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BellyButton is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:40 PM

art by HamletSpamlet, banner by Sizzla

This is a place to showcase your holiday creations -- things you’ve molded, sewn, cut, glued and assembled to help celebrate the season -- for a chance to win a wad of gold! For the purposes of this contest theme, “Festive Crafts” can be anything that relates to the various religious or cultural holidays that occur this time of year, as well as anything from the natural world that is associated with Winter.


Meet your host(ess), BellyButton

Being a jack-of-all-trades (or is it Jill?) sort of gal, I've dabbled my way into a wide variety of artsy and crafty projects through the years. Now that I'm old and lazy and my house is a disaster area, I rather enjoy living vicariously through those with more dedication and fresher talent than I. You know, the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed sort -- those inspired people who can actually remember where they've put their candle wicks and paintbrushes and googly eyes. I'm quite excited to see all of your entries!

Last edited by BellyButton; 01-02-2011 at 08:26 PM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:42 PM

All entries must be submitted by Jan 2nd at Noon Pacific

(Click here to convert time zones!)

1st place, each category – 5000g
2nd place, each category – 2500g
3rd place, each category – 1000g

** Honorable Mentions may also be given out depending on the number and theme of entries.

  • You must add your username to your entry before you photograph it. The simplest way may be to write it on a small card or slip of paper and place it next to the item.

  • Please do not significantly alter the image once it’s on your computer - this includes adding your username to the picture after the fact. We won't be able to accept those.

  • I will accept a maximum of three entries per category, per person.

  • This contest is for non-edible creations only ~ go visit Melody’s Cooking Contest to share your festive foodstuffs! ( link here )

  • Only enter things you have made or assembled yourself! Please honor the trust I am placing in you to keep this fair for everyone. <3

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I get my free event item for participating?
A. This thread will be giving out Homemade Angel by default. If you want a different one instead, please make a note of which one IN THE SAME POST as your contest entry. Please be aware that you will only receive one participation EI for this thread, regardless of how many separate entries you submit.

Q. I fail at the interwebz. How can I get my photo online?
A. I like tinypic for being free and simple to use. You can easily and quickly upload images from your hard drive using this here link. Post in the thread if you need more help than that. =)

Q. Can I enter a photo of my decorated Christmas tree in the "Decorative Spread" category?
A. Yes, I don't see why that shouldn't count. As long as 'twas you who decorated it and not some fancy professional tree-trimming service! ;)

Q. I forgot to put my username in my picture and now the item is gone forever! :gonk: Is there any way I can still enter it in the contest?
A. If there is something in the background of the photo (table, curtain, cat, etc) that is easily recognizable and you are able to photograph that with your username in a 2nd photo, that will be proof enough for me. (If you find yourself in this predicament, please let me know and we'll try to work something out! :))

Last edited by BellyButton; 12-31-2010 at 03:44 AM..


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BellyButton is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:42 PM

Each contest entry should follow one of the four categories below:

Single Ornament

This is for single, decorative objects ranging from baubles to hang on your Christmas tree, to dreidels, to candle holders, etc. Have you made a Festivus pole? A decorative door-knocker? A cute holiday magnet for the fridge? A kickass paper snowflake? If it’s a single festive object, choose this category.


Some people prefer to decorate themselves for the holidays. Have you knit a festive scarf? Sewn a holiday apron or eyepatch? Made jewelry or clip-on elf ears? Anything that you can wear or “put on” goes here. Please don’t enter store-bought stuff though – only things you actually made yourself!

Decorative Spread

Is your talent more for pulling many items together to create something holiday fabulous? Enter your decorated mantles, lavish table centerpieces, tiny holiday villages, wonders-of-winter altars –- anything consisting of multiple decorative components goes here. For this category, you need not have created all the components yourself, so long as the overall design has been your own.

