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Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 04:15 PM

Welcome to The Moving Castle Event Thread!

Rules of the Castle:
  • Do not play with the Castle Door. It's not a toy!
  • Under no circumstances are you allowed to enter the bathroom. There is an outhouse out back.
  • Please be nice to your fellow Menewshans
  • Please follow Mene's TOS
  • Have fun!

Last edited by Calcifer; 11-03-2016 at 06:15 PM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 04:16 PM

The king needs your help to defend the land of Ingary!

Magician’s Peril: Part 1
Ingary is in danger! The King has asked any and all qualified Wizards and Witches to come and save the Land of Ingary! A mystical force of animated pumpkin headed golems is marching towards Ingary! Military air and ground forces have proven ineffective and have been forced to retreat again and again. It won’t be long until they are here! (look forwards to the Festival of Winter Nights 2016)

In order to serve the kingdom properly, you’ll need to be trained up a bit! Madame Suliman has devised a training regime retrofitting her power stripping room in order to help you reach your maximum potential. It’s a perilous undertaking though. If you should fail, you’ll be stripped of your powers forever! If you should succeed though, you will be more than a match of the coming wave of Golems!
Welcome to Magician’s Peril: Part 1! Here is how you will play.
Every day, the Star Children of the Power Draining Room will cast 1 random spell at you.
  • Stun: Reduces the targets ability to shield damage next round increasing damage taken by +2. Deals 2 Damage
  • Fire Shower: Blasts the target with a shower of fire. Deals 4 Damage
  • Summon Beast: Summons a beast to attack the target. Deals 6 Damage
  • Lightning Bolt: Fries the target with a bolt of electricity. Deals 8 Damage
  • Energy Wave: Pummels the target with waves of pure energy. Deals 10 Damage
  • Mind Crush: Incapacitates the target by overloading the minds sensory inputs. Deals 12 Damage

A dice will be rolled for the day to see what attack the Star Children will use. The same attack can be used only twice by the star children

Your job is to Shield yourself and then attack

  • Shield Spell:
    This spell will shroud the user in a shell of protective energy, deflecting half the damage from the star children if cast correctly. Each day you train, your shield chance will go up!

  • Attack:
    There are 3 attack spells to choose from
    • Confusion:
      Deals 5 Damage.
      Effective Casting Rate: 90%

      [COLOR="Purple"][B][SIZE="3"]CONFUSION![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [dice]10[/dice]

    • Fireball:
      Deals 10 Damage
      Effective Casting Rate: 70%

      [COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="3"]FIREBALL![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [dice]10[/dice]

    • Summon Demon:
      Deals 20 Damage
      Effective Casting Rate: 40%
      10% Chance of dealing 5 Damage to Caster

      [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Olive"]SUMMON DEMON![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][dice]10[/dice], Damage to Caster (don't roll 6) [dice]10[/dice]

Day 5 Form:

Post this form for your Daily training exercise!
You have until 12PM PDT (what time is it?) to roll for the current day, then the day will change.
Simply copy and past the form for the attack you want to use into the space labeled !PLACE YOUR ATTACK FORM HERE! and then post the entire form below (making sure you have included the attack form) and your training is done for the day!
HTML Code:
[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Sienna"][B]Time to Train! Day 5[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="Sienna"][SIZE="3"][B]Shield![/B][/SIZE] Don’t roll 5!:[/COLOR] [dice]10[/dice]

Last edited by Calcifer; 11-02-2016 at 05:27 PM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 04:16 PM


Last edited by Calcifer; 11-03-2016 at 06:15 PM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 04:17 PM

DAY 5:

The Star Children attack!

The Star Children attack with Lightning Bolt!
Fries the target with a bolt of electricity. Deals 8 Damage

Day 5 Results:

In the Training Chamber...
Madame Suliman Steps up in front of you all. "Day 5! Today is graduation day! I’m very proud of all of you. You’ve all progressed quickly and I’m surprised at how adept you’ve all become. Let's get this last day under your belt and we’ll be ready for the coming invasion!"

xoxoAngiexoxo: Gets ready for her final training battle, stretching arms, rolling her shoulders. It’s almost time for the real thing! The attack from the Star Children comes quickly but no less intense. Angies shield takes the full Lighting bolt full on, energy crackling in the air around her and slightly singeing her hair. The electricity bleeds away and dissipates as angie gets ready to counter.

Summoning all her mental might, Angie concentrates and casts her Confusion spell! A wave of intense mental energy radiates out around her causing all the surrounding Star Children to become confused. All at once, they start blasting each other with lightning until a pile of smoking Star Children is all that is left, leaking bits of melted gold on the floor.

Madame Suliman hands Angie her full fledged Magician Certificate of Completion as she walks out of the ring.“Excellent job Angie! You are ready for the coming battle!” Angie pockets 550g before standing over by the wall to wait.

