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Infinitely odd
sidrabutterfly is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 07:10 PM

I decide since I did kill that root, and I'm already here I might as well see the red person. I don't care if they are asleep or not. They owe me a big favor at this point. Maybe if I'm lucky Able, and Mr.Mayor are having tea with him or something. At the very least he can help me find them.

Shishunki is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 07:40 PM

You stomp over to the bedroom door and start banging on the door with all your might. You are now completely sick of this shee-ait. You did that red mole thing a solid and now it owes you one! It's gonna help you find every whether it's asleep or not. And the red thing declines, you'll... threaten to destroy it's herb garden with your breath or something...

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 09:37 PM

Originally Posted by NeuzaKC View Post
Then I am crossing my fingers in hopes that it'll win! I'd love to see some butt-related humour. :D
You'd love the webcomic Questionable Content! He has what he calls "butts disease"


I knock on the little red thing's door. He need to give me answers! And possibly hooch! I need to be falling down drunk! And I need to find out where everyone is...including my darling Mr. Mayor! Surely he knows.

Rinetteable is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 10:44 PM

I go to the room where I found the red prince-guy before. I've killed the giant root thing for him, surely he can help me find my friends; and give me some answers......and some hooch. He must have some really awesome hooch. :)

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Liztress is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 12:14 AM

I decide that if I can't find Abel or the others within the next twenty minutes, I'm heading over the the red person's place to get some answers. Though my stomach is feeling better, the thought that I had drank weed killer doesn't sit well. Perhaps the red moleman is a doctor, I think to myself as I knock on its door.


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 12:15 AM

Whew! Glad that that's over... I think I have a few things to settle with that little red man after everything I've been through tonight. I search him out in hopes of some hefty compensation for my trouble and information on the missing persons.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 11-07-2011 at 04:16 AM..

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 12:29 AM

Clutching my sore tummy I dig around in my backpack looking for the rest of the hooch, I need SOMETHING to wash the cabbage out of my mouth. I pull out a couple of Abel's other potions. "That wasn't horrible" I think out loud, apparently a new thing I picked up. "Maybe this one will be grape soda flavored." Uncapping the bottle I sniff it as smoke billows out the top and boils over the edge. "Then again, maybe not." My thoughts a little foggier and bolder from the hooch (and weed killer) I decide to heck with the darn moleperson, I was finding my friends. And if I didn't find them, better to kick it in the forest than meet up with the lynch mob that would wait for me back home. keeping the potions in mind as a last resort I head for the stairs.

Last edited by Kokoro chan; 11-07-2011 at 01:11 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 02:54 AM

I sigh after perusing all these options running around in my mind, then decide to go the hardest rout. Ignoring the red man's bedroom I head for the staircase with every intention of looking for my lost.. Umm, I'll call them friends for nw! So I'm setting off to find them in the woods, even the annoying mule.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 03:49 AM


Kitami is 1, maidenroseheart is 2, Saravi Boo is 3, NeuzaKC is 4, vgracebutterfly is 5, Shishunki is 6, fairywaif is 7, Rinnetteable is 8, Liztress is 9, zigbigadorlube is 10, Kokoro Chan is 11 and PapillonCameo is 12.

The 12-sided dice lands on 11

I'm gonna pour myself a cup of tea real quick, then it's story time!

EDIT: Ooh, this is awkward! Liztress, I'm afraid I don't completely understand your suggestion. You say you're not going to visit the red person unless you can't find the Mayor and Abel in the next 20 minutes, but then you say you're knocking on the red person's door.
Liztress: Care to clear this up for me real quick? If I don't here back from you by 5 after the top of the hour, I'm afraid I'm going to have to roll again.


Alright, sorry Liztress! I'm going to have to re-roll.
The 12-sided dice lands on 9

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 11-07-2011 at 03:58 AM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 04:16 AM

Oh! It looks like I'm up!

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Liztress is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 04:25 AM

Originally Posted by Cherry Flavored Antacid View Post

Kitami is 1, maidenroseheart is 2, Saravi Boo is 3, NeuzaKC is 4, vgracebutterfly is 5, Shishunki is 6, fairywaif is 7, Rinnetteable is 8, Liztress is 9, zigbigadorlube is 10, Kokoro Chan is 11 and PapillonCameo is 12.

The 12-sided dice lands on 11

I'm gonna pour myself a cup of tea real quick, then it's story time!

EDIT: Ooh, this is awkward! Liztress, I'm afraid I don't completely understand your suggestion. You say you're not going to visit the red person unless you can't find the Mayor and Abel in the next 20 minutes, but then you say you're knocking on the red person's door.
Liztress: Care to clear this up for me real quick? If I don't here back from you by 5 after the top of the hour, I'm afraid I'm going to have to roll again.


