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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-13-2016, 02:17 AM

If Ellianya was beautiful it wasn’t something that concerned her. Nor did she care whether she was smart, sophisticated, or even well liked. For as long as she could remember these things did not concern her. Coincidentally, for as much as she didn’t care about these things, they did have a habit of following her around anyways. Ellianya was the angel of hope, and ask such a blessing from her meant hope for the future, something that many people wanted to take part of.

She was kind to those around her, offering them gentle smiles and kind words, but she was also quiet and kept mostly to herself. She did have one love however, and that was the looking fountain. The looking fountain was a tool that those angels who did not go to earth used to watch over and pray for the happiness of the humans on earth. Ellianya would spend hours a day watching the many people of earth going about their daily lives. Each life was a precious gift. It was them, the gems of earth, the precious gifts, that she gave her blessings of hope.

But she had a secret. As peaceful as the heavens were, they were dull to her. She longed for nothing more than to walk among the people of earth, to touch them, and feel them for herself. It had been her wish since the time she was a young child. Unfortunately, only those on the elite squad of angels known as the Earth Walkers, could leave the gates of heaven. She wished to be able to be an earth walker someday, but for the tiny little angel of hope, she didn’t think that likely.

That was until it happened. Alias, one of the Earth Walkers, fell ill, leaving one of his jobs unfinished. She knew she was likely to get turned down, but she decided to go before the king of the heavens anyway. So it was that she was found that day, knelt on one knee before the king of the heavens, pleading with him to let her have a chance to go down to earth. She knew it was hopeless, but her heart told her she had to try.

Her head was bowed as she spoke, tears of both fear and anxiety were welled up behind her blue colored eyes. “Please your highness, I have never asked for anything. Anything at all, and I will never ask for anything again but please let me go on this job.”

The King, a strong willed divine being the rest of the world only knew as god looked down at her with an unreadable expression in his eyes. It wasn’t unfriendly or angry, but she couldn’t tell if there was kindness behind those eyes either. If truth be told, the king of the heavens knew everything, saw everything, and knew all that was to come. He had known for a very long time that she would come to him like this, and that she would want to go to Earth. The other angels didn’t know, but he knew, like he knew everything.

He also knew that when she went to earth, the probability of her ever returning to the heavens was slim. He foresaw that a long time ago. Now it was up to him to determine what the best possible path in life was for her. Was she better off here in the heavens, where life would be peaceful for her, and she would have everything she could ever need, but be always sadly looking down at a world that drew her in, a world that she loved so dearly?

Or did he let her go, where she would surely face hardships, have to fight for everything she had, and never again know the peace that was the heavens, but know true happiness all the same. He was torn as he looked down upon her, with kind eyes, and a gentle heart. She was such a fragile being, and Earth would not be kind to her. Still, he had always known this day would come, and that when it did he would have to let her go, “Are you prepared for the consequences of going to earth?”

she asked curiously, for never in her life did the pure being have to deal with the consequences of anything. “What are the consequences of going to earth?”

“On earth one must take responsibility for any actions they might take, do not forget that dearest Ellie.”

“Does that mean!?”

“Yes, you may go to earth to observe your fellow man, and report whether they are kind and good, or evil and scorned. Your reports will allow us to know the next actions to take”

“Thank You Mi’Lord”

“Close your eyes Ellie”

“Yes, Mi’Lord” Ellie did as she was told, and she felt a bright light and a gentle warmth. She didn’t open them again until the warmth went away, and for a brief moment she did not open her eyes. It was only when a man bumped into her and yelled, “Hey WATCH IT, Lady” that she opened her eyes to the sight of earth before her. The man, not giving her a second glance walked away muttering to himself.

She looked down at her clothing, and noticed that she was wearing rags of clothing, the king must have changed them when he sent her down to earth. She looked up at the sky and whispered, “Thank You”

FlowrFlavoredJellybeans is offline
Old 01-13-2016, 03:14 AM


To say that Erik Adams was having a bad day would be a grave understatement. In all of his twenty-nine years of life he could not recall a single day that reached this level of horrible. The young software designer had spent the good part of the day in a long grueling, but thank god final, meeting with his lawyer, now ex wife and her own attorney.

She had gotten less then what she wanted but he had wanted a faithful wife and a family with the blond heiress so he figured they both broke even on the scale of satisfaction.

For a man that had made a living creating technology to do what he wanted he was unsurprisingly not good with dealing with failure. Not that it was his fault his marriage of two years fell apart. If asked his friends would say they kind of felt that something was off with her. His employees didn't say much but a mumbled sorry and averted eyes. His best friend on the other hand would laugh and say she was even surprised the marriage lasted as long as it did. Kat had never liked Veronica.