Damage Taken: 4
Damage Dealt: 5

Elirona: Steps into the ring, already surrounded by hunky buff demons. Clearly he has been practicing his spells in his free time in the dormitories. When the attack comes from the Star Children, Elirona barely needs to cast a shield spell as his entourage of demons takes care of most of the lightning!

Elirona doesn’t really need to cast his spell but for the sake of buff demons, he plies his skill anyways, summoning yet another buff demon to his aid! The surrounding demons tear into the Star Children, ripping and tearing. Little bits of gold and Star Children flying everywhere. When there is nothing left and the demons are all worked up and searching for more things to attack, a sudden poof of smoke envelops the ring obscuring Elirona and all his demons! When the smoke clears, Elirona and his buff demons are gone!

Madame Suliman puts Elirona’s Magician Certificate of Completion and 400g on the table with a sigh“He’ll have to come back eventually.” In the distance, the faint sound of a door slamming can be heard.

Damage Taken: 4
Damage Dealt: 7

dragoness129: steps into the ring at the ready. Having missed the previous day’s training, she want’s to make Madame Suliman proud! Limbering up her arms, dragoness gets ready for the attack! A sudden lightning bolt springs from a Star Child heading right for her! Dragoness casts her shield spell and brings it to bear in front of her. The Lightning bolt SLAMS into the shield and shatters it, frying dragoness with thousands of volts of electricity!

Dragoness is stunned, her hair sticking out straight, clothes smoking slightly. Trying to regain her composure a bit, dragoness readies her counterspell. Casting her fireball is difficult work after having just been blasted with electricity. It comes out as a small ball of flame that sluggishly strikes the Star Chile between the eyes doing a small amount of damage. Stiffly dragoness walks out of the ring of Star Children to the waiting Madame Suliman

Madame Suliman looks a bit mortified and rushes to dragoness giving her the Magician Certificate of Completion, “I’m so sorry! I forgot to reset the power of their spells down to the normal level! Are you alright?” Dragoness walks to wait over by the wall, still smoking but 350g richer.

Damage Taken: 8
Damage Dealt: 3

Damia Flagg: Steps up for her turn. It’s the last day of training and she’s gonna go out with a fiery bang! Damia gets ready for the comming attack and the Star Children waste no time in shooting a bolt of lightning at Damia. Casting her shield spell is effortless at this point and the shield takes the brunt of the attack. Damia plants herself for counter attack.

Summoning up as much hot and burning energy as she can, Damia yells, “Fireball!” And summons a grand ball of flame in her hands. Taking careful aim, she throws the ball at her opponents! Hitting the Star Child square in the chest, the fireball explodes with a deafening report and sends another Star Children sprawling to the floor. Drained but quite happy with her display, Damia exits the ring.

Madame Suliman hands her the Magician Certificate of Completion. “Excellent fireball Damia! A lovely explosion!”
Damia goes to wait with the others, pocketing 500g.

Damage Taken: 4
Damage Dealt: 6

salvete:’s turn comes and she jumps into the ring! It’s time to kick some Star Child ass! Assuming a defensive stance Salvete waits for the attack. A sudden blinding bolt of lightning streaks at her from a nearby Star Child. Almost casually, Salvete casts her shield spell and is buffeted by a tingly wave of electricity.

Readying for her counter attack, Salvete brings as much fiery energy to bear as she starts to cast her spell! “FIREBALL!” she yells, casting her attack at her opponents. Flinging both hands out, her spell releases a torrent of fire that consumes the Star Child in front of her. Sweeping her fire back and forth, other Star Children are caught up in the conflagration and consumed. Her fire dies out, leaving nothing but a burning pile of ash in it’s wake.

Madame Suliman stands waiting with her Magician Certificate of Completion “A brilliant display of destructive magic! Well done.” Salvete grabs a Crystal Mint Candy Stick as she walks on by the refreshments table and stands with the others.

Damage Taken: 4
Damage Dealt: 6

Shadami: Is ready to make her mark on the last day. Having worked hard all week, she’s ready to go out with a bang! Getting ready for the assault, She crouches at the ready in the circle of Star Children. “Bring it on!” Before she knows it, all the Star Children attack her at once! Shadami casts her shield spell quickly but is overwhelmed by all the lightning spells at once. Her shield spell shatters, thousands of volts of lightning coursing through her body. The lightning abates but Shadami is left stunned and shaking, wisps of smoke curling off her smouldering clothes.

Shaking off the attack, Shadami tries yet again to summon a demon. This time it’s gonna be the best demon ever! Shadami casts the difficult spell flawlessly! A giant winged dragon shaped demon appears in the ring with her. It’s so big that she quickly moves out of the way of it’s feet and wings. “ATTACK!” She yells, and the demon sweeps it’s great tail around in a circle, flinging the bodies of Star Children everywhere! Slamming into walls, they all slump to the floor completely defeated. Shadami jumps up and down and cheers at her own success!