Gift Wrapping

As the eldest child in a huge family of cousins, I’ve wrapped more gifts in my lifetime than I care to admit. Flat and thin or huge and misshapen, the beauty and mystery of any gift can be enhanced as it is disguised in ribbons and paper. Gift wrapping is an art form in itself –- let me see what you can do! (I won’t expect you to actually make the bows and paper, but please only enter items you’ve wrapped yourself!)

Please paste the following form into this thread to enter your creations:
[SIZE="4"]I’ve made something festive![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]
[B]Category:[/B] (Choose 1: Single Ornament – Wearable – Decorative Spread – Gift Wrapping)
[B]Description:[/B] (optional, but helpful)
[B]Entry:[/B] (paste image or link here)

Last edited by BellyButton; 12-13-2010 at 03:49 AM..


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BellyButton is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:42 PM

This part is just for fun. I thought it might be nice to have a place to record nifty craft ideas we come across, so other folks can try them too. If you’ve got a holiday project idea you want to share (or you'd like to tell us how you made your contest entry), just post in the thread and I’ll add it here. Please make sure to use quote tags when copy/pasting text from elsewhere, and give credit to the thinker-uppers when possible. :)

Snow-Globe Soap: Link here
Sidhe found this cute recipe on stumbleupon. Source: Brenda Ponnay, "Alphamom"

Star Wars Paper Snowflakes: Link here.
Shared by Rabid Rainbow. Pretty awesome. :lol:

Last edited by BellyButton; 12-24-2010 at 07:44 AM..


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BellyButton is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:43 PM

Originally Posted by JapaneseCherryBlossom View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Ornament
Description: I decided to put tiny craft butterflies into plastic ornaments. It was kind of difficult squishing them in there, then using tweezers to unfold their wings.
Originally Posted by Knerd View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament
Description: It's a cross-stitch Panda ornament. I just took some clear plastic netting (like this) and wove yarn through it in order to create the animal shape, then cut off the excess around the edges.
Originally Posted by Rabid Rainbow View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament
Description:Pseudo-stained glass! I put bits of broken crayon in a piece of rectangular wax paper, folded the paper in half (so that the crayons are in the middle) and then ran an iron over it. Then I took a rectangular piece of black construction paper, folded it in half and cut out a star in the middle, then I glued the "stained glass" part between the two pieces of paper. Then, poke a hole, thread it with yarn, and hang it on the tree (even though I have mine hanging in the window)!
Entry: Twinkle twinkle little star...
Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament
Description: I made these Monster Stockings for my friends! All made with recycled felt and embroidery floss and hand stitched by yours truly! I think I must have sewn a dozen or so with all different colors and expressions. They open at the mouth to stuff with holiday goodies (The monsters go 'on nom nom' to your presents!!!) The perfect non-traditional stocking!!
Entry: ( clicky ) first monster and another cute one with different colors ( clicky ) second monster
Originally Posted by M i n u x e View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament (I think)
Description: This is a holiday-themed gift bag I made. It is kind of sloppy because I just used acrylic paint and large brushes. The pattern is supposed to be pine trees, stockings and presents. The blue broken lines make it seem like the bag is made up of a bunch of patches put together.
Entry: ( clicky )
Originally Posted by Linnea View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament
Description: white garbage bag christmas wreaths!!!
Entry: ( clicky )
and a group shot of all four i made!
Originally Posted by Pa-pancake View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category:Single Ornament
Description: Its a clay handphone strap I made out of clay and an old lolly stick. Its only about the size of my thumbnail. Based on the Mene item peppermint candy lolly
( clicky )
Originally Posted by Silverbeam View Post
User: Silverbeam

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament (the ball with stars)
Description: I made over 300 stars to fill this globe, wrapped with a ribbon bow and painted the cap for a wishful filled ornament.
Entry: ( clicky )
Originally Posted by BlackCart29 View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament
Description: These are balloon ornaments. I made them by blowing up a balloon and getting yarn (dipped in glue) and wrapping the yarn around the balloon (then sprinkling glitter) once the glue was dry I popped the balloon and TADA festive nest ornament. .. thing