Of course the other woman in his life- Kat would get a kick out of being called the other woman- hadn't helped with his mood. After the final hearing before the ink was even dried his business partner was calling demanding he get back to the office and stop her from killing one of the heads of their off shores building for being in her words " a flaming bag of douches." When told to deal with it her self he was taking a personal day he had gotten called a girl for all of his want to mourn the loss of his marriage. The comforting short she was not.

It had been a long horrible day that had found him walking the streets circling around the same block trying to work up the energy to get into his car and go home. Alone.

Every time the word crossed his mind a bubble of rage would form in the pit of his stomach. Traveling upward, clenching teeth and curling fingers into a fist. Maybe walking around in public wanted the best option for him right now.

"Go home Erik. Not like you can avoid it forever." Running a hand through his dark hair and loosening his tie the now bachelor gave in to his own words. Finishing up his lap around the tall glass building and heading for the parking garage. He’d see how many traffic laws he could break on the way out of the city.

The answer was three and a half but since he hadn’t gotten pulled over he counted it as zero.

He lived just outside the city in a house that he had picked out for a woman he thought would be his true love. A castle for their happy ever after. It was slightly smaller then the home she had grown up in - leagues above the two bedroom his parents had bought when he was a child- but it was private. A quick drive into the city but none of the neighbors and apartment like penthouses. It had three floors and a backyard that he had planned to build tree houses in.

Now it was quiet and empty.

Three hours and a half bottle of scotch later the house was full of noise. Mostly the music that Veronica hated and in one room ( he had forgotten which) on a flat screen played the home screen of their wedding DvD. He had watched it two times before flinging the contents of a glass at the screen and going off to blare music to cover up the sound of the band Veronica just had to have.

It was safe to say that Erik Adams was working his way through his fist night as a free name. It was also safe to say he wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone often human like variety. Which was evident when his phone rang and with out looking at caller id he told the person on the other line where they could go.

On an unrelated not his father planned to call the next day as soon as the sun came up.

( Figured I'd leave him home and angry. Perfect for insulting Angel's disguised as homeless old beggars.)

Last edited by FlowrFlavoredJellybeans; 01-13-2016 at 03:38 AM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-17-2016, 07:24 PM

((Work has been hell these past few days, working on a response now ^.^))

Earth, she was finally on earth, the place she had longed to be since before she could remember. This place meant more to her than any of the other angels, the other celestial beings. To them it was a job, but not to her, for her, the angel of hope, she wanted desperately to give them hope and never gave up hoping for peace for them. Finally she could grant them hope through more than the wishing fountain, more than from a distance. She could actually meet them, interact with them, read the thoughts in their hearts, and act accordingly.

For a long while after she first landed she simply walked around, taking in her surroundings. She watched them, as she passed them, many people going about their everyday lives. She stood for a while in front of a flower shop watching a young girl watering the flowers, a sort of gentility on her face as she did so. That girl was lovingly caring for flowers, life forms less than her, she had goodness in her heart. She had decided to give the girl her blessing, blessing of hope. She said a silent prayer, “May the blessings of hope live in your pure heart and pure mind” As she said so, a gentle sparkle, unseen by the average human eye, fell upon the girl and she smiled.

She went about her day like this, observing people, finding goodness in them, and offering her blessings. A single mother simply trying to raise a baby on her own, a man serving at a coffee shop who keeps his customers interests at best heart, and eventually a couple who looked so blissfully in love. Yes she had taken time to observe each of them, and deemed that each one had a beautiful heart and soul. It wasn’t until it started to grow dark that she realized her first day in the human realm was coming to an end. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she looked up at the sky. The sun was about to set. This was the part she was least looking forward to. Night was when the realm of the demons was stronger than the realm of the angels.

Still, she didn’t think they would have the gall to attack her outright, and so she wasn’t too frightened. She continued to walk around town. At some point she stopped in front of a large store window display. It wasn’t the display itself, which was a collection of woman’s clothing that had caught her eye, but rather her reflection in the mirror. When she had first come down to earth she had noticed the shabby tattered appearance of her clothing, but she hadn’t noticed the rest of her appearance. The king of the heavens had changed her completely. She had the appearance of age, old and ragged, with her hair messy and also dirty. She looked the perfect picture of someone with no home, no money, and hardly a thing to eat.

It was then that she understood. She hadn’t been intended to simply watch them from a distance, she had been given the power to interact with them. A person’s actions when dealing with those below them was what showed the true strength of heart. She knew that, and now she understood how to proceed. Yet it was late, and she would start her true job on the morrow. For tonight she would simply try and locate a place with which to sleep. It was this in her mind as she walked around the dark neighborhood.

At one point she took a wrong turn and found herself walking down a dark alley, and of course a dead end. She was a bit miffed with herself and muttered something under her breath. She always had been good at getting herself lost. Even in the heavens, where things were known and familiar to her, she had always managed to find a way of getting herself hopelessly lost. She stood there for a moment absent mindedly wondering what to do. Just as she was about to turn around and find another way she heard it.

