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Old 01-25-2014, 10:57 PM

A big thank you to Mythos for the wonderful banner!

So then first of all we would like to apologize to all you folks that it took Cora and I so long to get your presents to the NPCs and to have the gifts judged and the prizes awarded back to you. It's super duper hard to get all the NPCs into the same room. Who would have figured that one? Anyways, without further ado, we would like you guys, both those who participated and those who did not, to witness the big reveal on the gifts to the NPCs.

Before we get there though, we would like to apologize as some of the NPCs, despite our efforts on this I, were not able to make it today. They send their apologies and also thank yous ahead of time. They wish they could be here, but sadly the coin just didn't fall that way for them.

Last edited by Cora; 02-08-2014 at 11:42 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-25-2014, 10:58 PM

Recap of how we got to this point:

Remember that TOP SECRET MISSION during the Festival of Winter Nights? The one where we asked you guys to help us with a secret operation to give the NPCs special gifts?

During the event you guys searched high and low for the absolute perfect gifts for our lovely NPCs and you guys did not disappoint. We had some thoughtful gifts, some really practical gifts and even some down right silly gifts from a few of you.

Well the time has come for us to give the NPCs their gifts and also for the most important part (I know that's what you guys are all thinking) to announce the Winners.

Last edited by Cora; 01-27-2014 at 11:05 AM..

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 01-25-2014, 10:59 PM


First I will announce the winners in each category:

For Each Category:
First Place-5k
Second Place-3k
Third Place- 1k


First Place goes to zigbigadorlube: for the ring which is full of both Mystery and Magic, very much like our very own Abel. Great Pick and good choice.

Second Place goes to blueblackrose: because lets face it, who doesn't want their very own dragon? Abel certainly would.

Third Place goes to EirianHikari: for the bottle collection which Abel would find both useful and would likely have in his collection. Another really awesome pick!


First Place for Aimee goes to Sakura_Madison: because Aimee would be all over that giant Make-up kit. You know how important appearances are to our resident beauty queen.

Second Place goes to Dystopia: because shawls are totally in fashion and we found it both to be very fitting for Aimee and very thoughtful.

Third Place goes to Nephila: for the shoes. I'm not sure if it was intentional but the shoes are high fashion and also in Aimee's color. They are really a great choice of present for her.


Lance loves to fish in his free time, a quality you lovely lot picked up on. However PrincessKasumi: takes First Place on this one for getting Lance a new state of the art fishing rod for all his fishing needs!

We thought Shadami's present was just really interesting and neat. If Lance can't go fishing all the time in the very least he can be lulled to sleep watching the fish and dream of being out on the lake. Therefore Shadami: is taking Second Place on this one.

For all the nerds out there (*Ahem*, myself included) who wouldn't want a Bag of Holding? I mean seriously though, who wouldn't? We think as a delivery man Lance would want one too. Therefore, Third Place goes to zigbigadorlube:.

Li Mei

Li Mei was such a tough one for Cora and I and because all the presents were just so good, we decided to do something a little bit different on this one. We went to Li Mei herself and got help judging. This is what she had to say:

Originally Posted by Li Mei
All of the entries were, like, sooo awesome it was hard to choose the three I liked the most. All of you guys have an eye for fashion and it was just way cool being able to see that being shown through your choices for me. Thank you guys so much!

1st: Dystopia:
This accessory is just, like, waaay too cool! It has a wicked color scheme that is totally my style, beads, feathers, and chains. Talk about badass! *laughs* The best part about this is that you don't even have to have pierced ears so anyone could wear it. I am so totally going to get this is in style.

2nd: Shadami:
Bracelets are one of the classic accessories you know, but it is, like, so awesome how far they've come. I'm not sure who the little dudes are on this, but they are totally cute and remind me of my little bros. They can be a total pain sometimes, but they're family and something as colorful and cute as this would be a way for me to be stylish and remind me of my family.

3rd: Roachi:
Accessorizing is sooo easy to do, but because it's so easy it's also easy to overdo it. This rad necklace is an accessory that would need no others. That green is way vibrant and the way the pendant is twisted is just amazing! This would, like, definitely get some attention and it's really awesome how it represents friendship. That's totally a bonus!

You guys did fantastic with all the NPCs, but I'll be honest, this category had us judging for hours. There were so many good gifts for Lise! We had a tough time choosing, but in the end this is what we came up with:

In First Place we have HIM_ROCK: because not only is that corset perfect for Lise, it is also stunningly gorgeous. It was definitely something that both Cora and I wanted for ourselves. Great pick here, we LOVED it!

