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For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 08:07 AM

Welcome to the Wallflower Corner. The Wallflower Corner is a place for the shy people of Menewsha to gather. It started out with me just starting a thread during events, but I missed the thread after the most recent event ended, so I decided it needed a more permanent home. So welcome to the permanent home of the Wallflower Corner!

So what are wallflowers? All those people out there too shy to jump into just any conversation, who lurk in the corner, afraid to speak up. It's not that Wallflowers don't want to talk, they're just shy. But what happens when you stick a bunch of wallflowers in a thread together? Things get a little crazy and everybody has fun! So jump on in! Because if you can't talk to the other wallflowers, you're stuck talking to the wall. And while the wall is pleasant enough, he's a horrible conversationalist.

The Wallflower Corner has become the biggest thread on Menewsha, and as such, we're a bit big for our britches! For the good of the site, this, the original thread, will be closed and a new one will open. Please join us there. It's been great fun and I hope the next one will be as well!

I'm feeling rather disappointed that I even need these, but clearly we are too large to continue on without rules, so I'm gonna lay them down my flowers! Follow or I get out the weed killer!

1. All of the rules of Menewsha apply here! That means no flaming, trolling, cybering, etc. This thread is PG-13, just like the rest of the site, so keep it in your pants boys and girls.
2. Please be friendly! Remember that old saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Let's do that. Being mean gets you nowhere and starts drama and makes this a sad place to be. If you can't be nice and get along, go find another thread to mope around in.
3. No Drama! Please keep your drama out of the thread. We want to become friends and hear about your life, but we do not want your drama. If you can't keep it out of the thread, you will be asked to leave.
4. Cookie is your lord and master! No, seriously. It's my thread and what I say goes. If I ask you to tone it down or leave, please do so.

I hope that these will be the only rules I need to post. There is no Black List and I hope there never will be. If I ask you to leave, that will be between us, so please respect my wishes and leave without a fuss. And always remember, you have an Ignore List, use it instead of getting worked up! You can always unblock people later. If you see someone breaking the rules in the thread, please let me know. If they're breaking Menewsha's rules, please inform a mod!

About the head Wallflower:
- I'm For-Chan Cookie, no relation to a certain image board.
- I'm pretty shy. I tend to keep quite unless I really feel that my point of view has not been expressed. If someone else has said what I think ten times over, I don't bother replying to threads. I like what I say to count, not just be a drop in a bucket. When you get me going, I can get pretty chatty and ridiculously silly.
- I like anime, manga, reading fanfiction, writing fanfiction, making web graphics, my dog, BL, cooking, and all sorts of other things.
- Cookie Clone is my mule, be nice if you see him scampering around :D

Fabulous Prizes:
Yes, that's right. We'll occasionally have fabulous prizes here!

A Rambling Rose in the color of your choosing ( red black white purple pink) from Petal Paradise will be awarded at random every few hundred pages. You may only win the prize once.


Click to View WinnersX

Page 50 - PaintTheSkyRed - White Rambling Rose
1337 post - cuppycake_geek - Flower Hairpin of Beauty
Page 100 - Scarlet Storm - Black Rambling Rose
Page 150 - Knitted Doll - Red Rambling Rose
Page 200 - Facade - Pink Rambling Rose
Page 250 - ~AmayaxKiyomori~ - Black Rambling Rose
Page 300 - XxXx-Eternal-Snow-xXxX - 750 gold (the price of a Rambling Rose)
Page 350 - White2Fire - Red Rambling Rose
Page 400 - Sexy Blue Candy - Starfruit Basket
Page 450 - Emfy - White Rambling Rose
Page 500 - For-Chan Cookie (yes, I won my own prize XD) - Red Rambling Rose
Page 550 - Marguerite Blakeney - Pink Rambling Rose
Page 600 - Lunanuova - White Rambling Rose
Page 650 - Lukastra - White Rambling Rose
Page 700 - Keyori - Purple Rambling Rose
Page 750 - SexualPlacebo - Black Rambling Rose
Page 800 - Nobody! D:
Page 850 - Sir. Spoon - Pink Rambling Rose
Page 900 fuyumi_saito - Purple Rambling Rose
Page 1000 Fading Existence - Black Rambling Rose

10,000 Pages Prize! - For our Amazing 10,000th page prize, I will be giving away 10,000 gold. Ten lucky Wallflowers will receive 1,000 gold each! Winners will be chosen from the posters on page 10,000 and 10,001.

