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seripha is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 09:29 AM

Drabbles are a lot more challenging than I realized because there's no one else to play off of. You have to do everything yourself. It's really weird but I like it. I totally hear the creative thing though. It's a strain but one that hopefully will make us both stronger?

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by seripha
Drabbles are a lot more challenging than I realized because there's no one else to play off of. You have to do everything yourself. It's really weird but I like it. I totally hear the creative thing though. It's a strain but one that hopefully will make us both stronger?
Yeah. xD The hardest part if thinking of a story. After that everything just falls into place. I have a harder time picking which character and which number to do. xD After I do though, they just magically seem to come together. * nods*

It's a huge strain. Especially when you reach the end (because most people leave the hard ones for last and then struggle over how to fit the theme into the drabble). But it will. ^^ It'll make you alot stronger in your writing ability. And you'll discover a little more about your character every day. ^_^

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 09:46 AM

Drabble 13
List: 101 kisses
#5. Strawberry jam
Characters: Seika and Ita
Story: Ninja
Pairing: *shrugs*
Location: Houkiboshi
Warning/Special Note: N/A

There was absolutely no strawberry jam in Houkiboshi. Seika couldn't help but to be a little peeved by that fact. She told great pride in the fact that you could find anything in Houkiboshi, and the fact that there was no strawberry jam annoyed her greatly.

Mental Note, add Strawberry Jam to the list of items to add to the store. Seika grabbed her bag and headed to the market. She need to buy a jar of strawberry jam.

"Whatcha buying Seika?"

Seika didn't even bat an eyelash when she heard Ita randomly pop up and ask her that. Ita supposed she was finally getting use to him just showing up. He couldn't decided if that was a good thing or not.

"Strawberry jam," she answered him.

"Why strawberry jam?"

"To make Atrapias."

Ita blinked. "What's that?"

"It's a dessert I'm gonna be adding to the menu at Houkiboshi."

"What kind of dessert is it?"

This time Seika looked at him. "You're asking a lot of questions today Ita. They're bite sized strawberry balls of a light sponge cake. I use the strawberry jam in the sponge cake. Atrapias go excellent with chocolate sauce, whipped cream, powdered sugar, or all three, if that is what one prefers."


"Yeah oh. So I need strawberry jam because for some reason I don't have an in Houkiboshi."

"Ah. Can I try some after you finish?"

"If you pay for the strawberry jam."


Ita grabbed the jar of strawberry jam and dragged Seika those the checkout counter. Seika wondered if she should really should have agreed to that. She then realized that Ita had only grabbed one jar of strawberry jam.

"Hey Ita."


"One more thing. I need twenty jars of strawberry jam."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 10:02 AM

Drabble 14
List: 101 kisses
#66. Between the sheets
Characters: Seika and Ita
Story: Ninja
Pairing: Ah
Location: a bed
Warning/Special Note: N/A

Seika was fast asleep in between the sheets of her warm bed. Her thick warm blanket covered her and kept her warm. She had a big smile on her face as she dream peacefully in warmth.

That of course changed when she felt someone snuggled in between the sheets with her. Seika's eyes flew open, her hands around her paper fan hitting the intruder.

"Itai! Seika! What was that for?"

Seika glared at Ita who decided to snuggle his cold body next to her. "What are you doing Ita?"

"It's cold! I want company!"

"It snows everyday here. Of course it's cold. Now get out of my warm bed!"

"But Seika! I wanna stay here with you!" Ita gave his best puppy eyes to the white hair girl.

Seika twitched. She weighted her options. If she threw Ita out, he would just keep trying to come back over and over again, until her bed became cold and uncomfortable. Also she would need the energy of argue with him and she was already tired and cranky. If she let Ita stay then all she would have to worry about was him snuggling too close and of course her grandmother. She'll probably think we're finally ready to get married since we're sharing a bed Seika thought darkly to herself. Of course she already thinks it's a great idea that we should get married... and I'll deal with this later. I'm tired.

"Fine. You can stay. But you better be out of here before my grandmother wakes up tomorrow morning. I do not want to explain to her why you're in my bed and I certainly don't want to give her the wrong expression," Seika glared at Ita. Ita nodded in understanding.

