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Old 03-30-2011, 08:04 PM

Thank you to Iroase Delschatten for the art and Ferra for the banner!

Hello! I'm back once again with an RP contest. This time for April Fools, so you'll notice the lovely name this go around is "Act the Fool." Kind of fitting, ne? I thought so, so I'm using it. -cackle-

I do apologize ahead of time if I switch between first and third person, I'm working on using first person more often, especially in staff related things, since it seems all nice and official-like.

So~ Welcome to the thread, be sure to read the rules and I'll try my hardest to be cleared on what this contest is about than I was last time. PROMISE!

NOTICE: You get ONE Participation Prize for your entries. So no matter how many of the contests you enter and how many entries you make, you only get one.

Last edited by Knerd; 04-01-2011 at 08:35 PM..

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Flink is offline
Old 03-30-2011, 08:04 PM

Thread Rules
These are the rules for the THREAD itself.

  1. Obey the TOS, it's like the law!
  2. Be nice to eachother, do not insult other people's entries.
  3. No fighting, or FRINKZIRRA will get you.
  4. Don't bite the mailman.

Last edited by Flink; 03-30-2011 at 08:07 PM..

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Flink is offline
Old 03-30-2011, 08:05 PM

Profile Contest Rules & Form
This is the area for the profile contest.

Like last event, the main contest for this thread is the Profile Making contest and you should PM these entries to me. Now as to what I expect in your profile. I expect DETAIL. I do not want, "see avatar or picture" for their description. If you want to use them, try looking at the picture and describing them, because I will NOT be taking pictures for descriptions.

As to a background, I LOVE long and detailed backgrounds. But I will aceept short and sweet.

Also note that you should probably tell me what you're going for in your RP. Are you wanting it to be funny, serious, dramatic, horrific, a Mary/Gary Sue? Let me know, so I know how to judge your entry!

Prizes for this Contest
  1. First place - 6k plus a CI
  2. Second - 4k plus a Participation Prize
  3. Third - 2k plus a Participation Prize

Also, depending on how many I get for each category there WILL be surprise prizes for different categories! Think last time how I gave out Channah's Panties on my head for the funniest.



Last edited by Flink; 04-01-2011 at 11:34 PM..

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Flink is offline
Old 03-30-2011, 08:05 PM

Introduction Contest
This is the area for the introduction contest.

OK. So you DO NOT have to finish an entry for the Profile Contest for this one, sorry. That means that you can make up an entirely new character just for this contest. What I want you to do is to write an intro for your character entering the RP thread that I'll be setting up. THIS IS NOT YOUR ACTUAL INTRO INTO THE THREAD.

Now, what I'm looking for in this is I'd like to see how many paragraphs you can get for your intro. Like how many it takes to reach the door, turn the know, enter the area. I want full sentences and no random letters! This is for fun, it doesn't have to be serious.

Just so you know, you post your INTRO in this thread!

Prizes for this Contest
  1. First - 4k plus a Participation Prize
  2. Second 2k plus a Participation Prize


That's right, no form, just the part that you have to post on TOP of your entry. Remember, post it in this thread and it is not your actual intro into the RP.

Last edited by Flink; 04-01-2011 at 11:35 PM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 10:39 PM

Do we pm the profile or post it in here?

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Flink is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 11:33 PM

PM it to me. Need to add that, don't I?

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 11:35 PM

You just might want to do that.. XD

And what do you mean by categories exactly?

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 04-01-2011 at 11:38 PM..

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Flink is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 11:45 PM

Do you intend for your entry to be funny, do you want me to feel bad for them? Is it a Mary/Gary... Basically what are you aiming for, what sort of RP would this character be in.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 11:50 PM

O thanks, that helps a lot! :D

Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 12:02 AM

Clair is still really confused by how this all works, Flink. You create an original character, send it to you, and you judge us on the rp? :O

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 01:35 AM

I was pleasantly surprised there is an April fools event, and even more so that there is another RP contest! I'm super excited for this :eager: *dashes off to type like a madman*

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 03:05 AM


Marina ran towards a town, her long black hair fluttering behind her. She looked back over her shoulder and gazed at the land. Not seeing anyone she turned back to the town. She was almost there, maybe she could hide somewhere within this town. She didn't think she could run anymore. Suddenly she tripped on a stick in the road and tumbled forward. She instinctively threw her work roughened hands forward to catch her fall. She quickly jumped back up knowing she couldn't waste time. She wrenched her skirts back to rights then picked them up and ran very unwomanly like.