In Second Place we have Seridano: because those Tarot cards are PERFECT for Lise. I think she would absolutely adore them. They have just the right Creepy factor while still looking really cool at the same time. Another really good gift for Lise.

Finally in Third Place we have blueblackrose: for a stunning pair of boots that would go almost perfectly with HIM_ROCK's Corset. Another one of those gifts that we wanted to take for ourselves, but of course we left it as one of the top prizes for Lise.


First Place for Nalin goes to Uzura: for that really neat looking bug. We loved the way that it looked like a flower. It was really really cool and we just KNOW Nalin would totally squeal for joy over it. Really really cool pick.

Second Place went to Nephila: for the garden patio furniture. Nalin would love to have people come over and sit in his garden to enjoy his beloved flowers. It was a really thoughtful gift.

Third Place here goes to Velvet: for the garden fountain. What a perfect way to take the serenity and beauty of an already beautiful garden and elevate it to the next level. Nalin would enjoy the peaceful hum of running water as he works to make his flowers grow.


For Cecilia, First Place goes to BellyButton: . We just couldn't help but think that the book "How to Babysit a Grandpa" was just absolutely adorable, and also absolutely perfect for little Cessy.

Second Place went to SuperZombiePotatoe: because lets face it, what little girl wouldn't love a giant stuffed teddy bear the same size as her to snuggle with? This was also a nearly perfect entry for Cessy.

Third Place goes to blueblackrose: for the yumeh scarf, because it's both scarf and yumeh (two of the things that cessy loves most) all wrapped up into one adorable thing. Plus it doesn't hurt that I totally want one of those for me. Like totally want one of those....yeah....that err....may not make it to Cessy. Just Kidding!


What is more perfect for our resident archaeologist then an inflatable tent! Its lightweight and perfect for a man who is constantly traveling into the unknown. Therefore First Place goes to sadrain:

blueblackrose: 's gift was just so incredibly thoughtful and resourceful and just so perfectly Jeryck. Because she's right, what archaeologist doesn't need a map, compass, and pocket watch? Therefore we just couldn't help but give Second Place to her.

Third Place goes to PrincessKasumi: for being incredibly practical and thoughtful in her gift to Jeryck. I'm sure every good archaeologist needs new tools every once in a while.


First Place goes to Uzura: for the amber pendant which we thought suited Nami rather well.

Second Place goes to Ethos:. At first when we saw the feet shaped boots we were horrified, then laughed hysterically, and in the end we decided you get second place because they WOULD keep Nami's feet warm during the winter months.

Third Place goes to zigbigadorlube: for a nice practical tent. Nami is the type to constantly be on the move as well as being a bit of a free spirit so we thought a nice tent would suit his style.

Mr. Mayor

We absolutely loved ClockworkLupine: 's choice of shoes for Mr. Mayor and we are sure that Mr. Mayor will love them too. So First Place goes to you.

We all know how much Mr. Mayor loves his hats. As such who's to say he has just one hat? The thought is just simply silly. He needs a place to keep all them hats. Therefore PrincessKasumi: wins Second Place for her great selection of a hat rack!

Third Place goes to EirianHikari: for the wine making kit. We really do love the idea of Mr. Mayor making wine to go along with his family's chocolate. Everyone knows chocolate and wine are a simply divine combination.


What is not to absolutely LOVE about a vintage red dress with white hearts all over it. Quite apart from the fact that this may be my favorite entry (for me, not for any other reason; I totally want that dress). Its something that Vicktoria would just Simply LOVE. ClockworkLupine: takes First Place.

sadrain: takes Second Place for those adorable little heart shaped lanterns that Vicky would absolutely LOVE.

zigbigadorlube: gave a gift that is just positively perfect for Vicktoria. A tea cup that has a heart shape is both elegant and classy and just PERFECT for the LOVELY Vicktoria. Third Place goes to her.


All the gifts for Yumeh were good, but Woodlandnymph: takes First Place because Yumeh would have an absolute hay day with all those fish. You just can't have a better gift for a cat then fish.

Yumeh believes he is king, and as far as cats go Yumeh is the king of the cats. So what cold be better for a king cat than a bed in the shape of his signature crown? Velvet: takes Second Place.

For Third Place I have very little to say other then the fact that we just simply thought his gift was really neat and could not help but give him third place. WherededIGo: for his really cool cat spa.


First Place for this without a shred of doubt had to go to Dystopia: because she handed Peeblo bouncing explosives. I don't think there is anything else on this earth that could possibly top that in the eyes of Peeblo. I don't know whether to laugh or be utterly terrified at the thought of those in Peeblo's hands.