Madame Suliman claps at the progress Shadami has made and presents her with her Magician Certificate. “That was perfect Shadami! Sorry about the attack… There was only supposed to be one spell cast...” Shadami takes a Cool Berry Candy Stick on her way to stand with the others.

Damage Taken: 8
Damage Dealt: 8

TaiyoTsuki: runs into the training chamber shouting, “Wait! Wait for me!” Stopping in front of Madame Suliman, she stops to catch her breath, panting hard. “I’m sorry… I’m late…! I was um.. Training with Howl! And we forgot what day the training started!” Madame Suliman allows Traio to enter the ring. Not really sure what to expect at all, she stands and waits for something to happen. A crackling sound pulls her attention to her left just in time to see a Star Child attack! A bolt of lightning streaks towards her but her reflexes are too honed to be caught unawares. Casting a shield spell, Taiyo bats aside the brunt of the attack, feeling the tingle from the passing Electricity.

Figuring it’s time for her own attack, Taiyo decides to cast a fireball at the training dummies. Summoning up her fiery energy, Taiyo lets loose with as much focus as she can pack into her spell and shouts, “FIREBALL!” A large ball of fire roars to life. Taking careful aim, Taiyo throws it off to the side, putting a little bit of a spin on the spell. Looking as though it’s going to miss and slide between two of the Star Children, it curves last second and instead catches up several of the Star Child before spending its energy consuming the last opponent. Little bits of gold shine through the piles of ash on the floor and Tiayo picks them up as she walks off.

Madame Suliman looks impressed and decides to pass her, handing out a Magician's Certificate. “Well for not showing up till the last day, I’m impressed with your skill! I’ll have to have a talk with Howl about waylaying my students...” Taiyo walks to stand with the others, pocketing 450g

Damage Taken: 4
Damage Dealt: 7

“Well done everyone! You are all full fledged Magicians now! I expect to see you at the festival of winter nights where we well all be battling the pumpkin golem menace! Dastardly to invade a winter holiday with Halloween creatures! Now go and rest up! I will be sure to summon you all when the time comes!.

Day 4X

DAY 4:

The Star Children attack!

The Star Children attack with Summon Beast!
Summons a beast to attack the target. Deals 6 Damage

Day 4 Results:

In the Training Chamber...
Madame Suliman Steps up in front of you all. "Day 4. Seems like it was just Day 3 not too long ago! Well we had some mishaps yesterday... BUT... I am confident today we'll see some real improvement! Now let's get started! Shadami! Show me what you've got!"

Shadami: Steps into the ring flexing her hands and cracking her knuckles. With a roll of her neck to loosen up, the Star Children attack! Summoning a small 4 legged beast, they send it to attack! Shadami quickly projects a shield spell as the demon slams into it dissipating into a cloud of noxious fumes.

Coughing and hacking Shadami cast her own spell! “This is how you summon *COUGH!* A demon!” she yells and makes the complicated movements to summon a demon. All the coughing causes her hands to shake and jiggle altering the spell every so slightly. A demon dog looking creature with spiky bone protrusions all over its’ spine and elbows appears. It’s not a perfectly powerful summoning but it will do! Shadami Sends it to attack the Star Child in front of her. With it’s powerful jaws, the demon rips the Star Child limb from limb, tossing the parts around like toys and scattering bits of gold over the floor. The dog poof out of existence and Shadami leaves the ring.

Madame Suliman gives Shadami a clap on the shoulder, “Well done Shadami. Even though you were somewhat incapacitated, you still managed an excellent demon!”
Shadami walks over to the waiting area pocketing the 250g from the bits of the Star Child.

Damage Taken: 3
Damage Dealt: 4

Elirona: prepared and readier than ever, struts into the training ring with a noticeable bounce to his step. His shield spell is at the ready and when the Star Child to his side summons a small feline type demon, he quickly knocks back the demon, receiving only slight scratches.

“You call that a demon?” Elirona scoffs. Raising his own hands he prepares to summon his own demon! Finishing the casting, A large, powerfully built demon appears at his side. It’s hair is long and shiny, chest and arms bulging with tightly corded muscles. One could say it was the most exquisite demon form they had ever seen. Elirona looks on with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. Turning towards the dormitories, Elirona exits the training ring at a run, kicking the Star Child in the shins on the way, dealing a measly 1 damage and dragging his demon along behind him.

“Elirona! Wait! Your training turn isn’t…!” Madam Suliman calls after him but he is too far gone to hear her. Madame Suliman places his 300g in prizes on the table for him to pick up later and just shakes her head.

