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Suona is offline
Old 05-30-2012, 05:43 AM

Aaah. I'm job searching right now and trying to avoid fast food places, but I have a feeling that I won't be able to avoid them for long. D: Are they unpleasant to work at?

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 05-30-2012, 03:09 PM

Depends on the fast food place I think. I did that in high school, tried to find anything that wasn't fast food, and almost got a job at a department store (but I was under 18; they wanted to hire me for the jewelry dept. but that required a background check they couldn't do on me because I was a juvenile). So I gave up and went into fast food.

The biggest thing: don't eat the food, don't drink the soda. I gained SO much weight working in fast food. ;_;

However, if it's a place like Subway where there at least aren't fryers, you might be marginally better off, than at a place like McDonald's. Either way though you're gonna come home every day smelling like the food that is prepared there.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 05-31-2012, 02:09 PM

@Su - I've worked in two different fast food places - once when I was 18 I worked at a Taco Bell and actually very much enjoyed it. The people I worked with were great and so it made the experience fun! I'm not working at a fast food joint...a KFC/Taco Bell/Pizza Hut Express...and I hate it. The manager and most of the employees are terrible...the customers here are terrible...and I can't wait to get out.

I really just think it comes down to who you work with and the area you are in.

@Key - I've lost weight since working where I am - so sick of the food I take two bites and i'm through. But most people here eat like every two hours or so...and the only time I eat something is on break and I just don't eat that that's probably why XD

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 05-31-2012, 03:05 PM

Lucky! xD

Me working there coincided with an expansion of my taste buds though. I used to be really picky until I discovered how delicious fried chicken strips were and then it pretty much went downhill from there. Plus I drank soda like I would die without it :gonk:

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 06-01-2012, 02:58 AM

haha - I found out in January I'm allergic to something they put in soda as I've been soda free since then :D I'm kind of proud of myself :D But I did lose like 5 pounds after I stopped drinking soda. I lost like 5 pounds before...then 5 additional pounds XD

Techiro_Yugota is offline
Old 06-01-2012, 07:11 AM

avoid fast food jobs trust me >:(

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 12:24 AM

I'm trying really hard to avoid any fast food places. Sadly, just most places aren't really hiring right now. :/ I might work at a pizza place, though. I've been checking in at one daily that I had an interview at.

I think that any job can become miserable depending on who you're working with. It doesn't take much for your day to be ruined by a mean coworker or manager. D: But I think that most jobs can be made fun if you're working with nice and funny people. :)

Techiro_Yugota is offline
Old 06-03-2012, 08:06 AM

that's true in the town i live in it's nothing but, fast food.Sadly I'm a tortured employee of McDonald's so yeah.........rude teens ALL day.


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