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Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 04:39 AM

It was a dreadfully quiet sort of night this one, the sort that made Q wish for a riot of some sort. Not that he couldn't create one. It was always just dreadfully messy that way. Still, he pondered as he sat in Times Square, he would have expected New York to be a bit more lively than his old swamplands home. Thus far... it didn't seem that way.

Had to be something of interest in this town why else would he have been drawn to it? So far, not a body to be found! How dreadful! His only amusement came in the form of seeing the reactions his appearance gave others. Many averted their eyes, or started walking further away. A few stared a moment or two until he scared them away with a soft, malicious smile.

Q was dressed in a black suit and a red tie, a tophat perched upon his spiked down red hair. Dark gray eyes that seemed to flash black every so often were hidden behind shades of red and black. But it was always that grin that seemed creepiest of all. As though, with a flick of a finger, he could control you.

Which was almost the case. Q was a necromancer. A necromancer of the highest class, confident in his abilities and what they could do. He could take cities if he wished. His power often urged him to do so. But Q had decided long ago that he was not a tool of his power, but rather his power was a tool of him.

He could make things interesting here. But he decided to wait and see. Perhaps this night might bring a few surprises yet. He wondered, did anyone else here carry magic. And... if so was it as mighty as his own? He scoffed at the very thought, doubting this with a grin. In his eyes, almost none could match him.

Kyou Blade
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Old 02-04-2008, 04:59 AM

Along the streets, a little ball of energy and color skipped. She was small and rather cute, or at least she thought so. She was a little piece of color in the dull city that was New York. She had short orange hair that was tied up into pigtails and she had beautiful golden eyes that seemed to smile at everyone. Added to that was venom green eyeshadow and orange lips as well as a painted green heart on her cheek.

Her clothes were even more outlandish. She wore a ripped red tanktop with yellow fingerless gloves and green painted fingernails. Then, she wore a short white mini-skirt and green fishnet hose with some pink boots. She was defintely a sight. Anyone who saw her would remember her.

But there was more to her than met the eye. She was an ancient race that thrived off of the energies of the world. She was most closely related to the Fae. Even in this realm she had powers, but for some reason she couldn't use them very well. She was young for her race and had not even chosen her area of expertise yet, as most did. Even though she was already 57, she was still barely a teenager to the others.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 05:10 AM

And indeed, she was quite the visible sort. Q blinked a moment with a slight sort of disbelief as he saw the girl skipping through the streets. That alone was strange enough, much less her attire. He smiled a slight to himself, grateful there was at least SOME liveliness in this town.

Someone had to balance out the death he stood for after all. He wondered... had she magic of any sort? Might she notice a strange sight or two? Or would she merely shrg it off as a vision? If the latter, he had no interest with her. But if the first, perhaps she might prove amusing indeed.

And thusly, he decided, to perform a small test. Flicking his fingers, he directed his necromancer powers to a small pigeon in the streets. It did not take long for his powers to take hold of the bird's small heart, until the heart did not beat a all. Nodding to himself, Q directed the bird to fly. It was an easy, very thin line he could use for this ability. One, however, that could be traced back to him if an inquisitive enough person desired to do so.

The dead bird flew as any live one might, but it reeked of magic. It flew slightly above the young girl, its path looking natural to one with an untrained eye.

He hoped this proved interesting...

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 05:24 AM

Eri sensed something, she wasn't quite sure at first what it was, but she knew where it was coming from. She glanced over and saw a man dressed rather darkly in a suit with all the works. She paused for a moment, standing alittle bit away from him. Her species was one of life, so it didn't take much to notice one who reaked of death. It also didn't take much for her to notice that the same smell at a lesser extent was coming from above her.

She glanced up and saw the poor little pidgeon. She knew it was dead. And yet it was moving. She knew that he was making it move and that sent a chill through her. She kept her eyes on it and held her hands up towards it, closing her eyes for a moment as she sought out its life source. What had been alive in it was now dark and corrupted. It actually hurt her to see this in a poor innocent creature. She focused on it a little more and focused a thing ray of light through it to burn out the power that was making it move. Sweat beaded her forehead as she kept focusing. After several moments, the bird paused in its flight and started to plummet.

Eri opened her eyes and caught the bird as it came down. As it landed in her arms, still quite dead, she looked over at the man and frowned sadly. All she said was, "Why?"

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 05:35 AM

Q watched the girl with a slight curiosity, raising a brow. She caught on quickly, that was for certain. It made him wonder, what sort of mage was she? What sort of magic did she hold? A curious thought. Perhaps this night might prove not to be so dull after all.

