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Monsieur Hatter
☞Hatter of Menewsha☜
Monsieur Hatter is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:21 AM


"Ah, I think I get it now then. Sorry, I was unsure of how you wanted it, so I just typed whatever came to mind. I will change it at once for you. Thank you for telling me.", Hatter smiled, "Sorry for the trouble.".

Rinetteable is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:28 AM

Can't wait to jump in on the next round! This is really neat! :D

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:28 AM

Shoot, missed my chance to jump in this round.... *waits for next story piece to be posted*

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:31 AM

Part 2: The Hole World

Originally Posted by Monsieur Hatter View Post
Eying the tent, Hatter felt a smile tug at his lips. Maybe the circus was in? Always one for cotton candy and clowns, the hatted male made his way to the tent. Humming an off tune as he did so.
"TRA-LA-LA-LA-LA!" you screech off-tune as you skip towards the foreboding tent. "Knockity-knock!" you yell, as fabric tents don't have many places you can actually knock on.


No answer! How rude. That must mean you can go in, right?
You lift the flap and step inside the dark tent. Unsurprisingly, you can't see a thing. Luckily for you, you happen to have brought a flashlight with you! It's one of those silly Halloween-themed ones, but desperate tents call for tacky flashlights, or something like that.
The inside of the tent is dimly illuminated in orange light by your pumpkin flashlight. You squint, trying to make sense of the shapes in the uneven bits of light, and soon realize the inside of the tent is empty, save for an ugly old rug spread out on the ground. How anti-climactic!
You take a step forward and spin around, making sure you haven't missed anything. Finding the tent to be no less empty than it was a second ago, you get frustrated and stomp your foot. That seemed like a good thing to do when mad, you saw it on an episode of Full House once. Unfortunately for you, the ground underneath your feet isn't quite as... existent as you thought it was. Apparently that rug was covering a great big hole in the ground! You might have used this time to wonder if this was Wiley Coyote's tent, but you're a bit busy falling into a giant hole in the earth. Weee...

You land on a pile mattresses. Okay, first you fell into a hole in the ground covered by a rug, now you land on mattresses? Are you sure you're not a cartoon character? Thankfully, your flashlight was not damaged in the fall, so you can use it to survey the hole. You find yourself in some sort of... well, hole. A really, really big hole. There appears to be two doors in your hole, one to your right and one to your left. In front of you there's a rope that seems to lead back up to the surface. You give it a few tugs and it seems secure.

You could take the door on the right... It seems like the right choice, eh? Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
You could take the door on the left... It's the only door left! Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
You could climb up the rope and get the heck outta here... it's not too late to go see that haunted house. (if you choose this option, please specify where you'd like to go! Consult part 1 for a list of interesting things you could do.)
Or you could... I guess you could try to do something else. All you've got is a pile of mattresses and a flashlight, but maybe you could make some kind of mattress fort... or you could try to dig to the other side of the world? Hey, don't look at me, it was your idea. I'm just a little voice inside your head that narrates everything you do.

What will you do?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:37 AM

Zig chooses the right door (it's obviously the RIGHT choice) and barges through with her pumpkin flashlight in hand, ready to greet whatever's on the other side.

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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Old 11-02-2011, 02:39 AM

I choose the left door. Right seems too obvious. I walk through clutching the silly flashlight tightly.

Saravi Boo
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Old 11-02-2011, 02:42 AM

I peer at the doors curiously for a few moments before I remember that shipwreck on Discovery Bay. There was hooch on that boat....maybe there's still some left. Hooch would make it much easier to face anything scary I might encounter tonight. That in mind, I climb the rope and head for the possibly haunted bay.

Rinetteable is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:42 AM

I grip my flashlight tightly and move to the right door. (I mean, even the little voice in my head thinks it's the right thing to do :D )

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:43 AM

As the world's greatest mechanic, I jerry-rig my flashlight batteries into a make-shift tazer and carefully open the door to the left. If anything comes at me, they're going to get a nasty shock!

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:46 AM

I look to my light for a single moment then to the door on the left. For a few steps I head towards it, but then I heart a noise. What could it be. I hurry to them left door and without hezatation (though I shaking from fright.) I walk into the dark room.

Monsieur Hatter
☞Hatter of Menewsha☜
Monsieur Hatter is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:48 AM

I look to the right door, then left; making a face at both, I take out my spork. Instead digging myself a hole in the middle, China here I come!


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Old 11-02-2011, 02:50 AM

I shined the flash light on the doors carefully, looking them over just in case I might have missed some clue of their hidden depths on them. Find nothing, I walked cautiously towards the door on the left.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:50 AM

After eying both doors for a few moments I gripped my flashlight tight and went for the left, it's the option no one ever chooses in spooky horror movies, as far as I know.

Acobjum is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:51 AM

I strap a fresh pair of underwear to my head and headbutt the left door.

