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We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
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Old 03-09-2010, 05:29 AM

Character Biography

Character Name:
Azrael Lucifer Cross
Behind the Name:
His mother named him Azrael Lucifer for two reasons. Azrael was chosen because shortly after giving birth she died. Lucifer was chosen because when born, the morning star (the planet Venus) was clearly visible in the parting clouds. (In case you don't know, Azrael is the name of the Angel of Death, and Lucifer actually means Light-Bearer. The word Lucifer was a term that was used in correspondence to the Planet Venus.
About 21
In general, he is very clean. Always clean shaven, and his clothing is always neatly pressed. He has shaggy shoulder length black hair, and dark green eyes. Attire wise, he is always dressed to his best, usually wearing a cape that drags on the ground as he walks.
He stands at 6'0.
Roughly 200lbs, but he is mostly muscle.
Visible Scarring:
On his chest only. He has a set of claw like scars that drag from his right shoulder down.
Coming from a rich family, he never knew his Mother. His father remarried shorlty after his second birthday, but he never like his step Mother. He has a younger Step Brother named Samael Thanatos and a 3 year old step Sister named Kyrie.
As a child, Azrael spent most of his time at home, staying his his bed room. Although he had an entire court yard to play in, he refused to go outside (suffers from agoraphobia; open spaces). Most of all, he is terrified or the dark. It was not until his 14 birthday, when his house caught fire, did he venture outside. It was a full moon that night, and proved to be a most fateful night.
Ever since then, on every full moon, he because a beast; a creature of the night, and that which he fears most.

Town Biography

Town Name:

The town of Cambyses was named after The Army of Cambyses, an army of 50,00 men that was sent out by King Cambyses in order to threaten The Oracle of Amun. According the legend, the Army was over taken by a sand storm and was never seen again.
The reason that this town was named after this army is because every few years, several people will go out into a storm and will never return. The ones who go out usually will claim that the voices of 50,00 men are crying to them, and that they are to follow. This strange series of events have plagued the town ever since it was founded nearly 300 years ago.

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Old 03-09-2010, 06:19 AM

Name: Noelene Oray Rose
Nickname: Noel

Sex: Female
Age 22
Born in the village of Pryley
Eye color: Brown/green
Hair color and style: Dark Brown long down to midback, usually tied up with a red ribbon
Height: 4' 11"
Weight: 140lbs
Complexion: Golden tan skin
Scars: on her upper right theigh from birth.


Noel was born and raise in the village of Pryley, her mother died from child birth. It was just her and her father, they lived on the edge of the village towards the woods, because her father enjoy nature and embraced its beauty. From a young age Noel was taught how to survive off the land by using what the gods had provided for everyone to use. Her father was kind but at times didn't allow Noel to wander off by her self. When Noel would protest, her father would state that he just wants to keep her safe. Noel never truly understood it but as she grew older at times she would sneak off and walk around the woods to a secluded creek where no one knew about. There she would relax, sing to nature and draw. Drawing was one hobby she had to escape the world around her, she enjoyed capturing the wildlife the most. By the time she was 22, she was getting restless because frankly the local boys were like brothers to her and she had no interest to accept their advances. One night, she snuck out, kissing her father good bye while he slept and took all that she could carry with her. She headed first towards her spot she knew very well the creek to go pray before she journeyed on. The moon was full in the sky on the night she left, she headed south and never looked back.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:41 AM

Azrael sat uncomfortably in his seat. It was still day time, but he knew what was coming later that day. It was going to be a full moon that night. He knew sooner or later he would have to retreat back to his mansion, but something inside him told him to stay for a bit longer. It was nearly unheard of for Azrael to venture this far from the mansion, let alone for him to sit down in the local tavern, yet there he was. He sat alone in a dark corner of the tavern, keeping to himself, with the hood of his cape kept over his head.

Slowly the waitress went over to his table. He voice had an almost frightened tone behind it, and with good reason. There was rumours about this man that floated all over the town. People said that Azrael's mother was a jackal, and that he was tainted by the beast. When he was young, he had remained in his room, fearing the openness of the outside wrold, and that had only fueled the townsfolk's rumours. "Can I get you anything, my lord?" The girl was young, with bright red hair and freckles. Azrael looked up and could see the blood coursing through her veins, and the sweat begin to form as she become more and more frightened.

