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Plagg, claws out!
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Old 07-10-2012, 03:33 PM

Seven nations scattered across Jvaal are torn apart by war. Flames lick across the land, turning all they touch to ash. So is the way of the Fire Nation. Seeking to rule all the nations, the Fire Lord has sent his offspring on a mission to enslave each of the other nations. But, to win, the Fire Lord knows that the greatest beats of all must be stopped for they will not allow world domination. To help his children on their tasks, the Fire Lord bestows the last dragon of the flames to his most loyal child, telling that child that it is their duty to make the dragons extinct.

With the Fire Nation seeking to rule the world and stomp out the dragons, the leaders of the other great nations realize the gravity of the situation. Some of the nations know that their fall immanent as they are a weak nation without any means of an army. Other nations fearfully await the assault, knowing that, despite their best wishes, they too will fall to the Fire Lord's strength.

Sacred creatures from each of the nations are sent to gather in a location unknown to the Fire Lord. High in a tree, these creatures discuss amongst themselves how they will help deter the attacks and put an end to this madness.

It is the actually the wisdom from the sage monkey of the Earth Nation that puts a bit of hope in the creature's minds. He tells his friends from the five other nations of his plan.

"My friends, we are far too old to rise up and put an end to his evil. Let us turn to those of youth and beauty. Those who, too, are being affected by Fire's evil reign. Let us find the knight that best has our nation at heart and send them on a quest. A quest to find the gods - the dragon gods."

All the creatures from each of the six nations agreed to this plan and returned to their home nation carrying the wise sage's suggestion. Immediately, each of the six nations went about conducting a test to select the best knight to represent their nation.

Once a knight was finally selected, they were asked to speak with the lord of their nation and discover their mission - that mission being a mission of life or death. A hard mission, but a mission nonetheless.

Upon receiving the orders, those selected souls were crowned knights and given the task to trek down to the south to find Kred's Cove, which is said to house some very ancient and sacred magics and items.

Our story begins with their arrival at this holy cove....

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 07-10-2012, 03:34 PM


The Fire Nation (Ifiera): Ruled by Fire Lord xxx; animal guardian is the phoenix. This nation is known for having a personality much like fire. These people are often hot-headed and easily angered. They are feisty and fiery, knowing no bounds or limits. People often say that they are unpredictable and irrational, never knowing when to burn or simmer down. Most born in this nation have black hair and tanned skin as they live closest to the center of the earth. They usually have eyes that mimic the color of flames - yellow, red, or orange.

The Earth Nation (LeFeng): Ruled by King xxx; animal guardian is the monkey. This nation is known for having a personality much like earth. They tend to be very down to earth, never taking anything for granted. Most are very in-tune with nature and understand their limitations, weaknesses, and strengths. They can, sometimes, be shaken or stirred, which can lead to a landslide of nasty traits. They can also be known for giving people the "cold shoulder." Most born in this nation have brown hair and a wide array of skin tones is spotted throughout. As far as eye colors go, most have brown or green eyes, like the color of soil or leaves.

The Water Nation (Ghastalt): Ruled by Lady xxx; animal guardian is the toad. This nation is known for having a personality much like water. They can be very fluid and flexible, adapting to any situation. They can be tranquil and still, too, but they are also known to be wild and rushing. Their emotions usually run their lives and they tend to take everything to heart. Most born in this nation have brown hair like the color of mud. Their skin tones can range from pale to a deep brown. Their eyes are usually either blue, teal, or brown with blue.

The Air Nation (Duufal): Ruled by Priest xxx; animal guardian is the bat. This nation is known for having a personality much like the wind. They are free spirited and unruly. They have a laid-back, care-free mind that likes to wander a lot. Most are very curious and tend to be easily impressed. They can be known to hold grudges and have hot-air within their souls that is just ready to blow someone down. Most born in this nation have light colored hair - bleach blonde or white. All have very fair skin and very pale eyes that are usually either gray or blue.

The Ice Nation (Norstary): Ruled by Prince xxx; animal guardian is the wolf. This nation is known for having a personality much like ice. Bitter and cold most often describes these people, but, they are not always so icy. People of the Ice Nation are known to be solid and strong, too, always sticking to their guns and being very suborn. On the bright side, these people are very open-minded and sturdy, taking whatever life dishes at them without batting so much as an eye. Most born in this nation have pale hair that blends well in the snow and ice. Their skin is the same, being extremely pale, almost white. As far as their eyes go, people from this nation have either icy blue, silver, or white eyes.

The Lightning Nation (Azarrack): Ruled by Princess xxx; animal guardian is the panther. This nation is known for having a personality much like lightning and thunder. These people are loud and rowdy; often known for starting fights and being extremely dramatic. They are known for being painfully blunt and openly honest about things as they do like to see how people react to their notions and comments. But, be wary, these people are known warriors who, without hesitation, can strike fear into the heart of anyone. Most born in this nation have blond hair and their skin tone is usually pretty average with a tint of yellow to it. Eye color seems to range from light blue to pale turquoise to light purple to pale yellow. It's not uncommon to see a two-tone eyes in this nation, either.

The Shadow Nation (Xafier): Ruled by Lord xxx; animal guardian is the snake. This nation is known for having a personality much like darkness and shadows. Though thought as criminals, people hailing from this nation do not usually have such a dark reputation. They are shady people with many secrets, but they are also quite humorous and witty. This nation is all about living life to the fullest, having fun every second of the way. Laughter and pranks are just a part of their daily life. However, it isn't uncommon to come across a sappy, depressed, or deranged person, either. The Shadow Nation tends to swing one way or the other - you're either happy or you're sad. Most born in this nation have black or gray hair. Their skin color can be either very pale or even greyish-white, but it can also range on the darker side where it almost looks black. The typical eye color is slate gray, but it's not uncommon to see people with deep purple eyes or even rudy red.

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 07-10-2012, 03:34 PM


Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 07-10-2012, 03:34 PM



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