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Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:11 AM

[I surmised as much XD there's a lot going on, anyways. I probably would have forgotten to reply, personally. Sephiroth may have his own reasons >.>]]

Helena got up and backed away slowly, watching the mage with a wary eye. If she tried anything funny, she would act instantly, but for now she could only sit back and watch carefully. It made her feel uneasy. She took a deep breath and brushed her white-blonde hair out of her eyes with one pale, slim hand, her other hand resting on her hip.

She cast a glance at the silver-haired templar and noticed that there were fine tremors running through his body. It was as if something was just fighting to get out. Her eyes narrowed slightly, giving him an odd look. She had the sudden sense that he was going to kill this mage- and she couldn't let him do that. She may have attacked the woman on the floor before them (or maybe she had simply been defending herself), but she'd done no wrong to him, and she was going to heal Aelyn. She could not allow him to kill her. She moved slightly inbetween them, casting the man a wary glance before returning her attention to the mage.

"What is your name, mage," she asked, her voice icy cold and professional.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:49 AM

Shiloh held still as the man finally put her back on the ground where she belonged. There was only one problem. He shoved her forcefully towards the other two templars. She fell onto the ground dropping her staff as she hit the ground. Quickly she grabbed her staff and got back up. Once she was back on her feet, she felt something in her back. It was sharp and pointed. The man was holding his sword to her back. She straightened up and had a look of fear in her eyes. Closing them, she hoped for a miracle. Usually when it came to blood magic, there was no reversal until she just stopped it.

Thats when the other templar stepped in. She had moved in between the two, but only slightly. Shiloh was grateful for that, but she knew what would happen once she stopped the spell on the other girl. The one that had chased her would tell them of the magic she used and she would be executed, or something close to that. She quickly looked for an exit before she stopped the spell. That was when the woman asked what her name was. "Why should I tell you? Your only going to kill me after i help her." She said in an almost trembling voice. There was an exit. Now behind Aelyn. The window she had jumped through to get in there would have to be her escape. At the point when Shiloh would release the girl, it would take time for her to recover. Hopefully, the other two wouldnt be able to get their hands on her before she jumped, but first, she wanted to hear the woman templar out.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 03-24-2011, 04:28 AM

"I never said I would," Helena said, keeping her voice even. "Do not assume such things." She glanced at the silver-haired man behind her, before crossing her arms casually over her chest. She knew that if the man next to her had anything to say about it, the girl would be dead in three seconds. Helena was pretty sure she wasn't strong enough to stop him if he wanted to. If the mage was guilty of something, she wasn't sure there was even much she could do, but she would hear the girl out before letting anything happen to her.

"Tell me what happened," she finally said, her face expressionless.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-24-2011, 04:38 AM

Shiloh knew what to do, but for some reason refused to do it. "If your not going to kill me then why did he have a blade to my back. Why should i trust the people who killed my father when he was one of your own?" The last qestion had come out quickly. She didnt know why she had asked such a thing but she figured that she might as well know the answer to it. "He was a Templar and you killed him. So why should i trust the people who would betray their own?"

((Sorry... i know its short... my brain isnt working.))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 05:36 AM

((HAHAHA, I LOVE the tension here. :twisted:))

Helena stepped between the two of them. The action made Sephiroth's blade swerve from its target, and he narrowed his gaze as he watched the mage speak. He was still forcing back his rage, but his weapon slowly relaxed in his grip - the point finally drifted toward the ground. Helena was going for a more diplomatic approach - perhaps it was more socially accepted. Perhaps it was the right way to go about handling this situation.
Instinct clawed at him constantly, trying to break through his control. She deserves death. The Templar Knight grit his teeth, turning his gaze to Helena for a few moments in order to keep himself from stepping forward and planting his blade between the mage's shoulders. For a moment, there was nothing that appealed to him more than that thought. He'd done such a thing before . . . even when a commanding officer forbade it. Sure, he'd gotten in trouble . . . but trouble didn't bother him. He was meant for it; trouble was a constant companion that he learned to favor. As the picture of killing the mage grew more appealing, Sephiroth's icy gaze narrowed again.