Originally Posted by Chikuma View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category:Single Ornament
Description: Angelic Teddy Bear. Made this for my Mum and used random stuff around the house. Used some old lace, sort of opalescent ribbon, sparkly paper, thread, beads, puff balls, old jewelry and feathers. The inside is made of a small pot (normally used for plants) and a small bell. So it's a bell as well as an ornament.
Entry: Ornament with name tag, Ornament without name tag, Ornament bottom/inside, Ornament back.
Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament
Description: This is a nifty little picture I made with colored sand:) I am thinking it would be in the ornament category, cause it can hang line ornaments do :)
Entry: ( clicky )

Originally Posted by Eastriel View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: I'm not sure if it's a Single Ornament or Decorative Spread put it where you think is best! ^^
Description: These are home made christmas crackers I made for my family, each one is special to them and I filled them with little gifts and the manditory joke and hat! We cracked them on christmas day before the roast. ^^ - Umm I know quite a few people don't know what christmas crackers are umm, if don't Pm me and i'll explain?
Entry: ( clicky )

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament
Description: A paper 3d snowflake!
Entry: ( clicky )
Originally Posted by Cherry Flavored Antacid View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament(s)
Description: Woodland Gnomes - These little gnomes were hand-carved (or rather, whittled) by yours truly from firewood (what's more wintry than firewood?) and painted in acrylic paint. The only part of their construction that I did not particpate in was cutting them down to size (I don't trust myself with a saw), and gathering the firewood in the first place (a feat done by my mother). Despite looking relatively simple, these were rather labor intensive to make. Armed only with a buck knife, the project had to be spread out over the better half of a week and resulted in a few pulled muscles and sore fingers. While not inherently winter or holiday-related, I think their woodsy, folk-art style is very warm and wintry-looking, and I can just see some little child playing with them in a cabin up in the mountains.
Entry: Woodland Gnomes

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament
Description: Felt "Trippy" Owl Ornament - Made from felt, googly eyes, some rather trippy fabric, a couple of feathers, and some pages from what seems to be a very bad book, this little owl is ready to hang from a branch and add some funky character to his tree!
Entry: Trippy, sans tree
Originally Posted by Cloudwalker

I’ve made something festive!

Description: Ribbon bell trees. They are made on foam craft cones. I cut strips of ribbon and folded them in half and then hot glued the tops onto the "tree". I then used large colored bells as the topper ^_^ I had made multiple ones for christmas gifts using variations with gold, silver, red, green, adn blue ribbon.
Entry: ( clicky )
Originally Posted by Seito

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament
Description: Pokeball ornament? xD Would have given you more of them, but I'm short on time.
Entry: The ornament hanging from a tree! sorta.
Originally Posted by Silverwingedshadows

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Single Ornament
Description: Fabric Wall Hanging


Last edited by BellyButton; 01-03-2011 at 08:57 PM..


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BellyButton is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by JapaneseCherryBlossom View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Wearable
Description: These are hand painted "crazy penguin" earrings I made out of polymer clay for my best friend who is addicted to penguins and has a whole room dedicated to them.
Originally Posted by Linnea View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Wearable
Description: i knitted scarves for friends and family this year... it seems they took over!
Entry: ( clicky )
Originally Posted by Pa-pancake View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Wearable
Description: Again something made out of clay. A hairclip which is super small. Had a hard time mixing colours making the cookie dough colour!
Entry: ( clicky )
Originally Posted by Silverbeam View Post
User: Silverbeam

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Wearable (gold Star Necklace)
Description: Cut strips of metallic golden paper, made into origami stars, then using a needle and beads, into a shining necklace.
Entry: ( clicky )
Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Wearable
Description: These are fiber art necklaces that I made and gave out as gifts! Each yo-yo is hand sewn from a round of fabric, then gathered and all sewn together. Add some pretty ribbon and a clasp and viola! Pretty gifts!


