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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 02:40 AM

Lysene's body tensed and he jumped just slightly when the girl touched his arm. He looked at her, a bit uncertain for a moment. Only because he wasn't sure of her intentions when she touched him. She seemed like she only wanted to help though and Lys smiled ever so slightly at her. "...Anika tended to it just a while ago, so it doesn't hurt unless I move it, for now at least." He looked at the vampire on the other side of him, lips parting as if he were going to say something, when the door opened so suddenly. Lysene jumped, his hand reaching out to grasp at the girl's wrist tightly. His eyes closed just as tightly, at first he thought it was the ogre, come to eat him.

But the person was speaking and Lys didn't think ogre's could talk that well. Slowly Lysene opened his grey eyes and looked up at the man towering over him. He blinked for a moment, his body tense. His wings twitched, the movement of the bandaged one causing him to wince slightly. "...You're not a two headed ogre.." He said the words a bit uncertainly and they were out before he could stop them. Lys blinked again, what was this man saying? Something about a party? He seemed very energetic. "...I'm sorry...Is there supposed to be a party? I wasn't invited, do I have to leave?" He was frowning a bit and slowly let go of the psychic girl's wrist, glancing to her, the vampire and then the werewolf uncertainly. He really had no idea what to do, and this man was towering over him so toweringly. His wings twitched again and his right hand moved to press lightly against his left shoulder, as if that would help still his injured wing.

He couldn't help it. His wings twitched when he was nervous and Lysene was feeling very nervous.

Mimeoh is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 03:10 AM

((BTW! Amaryllis Stone. She has heterochromia, but you can't tell from the side of course. Her left eye is gray blue and her right eye is a hazel green. I really wanted to draw her, but it proved rather difficult. So I settled on a photoshopping of a google image instead. Should I also put what she's wearing...?))

Not wanting the situation to escalate into one where there'd be a panicked dove fluttering an injured wing about the room, she turned to him and spoke softly--However, not so softly as to keep it from the others. "No, he was being facetious. There is no party, he was...I think attempting to liven things up"

Amaryllis rubbed her wrist momentarily before settling her fingers back onto Lysene's arm, gently. "Excuse me, sir" she looked back up at the werewolf, speaking flatly, "But were you raised by wolves?" She had meant this to be a hit at his manners, not realizing what he was. This was going to be the most interesting day she'd had in quite some time.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 03:10 AM

Regan was slightly annoyed at the woman's interruption of the conversation underway. Still, it did offer him a chance to collect himself to try and hide his sadness. After shrugging off his jacket, the vampire glanced from the dove to the woman sitting upon the couch.

Just as he was about to make a comment the scent of wolf hit his nose. A flare of hope rushed trough the vampire, only to fall and crash spectacularly. Of course it wasn't the one he searched for. Shoulders slumping dejectedly, he turned sad blue eyes to the dove. Soon enough though, they warmed so he could offer reassurance to the bird-man. "It's alright dove, I believe the man's joking." After a moment's thought Regan continued. "My name is Regan, and you are?" Though the question was directed at Lysene, the vampire wouldn't mind entirely knowing the names of the others around.

Karlin had been sitting distractedly in her chair until she heard a loud voice talking about a party. Perking up, she sauntered over to the group again with swaying hips. Grinning, the orange haired woman lifted a hand to flick long strands away from her face and leaned forward more then necessary. " A party you said? Maybe we could work on that little plan together." With a wink and a laugh, the young woman looked over the man speculatively.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 04:14 AM

A burst of laughter escaped Ren at Lysene as he blinked up at him stating the obvious. "I'm only an ogre when I wake up in the mornings," he said, slapping the dove on the back, or wing, or shoulder... he wasn't sure, his eyes were closed in laughter. He caught his breath as Lys spoke again, just to find himself laughing hard a second time. "You're good," he said to Lys, "You're a funny guy. I think we're going to get along great!" he added with another solid smack.

Of course no one could tell if Ren was being sarcastic or if he believed that Lys was making a joke. He composed himself enough to listen to Amaryllis speak and he leaned in to sniff at her a little. "How could you tell?" he asked seriously, "What are you?". He assumed she had to be something other than human to have known he was raised by wolves.