"Good now get between the sheets. You're letting out all the warmth."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 11:34 AM

Drabble 15
List: 101 kisses
#10. Eyes
Characters: Seika and Ita
Story: Ninja
Pairing: Maybe
Location: Nowhere
Warning/Special Note:N/A

Seika really liked Ita's eyes. They held so many different things. Even though Ita may look like he smiling, Seika knows that sometimes he's crying. Ita's eyes are really a window to his soul.

They're never the same shade depending on his mood. They're like bright ruby red when he's happy. His eyes are a murky brownish red when he's sad. They're a deep crimson like blood, when he's angry or bloodthirsty. His eyes have this odd gleam when he's fears something (usually my safety) or when he worries to. They're just red when he's calm and content. It's that same shade when he's full of confidence.

I really like them Seika thought to herself. They inspire so much. Fear, creativity, peacefulness. Ita's eyes are really beautiful.


Ita thinks that Seika's eyes reveal the world to him. He watches them flare in anger and become ice cold when she's in a battle. They dance when she's in a teasing and joyful mood. Those sapphire eyes light up in delight whenever she's happy. They become sharp when she's annoyed. Her eyes darken whenever Seika was sad or worried.

The look in her eyes governs exactly what mood Ita should take before greeting her. If they have a sharp look then he greets her with a goofy smile in hopes that she'll return the favor. If they have a flare then he knows to say hello but keep his distance. If she's in a good mood and her eyes are lit up, then he's able to hug her without fear of getting hit. He treats her as a fellow warrior when see that they're ice cold and does his best to comfort her when her eyes say she's sad.

Ita mused to himself. Seika's eyes are beautiful. I could spend all day staring into them.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 11:13 PM

Drabble 16
List: 101 kisses
#5. Chrysanthemums
Characters: Aysel and Ravi
Story: Threads of Life
Pairing: Yup
Location: None
Warning/ Special Note: N/A

Aysel's favorite flower was chrysanthemums. Ravi knew that well. That is why he was hunting for a flower shop that sold them. He wanted to surprise her with nice bouquet of them when she arrived back home.

"Hi, do you sell any Chrystanthemums?" asked Ravi walking into the flower shop.

The shopkeeper looked at him. "Yes. What color?"

"Um which ever color you have."

"Is this for a girl?"

Ravi blinked. "Yes."

"Do you like the girl?"

Ravi had a puzzled look. "What does that have to do with everything?"

The shopkeeper whacked him on the head. "It has to do with everything! You give the girl red Chrysanthemums if you like her. If you want to confess a secret give her white ones. If you don't care at all, then give her different colors."

Ravi rubbed his head. "And what does this have to do with anything?"

The shopkeeper hit him with a broom this time. "Everything! Everything! Don't you pay attention boy! Red Chrysanthemums mean I love you. White Chrysanthemums means truth. Chrysanthemums in general mean cheerfulness. You just give her any old color and you'll crush the poor girls heart!"

Ravi blinked. He didn't know that. Come to think about it. Someone did mention that flowers have their own special meanings. He just never paid attention to that before. "Fine. Give me red Chrysanthemums."

The shopkeeper smiled. "Good choice boy."


Aysel let out a squeel. "Chrysanthemums!" she exclaimed. She hugged Ravi and gave him a big smile. "Thank you Ravi. They're a beautiful red color." She kissed him on the lips. "By the way, love you too."

Ravi blushed and blinked. It was a good thing that shopkeeper told him the meanings to Chrysanthemums. A very good thing.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-04-2007, 09:56 AM

Drabble 17
List: 101 kisses
#1. Starlight
Characters: Riku
Story: Slatrommi
Pairing: Nah
Location: You'll see
Warning/Special Note: N/A

The starlight destival came once every few years. It happens every time a star dies or a star is born. It was a time of celebration for the Slatrommi. This year Starlight Festival was a joyous one for the birth of a new star was happening this time.

As the God of Cosmos, Riku knew he was expected to dance and perform at the festival. He didn't want to. Riku also knew that words, song and dance expressed and amplified one's magic. He knew that all Slatrommis had the ability to do any type of magic (Hotaru had proven this over and over again). The only reason why many do not try is because the magic they produce is usually quite weak.

