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Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-28-2010, 07:59 PM

Do not post unless you are us, If you want to comment or play with us please note one of us. :D Based loosely off of Eragon and has Yaoi, be warned!


Through the warring nations, dragon riders were an important part of every strategic campaign. However it was also the quickest way to turn a battle, Kill the riders, thus killing the dragons. Soon dragons became scarce and the countries were locked in a stalemate. There were too few dragons to risk loosing them in battle, and worse still, there were no males to be found. Most of the dragons lay in hiding with their riders, transformed into mostly human forms. They waited for a sign from their masters, a Sign of the last egg.

This Last egg, in which their hopes for a male was protected in a sanctuary deep within the northern mountains. Even the opposing side feared to attack to even capture the egg, for what if the egg was lost in the skirmish. So spies were set, waiting for the egg to hatch, and a rider to be claimed. For if you captured teh rider, you took control of the dragon, for dragon felt it's master's pain, and would die alongside it's master if the one failed.

Ribe is offline
Old 12-28-2010, 08:14 PM

User: Ribe
Name: Airy Micheal Gile
Sex: Male but dressed like his dead twin sister and has tried to pass as her even taking her name.
Age: 16
Personality: Sweet, Shy, touch and strong will, tries to act more like a girl then a guy. Graceful and calm
Back story: Micheal and his twin sister Airy lived on a small farm that was trying to protect them from the war. But the war found them and his twin sister was killed. Michael alway blame him self for not being able to protect her and decide to live as her and told people it was Michael who had died.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-28-2010, 08:32 PM

User: Silverbeam
Name: Kain Altairyn
Sex: Male
Personality: Fierce and strong a strong fighter to the end. he is also sometimes pervy, and playful. he is fanatically loyal but doesn't like you to know it.
Backstory: He waited knowing that someday he would find a master, not wanting to be mastered, but be the master, he was a might dragon after all. He was slightly aware of his surroundings, but mostly he felt the emotions of those around him. He would find the right one, then would bond.

Kain waited, it was all you could do as an unhatched egg. So far he found no one suitable to what he wanted at the monastery. He needed someone who could work with him, let him be strong and proud, but not some old geezer. Fresh like him, beautiful and willing to be his partner in every way. He would always sample the emotions and thoughts of those around him, he knew most of them by now. He would just have to hope for some fresh blood. Some refugees perhaps?

He would just have to bide his time until then.

Last edited by Silverbeam; 12-28-2010 at 08:35 PM..

Ribe is offline
Old 12-28-2010, 08:59 PM

Airy had been travel since his sister death when he was 6 years old. He finally enter this small area with a monastery he moved up to the door and hope he could find shealter at less for the night there. He need to fine food and he knocked louder on the door. Until a monk open it up after a small talked the monk agree to let the 16 year old boy stay the night and promissed him food.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-28-2010, 09:14 PM

He thought he felt something, someone new.... Someone entering the large building. He stretched his senses out just barely being able to touch the person. He would need to come closer for him to truly look over and determine if this was the one he would bond with. he hoped it would be, he was tired of being an egg.

Ribe is offline
Old 12-28-2010, 09:19 PM

Airy was sweet and monk thought the boy was a girl so they set him a way for the monk in a pravite room off of one of the wing no one really live in. For dinner she ate in her room because the monk where busy. Airy did not mind this to much because he did not want them learning his serect his plan was to leave when day broke and find a new plac eto stay he never stay in the same spot twice if he could help it.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 01:29 AM

He was able to get a little bit more information about the individual as he walked through the monastery. Young, perhaps a bit shy, so far so good. The one seemed like a possible candidate, and besides, he was getting very antsy. Now if the person would come over and touch his egg he could finish reviewing the person and maybe bond, thus being able to hatch.

Ribe is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 01:35 AM

Airy tried to sleep that day but he could not sleep. He decide to go for a walk and look around a little just to make sure this place would be safe. There Airy saw some thing weird. It look like a big rock and Airy moved closer to it and tried to clear it off. "Weird..." He pick up the egg and lightly shook it because it did not seem like a rock then set it back down. "Huh I guess I should leave it alone."

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 01:58 AM

There! he could feel the one approaching him. He did another scan of his mind, feeling his emotions. It seemed like he would do, he certainly felt... nice to his mind's eyes. Although there was one thing he couldn't figure out. The gender. But he supposed he didn't' really care one way or the other. Either was good to him.

He "watched" as the boy came closer, almost gleeful as the kid picked up his egg. With a touch he could form the bond and start the process of hatching. He sent out a tendril of dragon magic, it flowed through the boy's hand, marking a small swirling symbol on the skin where the heart was.

Ribe is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 02:06 AM

Airy was freaking out right about now not sure what was going on. "What what" He watched the marking and magic around him. Then he blinked. What was this rock it wasn't a rock it was a egg. Not just an egg but a dragon egg. He picked it back up and held on it. "Ummm hello....??" he shaklly said.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 02:10 AM

Kain wobbled in his egg, working on the sack that he was held in as an extra protection before being able to get at the shell. The egg heated not quite burning but very warm. If you were really quite you could hear the scrapes and noises he made in the egg trying to get out. He wondered if he would be able to finish hatching before a guard or spy would see the egg rocking.