Damage Taken: 3
Damage Dealt: 1

xoxoAngiexoxo: steps into the ring. She’s bound and determined to set a shining example today! The attack comes quickly from her left but Angie true to form, stops the brunt of the spells power before it gets near her. Planting her feet in a wide stance, Angie prepares to counter.

Gathering herself, Angie stops to concentrate before casting her spell. Wanting to do the most damage in the little training ring, She focused on the disbursement of the spell especially as she begins to cast it, changing it slightly as she does so. “Fireball!” She screams, crouching slightly as a roar of flame fills the air in the training chamber. All at once, a ring of fireballs expands from her center and careens towards the waiting Star Children. Striking all at once, a loud FOOM! Is heard as pieces of them are blown off and set afire. Quite happy with her performance, Angie steps out of the ring.

“Excellent spell controll Angie.” Madame Suliman compliments as Angie passes. On her way to wait with the others, she snatches a Halloween Candy Stick off the refreshments table.

Damage Taken: 3
Damage Dealt: 8

Damia Flagg: takes her turn next. Stepping into the ring, she feels prepared and ready! It’s no surprise when the Star Child attacks in front of her that she easily deflects it’s spell. Having practiced on her shield spell thoroughly over the last few days, it’s getting better and better.

“Time for me to do some damage!” Damia shouts at the Star Children. Casting her summoning spell, she goes through the complicated motions. At the finish, a small cute cat like demon appears at her side. It’s so adorable that Damia positively squeals with delight and completely forgets about the training exercise! She gets down on the ground and starts playing with the little furball when someone in the room accidentally knocks over a chair. The cute little demon kitting flings itself into the air, frightened by the sound and lands with claws outstretched onto the head of a Star Child dealing 2 damage. Damia retrieves the kittie and walks out of the ring.

“Ohh! Look at the cute little kitten!” Madame Suliman gushes and hands Damia a bag of coins for food and toys for the kitten. Damia goes to wait with the others, pocketing 500g.

Damage Taken: 3
Damage Dealt: 2

“Excellent everyone! I can see you have all been practicing! Well almost all of you... Is Elirona back yet? Honestly..."

Day 3X

DAY 3:

The Star Children attack!

The Star Children attack with Energy Wave!
Pummels the target with waves of pure energy. Deals 10 Damage

Day 3 Results:

In the Training Chamber...
Madame Suliman Steps up in front of you all. "Day 3 of training. I expect to see some hi level effort out there today! You should be getting ot the point where shielding is like second nature and your spells should be getting more powerful.

Everyone ready? Good. Angie, let’s start with you."

xoxoAngiexoxo: steps into the ring ready for another bout with the Star Children. To her right a Star Child casts Energy Wave so fast it almost catches her off guard! But Angie is skilled with her shield spell and quickly deflects the brunt of the attack.

Casting her own counter spell, Angie summons demon to aid her! A short, stocky gremlin looking creature appears by her side, pale green skin nearly translucent, eyes glowing purple, wisps of smoke rising from the corners of its mouth. Wicked fangs extend of out it’s closed mouth and sharp claws tip each of it’s 4 fingers. Angie looks on, an unhappy look on her face, but sends it to attack anyways. The little creature leaps at the Star Child and, with surprising ferocity, tears into the training dummies! Bits and pieces of Star Children go flying everywhere causing Angie to duck a particularly large hunk. After a short few moments, the creature comes back to her side having mostly obliterated the Star Children. A surprised Angie leaves the training ring

Madame Suliman waits for her by the refreshments table “Remember to never judge a book by it’s cover!” She says with a wink
Angie grabs a Toffee Candy Stick and her bonus 200g before standing over by the wall to wait.

Damage Taken: 5 (+5)
Damage Dealt: 8

Elirona: Jumps in to the ring and attacks right off! Quickly casting a summoning spell, a giant demon with dark red skin and rippling muscles appears wearing not a stitch! Elirona is about to send his demon off to attack the Star Children when an attack hits him out of nowhere! A Star Child attacked from behind, sending a packed wave of energy, hitting Elirona in the back like a ton of bricks. Elirona is flung forwards and is about to smack painfully into the cold hard floor when his buff demon catches him easily with one hand, setting him back up on his feet.

While Elirona regains his senses, the demon turns on the attacking Star Child, completely obliterating the Star Child and turning. A steaming pile of gold is all that is left. Instead of poofing out of existence, the demon returns to his summoner to help him out of the ring

Madame Suliman stares wide eyed and blushing at the prodigious demon helping Elirona out of the ring. “That’s one se.. Uh, big looking demon.” She comments, blushing some more. “Well done!”
Elirona walks off the training circle pocketing 600g and heads to the others. No one notices when he slips out the door to the dormitories, tall dark and buff demon in tow...

