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faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 01-29-2011, 10:42 AM

How to Play:
This game gets a little tricky because it's not one, not two, but THREE avatars so please read ALL of the following before posting.

For the first avatar you must say something you like about it.
For the second, something you don't like.
For the third, give them one of three labels: "Eye Candy," "Eye Sore" or "Eye Catching."

Terms as defined by me;
Eye Candy: Someone who looks delicious enough to eat.
Eye Sore: Someone who is unappealing to your eyes.
Eye Catching: An extremely original or interesting avatar. (Consider this the "neutral" option.)
Posting Guide
If you are poster A, you must wait for poster B, C and D to post before you may post again. Meaning, you may never be part of one of the three avatars you are "rating."

One word posts are spam.
Do not chatter in this thread...please do not make "skip me" posts, there are too many people involved and it would get too confusing. Please PM or comment on the person's profile instead.
If you cannot fill out all 3 parts (or do not want to), do not post.
Follow the posting guide.

Please Remember:
This is just a game, do NOT take it personally.

Last edited by monstahh`; 01-30-2011 at 11:20 PM..

Ferra is offline
Old 01-29-2011, 10:59 AM

Well, this looks interesting. I haven't tried any avatar rating threads for a long while, so I'll give this a shot. Since you're the only avatar above me, I'll just do all three. :)

Something I like: I like the browns in your outfit. You've used a lot of different shades of brown, but they look nice together. Plus, I have a soft-spot for that antler item. :lol: I also like that the head isn't cluttered, since I've noticed that tendency in some AC outfits as of late.

Something I don't like: I really can't understand the theme of this outfit. Also, it's not matchy-matchy, which is perfectly fine, but some colors stand out in not very appealing ways. The purple hibiscus blossom, for example, seems out of place. Especially since the Bertie suggests a darker theme, as does the "demon" tail, but the pink colors and flower seem very innocent and girly, and yet the steampunkish items suggest a different theme entirely. I think there could be a better flow to this avatar if the theme was more defined.

Eye Something: Wow... I wish we could do more than choose between those three options. :sweat: Since I think you could improve this outfit, I'm forced to pick Eye Sore.

Sorry, I didn't mean for that to come off so negative, but it seems like two out of the three comments will be dedicated to negative comments unless you absolutely love their outfits.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 01-29-2011, 11:06 AM

Let's see.

Empty Void - I love you.

Mon - I don't like pink? And actually I'm gonna have to agree with Ferra's description. Your avatar doesn't seem to flow right. For me, I think it's cause you have too many colors going on at the same time. I see 2 shades of purple, 2 shades of pink, gold, brown, black, and red. Kinda @.@ when I stare at it.

Ferra - Eye candy! :3 Ferra's looking tasty~ xD *munches* <3

Courage is the Magic that turns ...

Anglie is offline
Old 01-29-2011, 11:10 AM

haha this does look cool

something I like about monstahh: I love how the purple eggplant bloom stands out and also the different colors you use

somthing I don't like about Ferra: the lighter gray/hair seems kinda off, and also I think you need more of the pink shade on your upper torso

Seito: Eye candy! specially with the lollipop

IadulDraculai is offline
Old 01-29-2011, 11:41 AM

Ferra: Your avatar is so soft and sweet with all those gray and lavender colors.

Seito: Not to big on the white void that is your pantaloons. Sorry, dear.

Angelie: All of those lovely hearts and wings! Like a bunch of candy hearts!

Last edited by IadulDraculai; 01-29-2011 at 08:02 PM..

Chickie Nuggs
❀◕ ‿ ◕&...
Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 01-29-2011, 03:14 PM

My current avatar really isn't made for AC, but whatever. I can take it! xD

Something I like about Seito: Your coherent theme for the most part. Even though you're wearing older items, you still make them look like what's "in". :lol:

Something I don't like about Anglie: Despite the nice use of red, gold, and white, the feathers and rose petals floating around make your avatar much too busy and it makes your pretty avatar enshrouded.

(forgive me for this but...) Eye sore: I'm assuming that you are cosplaying a character or just merely trying to dress like how a person would normally dress, but the white hair and the blues aren't appealing to me right now. Maybe if you find a nice hat for him? I dunno.

