Treading water, he would stay there until he felt it was time for action.

I hope I have the right people together!
My notes from BBR said Alister was alone with Audra
but it looks like she's fighting
so I'll assume it's supposed to be Euria?

Last edited by Xavirne; 06-30-2015 at 02:34 PM..

Kilia is offline
Old 07-11-2015, 04:02 AM

(Shadowgamer42: Xavirne: )

Alister sighed heavily as he rubbed at his face, here he was almost at the designated sight that Rufio and he had agreed upon. He stopped in his tracks as he heard someone that was behind him, the running, snapping of twigs, even the yelling and loud gasp made it obvious that someone was coming towards him. His eyes scanned the area before he saw some purple hair as the young female ducked behind a tree.

He debated on wither or not if he should sneak around to come up on her to surprise her, but he decided against it as it would probably cause him to get hurt. "Come out, child. I am just an old man who has no intentions of hurting anyone." he said to her with a soft gentle smile upon his face, as he kept a relaxed demeanor though that did not mean that he was not on guard. He was unaware of the fact that Quinell Favager was in the water watching them. Of course when he had first heard the shouting he instinctly grabbed a weapon at his side, after all it was a dangerous world. Tough he would never hurt a woman, much less of all a child.


(Kiyoto: blueblackrose:)

Gaia gasped slightly and reached towards Mitsukai . "Brother!" she called to him, struggling to get free before it was far to late. He was gone, along with his partner, she couldn't help the depressed sigh that escaped her. After all she now had to find him all over again and tell him what their "mother" had told her. She bite her lip as she looked down at the ground before looking back towards Cinead.

She greatly appreciated that her light brother had come to help comfort her, she had wished se could have replied when he had spoken to her earlier but it ad been so long since the last time that she had seen him. That she was just in shock that she had ran into him so soon, she had expected to end up finding him last. "Our brother....I....we have to find him...." she said softly, it seemed to her that the fire elemental did not care to much that Mitsukai just came and spoke to them before running off once more.

"Do you really think that I would let you go away and not help me with the task that our mother has set out for us all?" her eyes teared up once more, biting her lip as she glared slightly at him. No she was not going to be left on her own once more, she was not going to allow him to abandon her. Not when she was so vulnerable.

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
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Old 07-11-2015, 07:33 PM

Aya spaced out for a moment. There was so much going on at once, that everything seemed slow-motion. First, another stranger appeared, who she couldn't tell friend or foe. Before she had a chance to react, Jennifer's fight or flight must have kicked in, since she grabbed Aya's hand and ran off with her before she could object. As she ran, Jennifer seemed to have changed her appearance somehow. Aya wasn't too familiar with all the races, but she knew she had heard of this before. A Lisp maybe?

Finally, Jennifer let go of Aya's hand and stopped running. Taking a moment to get her head back in reality, she looked at the girl. "What.....the hell.....WAS THAT?!?" She said a little louder than necessary. She took a breath to calm herself. "So, you didn't know the guy, but ran just because he told you to?" She responded. Letting out a sigh, she added, "I guess that's helpful though, I needed to get away from Fio anyway. But now I'm probably lost again."

Just then, a shriek pierced the air and suddenly Aya was on the ground before she knew what happened. "Ayaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~" The voice was familiar. "ZIARRA! GET OFF OF ME!" Z scrambled to her feet, but was still hanging onto Aya's arm and she sobbed in her usual exaggerated way. "Uwaah.. I couldn't find you. *hic* and I was scared something *hic* happened to yooooou~" She whined. "Would you cut it out?!" Aya snapped.

Like a light switch, Ziarra quit her whining and looked at Jennifer. "Who are you?" She asked, curiously. Aya groaned. "She helped me out of a sticky situation, sort of. Of course, I wouldn't have been IN that situation if YOU hadn't run off! You little demon." Z pouted and let off a few rapid fire apologies.

Crazy, Clumsy, Anime Obsessed Ge...
Shadowgamer42 is offline
Old 07-12-2015, 03:29 AM

As she looked around, Euria noticed something off in the distance. She squinted her eyes and tried to figure out what it was. As she looked, she saw it was not a something, but a someone, off in the distance. She couldn't tell who it was though. He most likely could see her. Warning sirens rang in her head.

"I am so dead," she thought to herself.

Euria's muscles tightened up. She was in a major pickle. Her gasp was loud enough to be heard, and Alister definitely heard it. She could tell by what he said to her. She took a deep breath. She needed a plan of escape. Euria couldn't be fooled. She knew it was not an old man talking to her. It was the hunter, Alister, who was talking to her. He was trying to lure her into a trap.

Euria needed to get back to Audra. She definitely went the wrong way when she tried to find her elemental partner. Now she needed to find her way out of the problem she got herself into.
Audra would kill her if she found out she almost bumped into a hunter. Actually, she would kill Euria if the hunter didn't kill her first.

