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Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 03:56 AM

DIY Cosmetics and Body/Beauty Care Products

Have some favorite "recipes" or tutorials for things like lotions, sugar scrubs, face washes, or lip balms? Share them with everyone here on Mene! Have a question about making your own soaps and other products? Maybe you've always wanted to try making your own goodies, but didn't know where to start.

Feel free to post advice, past projects, questions, tutorials, and anything else here related to DIY beauty.

In the third post, I'll have a section for links to recipes and tutorials that you want to share with everyone.

Please follow the usual Mene rules!

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 09-20-2013 at 04:07 AM..

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 03:57 AM

If you want to share a tutorial or "recipe" Post it with this and I will add it to this page!
[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="4"][B]DIY Share Time![/B][/SIZE]
@ Woodlandnymph ; (Take out the spaces)
[B]Your name[/B]
[ put your link/recipe here]

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 09-20-2013 at 04:08 AM..

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 04:06 AM




DIY Tinted Lip Balm in a Locket

DIY Nose Pore Strips

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 12-20-2013 at 10:31 PM..

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 04:15 AM

Ok! Post away and share your favorite goodies!


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BellyButton is offline
Old 11-30-2013, 04:11 AM

Woody! Do you have experience in making lip balm, or have you heard things? I wanna try but I don't want to take advice from Google when I can ask my fellow Menewshans instead.

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 05:00 AM

Ooooh. You know. I've not made it from scratch yet, but I have a few recipes in a book and I've look them up on youtube. I heard it's pretty easy.

Well, I guess I've made a rudimentary version with my nieces for fun. When you use Vaseline and pixie sticks. So it's tasty and moisturizing.

Pa-chinko is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 05:38 PM

I really recommend the oil cleansing method to folks. It really gets in there. I was super skeptical since I have ridiculously oily skin but castor+green tea oil really helped.

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 06:13 PM

Did you mix it with anything? Or did you use it straight on your face with a cotton swab?

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 12-06-2013, 08:20 PM

Using oil on an oily face should reduce the amount of oil the skin produces anyway.

Skin gets greasy because it's dry. Your skin does the only thing that it can to try and redress the balance, which is over-produce sebum from the pores, giving you a shiny face and potentially blocking your pores.

It might seem counter-intuitive, but moisturising the skin will lessen sebum production, as will using non-drying ways of cleaning your face. So oil as cleanser makes perfect sense. :)

I imagine you just massage it in, then clean it off. I'd use damp cotton wool for a first removal, then toner and cotton wool to clean the rest of the residue off. My toner's just organic rose water anyway. Using an oil to clean your face would mean you'd be able to use less moisturiser too, as your skin should feel soft and comfortable once the oil was cleaned off, so only a dab of moisturiser needed.

I like the idea a lot, and a good quality bottle of olive oil is the same kind of price per 100g as your L'Oréal, Garnier, Nivea, Olay etc. cleansers. Bit of a no brainer really, as the oil is natural and not crammed with chemicals.

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 12-06-2013, 09:10 PM

The only time I ever use moisturizer is during the winter, and I avoid my nose and chin.

I love using toners, and I generally use a nice tea tree toner from LUSH. I love that place. OR, I make my own concoction with witch hazel and a bit of rose water too.

I'm going to look for a good oil next time I go to the health food store and whip up my own batch to see how I like it.

Pa-chinko is offline
Old 12-14-2013, 01:04 AM

I usually just use the basic cheap oil and it works well. I also heard baby oil is great.
My routine:
1) 10-15 minutes just massaging the oil into my face while browsing the net with my other hand.
2) Soak a face towel with very warm water.
3) Leave towel on face for 30 seconds to warm up the oil and open the pores.
4) Wipe my face with the towel.
5) Clean towel under warm water.
6) Repeat steps 3-5 until it's gone.

I also use a face mask afterwards to soak up any excess oils. I usually use Garnier's Pure Active 3-1 as a face mask when I'm lazy or the Body Shop's Seaweed mask if I want to be thorough.

Also another DIY: CRAYON LIPSTICK! Some complains about how it covers but still fun to make and try out!


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BellyButton is offline
Old 12-14-2013, 06:29 PM

Oh man, I might have to try that crayon lipstick. Looks fun!

edit: This looks neat, too! From that same site, DIY Tinted Lip Balm in a Locket

Last edited by BellyButton; 12-14-2013 at 06:34 PM..

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 12-15-2013, 05:13 PM

I didn't try Lush's tea tree toner, that would be too drying for my poor facey I think. I tried the Breath of fresh air one and that was too drying. I adore their Eau Roma one though, absolutely love it, but I can't afford Lush products now, so I get organic rose water on Ebay instead.

The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 12-15-2013, 11:45 PM

I make my own lip scrub with some brown sugar, olive oil, and honey (sometimes).

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 12-16-2013, 03:33 AM

I think it'd be drying on my face in the winter too Jelly.

So I will definitely do that routine Pa-chinko and let cha know how it goes for me! Cause it sounds like it'd be a perfect addition to my pampering that I do every so often.

Also, I would have never thought to do crayon lipstick. Stealing that for my pintrest!!

Oh! That sounds tasty Secret.

The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 12-17-2013, 11:14 PM

Well, it is edible. xD

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 05:56 AM

Haha. I see those lip scrubs sold at my favorite store (LUSH) and yah. Why buy it when you can make it? Then you know exactly what goes in. I might make one with rose water since it's getting so dry. Silly winter.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 09:52 PM

DIY Share Time!
Your name Knerd
DIY Nose Pore Strips

I was browsing through Michelle Phan's Youtube page today and stumbled on her guide to making your own pore strips. I used to do this all the time! It's fun and so simple, just made of gelatin and milk. And they work incredibly well. As long as you give the mixture enough time to dry and harden on your face, it pulls off gunk and sebum just as well as a professional pore strip.

Highly recommended!

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 10:30 PM

Oh nice! Thanks Knerd! I think I saw her tutorial on this and I wanted to try it. I used up my gelatin for marshmallows.

Alexander J Luthor
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Alexander J Luthor is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 03:50 AM

I was watching Extreme Cheapskates and there was an interesting recipe for homemade deodorant that I was going to try. When I get around to it, I'll post it here with my results. Not that I'm a cheapskate, I just think deodorant is ridiculous sometimes and, let's face it, guy's deo smells like mountain ass breeze and women's smells like a lumberjack went through a field of daffodils after they've both been used. I'd rather go with something scentless that eats the odor and drinks the sweat.

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 03:55 AM

Hahahaha. I want my pits to smell like lumberjack daffodils!

Alexander J Luthor
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Alexander J Luthor is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:05 AM

You just love that mental picture, don't you?

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 06:08 AM

I really really do. I can see a lumberjack skipping through the fields wearing a tutu or something.

I stick with mellow scents from Dove and all that. The one deodorant scent I can NOT stand is 'powder'. It smells like someone's rubbed 1,000 baby wipes in your pits.

Alexander J Luthor
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Alexander J Luthor is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 06:13 AM

I'm an Old Spice guy. There's nothing else I can do after there was an Axe fight in my old high school. *gags* That's a stench that no chemical warfare can combat.

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 06:21 AM

Oh. I agree. Axe can choke a horse. As a lady on the receiving end of men soaked in axe sprays and deodorants. Thanks, but no thanks.

It's why I like making my own products when I can. I love real scents from essential oils. I'd rather smell like rosewood and lavender than the fakery that's out and about.


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