His attention turned to Karlin as she made her way towards them now. His wide grin returned as he seemed to lick his chops watching her hips sway side to side. He moved to meet her part way, grabbing a hold of her hand to twirl her around as he put his other arm around her waist to lean her body into it tango dance style. As he leaned her back he leaned over her to whisper in her ear, "Laissez-nous danser mon amour."

He'd easily picked up on a few languages during his travels. He usually used his French around the ladies as it always seemed to reel them in. He'd broken a hundred hearts just like Karlin's and would only do it again should she allow him the chance. He let his warm breath linger on her ear before pulling her up and spinning her away from him to direct his attention to the others once again.

"We've got ourselves a lively bunch here," he said mostly to Karlin, but also to everyone else. "I guess if you guys want to be mopey, I'll play along." With that he hopped over the back of the couch to place himself in between Lys and Amaryllis, cramping them all in just that much more as he stretched his arms out to put one behind Amaryllis and one behind Lys. "So," he said with a serious look, "Tell Dr. Carlisle how you're feeling today," he said sarcastically as if he were a therapist, looking around the room. "Anyone can start, annndd go!" He grinned widely again amused with himself.

((I hope my post made sense! I'm so distracted right now!))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 04:28 AM

"..Oh.." Lysene was looking at the psychic girl, he wasn't sure if he should be happy or disappointed that there was no party. If there had been, he might have convinced them to let him stay even without an invitation. He looked the werewolf for a moment, almost warily. The man did smell rather, wolfish. Lysene shook his head slightly, the vampire was talking again and he looked at him. Offering a slight smile in response to the warmth that came to Regan's eyes. "..I'm called Lysene. Or Lys." Honestly the dove didn't really care what they called him, so long as it wasn't anything mean or nasty.

Lys tilted his head slightly, looking at the female that had come in with the vampire. Now she was talking about starting a party. The bird was just a little confused, was there going to be a party or wasn't there? Well, it didn't really matter, but Lysene was sure a party would be fun. Maybe. Of course, a party put on by people was probably completely different than a party put on by birds. Lysene was frowning slightly again when the werewolf laughed at him. Lysene liked that the man seemed so outgoing, but at the same time the dove wasn't sure how to handle being around someone like that.

The smack on his back caused his wings to twitch, and him to wince lightly. His body tensed, and he watched the werewolf questioningly. Wondering why the man had smacked him. Then another smack and this time Lys whimpered ever so softly. Wings twitching, they were already a bit cramped with Amaryllis and Regan on the couch on either side of him. Lys was quiet, watching the werewolf as he grabbed the one girl and spun her around a bit, speaking in some language Lysene didn't know.

He had just begun to relax when the werewolf squeezed himself on the couch between Amaryllis and himself. Lys tensed again, his wings twitching, and he tried to scoot away just a little bit to give the wolf more room to sit. But there was only so far he could go, and his wings were now more cramped and the strange wolf had his arm around him. Lys chewed his bottom lip, his right hand gripping his left shoulder as his wings twitched. He was trying to reach his bandaged left wing to keep it from twitching. Every twitch hurt a little more than the last. Even with the numbing salve Anika had put on it. The broken appendage was mostly limp though, save for the nervous twitching it and his unbroken wing did.

"Small and insignificant, and useless, and hurting, and nervous...That's how I'm feeling." Lys probably never would have said that, but the wolf man had asked everyone how they were feeling, it would be rude not to answer him, wouldn't it? He watched the werewolf almost carefully.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 05:41 AM

Ren laughed loudly again at Lys' words thinking he was still joking around. The arm behind Lys wrapped around his wings and shoulders easily as he gave the dove a friendly squeeze. Of course, Ren was rough, far too rough. He always had been, but it wasn't that he was being mean, he just didn't know any other way. He was a wild animal at heart after all. When his laughter subsided, he relaxed his arm. "I like you Lys," he said sincerely, "I'm Ren," he offered to anyone listening.