As Shiloh asked her question, Sephiroth took a step forward. He brushed Helena to the side as his features darkened. "We are loyal to our commanders. No Templar turns against another unless they practice the forbidden arts." There were very few accounts of mage-born Templars following the forbidden paths, but there were sure to be some in the archives somewhere. The very thought disgusted Sephiroth. "Heal her," he motioned to Aelyn, "before I decide to actually kill you." The tall male knew very well that it wasn't a good idea - he shouldn't kill her. He wasn't allowed to kill Shiloh . . . but that alone wouldn't stop his blade. He never shied from punishment.

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Old 03-24-2011, 01:20 PM

Gauntlet clad hand clutched the grass that the girl sat on, though she could not feel it, the physical presence of it moving within her hands let the girl know that she was not dreaming. Aelyn slowly stood from her spot, shaky and her final stance one as though she was wounded, but she was standing nonetheless. "Leave her be berserker," a calm, collected voice said cooly as she reached over her shoulders. The words of the argument had fallen upon her ears, and she was not lost to the tension that was in the air.

One had gripped her decorated bow, while the other, an arrow. Pulling them both before her, she nooked the arrow before starting to draw the string taunt. "Your rage will be what ends you if you don't watch it," she then said as she lifted her head to look at the Templar that held the blade at the mage, her eyes, from the whites to her pupils were pitch black.

The Templar looked familiar, almost like in a past life Aelyn had known who he was. It was that past life that was fighting to get out, yet with every attempt, pain wracked her body, though it was only a momentary thing. Pushing the feeling away, she focused on protecting the mage beside her, after all, they were allies and that was what allies did for one another. Her black eyes then flicked to the other Templar; they were both very close, but the brunette was used to having fought in confined spaces, at least once upon a time.

"You wouldn't attack your own," she said, an almost sadistic teasing in her tone. "The punishment for that is far greater than any other and you know that. But tell me, are you willing to kill one Templar in the sakes of getting at a mage?" The girl lifted a brow; she knew, she could feel this man's short temper and that was what she was picking at. A part of her knew what would happen, knew his reputation, but that never reached her fore thoughts. The only thing that showed that she even had an idea was the random furrowing of her brow as she winced at the pain.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:22 PM


Helena frowned slightly, looking down at the mage. She opened her mouth to reply when the silver-haired male pushed past her (she had never learned his name, she just realized.) Her frown deepened as he threatened the girl again, thinking that they weren't going to get anywhere with him threatening her every five seconds.

"Stand down," she said softly and pointedly, for only him to hear. "Please," she added, letting him know that it wasn't an order. She tried to convey with her eyes that they needed this girl, for the time being, and tried to convince him not to kill her. She edged forward slightly, ready to act.

"I'm sure you're mistaken," Helena said, her voice slightly strained as she returned her attention to the girl. The tension was almost a tangible thing, working on Helena's nerves. "He's right, we would never kill one of our own without reason. We won't kill you," she added, giving the silver-haired male a stern look. "Not if you help us." At least, they wouldn't kill her right away. Helena would try and see that she got a fair trial, but her judgement would be up in the air from there. The judge could decide to execute her anyways.

"I'm honor-bound to my word," she added, softening her voice. "If I say we won't kill you, then we won't." Even if it meant stepping in-between the Templar's blade and the girl, she would do it, although she doubted the girl would believe that if she said it. She pursed her lips, glancing up at the male Templar again to gauge his reaction. Helena looked down in surprise as Aelyn got back to her feet- but her surprise was even greater when she drew her bow. "There's no need for this," she said as she took step forward, inbetween the two templars, trying to be the diplomat. The confusion was not easily hidden from her clear blue eyes as she looked between the three.

[[Ah Helena, you honorable fool.

Last edited by Strawberry Kitkat; 03-24-2011 at 01:28 PM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-24-2011, 02:17 PM

Shiloh smiled as her spell finally took control and worked. She saw the templar she had cursed back on her feet, defending her. The words that the woman had spoken had fallen on slightly deaf ears. Even if she had given her word that she wouldnt be killed, the Judge in her trial would sentence her to execution. Was the other mage going to defend her and say she had given her word not to let her be killed? Most likely not. She turned around and walking backwards to stand next to her new ally. "My father served the Templars loyally. He was a general, but then the king was killed. The law went out saying that all mages had to be taken in for the trials and you killed him." She backed up some more towards the window.

