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Suika is offline
Old 08-12-2007, 02:43 AM

This was inspired by my friend, Deji-chan, and it is a sister thread to her own. I used to have a list of her themes that I was using, but now I'm just using things out of my head, and numbering them.

Deji-chan's 100 Drabbles - Sister Thread.

Please do not post until I'm finished with my list. I feel the compulsion to keep this thing perfectly neat and tidy for some odd reason. I know that this will take a long time, and I looooove any feedback that people wish to give me, so please, feel free to PM me!~

Right about now, I've got a bunch of characters jumping around in my head, and not all of them can be put to use, so it only seems right to use this to use and develop these characters, and any new ones that may come along. :3

Plus, warning, some of my characters have really bad cursing problems. xD Dorian, Max, and Chloe, at the least.

That's really all I can say, so here I go, I guess... : D

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-12-2007, 02:44 AM


1 - Harper
2 - Adrian
3 - Dorian
4 - Ewan
5 - Max
6 - Abigail
7 - Psyche
8 - Chloe
9 - Nathaniel
10 - Victor
11 - Molly
12 - Emeric
13 - Cail
14 - Sterling
15 - Dudpa
16 - Morgan
17 - Jacob
18 - Lilah
19 - Aidan
20 - Griffith
21 - Nesta
22 - Lauma
23 - Enishi
24 - Taka
25 - Gwyneth
26 - Amy
27 - Tsukaru
28 - Hogai
29 - Itsuki
30 - Zinnia
31 - Pheobe
32 - Melanie
33 - Antevorte
34 - John
35 - Worry
36 - Resignation
37 - Joy
38 - Unhappiness
39 - Philip
40 - Kenna
41 - Rab
42 - Blair
43 - Depression
44 - Loneliness
45 - Jen
46 - Chris

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-12-2007, 02:45 AM


NEW IDEA - No more themes lists. :3

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-12-2007, 02:46 AM

[1] - Beat - Harper

She moved her hand away from the blades of the machine, managing to get a bit of the icing that was beating in the bowl. These were the moments she relished, when all thoughts but the ones of what she was doing vanished. There was calm in her head, for once, as she swirled around the kitchen, tasting the sickly sweet pink on her fingertip.

When she finally turned back to the bowl, her mind buzzed lightly with instructions for her hand, but there was nothing else. Nothing. This was what she loved.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-12-2007, 03:33 AM

[2] - Selfish - Harper

There were too many selfish people in the city. Harper thought to herself, laying her head against the cool surface of her table. If everyone gave a bit more, if everyone cared a bit more... She sighed, watching the condensation from her breath play across the shine of the wood. It faded away, and she sat up, ripping the top off of a pixie stick.

If everyone had a heart, if everyone was just a bit happier, if only, if only, if only.

The doorbell rang, and she sprang up to answer it, grinning ear to ear. If only she could make one person happier, if only.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-12-2007, 03:58 AM

[3] - Empty - Adrian

He sat on the floor, wondering at his new apartment. A new space, void of all signs of life. His hand brushed along the wooden floors, smooth to the touch from years of wear. He thought about who had worn them. Little baby feet? The trampling of teenagers? The steady pace of an adult? The shuffling of a senior?

He would never know. For the past was gone, replaced by his awkward presence. He could feel his knees pop as he stood up, sighing.

This is how he liked it best, lifeless and yet full of life. Maybe he'd just never move his furniture in...

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-15-2007, 01:39 AM

[4] - Disaster - Ewan

Ewan stared glumly at the television screen, not really paying attention to anything it blared out at her.

The news was always depressing. Fires here, murders there, war, war, war. She didn't know why she kept staring, half-lidded at the flashing screen. Boredom was her best guess. There was simply nothing better to do in the waiting room.

She sighed, shifting her focus for a moment from the flames engulfing a house on the screen. But to her dismay, the posters on highly infectious diseases only made her more saddened.