Alright, sorry Liztress! I'm going to have to re-roll.
The 12-sided dice lands on 8
Dern me and my wanting to get all my cleaning done. ;_;

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 04:44 AM

Part 10: Impish
Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Whew! Glad that that's over I think I have a few things to settle with that little red man after everything I've been through tonight. I search him out in hopes of some hefty compensation for my trouble and information on the missing persons.
Alright, time to wake that little red thing up again! You head down the long tunnel, go through the mattress room and the dining room and knock on the bedroom door.
"YO! RED THING!" you yell. You're knocking on the door with your foot rather than your hand because... well, because it seemed like a good thing to do. Today you've fallen down a big hole, climbed up a rope, met a tiny red person, lost two people to a mysterious spooky forest, gotten drunk, drank magical weed killer, ate cabbage-flavored candy and killed a plant by vomiting on it; my point is you're not thinking all that clearly right now. So yeah, you're kicking a door instead of properly knocking. It's really not the weirdest thing to have happened to you today.
"Ayyyy, cut down on the racket!" you hear from the other side of the door before it opens. "Oh, it's you again," the red person says, "whaddaya want? You take care of that problem?"
"Shlur dud," you say. Oh dear, now you're slurring. I hope that's from the hooch, not some sort of brain damage from the weed killer potion.
"Faaaaaaaaantastic. Now I can get my stuff fired back up," the red person says as they walk past you. You notice they're wearing a little robe, which is kind of adorable.
"You'rle jush adorbible," you say, smiling.
"...Th...anks," the red person says, continuing towards the boiler room.
"Shay!" You yell, following them. "Iz you a boy or girlil? I can' tull."
The red person gives you a wary look, probably wondering if you're drunk and/or brain damaged. The answer to that is yes. Just yes.
"I'm a guy, thanks," he says. Yep, I can refer to him as "he" now. "I should be insulted that you couldn't tell, but it happens a lot..."
"AH LUV YOUR LIDDLE ROBE!" You shriek, grabbing his shoulders and getting entirely too close to his robe. "It'sh stripey."
"Yyyyeah. Uh, forgive me for being frank, but what's wrong with you?"
"Hooch n' weed killer," you slur matter-of-factly.
"That... That'll do it." By now you've both reached the boiler room. The red dude pulls a matchbook out of the pocket of his robe, lights a match, and tosses it into the boiler. A warm glow emits from inside.
"Wusshat fer?" You ask.
"This is the secondary power system for the town," he replies, shuffling back down the hallway.
"Wun liddle buller?"
"Are... you gonna be alright? You don't really seem fit to be... walking."
"I'm shooper," you say, walking into a wall. "Otch."
"Yeah, uh... lemme give you something for that, alright? Just sit down here," the red man says, motioning to one of the tiny wooden seats in his dining room. You huddle down on the tiny chair obligingly, your knees almost up to your chest. You rest your battleaxe against the wall next to you - yeah, you still have that. The red man looks at your battleaxe with a bit of fear, most likely not trusting you with it given the state you're in. I don't blame him.
The red man goes over to the tiny kitchen portion of the room, an area you hadn't really noticed before for some reason. There's a tiny oven next to a tiny counter and tiny sink, and next to that a tiny cupboard. It's all very tiny and very adorable.
"Yursh adurbible," you mumble, barely coherent. I think you're repeating something you said earlier, but I can't even tell at this point. While the little red dude works at whatever it is he's doing - you don't know, you're not even watching - your mind begins to wander. All at once, you remember what you had been doing. "WURSH MUDDER MARE IN OOBLE?!" You yell.
"I'm sorry?"
"I really can't... just hold that thought, okay?" the little red guy says. You let out some sort of grumble/squeak hybrid and do your best to not forget what you're trying to say.
Shortly after, the red dude brings you a tiny cup of something. A strange purple steam is rising from it.
"Drink this, it'll help," he says. You frown at it, your lips pushed out into a pout.
"Yes, uh, ubble. Drink this then tell me all about it."
Giving in, you drink the liquid in a single gulp. It tastes like snozberries.
"Now... What were you trying to say?"
"Where'sh misder muyur ond abil?" you ask. Good, good, you're getting a little better.
"I don't know what or where those things are."
"Misder Mayur ind Abel," you repeat, carefully sounding out each syllable. "The plant took thim."
"The plant took your friends?"
"Hm, I... aw jeez. I don't know where they could be. I didn't know the plant could take people."
"It took me," you say.
"It took you?"
"I was in the forest and then... I was in the boiler room. And I threw up on the plant and it died."
"Huh... I don't even know where to start. If your friends weren't in there, I don't know where they could be."
You sigh and get up. "I guess I'd better get to looking for them, then."
"Yeah, good luck."
"Thanks for the stuff, I feel a lot better now. Oh, before I go, what's your name?"
"Wait, are you related to Peeblo?"
"Oh, what, just because we're both Imps we must be related?"
"I'm sorry, I-"
"He's my cousin."

You exit the dining room with your battleaxe in tow and head up the stairs to the surface. Where should you even begin to look? Okay, let's take stock of things. You have with you a flashlight, a battleaxe, an empty hooch bottle, a few of Abel's potions and a few more pieces of candy in a pretty kickin' backpack. You definitely need to find Mr. Mayor and Abel, and Lise, Tesel, Afrodonkey and Fluffy might also be missing. Ugh, so much to do.

Where will you go?
Uh... can I roll for insight on the spiders?