"I dont believe you wont kill me. You and your kind will put me on trial and they will sentence me to execution for a crime i did not commit. You will execute all the mages for a crime you believe a mage committed." Her eyes stared accusingly at the Templars. "Even those that are innocent you will announce as guilty. Mothers, daughters, sisters, brothers, fathers, men, women, and children. They are all suppose to die just because you say so."

Quickly before the others could say anything she released the girl and jumped up on the wall into the window she had come in from and stopped. "Think about that. How is that justice?" With that, she dropped into the crowd and ran towards outskirts of the town. The girl in the courtyard had been released, so it would take a couple more seconds to minutes depending on how hard the girl was fighting to be released.

The Templars were just collecting mages for the slaughter even if they had just collected them from their homes. No mage had broke any laws. It was just that the system was corrupt and biased against mages. She figured that if she took some of the mages out of that monastery it would be a plus and they would all be able to finally fight back. Quickly, she redirected herself into hiding in bushes and stealthily getting to the monastery. She climbed up a large tree nearby and started to formulate her plan.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 04:34 PM

((Ooooo. :eager:))

When Shiloh started talking, the Templar's eyes closed in an attempt to block out her words. They are anything but innocent. When his blue gaze scanned over the situation once again, Helena had stepped between them in another attmept to calm things down. She was certainly playing the part of the water to douse the fire. Slightly suprised that a Templar would defend a mage in any way (though he'd seen it before), the broad-shouldered male lowered his blade further.
Sephiroth halted his next words when Aelyn stood. Her prompt at his anger made his eyes flare with renewed rage, but he didn't move. He shouldn't strike another Templar. Not this girl. "You wouldn't attack your own," she said in that cool tone of hers. When she continued, Sephiroth grit his teeth. She was speaking the truth - he had attacked another Templar in the past, and it hadn't been the best decision made in anger. "Bite your tongue," he hissed, grip tightening on his sword. Before he had the chance to lift it, Helena once again interjected. The girl was brave, he would give her that.

It was then that Shiloh made her run for it. Sephiroth watched her go without moving. For once, he let the mage get away . . . for a few moments. It almost caused his feral side physical pain. He turned his gaze back to the two females near him. Eying Aelyn, he noticed her blackened gaze. "Are you going to lower your weapon, or do I have take from you?" He sounded . . . calm. Cold, but calm for now. It really was a battle of tug-of-war with his berserker tendencies - it was rare that Sephiroth bothered trying to reign his ferocity in, but now seemed a good time for it.

Last edited by Esmme; 03-24-2011 at 07:05 PM..

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 06:38 PM

Lerieh backed down once she felt the grip release from her neck. She put the blade back where she pulled it from. She knew another mage had helped the fellow. But she did not call anyone out on it. It was an admiral act after all. Someone even wanting to get involved. For the good of the hole. Lerieh did not say another word to the mage who had attacked her. Seeing as he was shaking in his boots. The mage was probably not expecting Lerieh to be able to pick him out of the crowd for who had attacked her.

She glanced to another Templar. There were three of them left in the room, not including herself. Enough to watch the line, and for Lerieh to be sure no one was getting hurt outside. Lerieh may have been a Berserker, but she had complete control over her emotions. Which was something probably far more freighting. Since with other Berserker it was obvious when they were to snap. She walked down the hall. Finding the group who was dealing with the mage. Too many templar's for one mage. She instantly thought to herself.

Miss Aelyn who had originally been scent. She was meant to get the mage back. But with Miss Lena and Sir Sephiroth stepping in, it only complicated things. Since now they not only had a mage to watch, but each other. Lerieh watched from afar as the mage got away. Hoping it would simply teach them a lesson. She stepped into the area. Her normal emotionless face on.

"Too many of you per one mage." Lerieh said to them all. A small lesson in a way. It was how Lerieh spoke to them most of the time. Not as a commanding officer, or even a teacher. Just simply pointed out the flaws for them all to see. Much like when a football team re-watches their game to point out the good and bad of their team as a whole. Lerieh of coarse could have easily sent someone after her. But they had a trail to get to.

One this she did not like hearing was the threats going back and forth between them. But she would give them a minute to realize she was standing right there. Lerieh of coarse was simply waiting mainly for Liam to say something. He never completely enjoyed listening.

