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Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:46 PM

Last edited by Elirona; 09-01-2016 at 11:59 PM..

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:47 PM


If you've ever wanted to illegally bet on athletes during the Menewsha Summer Games, Eli's Illegal Betting Operation is the place to be! (don't worry, we're not actually betting on anything. It's just thematic!)

I've wanted to do a gigantic raffle with lots of prizes for a long time, but I never got around to doing it. For the Summer Games, I decided that it's now or never. I don't want all these awesome prizes just sitting away in my inventory for all eternity!!

So, what exactly is it that we're doing here? Well, I'm raffling off a whole bunch of awesome and rare Mene items that you may not have had the chance to get.
Here's a complete list of the stuff being raffled off:
  • Green Lederhosen
  • Golden Scythe
  • Corpse Hat
  • Auctioneer's Ledger
  • Valentine's Day 2015 EI Set
  • Celes Paradi 2015 EI Set
  • Summer Wedding Set
  • Inked
  • Pulin' Moar Faces
  • Year of the Warm Fuzzies
  • Dusty Dreamer
  • Pretty Princess Eyes
  • Vicktoria's Natural Updo
  • Angelic Blessing
  • Whimsical Bard
  • Death's Minion
  • The Sting in the Tail

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:48 PM

You'd think in an illegal betting operation there'd be no rules, but we have to have some semblance of order here, am I right?

I'm Cool Milk, btw. I'm Elirona's mule! I take control of the operation when Eli isn't around, but for the event we're working together since we usually get three times the business we usually do during the Summer Games.

Below this post, you'll see all the raffles we're doing for the event. You can participate in ALL of them!
  • They have varying prices.
  • You can buy a maximum of 30 tickets for each raffle.
  • If a raffle sells less than 100 tickets, the raffle will not happen and gold will be refunded to all that bought tickets for that specific raffle.
  • When buying tickets, you MUST donate your gold to Cool Milk. If you donate to Elirona, he'll just take it as a nice donation to himself! (He won't. He'll just give you your gold back.)
  • You CAN buy tickets for your friends, but be sure to let them know! Ping them to the thread if you do.
  • No mules, please! Charity mules are fine, though!
  • Raffles will be drawn live in the Meneverse shortly after the event ends.

Note: The tickets are NOT limited in availability.

With all those boring rules out of the way, let's get to the different raffles you can enter!

Last edited by Cool Milk; 08-28-2016 at 06:34 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:48 PM

RAFFLE 1: Stung to Death

Items being raffled off:

The Sting in the Tail | Death's Minion

Ticket Price: 15g per ticket
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 30
Tickets Sold So Far: 152 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send donations to Cool Milk specifying which raffle you're buying for! (and how many tickets!)

Ticket HoldersX

1: Prismatic Llama
2: Precarious Fool
3: Zephi
4: Zephi
5: Zephi
6: Zephi
7: Zephi
8: Zephi
9: Zephi
10: Zephi
11: Zephi
12: Zephi
13: Ava the Vampire
14: Ava the Vampire
15: Ava the Vampire
16: Ava the Vampire
17: Ava the Vampire
18: Shadami
19: Shadami
20: Shadami
21: Shadami
22: Shadami
23: Shadami
24: Shadami
25: Shadami
26: Shadami
27: Shadami
28: Shadami
29: Shadami
30: Shadami
31: Shadami
32: Shadami
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: Shadami
44: Shadami
45: Shadami
46: Shadami
47: Shadami
48: Prismatic Llama
49: Kay
50: Kay
51: Kay
52: Kay
53: Kay
54: Kay
55: Kay
56: Kay
57: Kay
58: Kay
59: Kay
60: Kay
61: Kay
62: Kay
63: Kay
64: Kay
65: Kay
66: Kay
67: Kay
68: Kay
69: Kay
70: Kay
71: Kay
72: Kay
73: Kay
74: Kay
75: Kay
76: Kay
77: Kay
78: Kay
79: Ava the Vampire
80: Ava the Vampire
81: Ava the Vampire
82: Ava the Vampire
83: Ava the Vampire
84: Ava the Vampire
85: Ava the Vampire
86: Ava the Vampire
87: Kent
88: Kent
89: Kent
90: Kent
91: Kent
92: Kent
93: Kent
94: Kent
95: Kent
96: Kent
97: Kent
98: Kent
99: Kent
100: Kent
101: Kent
102: Kent
103: Kent
104: Kent
105: Kent
106: Kent
107: Kent
108: Kent
109: Kent
110: Kent
111: Kent
112: Kent
113: Kent
114: Kent
115: Kent
116: Kent
117: Prismatic Llama
118: D.J. Dead (free)
119: D.J. Dead (free)
120: D.J. Dead (free)
121: D.J. Dead (free)
122: D.J. Dead (free)
123: Linnea
124: Linnea
125: Linnea
126: Linnea
127: Linnea
128: Linnea
129: Linnea
130: Linnea
131: Linnea
132: Linnea
133: Linnea
134: Linnea
135: Linnea
136: Linnea
137: Linnea
138: Linnea
139: Linnea
140: Linnea
141: Linnea
142: Linnea
143: Linnea
144: Linnea
145: Linnea
146: Linnea
147: Linnea
148: Linnea
149: Linnea
150: Linnea
151: Linnea
152: Linnea

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-02-2016 at 12:51 AM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:49 PM

RAFFLE 2: Cosmetic Surgery

Items being raffled off:

Pullin' Moar Faces! | Inked

Ticket Price: 15g per ticket
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 30
Tickets Sold So Far: 214 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send donations to Cool Milk specifying which raffle you're buying for! (And how many tickets!)

