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Roachi is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 06:44 AM

Yeah sounds like it lol. I'll keep an eye out here if i ever see it.

And grats Peanut :)

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Rylynne is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 02:23 PM

Okay then~ Tell me about it if you do find it there and your mom possibly starts using it. :'D <3<3

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 02:27 PM

Congrats Lynnie and Peanut <3

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Rylynne is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 02:34 PM

Thankies very much, Emmie~! :'D <3<3

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 02:36 PM

Make sure your next one is when I have monies :P <333

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Rylynne is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 02:44 PM

Lulz, I shall try...? xDD;;
I may open one soon enough, depending on when Peanut gets in contact with me again. And it's also dependent on what my summer schedule will be. :3

I'm thinking about holding my next auction sometime in May or June though, if that counts. XP <3<3
Depends on when Phoenix Jubilee will be. xDD;;

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 02:54 PM

Is there to be a Phoenix Jubilee this year?
There wasn't last year~
I take it it's an every other year event?
-wasn't aware-
I thought it was just once in awhile hahaha

Hmmmm - I might be able to do June - I dunno hahaha
Probably not xD;
Depends on how much I still owe Roachi, if anything, and how much I can scrape up :3

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Rylynne is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 02:58 PM

Supposedly so, according to Jelly~ :3 Since she said that there won't be event commons or an all-out event this Easter due to the fact that Valentines' Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Easter were all too close to one another and thus the staff and pixelists (who right now are short-handed, I believe) couldn't prepare for all of them properly. ^^

I think that was the situation in 2008 as well? :3 Which was when the first Phoenix Jubilee occurred. Although, I wasn't around yet when that happened, so I'm not 100% sure on that. xDD;;

And hmm, the safest for me is mid-May till early June, cause my junior year starts at mid-June. XP
We'll see though, we'll see... xDD;; <3<3

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 03:14 PM

Ooooh - gotcha - that makes sense :3

I came in at the end of the Phoenix Jubilee so I honestly don't know either hahaha

That's okies lovie!
I can always try for the one after :3

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Roachi View Post
Yeah! I hope it lasts is all ><
Yeah, me too
That would be awesome

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Rylynne is offline
Old 03-30-2010, 11:36 AM

@ Emmie : We shall know soon enough anyway. xDD;; And okies then, if you say so~ The fact you even want my art makes me feel so honored and happy though. :x <3<3

Anyhows, I have yet to officially start on Peanut's art, but I know who to draw now~ Hopefully by next week I shall know! :'D <3<3

do you believe?
Arikana is offline
Old 03-30-2010, 10:30 PM

So, RyRyRy.. when's the next auction going to be? o:

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Suona is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 04:50 AM

Ooh. Have fun with it, Ry. :]

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Rylynne is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 07:53 AM

@ Aririri : Definitely after the Easter event. XP I was telling Emmie that I was thinking about mid-May. ^^ It all depends on my schedule~ :'D <3<3 Why do you ask? ^^

@ Su : Thank you~! I shall! I probably will start sketching after I finish replying to my Mene threads. :3 <3<3 So I can bring the scanned lines to the mountains and I shall color it there. ^^

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Arikana is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 02:58 AM

Just curious, that and I want your arts. :drool:

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Rylynne is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 03:36 AM

That's sweet of you to say then~ :3 <3<3

Yeah, mid-May sounds about right. Maybe even earlier, like the end of April or early May if my schedule frees up more and if I feel like it. xDD;; I also don't want to do auctions near event time, since I get less bidders. >.>;; Lulz~ 8DD;; <3<3

do you believe?
Arikana is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 03:43 AM

I think I should just kidnap you and take your CS3 as well, and only let you return home in return for some art. : P

Just cause I'm too lazy to wait till May.. but I have a feeling that time will be flying by these next few months.. x.x;


And I like the way your current avatar is looking, RyRyRy! <3

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Rylynne is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 08:35 AM

Lulz, Ari, is that a threat? xDDD;; <3<3

And why do you say that? =O

Also, which avatar were you talking about? o_o;; Haha, I'm so late. xDD;; But thank you all the same though! ^^ <3<3
You're looking spiffy yourself, btw. >;P

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 06:24 PM

You're looking rather intruiging right now, Ry.


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