Thus, because of his type of magic, he was the best choice to perform this year. Riku knew it was a great honor to dance for the starlight festival but he didn't like to dance nor did he like to sing. Hotaru did the festival last time. For her the stars glimmered and shine brightly casting a beautiful starlight on her. Riku was a little intimated. How could he live up to that?

"Riku You okay?"

Riku jumped, hearing his sister's voice. "Yeah sorta Hotaru," he said nervously.

"Nervous?" Hotaru asked. She patted Riku o nthe head. He swatted her hand away slightly annoyed by it. "You don't have to perform this year if you don't want to. There will always be more Starlight Festivals."

Riku's eyes lit up. "Really?"

Hotaru nodded." Mem offered to do it this year. She knows you were feeling nervous and upset about it. "

Riku flushed with embarrassment. He was nervous yes. But he couldn't really go around living hiding from this forever right? He always told Hotaru to stop treating him like a kid. If he ran away from this, wouldn't that be telling her he still needs time to grow up? "No. I'll do it oretsis. I'm gonna have to learn it sooner or later."

Hotaru smield and kissed Riku on the forehead. "Good. For you lrehtorb, the stars will shine the brightest."


Riku had danced beautifully. The flow of magic glowed like fireflies in the sky. Hotaru and Mem smiled to each other as they saw the stars dance with him. Their little brother was the God of Cosmos. It was only natural that the stars he ruled over would shine the brightest for him.

"Name the star Riku," said Mem.

Riku blinked. He had almost forgotten. Dancing at the Starlight Festival meant he got to name the star. "Irakaihsoh. Starlight." he said with a grin.

sychobunny is offline
Old 04-04-2007, 02:51 PM

Drabble 12: :3 Awww another successfully cute drabble- *gives Seito a balloon*

Drabble 13: "Seika, what are you making?"
Seika moved the chocolate to the fridge to let it cool

Cute- but somehow when reading it, not- I blame Sai.

Drabble 14: returned a stolen
She chose
To steal the painting
The real beauty went to Kait,

Deviously cute.

Drabble 15: The question was what was it and
XD Cute.

Drabble 1: Most likely
sick from running around at night
All he needed to think about right now was surviving through the night
They leapt over

I liked the hugs set better- there were hugs and glomps- and there isn’t even a kiss here. *pouts*

Drabble 2: her father, or her brother.
Ok, this one’s cute.

Drabble 3: sang as they each hit against the other.
is like watching them sword dance.
is gonna suggest they

… maybe I’m not visualizing this one properly, but I’m not getting the warm and fuzzies. :S

Drabble 4: managed to survive.
His rambling came

Definitely not warm and fuzzy- but you bring out the sadism well.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-05-2007, 03:30 AM

^^;;; I know! For some reason or another all the drabbles don't have kisses and aren't warm and fuzzy at all!! *sobs* They're not warm and fuzzy!! I want my warm and fuzzy drabbles back. TT-TT

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-05-2007, 04:02 AM

Drabble 18
List: 101 kisses
#4. Words
Characters: Hotaru
Story: Slatrommi
Pairing: Nah
Location: Wheee~
Warning/Special Note: I don't know if I like this one too much... >>

Hotaru, like most Slatrommis, was taught the important of words at a young age. Words are powerful. They amplify the magic. Without proper control, saying something could go horribly wrong. Perhaps that is how Hotaru began to fear herself and her power.

Hotaru never knew her parents nor did she had a proper teacher when she was child. So when her magic blossomed, she realized quickly that just by saying the word 'die' she could kill someone. Words were powerful. As she grew older Hotaru began to understand exactly what words could do and how flexible magic could be.

The word vanished let her become invisible while the word disappear could erase someone from the plane of existence.

Her words, Hotaru feared, were quite dangerous. What could you expect when the powers of life and death were at your fingertips. Simple utterance of words, words that usually were harmless or never meant to come true, the words that often came to with anger, Hotaru disliked words for a long time. The fear that she would hurt someone is the reason she she isolated herself. For all she could have known the reason why her parents were death could be because she a few hateful words.

Now days Hotaru has more control of her powers. They're not the best but at least she doesn't fear that fact that one word could kill someone. It's a good thing for now she has a family she can love and care for. But the fear has never really left her.

Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will kill my heart.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-05-2007, 05:29 AM

Drabble 19
List: 101 kisses
#2. Four of diamonds
Characters: Lady Luck
Story: Abstract Reality
Pairing: Nah Well maybe *wink*
Location: Training Room
Warning/Special Note: N/A

Lady Luck fingered the four of diamonds card in her hand. She flipped it back and forth across her fingers. The four of diamonds was not a powerful card. It certainly didn't stand well against the Royals of her deak nor did it belong to supreme Spades suit. It was quite useless in a poker game as well. But Lady Luck like the four of diamonds.

The reason being because her partner had choosen that one. Lady has resigned the card's ability to match that of her partner's. IT was nowhere near the same level as Superstition's attack, but it would have to do for now until she improved it.

Lady kissed the card before flicking it four of diamonds towards the training dummy. Instantly the dummy was slice into pieces falling to the ground with a thud.

Lady Luck left the training room with a satified look. The four of diamonds may be weak compared to her Royals but it was just as deadly.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-05-2007, 07:44 AM

Drabble 20
List: 101 kisses
#43. Blade of grass
Characters: Chi
Story: Slatrommi
Pairing: No
Location: N/A
Warning/Special Note: This takes place when Chi is much much older and grown up a bit more and somewhere between the lines of cute and drop dead sexy.

Chi looked around. This did not bold well. She plucked a blade of grass from the ground. Her magic flowed quickly through the blade of grass transforming it into grass sword. She winked and blew a butterfly kiss her the group of men surrounding her. "Want a piece of Chi? Come and get it," Chi teased, falling into her childhood habit.

The group of men lunged at her. Chi skillfully evaded the attack, swing her grass sword, slicing one of the men in half. Oddly there wasn't a drop of blood that was spilled. Chi smiled. Hotaru was right again. These men you could kill without feeling any regret for these men weren't real in the first place. They were shadows.

Chi jumped away from the next lunge, grabbing a handful of grasses. Instantly the blades of grass became sharp like razors and flew at the shadow men like knives. Two more went down but three popped in it place. Chi grind her teeth a bit. This would become quite annoying.

She danced away from the next fury of attacks, swing her grass sword. Her patience was beginning to wear thin. She tried not to lose control. Hotaru always lectured her about always being in control of her powers. Chi supposed Hotaru knew best. She knew that Hotaru feared the lack of control on her own abilities.

It was time to end this.

Flowing her magic into the ground, Chi smiled brightly. Waving bye to her opponents, blades of grass shot out of the ground growing tall like trees and piercing the shadow men. "Bai bai," she said sweetly.

The men disappeared back into the shadows they came from. Chi smiled and let the blades of grass turn back to their natural form. Her smile grew as she watch her grass sword turn back into a blade of grass.

Just how deadly can a blade of grass be?

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-05-2007, 09:18 AM

Drabble 21
List: 101 kisses
#21. Wireless
Characters: Seika and Ita
Story: Ninja
Pairing: *shrugs*
Location: Yuki Hoku/Houkiboshi (Can't decide on a name yet. Don't really like both)
Warning/Special Note: N/A

Ita tilted his head in curiosity. There was a van outside of the Yuki Hoku. A service van. "WI," Ita read. "Wonder what the is?"

He went inside and ready his flying glomp attack. Seika of course, sidestep the obvious attack. Draping himself over her should, Ita peered at the paper Seika was reading. He recovered quickly. Seika was getting better at dodging his attacks. "Whatcha doing Seika?"

"Hmm. Installing wireless internet," she answered in a business like tone.

Ita pouted for a moment. That tone meant it would be hard to get Seika to lighten up. He suppose he would go with the flow for now. "Why wireless internet?"

"A pitiful attempt to bring sales back up and convince people to stay and eat," said Seika with a bit of distaste in her mouth. "Sales have been dropping recently. So this is one last attempt to bring back customers."

Ita reached over and flipped through the pages. "Ah so that's why. I remember you telling me once that you would never install wireless internet in here."

"I actually would have settle for an internet cafe but by the time I buy all the computers, get an area cleared, and set up high speed internet, paying three years wireless internet came much easier," Seika said with a sigh. It annoyed her greatly that she had to do this.

Ita kissed her on the cheeks. "Relax Seika. You'll be able to keep this store open. I think wireless is a good idea. Did you have Ayame look into it?"