Damage Taken: 10
Damage Dealt: 8

Damia Flagg: Changes her tactics this time. It’s hard to watch all the Star Children around her at once so she uses her shielding talents to quickly erect a full body shield around herself as soon as she enters the ring. Her tactic pays off when, out of her sight, a Star Child attacks! The wave of energy slams into her with a WHOMP! But barely knocks her back step

Feeling slightly rushed to counter attack, Damia shouts, “FIREBALL” and quickly casts her fireball spell. A huge ball of fire erupts between her hands and she quickly throws it at the Star Children without taking the time to aim! Her fireball careens off the head of a Star Child doing only 4 damage, and streaks directly at Madam Suliman. Damia watches in wide eyed terror as the fireball heads right for her instructors face! Relief floods through her when the fireball stops in midair just before hitting Madame Suliman and pops and fizzles out of existence.

Madame Suliman taps her toe on the ground, arms crossed on her chest, “Well… I’m impressed. But… Please watch where you aim next time.” Damia sheepishly walks out of the circle, plucking a Dark Berry Candy stick off the refreshment table as she walks by and takes her extra pouch of 200g.

Damage Taken: 5
Damage Dealt: 4

Shadami: Steps wearily into the circle of Star Children, shield spell at the ready. The circling Star Children attack, blasting Shadami with a wave of pure energy! Shadami narrowly missing getting knocked off her feet, casting her shield spell just in time!

Countering, Shadami cast her own spell, summoning a great and powerful demon! Sharp pointing fangs, electric blue skin, bright big black eyes. It hovers in front of her on insect like wings and looks hungrily at the Star Children! Shadami looks at the demon and sighs loudly, a look of disappointment on her face. The demon is no bigger than a pixie. Resigned to it’s size, she orders it to attack! The pixie like demon zooms to the nearest Star Child and starts gnawing and clawing at its’ head! It’s highly ineffective though and soon poofs out of existence. Shadami makes her way off the training circle.

“You look like you need some rest and a visit to the potion master. Off you go!”
Shadami plucks a Toffee Candy stick from the refreshments table and grabs her bonus pouch of 200g on the way out of the training chamber.

Damage Taken: 5
Damage Dealt: 1

dragoness129: Steps into the ring, hands at the ready. As soon as she plants herself, she senses a Star Child attack! Whirling to her opponent, she quickly and efficiently casts her shield spell and diflects most of the damage from the energy wave.

Prepairing her own spell, dragoness decides to practice her newfound fire aptitude! Breathing deeply several times, dragoness shouts, “FIREBALL!” The sound of her voice is lost in the roar of the flames that leap from her open mouth. A steady torrent of fire incinerates the Star Children as she turns in a quick circle. When most of them are steaming piles on the floor, dragoness cuts off her flame and steps out of the ring looking pleased.

Madame Suliman stands waiting, her clothes smoking slightly. “Should I say I’m impressed? Or infuriated?” She says looking rather put out.
Dragoness cautiously skirts around Madame Sulimon, grabbing a Tropical Candy Stick and her bonus 200g before hightailing it out of the room.

Damage Taken: 5
Damage Dealt: 9

salvete: Steps into the ring, wobbling slightly. Trying to her best to stand up straight, she gets ready for the attack that is sure to come. The Star Child directly in front of her casts its spell! Salvete raises her hands and starts to produce her spell but she is far too slow and ends up getting a full blast of energy right to her middle.

Picking herself up from where she lays sprawled on the floor, Salvete gets ready to counter. “FIREBALL!” She shouts casting a rather large ball of fire and flinging it hard at the Star Child. The fireball misses completely, streaking towards the back wall of the chamber. It strikes a large tapestry, incinerating it and bounces back to to strike the Star Child in the back, turning it into a smouldering pile. Groaning and holding her head, Salvete steps out of the ring pocketing 350g.

Madame Suliman stands waiting with a stern look. “Lucky shot… I seem to remember saying ‘no partying’ at orientation...” Madame Suilman sends her away with a point and Salvete grabs her bonus 200g. Leaning against the wall for support, Salvete makes her way to the door.

Damage Taken: 10
Damage Dealt: 6

“Well done everyone! Get some rest and we’ll pick up tomorrow. I hope you feel better soon Shadami.

Day 2X

DAY 2:

The Star Children attack!

The Star Children attack with Fire Shower!
Blasts the target with a shower of fire. Deals 4 Damage

Day 2 Results:

The Next Day At Training...
Madame Suliman steps into the training chamber and walks up to you all gathered near the edge of the room. "I see you all arrived early. Good. Yesterday was a tough start! The Star Children used a rather brutal spell on you. Today’s spell isn’t so bad though! And if you’ve all been practicing your shield spells, you should have a better chance of blocking this time around. I’d like you all to up to 90% shield efficiency at least by the end of training! Now then. Let's begin! Salvete why don’t you start?"

salvete: Enters the ring of Star Children and plants herself for the oncoming attack, feeling confidant. The Star Child in front of her suddenly attacks! A mess of sparks flies into the sky and falls back down towards Salvete in a shower of fire. Moving quickly and with practiced moves, Salvet casts her shield spell just as the Fire Shower spell hits her, reducing its power by half and taking only 2 damage.