Interesting that she seemed to be able to cancel out his magic. The dark tendrils that represented his necromancer powers retreated backwards, as he blinked at her innocent question. "Curiosity," he replied simply, "For one. The second... is that to put it mildly such things are what I do. What I am, what I represent. I am a necromancer. As such, these events are bound to occur sooner or later. The bird's soul however is far from this place. You can rest assured with that."

He smiled again, that dark smile. Hard to believe that Q, in essence... was human. Completely through and through. But one wondered... had his magic corrupted his soul? Or was this simply the nature he was born with? The latter was a disturbing thought... but if it was the first was there hope yet? Or was Q destined to grow darker and darker, until it was no mere bird he used but a human life?

Kyou Blade
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Old 02-04-2008, 05:42 AM

"The bird was innocent though. And I know it was alive when you found it. So why kill it and then use it? There was no purpose to it."

She still held the bird in her hands, her eyes a little sad. She looked down at it and bent down to gently kiss its beak. As she did that, the bird glowed for a moment, and then burst into a flurry of orange light shards. Those shards were the essence of the bird. It was how all dead creatures were sent to the next world.

As she watched the sparks fade she brough her hands to her side and looked at the man who spoke so easilly of death. How could he? What purpose did so much death have? It was absolutely mind boggling to her that someone could be so heartless. It made her so sad.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 05:55 AM

"And as I told you before... curiosity. I merely wished to see if anyone might notice magic at work," he replied with a dismissive shrug, as though the heinous act was really nothing more than jaywalking across the street. He noticed the orange shards with a blink a moment... they seemed oddly warm those shards.

"How... strange..." he said to himself, not used to seeing the essence, the life of a creature. He could not see souls after all, usually. This seemed to be an exception.

"Hmmmm... that was certainly not a normal ability...." he added. "How curious." Q then pondered a moment, folding his arms casually.

"Death serves a purpose. It serves to balance life. It serves to keep the circle flowing. It is but an Element. Something I was born with, and thus a part of me as well. For the record, Death needs no reason." Well... tehre was one thing perhaps Q did not know. His powers, when used the opposite way... had the opposite effect. They could heal and create life from that which was dead.

But that was something, with the roads he traveled, he might never find out. A Reaper with human guise it would seem. But how had he gotten that way?

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 06:01 AM

She still frowned slightly but she stepped towards him. She knew that he was right. She didn't want to admit it, but she knew he was right. Death did balance out life. It was all a matter of a flick of the wrist as to wether one who had power over one could have power over the other. There were many rogues of her species who had taken the power of life and twisted it into death. Those were the outcasts though. No one she knew would ever imagine doing that.

"I understand where your coming from, although I still do not agree with the taking of life when there is no reason to. By the way, my name is Erimear Vryce. Most simply call me Eri. And what is your name?"

((I'm going to bed. I'll post back tomorrow after work probably))

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 06:35 AM

"Erimear hmmm? An interesting name. I am known as Quequeg however you can refer to me as Q," he replied simply. "That is what you may call me." Q... of course this was not the name he was born under but a name he had chosen for himself.

His real name was Craig Masterson the Third. But he had long ago dismissed it as a name unbefitting of his class and stature as a necromancer and discarded it.

He was pleased she understood, and nodded accordingly to himself. "It is a good thing you understand, many fools do not." He closed his eyes a slight. "As for the taking of life... best it be in small amounts rather than one large mess genocide. My magic is something that cannot be stored for long." Which was true. His magic being so dark and twisted these days... if he did not use it in small amounts at least it would grow and try to drive him towards insanity. THAT was a fate he would do anything to avoid. Even killing with such nonchalance. It really was a Catch-22, but such was the way things were in his eyes.

((Night! Haha, Im off to bed too :3))

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-05-2008, 04:48 AM

She sighed softly and ran a hand through her short hair. Something about this man was compelling, while at the same time, that same thing about him drove her nuts. She shook her head and decided that the best way to deal with him was to put on her happy face.

Which she did.

She smiled widely at him and held out her hand. "Well, Mr. Letter for a name, its nice to meet you. So, do you stay somewhere around here? I don't pick you as the sort who sleeps on a park bench. Those clothes tell me that you must have somewhere you call home. And please don't call me Erimear. As I said, most call me Eri, and I would prefer if you would call me that as well."

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-05-2008, 04:53 AM

"I am new to this area," Q replied. "I have money and resources, but have not staked out a place yet. I traveled here by... means I am certain you would not approve of." To say the least. Necromancers could summon the best of steeds after all, undead but during the night anyone who saw it might confuse it but for a common nightmare.