"A pint of ale, is you would please..." His voice was deep, but it was void of emotion. While she quickly walked away, Azrael felt as his senses started to become more keen. It unnerved him greatly, until he smelt the pressence of someone knew in the town.

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Old 03-09-2010, 10:07 AM

Noel walked out of the forest, seeing a head a town finally. She exclaimed softly to her self "Finally. I thought I was lost there for a while." Her right foot tingling a bit because early that day she had to retreat from foxes who were defending their den from her, even though she was only drawing them, but she understood that she wasn't wanted by them. Heads towards the entrance of the town, was greeted by a very tall man who was dressed all in armor that was brighter than the sun."Hello there miss. Are you a traveler? Need any assistance?" The man stated. Noel a bit startled by the man, also was lost in thought about what had brought her here. "Yes I am, I was just wondering where the local tavern was." The man pointed in the direction of the tavern. Noel bowed her head in thanks at the man and headed in the directions.

As Noel made her way into town further she noted the different faces, and it had been came quite clear she is no longer in a place she knew well and could predict. The feeling of the uncertain made her more at ease. It has been something she has wanted ever since she remember. At this time she walked in to the tavern and finds a seat close to the door. A young lady came to Noel's table and asked "Miss, did you want anything" Noel ponders for a bit and she orders a meal and a glass of water. The waitress nods and takes Noel's order, after sometime she appears again with the order. Noel pays the waitress for the meal and says "Thank you." to her.
Noel smiles at her simple meal as she begins to devour it, not rudely of course but still hastily. After completing her meal she places the dishes aside and pulls out her sketch book, begin to draw in it and editing some of her previous drawings as well.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:22 AM

Azrael watched at the girl walked in. A traveler, in this town; what misfortune had brought her here. Pulling his hood further down, he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. From where he was sitting, he could hear her order as if she was yelling it. He felt the same aching pain that he had become accustomed to since he was fourteen. It would soon be time for him to leave and retreat back to the confines of his home, but for the moment, he was enjoying watching this girl. She ate well enough, and from the looks of it, it had been a while since she had done so.

It was only when she pulled out a sketch book did he realize that if he did not leave now, he would risk being drawn to her. He finished his drink, then quickly got up and left a handful of coins on the table. He knew that he have over paid, but it did not matter. The girls scent had filled his nose and had becoming suffocating. He walked quickly out of the tavern, then moved down to were his horse was saddled. Mounting it quickly, he grabbed the reigns. The horse reared. He could tell the horse was spooked; she was normally well tempered, but when the beast in him began to shine, she became mean and cruel. He soothed the horse, petting her neck, and when she was calm enough, he rode off quickly.

The sun was setting by the time he arrived home. He dismounted, handing the reigns to one of his servants, then ran into the house. His Stepmother was there, yelling at him for staying out. He walked right by her, stumbling into the wall. He covered his eyes, feeling as the moon began to rise. He ran quickly up to his room, but before he could like the doors and windows, the moon had began to shine from the horizon. Collapsing, he half yelled half howled in pain as the transformation began. Shortly after it was started, he had jumped from his window and was running down into the forest.

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Old 03-09-2010, 10:44 AM

While Noel was drawing her eyes darted up a the cloaked man who had abruptly left , she head tilted as she watched him leave. Her curiosity was peeked, as she flipped to a blank page as she began to draw, even though she just caught a glimpse she just made a quick drawing of a general cloaked man. A smirk crossed her face as she finished the drawing a man in a cloak in the lower left hand side. Then dividing the page and on the right hand side she draws her creek, with her sitting on the ground.
Noel did miss home and her spot in the forest. Though she knew that coming here was for the better, she never was going to be happy at her village. She thought of her father, a small tear falls down her cheek. After some time the waitress had came to Noel again and stated, "Miss, we are closing up for the night. Did you need a room for the night. Rooms are 2g" A worry came over Noel's mind.Great I forgot about where I am going to stay. I don't have enough. Darn Noel turned to the waitress and smiled calmly "No I'm fine, sorry to bother you. I have over stay my welcome tonight." Noel packed up her book and headed a bit out of the town to the only place she feels comfortable staying the night alone in the open... the forest.