Salvete immediately counters with her own spell shouting “Fireball!” and sends a considerable fireball streaking off towards the Star Child, blasting it right though the middle! The Star Child burns up from the center out, dropping a small pile of ash and bit of gold dealing 7 damage. Salvete jumps up and down in excitement at her great training run.

Madame Suliman ends the exercise. “Well done Salvete. Looks like you’ve been practicing!”
Salvete walks off to wait against the wall, pocketing 150g.

Damage Taken: 2
Damage Dealt: 7

xoxoAngiexoxo: Steps up for her turn. Determined not to get knocked down this she checks the carpet for ripples quickly before turning her attention back to the Star Children. And just in time! A Star Child casts Fire Shower when she wasn’t paying attention! Seasoned already in the arts of the shield spell, Angie effortlessly blocks the attack taking only 2 damage.

Quickly countering Angie casts her own spell. “I can make fire too!” She shouts, casting Fireball at the Star Child. A medium ball of flame streaks off towards the the head of the star child, embedding itself in the head and knocking it clean off. Rolling in circles on the floor, it comes to rest at Angie’s feet, still glowing.

Madame Suliman steps up to the ring and stops the exercise. “Excellent reflexes Angie. Your fireballs could use a little more oomph though.”
Picking up the head as a souvignier, Angie joins Salvete at the side of the chamber.

Damage Taken: 2
Damage Dealt: 5

Elirona: enters the ring of Star Children more cautiously and alert this time. Wildly jumping into the ring turned out to be a bad idea last time. This time he was ready! A Star Child attacks with Fire Shower! Elirona turns and erects a shield spell just in time! The fire slams into the shield and dissipates dealing only 2 damage.

Undeterred by his previous performance, Elirona once again casts a Demon Summoning spell! “Be afraid!” He shouts as a large human sized demon appears in front of him with glowing red eyes and horns and well muscled with a faint layer of fur covering most of it’s body. Turning towards the Star Child, the demon raises it over his head and, muscles rippling under it’s fur, pulls the Star Child in half! Getting bored quickly, the demon throws the body to the floor dealing 5 damage. A bit of gold falls out of the torn body.

Madame Suliman steps up to the ring ending the training “Much better Elirona! That demon was much more formidable than the last! Perhaps now just work on keeping it focused.”
Elirona pockets 200g as he walks off towards the other students

Damage Taken: 2
Damage Dealt: 5

Shadami: steps up into the ring, determined to make her shield spell work this time! The Star Child in front of her wastes no time, casting it’s spell on her right away. A shower of fire falls towards Shadmi! Eyes wide with fear, Shadami struggles to finish her shield spell in time, accidentally forgetting a critical part and getting a faceful of fire. Dancing around the ring, Shadami tries to put out the fire in her hair.

“Now I’m mad! You stupid Star Child!” Anger bubbling up inside, Shadami puts all her energy into casting her summoning spell! A massive leather winged demon, all bone and sinew, appears in front of her, standing tall well above her head. Then the demon attacks, sweeping it’s long arm backwards so quickly Shadami doesn’t have time to duck. Hitting her squarely in the chest, Shadami skids to a stop well outside the circle of Star Children while her demon tears into the ring of them, sending bits of Star Children and gold flying everywhere.

Madame Suliman helps up Shadami and abates her spell with a snap of her fingers, “...” Madame Suliman just looks at Shadami and pats her on the shoulder sending her off to the others.
Shadami walks off the training circle, still smoking, and pockets 400g

Damage Taken: 4 (+5)
Damage Dealt: 9

Damia Flagg: Steps cautiously into the ring. Having missed the first day of training, She’s not quite sure what to expect. The Star Child to her right senses her hesitation and quickly attacks casting Fire Shower at her! Damia is caught completely by surprise and turns just in time to take the full brunt of the fire attack. “HOT HOT!” Damia cries as she tries to put herself out.

Finally batting out the last flame, Damia turns back to the Star Child yelling, “Jerk!” And casts her own spell, summoning a demon to attack it! A huge black demon wolf appears at her side, red tipped fur bristling. It charges the Star Child and tears into it’s throat dealing 5 damage. Bits of Star Child and gold litter the floor, the demon poofing out of existence.

Madame Suliman ends the exercise and gives a single clap. ”A nice display of demon summoning. Perhaps spend a little more time learning how to shield yourself though.”
Damia picks up the gold, pocketing 250g, and goes off to stand with the others.