Seika nodded, ignoring the kiss. "Yeah. She's already designing the firewall system and anti-hacker protection. Ayame also said that if she figures out how to host the wireless internet herself, she would give it to me for free."

Ita grinned. "So in other words you're only going to be paying for this wireless internet service for only six months."

"Or less. Ayame is a genius after all." Seika grinned.

Ita chuckled. "You're one hell of a business woman Seika."

Seika smiled. "I know."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-05-2007, 10:12 AM

Drabble 22
List: 101 kisses
#59. Cosplay; fancy dress
Characters: *blinks* Let's just say anyone I can think of
Story: Everyone and Everything
Pairing: I don't know anymore
Location: Anime convention
Warning/Special Note: Ummm it's late... and I'm tired... and umm >.> I think I'm high on something. >> Oh and several of my characters were based off anime characters. So what seems funny to me, you might not get because you don't know that. But yeah not all the characters are based off anime characters.

Hotaru stood on the stage and smiled brightly. "Welcome everyone to the cosplay catwalk! Please enjoy your time here and take as many pictures as you want!" Only Riku and Chi were sitting in the audience.

"If up," said Hotaru. "We have Ita dressed Itachi from Naruto!" Ita appeared wearing a black cloak with red clouds.

"Following up. We have Seika dress as ... me?"

Seika popped up out of nowhere were one white wing and one black wing and long brown hair. "Yeah cause you're always dressing up as me!" Seika shouted.

Hotaru stuck her tongue out and continued, "Next we have Kait AKA Kuro Kage dressed the infamous Kaitou Kid from Detective Conana!" Kait appeared wearing a white tux.

Riku. "All he did was change the color of his tux!"

"That's the whole point of cosplay!" shouted Kait to Riku from the stage.

"Anyways," Hotaru interrupted, "We have Ayame dressed as Kai from Beyblade."

"She always was obsessed with that anime," Seika whispered to Ita.

"Funny I would have thought she would have went with Tala instead of Kai, since she likes him more," Ita whispered back. "She has the red hair to match."

Two tops came out of nowhere hitting the two of them on the forehead. "And her aim is just as good," the two shinbois muttered.

"Up next we have Rayna dressed as Roy Mustang the Flame Alchemist from Fullmetal Alchemist!" Hotaru announced. Rayna appeared wearing the blue military uniform.

"Rayna is posing as her twin brother?" Seika asked.

"The one she was created for just fullmetal alchemist fanfics?" asked Ita.

An icy glare from Rayna shut the two of them up for a moment. "And of course the fact that she's the Ice Alchemist doesn't make it anymore ironic does it?" Seika pipped up.

Seika and Ita looked at each other. "Seito's crazy isn't she?" they both asked.

"Then my little brother has decided to join! We have Rikugou cosplaying as Riku from Kingdom Hearts!"

"And the actual irony of this one is that Seito never made Riku look like Riku on purpose. She had actually choose the colors and the name before she played Kingdom Hearts," Seika muttered.

"Ironic never the less though."

"And that's all we have here for today folk!" Hotaru said cheerfully.

"Huh? But we didn't even get through half the muses!" Seika protested.

"Yeah but Seito is suppose to be sleeping remember?" said Hotaru. "Anyways we hope you have enjoyed our cheesy cosplay show!"

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 11:22 AM

Drabble 23
List 101 kisses
#45. Shadow
Characters: Kait and someone else
Story: N/A
Pairing: N/A
Location: A building
Warning/Special Note: I gotta stop writing so late at night... @.@ Or is it early in the morning?

The darkness of the night clung like glue, filling up rooms and buildings, soaking it in its essence. It was a cloudy moonless night. Shadows reign supreme. Kuro Kage used this to his advantage. It would be the prefect night to take his target.

Darting into the shadows, Kuro arrived at safe in the wall where the gem was suppose to have been kept. Almost gleefully he began to work his magic. Kuro froze suddenly as he heard a click of a safety of a gun and a metal barrel pressed against the back of his head. "Don't move," an icy female voice rang.

Kuro couldn't see his hunter in the thickness of the shadows. Suddenly he didn't regret not sending a notice to the police. They would have caused more harm then they intended. Kuro had hear the rumors about this gem having a body guard but for the month he had scouted the area, he never saw one. All the rumor told him was the guard was skilled with a gun. Kuro just didn't expected them to be so good as to sneak up on him. That wasn't what scared him the most though.