"Miss Helena, please stand back. I would hate for you to get harmed." She said to the knight. Taking a few more steps forward. Her heels clicked a bit on the pavement.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 07:12 PM

Seeing Lerieh approach, Sephiroth's demeanor changed. He growled quietly, but sheathed his weapon once again. It wasn't necessary. The dark elf had an aura of command about her - and that was precisely what the male disliked. Hearing the woman point out their flaw, he let his blue eyes lock onto hers. "You would have us ignore her cry for help, then?" He couldn't keep himself from speaking up.
Glancing to Aelyn to see that her bow was still drawn, the Templar growled again. "She helped the mage. The Order dictates that we should do no such thing for a rogue." Anger sparking, Sephiroth turned his attention to Lerieh once again. "She bore arms against us when we came to aid her." Likely it was the influence of the neko mage's spell, but that didn't mean the Beserker was going to turn his frustration out on an escapee.
Falling silent, Sephiroth seemed to darken. His distaste for authority was definitely shining through.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-24-2011, 09:49 PM

Shiloh peered into the monastery seeing that the commander wasnt there. This was her chance. There was only a handful of guards. The girl would be able to get all of the mages out of the monastery. She walked right up to the door with her cocky hateful attitude. The Templars stared at her until they realized that she was a mage. They started to go after her. Using her primal magic she petrified most of them, turning them to stone until she would release them. Some of the mages started to help her out even though most were drained.

Unfortunately at some point two templars cornered her. She petrified one of them and the other one swung the sword so that either way she went she was going to get hit. She decided to go the lesser of two evils and unfortunately got a huge gash on her leg. She decided to use a mage next to her in order to heal after using an lightning bolt on the man. She wasnt trying to kill the Templars, only make it so that all the mages could go free. Her blood magic took some time in healing her and the gash appeared on that mage. Hopefully no one else actually noticed though.

The neko peered at one of the mages that seemed to be the one she had seen better than the others the first time she was in the monastery. Her eyes went in and out of focus from how much energy was drained from her fighting the templars and using the blood magic. She watched him as she leaned against the wall. All the templars seemed to either be petrified or busy with the other mages to notice the riot starter.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 03-24-2011, 10:59 PM

Helena frowned at the mage's words- where had she heard such a story? She was tempted to look into the girl's claims, but her job was not to look into the past, she was to guard the present and the future from evil magic. A nervous knot formed in her stomach as the silver-haired knight spoke- there was a chilled calmness to his voice, a subtle hint of promised pain lurking in the shadows.

Helena's head whipped around as Leriah spoke her name, startled. She forced herself to take a deep breath- the tension had her wound too tightly. She hesitated to move, her eyes glancing back and forth at the two templars on either side of her. At least the male had put his sword away- it was a start. She took a hesitant step back, bobbing her head in acknowledgement.

"I believe the mage had a hand in this," she said, stepping up to Aelyn's defense. She gave the silver-haired male a hard look, before turnign those crystaline blue eyes back to Leriah. She figured his anger was playing into his accusations; with the others' present state, she figured she had to play mediator of the situation to Leriah.


Alexander's head jerked up at the commotion, cursing slightly as he went back up the hall he had just travelled down. It seemed like there was a riot going on- mages were attacking templars, or at least trying to stop them. Stop them from what?

That was when he spotted the girl with the cat ears, leaning against a wall. He made his way towards her, through the "battlefield" of mages and Templars. "Hey, you," he said, as he got closer. "What the hell is going on here, kid?" She was obviously a mage, that was for sure. He slowed his steps before he got too close, keeping a wary eye on her. The other templars had begun capturing some of the trouble-making mages, so he kept his focus on the girl before him. "I suggest you come with me," he said, his voice cool. "If you don't want any trouble, that is."

Last edited by Strawberry Kitkat; 03-24-2011 at 11:13 PM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:24 AM

In all her time with the commotion, she hadnt thought it would work but some of the mages had in fact fled like she had planned. She was hoping she could escape but it didnt seem likely due to her quirk. Before she knew it another templar approached her. He asked her what was going on and she just smiled. People would always try to make the girl talk but unless it was life threatening, she never wanted to.

