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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 07:46 PM

I started this hangout during the Feast of Fools event to see if I could find some more juggle enthusiasts to hang out with, but of course everyone is welcome to stay and chat!

I will, however, be putting up some links, videos and more that I think are helpful for jugglers and performers, and you're welcome to share some of yours as well, plus any tips and tricks you might know and think would be helpful.

If you'll start by doing a bit of an introductory post, then that'd be swell - do you juggle? If so, what do you do; if not, do you know anyone that does? Are you interested in learning? What drew you to the thread, and so on.. whatever you think fits or you want to say. :)

I myself started spinning poi just before Christmas last, then when I broke my ankle in February, I started doing contact juggling since I couldn't balance myself with the poi. Soon after I started walking without crutches again, I started going to weekly juggling meetings in London, and started playing with flowerstix (also known as devil- or lunastix). When I came back home to Iceland for the summer, I got to know some members of the circus here, and have been going to some of their practices. I also bought three juggling balls and am sort of getting the hang of that now.
I've never done much acrobatics, though the circus group here does a lot of that, but because of my ankle being a bit sensitive still and because I sprained my back a couple of weeks back, I haven't been able to participate, though I'd love to learn.

Anyway, I'll reserve one more post to put up links and such, after that the floor is yours!

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 07:47 PM



I found this guy on YouTube, his juggling tutorials seem very straight forward and clear. Of course I'm still doing the basics (as in this video), but he's got lots of more advanced tricks and stuff, so I suggest you take a look at them if you're interested in learning more. The description to the video is essential though, so I'll copy it here:


Step 1
Throw one ball to your other hand. Whilst this ball in the air, wait until it reaches its maximum height and then, throw the second ball. Make sure you catch both balls in opposite hands and do not pass the balls along, throw them.

Step 2
Opposite side of step 1.

Step 3
The same process as steps 1 and 2 however, now you have an extra ball in your hand, you can continue the pattern for 1 extra throw. Do continous throws for the 3 ball pattern.

Step 4
Opposite side of step 3.

All Together
Now, if you think about it steps 3 and 4 can be made continuous as you end up in your original position. Simply continue juggling the exchanges for the 3 ball cascade!


PlayPoi has all the information you need to know about poi, as well as very good tutorials called Poi Basics. There are six videos going from the complete basics up to fairly advanced techniques, all explained in a very simple, straight-forward manner (or at least I thought so).


Firetoys has a really great variety of toys, not only fire stuff, I've bought things from them a couple of times and it's always been really good. UK based.

Oddballs is the juggling store in Camden, London. Their website also has a really good selection of all kinds of toys, I've also bought from them and can recommend them. If you're in London, they also run a weekly juggling meeting not far from the store. UK based.

Flowtoys specializes in glowing toys and people keep telling me they're really good, though I've not bought stuff from them personally. California based.

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 07:49 PM

If anyone has better ideas for a name for the thread, please share.. it was the first thing I came up with and I couldn't come up with anything better.

Anyway, onwards and upwards! I have circus practice in a bit so I won't be staying long, but might be back later tonight a little. :)

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 08:00 PM

I like it! It's a good name. ^_^

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 08:04 PM

Alright. ^^ I don't mind it, it's more if anyone happens to think of anything better. But yes, this can be our little shack.

I have to go to practice, but I'll leave you with this video my mate linked me to:

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 08:19 PM

LOL awww that poor kitty! But it was kinda funnyyy...XD

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 11:00 PM

I know, and he didn't seem to mind it so much either. xD He just jumped off and went to have something to eat or drink. My cat is like that, we throw him up in the air and catch him and he just purrs louder than ever and doesn't try to get away or anything.. if he was a bit smaller (and I was better at juggling) I'd definitely try this on him...

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 11:19 PM

Hey there, I'm here! 8D

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 11:20 PM

So you are! 8D
Guhh why am I so tiiiiireeeed?

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 11:34 PM

aww! XD cats would flip out and refuse to stand within 3 feet of me.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 11:18 PM

Anddd..I'm thinking now might be a good time to dig out my ball and get some practice in. I'm feeling extremely hyperactive right now....:rofl:

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Old 07-15-2010, 05:25 PM

I'm glad you made a hangout thread for this. =D Though it's too hot to even juggle here, today. D=

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 07:04 PM

Woop! Yeah, though right now both this and the event thread are active.. well, all the more chance we'll attract some new faces. The more the merrier! :) I've been completely addicted to my contact ball lately, one of the guys at practice last Saturday taught me a new trick with the Butterfly, and on Tuesday this girl there who also does contact showed me a couple of other tricks.. including just holding the ball in the air and moving your wrist about. Really simple, but looks amazing! Though it's much more impressive if you manage to keep the ball in the same place, and that's a lot harder than it looks..

My friends are getting married in August and our friend, who's organizing the party, asked me if I wanted to do some juggling and stuff there. Our other friend is going to juggle a bit so I'm going to try to get him to practice two-person-juggling with me.. yesterday this guy at practice stole the balls from me while I was juggling and tried to teach me to do the same, it was pretty confusing though. x___x

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 03:54 AM

haha wow! It sounds like a load of fun at those practices!

Oh oh! You mean Isolation?

I kind like this video, too....

Two person juggling sounds really hard and confusing. 0.0; But I bet it's funnnn!~
And juggling for a friend's wedding!? Awesome and congrats to the couple!

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 07:41 PM

It's amazing, seriously! I'm still so excited about having found them and been invited to come along to practices.