"Hmmm.... Eri then. And the name has MEANING, Q does," he added, annoyed by the nickname she used a slight. "And yourself... what brings you out onto these oh so dangerous streets at night?" he asked, a dyed red brow raised. "Surely not to see the sights I would imagine..."

Kyou Blade
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:03 AM

"Alright, then Q. I'm more openminded than you may think I am. I have my own ways of travel which for you might be odd. But if your not speaking, than neither am I."

She was quite an odd sort in that she had wings. They were almost like fairy wings, but not quite. Like her magic, they were built off of the energy around her. All she had to do was gather that energy, and voila she had bright orange wings. It was a rather useful trick actually.

"I live in an apartment. I was on my way home when the smell of death started to burn my nose." At that, she raised an eyebrow at Q, in a rather rude manner. But that's just the way she was. Blunt and brutal. "Anyways, your welcome to come stay with me and my roommate. We used to have a third mate but he moved out recently and we've yet to fill his room."

It normally wasn't like her to offer such a thing to a complete stranger, but she didn't feel like she should leave him on the streets. She doubted he would take the offer anyways. What sort of necromancer would choose to live with a fairy girl and her roommate who happened to be an emo vampire guy?

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:13 AM

"Trust me, if you flipped about the bird, my methods of travel would only be that much worse," he replied, although he was curious how she traveled. Oh well, if she did not wish to tell then he was not meant to know. Simple as that, case closed.

"It is a wonderful smell once you get used to it, full of its own aromas," Q replied with a shrug to the comment. "It just takes time to appreciate." He blinked at her offer a moment, before shaking his head.

"I will keep that in mind, and perhaps might seek you out to partake in your offer. However, now that I have determined this town is worthy my stay I do have some business to attend to. Which way is the local cemetery?" Q asked casually.

And when a necromancer asked that question... you knew he wasn't going there to sight-see!

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-05-2008, 05:21 AM

Eri was many things. She was sort of ditzy. She was sort of silly. But one thing she wasn't was dumb. She knew what he was up to. And she wasn't going to stand for it. She was certainly not going to tell him that answer.

"Do you really think I'll tell you where the cemetary is? I'm not going to just let you waltz in there and do the cha cha with the dead. That's just not nice. You already reanimated one dead thing today, which I'm still kinda miffed about considering you killed it first and then played with it. I don't see why you should need to do more puppeteering."

She frowned and put her hands on her hips in what seemed to be a pose of attitude, although it wasn't too convincing looking coming from a girl who looked like she could be the spokesperson for skittles.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:33 AM

"I certainly would ot play cha cha with the dead," Q replied, amused. "A tango perhaps... but certainly not the cha-cha. Maybe a foxtrot..." He added, noting her expression with a slight bit more amusement.

"Anyways, I was merely going to scout it out. A necromancer needs to know where they will find allies after all," he added. "And I would rather work with those already dead than kill them myself. I do have some scruples." He added, a brow raised.

"Certainly you should know these things lie within my nature. Ah well, I am certain before this night ends I should be able to find it on my own then. I didn't really expect you to tell me," he added, frowning a slight.

"Ah well, anyways, you should see to your roommate while I hunt for the cemetery." He bowed a slight. "A pleasure it has been, perhaps our paths shall cross again hmm?" He knew that the longer he hung around one so bright... the more negative effect it could have upon his cheery disposition. better to part ways now, before he started to enjoy her presence, rather than be just amused by it. He was, after all, meant to walk down solitary paths anyways. For a necromancer to have friends was just... unnatural.

Kyou Blade
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:41 AM

"Yes I know its in your nature, but still..." She frowned and looked at him. She knew what she was about to do, and she didn't want to do it, but she was going to anyways. She was gonna hate herself in the morning for this...

"Wait... If you come home with me tonight, then tomorrow I'll take you to the cemetary. Alright?"

She had her reasons for not wanting him to go. the first was that she had a friend buried at the closed one and she definitely didn't want to see her up walking around again. She loved her friend, but it would kill her to see that. But she also felt the urge to take care of this necromancer. She ran a hand through her hair and smiled at him.

"So what do you say? You get a free room and a trip to the cemetary. I'd say you get a pretty good deal. There's not really any reason why you should say no.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:53 AM

He blinked a moment, gray eyes carefully considering this. Tapping a foot as he thought, he finally nodded. "Alright, I accept. There really is no reason to refuse..." he added, sighing softly.