As the winds picked up outside the forest, harsh gusts began to penetrate the trees, blowing into Julia with more force than she expected would be in the middle of woods like these. She loved the cold, but even this was pushing her limits. The cold nipped at her nose and anything else it could get a hold of and she began to shiver as she let her hood fall over her face to protect it from the snow. Some might question if Julia could actually feel, or if it was her mind recalling what her human body would do in any given situation.

Jules turned around to head back towards the Inn before the storm became unbearable, but she was heading more North than East and had begun traveling in the wrong direction. Before she even realized that her foot had gotten caught on a large tree root that had been hidden in the storm, she was belly down in the snow. She pushed herself to a sitting position and winced in pain at the sharp stabbing sensations that traveled from her foot, through her ankle and into her calf. How was she going to walk with her ankle in this kind of shape?

She pushed her self to stand and took a step onto her hurt foot, immediately crumpling to the ground. This wasn't good. She pulled the deep red cloak together and tried to cover her face as she sat helplessly in the snow. At the sound of movement and footsteps, Jules smiled and turned to face her savior. Hazel eyes widened in fear as they slowly trailed up to the full height of the ogre.

Standing before her now was the same two headed ogre that had broken Lys' wing. She backed away in a pathetic kind of scoot as she stared up at the massive beast who was now looming over her.


Staria is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 05:31 PM

Misa Morana, the angelic personality with power over healing, of the one who called herself Morana had been walking through the snow. She hadn't been in control when they got here so how she got here she wasn't precisely sure how she did. According to the journal they all kept to communicate with one another, and tell who they'd met and such to confuse others less, Vesta had been in control. Vesta's entries were always the least clear...Every time Misa read the journal she half hoped that the true Morana, whose actual name was Kira, would be the one who had last been in control. She hadn't surfaced since her mind had shattered itself to protect her life. That was centuries ago now... the other personalities all said they were sure she was truly dead, only gentle Misa held out hope.

The angelic being sighed as she thought of this but simply put the journal away. She would likely have to find a place to stay. As a being of so many elements in a body that was originally human she was sensitive to the cold... only Vesta of fire was immune. Vesta had withdrawn though... why was Misa's only question. Perhaps she'd simply gotten bored, the demonic personality was always full of energy and hated to walk instead of fly. In this white out she had no ability to fly so had likely preferred to sleep. Selfish creature...

In the distance, however, Misa could now see a building. Perhaps Vesta had not been so selfish after all... With a shrug the angel walked towards the building and headed for the door. She would have to describe it for the others in the journal so she kept her eyes out for details. She was soon distracted, however, as she felt the tug of someone wounded. She felt pain ripple through her and shook her head to clear it before she opened the door. She soon saw the wounded dove before she closed the door behind her.

"I can heal your wind if you desire..." The carefully spoken Misa said in her gentle, cultured voice. She would approach the dove then and do a slight bow in greeting. She smiled warmly at the other being, curious. He did not feel like an angel to her... more like a shifter. As the one with the most empathetic and psychic ability it was easy for her to tell such things. The other three would only know he was not an angel.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 08:29 PM

Jo led Anika to her room, dropping her bag right inside the door. She sat as instructed, pulling her robe down off of her shoulders to pool in a heap of fabric around her waist. She let her mind wander as the woman bandaged her, obeying any commands she gave to make the job easier. The bandage would prevent her from shifting, but the rate at which her kind healed assured that it would only be a few days to a week.

"If you want anything for your trouble, I have a few pieces of jewelry that I'm sure you could sell somewhere," she finally said. She'd started making it habit to carry a few of her smaller works of art with her, it was much easier than trying to get currency exchanged to whatever the area used. "They're good quality, I can assure you that. A good dealer would pay quite a bit for a couple of the ones I have," she continued, mentally going through which ones she'd brought this time. Maybe the emerald and gold earrings? They would suit the woman's looks, if she chose to keep them.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 01:16 AM

When Ren wrapped that arm around Lysene, the dove flinched and whimpered softly at the pain that raced through him. He blinked, wide-eyed and warily at Ren, watching the man carefully, but the werewolf didn't seem like he had intentionally hurt Lys. He shook his head slightly, squirming and wriggling until he was off the couch and out of Ren's reach. Lysene had nearly bumped into the girl bowing before him and speaking so gently. His bottom lip trembled ever so slightly, but Lys was not about to cry, he was just nervous. His wings twitched, the right one that stood proudly behind him and the left that hung a little limp.