Ticket HoldersX

1: Prismatic Llama
2: Precarious Fool
3: Zephi
4: Zephi
5: Zephi
6: Zephi
7: Zephi
8: Zephi
9: Zephi
10: Zephi
11: Zephi
12: Zephi
13: Shadami
14: Shadami
15: Shadami
16: Shadami
17: Shadami
18: Shadami
19: Shadami
20: Shadami
21: Shadami
22: Shadami
23: Shadami
24: Shadami
25: Shadami
26: Shadami
27: Shadami
28: Shadami
29: Shadami
30: Shadami
31: Shadami
32: Shadami
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: TaiyoTsuki
44: TaiyoTsuki
45: TaiyoTsuki
46: TaiyoTsuki
47: TaiyoTsuki
48: TaiyoTsuki
49: TaiyoTsuki
50: TaiyoTsuki
51: TaiyoTsuki
52: TaiyoTsuki
53: TaiyoTsuki
54: TaiyoTsuki
55: TaiyoTsuki
56: TaiyoTsuki
57: TaiyoTsuki
58: TaiyoTsuki
59: TaiyoTsuki
60: TaiyoTsuki
61: TaiyoTsuki
62: TaiyoTsuki
63: TaiyoTsuki
64: TaiyoTsuki
65: TaiyoTsuki
66: TaiyoTsuki
67: TaiyoTsuki
68: TaiyoTsuki
69: TaiyoTsuki
70: TaiyoTsuki
71: TaiyoTsuki
72: TaiyoTsuki
73: Prismatic Llama
74: Kay
75: Kay
76: Kay
77: Kay
78: Kay
79: Kay
80: Kay
81: Kay
82: Kay
83: Kay
84: Kay
85: Kay
86: Kay
87: Kay
88: Kay
89: Kay
90: Kay
91: Kay
92: Kay
93: Kay
94: Kay
95: Kay
96: Kay
97: Kay
98: Kay
99: Kay
100: Kay
101: Kay
102: Kay
103: Kay
104: Kent
105: Kent
106: Kent
107: Kent
108: Kent
109: Kent
110: Kent
111: Kent
112: Kent
113: Kent
114: Kent
115: Kent
116: Kent
117: Kent
118: Kent
119: Kent
120: Kent
121: Kent
122: Kent
123: Kent
124: Kent
125: Kent
126: Kent
127: Kent
128: Kent
129: Kent
130: Kent
131: Kent
132: Kent
133: Kent
134: Prismatic Llama
135: Siipu
136: Siipu
137: Siipu
138: Siipu
139: Siipu
140: Siipu
141: Siipu
142: Siipu
143: Siipu
144: Siipu
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146: Siipu
147: Siipu
148: Siipu
149: Siipu
150: Siipu
151: Siipu
152: Siipu
153: Siipu
154: Siipu
155: Kiari
156: Kiari
157: Kiari
158: Kiari
159: Kiari
160: Kiari
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162: Kiari
163: Kiari
164: Kiari
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166: Kiari
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175: Kiari
176: Kiari
177: Kiari
178: Kiari
179: Kiari
180: Kiari
181: Kiari
182: Kiari
183: Kiari
184: Kiari
185: Linnea
186: Linnea
187: Linnea
188: Linnea
189: Linnea
190: Linnea
191: Linnea
192: Linnea
193: Linnea
194: Linnea
195: Linnea
196: Linnea
197: Linnea
198: Linnea
199: Linnea
200: Linnea
201: Linnea
202: Linnea
203: Linnea
204: Linnea
205: Linnea
206: Linnea
207: Linnea
208: Linnea
209: Linnea
210: Linnea
211: Linnea
212: Linnea
213: Linnea
214: Linnea

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-02-2016 at 12:52 AM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:49 PM

RAFFLE 3: Sleepy Sheepy

Items being raffled off:

Year of the Warm Fuzzies | The Dusty Dreamer

Ticket Price: 15g per ticket
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 30
Tickets Sold So Far: 230 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send donations to Cool Milk specifying which raffle you're buying for! (And how many tickets!)