For Second Place we have HIM_ROCK: 's Tabasco flavored jelly beans. We just had the image of Peeblo going around telling people they were cherry flavored for a good laugh. Another terrifying thought.

blueblackrose: gets Third Place simply because it's fake poo. Its a classic trick that I am sure Peeblo would simply love. Its a simply great pick.


For First Place we have Uzura: who we thought had really lovely sentiment behind her present. We just couldn't resist the "awww" factor and gave her First Place.

BrotherOfDarkness: had a very clever description that worked hard not to mention those dreadful pirates. We found both the description, coupled with the concept of the book, just had the two of us giggling. In the end though we thought it was a thoughtful gift and gave him Second Place.

There was just something about EirianHikari: 's gift that we couldn't help but like and we felt that Emilio would probably really like it too. In the end we gave her Third Place.

Madame Rousseau

The coconut doll from Woodlandnymph: is just the thing that Madame Rou would adore at night time. Its a little quirky and fun just like the real Madame Rou. First Place goes to her.

Second Place goes to Nephila: for those crab claw crab crackers. We found ourselves laughing hysterically for some time at these, but in the end we think that Madame Rou would simple love them for her little reminder of home.

The bed from zigbigadorlube: is both whimsical and fun and a perfect reminder of the island home that Madame Rou left behind. I am sure she would simply adore this little reminder of the island she grew to love so much. Therefore Third Place goes to you.


First and foremost I must say that no gift made me laugh harder, nor was it more perfect than a new brick for Channah's purse. We think that Ethos: hit the nail on the head with this absolutely perfect gift for Channah and therefore with a gift of a brick Ethos: gets First Place.

Another almost nearly perfect gift for Channah comes from Ling: . Those Glasses are just the kind that Channah would wear and we LOVED it. Second Place is yours.

Third Place goes to Roachi: for no other reason then we just loved that little guy. There was something that was both cute and oddly weird about the little guy that we think Channah would like too.

Next I Will Announce our very Special Secret Category Winners!

Firstly to the five contestants(Ethos: ,sadrain: ,PrincessKasumi: ,Nephila: ,zigbigadorlube: )who sucessfully completed all the Categories you will each receive a random present from the 2008 Festival of Winter Nights Present set and 500g !

Secondly to both Ethos: and HIM_ROCK: for making us laugh the entire time you will each receive a Giant Spork and a Beaglepuss

Third to both Roachi: and Dystopia: for coming up with presents that gave us chills to the bone and nightmares for a week you will each receive It's a Monster!

Forth to WherededIGo: you get a special gift from Mr.Mayor. Mr.Mayor was slightly confused by your gift of paper and figured you wanted him to write a book. As such he did and now he wants to give it to you in the form of Righthand Reading and Lefthand Learning

Fifth to Nephila: for having the most gifts that made us go "WTF is that" you will receive the WTF prize of Bargain Basement Costumes

Sixth to sadrain: for having the most adorably cute gifts you will receive the adorably cute Bunnies!

And Finally Seventh to both PrincessKasumi: and EirianHikari: for being incredibly practical in all the gifts you chose you will both receive a Drawing Room!

Finally, The Three Main Winners!

For the Top three overall Staff Picks:
First: HIM_ROCK: Because Between both your shifty steve costume for Mr.Mayor and your Sandal Socks for Jeryk you got the most votes from the staff!

Medal of Totally Epic Win

Second:Uzura: because the staff found that little Mantis Orchid to be incredibly facinating.

Medal of Shiny Awesomeness

Third: BrotherOfDarkness: because we couldn't stop laughing over your present to Emilio. The staff was all giggling over this one.

Medal of Super Spiffiness

Last edited by Cora; 02-08-2014 at 11:41 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-25-2014, 11:05 PM

Thank You to every one who Played with us this year, we had a blast hosting this and quite enjoyed all the presents you guys came up with. We spent hours antagonizing over every entry to try and see that the very best ones were chosen in each category, so please know that just because you didn't win doesn't mean your entry wasn't good. It simply means that someone elses was just a little bit better.

LONG and I will be sending out the prizes over the next couple of days. Gold Prizes will be automatically modified to your account. Item prizes will be sent through trades, expect to see Item trades from Me though the gold may come from either of us. Please accept trades promptly as you will only have 30 days to complete the trades, I will not be hunting people down to complete them. We will be going category by category so If you won more then one category don't be alarmed if the first round of gold isn't all your winnings, they may come separately.

Last edited by Cora; 01-27-2014 at 11:04 AM..

Nalin Sun
Petal Paradise
Nalin Sun is offline
Old 02-02-2014, 03:47 PM

*bashful entrance* Hello...