She finally reached the town and slowed down letting her skirts drop back into place. Her hands were scrapped up but she would have to deal with it for a moment till she found a place to hide. The person following her couldn't find her. She huffed from the long run. Looking at the buildings with her deep green eyes she tried to reason which would be the best. Finally her eyes stopped on an inn. It was made from a wonderful dark red wood and was three stories. She stopped and looked at it wondering if her pursuer would look here. It would be the first place any normal person would check but that person wasn't normal. And maybe she would get lucky and could get lost amounst the other people.

Her stomach grumbled making up her mind. She looked around once more before quickly running to the door. She stopped suddenly and listened for any sounds of running coming towards her. Finally she placed her hand on the door handle and opened the door. She noticed the warm surroundings and the lovely smell of good food when she heard the noise she least wanted to hear. The sound of running and, "Wait, don't leave me behind!" She whirled around, keeping her hand on the door and it opened, and glared at the horrible man she had been running from. "I told you to leave me alone! I am not going to marry you!" She screamed at the man infront of her then froze. She blushed as she turned and realized the door was still open and anyone inside could, and probably had, heard her shout. She dropped her hand from the doornob and covered her face. Before the door had swung shut she ran inside leaving the poor man outside.

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 04:13 AM

Ooooh! I loved this last event, I look forward to entering :drool:

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 07:05 AM

I might be a bit rusty... but here goes.


Charisma's blonde hair almost glowed as she flicked it over her shoulder, revealing a bare shoulder. She hitched up her strapless dress and steeled herself. "You promised you'd show up." She muttered under her breath as a little voice inside her whispered But you haven't seen her in years. What if she doesn't remember you? One foot in front of the other, just ten steps to the door. It was green, with a small brass doorknob, and no window. A lot of the old railway houses on this street were almost windowless. The town had sprung up out of nowhere, so the older buildings were basic, and square, just wooden boxes with a chimney and a porch. One foot hit the concrete pathway, sleek in its black boot, and Charisma winced at the way the sound echoed off the hills. The house was on high street, the only way in or out of town, and there was no traffic to cover the "clip clop" of her heeled boots. The only thing sounding out louder is my thudding heart. She complained inwardly.

A small, rounded face appeared at one of the windows to the side of the door, blue eyes wide. The child must have run away then, because Charisma didn't see another sign of it for the next nine steps. It was frightening, and she considered turning away and not knocking on that plain door with its mocking green planks. Another step, another echo, another wince. Internal misgivings whispering in that bleached blonde head. Tears welled in green eyes, and Charisma reached up a white hand to wipe them away. This wasn't fair, she had to get the courage up to see her.

One more step, and then another, and another, willing the voices in her head to shut up. All that was in the past, she would be ok now. A deep breath, and she hitched her dress up again. Somehow she had made it to the top step, and was standing, just staring at the door. She reached out a clenched fist, white with fear and anticipation, and rapped once, twice, three times on the wood. The door creaked open just a crack and a small voice asked,
"Who is it?"
"My name's Charisma." Her own voice was as small as the child's, but at her words, the door opened wide. Standing there was a small girl, only four years old. Her blue eyes were wide as she looked up into the visitor's face.
"Are you my mum?" The simple question brought tears to Charisma's eyes once more and she crouched so that she was looking directly into the girl's face.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 05:46 PM

ooooh cora WILL be doing this!

not right now, but tommarrow after work she'll type it out....and maybe work on it at work.

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 12:24 AM

Clarissa rubbed her hands together shakily, her ragged breaths falling as clouds and wreathing her face. "Es ist kalt genug, um einen Eisbären frieren hier..." she mumbled distractedly to herself, reverting back to her native German momentarily. What she had said loosely translated to 'It's cold enough to freeze a polar bear out here' and was one of Clarissa's favourite sayings she reserved for the long winter nights, during which the temperature in her hollow under McQuade Bridge was well into the negatives and her only source of warmth was a large woolen blanket that she'd smuggled from Mr. Henderson, her employer's, basement. She'd only spent one night there, it was during her first year on the island of Menewsha and she was unused to the harsh environment of sleeping on the streets, being used to the warmth of her family home in Berlin. She worked for Mr. Henderson; she was a paper-girl and he payed her with a hot bowl of soup each night, one of Clarissa's sole comforts. During this night she had come to him after her soup, begging for a place to say. Larry Henderson had a kind heart, even if he was only a poor man and could barely afford the food in his pantry on a good day, and so offered Clarissa refuge in is basement for one night. Clarissa had gladly accepted, and that night was one of the best things to have happened to her since she hopped on the ferry to Menewsha, for in the basement she found an ancient, nameless tome describing the art of becoming an animagus; a man who becomes an animal. Along with her blanket, Clarissa had smuggled this out of his house in the morning and this brings us back to where we are today.