"Lead the way Eri," he replied. "I am most thankful for your generous offer. Although I tend to question why, I shall not look a gift too closely." Plus, much as he hated to admit it... he was terrible with directions. Fine then. For tonight he wold follow this one.

But he would not get too close. It just made his job harder having attachments after all. "I trust you will keep to your end," he added, wondering what exactly did she get out of this? Why offer? Was it a trap? He certainly hoped not, but could not help but be on guard anyways.

Rarely, after all, did those of his kind receive help such as this.

Kyou Blade
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Old 02-06-2008, 02:07 AM

Eri let out a squeel of excitement and pounced on Q, hugging him despite his aloofness. She honestly didn't know why she was doing this. Her roommate was going to be furious. She was just doing it to be genuinely nice. It was just part of her nature.

"I'm glad your gonna come. We probably have some left over Chinese take-out at home. My roomie doesn't really eat, so I'm sure its still there. I hope that'll be ok for tonight. I haven't done any grocery shopping in a while."

She smiled again and walked a few steps before looking back at him, a big smile on her lips.


Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-06-2008, 04:50 AM

When Q was hugged his entire body went stiff, and his gray eyes widened a slight from surprise. He blinked then, letting out a deep breath as he rose a brow and looked towards Eir. "You are certainly a strange one Miss Eir..." he finally said, shaking his head lightly as he started to follow. "Most people would shudder at the mere thought of a necromancer entering their oh so humble abodes..."

Why didn't this one he oddly wondered, and again wondered if she had anything up her sleeve. But oh well, he supposed he still could think of no good reason to say no.

"Chinese food shall be fine," he replied with a shrug. "And I am right behind you..." he added. His steps were much like her personality: measured and precise. "And you are certain your roommate shall not mind?" he added. Not that he couldn't handle whatever came his way. He could more than deal with it. He would just rather not do so if he could help it. He wondered idly what they would think when his little... "friend" showed up with the meager supplies Q traveled with. Should be interesting to say the least.

Kyou Blade
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Old 02-06-2008, 05:21 AM

She merely shrugged and didn't answer his question. She knew that Damien, her roomy was not going to be happy, but she didn't have to tell him that. They would both just deal with him when they got there. She led him through the town to an apartment complex that wasn't too far away. It looked like any other New York apartment building. Stacks of endless windows and old brick walls. But this was where home was, regardless of that.

She led him through the door and smiled at any one who was in the lobby area before leading him to up the first couple flights of stairs. The elevator was always broken, which was why she didn't even bother with it. Plus, even if it had been working she wouldn't of used it. Closed in spaces weren't her thing.

On the fourth floor they went down the hallway until they got to a door with the number 413 on it. Eri paused for a moment and took a deep breath before setting a hand on the doorknob. No sooner did she touch it, then the door swung open and a very furious vampire stood in the doorway. His golden eyes blazed with fury.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!! How could you bring that bloody corpse walker to our apartment! He reeks of death! I should know! He's not coming in."

She wrapped her arms around Damien and poked his nose. "Let us in first my protective beast of a brother and then we'll talk."

He growled softly and moved so they could enter, glaring at Q the entire time.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-06-2008, 05:32 AM

Q noted her shrug, and rose a brow. So, that certainly answered that. He supposed a conflict was inevitable. But, knowing this girl, she would try to prevent it. Well then, time to see just what would unfold wasn't it? Q followed contemplating amusing visions of what might occur, or just who a girl like Eir would end up rooming with. Every picture brought a new and interesting scenario to mind. He supposed Eir was probably like most anyone else and merely liked to keep things lively.

Q, seeing the vampire, those golden eyes blazing, did not back down or cringe. Oh no. He laughed softly, amused. It was a common reaction to see really, especially from those of the... immortal class. A vampire though, how rather amusing!

"You should know indeed..." Q mused, grinning a slight. Wait... brother? Had she mentioned that before? Q couldn't remember. "You certainly didn't put up much a fight... must be neutered I see..." Q commented dryly, his tone filled with amusement and sarcasm all at once. His gray eyes met the glaring gold ones.

"And please, you cannot melt me. I assure you I did not insist upon coming and shall not stay long. Although I must say... you certainly know how to greet a guest Sir." He looked towards Eir then.

"Pleasant company you keep," he said. "Is it alright if I let my traveling companion in as well? He has all of my gear with him I am afraid..."

Kyou Blade
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Old 02-06-2008, 05:41 AM

Damien growled loudly again and balled his hands into fists. "I'll show you neutered pretty boy."

"Both of you stop! Your acting like spoiled little kids! If you don't play nice I'm putting you both in time out!"

