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Moon is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 07:06 PM

Ok ... so i suck at anatomy, it's like i've never seen humans before. D:

So i was wondering how many of you have had problems with anatomy, and now rule the world.

Also ... any tutorials you have looked at that help ? Links please. D:

Oh ... and what part of the human you think it is harder to draw ?

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kairek is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 07:13 PM

I allways suck whioth anatomy xDD (now too).. but I think tutorials can't help anybody whith this.. you must ask your friend to sit and try to draw him/her.. or use mirror and look on yourself.

the hardes part of human body... foots xD the upper site of foot ><;;

Moon is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 07:21 PM

Ah ... feet are really hard, that's why shoes rule. Also ... hands, i usually put the behind the body or ... stop drawing there. xD

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kairek is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 07:32 PM

It's bad idea to not draw heands when they should be wisible xD art looks then so unprofesional x.x;; it's better to draw bad looking hand then left empty space xD

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fongmingyun is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 07:32 PM

Grey's Anatomy - the book, not the TV show - might help. Have to say, a figure drawing class or a medical anatomy class would probably help most. When it comes to drawing anatomy, like, of what's not right in front of you, you'll want to learn muslces and the way they bend.

There are certain classical proportions that are kind of artistic canon and are used often in art. It's best to know canon and then derive a style from it than to never know it at all.

Aliena is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 07:35 PM

Moon - you ought to force yourself to draw hands. You might suck at first, but it'll get easier! I admit, I still have to use a mirror when doing hands, much of the time. In fact, if I find myself struggling to figure out a pose, sometimes, I'll be my own dummy, standing in front of the mirror, moving slightly until I get what I want. And then I'll try to get that imprinted into my head for when I sit down to sketch. Doing that has helped me kind of learn a little more about the body while drawing.

I have always struggled with anatomy and am constantly erasing and redrawing when I'm doing sketches, and using/abusing my transform tool when I'm painting in PS. :) The easiest thing for me has been to do the whole lines and circles thing starting out, blocking out my person that way. If you don't know what I mean, I'm talking about like what is shown in the human body tutorial over at Dragon Paint Art Tutorials. I used to resist doing it that way, thinking it was just an extra, unnecessary step, but found that it really can be helpful! There's a hand tutorial in there too.

I also recently bought an artist dummy so I can start going from different angles than always just straight on. I'm trying to make time to go through the Loomis books too, so it'll get more natural and easy for me. But as I've been working, I've noticed improvements, even if things still don't seem to flow so naturally.

As for difficult parts - for some reason, I agree, feet are tough. Probably because I don't do them very much. Most of my personal pictures are fantasy/maidens, so they're normally hidden under long skirts. But just like forcing myself to draw hands or risk always sucking at them, I need to do the same with feet! Also, overall foreshortening, I struggle with! I understand the concept, but find it very difficult to pull off. That's something I want to work more on this year and next, so I can be more dynamic in my work, as well as getting to the point where I never use any mirrors at all!

Moon is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 07:43 PM

Practice makes perfection. o 3o~
I guess i should follow that...

I look at myself when trying a pose or something but it's hard. I fgered that taking a picture of the pose would work, but i need a camera.

Thanks for the link. :]

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 07:43 PM

humm i know of a few tutorials i could link you too, though i suggest trying to look at stock photos or pictures in magazines and try drawing the same pose for practice. drawing yourself and other family members is always nice as well.

^ body, hand, feet, head - respectively.. tutorial on DA (not mine)

Clavis is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 10:07 PM

Practice, practice, practice! I've never had a life drawing class, I forbid myself from using references 90% of the time, I don't use mirrors, and although I own an anatomy book, I've only skimmed through it. Nonetheless, I like to think I'm at least halfway decent with anatomy (or, at the very least, people can look at my humans without being blinded by the sheer hideousness). Until a year or two ago, I only drew humans on occassion, but then something hit me all of a sudden and I began drawing them nonstop. Studying anatomy can help a ton, yeah, but if your pencil's not touching the paper, you're not improving.

Die_Fledermaus is offline
Old 04-02-2007, 03:03 AM

Search for photos of actual people (not anorexic model types though...) and draw them by using what you actually see, and no what you THINK you see. It's hard to explain. Another great thing to do is take a photo of yourself, and draw yourself... i's HARD!

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ScarletStratholme is offline
Old 04-02-2007, 05:01 AM

I hated hands too, but start with the hand you don't draw with, and pose that differently and draw it over and over in different poses.

Notice things like when you push the tip of your middle finger downwards towards your palm, what happens to lines at the back of your hand? They become more visible. The same applies to individual fingers, but when you clench a fist that doesn't happen. This may not be as important for anime, maybe, if you're smoothing things over...but if you're doing more realism, subtle little things like that make the difference between your person looking real, or like a blob of paint. Shadows and light give your figure form you know?