Katie Is?
Katie Is? is offline
Old 01-29-2011, 04:36 PM

Anglie- I love the way you've worked the gold in. It's easy to just mix reds and whites together, but you've managed to draw in the gold with your hair and skirt, which makes the whole outfit a lot warmer and nicer

IadulDraculai- your avatar seems somewhat boring- there's nothing at all really going on, just a coat, pants, and boots... (and gloves and belt. but still)

Demoscout- apple of my eye. Granted, I haven't been around menewsha much yet, but from what I've seen most people pick 1-3 colours and build their theme or outfit around that. The fact that you've managed to incorporate a rainbow isn't just pretty, it's also really interesting!

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 01-29-2011, 07:13 PM

IadulDraculai: You have to pick from one of the three labels... "Eye sore" "eye catching (NEW!)" or "Eye candy" for the third person. n___n~

1 - Iadul - I like that it's a little "quirky."

2 - Demoscout - The face and head is a bit much. ><

3 - Katie - Eye Candy! Om nom nom, she looks kindof like the cupcake she's holding...delicious. :drool:

Roka is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 01:32 AM

What I like about Demo: The very unusual color scheme. I'm one for weird color schemes, and I haven't seen green / purple used from my time on mene. I love the use of the jewels and the eyes (what did you do to them to make them look like that?)

What I don't like about Katie: The contrast of the grey skin and the red / pink. That grey skin never seems to look right with bright colors.

Eye What? : Eye Catching. All the different colors / themes you have going on here really spikes my interest, and looks like something that my sister would wear. ._.

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 02:52 AM

Good about 'Katie Is?' I really like your skirt layering! it looks great.
Bad about 'Monstahh`' I actually really like this, so I'm finding it pretty hard to find a negative :sweat:
After looking at this for a solid minute, the only fault I can find is that the upper arms seem a little empty (though in truth I think it looks good that way :sweat:)
'Abomination' the Eye Sore I feel bad for choosing this option, but I've picked it because I think I've caught you mid change :sweat: If not, your avatar looks incomplete. (shoes and a shirt would be nice xD)

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disturbed66 is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 04:25 AM

monstahh---loving the crown.. but what im really loving is.. all the layers.. of all those colors.. it dosent seem to make since but in a way it does I LOVE IT

Abomination.-- i really REALLY dont like the white layering.. it kinda seems forced. as if you where trying to add more depth to it... or somthing... it just dosent work for me, i is srry, instead of white perhaps purple. that would work so much better. well me thinks

zeapear-,,,, eye sore
i dont know if its all the layers your trying to do.. or the horid green thing on ur head.. i think its a hankie
srry but this avi dosent sit well with me.. >>...<<... THOW it is ur avi so, do what u well

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 04:41 AM

Abomination: I love how you're so cute, until you notice the skull. It's brilliant.

Zeapear: I don't like how your right leg is so bland. Everything else is quite busy, but that one spot, is not.

Disturbed: Definitely eye catching. There's no two ways about that... I like it personally, it works... but I'd never say it was yummy.

\ (•◡•) /
chronic_heartbreak14 is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 07:34 AM

zeapear: i love that color green!

disturbed: i'm not a fan of the theme, though you did do a great job on it.

carzeebear: eye candy, i think its really pretty for a simple avatar, and i love how sophisticated she is

Black Phoebe
\ (•◡•) /
Black Phoebe is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 08:39 AM

Disturbed; I love the pink in with the black and red, gives the 'doom and gloom' thing a little pick-me-up

Carzeebear; I don't like the violet, it looks off, maybe try it with yellow, it'll be a bit more bold I think.

Chronic; eye sore, the pinks and blues just do not work

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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 02:20 PM

I like how intelligent and wise the first avatar is :)

For the second, perhaps the ribbon is a little too white and you know that space image I have of you, the white ribbon doesn't fit into that image for me. But all ribbons are love though ^^"

Um, so sorry to say but it's going to be eye sore for the third avatar. Perhaps its because of the goth look being a little too dark for me. Perhaps the green looks depressing... Maybe another colour added to the avatar may make it look more eyecatching?

Courage is the Magic that turns ...

Anglie is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 03:07 PM

Chronic ~ I love the different colors you use, it's very colorful and balanced and pretty ^_^

Phoebe ~ it seem a little to dark for me and I think it'd be better with a handheld item too

Pancake ~ Eye Catching! it's a very interesting avi

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 03:50 PM

Phoebe-I love the background,it adds a lot to the avi and makes it look like there's an interesting,creepy,story going on.