Footsteps. The moon was high in the sky, meaning she was out of her jurisdiction. It was the demons time to be in full swing. The hairs on her arm stood on end and her heart was pounding deep in her chest. Did they know? Had they come to get her while her powers were at their weakest? She took three solid deep calming breaths of air. After counting her options quickly in her head she figured she had two options, 1) try to run past the attacker or 2) stay put and attempt to attack the attacker with her holy power.

She knew she didn’t have time to dawdle as she felt the footsteps grow nearer to her. She readied a spell in her hands. She was not an angel of war. Her attack powers were therefore far less defined then those of a true Angel of War. She did know a spell or two however. After a moment she turned quickly, shot a soft holy blast at “attacker” and then bolted for her life. She had no idea that the person she just attacked was just an innocent by passer who merely wanted to see if she was ok. Lucky for her, the attack was gentle, as gentle as her personality, and the person was only knocked out by a bright light. They would come to in the morning, or sooner, with a wicked headache but nothing more.

She kept running, as fast as she could, which being an angel was pretty damn fast. Eventually she found herself in front of a house, no more like a mansion, and she stopped. She supposed she was far enough away now that the demon wouldn’t find her. It was suddenly impressed upon her just how incredibly tired she was. She looked up at the night sky, the stars shining brightly down on her. After a moment she smiled. It was here that she decided to curl up under one of the trees, and eventually fell asleep.

Cora is also buying art, Please PM me!

Last edited by Cora; 01-17-2016 at 09:11 PM..

FlowrFlavoredJellybeans is offline
Old 01-23-2016, 06:45 PM

The bottle of scotch had been finished an hour ago. The empty bottle lying somewhere on the floor mixed with torn photos, one broken vase- a wedding gift from from his ex mother in law- that had been the victim of a shoe being thrown against the wall.

At the moment he had opened another bottle and was watching, once again, his wedding video. Not that he was really watching it. It played as background as he drank straight from his bottle and stared at the ceiling. It was a nice ceiling, good crown molding. Gray blue eyes trailed along the joint where ceiling met wall.

At some point in the night Erik had cleared out a good chuck of his liquor cabinet. The smiling face of his ex taunted him from the flat screen. She had spent ta year planning that wedding so that every thing was perfect. " It's our big day." She had looked beautiful that day. But she had looked beautiful everyday and wasn't that just great. So he took another long swig from his bottle and cursed the freeze framed woman. He wasn't a violent man by nature in fact he was generally a pacifistic man but the combination of anger and alcohol drove his fist into television screen.
" Fuck." The pain was instant and crawled up up his arm as tiny bits of glass embedded it's self in his hand.

The pain sobered him up. Not by much of course but enough that he was able to recognize the soft dinging as not the music that was still playing from the kitchen but he own security system warning that someone had entered the property.

Pulling his hand out of the screen Erik stared at the damaged. In his drunken haze he couldn't quite comprehend the extent of the damage. The sound of his alarm system was getting louder and soon it would actually alert the authorities Which would be a great way to top off a great day.

With his luck it was Veronica was back.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-24-2016, 08:39 PM

Ellie curled up under a tree. Nature was calming, soothing, and generally mostly quiet, especially at night. She was staring up into the branches of the tree thinking over the events of the day, and the good she had done. The incident with the demon had scared her sure, but the truth was she was incredibly happy. She was, after all, finally on earth where she belonged. It was with those thoughts that her eyes became heavy and started to close.

And then it happened. One moment she was falling asleep, the next moment she was being awoken by an awful racket of a sound. It was loud and wailing, and it made her eardrums throb. What was that awful sound? Was it out to attack her? Once more fear built in the pit of her stomach as she thought about the sound and what it could mean. Was it the demon? Did he catch up to her?

Her heart was racing so fast and she was having trouble deciding her best course of action. Her legs were tired from the last time she had fled, she hadn’t expected it, but earth air wore her down. Normally no amount of physical activity could make her tired, nor did she need sleep. But this, this was different. She was tired, a feeling she wasn’t used to. Her limbs were tired. She knew she couldn’t run from the predator. She also knew that if the demon had escaped her last attack she was going to be unable to fight.

Frantically she looked around her as if hoping to find the answer. She saw a house up the hill a little bit, the house probably belonged to the property she had been snoozing on just moments ago. In her mind she knew she needed to make it to that house, if she could then she would be fine, her thoughts assured her of this. She had to have energy to run that far.

She ran from the sound that was following her, her heart racing in her chest. As she reached the front door she pounded her small fist against the cool wooden door and cried out, “Please someone, anyone HELP ME!”


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