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 11-02-2011, 03:00 AM

I glance at both doors and weigh my options. One could lead to candy galore and the other could be to certain death... Closing my eyes, I reach out and grab a doorknob. Opening my eyes, I see that I picked neither the right nor left door. Instead is a cleverly hidden middle door engraved with strange markings. This is the door I take.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:01 AM

Rollin' time!

zigbigadorlube is 1, `Kitami is 2, Saravi Boo is 3, Rinetteable is 4, Knerd is 5, sdgfam08 is 6, Monsieur Hatter is 7, Iroase Deslchatten is 8, PapillonCameo is 9, Acobjum is 10, Liztress is 11.

The 11-sided dice lands on 4

Hold your suggestions, a story update will be posted momentarily!

Rinetteable is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:04 AM

Yay update!!! :excited:

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:04 AM

Omg I cant wait to see what happens next


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Old 11-02-2011, 04:06 AM

Ooh, *Waits impatiently*

I love you avatar Cherry!

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:17 AM

Part 3: At the End of Your Rope

Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post
I peer at the doors curiously for a few moments before I remember that shipwreck on Discovery Bay. There was hooch on that boat....maybe there's still some left. Hooch would make it much easier to face anything scary I might encounter tonight. That in mind, I climb the rope and head for the possibly haunted bay.
"Nope. Nope. Forget this. I want booze," you say, pocketing your flashlight and getting a firm grip on the rope. "Booze. Booze. Booze," you chant to keep yourself going as you pull yourself back up. Your arms begin to burn as you hoist yourself ever upwards. You never really were that good at the rope climbing thing in gym class. Look at you, you can't even remember the proper term for it. You try imagining a little bottle-shaped bell at the top of the hole to inspire a last burst of energy.
You arms begin to shake... you're losing it! You look up, hoping to see that you're at the top, but above you is nothing but pitch blackness, and your arms are too weak to hold on while you reach for your flashlight. Deciding to pace yourself, you wrap your body as tightly around the rope as you can in the hopes you won't slide down. The muscles in your arms feel as if they have rope burns, but you're pretty sure it's just your hands that do. After catching your breath, you resume pulling yourself up.
"Do it for the booze. Come on. For the booze. For the booze," you pant.
Eventually you reach up and feel no rope at all. You wave your hand around frantically and find purchase on glorious, horizontal earth. Hallelujah! You made it! With your last remaining bit of strength, you pull yourself up onto the ground and roll over, laughing with joy. The mattress you've rolled onto is particularly comfortable.

Wait... mattress?
You pull your flashlight out and look around. You can't believe it... you're at the bottom of the hole! You point your flashlight towards the hole you just emerged from only to find it's not there. What sort of trickery is this?! Your arms hurt way too much for that not to have been real. You shine your light up the shaft above you, but you're down too deep to see the surface.
"Booze..." you whisper faintly before passing out on the mattress.

Some time later, you come to. You somehow manage to sit yourself up, despite the fact that the muscles in your arms seem to have gone on strike and been replaced with jello. You shine your flashlight around your little cavern, desperately hoping that things might have changed... but nothing has. You're confronted with the same options as you were before... the door on the left, the door on the right, and whatever madness you might come up with in your delirium.

Time to make a new decision...

(ATTENTION! This round is going to work a little differently! As the position hasn't changed from last time, I'm going to pick another suggestion from the last batch of them. Please note that there is never a "wrong" suggestion, and not all suggestions that differ from the obvious will result in an ending like this. Some will work, some won't!)

More rolling! Yet another story update will be added momentarily.

zigbigadorlube is 1, `Kitami is 2, Rinetteable is 3, Knerd is 4, sdgfam08 is 5, Monsieur Hatter is 6, Iroase Deslchatten is 7, PapillonCameo is 8, Acobjum is 9, Liztress is 10.

The 10-sided dice lands on 7


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:21 AM

Ooh, it landed on me!

Rinetteable is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:21 AM

I like this. Just because a certain number came up doesn't mean you know what is going to happen next :)

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:51 AM

lol, oh well. No booze for us. ^_^' That was awesome though. *waits to see what happens this time*