Clarissa stood up and stamped her feet, giving up on warming her body naturally. She shook her head as if to clear it, long chestnut hair rippling as she did so, and a change began to overtake her body. her bone structure began to morph, arms becoming legs and her spine curving unnaturally, and her hair became a mane and encompassed her entire body. Clarissa had become a horse. A Clydesdale to be precise; of about 16 hands with a chestnut mane, tail and coat, the only alteration of her fur was a white 'star' on her forehead and white 'socks' on her feet. Whinnying, Clarissa clip-clopped off into the town. As a horse, her body naturally produced more heat and she could stay in the stable that resided next to most Inns to boot! Before long she could feel the heat returning to her body and she could see the Red Rose Inn just around he corner; this was one of her favourite joints. The stables were always well kept and no drunken bar-goers tried to molest her, even in horse form, like they had at 'The Unicorn's Tail Feather'.

After about an hour of sitting in the stables, failing to sleep due to the noise in the Inn (the wall of which being a mere meter away from her left ear), Clarissa stamped her hoof agitatedly and morphed back into a human. Debating her options, she decided to go into the Inn; Even if she didn't buy anything, it still spelled warmth. Pushing open the door, she stepped inside.

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 03:47 AM

So when it comes to the actual roleplay, we don't need to use a profile from the contest as well do we?

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 07:03 AM


Arms pumping at her side Azra ran as fast as she could. Her wings were tucked to her back so the wouldn't get in the way. Slowly but surely she was catching up to the vampire she was chasing. Azra was an enforcer for the supernaturals, one of the best. Tonight she was hunting down a rogue vampire that had killed three human girls. The coven he was connected to decided to bring in a neutral party to execute him. She hated when the supes did that. To "noble" to kill one of their own even though they broke sacred rules. So they had to call her or other enforcers to do the job.

Launching through the air Azra tackled the vampire to the ground and smacked him hard in the jaw making his head whip back. Hitting him once more she pinned his arms to the ground. "Azrel Jacktiar you have broken your coven's most sacred rule. You have killed three innocent humans and I am here to administer your punishment. For your crimes you have earned the punishment of death." Standing up and not even giving him time to run Azra shot him in the heart with a wooden bullet. They worked quite nice on vampires and were easier then a stake, though she did have one of those with her. Taking out her cell phone she pressed a few buttons then brought the phone up to her ear. "It's done take care of the body. Alleyway off 26th. Yeah, yeah you know where. Later." Pressing end she stuck her phone back into her pocket. Putting her gun away she spun around and started to walk away.

Azra had only taken a few steps before everything went black and she was swept up in the air. She was thrown around like she was in a tornado and then suddenly she was falling. Her huge wings sprung out from her back and slowed her fall. Landing with her wings still spread out behind her and in a crouch, Azra looked around. First she noticed the marble floor beneath her feet. Standing up she raised her gaze up higher and froze. Before her was Zeus and the rest of the God's and Goddesses. Opening her mouth she said the only thing she could think of. "Oh shit."

Bauchle is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 05:30 PM


Jeremy leaned back on the chair, placing his feet on the table in front of him. He looked cool and tough when he sat like this, even if it was the polar opposite of what he was normally like. He didn't let anyone know that his jeans were so tight he often had red rings around his abdomen and a button impression under his navel. He didn't tell anyone that although he loved the person he portrayed at school, he was really a teddy bear. He didn't tell anyone that he was actually terribly lonely and that he wished he could have some friends, or even better, how he wished he could have a friend.