*To be eligible, you must have posted in the thread at least 50 times to win. Yes, I will count! I want regular users to win, not passers by. The prizes will go to the first people that meet these requirements.

Here are the first ten posters on page page 10,000, all of whom meet those requirements! (I excluded myself :rofl: )

1. Zeapear
2. Oleaceae
3. alonegirl-rocks-the-world
4. Casiana
5. Arkkath
6. TheDesireMistress
7. Polarys
8. Wulfwynn
9. Kiako
10. Insomniac

Each person received 1,000 gold. Some additional door prizes were handed out. Thanks for 10,000 awesome pages guys!

Naked Wednesdays:
Every Wednesday we will strip down to our skivvies and run around "naked"!
Why? Because it's fun! And we're all about fun!

Support the thread by displaying a banner in your sig!



Click here for More BannersX



This one was made by Marguerite Blakeney :

And this one was made by Scarlet Storm:

Here's a naked banned made by Fading Existence:


Copy and paste the codes into your sig and you're ready to go!

Other Wallflower Threads!

❀ Effervescent Efflorescence ❀ Because Sometimes Wallflowers are LOUD! ❀
An Alternative to the regular Wallfowers thread, it's actually much quieter.

Past Event ThreadsX

❀ Wallflower Corner ❀ A place for Shy people! ❀
The Very First Wallflower thread! Created during the Phoenix Jubilee in May of 2008

❀ The Wallflower Corner ❀ For all those Shy People out there ❀
The next Wallflower thread from Celes Paradi in August of 2009. It was so successful, it spawned this thread! :D

❀ The Wallflower Cemetery ❀ Shy People are Dying to Get In! ❀
Our Halloween 09 thread was the first to break 1,000 pages!

❀ Winter Wallflowers ❀ A Place for Shy People ❀ We hit 2k pages! ❀
Our Winter Night 09 thread. So wildly successful it passed 2,500 pages!

❀ The Wallflower Corner ❀Valentine Edition ❀
From Valentine's and Lunar New Year 2010, this thread is full of :heart:

❀ The Orchid Corner ❀ A Place for Wallflowers ❀
Things have come full circle with our Phoenix Jubilee 2010 thread! Again, we pushed past the 2,500 page mark!

❀ Feast of Flowers ❀ Om Nom Nom Wallflowers! ❀
Our Feast of Fools Thread!

❀ Wallflowers ❀ All Washed Up ❀
Our Grand Shipwreck Ball Thread.

Wallflowers Facebook Group

❀ Wallflowers of Menewsha ❀

Last edited by For-Chan Cookie; 08-24-2010 at 07:35 AM..

Stormlick is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 12:24 PM

Hallai ~ How are you, Cookie? :D I'm glad you made this!! I felt a bit awkward without Celes Paradi, to be honest. (:

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 12:46 PM

Hi! <3 I'm sleepy. I should be in bed really. Anyway, I felt the same! I got back on the computer after a weekend away and suddenly didn't know where to post anymore! So after some aimless posts in other places, I finally just did it. :D

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 02:44 PM

Ugh, finally Cookie. xD What took you so long.

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 04:25 PM

Shoosh, I'm quite lazy. The fact that I'm still not on my own computer is sort of putting me off as well. You know how it is when you don't have your bookmarks or programs and all that good stuff. I still feel a little lost on this one. ;_;

Stormlick is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 04:27 PM

I'm sleepy too, and drugged. Staying awake is so hard, but if I sleep now, I won't be able to sleep tonight.. I had a tonsillectomy on tuesday, I'm glad it can only be done once haha :heart:

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 04:32 PM

Aww, poor Storm *hugs* My only excuse is that I'm up at weird hours. I really should be awake and dressed and going out, but I'm barely awake. My eyes keep closing and I'm making excuses for myself. I'm good at excuses ^_^;;

Stormlick is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 04:34 PM

*hugs* Thankies ;p Going out for fun or for what? I'm just watching the World Championships in Athletics whee, it barely keeps me going!

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 04:46 PM

There's a job fair and I'm trying not to talk myself out of it. I need to dig up an updated copy of my resume, tweak it, install my printer so I can print it, find professional business dress, drive out there and be all social and presentable. But really I'm half asleep and starving x_X

Stormlick is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 05:16 PM

You should go if you need a job! It'll be good for you too, make you feel accomplished and all that jazz :D Have a coffee?