By this time it had became dark, she stared up at the sky from her previous spot she had claimed as her camp in the woods. The moon was beautiful, she smiled as she laid by the fire, resting a hand on her pack. Listened to the crackle of the fire and the music that the forest was making.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:55 AM

Azrael growled as his transformation finished in the woods. He looked around, watching as the moon rose. Letting out a gut wrenching howl, he ran through the woods. He had picked up a scent; one that had recently become familiar to him. His instinct was to hunt, and to kill, and was he ever hungry. He was about to reach was looked like a camp, when he heard voices coming. He stopped, staying hidden and watching his prey. He then left, and followed the voices.

It was an unfortunate group of males who he came across. They held onto the swords for dear life, but none of them were fast enough to take the werewolf out. One did manage to get away, running straight into the camp were the girl was. He ran screaming for his life. The werewolf followed him and took him out quickly. It was only then that he realized were he was.

He could see the girl. He turned, standing up on his hind legs. Slowly he walked over to the girl. Blood dripped from his muzzle. He fangs were stained red, as were the claws that protruded from his black fur. His eyes glowed in the fire light. He could hear her breathing, and feel her pulse in the ground around him. He was going to attack her, but something held him back. Instead, he remained there, waiting to see what she would do.

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Old 03-09-2010, 11:50 AM

Noel eyes widen when she heard the growl of a wolf in a distant she sits up in-front of the fire. The warmth calming her nerves a bit until she heard the screams nearby of people. She clutched her book close to her chest as she counties to watch the darkness. After a bit she is horrified by a man running towards her camp and seeing a black figure, that looked like a wolf.
She was amazed when it stood up on its hind legs, just a man would. Her heart was literately jumping out side of her chest. Her arms tightly clutching her book, turning white from the pressure, her legs shaking from the excitement/fear of the events.

No words came to her lips,she began to memorizing the form of the beast in front of her, her eyes intently gazing into dark green eyes of the beast.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
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Old 03-09-2010, 12:07 PM

The werewolf growled, baring his fangs. It was at this moment that is feel black around him. He fell to his knees, gripping at his skin. The moon had become hidden in a thick black cloud, and because of that, the man slowly started to transform back to normal. The fur shed from his body, his bone structure cracking and breaking back into a human form. It was agony. and he both cried and howled in pain.

When all was sad and done, a man laid down unconscious in the dirt. His body was stretched by pain and agony, and had forced him into a sleep. He did not remain so for long however. Quickly he began to stir, getting up. It was then that he realized where he was and what had happened. He looked up at the girl. He could see the fear in her eyes.

"Run... please... Run..."

He himself got up and began to run, but it was not long before the cloud moved away and the moon shone down, revealing the monster that he truly was. Shortly after, he was running on all fours back to the camp and towards the girl

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Old 03-09-2010, 12:22 PM

Noel watched in awe when the werewolf became a man, her heart ached a bit. He looked like he was in so much pain. When was laying in front of her she wanted to comfort him, as she inched closer to him. She jumped a bit when he stirred and awaken. The as fast as he came to her camp he was gone.

Noel quickly put out her fire and grabbed her pack, She headed deeper into the forest to find a new camp. With the image of the man/wolf in the front of her mind. She hastily made her way deeper into the forest, her foot in pain but she ignores it.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
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Old 03-09-2010, 12:40 PM

The wolf chased her scent/ She was on the move. This would be a hunt the beast would enjoy. He ran after her. The freedom of running thrilled her, and the excitement of hunting made him feel all the better. He was getting close to her. He could hear her heart racing as he closed the gap. He stopped, and looked up at the moon. He stood up on his hind legs and let out a cry that would wake even the heaviest of sleepers. Shortly after, he raced once again, preparing to claim his prey.

He could see the girl. Leaping into the air, he hit her with a great force. Out of some twisted form of fate, when he hit her, he had already turned back to human. The moon was hidden now, as the sky became completely covered with thick gray clouds. He looked at her, his eyes dazed. He was laying on top of her, trying his best to keep most of his weight off of her.