She pulled her legs back so that she could stand up in case the man actually attacked her. Her staff balanced in both hands until she gripped it with just one in order to keep her balance. With a smile, she stood off the wall but had to fall back because of her dizziness. In fact, she looked drunk for some reason. Ignoring the Templar that stood in front of her, not of her own accord, she heard a voice inside her head. There was a man standing beside her that looked just like her father only younger. Are you alright? "Im fine. Im fine.... I just want to make the room stop spinning." She said almost laughing as she did so. The girl had used up so much of her mana that she had gone into the hallucination stage of her little quirk. "This man wants to know what happened but i dont speak to other people daddy. You tell him." She laughed a little bit as the man started to move. She started to chase after him this time. "Wait. Wait. Daddy i want to go home with you."

It seemed that she was causing a scene now from her hallucinations. In her eyes the man had stopped right where Kane was standing. "I caused a riot just for you. Dont you see? Im freeing all the people who are caged." She spun around until the illusion faded and she saw who she was really talking to. Who was this person? Her eyes blinked a couple of times while her mana slowly started to build its way back up. Shiloh looked sheepishly at the man and fell silent again, seeming as if she wasnt going to talk again

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Old 03-25-2011, 02:35 AM

Kane was relieved that the female had left the other mage alone. Now they didn't have to worry about a sudden outbreak. He really just wanted to leave and get to sleep to recover his magic. It was rather annoying, all these interruptions. As the drow left them, he looked around and noticed there were far less templars than he'd thought. This could get interesting. He almost rolled his eyes, going to the wall and sitting down, giving a droll stare at the templars who were watching the line. Almost as if to dare them to make him get back up.

He wasn't doing anything else, so what harm could it do. His eyes went wide yet again, seeing the same cat eared girl walk into the monastery.And so it's just gotten even more interesting. There was a commotion and chaos soon enough, with templars running all over the place and getting petrified, mages trying to help out and strike down the templars. He just sat there and watched for the moment. Of course he wanted to get the hell out of there. But, the tide could turn quickly. He'd rather wait for the perfect time. His hand twitched a little, itching for some action. He was drained though.. The last act had done it. Feeling eyes on him, he turned and looked at the cause of it all. The cat girl. He almost frowned a little, seeing a templar going toward the female. She seemed a bit, tired out. He could sense that much. She must have used too much mana.

The templar was speaking to her. He wasn't sure what exactly he was saying, but he saw the males lips move. And then the girl started to speak. To seemingly nothing. How odd. Is it possible she turned delusional? It was an almost likely cause. He stood up and moved out of the way, watching as a fireball came his way. He glanced over at the girl again and saw she was heading his way. Riot for you. those were some of the words he had caught. He frowned somewhat, unsure of what to do, he reached for her and steadied the girl after she had spun. Offering a smile, Kane shook his head. "I can't hear too well. So, don't worry about looking silly." he said softly before looking around.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:59 AM

Alexander watched, confused, as the girl began to babble to... no one. There was no one next to her, and yet she was talking to someone to her side. She must have been hallucinating, talking to her father (he assumed her father was probably dead. He couldn't be sure.)

"Alright, someone definetely let you out of the loony bin," he said with a low whistle, only loud enough for him to hear over the commotion. He started as she began to walk, moving towards a male mage standing only a few yards away. "So you did this, did you," he asked, one eyebrow raised as she turned back to him. His expression was stern for about two seconds, and then melted into a charming, rougish grin. "I'd commend you, kid, but you're on the wrong team." He looked around at the chaos, shaking his head. "Damn, and this is my kind of trouble, too," he said, before looking back at the girl.

"I'm supposed to take you in," he said, his voice and stance casual. "Actually," he added, looking around at the courtyard full of petrified templars, "it looks like I'm the the only one who can take you in at the moment." He returned his gaze to the girl, an amused look on his face. "My superiors would get a huge laugh out of that one. If you survive the trial, I'll treat you to a drink." Ah, he could hear Helena now- Alexander, you need to take your job more seriously! Stop fraternizing with the enemy! He offered a hand to her- giving her a choice. "Come on, kid, come in easy, I'd rather not have to fight a pretty girl," he said with a wink. Why not charm the enemy? Lords knew if anyone could do it, it was him. "If you surrender, I'm sure the trial won't be too harsh."