He cast his emerald eyes around the detention hall, staring at the remedial English teacher who was sitting at the front desk, coffee mug by his side and the betting listings in his hands. He stared at the students around him, the tough kids, the punks with piercings and tattoos, or so they said. He wasn't one of them, but they considered him an equal, a peer, a comrade. Jeremy often wondered why. Other than the jeans and the boots and the biker jacket, he did nothing to make them think that, but yet, the other students and the teachers were wary of him. Always blaming him for things that go wrong and whipping him into detention before he could even say the word 'Innocent'.

Though, he had to admit, it wasn't all bad. The girls absolutely loved this silent-but-deadly personality that he appeared to have. They would often look at him from across the room, or giggle about him with their friends. That sort of attention would inflate the ego of any male, but even more so in a hormonal teenager.

There was only one girl that he had ever looked at in that way before, but his feelings for her could never become a reality. It was a taboo affair between him and the rest of society. No-one would understand, they would lock him up and throw away the key...but he couldn't help it.

He loved his mother in the same way that his father did. And in the end, the best man would get her, he just had to ensure that he would be the best man.

Fauxreal is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 07:16 PM


How it started?You wanted to know how this whole thing got started?

"Damn it Jose! I told you to carve the radishes into roses, you cut right through to the bottom." Nadia took a breath. "Okay, we can do this. Go get another bushel of them and start soaking them in cold water right away. Betty, is the rest of the vegetable garden ready?" From across the room Betty yelled out, "It's all done boss!" "Fantastic. The rosemary and red wine steaks are marinating and ready." Nadia looked around at her kitchen. She loved the smell of dinner. She was the youngest head chef to the King and she didn't get there by sitting on the side lines. She cooked and cleaned, chopped and chiseled her way to the top.

Leaning over the counter she admire her creations. The mashed potatoes in the shape of the kings crown, she smiled at the garlic and cheese pieces, perfectly placed jewels. The vegetable garden, vegetables cut to look like flowers. Steaks, ready to order. And for desert! Rice paper cranes, with several types of dipping sauces. Her kitchen was perfect.

Walking in the dinning room, the house staff had also made her dining room elegant as ever. The windows had been lightly draped and the candles had all been lit for a wonderfully romantic feeling. It wasn't every day the unmarried King courted. He was picky and everyone though he would end up alone. This princess seemed to have cast a spell on him. Dinner would be perfect. He was going to propose tonight and make her his queen.

Nadia sighed in happiness.

After a perfect evening, not even a spill from that clumsy butler, Ralph, the king did propose and the princess said yes. And she did have a hold over the king. He was in love. I suppose you can't get a more magical spell than that.

Nadia continued to cook for them both. Then one night the king came down to the kitchen for a midnight snack. Nadia always made sure there were treats for midnight in case. Because she woke up early to help the baker, she left treats in the fridge or on the counter. But the new Queen wouldn't listen to Nadia as she explained, she was never up at midnight with the King. Although Nadia was half giant, several feet higher than the royalty in that castle, the Queen was fierce and scary. She had never been interested in the King. She just wanted to cook. Since her mother brought her in the kitchen at her bosom, her whole life, she had been hungry for it!

The Queen didn't listen and didn't care.

Nadia went to her room and packed her things. What was she going to do? She had been quite unceremoniously fired. And for the idea of tempting the King?! Other Queen's would not hire such a young female chef with that kind of history.

Then she remembered her mother's story. A fairy tale for the children of giants. Jack the Thief. He would come in the night and steal you away if you didn't behave. But her mother told her something else. Jack had been real! Her great great great great grandfather's murderer. Jack who stole not only the Golden Goose from her family but the Singing Harp as well. She was so young when her mother told her those stories. But she remembered she vowed to get what had rightfully belonged to her family. The Beanstalk Family had to be somewhere. She would find them and confront them.

She knew where she was headed.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 07:21 PM


Blythe was running away from her home again on her trusty caramel colored mare. The horse's powerful muscles propelled the both of them further and further away from the young lady's home. Hooves flying Crescent jumped over a fence, and evaded startled farmers along the way. It was a habit of Blythe's to run from home, and whatever marriage proposal had been arranged by her parents. The red-head wanted to marry for love, not money, not power, but love. That was a rare thing and impossible to do unless you had a stubborn streak.