Panting, he was barely able to speak. "Are.. you... alright?" He looked down at her. His gaze was intent, but it was weak. His body was shaking, and could barely manage to keep himself conscious.

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Old 03-09-2010, 01:10 PM

Noel with her breath heavy, began to hear the wolf howl loudly. All of a sudden she realized she was on the ground. Pain across her body, but nothing she couldn't deal with. When she turn around she felt a weight on her, looking down she saw the man again who was the wolf. When he asked her if she was as alright, she softly whispered "Yes, but are you?" Within an instant she cradled him in her arms and giving him her water skin,placing it in his hands. "Here drink some water." Her eyes softening, looking upon him.
The wind blowing across the trees, she awaited to see if he would respond.
Her heart still pounding in her chest from running, her body becoming a bit more numb to the pain. Though as she gazed at the strange man in her arms she could tell his pain was much worse.

Last edited by NoeleneRose2; 03-10-2010 at 12:48 AM..

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 03-10-2010, 01:39 AM

Being moved sent a shock wave of pain through his body, but at the same time, it was nice. It was warm in her arms, and he was so cold from his transformation. He held the water sack to his lips, but was mostly unable to drink from it. Closing the sack, he let it fall from his hands onto the ground. He coughed and looked up at her. He hated that he was so weak in this moment. Carefully, he sat up, rubbing his head. He was lucky. This time in his transformation, he had managed to keep part of his pants on, although they were badly shredded.

Standing up, he stumbled for a moment, then looked back at the girl. "I am sorry you had to get involved in this, and I hate to do this, but, I need to ask you to come back with me. If people found out about this..." He rubbed his head. He hated this situation, but he wasn't going to have the girl killed. That's what normally happened to people who found out; they were shortly after wards hunted down and disposed of. He held his hand down to her, looking at her with a small smile across his lips. It was the least he could do for her, since none of this was even remotely her fault.

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Old 03-10-2010, 03:07 AM

Noel watched him as he drank, in her mind was saying ' Your nuts.' Though she knew he truely ment her no harm. Though her heart did sink when he stood up at extend his hand to her, and told she needed to come with him. Part of her wanted to object but she really didn't want to spend another night in the woods.

Noel stood up, gather her water skin, and pack; grabbed his hand and felt how cold he was. Her eyes gazing and seeing his tattered pants. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks as she looked back into his beautiful green eyes. "May I know your name?"

In the pit of her stomach she knew she had gotten her self into something deeper than she knows.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
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Old 03-10-2010, 04:26 AM

He lead her through the forest, not looking back. He only stopped to look at her when she asked for his name. He paused for a moment, then looked back at her. He got down on one knee, bowing to her, then taking her hand and lightly kissing it. "My name is Azrael Lucifer Cross. I am the eldest son of the lord of this town." He then stood, and continued through the forest until they reached the clearing by his house. There was a man, standing on the edge of the forest, holding a silver sword. The tip was pointed directly at Azrael when he emerged.

"Father, sheath your sword. The moon will be hidden for the rest of the night." The man looked at his son, then lowered his sword.

"You are reckless. How man did you kill tonight?"

"More then I care to tell. Now if you'll excuse me. We will be having a guest stay with us for a while."

"She knows?" Azrael nodded his hand, keeping the girl behind him. His father knew not to question Azrael's words for one reason; the taint made him stronger then any other man for hundreds of miles. The man nodded, then lead both Azrael and the girl back to the mansion. Upon arrival, the mansion was huge. Inside was decorated to the finest. Persian rugs laid on the floor, the furniture was all hand carved mahogany. Paints lined the walls. A little girl waited patiently at the foot of the stairs, tapping her foot. When Azrael walked in, she quickly jumped into his arms and hugged him.

"Brother you smell funny. Where did you go? And why are you dressed like that?" The little girl looked at him.

