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Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 08:56 AM



Please visit my DeviantArt account to see examples of my artwork.


About me and my work
I have always loved art. Right now, most of my artwork is based on the manga/anime style, but I can also draw more realistically. I am pretty much willing to draw anything, but if it's not something I normally draw, I will go to great lengths to do research on whatever it is. I also have a tendency to spend an inordinate amount of time on fussy details. I enjoy taking whatever chance I can get to improve my artwork, so bring it on! I will try my best with every commission.


10/13/2009: Shop opens
10/13/2009: Even if my slots are full, feel free to send in a commission form. I will create a waiting list, and you will not have to pay until you are officially given an open slot (you will get a PM from me when this happens).

Last edited by sunrain; 11-16-2009 at 12:38 AM..

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 08:57 AM

~>Kinds of commissions available<~
Avatars (square icons)
These all go under the category of "illustration" for the commission type
OC/RP characters, your site avatar
Character design
Line art
Full illustration with color, simple background
Full illustration with color, complex background
Available mediums/materials
colored pencil

OC/character design
Males (tend to end up prettier than females)
Wings (feathered)
Fiddley details
Drawing stuff from real life

cars and other vehicles

~>Current Slots<~
1. Chocolate Cosmos: paid (still sketching)
2. Captain Howdy: paid (about to start painting)
3. Ebony Mist: paid
4. Leafeon: paid
5. Wish: paid


Waiting list

Last edited by sunrain; 11-16-2009 at 12:36 AM..

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 08:58 AM

~>Basic Order Form<~
Commission type:
black & white or color:
medium/materials: (optional)
style: (optional; semi-realism, manga/anime, or "I don't care, surprise me!")
~>For site avatars<~
Please include the necessary information from the Basic Order Form as well as the details below as completely as possible.

General age:
Clothes: (I just want to know if I am allowed to draw whatever clothes I want, keep it to the same style of clothing, if I am allowed to tweak some of the details, or don't change your avatar's clothes at all)
Other: (For any other details, things you want to make sure I include, if you want a particular pose, etc.)
~>For OC/RP commissions<~
Please include the necessary information from Basic Order Form as well as the details below as completely as possible. For descriptions of features and clothes, feel free to link a reference for color, style, etc. I like to have as much info as possible so that the character is drawn as accurately as possible.

Body type: (slim, curvy, fat, buff, slender, etc.)
Skin tone:
Eyes: (include color and shape if this applies, maybe eyelash info as well)
Hair: (color, length, general style)
Clothing: (be specific about details)
Summary of background:
Other details:
Picture ref: (optional)

Avatar: 50g

Under commission type you would put "illustration, sketch/line art/color, simple background/complex background

Sketch: 100g
Line art: 250g
Color: 250g
Complex background: add 50g to price

Waist Up
Sketch: 150g
Line Art: 300g
Color: 450g
Complex background: add 50g to price

Full Body
Sketch: 250g
Line Art: 400g
Color: 500g
Complex background: add 50g to price

Last edited by sunrain; 10-14-2009 at 08:21 PM..

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 08:58 AM

~>Other Things to Know<~
*Prices are not negotiable
*You must pay before I start. I do not want issues with scamming. Remember, I can always return your gold to you unless you are being extremely unreasonable.
*I can turn down a commission that I don't want to do
*All commissions will have some sort of simple background, whether it's a single/solid color, gradient, simple pattern, or smudged graphite. I refuse to leave the paper plain white unless it works for the piece.
*There is no extra cost for a simple background
*I will PM you with a sketch before I start coloring. This way, you can suggest edits if something needs fixing or if something is totally off.
*I will PM you with a link to the finished work when I am done.
*I will only send hi-res scans of the artwork (300dpi), no originals. The scans usually look better anyway after I have edited stuff on the computer.
*I will draw light BL (stuff that HINTS at a relationship), but I don't like yuri.
*I will only open five slots at a time. There's real life to attend to as well.
*You can be added to a wait list if all of my slots are full. You pay me once you are in a slot, I will PM you when this happens. (totally just defeated the point of the rule above, lol)
*Feel free to ask any other (related) questions! I don't bite^^

Last edited by sunrain; 11-09-2009 at 08:05 PM..

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 08:59 AM

reserved 4

Chocolate Cosmos
\ (•◡•) /
Chocolate Cosmos is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 06:04 PM

I hope you are done reserving...

Commission type: Avatar on another site? I think that's what you want here...
Username: Chocolate Cosmos
reference/description: [x]
details: For the pants, they don't have to be exact, just as long as they are straight down and black: >.< [x]
And black and white converse: [without the circle though, please] [x]
black & white or color: color but the image is black and white anyway
medium/materials: whatever you think would look best. :] [I love your acrylics, watercolor, colored pencil, and graphite though. :3]
price: 550?

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 06:29 PM

@ Chocolate cosmos

Yes, I am done reserving, lol.

Your avatar is so cool! What I mean by avatar is a 100x100 pixel (square, really) icon. These icons are 50g. The rest of the prices are for illustrations, as I call them. So would you like the icon or an illustration? With or without a background? A full body illustration without a background will be 500g. Borome and Still Water are kind of along the lines of a full body illustration, just as an example. Oh, and do you prefer semi-realism or anime/manga in terms of a style I should learn towards? Or would you rather be surprised by the style I end up drawing it in?

I see that I have some editing/clarification to do. But I'll do that after I finish my homework, haha.

Last edited by sunrain; 10-13-2009 at 06:44 PM..