The pair were fast approaching a town, and had lost to loose their pursuers quickly. Guards had a habit of running after the young woman when all she wanted to be was left alone. Quickly Blythe guided Crescent into alley ways and streets, trying to loose whomever was still on her trail. They crashed trough a marketplace or two, scattering merchants and vendors every which way. Blythe grinned when she heard fruit carts toppling, that would make the guards lives so much harder.

Up ahead, there was an Inn. Three stories high, made of brick, it was the perfect place to hide. Tough expected, Blythe knew that most inns held a certain... Lack of appeal to normal nobility. The places were usually rough, full of bawdy songs and bar fights. The perfect place for an adventurous lady to lose herself among the commoners. Quickly Blythe heeled Crescent towards the place and led her into the stables. A warhorse was not to be handled by strangers.

The young woman stepped out of her stuffy green dress ,after hiding behind her horse, and was glad she wore breeches underneath. Quickly she slipped on a cream blouse and walked out. Dropping a copper into a stable boy's hand she explained what she wanted. Then Blythe walked inside like she owned the place, and marched straight to the counter. "May I have a room please? For a few nights if it's at all possible." Inn keeper or not, this lady would be able to find the owner. She was dressed as a maid, and faced with a determined expression from Blythe.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 10:36 PM

Ok so.....the intro post should be related to the actual RP but not necessarily be your real intro post?

do you think pigeons have feelin...
Iltu is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 01:47 AM

*races around and tries to get something done for this*
What a fabulous contest! Love the RP based stuff you did last even, Flink, so glad to see it again. :'D

\ (•◡•) /
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flamethrower1391 is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 02:37 AM

Akira had been travelling for months with her friend, Setsurou. The two were headed to a city made completely of glass. It was said to be a magnificent sight that humans rarely ever saw if humans were ever told of it. A city that reflected everything from the rays of the sun and the twinkling stars to the people who walk the streets everyday. It has been rumoured that the city also reflects the future of the planet during solar eclipses. Others have said it was when the planets were aligned. Neither of the travellers knew when or if it was true.

Of course, the city was invisible to all eyes unless you could find the secret entrance. A secret entrance that was hidden by elves, dragons, and goblins. Outsiders were unable to see it and demons, vampires, and the likes were unable to penetrate it's barrier. There was no said way of getting in or how to find the entrance. It is a secret that only the inhabitants of the city know. Even those who trade with the city dwellers know of no way to get in.

One had tried following a client to the entrance. Unknowingly, the man walked right into a trap and was hanged. His body, now reduced to nothing but bones, remains in the gallows outside of the city as a message to anyone else who dares to try what he had. A few others have tried, but they ended up joining him in his hell.

Where did the two learn of this city when it isn't written in any book? Akira's grandfather always prided himself as a storyteller. The one story requested most was the Tale of the Glass City. His stories were told with great care, every word chosen carefully and structured together in a way that just rolled off the tongue. All the children enjoyed listening to his stories. Most of them, however, didn't grow up in search of this mystical and mythical city.

"I'm exhausted," Setsurou said as he stumbled forward. The man's clothing was tattered and covered in dirt, and his short, blue hair greasy. No wonder he was exhausted. Their trek wasn't the easiest. Storms that blew them off course, creatures that tried to eat them, bandits that tried to rob them. Travelling through such a land wasn't safe.

Akira knew that she probably looked the same or close to it. Strands of orange hair was coming out of her ponytail, her green dress was cut short after it was torn on a branch, her feet were bare and coaked in mud. It was amazing no body stared at them. Maybe the townspeople were used to this kind of thing.

Coming up to a dark red wooden, three-story inn, the two stopped. The place was beautiful. With windows every few feet and balconies here and there, it surpassed any other inn they had stayed at. If the outside was this gorgeous, what would the inside look like? The thought of it made the two want to burst through the door and grab a room. And that's just what they did.

With Setsurou leading the way, the two walked through the door of the inn. Neither looked around at the occupants or to see if any were staring at them. Setsurou walked up to the innkeeper and grabbed two keys. With only a twin bed in every room and the two just being friends, they had to get two rooms. With that, the two headed to their rooms for a nice shower and a change of clothes. It was what they need after a long and dangerous journey.

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Flink is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 09:46 PM

Sorry I'm so horrible at explaining things. Still getting the hang of this.

You may use any character you want in the RP itself, you do not need to use a character you create for the profile making contest.

The profile contest is just to see how good you are at making profiles, so you are not obligated to RP that character.


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