"I am home no Kyrie, and I will take a bath, just for you. But it is bed time, you don't want the big bad wolf man to come eat you, do you?" She giggled, shaking her head. Azrael set her down and watched her run up the stairs. She was too young to understand what he was exactly, and Azrael envied her innocence. Azrael then looked to his guest, smiling softly. "I will show you to the guest room, come."

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Old 03-10-2010, 05:15 AM

Noel could barely keep up with him, she gripped his hand tightly as she followed him through the forest. She almost smacked right into him when he aburtly stopped. Her cheeks became bright red, when he kissed her hand. This all very new to, never had she met a man who was as interesting as Azrael.

She was amazing when they emerged from the forest at the beautiful manor that was before them. Never had she seen a building that big. Then she looked to the other man who had greeted them with a silver sword. Although Azrael was pushing her behind him, she was peeking over his shouldar.

When they entered the manor, Noel was taken a back on how amazing it was inside. She smiled as she watch Azrael interact with his little sister. She thought 'So tender and caring. Almost hard to think he was the beast from before.' Her smile faded a bit thinking back to earlier that evening. Was shaken from thought when Azrael, addressed her to follow him once agian.
She nodded softly in response, and said softly "Your sister is very adorable." Then followed his lead to the guest room.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
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Old 03-10-2010, 05:52 AM

Azrael led her to the guest room without saying a word. When he got the to door, he opened it for her. It was a well decorated room with a large canopy bed. There was also a fire place in the room, as well as a door leading to a private bathing chamber. He led her into the room, and then closed the door behind them. He walked over to the fire place and lit it with ease. It was apparent that he had done this on more then one occasion.

"At night, keep the door locked. Don't let anyone in unless it is me. Not even my sister. My Father does not trust anyone with my secret. I am surprised he hasn't gotten rid of me, but that is not the point. I will return shortly to bring you some clothing. Stay here, please..." With that, he walked out of the room and down the hall towards his room.

Quickly, he opened and then shut the door again. The window had already been replaced, and there was a hot bath waiting for him. Removing what was left of his clothing, he sat down in the bath and cleaned himself up. Her scars on his chest ached, but he ignored them. The water soothed his broken body, and he allowed himself to relax before getting out and drying himself off. He got fulled dressed once again, and combed his now wet but clean hair back.

He left his room, and then called a maid, requesting bath water for their guest's room. He walked into his Mother's old room, opening the dusty closet. He pulled out a dress, then walked over to the guest room. Quietly, he knocked on the door, and waited for her to open it.

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Old 03-10-2010, 06:40 AM

Noel was feeling overwhelmed a bit by all this, she walked to the bed and grazed her hand on the sheets of the bed. They were amazing soft. She began to walk around the room making note of where every thing was. She tilted her head to the side as she watching Azrael started the fire for her.

She listened to his request and in the back of her mind was screaming with a million questions but didn't know what to ask first. Her head ached, when Azrael left, she hear the click of the lock. She plopped down on the warm bed and began to slip off her boots. Noticed her sock was around the top, was stained with blood. She looked abit closer and notice that earlier the fox mother must have gotten her ankle. She whinced a bit as she laid back on the bed. Began to close her eyes, as images from the day pasted through her mind. So much had happen, she needs to get to her thoughts on paper. She peered over the edge of the bed,seeing her bag down on the floor. Reachs down, opening the flap up and sliping her hand in the bag grabbing her sketch book.
Plops back a bit sitting up with her book in her lap, flipping to a blank page and began to quickly sketch out a black wolf on his hindlegs.

Noel jumped a bit as she relized someone was knocking at the door, she remembered what azrael had stated prior. She placed her sketch book down on the bed and she stood up, walking towards the door. She opened the door a crack and saw it was Azrael,with an instant a smile appeared slightly on her face as she opened the door for him. Seeing he was holding a beautiful dress. "Its beautiful, may I asked whose's it belongs to so I could send them my thanks for allowing me to borrow their dress."

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
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Old 03-10-2010, 07:11 AM

He looked away for a moment. He question had hit him hard. The maids walked in past him, filling up her tub. Looking down, he noticed her foot. He picked her up and brought her into the bathroom. Setting her down on the bath tub, he dipped a cloth into the warm water and carefully dabbed away the blood. "You should have told me you were hurt, I would not have asked you to walk."