As for anatomy, I think there are two things you should look at. One, is a ball and stick figure you can buy at almost any art store, the second is anatomy or biology books; they show where muscles are located.

This may sound demented but there are also some science stores that sell fake models of humans, which I found useful for muscle location; it's good to know where the insertion and origin of muscles are so you know how things bend.

I'd definately get a decent sized wooden model for drawing humans, but in addition to that, add playdough to it. Not smoother the thing in playdough, but just attach playdough where the muscles ought to be. Sometimes that helps a bit.

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Caroline is offline
Old 04-02-2007, 01:26 PM

I got good at anatomy by basically drawing human skeletons. Like, starving Ethiopian size. >_> It helped a lot with learning where bones and joints are located, so when you draw a more... healthier-looking person, you know where things go. It gave me a base for the body, so to speak. I suggest taking a look at Grey's Anatomy like fongmingyun suggested.

Hands have always been difficult for me. I usually have to use my own hands as reference and it takes a very long time for me to draw them right.

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Dark_Maiden_Queen is offline
Old 04-02-2007, 01:34 PM

I suck at anatomy >.< Man i just cant get the body right.

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Enniel is offline
Old 04-02-2007, 05:46 PM

i still kind of suck at anatomy XD if you are having problems, and are on deviant art, there are many tutorials there that have helped me :3

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Rvaya is offline
Old 04-02-2007, 06:38 PM

The things that have helped me the most are drawing people when I'm in class when they don't know I am, reading tutorials, and drawing from pictures. From that I've gotten a bit better and from there it keeps growing. I also suggest college level art classes with nude models that helped me leaps and bounds.

jazzkitteh is offline
Old 04-02-2007, 06:52 PM

My Lack of skills in anatomy are I think the main reason i like chibish style. My anatomy can be off but it still looks adorable ;>.>

galy is offline
Old 04-02-2007, 07:32 PM

i never use tutorials
they just aren't for me, i am more of a hands on person

i draw heads too big [in my realism work]
of course with my stylized stuff i can get away with it, but it's a very bad habit.

i never drew from photos in the begining because it tends to stiffen you up. i'd suggest strictly drawing from life and using your fingers to measure the distance between body parts.

Moon is offline
Old 04-03-2007, 01:23 AM

I draw the heads too big too... D:

Thanks for all the tips and links.

Tirael is offline
Old 04-03-2007, 01:48 AM

I do like tutorials to see how other artists do things... and as general anatomy guidelines.

I guess the best thing is to observe carefully and practice. I use myself as a reference a lot too with mirrors, but that takes a bit of imagination too X'D..

Anyhow I can't say my anatomy is too great either since most of it is me fumbling around until I think it looks right.

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salamandersoup is offline
Old 04-03-2007, 03:36 AM

Awhelp - I do have two tutorials, but they won't help you any if you don't draw from life as often as possible. SRSLY. The only way to get better at drawing people is by drawing people. x)

1) Face Drawing Tutorial -

2) Lame Body Tutorial -

- both by me, yey. :3

Moon is offline
Old 04-03-2007, 03:51 AM

Yay more links. :] Thanks.

I do practice ... and burn the papers because it turns out ugly.

I need something to draw ... i shall go to magazines to look ...

Drawing a stick figure first is what most works for me. woot.

Kongouseki is offline
Old 04-03-2007, 05:14 AM

i suck at anatomy. my faces are always messed up and when i add a body to the head, the head is too big for the body.

kafine is offline
Old 04-03-2007, 09:47 AM

Hands and feet are hard. Paticularly when you have to draw them front-on (looking into the toes).

The only way I have found to draw awkward feet and hands successfully is to find someone to model for me :D

There really isn't any subsitute for drawing from life.

Tutorials and things can help you pick up little rules to help you remember, or ways to stylise, but the only way to learn to draw realistically is to look at real people.

Drawing from life is also better for your skill than drawing from photographs because you learn to translate from 3d rather than just copying an image. It's hard to explain why, but they are slightly different skills.

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fongmingyun is offline
Old 04-03-2007, 02:30 PM

wwell, all you peopl,e who're complaining you suckat anatomy... ain't tnothing you can do until you practice, take some of the great adviec that's been posted here, and get better!

LunaMiel is offline
Old 04-03-2007, 03:01 PM

  • Yeah, I have problems with feet too, especially angles with them. My anatomy is getting better though. The key is getting out a good anatomy book and using live models. It really helps. I think the best way is to learn the form, then the details and such. I'm no master, but thats how I got better at it.


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