Chocolate Cosmos
\ (•◡•) /
Chocolate Cosmos is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 07:11 PM


Thank you. :3

I would like an illustration, please.
I like the full body illustration, but I don't want a background or if you could do a few clouds in the back? :]

I would like to be surprised be the style please. :3

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 07:22 PM

Alrighty! So that will be 500g. Simple background is almost the same as no background in my opinion, and I really hate having a blank background. There will always be something in the negative space, whether it's smudgy graphite or whatever. Background will end up as single/solid color, gradient, or something simple like the aforementioned clouds. Oh, I consider the backgrounds for the last 2 artworks I used as examples to be simple/nonexistent. So I'll wait for the gold transfer and then start drawing once my classes and homework are done for today. Yay!

Last edited by sunrain; 10-13-2009 at 07:35 PM..

Chocolate Cosmos
\ (•◡•) /
Chocolate Cosmos is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 07:51 PM

Alright. :]

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 08:11 PM

Received your payment. I will PM you when I finish the sketch for approval.

Chocolate Cosmos
\ (•◡•) /
Chocolate Cosmos is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 08:12 PM

Cool, thank you. :]

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 10:29 PM

Commission type: Full Body full illustration with color, complex background
Username: Captain Howdy
reference/description: - I split up the pieces so you could see how they work together.
details: I leave pose, background and all up to you. My's avi's a happy vamp. ;D
black & white or color: Color
medium/materials: I leave that to you as well.
style: manga/anime
price: 550g + tip

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-13-2009 at 10:43 PM..

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 10:36 PM

@Captain Howdy

Looks like everything is in order. I will start drawing after you transfer the gold, and I have finished my classes and homework for today, haha. Thanks for the breakdown. I will send you a link of the sketch when I am done with it so that you can approve everything before I start coloring and stuff. Prepare for pretty-boy vampires, mwahahahahaa!

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 10:45 PM

Okey doke. I sent payment your way. :)

Also, you'll notice I updated the link for my reference. I forgot to add the neck piece. :sweat:

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 10:48 PM

Got the payment. Sounds perfectly fine, regarding the tip. I was going, "wut?" lol.

I assume you mean the little brown... neck thing that I can see in the last pic.

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 10:54 PM

Yup. It's a choker. ;)

Ebony Mist
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Ebony Mist is offline
Old 11-09-2009, 08:38 AM

Commission type: Headshot - Color
Username: Ebony Mist
reference/description: Can be found here. (It's a boy, FYI.)
details: He's a pretty lively character... always joking around. He's got a girlish figure and a very pretty face. Always wears bright colors.
black & white or color: Color
medium/materials: Whatever you'd like... <3
style: Manga/anime <3
price: 250g + Tip

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Leafeon is offline
Old 11-09-2009, 04:05 PM

Please tell me I got the slot.

Commission type: Illustration
Username: Leafeon
details: Full body sketch
style: I don't care, surprise me!
price: 250 + tip?

Gender: Female
Age: Looks to be 16
Race: Half vampire/spirit walker
Body type: Slightly curvy
Skin tone: Pale

For the rest look here

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 11-09-2009, 08:03 PM

Mmmm.... Ok, I'm going to open up two more slots/shot
Though since yours is a sketch, I can probably get it done relatively fast. I just have... a few real life things to attend to at the moment (post-midterm recovery and busy-ness). Can you send me your payment?

Originally Posted by Leafeon View Post
Please tell me I got the slot

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Leafeon is offline
Old 11-09-2009, 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by sunrain View Post
Mmmm.... Ok, I'm going to open up two more slots/shot
Though since yours is a sketch, I can probably get it done relatively fast. I just have... a few real life things to attend to at the moment (post-midterm recovery and busy-ness). Can you send me your payment?
Thanks n_n
You're a star (:

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 11:42 PM

Hey again, sunrain. :)

Friendly note. Don't forget that bumping isn't allowed here. If five or more hours has passed since your previous post and you'd like to revive your thread, we ask that you do so with an on topic post. ;)

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 11:54 PM

oh, whoops, okay.

wish is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 01:07 AM

Commission type: fullbody color with background
Username: wish
reference/description: Main Ref: x x x x
Secondary Ref: all the ones that say "OC by ___" if you hover over them.
black & white or color: color
medium/materials: acrylic if possible?
style: something similar to your still water painting. :)
price: 550g + tip to equal 1k!

Gender: female
Age: early 20s
Race: human
Body type: slender/slim
Skin tone: pale
Eyes: silver
Hair: black
Clothing: in reference picture, but the majority of the clothing is purple and blue with white outlines and details
Personality: she's of course a girl. but she also loves to fight. :3 some stubborn ancient chinese character that acts rash upon he impulses rather than relay on rational thought.
Summary of background:
Other details: i'd like an ancient chinese like pose. in acyclic like your still water painting. here's some pose references if you want/need them..
Picture ref: Main Ref: x x x x
Secondary Ref: all the ones that say "OC by ___" if you hover over them.

Last edited by wish; 11-15-2009 at 01:45 AM..

Bug the Tomato
sunrain is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 01:26 AM

@ wish Woah, I recognize some of those pics from dA! Yay! Your character looks fun to draw, and I can definitely paint her in the style of Still Water. ^^ You might have to wait a while, though. It takes me a few sketches just to figure out how I want it to look, and then there's the actual painting. And of course there's real life, other commissions to do, and art projects for school. So to be safe, let's say that it should be done by Christmas.

If you could send me your payment now, that would be much appreciated. If I have any questions, I'll PM you. I'll also PM you when I've drawn a sketch that I'm pretty happy with. But of course, things evolve as you paint, so the finished artwork might not look exactly like the sketch, haha. Hope that's all okay with you. ^^


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