His body still ached from earlier on, but since they had gotten home, it had begun to rain heavily, so he was not worried about the moon rising again that night. "I will not bandage your foot for the moment until your are out of the bath. Please, take your time. I will be waiting for you when you come out. He got up to leave, standing at the doorway, he looked over his shoulder and spoke quietly. "The dressed belonged to my mother. She died long ago, so it was just sitting there." With that, he left the room and closed to door behind him.

He walked back into the guest bed room, then fell onto the bed. He was exhausted, and had started to run a high fever, but he was not about to show that to anyone. He pulled himself onto the bed, laying flat on his back. He hummed softly to himself, trying to get his body to calm down. The fever worsened over time, and eventually he found himself drifting off into sleep.

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Old 03-10-2010, 09:21 AM

When she opened the door Azrael came in with maids to follow, she was a bit taken a back by the service being provide. She was a bit uncomfortable have the maids do this for her. She tensed up when Azrael had picked her up, she hadn't been picked up since she was a very young child when her father would pick her up.

When Azrael set her down and cleaned her wound, her face became a very dark shade of red.She stammered out. "Its nothing. I shouldn't have been there, it was just a mother fox trying to protect her young." When he left telling her that the dress belonged to his decease mother, her heart ached. She tried to say something but before she knew it the door was shut.
Her face still red as blood, she began to undress, placeing her clothes near the edge of the tub. She slipped into the bath, the warmth overwhelmed her. It had been a while since she had taken a bath, though she splashed her face with the water to calm her nerves. Certainly, he is a charmer.she thought as she bathed. When we was done she stepped out of the tub, feeling a bit better. Drying her self, she stared at the dress provided for her, she admired its beauty and craft. Her hand grazed over every detail of it. She picked it up as if she was picking up a fragile egg, then placed it over her head, putting on the dress. She buttoned it up and looked at her self, it fit perfectly. She admired her self a bit in the dress and placed her hair back up in a pony with her ribbon and previous she washed in the water.

Softly she open the bathroom door, she looked on the bed where Azrael lay. Ever so softly she stepped over towards the edge. Her eyes peered over his figure, her face became a flush of red again. She picked up her sketch book and softly sat near him. She began to draw his figure, lightly sketching at first and then finishing the details with in minutes. She placed the book in her lap and leaned to the one side as she lightly brushed some hair off of his face.

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Old 03-10-2010, 10:23 AM

Azrael slept peacefully for a while, but slowly he was beginning to get more and more sick. It wasn't until he felt her touch him that he awoke. He opened his eyes a crack. The first thing her saw was this girl, a girl who he still hadn't asked for her name. He had no idea who she was, or were she had come from. He felt her hand over his forehead. It felt so cold compared to him. He reached up and lightly took a hold of her hand. Carefully he brought it down to his lips, kissing it lightly, then brought it to rest against his cheek. He looked at her once more before closing his eyes again and going back to sleep.

* * *

Azraels Father sat in front of the fireplace down in the living room. "That was a close call, Daemon. That monster is getting out of control." His father turned and looked at the lady.

"My son, Mina. He is not a monster. He is well mannered, and is quite capable of taking care of his affliction."

The woman sat down beside her husband. There was a clear 20 years age difference between them. Mina looked no older then 35, while her husband was well into his 50's. "If he is so capable of controlling it, why are we host to a girl who now knows, and why are there at least 5 men dead?" Daemon turned to look into the fire.

"Rest your concerns Mina, they will be dealt with in the morning."

"And if he turns on your human son and daughter?" The man fell silent. Mina had made her point. With a smug grin on her face, she turned and left the room. Upon leaving the room, she was greeted by her 12 year old son.


"Your Father will soon see it our way, then you will take the role of eldest. That sick monster will soon be out of this house." Mina grinned, walking her son up to his room.