I was debating not going last night though, since I was really tired and I knew I needed the sleep for today. Ended up going anyway (because there was no way I'd regret going but likely I'd regret not going) and I'm so glad I did! I was late so I was only there for an hour, but I got tips on my juggling (apparently I've been doing it wrong.. holding my hands way too high and not throwing high enough. So I need to start again kind of.. D; ) and afterward, my friend dragged me to the camping site that's right by where we practice.
There were these three Canadian tourists that came to practice and they had a slackline in their tent, so we went to take a look. They were really cool and we ended up hanging out with them for way too long, my friend and a couple of other people from the circus tried the line (I didn't want to risk it cause of my ankle) and they tried a unicycle (not on the slackline, though they were tempted..) and juggling and stuff.
So yeah, I'm really glad I went. : D

Yes, it was an isolation, like the stuff he does at 0:26 onward. The second guy does it a bit too, but you can't really see it.. the filming is really weird in that video, but the guy is really good. Looks really smooth. Though he keeps his fingers really far apart when doing the butterfly.. I'm practicing keeping them together now myself.
Oh, and the butterfly thing I'm practicing is in that video, he does it a couple of times, the first time is around 0:16. I can do a few of those tricks, though not so smoothly. And I really want to learn the chest roll.. I can roll it up to my elbow easily, and with my left hand I can easily roll it up the inside of my arm to my elbow and down the other side of it, but that's about it.. I'm trying to roll it further but it's haaaaard.

Well, I dunno if we'll manage two person juggling, but you can always steal the ball from the other person. My friend did that to me at practice the other day and I tried stealing from him, though I didn't manage it before he had to run off. It doesn't look too hard though... first I need to get juggling on my own. P:

Woo, word bomb!

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 08:38 PM

hahaha awesome stuff! Yea, I didn't like how distracted the camera guy in the second video seemed to was confusing. But I liked the juggler, so I thought I'd share it. ^_^"

I love watching people on unicycles. It's rare to see, but every now and then there'll be someone on a unicycle just ridin' around. Extremely rare, but the few times I've seen it, I've been highly pleased and amused. XD

Stealing the balls from another juggler sounds interesting...I'm sure you'll get it down, though! :D

I kinda wish there was something like that around here...but if there is, then they're VERY good at hiding. =/ I wouldn't be surprised if the closest group I could find happened to be in Maryland or D.C. (I never drive to D.C...and Maryland's an extra 2-3 hour drive on a normal day...) Maybe once I'm down in Savannah, I'll find more groups for several different things. >D


Well...I just discovered a nearby group that meets on Thursdays...but I'm terrified of going. XD

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-17-2010, 07:16 AM

....So....I tried practicing. My brother got mad 'cause I was practicing inside and he thinks it's stupid and pointless......and I accidentally hit him with the ball (it's the practice ball, so it shouldn't have really hurt...I hit myself in the face a few times, too...XD)

Then I moved myself outside. T_T I was goin' for a few minutes...and then after a few several times of dropping it, it finally rolled away from me and down into the gutter. *sob*

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-20-2010, 12:42 AM

Oh no! Was that your contact ball? D: It shouldn't be any of your brother's business, unless you're doing it in his room or something or breaking his things..

You should totally go practice with the group! They are usually fairly well hidden, but if you're persistent they shouldn't be hard to find. It'll be fun, if they're anything at all like all the jugglers I've met, they'll be really friendly. You'll regret it more if you don't go than you would ever if you did go, even if it turned out not that exciting.

And I love unicycles too.. there was this really cute guy I met online that rides a unicycle and juggles regular balls, I went to one juggling meeting with his group and it was fun, but it was just before I went back home for the summer and I haven't heard from him since. ._____.

Also, sorry I disappeared for a while, the weather has been way too nice lately to stay inside!

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-20-2010, 01:40 AM

haha that's fine. XD Weather here's kinda...meh. It's not much different inside or outside at my house. Either way, it's hot and humid. was my contact ball. At least it was just a practice ball, though. I don't have a regular one, yet. >.> I should probably get on finding me a new one...And it's really not much of my brother's business. He's been a total butthead lately, and it's extremely annoying.

I might go. =/ Kinda wish I had someone to go with me...especially since my sister took my car and I have no mode of transportation now. :lol: I only have a little over a month before I leave, but I definitely think I should try it out. >.> I'm just a tad bit shy with meeting new people...

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-20-2010, 04:12 PM

Yeahhh get a new proper one and find a park or something where you can practice on grass - far away from any open gutters. P: And tell your brother to stop PMSing..

I definitely think you should go! I'm terrible with meeting new people as well, especially when I'm on my own entering a group, but.. I've never, ever regretted it when I've gone anyway. I entered the circus group here without knowing anyone and it's been a fantastic experience. And even if you're leaving soon, if you go this month then you'll have somewhere to come back to when you come back, and they might be able to point you to groups where you're moving, or know some way to find some. :)

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-22-2010, 09:17 PM

haha ya...he's got a job now, so hopefully he'll cheer up more. =/

I'll definitely see about going. ...Ya know..when I can wake up before noon on a regular basis. I pretty much just slept all day felt sooo good. But now it's 5pm and I'm like "Welllll then....>.>"

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-22-2010, 09:28 PM

Haha, I know that feeling.. all too well. xD What time do they meet? I tried juggling clubs at Tuesday's practice, it was great! A completely different throw from balls, but not as difficult as I thought it'd be.. I could sort of juggle two by the end of the practice!

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 03:34 AM

They're a Thursday group. 7-10pm...haha hopefully I'll still be awake by the end. >.>

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-26-2010, 02:14 PM

So did you go? Or no? Three hours is pretty good, do you have to pay for it?

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-26-2010, 02:30 PM

lol not yet. My sister's had my car so she can help at VBS. I think it's free, but I idk? XD I'm thinking of emailing the guy so I can figure out those details and such..>.>


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