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WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 09:28 AM

I dunno which thing. He was talking about it with Mycroft in Season 3 Episode 1.

Oh that's unfortunate.

I think they're trying to keep it as close to the books as they can. The cases at least considering its a modern adaptation.
Unlike Elementary. Elementary has different cases. They have the same characters though, but really different takes on them, as you can tell by John being Joan.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 09:38 AM

...I'll have to go back and watch that episode again tonight, I might have missed that part of the conversation. D:

Yeah...if they run out of cases I hope they'll eventually go towards new ones, I really just want to see more. :c Though now that John's already gotten married with a kid on the way (possibly), it might be ending soon? DDD: I'm not sure where and when the canon series ended.

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 09:50 AM

I can't remember when they were talking about, I think Misses Hudson was present during their chat though.

I haven't read all of Sherlock so I wouldn't know either. They're not doing everything in precise order, The sign of four was one of the earlier cases. I know how it ends, I just don't know when.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 10:11 AM

I don't remember much of the stories in the original. xDD;; I only have one (ancient) book at home, 'The Return of Sherlock Holmes', which I found one day while going through the book shelves. I have no idea where it even came from. >_>;

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 10:19 AM

I got all the books, it just takes a long time for me to read them cause of the language. I also thinks its because of how the book is set out.
God help me when I finally get around to my Shakespeare collection.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 01:18 PM

Oh, I don't even remember how the book was written...

I hate Shakespeare text! And all of the 'ancient' English, for that matter...gave me hell back in college when we had to read/study them.

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 01:31 PM

Oh it was written in english. But cause it was written in old english due to being written so long ago its a little more difficult for me to read. I'm not sure why but it is.

I love Shakespeare! I hate how people kinda miss the whole message of his plays, but I really like them. Might be the actor in me

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 01:36 PM

Entry 1.08

I couldn't find a better image than this one off the Internet...the only other picture would be this off Google Map but it's even worse because the gates are pulled down and you can't even see the name of the bloody restaurant. -_-

Today we had our year-end party lunch (just 'lunch' actually...most corporation's year-end parties are actually 'parties' with a stage where performances and lottery draws are made while the employees dine below, but for us it's just a meal) at a restaurant called '隨豐' with the rest of the institute's administrative assistants and teachers. I unfortunately forgot to take pictures so there's only that one above I found off Google that was taken after the sun had set already...bummer.

The food were all excellent though. I mostly ignored whatever the teachers were rambling on about, since most of what they're talking about doesn't really concern me anyway, and looking at them just stresses me out so I focused on the food and my plate/bowl/drink and munched on. Had a good meal overall. :)

Also looking forward to tomorrow as I had taken the day off so I should be able to catch up on some sleep and enjoy a relaxing day if all goes well~

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 01:37 PM

Its always good to catch up on sleep!

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by WherededIGo View Post
Oh it was written in english. But cause it was written in old english due to being written so long ago its a little more difficult for me to read. I'm not sure why but it is.

I love Shakespeare! I hate how people kinda miss the whole message of his plays, but I really like them. Might be the actor in me
Yeah, I know what you mean. It's like Shakespeare or Lord of the Ring for me; I'd read it and not be sure if I even understood half of what was going on. ;;

If Shakespeare's plays/stories were written in a more 'modern' way, I'd probably enjoy it a lot more. As it is I enjoy it more when I read the Chinese translations for them because I could understand it better like that.

---------- Post added 01-08-2014 at 09:39 PM ----------

Originally Posted by WherededIGo View Post
Its always good to catch up on sleep!
I agree!

And I always look forward to my dreams~ Lately they've been pretty good. Sherlock appeared a few times.

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 01:44 PM

Sorry . I didn't understand what I meant so .

Shakespeare English is super hard for a lot of people, but I grew up reading similar writing so I usually understand it a lot quicker than others.
Which was akward when I was in grade 8 and we were watching Taming of the Shrew and I was the only one laughing at the jokes cause no one understood it so they were all looking at me strangely .

I've had pretty deep plot based dreams. Or frikken escaping jungle gym mazes while a man in a gorilla or my lamp is chasing you.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 01:55 PM

lol! That's kind of like me watching movies that our teacher put on for the class and it was in English and the jokes were completely lost through the subbed translations and I was the only one laughing while it flew over the rest of their heads. ;;

Your lamp chases you?
My dreams are usually quite random...they're usually adventure-based, like I'd have something I know that I need to do so I go around doing them, and keep on finding new interesting things to do. They're also often quite violent and I've lost count of how many times I've died or gotten hurt in my dreams. In my dreams I just about always have a 'personality' set to me, so I'd just know how I should be acting. Like I'd be in a dream and just KNOW that I'm a machine, and I'd go around talking and/or acting like a machine, all monotone and whatnot.

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 02:04 PM

Its such a shame.
It is my dream to be able to watch French movies without subtitles
I might need French subtitles though, just so I can double check what they're saying .
But I really want to learn French!

Well it wasn't really chasing me. It was just the master mine of a timed 3D maze where if you didn't make it you died.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 02:07 PM

I'm not anywhere near fluent enough in French (or any other language for that matter asides from Mandarin and English...) to be able to watch a movie without subtitles.
As it is, I'm already having a difficult time watching English movies without my eyes habitually going downwards to read the subtitles, even though I could hear and understand what they're saying just fine.
Dad downloaded the two current episodes of Sherlock for me, subtitles included (that cannot be turned off), and I had to keep dragging my eyes away from them! It's annoying because I'm trying to focus on Sherlock's face dammit! *headdesk*

Ah. I had dreams like that a few times. I hate those. I hate time-limits, in everything.