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Old 03-10-2010, 01:07 PM

Noel watched Azrael, she felt the heat come from his forehead like if it was on fire. She was a bit startled when he awoke, then smiled when his lips touched her hand. A blush came over her, she was going to faint from blood loss at this rate.
When he finally went back to sleep, she quickly went to the bathroom again and grabbed the wash cloth, lightly damping it. She folded it and placed it on his forehead and she yawned quite loudly. Though not by choice, a wave of fatigue came over her as she rubbed her eyes. "I guess I need sleep to." she whispered a bit. She crawled back into the bed curling around her sketch book and fell into a soft sleep as she listened to the sounds of the manor and the crackle of the fire, then finally focusing on Azrael's breathing.

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Old 03-10-2010, 10:01 PM

The next morning, Azrael awoke. His head still was pounding, but he had a cloth over his forehead. He sat up, taking the cloth of his head. That was when he noticed the girl laying down on the bed beside him. She was completely curled up around what looked to him like a sketch book. He got up off the bed and went over to the window, looking outside. He saw his little sister playing outside with a few of the maids.

Kyrie must have seen him, because she turned around and looked directly into the window where he was standing and waved. Azrael waved back, then moved from the window. The sun was bright, it was hard to think that last night it had been a full moon, and he had once again taken the life of several men. Azrael covered his face, then left the room, closing the door but leaving it open a crack.

He went down stairs. His step mother was the first to great him. "You did not sleep in your room last night..." He just walked past her, greeting his father.

"Is she sleeping?" Azrael nodded. "Very well, lunch will be ready soon."

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Old 03-10-2010, 10:33 PM

Noel was awoken by the movements and steps of someone walking away. Sitting up she notice Azrael was gone, as she was alone in the room. She noticed the door was opened, she hopped down from the bed and shut it. She looked all around the room and sighed softly. "Well I wanted an adventure, this it turning out be an interesting one. " she exclaimed in the direction on the sketch book. Noel went to the window, seeing the same little girl playing outside as she saw last night. Smiling she was reminded of back when she was very young and was with her father.
A small tear fell down her cheek, that's all past her now. She opened the window to let in the fresh air in. The smell over whelmed her nose as she smiled. Plopping down on the bed again she opens up the sketch of Azrael's wolf form. She began to shade in the black and white coloring. Then she drew a camp scene with the wolf on his hind legs and howling towards the full moon. When she was satisfied, she began to draw Azrael as he was last night sleeping all peaceful. Continued to work on that drawing.

Sighs softly as she looks out and then looks to the door. Her curiosity and then she walked to the door, opening it. She looked out down the hallway. No one was down either side. She smirked as she grabbed her sketch book, then slipped out of the room. Began to go down the hallway as she began to explore the manor a bit. She admired the antiques, the paintings. She knew that Azrael said not too leave the room, but she yearns for adventure/ curious, its one of the main reasons she left her village.

Last edited by NoeleneRose2; 03-12-2010 at 02:01 AM..

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 03-12-2010, 04:01 AM

Azrael's senses were still keen enough that he heard when the girl began to move around upstairs. He pretended as if nothing was happening, as not to alert his Father or Stepmother. He stayed calm for the longest time, listening to his Stepmother go on about him and the events of last night.

"Do you not real Azrael that you could have put this entire family in danger?!"

"Calm yourself Mina. I thought you would have guessed by now that I tend to run as far away from here as I can before the transformation is complete. Your precious son and my beloved sister are never in any danger other than the threat of living with you for their entire lives." Azrael's Father could not help but laugh at is son's retort. Mina shot Daemon a severely displeased gazed. Azrael noticed it right away. "What is the matter, Mother, can't take it when things don't go your way?"

"I am not your mother! I would not spawn a creature such as yourself. I am no wife to Satan who breeds hell spawn children."

Azrael grinned. "Perhaps your son would be a better candidate for this disease..." His grin was filled with malice and evil. It was only then that Daemon stood and both Mina and Azrael fell silent.

"Azrael Lucifer, you will watch you tone when speaking to those who are your elders. And Mina, it takes to in order to create life. If my late wife is the wife of Satan, then does that not make me the devil himself? Watch your words woman or you will hold your tongue."

Azrael bowed as his Father left the room. He himself shortly after wards left and returned upstairs. He hid in the shadows as he say his guest leaving her room. "When she got close to him, he spoke. "You know, you never did tell me your name."


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