Damage Taken: 4
Damage Dealt: 5

dragoness129: hops into the ring a the ready. “Bring it on!” She taunts the Star Children circling her. Behind her, a Star Child casts it’s spell. This time dragoness is ready! Whirling around, she quickly casts her spell, finishing just in time to deflect the brunt of the attack away, only taking 2 damage.

Planting her feet, dragoness breaths deeply, again and again, filling her lungs to bursting. Suddenly, eyes her eyes widen and she shouts, “FIREBALL!” transforming her lungful of air into a large fireball streaking off towards the Star Child. It strikes the Star Child and immediately melts it to the floor. Dragoness steps out of the circle, quite happy with her spell, smoke wisps escaping the corners of her mouth as she smiles

Madame Suliman ends the exercise. ”A ferocious attack! Well done!”
Dragoness walks back to the others, picking up a Tropical Berry Stick from the refreshment table as she goes.

Damage Taken: 2
Damage Dealt: 8

“Well done everyone! You all did a much better job today! Good job with the shield spells! I can’t wait to see how much you improve tomorrow!” Madame Suliman congratulates you all and sends you off to relax and rest.

Day 1 ResultsX

DAY 1:

The Star Children attack!

The 6-sided dice lands on 1

The Star Children attack with Energy Wave!
Pummels the target with waves of pure energy. Deals 10 Damage

Day 1 Results:

In the Training Chamber...
Madame Suliman Steps up in front of you all. "Welcome to training! We will test your reflexes and spell casting abilities today! Please step into the ring and show me what you've got. I'm not expecting too much today so don't worry if you end up making some mistakes. There's no laughing at people here. This is serious business!

Now then, Let's have our first student. Salvete, Please enter the ring and we'll begin the exercise."

salvete: Steps into the ring of Star Children first, not sure what to expect, the Star Children circling her. Getting into a ready stance, she watches them cautiously. Despite her readiness, Salvete misses the Star Child to her right that quickly casts Energy Wave. Salvete isn’t fast enough in casting her shield spell and it knocked over backwards, sprawling on the ground and taking 4 damage.

Getting up quickly, Salvet shouts “FIREBALL!” and casts her fireball spell at the star children. An underwhelming ball of flame springs to life between her hands and streaks off towards the Star Children, striking with a small “Poof…” and dealing 3 damage.

Madame Suliman ends the exercise. “Well done Salvete. A very good start indeed! You may want to work on being quicker with that shield spell though.”
Salvete walks off to wait against the wall, grabbing a Halloween Pumpkin and Booger Cookie to nibble on the way.

Damage Taken: 10
Damage Dealt: 3

Having watched Salvete’s performance, dragoness129: Enters the ring at the ready. Constantly turning, dragoness waits for the coming attack from the Star Children. Sensing something behind her dragoness begins to turn towards the attacking Star Children but it’s too fast for her. A dense wave of energy knocks into dragoness’ back and sends her sprawling face first onto the ground, dealing 4 damage.

Grunting from the fall, dragoness jumps up and faces her opponent. Concentrating hard on her spell, she shouts “Eat my fire!” And sends the small ball of flames streaking towards the attacking Star Child. The fire ball strikes it square in the chest with a muffled “POOF.” and deals 4 damage. The smoldering hole in the Star Child spits out a few pieces of gold.

Madame Suliman steps up to the ring and stops the exercise. “Good show dragoness. Work harder on being ready with that shield and you’ll do fine.”
Dragoness walks off to stand next to Salvete, pocketing the 500g that the Star Child dropped.

Damage Taken: 10
Damage Dealt: 4

Shadami: steps quickly into the ring feeling totally prepared after watching her fellow Magicians training runs. Shield spell at the ready Shadami waits for the attack to come, turning in slow circles. Catching movement just to her right, Shadami whirls to the attacker and quickly finishes the movements to cast her shield spell “HAH!” she cries in triumph. A moment later, a dazed Shadami finds herself sitting on the ground with a sore butt having taken 4 damage.

Dizzily she climbs to her feet, rounding on the offending Star Child and shouts “Taste my Demon!” as she casts the complicated demon summoning spell! A huge demon, all claws, spiky tail and leathery skin, pops into existence in the middle of the run circle she drew in the air. Immediately it tears into the Star Child dealing 9 damage! So ferocious is it’s attack that Shadami is caught off guard by its flailing tail and takes a faceful of painful but dull spikes taking 5 damage.

Madame Suliman quickly abates the demon spell and stops the exercise. “Well done Shadami. That was a powerful demon but you need to pay attention to the containment portion of that spell to keep yourself safe! And remember your shield spell…” Madame Suliman reminds Shadami of the proper movements before she walks off to stand with Salvete and dragoness, plucking a Dark Berry Candy stick off the refreshment table as she walks by.