"That's great. Now I'm dead for sure," Euria thought to herself.

Staying still behind the tree wouldn't do her very much good. Running away probably wouldn't work either. What other choice did she have? After thinking for half a second, she made a little plan.

She would answer the hunter. If he went after her, she would run.

Euria came out from behind the tree. She put her hands on her hips, looked at Alister, and smiled. "I know you're not an old man," she said confidently. "Good job trying to fool me though," she added.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-12-2015, 10:10 PM

The waterling didn’t seem to be very talkative. Maybe trying to learn more wasn’t such a great idea as Anubina seemed hesitant. A soft sigh escaped the petite auburn haired woman’s lips. Her azure eyes moved from the taller woman. “Hard to explain? So have you actually found your partner or perhaps you have not? Cináed had been searching for centuries before he found me.” Roshan offered as a way to break the ice. She was curious to know what the water element was like, her powers and her animal form.

At the woman’s questions the light tapped her index finger on her lips. “Well how about we start off with what animal form you chose. Also what brought you here to this forest?” For now the shifter’s thoughts had shifted from worrying for her partner to getting information. “Also I do apologize for the way Cináed treated you before. He can be rather grumpy at times.” Roshan offered Anubina a smile as she moved to make herself more comfortable by leaning back against a tree. "Really though you don't have to tell me anything unless you want to Anubina."


His hand never left his side where it rested on his dagger at least not until Shepard sheathed his weapon. Things took a rather confusing turn as the man proceeded to bow to him. This caused Rufio’s eyebrow to rise. To make it even more strange the man apologized to him. What the hell?

“Apology accepted. It was no trouble at all. Miss Mary was in need of help and the forest can be a very dangerous place especially for a young woman that is alone. Though how am I to know that she will be safe within your care? I would feel much better if I know that she was back with the group she had been travelling with.”

So it seemed his plans had been halted for now. It was no matter, it would only be a matter of time before he found Aya again and maybe she would be with her partner if she was what he suspected. It was strange, but he was actually looking forward to seeing the young woman again. The way she acted had been a bit refreshing. The other young woman, Jennifer, was definitely odd. It would be interesting to meet her again as well.

A dark smirk spread across the raven’s features at Shepard’s words. No real need to kill him that was laughable. If that man knew just who he was or what he did he wouldn’t be saying such a thing. That is what Rufio thought to himself at that moment.

“Perhaps this is. As unlikely friends has yet to be determined. I did not catch your name sir.” He paused for a moment, his azure eyes watching the man clad in black. “I also wonder where an unlikely friendship would lead. Things are often not what they appear in this world.”


Cináed watched Gaia unlike him she had wanted Mitsukai to stay. Maybe he should have tried to stop their light brother from leaving. “We will find him again. I’m sure he hasn’t gotten far, plus it seems that we are starting to all gather within this forest. My partner and I ran into our water sister earlier, she is with Anubina right now.” It wasn’t that he didn’t care, he just wasn’t sure how to face their brother at the moment.

Looking down at her his gaze softened. “No, I don’t think that you would. And if I tried you wouldn’t let me hear the end of it once you found me again.” Cináed sighed. The fire elemental had made up his mind. He would protect Gaia and wouldn’t abandon her like he had in the past. This time maybe he could make things right between them.

Often the male showed his pride, stubbornness, angry and rage. It was rare for him to look as he did now. Guilt ridden and sorrowful, it almost looked like he wanted to cry himself. No he wouldn’t let himself shed tears though.

Gently he hugged Gaia again. “Let’s go. We can catch them if we hurry.” Cináed pulled away from the Earth elemental, taking her hand. With a squeeze he pulled her along with him as he headed off in the direction that Mitsukai and his partner left in.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 07-13-2015 at 04:16 AM..

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Old 07-13-2015, 07:26 PM

Shifting so that his arms now crossed his chest, Shepard found no need to stand in such an uptight manner. His shoulders drooped some and his chin tilted some, indicated a slight interest in the conversation at hand.

"Shepard, if you please." He thought about extending a hand to shake Fio's but didn't want to move. It was nice to finally just stand still without having to balance on a branch of shift silently through the trees. "And there could be some truth to that. One never knows his or her destiny until the story has been written and the grave dug. Perhaps we will meet again and perhaps our paths will align with the same goal in mind--protecting the lost." Shepard's voice seemed cheery, as if he enjoyed hinting that he was a shepherd of the lost, sheering the sheep (lost) from the wolves (bad).

Hearing something off within the woods, Shepard's head twitched ever so slightly. "It appears I have my hands full." A laugh followed. "Maybe I should have left the women to you. Nonetheless, I do thank you for keeping them safe. It is nice to know that there are gentlemen who lurk in the woods of monsters."

With that, he bowed before vanishing off after the girls. In no time, he was standing behind Jennifer with his eyes glued on the odd exchange with Aya. "Are you all right?" Hand gently caressing Jennifer's shoulder, the masked man nodded. "My apologizes for ushering you away without much detail. As you've already surmised, I am your spirit, Shepard."