I've just set up the new fountain near the patio and that space is so serene and tranquil now. With all the new plants and decorations around, the area has been transformed and it's really become very nice! Now that I'm able to comfortably seat guests, I would like to invite you all to come over and see it soon. If you're quite still, you may be able to spot the orchid mantis among the flowers. ^^;

We weren't expecting this and you have all been so thoughtful. After everything we've been through in the past year, it really means a lot to know that we are still remembered and cared for. So I thank you, from all of us. *smiles gratefully*

Last edited by Nalin Sun; 02-02-2014 at 03:53 PM..

Mene Switchboard
Staff Envoy
Mene Switchboard is offline
Old 02-02-2014, 04:42 PM

OMG all this stuff is for us!? Thank you guys sooo much!

I can totally combine all my amazing gifts for a super coordinated look :D Make-up is like the ultimate finishing touch to an outfit and I just love trying out new colors! The Pride and Prejudice shawl is going to be an awesome accessory for keeping warm while still looking cool... does it come with a Mr. Darcy? These killer heels are so in season but I might be taller than him in them!! *giggles*

Newbie Helper
Emilio is offline
Old 02-02-2014, 04:48 PM

Oh wow, would you look at all the loot! Is this why you guys were running around all secretive during the Festival?

Well I've been saying I should find some time to sit down and read again, and both of these books seem to be right up there! Although I think I might put the potato-cannon one aside for right now... not quite ready yet. Chivalry will be my first read of the new year.
And, uh, well it looks like I uh, have someone to go ask out for dinner. I'll be right back.

Uh, hey Aimee? Would you, if you have the time, like to go out to dinner sometime?

Dystopia is offline
Old 02-08-2014, 11:44 PM

:3 Awhh. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the presents! Enjoy~

And thanks for the prizes, too.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 02-08-2014, 11:48 PM

Whoo hoo I got the "Your a weirdo" prize. XD lol

Congrats everyone! :D


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-08-2014, 11:51 PM

I hope you guys had fun ^.^

LONG and I antagonized for HOURS over the results xP

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 02-08-2014, 11:51 PM

I am so excited that Lance an Li Mei loved my gifts. I only wish I could have found more shopping time for the others. They all deserved gifts!

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 02-08-2014, 11:55 PM

Oh my, I actually won something? I mean... my gifts were liked? :D That's so good to know! =^-^= Enjoy them, everyone! And I had the cutest gifts? Really? O:

the one and only

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Old 02-09-2014, 12:01 AM

Congratulations Sadrain ^-^

WherededIGo is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 12:24 AM

Good job Mr Mayor

Dystopia is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 12:34 AM

I wish I had had time to pick out more gifts. :C.

The Daydreamer
Ling is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 12:36 AM

Oh wow, I'm surprised I managed to find a gift worthy or a prize....It is unfortunate that I wasn't able to find any gifts for the others but yes, funky and stylish purple glasses for Channah

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 12:42 AM

Glad you guys liked all the gifts!

And thank you staff :]


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 12:46 AM

I'm in the process of prizes now. Hopefully you'll see them all tonight, but if not between today and tomorrow you should ^.^

WherededIGo is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 12:46 AM

Thanks a bunch Cora 8D


EirianHikari is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 12:55 AM

Thank you, I had a lot of fun with this, and would love to see it return next year!


Roachi is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 04:39 AM

Yay congrats to all the winners, and thanks for the prizes cora & longcat <33

Parchment, Ink, and Tea
ClockworkLupine is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 05:10 AM

O _ O ...OMG! Thank you guys sooooooo much! :D

I'm really glad the NPCs loved their gifts! That was a super fun game. Everyone came up with amazing stuff, great job guys! :3

Nami is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 05:27 AM

These... these are for me? Wow guys, thank you all so much! I've never received gifts like these before... I never expected gifts like these before, either. It was really nice of you to think of us over the holidays. *Looks excitedly over at his presents*

I mean the necklace, wands and crystal ball all look amazing, I've got some recipes in mind which will definitely be easier with a food processor... does it run on batteries? I could definitely use the tent and ponchos when I'm ou-AAAH!! Are those feet?! Why would you give me human feet?! Oh... they're boots. Um... Thanks...? These will come in... handy...


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 06:35 AM

Gosh, you can imagine my surprise when I woke up, logged on, looked at my gold count and was like... "Hello! That wasn't there before"
Thanks you guys! This was super fun


The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 08:09 AM

Yaya! Thank you so much!

I forgot to do the rest of the NPC's, but I am happy that I won.


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