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M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 02-18-2016, 06:31 PM

@ fauxy; do you have a external thing that works like fitbit?
or is it a sensor on your phone?

@ salvy; awh </3

oh, yeah but I never really heard of regular schools opening their gyms to the public.
or at least, none of mine ever volunteered to do that.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-18-2016, 07:07 PM

I'm still in school so it's convenient for me, haha

you can bring a guest but they have to pay

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 02-18-2016, 07:47 PM

I remember the gym in high school.
I never used it, then, for some reason I never needed to. I was always skinny and always fit even though I really didn't do any regular exercise. :D

Ah, the joys of being young!

But now I actually get my gym membership free because I work at a childcare inside of a gym. :DD

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-18-2016, 07:49 PM

yes indeed, the joys of being young

Ignis is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 12:31 AM

i had to realize later in life that being skinny doesn't mean you dont need exercise. everyone needs exercise. because if you dont
you'll have a lot of muscle problems and joint problems because you aren't moving them.
feel so unhealthy after not exercising for years
i started having dreams of running -like my body was telling me that i need to go out and run in the middle of the night hahah

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 02:47 AM

Ew. I don't want to talk about working out. Exercise is the devil! *hisses and shrinks back into the shadows*

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 03:06 AM

@ salvy;; ohhh, lucky!
Theres no free gyms here. Just planet fitness and that orange thing?

I do not believe in paying $20 a month to a place you cant always go to or want to be around peeps. Especially if your gasy and etc. Lol I like calm excerising, not too loud or annoying. Sometimes I use music and sometimes I don't, unless its got a rythm to keep movin'

@ ava;; ahh, nice!! That is def a perk. c:

@ iggy;; yep and your metabolism slows down later too.
Idkw but at some point, I stopped controlling what I ate and gained lbs. *bricked*

I have lost 10.4lbs so far. I need to lose 20lbs more and I return to being good!

@ cookie;; nuuu, excercise is life!!!
I need to weigh on the scale, I just got over fem stuff \ o /

Its so hard to keep motivated excerising inside.
I do Tae bo/Wii fit off/on until the cardio center returns.

Probably need to go back to doing "figure robics" - asian workouts @ youtube.
It gets you really sweating!! But they hardly ever stretch out - fair warning xD

Has anyone tried Zumba???
I want to get that or "just dance 2016" for extra workouts.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 03:44 AM

Oh! I love Tae Bo!
I really enjoy doing workouts at home via YouTube too.

My current favorite is blogilates. However, a lot of people are complaining because the trainer of blogilates has talked about having an eating disorder and some people are complaining that she is the cause of their addiction to exercise or somehow her having an ED effects the quality of her workouts or the validity of her channel.

The way I see it, she isn't forcing anyone to eat unhealthy, she isn't telling anyone that they need to lose weight. She's helping people get healthy and she has good healthy recipes for maintaining health. In most of her videos she even says, "If you are struggling just do your best"

People always get their panties in a bunch over nothing though.

Amane is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 06:33 AM

The way I see it, if it tastes good, it's very bad for you.

Ignis is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 03:38 PM

i don't mind gaining weight but i also want to exercise. and be really buff lol

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 04:59 PM

@ ava; yay, another Tae Bo-y!
TB was my moms thing until she couldn't handle it anymore. She got the beginning DVDS to BootCamp to Elite, lol

Yeah, youtube has a lot of good workouts on there. c:
Ooo, I never heard of her. LOL I just saw* the video "Muffintop massacre" xDD

I keep trying to view her stuff, though and it's not playing???

Huh. Everyone in the world has a eating disorder, especially healthy people. You either eat too little and end up over-eating at some point. Or you are overeating and then you start to under-eat, then you have to deal with fevers/headaches. After a while, you get defeated when you can't keep the weight down and end up not eating for the entire day then receive a migraine for your troubles (might even overeat the next day). *

If you go on a entire health kick and don't balance your nutrients, then it affects your skin/nails/bodily functions (you cannot substitute for pills entirely, your body has a limit to vitamins and they make you sick).* So, you try to fit some regular food in with your diet again*, then you have to battle the up & down weight again. Whatever the situation - everyone has a eating disorder. It's no ones fault, it's just a rut we all fall into based on our income/looks/body/health. *shrugs*

Especially if you allow yourself to have "cheat days." Those can get out of hand because then if you aren't anal about your food intake, then you may find yourself having more "cheat days" than "healthy-controlled days."* So... yeah. \ o /

Definitely not something to get butthurt and attack others about.
No one gives you an eating disorder unless its taught through childhood or something like body shame/bullying/etc*

But yeah, a lot of trainers can be fakers, though. Not all of them have worked diligently to sculpt their bodies.

@ iggy; you want buffy muscles? lol

@ amaney; sometimes!

Last edited by M i r o; 02-19-2016 at 05:17 PM.. Reason: typos

Ignis is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 05:14 PM

I agree with you Miro, about the eating problems. Everyone goes through it and doctors just want to prescribe a pill and make you think something is wrong with you
when really nothing is wrong with you. you just need to eat the right foods

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 07:12 PM

Yeps, life just sucks sometimes.

I've never want to have a doctor tell me to digest vita-pills/gummies.
I've tasted that nasty stuff before and I rather eat normal food, lol

Ignis is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 07:41 PM

I think it's better they suggest vitamins than hardcore drug pills
but doctors nowadays prescribe some harmful stuff that shouldn't even be used

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 09:14 PM

True. My moms run into at and she's been sick because of it.
She has to literally verbally (she was civil about it) fight the doctor that she can't take strong medicine.

Some of the doctors she gets just likes to treat people like they're stupid and don't know about their own tolerance/body*

There were some doctors giving out good strong medicine without charging them $$$ in Kokomo and they all got arrested.
But yeah, I bet those doctors will eventually get into trouble themselves if they keep prescribing those kinds of medicines.

Especially if someone has a good lawyer xD

Ignis is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 09:26 PM

Actually some doctors are being told to prescribe those drugs because of the drug company and the fda let those drugs get sold
they shouldn't even be available, but they are :/ it's sad

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 09:44 PM

Is it because they have a higher profit they get from them?
That is ridiculous and evil.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 09:48 PM

I have to give my cat I think its called cisapride it's a drug that the FDA banned for consumption by human beings but it's still good enough for cats and I love my cat like he was a human being so I give it to him as sparingly as possible I'm hoping that the fiber that I've been giving him will help keep him regular and I won't have to use that evil drug on him at all don't get me started about pharmaceuticals companies not people that distribute them or anything like that cuz I know they're just doing their job but the companies I just I can't stand them I think they charge people way too much money I've worked with older people that like ration out their drugs because they can't afford them so they don't take the appropriate amount of bills it's just ridiculous

Ignis is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 10:10 PM

Well you can't let the doctors off that easy. They know what they are doing. The main issue is that if there is healthy and natural alternative for a health condition, they should be suggesting that rather than the harmful drugs. Most of the docs prescribe the pills before even asking you further questions about your illness. If a doctor says that your only option is a pill. Leave and never go back to that doctor. Change doctors. There are still some good docs out there. But they are few. The ones that tell you about nutrition are the ones that want to help.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-20-2016, 04:30 AM

*pokes the Cookie* come baaaack the event is ending soon


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