Kilia is offline
Old 07-17-2015, 03:59 AM

Gaia punched Cináed in the shoulder at his comment, glaring at him a bit as she pushed him away from her, going back to their hate portion of their relationship. She quickly patted her self down as she had started to smoke. Sad thing about fire elementals is the fact that their body temperature is higher then everyone else's. "No! We have to get him now....before it is to late. Later is always to late especially with hunters around and the king after our heads!" she said to him as she slapped at his arm, rolling her eyes slightly before sighing heavily.

" does feel as if all our siblings are here in the area. We have to tell them...." she said to him as she tried to figure out which direction Mitsuki had went in. She bit her lip, she knew that tings were going to be weird and a bit awkward for tem all since it had been years since the last time they ha all been together and seen each other. She just hoped that they would answer the call for fighting for peace. "You better believe it! I will not let you live it down for one second." she said to him in a strict voice to him as she wagged her finger at him, pushing the bushes out of the way as she bent close to the ground.

She gasped s he took her hand, having to do a jog to keep up with him since his stride was far longer then hers. She struggle to keep up with him, keeping her eyes peeled for Mitsuki.


Alister smiled before he chuckled, leaning against a tree as he waited for the small female to come out from hiding. Frowning only slightly as he saw something moving in the water, he was not sure if it was a good thing or not. He would have to keep an eye out for it. "Well if it is not a feisty little girl." he laughed, actually smiling, he ran a hand through his black hair as he tried to let her know that he was not a threat to her.

He had no intentions of trapping her, for if he did then his partner would be with him. Personally he would have a better trap set then the one he did not have. "Ah but I am old. 35 years of age is old in this day and age." he said to her as he put a hand on his heart as if she had done something to him. A gentle smile spread across his lips.

"Though you flatter me with your words. I assure you my dear girl that I am not fooling you or anyone. I am here alone as much as you are at the moment." his words were soft as he made a move to take a seat at the base of the tree, putting him self in a very compromising position. His movements were slow and deliberate. It was clear to him that Euria had recognized him but he wonder how much she knew about him. After all he did a very good job to keep his connection to the king secret so hat no one knew except one other person outside of the royal family, excluding Hen Tai.

Crazy, Clumsy, Anime Obsessed Ge...
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Old 07-19-2015, 02:37 AM

Euria started to relax. Her arms came down to her sides. The hunter wasn't coming after her. She felt safer knowing that. The problem was that he could be lying to her. She wasn't completely sure, and that could become a problem for her in the future. So far, Alister didn't stand up and try to get her. So she decided to trust him for now.

She watched as Alister sat down. She wanted to sit down as well, so she went over and sat down next to him.

"Well," she said, cocking her head a little. "I guess 35 is old," she said. "But it's not as old as 50. That's when you start to get really old." Euria laughed a little. "I always thought about people getting old when they turn 50. You know, like how they start to have a hard time walking, or they start to have a hard time hearing."

Euria had started talking to the hunter. She forgot about the fact that he was a hunter and that he could hurt her at any moment. She just started talking away like some little girls do.

Then Euria suddenly stopped talking. She looked around and got a bit nervous. She remembered seeing something, or someone... hiding somewhere. It made her feel uneasy. She leaned closer to Alister's ear and quietly asked, "Are you sure we're not alone?"

Shikabane Hime
So...tired....just...let me....d...
Shikabane Hime is offline
Old 07-31-2015, 04:45 AM

Anubina blinked light as she listened to the female, she was a bit amazed by the amount of curiosity that was coming from her. She had allowed her to finish asking the few questions she had asked. The dark haired woman shifted her eyes to the side a bit, placing her hands before her back, thinking of what to answer them. She looked up for a moment before returning her sight to Roshan. "It's ok, I understand if that is how he acts. I can't change how he is towards beings like me. I am just happy that he didn't really try to attack me. I am not really much of a fighter." She said placing a hand behind her back.

Thinking a bit more, she continued speaking. "Well, since you have been kind to me and not attack me out of the blue, I shall answer your question truthfully. As a water spirit, I mostly stick to marine animals. However, much like my element, I have learned to adapt to my surroundings. Switching between animals, but since this war, I have lived in the water and the animal I chose was an orca." She said calmly, blinking a bit before relaxing a bit more. Anubina wasn't sure who to really feel, she felt safe around the young woman, but she knew she had to keep her guard up. Just in case something was to happen. "I came to the forest before I live not too far from here and I used to come here years before. It's peaceful, to say the least." Anubina smiled a bit more, "As for my partner, he is near at times. I know when he is close and he knows how to take care of himself, so I don't worry too much for him." She said fiddling with her fingers a bit. "Does that make me a bad partner?" She asked with her sapphire eyes shooting over towards Roshan, blinking a bit before relaxing against a tree as well.


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