or necklace

SPOILERX horrible image quality! My camera is on the fritz :/
Originally Posted by Cherry Flavored Antacid View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Wearable
Description: Winter Feather Headband - The crowning jewel (ha) of my recent projects, I'm quite proud of how this turned out. I started with a cheap little hot pink headband, and using hot glue, covered it in a mottled brown material, and then black lace over that (which is no easy feat when the lace was made curved, like to go around a hem or something). After cutting out a teardrop shape from a cardboard box, I covered it in a lovely fabric (although you can't see it very much), and then picked out the perfect feathers from my stash, trimmed them to size, carefully affixed them, attached this gorgeous button, and glued the whole thing onto the headband. Voila! Though it ended up looking a bit victorian, I think the warm browns and feathers are quite appropriate to the winter season, and I hope you feel the same way.
Entry: Winter Feathers & Lace Headband
Being worn (it was very difficult to take this shot myself, and it would have been even more so if I had tried to include the name tag in there, I hope you don't mind - it is present in the other shots. Also, do excuse my messy hair, I swear I comb it... I just have a lot of breakage.)
En tableau
Originally Posted by Pa-Pancake

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Wearable
Description: Another clay entry. I guess you could put it under 1? These are 2 pairs of earrings. One a cake and another a pair of rabbits! :)

Uploaded with

Last edited by BellyButton; 01-03-2011 at 08:43 PM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by JapaneseCherryBlossom View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Decorative spread
Description: I love to put up lights in my room during the holidays to give it a soft glow. Putting icicle lights around the border of the room looks neat also. Ignore the cat, he's too bratty to be festive.
Originally Posted by Rabid Rainbow View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category:Decorative Spread
Description: It's a mini nativity scene, with Mary and Joseph, an angel and, of course, Jesus! It's incredibly easy to make, but you need a fair amount of stuff and, in the interest of saving space, anyone who wants the full instructions can PM me.
Entry: link so I won't stretch the page

Originally Posted by Shadami View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Decorative Spread
Description: I only wrapped some of these, so I figured it would go under decorative spread because I set them up all pretty like.
Entry: Presentsname close a robot

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Decorative Spread
Description: These were meant to be hung up at the nursing home, but we forgot the tape. so i set them up on the table next to the presents. =]
Entry: snowflakes and wreathName close up
Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Decorative Spread
Description: My Christmas tree! We have a main one, but I decided a few years ago to have a full sized, 6 1/2 foot one in my room! The color theme is purple, green, and blue and the star is a fantastically sparkly sea star. Oh and bonus points for the Kermit the Frog hat on top of my Buddha head ;)


and sorry it's on the side... imageshack was being silly

Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie View Post
I’ve made something festive!
Category: Decorative Spread
Description: This is the garland and wreathes we decorated our front door with. It's store bought plastic "pine" garland with added lights, gold glittery poinsettias, pine cones, little "berries", glittery mesh ribbon and some glittery words. There's still glitter on the floor from constructing this thing weeks ago. It was made on the kitchen floor and then put around the doorway with finishing touches like the words added. The wreathes are really simple with poinsettias and bows. Mom made the bows, I'm horrible at bows. >_>
Entry: Door Garlands and Wreathes and Wreath Closeup with name
The name's a bit fuzzy, but it's the same cookie take I've used in all of my other entries. :)
Originally Posted by Silverbeam View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Decorative Spread – christmas tree
Description: I made many of the ornaments on the tree. the little blue dangling stars, the silver cut out stars, the ribbon bows, and more! Second picture is my pet squirrels on the tree! please click both. Third is because I forgot a note!


Originally Posted by blueblackrose

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Decorative Spread
Description: I put together some bead garland, scented pinecones and ornaments in a star basket.

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Decorative Spread
Description: I decided to put some decorations on the top my parents comuter desk. I tossed some ornaments in a vase and I also put some in that jar along with a white scraf.