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:51 AM

Part 4: The Root of the Problem

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Zig chooses the right door (it's obviously the RIGHT choice) and barges through with her pumpkin flashlight in hand, ready to greet whatever's on the other side.
Pulling yourself up to your feet, you head towards the door on the right. There had better be something really neat behind this door, like... like candy... or hooch... or hooch candy. Hooch candy... yyyeaaahhh... Do they make that? They should. Wait, are you even old enough to drink? Only some parts of you are. Better think of something more appropriate. Maybe you can find a nice cola.
You turn the right door's knob and give the door a good tug, but it doesn't budge. You tug a few more times, throwing your whole body weight into it.
"Come on! You've got to be kidding me!" you exclaim. Then you realize you need to push the door, not pull. Woops.
The room on the other side of the door is well-lit, that's for sure. In fact, your eyes had adjusted too much to the dark room and you find yourself unable to see. After a few moments of squinting and blinking and "urgh... light..."ing, you're finally able to look directly into the room. The floors, walls and ceiling are all made of dirt, and there's a little wooden table with two stools in the center of the room. There's a bookcase on one wall, and another door opposite you. The room looks both creepy and charming and it reminds you a bit of a children's story book about moles.
Wait, are mole people real? Is that a thing? Are mole people right here, under Menewsha? Are they going to kill you and eat you on this quaint little table? You'd better check for signs of mole people.
Well, the table and stools are pretty low... definitely not a good sign. They're much too small for an average human. You look at the books on the shelves and find that they're written in English, not... molish? Molese? You make a mental note to look up the proper name for the language of the mole people if you ever make it back to the surface. You then make another mental note to first see if mole people are real. You should also look up when that new Batman movie is coming out... you wanna see that.
Finding that the room only half supports the existence of mole people, you decide to press on. You go through the other door in the room and this time find yourself in what looks like a bedroom. There's a fireplace crackling on one side of the room - don't ask me how a fireplace works underground without killing everyone and without a chimney visible at the surface - and a huge, cozy-looking bed right in the middle. You notice a lump under the blankets... it's small, definitely not human.
"MOLE PEOPLE!" you shriek in terror. The figure sits upright in bed.
"WHA? WHA? WHOZZAH?" the figure yells in alarm.
Screaming, you run back to the first room and begin climbing up the rope.
"Now how would a little thing like me eat a big ol' thing like you?" a little voice says from below you. You look down and realize you only managed to climb the rope about three feet before you stopped to talk about vegetables. The light from the open dining room door has filled the cavern with some dim light. Below you stands a little red... person thing. It doesn't look very molish, but you can't be too sure. You've never seen a mole person.
"You gonna come down from there?" the little red possible mole person asks you.
"You gonna eat me?" you ask.
"Nope," the red maybe-mole says. This could be a trick, but your arms are still pretty sore from before, so you lower yourself back down. "I was hopin' that trap would bring someone down, but I didn't expect someone quite so... hysteric," the little red thing says.
"Wait, that tent is yours? You set up that rug-over-the-hole thing? What are you, an old cartoon character?" you ask. You had only made that cartoon reference in your head, so you see no reason not to rehash it for this thing. No sense in wasting a good comparison.
"Yeah, that's mine. I needed some help and figured that would be the fastest way to get it." The little red person goes over to the door on the left and opens it up. "Come on."

You follow the little red person down a long tunnel... a really long tunnel.
"I try to stay out of the way of the people up on the surface, but sometimes their world involves mine, and then what can ya do? See, this tunnel connects to the boiler room. I need to get there, but..." the little red person gestures to a huge thing blocking the tunnel in front of you.
"It looks like... a root," you say, inspecting it.
"Yep, seems to be. Just grew through here overnight. I've never seen anything like it. I mean, look at the size of it! Somethin's going on up there, and I don't think I'm the only person it concerns."
"What does this have to do with me?" you ask, knocking on the root. You start working out a pretty awesome drum riff... okay, another mental note. Pursue drumming as a career.
"I need you to go up there and see what's causing this," your red companion says.
"I can't get up, though! The rope is cursed! There's all sorts of tomfoolery and hibber-nabber!" Is that a phrase? Probably not, but you've had a rough day. "I tried to climb up it, but I just ended back up at the bottom!"
"Yeah, that's part of the trap," the creature replies. "You don't need to go back up that way. You can take the stairs." He or she leads you back through the tunnel. Just before the entrance to the main pit there's a door. The red person opens it and, sure enough, there's a flight of stairs. Without another word, you run up them. Soon you find yourself back on the glorious, glorious surface. The stars are twinkling above you, your fellow Menewshans are running about in costume, there's even a stand selling sodas over there! Oh, beautiful surface.

After enjoying a soda and getting some free candy, you remember you have a duty. Your sense of direction is pretty good, so you'd guess the source of that root to be somewhere in the forests to the north. You could go find the source, but then... you never promised that little red dude you'd help them.

Will you go to the forests and find what weird plant is causing such strange roots? Or would you like to go see that haunted house? Maybe investigate the possibly-ghostly bay? Maybe go for some ice cream?

What will you do?

(That's the last update for tonight! See you all tomorrow!)
Uh... can I roll for insight on the spiders?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:56 AM

OMG. I totally did eat asparagus today! O. o


Pft. That creepy little dude never offered any reward. Why should I waste my night tripping over tree roots in some forest? I need another soda... And maybe some hooch... Or ice cream. Or hooch flavored ice cream. Or better yet a hooch flavored ice cream float! Yeah, that'd be perfect... With that in mind I look around for some place willing to fulfill such a dream.


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