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 02:23 PM

I'm learning French via the internet *cause no other way where I am* and I've barely learnt the basics 8'D
I'm not good at doing things over a long period of time.


The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 02:36 PM

Me too.
I've forgotten most of the Japanese I've learned as well. Can barely even read hiragana/katakana anymore.

lol That sucks!
I just get a 'gameover' screen and start over...usually, anyway. Sometimes I die and get switched over to someone else.

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 03:23 PM

I can read most of it. I could always do that. It was a matter of translating it .

Wow your dreams sound awesome.
I had a dream once, where all my favourite actors had to save me it was amazing. Tom Hiddleston was being a butt though and refused to admit it was him till the end of the dream.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 05:02 AM

lol Yes! The translating bit. ;;; I only know a few phrases and terms so even if I could pronounce it I have no idea what the majority of them means.

Haha my dreams are awesome! Most of the time, anyway. The gameover kinds doesn't happen very often...I'm usually running around doing things instead. Had a nice one last night but I can't remember what it was anymore.
lmao! That would've been so awesome to have a dream like that! And Tom Hiddleston being a butt. His Loki must be showing.
The few dreams I could remember with Sherlock in it (and it's Sherlock not Benedict Cucumberbatch...even if they look the same and all), he usually just stands there and rapid-fires observations and deductions.

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 05:06 AM

That's the life
If I read French, I would be able to guess a lot of what it meant because a lot of the words are similar to English (similar sounding, maybe not similar spelling)

I usually only get the actors, which I'm not fussed about. Most of the time it's me finally meeting them and getting a signature .
One time, a friend kept going on about Shrek, and started reading weird Shrek fanfics he found on 4chan, and I was so angry cause I dreamed of Shrek that night I work up angry.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 05:17 AM

I can 'read' some Japanese because of their Kanji. They don't always mean the same things as they would in Chinese but at least I could 'pronounce' them...the way they would sound in Chinese. ;;; '大丈夫' was one of the first Japanese terms I learned, because it means so different to what they'd mean in Chinese.

I totally wouldn't mind the actors either. In fact, I sometimes prefer the actors...I mean, between crazy!Loki from Avengers or Tom Hiddleston? Definitely Tom. (unless in that particular dream I'm 'programmed' to be one of the which case I might prefer Loki over Tom...)
I don't know nearly enough about Benedict to properly 'form' him in a dream though, he'd probably be acting all weird in it even if he did appear. ;; I think I've had a few dreams where I asked for signatures and stuff too...but usually I wake up before I could get it.
lmfao!! I hate it when that happens! A few times my friends would go on and on about their fandoms and I'd end up dreaming about them even when I had no interest in those fandoms at all! That was a little annoying.

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 05:53 AM

I kinda gave up with kanji. I think I might still remember the eating and drinking kanji, but I gave up. The year started learning kanji was the last year I took Japanese as a subject.

Benedict's such a dork omg.
I can't remember if I manage to get them or not.
I think I've dreamt of Tom Hiddleston the most, like, the first dream was really weird cause he was walking around my school? But he gave me a hug so it didn't bother me
If I only I could get a hug from him in real life

Its the first time that kind of thing has happened to me! ANd I'm so angry! cause Shrek kept making awful puns!

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 08:58 AM

I barely passed the Japanese course I took back in college. I had a hard time memorizing all the phrases and whatnot. *has no language talent*

I've only seen a few interviews with Benedict in it, and one where he was 'deducting' a bunch of random items the reporter showed him. Oh, and the one where he 'explained' how Sherlock survived the fall.
Wow. I don't think I've had a dream where any of those famouses hugged me. Or I might have, but can't remember the dream anymore...Closest one I think was one where Mana from Moi dix Mois (band) gave me a hug. Would've been so awesome if we could get hugs from them IRL!!

lmfao Shrek making awful puns...
I would've been so annoyed!

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 09:22 AM

I can remember if I can repeat it enough, I was the top of my class, and pretty much the top of my grade for the whole time I did it. If I wasn't at the top I was a very, very close second. (That was just for the first year I learnt it)

He nailed how Sherlock survived the fall.
I've watched him on the Graham Norton show as well and that was beautiful.
My mind knows what I'm doing so makes sure I try and hug every star I meet in my dreams

I totally was. And all my friends just laughed at me. I almost slapped them. It was pretty funny though.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 10:05 AM

I can't remember if I've seen the Graham Norton one.
I wish my mind worked like that! Sometimes I'd dream about them but I'd be busy doing something else...and then wake up and I'd be all, "WHY DIDN'T I HUG HIM WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE GODDAMN IT " brain hates me sometimes.

Hahaha maybe if you ever dream of Shrek again you could kick him down some stairs or something. I sometimes get 'revenge' dreams where someone got me angry or hurt me in a dream before, and in another dream (could be days, months, or even years later) I'd dream about them again and I'd remember what they did and I'd go all Hell on their ass.

WherededIGo is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 11:38 AM

Its so good. Benedict is hilarious.
It's my dream to be on a Graham Norton show, but by the time I'm actually old enough and getting somewhere he'd probably be too old and retired 8'D

I don't plan on ever dreaming about him again

I don't ever really have dreams like that
They may be similar but they never repeat, or have the same characters. (Except myself on occasions)


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