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Decorative Spread
Description: The cornere where I put all my anomatronic holiday toys, hehehe. Gotta love the Grinch. I even added a basket with scented pine cones, ornaments and beaded garland to brighten things up.
Originally Posted by spicedroses

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Decorative Spread
Description: just a little side spread my family made up. the painting is by my sister
Originally Posted by Seito

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Decorative Spread)
Description: The Christmas Tree for the year + the handmade stockings that Granny made. <3 Please pardon the mess.
Entry: The Picture + Close up of stockings. + Close up of tree

Last edited by BellyButton; 01-03-2011 at 08:50 PM..


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BellyButton is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by Shadami View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category:Gift Wrapping
Description:I wrapped some presents for my grandmother , they say from santa on the,. =] She's lost her memory so its just a cute little thing to try to make her Christmas special.
Entry: The wrapping paper
The candy shaped presents to go in the stocking

The pile of gifts
Originally Posted by Amice View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Gift Wrapping
Description: I drew Thomas the Tank engine on my nephew's wrapping paper.
Entry: clicky
Originally Posted by Clair Voyant View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Gift Wrapping
Description: It's hard to tell in the picture, but this gift is smaller than the palm of my hand. It's a very expensive gold and silver charm for my mother's charm bracelet. As you can see, the tag says from: Your Girls. ^^ My sister and I chipped in together to get it for her because it was so pricey. But I wrapped it myself. The box was a weird shape, so I decided to enter it. It had a rectangular base, but has two triangular sides.
Entry: 100_3455.jpg picture by Fan_Of_Tudor - Photobucket
Originally Posted by Pa-pancake View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Gift Wrapping
Description: Its a small box of scented candles which I plan to give to my colleague. I printed to wrapper myself and I bought some gold ribbon around the house. Added the peppermint candy cane for a touch of cuteness!
Entry: ( clicky )
Originally Posted by Knerd View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Gift Wrapping
Description: Pretty blue paper and gold ribbon for my father :heart:
Entry: Clicky!
Originally Posted by .Simplicity. View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Gift Wrapping
Description: These are just the gifts for my boyfriend. I wrapped others, for my family, but they opened them before I even had a chance to take a picture. xD And since I was seeing him later in the day, his were still there. c: I've never really put ribbon on presents before, so it was new to me (I'm so simple with presents. D: ). I planned on making a bow out of the ribbon, but I failed miserably so I just ended up putting a pre-made bow on it instead, but it still looks really nice. ^^
Entry: ( clicky )
Picture with Username - Username close up & readable
Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Gift Wrapping
Description: These are the presents I wrapped for my family. I didn't make the paper (or the little red boxes) but I actually did make all the bows by hand, out of flat ribbons and tape. I had no boxes so some of the squishy stuff made for some fascinatingly odd-shaped packages.
Entry: The Pile, Simple Bow, Loop Bow, Traditional Pointy Bows (these were sort of hard to do, but really satisfying to look at once completed) ^_^
Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie View Post
I’ve made something festive!
Category: Gift Wrapping
Description: This funky shaped box was a challenge to wrap! I didn't think I'd get it to be perfect but I tried.
Entry: Triangle shaped present

I’ve made something festive!
Category: Gift Wrapping
Description: This is a gift wrapped in "homemade" gift wrap with a bow made of the same. I recycled some pages of a food magazine to wrap the gift and also made the bow out of the same food magazine :D You can see some of the text on the bow and the wrapping paper.
Entry: Front of gift with homemade bow and Back of Gift
Originally Posted by dragoness129

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Gift Wrapping
Description: Silver wrapping paper with red cloth ribbons and bows (which I made myself)
Entry: Full View / Close up on Name
Originally Posted by Seito

I’ve made something festive!

Category: Gift Wrapping
Description: xD The family's gift wrapping.
Entry: 1 2 3

Oops and since these have my username in them. xD The chinahut and the pile of boxes.