For every disaster, there should be a corresponding happy event. This was her advice for the newstations. Not like they ever listened.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-20-2007, 05:49 AM

[5] - Nothing - 'Max'

"Ahh, nothing to do, nothing to do." A large frown grew on his face as he trudged along the corridors of his home.

So many places and times, and never anything to do. This is why he left in the first place. He's be back home if he knew it'd be this boring.

He'd just have to make his own fun, he guessed, sighing.

First things first, he was going to stop talking to himself.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-23-2007, 08:00 PM

[6] - Everything - Abigail

Everything was wrong.

Abigail trudged along the sidewalks in the drizzle. She could feel her curls sticking to her forehead, and her sweatshirt clinging to her body, but didn't really care. No one was looking, anyways. She made a point of that. She was ugly, horrible, no one deserved the punishment of having to even look at her.

Everything was always wrong with her.

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Suika is offline
Old 08-24-2007, 04:05 AM

[7] - Tangible - Abigail

The sadness shrouded her from the rest of the world, covering her and keeping her from being noticed.

Abigail supposed she should be thankful for that. Being noticed was not high on her list of priorities.

But she couldn't help resenting the taste it left in her mouth, this sadness.

She wished it could taste like something other than tears.

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Suika is offline
Old 08-24-2007, 04:28 AM

[8] - Garage - Psyche

She had once lived in a garage. It had been an old two-car garage, attatched to an abandonded house. It was warm in the winter, not too hot in the summer, and even still contained a few rusted tools.

Sometimes, as she listened for any sign of the man living above her, she missed that garage, and it's lack of vampire lads.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-25-2007, 12:56 AM

[9] - Pen - Dorian

Click. Click. Click. Click.

Dorian glared at the woman sitting at the desk next to him, and it took all his strength not to yell at her.

"Will you please stop?" He managed to mutter through gritted teeth.

Ewan just gave him a bored look, and turned back to her computer screen.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-25-2007, 12:56 AM

[10] - Lost - Max

He frowned. No way. There was just no way in Hell.

He stumbled around the town, mind reeling. He couldn't have. He knew exactly where it was.

It was just eluding him. In the most clever of ways. Yes that was it, it was hiding very well.

Because there was no way he had lost his ship.

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Suika is offline
Old 08-30-2007, 01:58 AM

[11] - Poster - Chloe

Chloe marched into the kitchen and loudly stated, "I'm going to put up some posters in my room."

Max looked up, glaring. "It's not your room, and you're not putting up posters."

She simply matched his glare, heading for the refridgerator. "I wasn't asking permission. Stop off at Earth so I can buy some." She waved her hand dismissively, grabbing a bottle.

"Dammit! I'm not going to Earth to buy you some stupid posters for a room that's not even yours!"

She walked out of the room, sipping her beverage with a smirk. "Don't be silly, I'm going to but them."

She left a fuming Time Lord in her wake.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-30-2007, 01:59 AM

[12] - Question - Victor

Victor seriously questioned this girl's sanity. Why did she stay in the church? Why did she want to talk to him? The only explanation was that she had to have some sort of chemical imbalance.

That must be it. There was no other explanation. He bit his lip, a tiny bit. She did seem a little off her rocker, to begin with...

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Suika is offline
Old 08-30-2007, 02:01 AM

[13] - Sound - Harper

Harper bounced around the kitchen, trying to concentrate, with all of the noise of everyone's cooking.

"Dude! Keep the knife on the board!" She shouted and grinned as she narrowly dodged the sharp point that her fellow student had used to gesture at her, probably to slow down.

She continued running, checking on the dishes she was cooking. The sounds of clanging, sizzling, chopping, beating. Familiar clamor.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-30-2007, 02:04 AM

[14] - Out - Jen

Jen wanted to go out. She wanted to dance, she wanted to drink, and she wanted to flirt.

Most of all, she wanted to forget about him going on a date.

Jen was jealous (but would never admit it), and would get drunk off her ass just to forget about it.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-30-2007, 02:04 AM

[15] - Fool - Harper

Harper enjoyed playing the fool.