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-25-2011, 03:28 AM

The room had stopped spinning, but her head seemed like it still wanted to. Shiloh turned away from the man. Right then, she could see something large coming at her. To her it was a large centaur or something of that sort. She was probably still hallucinating. It was then that the man had caught her before she fell backwards. She looked up at him with weary eyes that said that she just wanted to sleep. First the rock armor, the earthquake and the blood magic and now this. It was all too much on her tiny body. That was when the centaur had finally gotten to them, but it wasnt a centaur at all anymore. The man looked like a dragon for some reason.

Shiloh looked at him in awe then back at the man that was holding her. The dragon was speaking to her over the commotion and she noticed that through his words, all the other templars had been subdued somehow or another so that they were unable to do anything to keep the mages there. Her eyes wigged out quickly before she closed her eyes tightly before quickly opening them again. It was weird to her that the dragon was speaking as if he were a templar but she could tell that he was being a flirt with her.

Again she turned upwards towards the man holding her since he was much taller than she. She shook her head and moved closer to the man as if he were the only comfort she had, still unable to talk to people very much. She looked between the two men, one being a mage, the other being a dragon templar, until she finally laid her eyes on the mage for a little bit as if to make a decision. When she looked at the templar again, he had changed into his normal features of being a man which made her jump. To the mage behind her it would be obvious that she had hallucinated about Templar as well seeing that for the millionth time of looking at him she had jumped.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 03:35 AM

Lerieh honestly completely ignored Sephiroth. Any words coming from his mouth at the moment were nothing but anger. If he wished to speak to her, he would need to calm down first. "Yes." Lerieh said to them. She would deal with this later. After all they had-

Suddenly she heard something coming from inside of the monastery. Are you kidding? Two minutes she walked away, and the entire place was going up in flame. Figuratively. She turned, not saying another word as she entered the hall again. Seeing a few mages running her way, she right away pulled her dirks out, rushing forward. She kept low as she drew in deep breaths, stabbing threw the knees of each one. Not deadly no. But it would slow them down. Some she may have even wounded and crippled them for life. Three of them were knocked to the ground while two others limped away. Of coarse not being very fast. She was sure Lena, Aelyn or Liam would handle them for her.

She kept running forward. Until she came to the main hall. Where the line had been. A few of the mages still remained. A few of the templars were petrified, and Alexander... flirting with one of the mages. Perfect...

Lereih increased her resilience to its max potential. Which to her a fireball was nothing. She had the Mage from before, Shiloh in her sight. As well as the one who had helped her before. Lerieh was not sure what to call the neko mage. A idoit for coming back. Or brave. She certainly did a very good amount of damage. That much Lerieh could admire.

"Well done."She commented. Kepping her blades at her sides. "Now-" She paused. Looking closer at the Neko. "Your father. What was his name?" She ordered of her. Probably very suddenly to everything. When the neko did not answer as soon as the drow would have hoped, she drew closer. "If you believe the man outside was bad, you do not want to anger me. Now tell me. Your father's name."

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 03-25-2011, 03:45 AM

Alexander looked at Leriah as she popped up out of nowhere- damn, she was good. "Hey, Leriah, nice of you to join the party," he said, nodding his head to her. "These are our gracious hosts." He raised an eyebrow at the neko mage as she snuggled into the male mage, then shook his head. "I think that one has a few screws loose, if you know what I mean," he said in a low voice, for only Leriah to hear. "But apparently she started this mess. Crazy, huh?"

He leaned back slightly when Leriah began questioning the girl. "You know, something tells me she isn't quite up to answering any questions," Alexander said, one eyebrow raised.

[[Yikes, sorry it's short and crappy >.<]]

Last edited by Strawberry Kitkat; 03-25-2011 at 04:10 AM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-25-2011, 03:50 AM

(Wrong person Kitkat.... She is basically snuggling Kane)

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 03-25-2011, 03:51 AM

[[HOLY SHIT. megafail on my part, sorry XD editing now.]]

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Old 03-25-2011, 04:21 AM

Kane's mouth dropped a little, catching the girl before she'd passed out onto the floor. "Uh.." He looked up at the templar, unsure of what exactly to do. The girl seemed almost too weak now. Maybe she really had outdone herself. He adjusted his grip on her somewhat uneasily. At least she was super light. He had tried to listen to what the man was saying but of course, only caught bits and pieces. Enough for him to figure out the guy was almost flirting. Or something. He raised an eyebrow curiously as she kept looking between the Templar, and himself. And then she almost jumped out of his arms. He held on tight however, not wanting her to fall down the hard floor.