Last edited by BellyButton; 01-03-2011 at 08:52 PM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 08:55 PM

Participation EI StuffX

Eligible for Free Participation EI:
Amice -- sent Homemade Angel!
BlackCart29 -- sent Homemade Angel!
blueblackrose --
Cherry Flavored Antacid -- sent Homemade Angel
Chikuma -- sent Homemade Angel!
Clair Voyant -- sent Homemade Angel!
Cloudwalker --
DariaMorgendorfer -- sent Homemade Angel!
dragoness129 --
Eastriel -- sent Homemade Angel
For-Chan Cookie -- sent Homemade Angel
JapaneseCherryBlossom -- sent Homemade Angel!
Knerd -- sent Homemade Angel!
Linnea -- sent Homemade Angel!
M i n u x e -- sent Homemade Angel!
Pa-pancake -- sent Homemade Angel!
Rabid Rainbow -- sent Homemade Angel!
Saravi Boo -- sent Homemade Angel
Seito --
Shadami -- sent Homemade Angel!
Silverbeam -- sent Homemade Angel
silverwingedshadows --
.Simplicity. -- sent Homemade Angel
spicedroses --
Woodlandnymph -- sent Homemade Angel!

Last edited by BellyButton; 01-03-2011 at 09:00 PM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 08:57 PM

.. aaaaaand one final reserve post, just in case!

Last edited by BellyButton; 12-13-2010 at 03:53 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-22-2010, 10:52 PM

Niftiness. ;D

Look forward to seeing the entries for this.

... I'd enter my homemade hoilday peek-a-boo teddy, but it's not PG-13. :ninja:


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BellyButton is offline
Old 12-22-2010, 11:32 PM

Hello there!, heck.

*gives the 20 back*

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 12:14 AM

Belly, if I can manage to get the supplies in time, I will make you a lovely winter terrarium. Though I doubt I'll be able to get the supplies. :gonk:

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 12:19 AM

Hooray! By the end of the week, hopefully I'll have a knitted garment to submit here. Maybe even a couple of ornaments too. :yes:


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BellyButton is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 12:27 AM

Sounds great, ladies! Except the part about you not getting supplies on time Cherry, sheesh! :talk2hand:

Spring`Tyme Fresh
Spring`Tyme Fresh is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 12:29 AM

Aw, I made a Candy Cane coloured bracelet for my mum for Christmas, but I didn't take any pictures and I'm not at home, and I don't have any thread to make a new one. :cry:

Quitting the site
JapaneseCherryBlossom is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 01:32 AM

I made ornaments for my three nieces for christmas this year. They have butterflies in them. So can that count as an entry, even though it's not christmassy?


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BellyButton is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 01:53 AM

Originally Posted by JapaneseCherryBlossom View Post
I made ornaments for my three nieces for christmas this year. They have butterflies in them. So can that count as an entry, even though it's not christmassy?
Sure, it can! :)

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 02:02 AM

Belly thread! 8D;;

Does an ornament that I colored with my kids at work count? Haha.


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BellyButton is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 02:25 AM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
Belly thread! 8D;;

Does an ornament that I colored with my kids at work count? Haha.
Have you done most of the work yourself? If so I don't see why not. ;)

Sorry Springy about the ill timing. <3 Maybe you'll be inspired to create something else during the course of the event though!

Mama Bear
Panda-nee is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 02:59 AM

Yay! Arts and Crafts, this one should be right up my alley :O

Looks like I need to make a trip to the craft store in the Morning.


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BellyButton is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 03:34 AM

Awesome! Can't wait to see what you make. :)

Jezriel is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 05:18 AM

Hm, I happen to have a pair of crochet handwarmers that I made for someone this year. Mayhap I'll take a picture... even though they aren't that great looking. >.>'

One more thing to add to my list of 101 things to do tomorrow.


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Old 12-23-2010, 06:07 AM

Think of it as a free EI for participating? :) I'm sure they're lovely, anyway. I've got a million things to do tomorrow too. :gonk:

Wynna is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 03:24 PM

I love the fact that we have gift wrapping as a category to enter. :)


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