Lys cool grey eyes turned to her, and his head tilted to the side slightly. He watched her for only a moment, and then nodded. "..That would be wonderful, please?" He smiled almost shyly at the woman, and shifted on his feet slightly. Wondering if it would hurt. He had never been healed before, and he wasn't quite sure what he should expect from it. Lysene was almost certain it wouldn't hurt though, mostly because of the gentle way the woman had spoken to him.


Staria is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 01:46 AM

Anika nodded as she spoke but didn't seem to care to much. Her mind was simply on finishing up checking for any other hurt bones and where she could get some linen. The ghosts might know a place... she'd have to go look. Once finished she nodded in satisfaction and stepped back. She then thought over the jewelry a moment. It wouldn't hurt to get paid for once.

"Sure if you want" She answered with a shrug. She honestly didn't care, rarely hurting for money. She was good at enchanting and often made her money at that when she couldn't find odd jobs or live off the land. She was an adventurer through and through.


Misa Morana nodded and gave him a warm smile. She flapped her wings slightly and stepped towards the wing. She slowly laid a hand over the bandaged wound and closed her eyes. Her wings spread slightly then as she focused her powers. Silvery white light poured from her hands and her wings, leaking into his wound. Warmth would fill Lys and the room would be filled briefly be filled with the sound of an angelic choir. Then as quickly as it had began it wound end, the wound healed. Gentle Misa smiled at him warmly then.

"That should feel better now" she said softly as she tilted her head to the side. She could feel someone else wounded but not so badly in need of healing. She began to unwrap the wing since the wound would be completely gone, her nimble fingers as gentle as the feathers beneath them. She briefly wondered if this was fated... that her personality be in control. She always seemed to come in control when someone was wounded nearby.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 02:08 AM

Jo nodded, pulling the robe back up before standing. "I'll get them out and you can pick," she said, stepping toward her bag. She kneeled down by it, opening it and started to pull out her things. A few simple dresses, a pair of sturdy pants, a long tunic, and finally five small silk bags, with drawstrings that ended in small wooden beads. These she took over to the bed, opening each one and gently pouring the contents out.

A silver bangle with citrine rectangles, a copper and silver twisted torque with eagle heads at each end, a pair of delicate-seeming gold earrings with several emerald drops on each, a copper cloak pin with garnet chips set into it on the pattern of a leaf, and a white-silver chain with an amethyst triangle pendant. She paid careful attention when handling the earrings, not letting the metal touch her skin at all.

"Pick any one of these, they're all hand made," she said, stepping back to allow Anika a better look. "Each is unique, I made them myself." She held pride in her work, never making anything quite like anything else. At the least, different metals and stones were used, and they didn't look exactly the same, even if she tried. It was as if the metal and gem didn't want to conform. She never forced it, and so never had any real difficulty working with it.


Staria is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 02:35 AM

Anika nodded and watched her get each item out. Due to some of the more ...unsavory things she'd been hired to do a time or two, such as stealing stolen objects to return to their owners, she had become adept at recognizing valuable stones and metals. She could tell at a glance the gemstones were all real and what they were, quite a thing to pay for a few bandages. She raised an eyebrow and looked at the other woman in thought.

"They do look quite well made and valuable... are you sure?" She asked quietly as she studied the woman closely. Absently she picked up the earrings after a moment to look at them. They matched a piece of jewelry an elf had given her when she retrieved something from his family tomb for him. He was terrified of the dead..... and she couldn't blame him when she noticed that someone had raised a few as a joke. She'd later been paid to track down who had done it...ended up being a kid who had done it on accident. A pity... she ended up having to turn the money back over since she couldn't bring herself to turn in the foolish kid.