Ribe is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 02:21 AM

Airy hide the egg under his dress and walked/ ran a way. He left the monastery he didn't have much jsut what he was wearing and his bag he had but he head odd deep in to the woods hoping the edd would not hatch before he could get away for other people. He heared what happened to other dragon riders and he didn't want to be killed over this little egg.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 03:18 AM

He found himself being moved. Trying to escape his shell while being jostled inside was near impossible. He could wait a few minutes, the one holding him was his bonded, and being with them was all a dragon wanted. He thrilled at the thought of flying, his bonded on his back. It fell to thoughts of growing closer together, perhaps, very close, if he had anything to say about it.

Ribe is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 03:34 AM

Finally Airy thought he was deep enough in the wood he sat near a tree and took the egg out from under his dress and placed the egg on the ground. "Ok little guy come on out I don't think others are around here come on" He spoke to the egg lightly touching it softly waiting for him to hatch.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 03:45 AM

Finally the motion stopped, a voice encouraging him to his task. He poked, bit, kicked and did everything he could to get through his encasing. Finally a little crack started, and he pounced upon it with renewed vigor. Not too much longer now and he would be free, free to fill the touch of his bonded and free to soar the skies.

The spies made note of the "girl" leaving the keep after only being admitted a few hours before. They made a note of her, but dismissed her offhand, if only they knew what "she" carried.

finally he punched out a large piece of shell, sticking his snout out, he breathed in a large puff of air, letting out a soft meep.

Ribe is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 03:52 AM

Airy softly reach out to touch the snout that stuck out. "Come on little one your almost out." Airy lightly went back to holding the egg so the dragon could fight it way out. "Its ok to come out we should be safe here." Airy smiled watching the little dragon fighting to come out.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 04:21 AM

He snorted at her. Little at the moment he may be, but soon he would be a large and fierce creature! To hep prove the fact he mustered up his strength and smashed through the last of the shell wall, breaking free from it's confines, he plopped onto the ground in front of the....girl boy? He still didn't know which.

Ribe is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 04:28 AM

Airy smiled at the little dragon. "Your soo cute." Airy pick up the tiny dragon and place it on his lap on the dress and started to sing a soft bed time song to him. His voice was soft like a girls and it was hard to tell if he was a boy. He kept sing and running his hand over the dragon body. He was trying to comfort him.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 05:03 AM

Again he snorted, pretending to bit her finger from the comment of "cute". He mumbled his annoyance in the childs mind.

"not cute, ferocious!"

he did however like being in Airy's lap, for He had picked the name out of the child's head. It was a thought that was on the surface of the thoughts, easy to read, and he didn't see it as a invasion of privacy. He rubbed his head against the child's shoulder, giving a sort of growling purr like a cat but much deeper.

"we are now bonded together, I am Kain."
He told the one.

Ribe is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 05:18 AM

"You'll alway be cute no matter how big and bad you get." Airy kissed the top of the dragon head. The blinked when he learned the Dragon name. "You already have a name? you just hatched those how that happen?" Airy said as he kept petting Kain head. "You most be hungry? What do Dragon eat because I don't have much food."

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 05:28 AM

"Hrumph!" he snorted at her/him. 'I'm cute, well you are even cuter.' he licked Airy's cheek. 'well a dragon is born with a basic knowledge, I also learned a few things while being an egg. I even had time to pick a name I liked. Seems more appropriate to pick your own name.' He wrapped his tail along the child's thigh looking up at em. 'Meat! I eat meat, preferable still alive....But we may be able to hunt some small game in the forest here....'

Ribe is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 05:38 AM

Airy blushed when he was licked and told he was cuter. "ummm thank you.." Airy kept petting Kain. "Ummm yeah meat.. umm maybe we could but we have to becareful. People are after me and I beting they will be after you. I mean I have not heard of a male dragon in a long time.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 06:01 AM

He cocked his head curious. "People are after you?" he then drooped his head to land in his lap. "Yes I have heard the monks talking about how they hoped i would be male, it seems the fate of my kin rests within me. i hope I may be able to stay out of trouble.... but it does not matter, I will be a strong fighter and no one will be able to hurt you or myself. " He butted his head at his shoulder in response and encouragement.

he padded off her lap, working on his new legs, getting the hang of walking quickly. An instinct necessary for the harsh wilds the dragons were originally born into. Soon he was moving with some speed. "Yesss, this will do. Let us go hunt some dinner." He looked up at Airy hopefully.

Ribe is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 06:09 AM

"Yes they killed my twin and the rest of my family.. I don't want to be killed as well." Then he smiled when he heard how this little dragon would protect him from the people after him. "Oh no what if the monks know I took you out.. they come hunting us. We need to get far away quickly after you hunt." Airy stoood up and looked to Kain then the egg and burried the egg shell. "Ok lets go quickly and get you food."The same dragon was to small for him to ride yet so they would have to walk for now.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 06:36 AM

He let out a growl about hearing about his bonded family. "If I ever get my claws on those that killed your family, they will suffer deeply." He vowed to his bonded one. he even snapped at the air for emphasis and demonstration for the boy. He padded along besides Airy, keeping a nose low to the ground sniffing for prey. He was unconcerned with the monks, they had done their part. He did think it was smart of the child to burry the egg shell. He kept his tail out toward here, so it would gently hit her as she walked beside him. He liked the contact. It deepened there bond.

They were extremely lucky. He caught the scent of something not too far. They must of scared it when the showed up, but he could follow the scent. He followed it eagerly.

'This way...'


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