Damage Taken: 10 (+5)
Damage Dealt: 9

Elirona:, super excited for his turn, jumps into the ring not at all paying attention to his surroundings. Almost Immediately he takes a massive wave of energy sending him flying. Coming to a painful rest after skidding across the floor for several feet and taking 4 damage, Elirona gets up and dusts himself off.

“That’s it!” He shouts at the Star Child he things attacked him, “No more playing nice!” With a great flourish, Elirona begins to cast his demon summoning spell. Whipping his hands through the air, he carves out the proper runes, paying close attention to the containment portion of the spell. “Demon! Attack!” He shouts as a ferocious demon is summoned though his spell portal. A foot tall ferocious demon with tiny little claws and high pitched growl. The demon rushes the Star child, kicking and clawing it’s shins before poofing out of existence and dealing only 1 damage but leaving a hunk of gold in it’s leaving.

Madame Suliman announces the end of the exercise, “You need to work on your situational awareness Elirona. However that was a wonderful show of a proper containment spell for a demon summoning. Perhaps next time chose a more powerful demon…”
Elirona walks off to stand with the others, pocketing 400 gold

Damage Taken: 10
Damage Dealt: 1

xoxoAngiexoxo: Steps cautiously into the ring of Star Children. By now having watched the previous Magician’s training before her, She is confident that she can counter whatever the Star children throw at her. Sensing the building energy, Angie turns to the Star Child just to her left and begins her shield spell. Finishing it just in time, the wave of energy cast by the star child crashes into it. The shield holds long enough to drain the power of the spell, the remaining half powered wave knocks into Angie like a hard shove. Stepping back to regain her balance, Angie’s heel catches on the carpet and she sits down hard on the unforgiving floor.

Back on her feet and gingerly rubbing her bruised posterior, Angie readies herself. “My turn!” She shouts as she casts her confusion spell. The spell races across the intervening distance, a glistening shimmer in the air, and hits the Star Child square in it’s featureless face. In it’s confusion, the Star Child casts a lightning spell on itself. A bright flash and a moment later, a smoking pile of gold lies where the Star Child used to be.

Madame Suliman ends the exercise. “Well done with your shield spell! First successful casting! Maybe work on where you put your feet next time” She says with a wink.
Angie joins her fellow magicians, pocketing 500g on the way.

Damage Taken: 5
Damage Dealt: 8

“Well done everyone! You all did an exemplary job today! I can’t wait to see how much you improve tomorrow!” Madame Suliman congratulates you all and sends you off to relax and rest.

Last edited by Calcifer; 11-03-2016 at 06:34 PM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 05:45 PM

Reserved 2

Last edited by Calcifer; 10-29-2016 at 05:47 PM..

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 05:51 PM

YAY! The event thread is up!!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 05:53 PM

So exciting!!!

Time to Train!
Shield! Don’t roll 2!: The 2-sided dice lands on 2
FIREBALL! The 10-sided dice lands on 3

Yumeh is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 05:56 PM

*wanders in starts bating at salvete's shiny bead strands*


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 05:58 PM

Kitty!!! *wiggles Salvete's bead strings around for Yumeh to play with*

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 05:58 PM

Hiya Calcifer!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 05:59 PM

oh it's Yumeh <3

*sits still doing my own thing to allow space for the bead-batting*

Yumeh is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:00 PM

*bats furiously at all of the shiny things*

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:00 PM

Hey Aya! Hey Salvete!

*pokes Yumeh's tail

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:02 PM

This is awesome!

Time to Train!
Shield! Don’t roll 2!: The 2-sided dice lands on 1
Attack!: FIREBALL! The 10-sided dice lands on 3

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:02 PM

hi Calcifer!


*shifts to avoid fire/sparks*

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:04 PM

*noms burger* omg this is so good! *shares some with Calcifer* Remember kids, eat before
you attach yourselves to your computer for an event. Your stomach will thank you! lol

Yumeh is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:06 PM

*howls as his tail gets singed and tries to run away but gets tangled up in the bead strands*

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:08 PM

Aw poor Yumeh!

*helps untangle the poor cat*

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:13 PM

*sparks and burger bits fly everywhere, laughing at Yumeh caught in the beads*

Yumeh is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:13 PM

*yowls and flails around helplessly clawing and biting at the chords in an attempt to free himself*

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:22 PM

Time to Train!
Shield! Don’t roll 2!: The 2-sided dice lands on 1
Attack!: SUMMON DEMON!The 10-sided dice lands on 6, Damage to Caster (don't roll 6) The 10-sided dice lands on 1

Been waiting for this to open <3 going for broke!! yay for the howl's moving castle thread <3

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 06:27 PM

Oh no! It said don't roll a 6!

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 07:01 PM

and don't roll a 2 >.> i failed.. horribly.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by Yumeh View Post
*yowls and flails around helplessly clawing and biting at the chords in an attempt to free himself*
*gently unties all the knots*

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 07:07 PM

Ahhh, hello event thread!


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