She'd probably keep the earrings as she'd always liked the bracelet the pin the elf had given her. It was one of the things she kept rather then sell it. She tended to like to keep her trinkets anyway though, only selling when it was necessary. When you lived on the edge of society, never staying still, sometimes money could be an issue.

Mimeoh is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 03:12 AM

Amaryllis, now pressed into the arm of the couch, looked questioningly at Ren. "I'm Amaryllis by the you mean to say you were actually raised by wolves?" She pondered for a moment on his other question, "Had I probed your mind and found that you had been, I suppose I would know. I'm gifted with some telepathic abilities...along with a few others..." she mumbled and looked up at the newcomer, Misa.

Feeling a touch jealous, Amaryllis wished she could also heal. She'd give up so many powers just for that beautiful ability, to have something so pure. "That's phenomenal... did you truly fix his wing, miss?"


Staria is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 03:24 AM

Misa Morana looked towards the other woman in surprise but gave her a warm smile and a nod. She looked at her a moment, sensing her psychic ability and seeing jealousy in her face. She bit her lip a moment, unsure. Finally after a moment's thought she reached out to put a comforting hand on the other woman's shoulder. Her hand would feel gentle as a breeze, as light as a feather. She was the personality, and energy, closest to a true angel. The other personalities would always take control in a fight to keep her this pure, this gentle. They were all protective of her...except of course the true Morana long dead.

" why I exist, to hold Morana's purity and angelic gifts. I am sure you have your own gifts, your own purpose." She said softly, her voice as loving as ever. She smiled again and slowly let her hand drop. She wished to comfort the other woman, because it was her nature... and therefore a part of Morana's. It was something she sometimes had difficulty explaining to others... but she always tried. She liked to warn people of the other personalities... Vesta liked to play with people and liked confusion so as a mischievous soul never did.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 03:37 AM

Jo nodded, packing away the other pieces once Anika had made her choice. "Of course I am, I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't," she said, pulling her pack closer to the bed and tucking the four silk pouches in it. She picked up the one pouch left, holding it out to the other woman. "You can keep this, too. I have plenty back home."

She really needed that bath, and made a face. "Um, I can bathe with these on, right?" she asked, gesturing to the bandages hidden beneath her robe. They felt different, like there was a purpose not usually associated with linen wrappings. Being somewhat sensitive to energies could be a huge bonus, she'd found out.

Mimeoh is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 03:40 AM

Amaryllis felt warm for a moment, both out of embarrassment for her jealousy and from the compassion of the other woman. "So...Morana, is that your name, then...?" She felt a touch confused by the situation. She smoothed her hair behind her ear and looked up at her, finding Misa Morana's eyes. Amaryllis wasn't challenging her, she just felt more comfortable, more able to read a person when she looked into her eyes. She knew almost instantly that her abilities would not work on this woman, those with broken or fractured minds always escaped her own mind's capabilities. "You are most fascinating, Miss..." Again, Amaryllis spoke without thinking. At least she was starting to feel warmer, perhaps that would help her mouth and mind communicate a touch easier...


Staria is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 03:59 AM

Anika nodded slowly before she put the earrings on and pushed the pouch in pocket with a muttered thanks. She was not use to being thanked so much... use to gruff warrior types or people who were paying her so just expected things like this. Still she offered the other woman and nodded, inwardly thinking she should probably leave. She didn't want to interfere with Jo more then necessary.

"yes.. they are enchanted. I will leave you be. Be more careful next time hmm?" She said with a soft bow less mocking then before but a cheerful wink. She then turned and started for the door, not wanting to overstay her welcome. She yawned slightly, wondering what there was to eat in this place.


Misa Morana gazed at the her as she spoke, smiling faintly. She slowly shook her head, letting her currently blue eyes rest on the other woman's mismatched ones. It was always most difficult to begin the explination as she did not know it all. She had no memories of Morana's so did not know anything about the experiments... or even afterwards or their escape. Senka, the silent demon of war and shadows had taken over when Morana had broken and used her powers to make their escape. She was the oldest personality second to Morana herself and was the only one who really knew much and she would say nothing. Still as the other woman spoke Misa blushed and began to explain.