Pancake-This is just something I don't like personally ,it's the blood!That kind of stuff always kind of makes me want to cringe a little.>.<

Anglie-Eye Catching!It's the feathers and the petals.It makes it seem like you're about to fly off.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 04:02 PM

Something I like: I love just how Well you used the items. You made the scythe from evil Overlord look almost cute and adorable by adding the Panda Ears from this Month's CI

Something I don't like: I don't like how this avi never changes! Its always the same exact avi every time I see it. Sorry love! :gonk:

Eye Candy, Eye Sore or Eye Catching?: Eye candy! I mean, you look like a tasty little piece of Candy, and on top of that holding the candy stick? Om nom nom nom!

Roka is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 06:59 PM

I love Anglie! Never have I seen gold and red used so nonchalantly. People usually try to make their avatars over the top when they use these colors, but something about Anglie's makes me want to relax and probably start a pillow fight or something.

Papillion could use some more of that dark purple spread around. I think that the candy stick should be taken out, too, and more layers added in! Overall, it's just really simple for me.

Kiako is eye catching. I absolutely love the color scheme, and the way that the gold doesn't look too forced, especially with a really bold color scheme like that. The Yumeh parts make me want to cuddle up with you ~

\ (•◡•) /
chronic_heartbreak14 is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 09:42 PM

Pap: the purple is so pretty!

Kiako: i think the pale tan color blends into the orange

abomination: eye candy, its so adorable and the mint with pink is great.

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.Simplicity. is offline
Old 01-31-2011, 01:52 AM

Kiako has an amazing looking avatar! I love the use of Yumeh items! She could be Yumeh's girly-friend is she really wanted! xD <3

Abomination has an okay-looking avatar, but it I really dislike the eye-patch. The tree makes it look sweet, but the eye-patch, while heart-shaped, doesn't look sweet.. D:

For Chronic, I'll say her avatar is eye catching. The pink seems to be overwhelming compared to the other colors, but she's too cute to ever be considered an eye sore! <3

Taliesin is offline
Old 01-31-2011, 03:22 AM

Something I like: the colour scheme XD I really love brown and green being used together, and the pink and white accent it really nicely.

Something I don't like: ... Ok this is hard, 'cause I really like Chronic's avi ^^;; Uuh, I guess the hair? The colour looks too flat maybe...

'Eye' label
: Eye catching! Reminds me of Alice in Wonderland meets Snow White XD

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 01-31-2011, 06:21 PM

Like/Chronic: I love pink and blue together. I really think the hot pink and sapphire are a great color combo. :D

Don't Like/Simplicity: I don't like the crown and bow. I think I'd go with a red headband instead of the bow if you want to include the crown. And I also think you need earrings. XP

Eye/Taliesin: Eye catching! I like the bright haircolor that contrasts the rest of your outfit. It's simplistic, and gets the point across. :D

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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 01-31-2011, 06:21 PM

Chronic: I think I have mentioned your space look countless times and how I absolutely adore it! The colours pop and it looks like its straight out of an 'Aqua' videoclip... You know that band that sang 'Barbie Girl' & 'Candy Man'? Yeah... I love the vivid colours!

Simp: Honestly... I can;t find anything to not like about your avatar! It is pretty darn awesome/ But if I had to mention something, its probably the double sock thing... I don;t like how both socks have ruffles ^^"

Taliesin: Eye-catching to me. Needs some more purple at some places but it looks like its heading somewhere with a good theme in mind :)


Simp: Everything is great! Colour, theme and balance! I love how cute the avatar looks :)

Taliesin: Needs more purple like I mentioned. A little incomplete but heading somewhere

Sizz: Eye-candy! Mint and strawberry! Definitely good enough to eat! I like the colours and how it pops from the black background!

Last edited by Pa-pancake; 01-31-2011 at 06:24 PM..

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 02-01-2011, 06:55 PM

I like the theme you're going with. The battered slave, it looks like. You're definitely portraying that well.

Like I said in another thread, I just don't like the little bits of dark green ><

- Eye Catching -
It's a neat looking avatar. I have no real feelings for it though. I don't -NOT- like it, but it's not exactly for my tastes either. But it is a nice avatar.


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