It was the scent of Death and blood that clung to her... the same way the shadows clung to him. "What do you want," the voice asked again.

Kuro answered honestly. "For the jewel Black Angel."

The girl behind him laughed. "That's what you woke me up for? There isn't any jewel thief. I am Black Angel and it would be in your best concern that you leave and never come back." As silently as she came, she slipped back into the shadows.

Kuro turned around, staring at the empty space that was now behind him. It wasn't worth the risk. He faded into the shadows and disappeared into the night.

sychobunny is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 05:39 PM

Drabble 5: Kai continued his walking,
Feet never seemed to move
over to some Cloud Demons

A visual piece.
It is not believable that the cloud demons are all that cute. Can you describe them more?

Drabble 6: Awww I had all these notes on how to tweak the song... But then nooooo. It had to be a fake song T_T.
What does the term evol mean? Is it a nickname, a title, is it a proper known?
The song was interrupted
you're shining as bright as those stars are.”

Drabble 7: disguises, I even
A nice self-analysis drabble. You captured confusion and seriousness well.

Drabble 8:Hotaru often confides in me that she
Slowly the picture repaired itself.
I suppose that’s Why one of my titles
It makes life so enjoyable.

You have a really static and serous piece that leads up to life being enjoyable. I think you need to have her looking at fun expirences themselves. The experiences shown in the photographs are not described, and I think that would help support the ultimate conclusion at the end.

Drabble 9:Don’t even ask, Kai.
XD Sounds like fun. *throws book at Hotaru*

Drabble 10: first day of spring
Snowdrops were her favorite
Before Sai did, that I

I think we’re getting closer to cute. We have sentimentality from one who is trained to be soldier-like. Silly bandits messing with a girl who’s not in a happy mood. That always ends badly.

Drabble 11: Some envied their comrades
Cute. Somber, filled with an after- battle scene, but still serene.

Drabble 12: at least take Riku along with her.
They got to the beach
To build several
Working on too.

Cute. I want a sand country!

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 09:52 PM

Cloud demons are kinda cute but not so much. xD I'll add that in. *nods* ^-^

Evol just means love. So I guess a nickname. Like how a guy could call a girl honey or cutiepie. xD Or something like that. xD

@.@ Eep back to writing. >.< Need more gold!

Temmon is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 10:17 PM

I just read all of those. xD They were fun. ^^ Forgive me if I don't comment on each one individually, though. >.< I like your writing style. :3 Those sentences totally don't fit together. *sigh*

Anyways, this is the first time I've heard of drabbles, but they look like lots of fun. Mebbe I could do a list to get back into writing. >.< Got any suggestions?

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by Temmon
I just read all of those. xD They were fun. ^^ Forgive me if I don't comment on each one individually, though. >.< I like your writing style. :3 Those sentences totally don't fit together. *sigh*

Anyways, this is the first time I've heard of drabbles, but they look like lots of fun. Mebbe I could do a list to get back into writing. >.< Got any suggestions?
haha thanks! ^-^ At least I know people are reading. No need to comment everyone. xD

Yeah they're fun. I have tons of lists saved if you want to try one. ^-^

Temmon is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 10:25 PM

^^ Yeah. I have no idea if people have been reading the stuff I posted here. >.<

Could you mebbe pick out a good, short list and PM it to me? <3

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by Temmon
^^ Yeah. I have no idea if people have been reading the stuff I posted here. >.<

Could you mebbe pick out a good, short list and PM it to me? <3
Sure. xD

Hmm how short? The shortest one I have is 15.

The longest I have 101.

But there are like 30, 25, 72 lists too. *nods*

And yeah one is unique in it's own way. ^-^

Temmon is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 10:34 PM

I think around 30 would be good. ^^ And thanks a lot!

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by Temmon
I think around 30 would be good. ^^ And thanks a lot!
wait! There are different ones though!

30 kisses?
30 smiles
30 romances
30 foturnces
30 enemies

Temmon is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 10:41 PM

xD How about 30 Romances?

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 10:42 PM

Ah okay. ^-^

Pm it you right? I'll get it on it right away. It's a lj community so if you want to join them that works too. ^_^


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