"No, the one born in this body was a human child who called herself Morana so she is the true Morana. When she was fourteen something happened and she split herself into four, i do not know her true name. Mine, however, is Misa. I do not know all of how it happened and I came to be but I will tell you what I can. I know only that Morana was somehow infused with angel and demon blood. Our power was too great, however, and Morana split herself into four to keep herself from being destroyed. Myself the angel of healing who has these blue eyes, Loira the battle angel of light who has silver eyes, Senka a shadow demon who has purple eyes, and Vesta a demon with dark red eyes who uses black flames. Our Wings and eyes change when we do so you should be able to tell us apart. We all use Morana as a last name as a sign of respect to the child and to make things easier on others." She explained quietly, her wings lowering.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 04:12 AM

Lysene had stood there, still as stone while Misa healed his wing. It filled him with a nice feeling. Warmth and comfort. Surely to be able to do such a thing was wonderful, it had felt so nice. He remained still as she removed the bandages from his wing and once he was certain she was done, he stepped away from her just a little bit. A light smile on his lips. "Thank you so very much." Both wings stretched out behind him, flicked and twitched a bit. It felt so good to stretch them like that. He watched the others for a moment, then slipped away from the group.

Lys didn't go far, he had checked in to this place, but he had never actually received his room key. So the dove returned to the check in desk to quietly and politely ask the check in ghost about that. When the ghost gave him the key, he fingered it for a few moments, turning it this way and that. He rather liked the way the light reflected on it's shiny surface, but he wasn't a magpie or one of the other birds addicted to shiny things. Still, he had a special appreciation for shiny things, and for now this one was his.

It was probably an odd thing to consider the room key a special treasure, but that's what it was as long as it was in Lysene's possession. He wouldn't let a magpie or crow or raven or any of those other shiny addicted birds take it from him either. Though, he seemed to be the only bird here, for now, at least. Lys shook his head slightly and clutched the key tightly. He intended to remain in his human form for a while, but he felt a little odd. Out of place, wearing his toga like robe while the others were dressed more..humanly.

It was foolish of him to think that though, he was a bird, he didn't belong in more humanly clothing anyway. Slowly Lysene had inched his way back towards the group, and almost hesitantly he resumed his place on the couch. Sitting close to Ren with his wings folded a bit more comfortably against his back. He wriggled slightly, and offered a slight, shy smile to the werewolf. Ren was warm, and rough, but it was a playful roughness, an unintentional roughness that oddly, Lys kind of liked. Also, being close to the werewolf made the little bird feel very safe for reasons he could not explain at all. All of these feelings were foolish and unfounded, he had only known the boisterous man for minutes.

Lys couldn't help but to listen to the conversation around him. The conversation between Misa and Amaryllis. The dove blinked, and looked down at his hands in his lap. Looking at his key. He wasn't quite sure he understood all of what Misa said, but then, she hadn't really been talking to him anyway. She was speaking with Amaryllis.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 04:12 AM

"I won't be flying when it starts to snow, I can tell you that!" she replied, seeing Anika yawn. She walked over to the door and opened it, giving her a little bow. she only bent right at the waist, but her ribs ached a bit with the movement. "You should take care of yourself next," she said, waiting to see her out of the room.

((sorry for the shortness, I don't want to just shove Ani out of the room.))

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 06:21 AM

Ren was still grinning as Lys squirmed off of the couch. His eyes danced from Lys to Misa to Amaryllis before responding to the female. "So my instincts were right. This is a shelter for the supernatural?" His smile had faded as he pondered the odds of such a place. Well, he had been checked in by ghosts after all. "Most werewolves are raised by wolves," he said as an afterthought, grinning again in amusement.

His grin widened, "And don't go probing around in my mind, you might find something you'll regret knowing." He winked at her and stood. The ghost who'd checked him in had given him a room key, but he didn't currently have any personal belongings. He didn't find that he ever needed them. He slept in the nude, washed his clothes while lounging around in the nude, and certainly was nude aside from his fur, while in his werewolf form. If it wasn't something frowned upon, Ren would choose to be nude all the time.