She would let people believe she was the crazy, ditzy one, the one who spurted out random information just to make herself seem smarter. (And they happily believed that it probably all was false)

It made it all the more fun when she would stun everyone with her true intelligence.

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Suika is offline
Old 08-30-2007, 02:05 AM

[16] - Negative- Dorian

"Negative twelve!? How the hell could we have made negative twelve dollars?!" Dorian yelled at his calculator.

All day, working in the stupid shop, and they lost money? Dorian fumed, resisting the urge to throw the small machine against the wall.

Ewan peeked over his shoulder, face flat and bored. "You've added wrong, idiot."

Forget the calculator, Dorian had a new idea of what to throw.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-30-2007, 02:07 AM

[17] - Glossy - Chris

Jen leaned over and laid a sloppy, wet kiss on his cheek, eyes slightly glazed over. She grinned and sat back in her chair. "Thanks you for coming with me, Chrissy!"

He grimaced and wiped the glossy stain off his cheek. "Yeah, I'm glad I could be your replacement date" There was not as much bitterness in his tone as he tried to make it seem. She simply giggled and winked at the so called 'completely adorable' bartender.

"Oh, Chrissy, you know you're my best friend."

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 08-30-2007, 02:07 AM

[18] - Sight - Max

Max nearly giggled at the sight in front of him. Chloe had fallen into the slime pits and was trying desperately to escape them.

Oooh, now she was phasing, frustrated at her failed attempts. That made it all the more hilarious.

Max was in hysterics by the time he saw the very slimy, very wet wolf clamber up the slope.


He abruptly stopped laughing, looking up from his crumpled position on the ground. Now was the time to run.

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Suika is offline
Old 09-12-2007, 02:12 AM

[19] - Longer - Chloe

Sometimes, when she was all alone, Chloe wondered about how much longer she could stay on Earth. Max would come back for her, every once in a while, but the voice in her head was still getting louder. With no escape from it, sometimes she just wanted to go home. Where she could be a wolf anytime she wanted, and curl up on the warm yellow grass for naps.

But no, she was on Earth, where humans didn't know anything. Even her planet knew about aliens, and they were way younger as a race! She seriously was scared for these little humans. So much stupidity, and yet so egotistical. One of these days, she was going to forget about being an alien, and rip someone's face off...

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Old 12-29-2007, 12:12 AM

[20] - Searching - Jacob

The assistant was searching frantically. Digging in the sawdust, checking under the table, panicking.

Jacob watched with a detached expression from his desk, across the room. His eyes were critical. His hand was nearly moving on it's own as it filled in the blanks in the familiar paperwork.

"I-I'm sorry sir!" He was flustered, breathing hard in front of Jacob now. "I came in during lunch and little Algie was gone! I'm really sorry, It was an accident, I don't know-"

Jacob cut him off, holding up his hand, and opened a drawer in his desk with the other. Inside it was a small brown mouse, happily scurrying around. "I found him under one of the tables." He glared lightly, pausing to pick the rodent up. "You messed up the experiment."

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 12-29-2007, 12:17 AM

[21] - Fault - Jacob

Jacob examined the jagged edge, measuring the space between the two sides of the hole before standing up and straightening his suit.

It was a tiny fault line, barely able to form a feeble earthquake. Even so, it was full of clues.

The sharp edge, the space between the two slabs, the immense pressure between the earth. All clues to be found, to be dug up, to be figured out.

Earth science wasn't his favorite area but Jacob had to admit that it was rather interesting.

Dead Account Holder
Suika is offline
Old 12-29-2007, 12:23 AM

[22] - Lipstick - Dorian

“You know, if you wore some makeup, you might not look like the frigid bitch that you are.” I grinned smugly from my place behind the counter as I watched Ewan walk out of the back room and roll her eyes.

“I’m going. Don’t burn the fucking place down while I’m gone,” she stood in the doorway for a moment, giving me one of those blank stares that always seemed to grace her features. I sighed very slightly and mumbled to myself under my breath about ‘emotionless bitches’ as she started down the sidewalk.


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