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 05:44 PM

I almost talked myself out of it again, but my friend was all "Gooooooo!" ^_^;; So my pants are hemmed, I'm dressed, eating pancakes my mom made. I just need to slap on some makeup and print out my resume and I'll be out the door. I might even get employment out of this *crosses fingers*

Old 08-19-2009, 05:45 PM

hey! what's up people? <3 <3 <3 <3

Stormlick is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 05:53 PM

Good luck, Cookie! I hope you sink them ;p

Hey, Katie :) Just chilling, you?

Stormlick is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 05:53 PM

Delete for double post!

Last edited by Stormlick; 08-19-2009 at 05:58 PM..

Scarlet Storm
The Wall's Personal Flower.
Scarlet Storm is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 07:05 PM

Yay. New wallflowers thread <3
How is everyone? Liking the new game anyone? I love it. I made enough gold to buy my first item with it. Hehe.

Dyr3 is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 07:34 PM

!!!! O_O
Woah! I was just trying to find a thread where I could make my home and whaddya know! The Wallflowers made a re-appearance! [glee]

of course it's going to go slower here than it was during the event, probably. D:

Oh and GOOD NEWS (for anyone that remembers my plight) --- That song I was looking for came on again a couple days ago and I took down the artist&name (Astronautalis - The Wondersmith and His Sons). YAY found again~ [happy]]

Maybe you could PM/profile comment some of the people in the old thread about this one and help them find it? :O

Last edited by Dyr3; 08-19-2009 at 07:56 PM..

Knitted Doll
Knitted Doll is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 08:14 PM

Employment is, I'm told, wonderful :3

I'm listening to a program about the large blue butterfly and it's relationship with ants :'O It's weird. The larva mimics one of the species of red ants, and hangs around an ant's nest and eats it's larvae for ten months; apparently it went extinct in the UK the first time round because there weren't enough of this specific species of ants that it mimicked.

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 08:18 PM

@Stormlick - Thanks. It was interesting. Some trashy people were running around there. I guess they can apply with Pizza Hut and Krystal Burger, who were both there. I watched these girls walk up to the Prudential booth and when the guy asked if they'd heard of the company, they said no! I think they live under a rock. :stare: But at least I picked up a few applications and gave out a few resumes.

@Scarlet - Hiii! :heart: I really love the new game, even if I'm not so great at it. I actually get close to making a few hundred. Cause I never make much on games.

@Dyr3 - Yay! Hi! I'm glad you found that song! :D I will go poke some of the more active people from the thread. :poke: We can't just talk to ourselves and the wall! :talk2hand:

Hi Knitted! That sounds odd. I saw an article yesterday about a kind of fungus that controls the minds of ants, making them travel long distances then kills them, so that the fungus can then take over that area. Mind controlling fungus turning ants into zombies....nature is so crazy! :insane:

And is it just me or is your little sig dragon getting bigger? O_o

Scarlet Storm
The Wall's Personal Flower.
Scarlet Storm is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 08:19 PM

@For-Chan; I make about 40 gold each time. I like it. I could never make enough with the Space Invaders game. I really like it. =]

electrify moi
je suis comme je suis
electrify moi is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 08:20 PM

-wiggles and squirms my way in-

Knitted Doll
Knitted Doll is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 08:21 PM

*had never heard of Prudential* >___>;;

y halo there Cookie :3 It's nice to see you *extends hand to shake*

That's the weirdest thing :'O Mind controlling fungus, huh? It's like a Stephen King story >M< I wonder how that even evolved.

Oscar the Wild
Oscar the Wild is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie
I'm For-Chan Cookie, no relation to a certain image board.

Hello! I've finally found the thread. >.> AND IT'S ALIVE! :D

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 08:45 PM

@Scarlet - I've gotten up to 60 gold :D

Hi Moi! *waves*

@Knitted - Yeah, gotta watch out for that mind controlling zombie fungus!

@Oscar - Yeah ^_^; Yes, it's getting a little busy already :heart:

electrify moi
je suis comme je suis
electrify moi is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 08:51 PM

Hi Cookie!
-waves back-

Sorry for never returning to the thread.
My friends thought it would be a good idea to force me to do a lot of baking (made almost 4 dozen cookies in two hours), and keep me out of the house.
And by the time I got a break, the event was over and I was all "Noooo~~"
So.. yeah. ^^;

Oscar :: Hallo thar!

Scarlet Storm
The Wall's Personal Flower.
Scarlet Storm is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 08:53 PM

@For-Chan; Wow. That's a good outcome =]


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