He put his arms behind his head and stretched. "I guess since we aren't going to party, I'll have to find something else to do." He was looking at Lys now and sent the man a playful wink. His grin widened and amusement danced in his eyes.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 07:06 AM

When Ren moved, Lysene's eyes were on him. Watching his every move, the man was a werewolf. That explained why he smelled so wolfy, it didn't matter. Somehow Lys was sure this man wouldn't try to eat him or cage him. It would be silly for a werewolf to cage a bird, both were free animals. It just wouldn't make sense. Lys watched Ren as he stood and stretched. That head of his tilted to the side and he blinked owlishly when Ren winked at him. Not quite sure why the man had winked at him, but there was amusement in the werewolf's eyes and it caused Lys to smile almost shyly at him again.

Lysene couldn't help but to watch the werewolf, he looked like he would be so strong. A strong friend was always a welcome thing, especially to someone as frail and weak as a little bird. Maybe Ren could teach him how to be stronger? Somehow Lys didn't think that would work out so well. Ren was restless though and he wanted something to do, Lysene frowned ever so slightly. He couldn't think of anything to do, other than sit comfortably on the couch, be warmed by the fire, and eat. He peered up almost timidly at Ren. "...We could see if this place serves food? Maybe?" Lys asked a bit hopefully and a bit shyly, wondering if they would have food suited to his tastes. Probably. A little bit of meat, but mostly he preferred fruits and berries. Nuts and celery. Surely this place would have that, after all people ate that sort of thing too, didn't they?

Last edited by Kry; 04-15-2012 at 07:32 AM..


Staria is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 04:43 PM

"good girl" Anika responded to the first with a small smile. She started out the door, only pausing as the other voiced concern for her. She looked perplexed for a moment but then simply gave Jo a warm smile and patted her head. She stepped out the door with a call of 'Be careful of the bowing' and headed for the main room. She paused a moment, frowning at what she sensed. As a chimere able to move between all plains, even to heaven itself, she knew what an angel felt like. What was one doing on the earthly plain?

She stopped at the head of the stairs, crossing her arms and gazing downward. Now that the angel was in sight she was able to 'feel' her clearer. She felt like an angel yet... there was something off. Part of her energy was corrupted or shifted yet she was not a fallen angel? Ani couldn't help but feel a little confused but she noted that Lys wing was repaired. What a waist of bandages... but that showed the angel did in fact have healing. She wished she'd had her ears out, she loved the song of angels when they healed. Sometimes she took a peek into heaven simply to listen.

Angelo is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 09:00 PM

Ishmael Telamon

~~I am approximately nine hundred years old, in human time anyway. It actually gets a bit rough converting that, so I tend not to think about it. Being a celestial dragon grants me the ability to shapeshift into a humanoid form, as well as cross all the planes of the world. In addition, I also possess the element of Light. As the heir to the throne of the Dragon Emperor, I've been trained in everything from combat to academia, much like my sister. I'm also rather musical and can play several instruments, though I'm best with the flute and harp.~~

Semirhage (Sem) Telamon

~~I am roughly seven hundred years old, which, like my brother's age, is in human time. Unlike my brother, I'm a celestial phoenix, though we have the same abilities otherwise. I also have the element of Darkness instead. While my brother is heir to the throne of the Dragon Emperor, I'm heir to the throne of the Phoenix Empress, which is his wife. I hasten to add that technically, we are not brother and sister. There is really no sexual relations between the Emperor and the Empress. Regardless, I lean more towards the sketchier talents, like pick-pocketing and stealth, though I'm just as good a fighter as my brother, though my preferred style is the Phoenix Style.~~

Danielle (Dani) S. Park

~~An elemental of lightning, I am pretty much living electricity. Still, I don't have to worry about being grounded or getting wet due to my human body, though anyone in the water with me does. I'm one of the youngest in my family, though that didn't stop my parents from kicking me out when they discovered what I could do. Still, I was lucky to meet up with Ishmael and his sister Semirhage. They were really kind to take me in with them after all.