Looking over at the drow female, he almost groaned. Great. Now they're going to think I had something to do with this too. And she's so going to get executed for causing this. Hopefully none had seen her use the blood magic. That would be horrible. Seeing the female's lips move as she talked to the female. He almost sighed, glancing down at the girl before looking back up at the Templars. He seemed, a bit uncomfortable, but he wasn't about to give the girl to them so willingly. He wasn't sure it'd be such a good idea.

Last edited by Ascadellia; 03-25-2011 at 04:25 AM..

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-25-2011, 04:44 AM

The neko girl did not like having orders thrust upon her. She shrunk back into the man again. It was sad that she had to use him as a crutch but she did not feel like holding onto any of the others. Only a handful of mages had stayed from what she saw. They were probably the ones that were already beaten down and battered from everything that was going on. She looked back at the drow who stood in front of her ordering her to tell them a name. The one name that she never forgot, the name of her father.

Shiloh turned and looked at the man who was holding onto her tightly as if she wanted to say something to him, but something told her that he wouldnt be able to hear her. It could have been the fact that he had told her that earlier when he had looked like her father but she didnt really know. She looked at the woman as if she wouldnt answer the question, as if she were dumb (Dumb meaning mute.). The only trouble was that she was sure the woman had heard her earlier speaking to the other Templars. Without wanting to and the words burning in her throat the female mage spoke. "Commander Blazic" was the only words that came out of her mouth. They were the only words she could say and they were words that had not been spoken since just before his death.

Her father was known for helping win many battles for the Templars and the king. His strategies had helped the Knight Commanders on how to proceed with such things but he had never been promoted for his strategies. The girl closed her eyes as she clutched the mage's clothing trying not to fall. Her head still spun even though it did not hurt while doing so.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 05:18 AM

Lerieh disregarded Sephiroth completely. When she turned to leave, the Templar stood still for a few moments. He was irked - that was obvious. There was hardly a time when he wasn't, really. Taking a slow breath to calm himself, the tall male turned his attention back to Helena and Aelyn. It was right around that time when the sounds of battle reached his ears. Bloodshed seemed to call to him, and his blue eyes scanned over the two women before he turned away. This wasn't worth dealing with.
With a dismissive wave, the beserker drew his blade once again. The riot was calling out to him in a way that was irresistable. Upon seeing the Templars on the losing end of the fight, Sephiroth felt a rage slip over him. Letting the anger and emotion take control, his features contorted in a mask of anger. Die, wretched fools. Two-handed sword flashing out, he used his own momentum and speed to knock the magic users aside. Blood sprayed from one of the mages he struck - they'd lost a hand as they tried to fend off Sephiroth's blade.

Seeing the neko from earlier, Sephiroth felt himself drawn in her direction. Giving the nearest mage a vicious shove, he spat at the man's feet. A few others cowered back as the beserker growled. It gave him a clear shot to get to Shiloh and Lerieh. The moment he stepped up, he saw another Templar as well.
"Inpertinent pig," Sephiroth hissed, striking with speed unthought of for his size. Snagging Shiloh's throat, he lifted her into the air once again. Not only did he dislike her in the first place, but his beserker rage was like a veil over his sight. Blood dripped from his jaw as he glared up at Shiloh, his grip on her tightening.
She was weak. Now was the time to get rid of her.

((:XD If his abnoxious attacking every few seconds makes someone mad, just let me know. :lol:))

Kilia is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 06:30 AM

Hana was about to cry about the whole situation before he pulled her between two houses, keeping her quiet, her eyes went slightly wide aas she heard what he was saying, but onee thing did not go unnotice by her and that was how close that they both were to each other. She looked up at him and say that his neck was still bleeding, she stood on her tip toes and licked the wound, letting her saliva to make the blood clot faster and close the wound before she stood completely on her feet and licked the blood off her lips.
"I do not have a templar....though i do know about them. Once again i am sorry about what i did to you." she whispered to him as she looked away in shame, her very long white hair covered the side of her face from his eyes as they showed her elf ears even more then before.

(*cries* to much to read!!!)

Last edited by Kilia; 03-25-2011 at 06:43 AM..


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