Rinetteable is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 05:01 AM

So much to do, so much to do!! Where should I start? I could go back to town and get some more help and some more hooch..... But I'm really starting to run out of people and drinking stuff didn't work so good last time....... Sighing, I head back into the creepy woods, trying to find the place where everyone disappeared. I keep a careful eye on the ground, watching out for unexpected holes or kidnapping plants of evil.

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Liztress is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 05:31 AM

I decide it's time to head back to town and see if perhaps I can rally up a few Menewshans to help me search for the missing people. Mr. Mayor's fangirls must have already heard the news of his disappearance as they had gathered around with their torchs and pitchforks. Finding help won't be that hard to do.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 05:32 AM

Well, let's start where they went missing. Who better than the detective herself to help you! You go grab Cherry Flavored Antacid. Time to start from square one and see if you can figure this out! Back to where the mayor and others first disappeared for ideas. You know, you ended up underground... maybe grab a shovel too. And post a notice at city hall of your whereabouts in case of a repeat. Then your off... to the woods... calling out names...

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 07:11 AM

i go straight back to the location of the capturing of poor Mr. Mayor and Abel and start there! For all i know its only been minutes since I left the others, and most likely, they're still there.

Shishunki is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 08:05 AM

You realize you should have been more forceful with the imp about helping you, but you're too drunk/drugged to care.
Drinking hooch, eating candy, and drinking mysterious liquids on an empty stomach has had an adverse reaction on your mental state. So you decide it would be best to get some food. You head straight to Nalin's as he would be the easiest to bum food off of.
You knock on Nalin's door, unintentionally louder than you meant. And when he opens the door, you explain in a calm and reasonable manner about everything that's happened and why you need food before you go back out into the darkness.
At least you thought you did.
You wake up on Nalin's couch. Over a late late dinner, or early breakfast, of waffles (Nalin made you waffles~<3); you find out that you had mumbled some really incoherent stuff about imps, hooch and burping vines. And had ended it all by saying "Oh yah, Abel is kidnapped" and falling vulgarly onto Nalin's chest.
It was a good thing you went to Nalin with this problem. As he let you rest on his couch while he called over Nami and Magnus to help with the search. What a great guy! Nalin didn't even complain when you threw up on his shoes!

...Though he did refuse to give you an Irish Coffee with your waffles.....

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 09:27 AM

Wearily I head for the stairs to the surface. The little red guy wasn't a huge help but at least I can sort of talk now...and think. I ponder what to do next. I have to find the others, but I have no idea how to find them. Maybe I need someone with tracking skills....Jeryck? He certainly dresses like an explorer...and he always seems so calm and self-assured. That could come in handy in the spooky forest. Mind made up I head towards Jeryck's house. It's late enough that he ought to be home from taking Cessie trick or treating. I hope.

Infinitely odd
sidrabutterfly is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 05:12 PM

((last night Fairywaif and I were talking, and we were starting to get suspicious the the red mole person might be Peeblo. So we were close!))

You gather your things, and prepare to head out. Still armed with your flashlight you ask Jablo for some extra batteries just in case. You don't want it going out leaving you in the dark now do you? You also ask if he has any breakfast you can steal. You might not eat it now with your stomach being the way it is, but maybe later. Then you head out to the tunnel. Since Mr.Mayor, and Able disappeared the same way as you did, they might still be in here.

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 05:58 PM

-doesn't feel good- I hash to say hi in here. before i leaves. I'm still reading awesome story. may not post good update ideas... >.< meow


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 06:57 PM

I go back to town and check Mr.Mayor's house, after all maybe the plant didn't really take him? Maybe, he just turned tail and fled. And if he's not there, I can always sneak in and steal some of his clothes as a souvenir before continuing the search.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 07:22 PM

Well that's that I suppose... My hopes of seeing the ship wreck are now officially dashed, since finding all my missing friends is imperative. Standing up drunkenly, I wave goodbye to Jablo, only to fall to the ground in a sleeping, drunken, heap. At least when I wake up the next morning everything's fine and dandy again. "Alright time to go, see ya later Jablo!" With that said I'm off to the woods again, but only after leaving a note behind telling the people in town where I went.

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 08:22 PM

I need to find them...but if they're not where I was then where? I can't just go back into the forest... I need someone more dangerous than me...

Knerd will know what to do, right? I think I need something to clear up this headache though...solid food that's not candy or booze should help. I'll head over to Snack Attack and get some real food in me.

NeuzaKC is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 08:48 PM

Alright, let's see, let's see... I'm starting to feel a little preoccupied at everyone's disappearance, but for some reason I think findind Lise would be the smartest thing to do... After all, she's good with spirits, maybe she can do her loli hocus-pocus and pouf everyone into existence. I'm not really sure if her wizardry can make people suddenly materialise, but it's better than nothing.


Loli hocus pocus. *snickers*

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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Old 11-07-2011, 10:49 PM

First of all, I'm going to find a bathroom. I have to pee. Secondly, I need food, or when I do find them, I'm going to wind up going postal on them from hunger-induced anger. Having taken care of those things, its off to the woods again. I'll start searching where they first disappeared.


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