Damien acted like he was going to say something, but decided not to. He just growled in frustration and flopped on the couch. The main room of the apartment had a couch, a chair and a TV with a DDR pad conneced to a PS2. She looked between the chair and the couch. Briefly she wondered how much amusement she might get from sitting in the chair and leaving only the other side of the couch empty, but instead she sat next to Damien, who was still fuming.

"Make yourself comfortable Q and feel free to let in your companion. And please try to refrain from taunting Damien. He has a bit of a short temper. And he's very protective."

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-06-2008, 05:55 AM

"Bring it on!" Q replied with an almost feral grin. "I would most appreciate a good laugh about now!" At Eir's chiding he rose a brow.

"Time out hmmm?" he asked. "You know, I do believe it would still be worth it. Your companion here is quite amusing." Q took a seat in the chair, looking around a bit. DDR.. interesting. He imagined with someone like Eir around it was probably used quite a bit. Did the vampire play too? Oh there would be a sight Q was certain!

"Ah I wish I could but with reactions like his it is most rewarding to taunt him. Not everyday I meet one whose emotions are so loose," he added, giving a slight grin. "Right then, one moment." Q paused, pondering upon which way he was summon his companion. Ah, tehre was but one way that would throughly make an impression. Nodding to himself he pulled from his pocket a bit of dust. Graveyard dust. He sprinkled it upon the ground, and one could see tendrils of his dark magic touching the dust to form a circle. Q uttered a word that could not be heard, and then stepped back.

From the portal, tehre leaped a four legged form... which proceeded to run towards Q and knock him flat on the ground. The portal was gone, and what was revealed was a dog. Well... sort of. This one had chunks of skin and flesh missing, and one eye completely gone. Half a tail was skeletal, but still the canine wagged his tail and licked Q's face repeatedly.

"Chip please! You are making a scene!" Q chided. "Sit boy! Sit!" Chip did so, butt wagging behind him. This gave Q a moment to stand back up, brushing the dirt off of himself. He then took the pack that was attached to Chip's midsection off and sighed.

"Excitable little mutt. Go say hello to our little friends over tehre would you?" Chip woofed, wagging his tail again as he leaped upon the vampire.

"WOOF WOOF!" Lick. Q grinned, amused at the sight. Truthfully, Q had no control over the canine... for it still had a soul. But... he could not heal the rotting dog either. Q, after all, only knew of how to make things rot. Not heal. He did not know his powers could heal really.

(Dang, that was longer than I wished > >))

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-08-2008, 01:19 AM

Damien yelped in surprise and the rotting dog jumped on him. He struggled away from it, but not because it was a decaying dog. He simply didn't want any slobber on him. He jumped off the couch and got behind it, glaring at both the dog and Q.

"Very not funny!"

Eri laughed at Damien and then got up, going over to the dog. She kneeled down in front of it and rubbed its neck. She looked at it, a little sadly, feeling sorry for this dog. She could feel the life inside of it, and wondered how life must be for this poor creature. He seemed happy, and she knew that he loved Q, but she still felt sorry for it. Perhaps the necromancer had no way to make him whole. She wondered if she should offer. She wondered if he would even except the offer. But she decided to anyways.

"Y'know Q, I could heal your companion here. I know you might not want me to, but I just wanted to let you know that I could if you so decide."

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-08-2008, 01:27 AM

Q actually broke into laughter at Damien's reaction towards Chip, quite amused. "I do believe he likes you Mr. Hotwire. At least someone here does... oh yes. He loves to show his affection by giving kisses too..." He added, grinning wider.

"WOOF!" Chip cried in the hoarse, dry tone as the half tail wagged furiously behind him. He was trying as hard as he could to reach Damien's mouth and give the vampire a "kissy."

"It is quite hilarious you know!" Q added. "But then I suppose one would need a sense of humor to know that..." At having Eri's attention, Chip at least got off of Damien. Instead, now he wagged his tail at Eri, looking up at her with his one good blue eye.

At her offer, Q blinked. "Hmmmmm... but how would I summon him then. It is rather convenient you know..." he started, when Chip went to set his paws on Eri's shoulders. One of the paws, came off. He whined softly, and Q sighed deeply.

"Just... just do it," he grumbled, crossing his arms and closing his eyes as he adjusted his shades. Dark shades which allowed no emotion to show. "Before I change my bloody mind. Such healing is beyond my ability." It wasn't a lie to Q... that was what he truly believed, unaware such magic usually worked both ways.

((ON a random note... Blade gets even cuter each post! :P))


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