Drawing the song that he was playing on his flute to a close, Ishmael smiled appreciatively at Dani's clapping, though his sister never batted an eye. She was certainly, admirably, stoic. The fire had already gone out, so it was a simple matter of kicking the ashes away to take care of it. Dani looked up at Sem a bit warily. Apparently she was afraid that she had angered the dark girl. Ishmael happened to know that that was not the case, it was simply Sem being Sem again, and that she actually adored Dani. Still, she would kill him for saying anything, so he kept his mouth shut, instead buckling on his sword, Sol. Sem already had her sword, Lun, strapped to her back of course.

As she began leading the way along the path, he sighed again. She really was too dark and gloomy. Hopefully she would learn to lighten up just a tad. Still, as they walked, he kept an eye out for anything suspicious on the various planes, his eyes flickering through them every so often so that they wouldn't be taken by surprise. That Baldrog earlier had been a nasty thing after all. Dani, of course, couldn't see on any plane but the earthly one, so she was given the duty of keeping an eye out there as Sem took the planes below and he the planes above.

After an hour or so, they saw their destination, the inn, ahead. Yet they didn't speed up or anything, instead content to move cautiously. Strange and powerful creatures were attracted to mystical locations such as those after all. Eventually, they did mount the stairs and make their way to the door, Dani playing with her Yo-Yo, Sem fingering her sword, and he humming. While his sister hesitated and went to knock on the door, Ishmael opened it and waltzed in, still humming to himself. With a roll of her eyes, Sem followed, who in turn was followed by Dani.

Several moments later led to them getting checked in and acquiring their keys, all for the same room. It was simply more comfortable for the trio to stay together than to split. Their meager belongings were carried up to their room and dropped off before the group traveled back downstairs to introduce themselves and such. As they came back down the stairs, they noticed a girl standing at the top and looking perplexed. "May I help you, miss?" he said. Sem and Dani also looked a little concerned for the girl, or, Dani did. Still, they felt some concern, and so stayed to make sure she was alright.

((For a surprise, click the pictures. ;)))


Staria is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 09:14 PM

Ani looked towards the male as he spoke, raising one perfectly shaped eyebrow. Most Chimere were naturally pretty, one of the other reasons they were often compared to Emere. She hadn't expected anyone to notice her, let alone the three entering. She could sense that two of them, like her, were not truly of this plain of existence. Curious but not worrying. They did not feel like Chimere hunters, they tended to carry the blood of other chimere as that was one of the few things able to kill a Chimere. She had learned to identify hunters by sensing this blood they carried stored away.

"I'm alright, and you are? She responded with a warm smile as she glanced at the three before leaping from the top of the stairs to land at the bottom. She hadn't seen people traveling in groups on the way here so these three being together surprised her. The inn really was attracting many people. She knew that it was the only place for miles but part of her was beginning to have an inkling there was more to it. Was this place alive? And calling to people? She'd heard of buildings that became 'alive' through magic and time but never had been in one...

"you three are the one just out of the snow." She added in a teasing tone as she focused on the here and now. She leaned back against the stairs banister and crossed her arms. She was curious about the three, and also hopelessly bored. She never liked being pinned up, but she needed the rest whether she wanted to admit it or not. She could also feel something bad was coming in the snow, perhaps that was what had attracted the angel too?

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-18-2012, 01:46 PM

Ren nodded with a wide grin to Lys, "I like the way you think!" Ren could happily eat himself to death. If he could, he would eat all day everyday. The metabolism of a werewolf was certainly amazing to say the least, plus, he just loved food. Mostly meat, but everything else was a plus.

He glanced over to the vampire and his companion, Regan and Karlin had he overheard them saying? "You guys up for a bite to eat?" he asked. He certainly loved company. The more people around him the better. Besides the vampire looked so glum, and Ren wanted to try and change that. With that, he turned away and began sniffing his way towards the dining room, assuming the others would follow.


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