Ticket HoldersX

1: Prismatic Llama
2: Precarious Fool
3: Zephi
4: Zephi
5: Zephi
6: Zephi
7: Zephi
8: Zephi
9: Zephi
10: Zephi
11: Zephi
12: Zephi
13: Shadami
14: Shadami
15: Shadami
16: Shadami
17: Shadami
18: Shadami
19: Shadami
20: Shadami
21: Shadami
22: Shadami
23: Shadami
24: Shadami
25: Shadami
26: Shadami
27: Shadami
28: Shadami
29: Shadami
30: Shadami
31: Shadami
32: Shadami
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: Prismatic Llama
44: Kay
45: Kay
46: Kay
47: Kay
48: Kay
49: Kay
50: Kay
51: Kay
52: Kay
53: Kay
54: Kay
55: Kay
56: Kay
57: Kay
58: Kay
59: Kay
60: Kay
61: Kay
62: Kay
63: Kay
64: Kay
65: Kay
66: Kay
67: Kay
68: Kay
69: Kay
70: Kay
71: Kay
72: Kay
73: Kay
74: Kent
75: Kent
76: Kent
77: Kent
78: Kent
79: Kent
80: Kent
81: Kent
82: Kent
83: Kent
84: Kent
85: Kent
86: Kent
87: Kent
88: Kent
89: Kent
90: Kent
91: Kent
92: Kent
93: Kent
94: Kent
95: Kent
96: Kent
97: Kent
98: Kent
99: Kent
100: Kent
101: Kent
102: Kent
103: Kent
104: Prismatic Llama
105: Precarious Fool
106: Precarious Fool
107: Precarious Fool
108: Precarious Fool
109: R u b y
110: R u b y
111: R u b y
112: R u b y
113: R u b y
114: R u b y
115: R u b y
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133: R u b y
134: R u b y
135: R u b y
136: R u b y
137: R u b y
138: R u b y
139: Precarious Fool
140: Precarious Fool
141: Siipu
142: Siipu
143: Siipu
144: Siipu
145: Siipu
146: Siipu
147: Siipu
148: Siipu
149: Siipu
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156: Siipu
157: Siipu
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163: Siipu
164: Siipu
165: Siipu
166: Siipu
167: Siipu
168: Siipu
169: Siipu
170: Siipu
171: Kiari
172: Kiari
173: Kiari
174: Kiari
175: Kiari
176: Kiari
177: Kiari
178: Kiari
179: Kiari
180: Kiari
181: Kiari
182: Kiari
183: Kiari
184: Kiari
185: Kiari
186: Kiari
187: Kiari
188: Kiari
189: Kiari
190: Kiari
191: Kiari
192: Kiari
193: Kiari
194: Kiari
195: Kiari
196: Kiari
197: Kiari
198: Kiari
199: Kiari
200: Kiari
201: Linnea
202: Linnea
203: Linnea
204: Linnea
205: Linnea
206: Linnea
207: Linnea
208: Linnea
209: Linnea
210: Linnea
211: Linnea
212: Linnea
213: Linnea
214: Linnea
215: Linnea
216: Linnea
217: Linnea
218: Linnea
219: Linnea
220: Linnea
221: Linnea
222: Linnea
223: Linnea
224: Linnea
225: Linnea
226: Linnea
227: Linnea
228: Linnea
229: Linnea
230: Linnea

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-02-2016 at 01:18 AM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:49 PM

RAFFLE 4: Contacts and Extensions

Items being raffled off:

Pretty Princess Eyes | Vicktoria's Natural Updo

Ticket Price: 10g per ticket
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 30
Tickets Sold So Far: 169 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send donations to Cool Milk specifying which raffle you're buying for! (And how many tickets!)

Ticket HoldersX

1: Prismatic Llama
2: Precarious Fool
3: Zephi
4: Zephi
5: Zephi
6: Zephi
7: Zephi
8: Zephi
9: Zephi
10: Zephi
11: Zephi
12: Zephi
13: Shadami
14: Shadami
15: Shadami
16: Shadami
17: Shadami
18: Shadami
19: Shadami
20: Shadami
21: Shadami
22: Shadami
23: Shadami
24: Shadami
25: Shadami
26: Shadami
27: Shadami
28: Shadami
29: Shadami
30: Shadami
31: Shadami
32: Shadami
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: Ava the Vampire
44: Ava the Vampire
45: Ava the Vampire
46: Precarious Fool
47: Precarious Fool
48: Precarious Fool
49: Precarious Fool
50: Precarious Fool
51: Prismatic Llama
52: Precarious Fool
53: Precarious Fool
54: Precarious Fool
55: Precarious Fool
56: Precarious Fool
57: Prismatic Llama
58: Prismatic Llama
59: Prismatic Llama
60: Prismatic Llama
61: Prismatic Llama
62: Prismatic Llama
63: Prismatic Llama
64: Prismatic Llama
65: Prismatic Llama
66: Prismatic Llama
67: SuperZombiePotatoe
68: SuperZombiePotatoe
69: SuperZombiePotatoe
70: SuperZombiePotatoe
71: SuperZombiePotatoe
72: SuperZombiePotatoe
73: SuperZombiePotatoe
74: SuperZombiePotatoe
75: SuperZombiePotatoe
76: SuperZombiePotatoe
77: SuperZombiePotatoe
78: SuperZombiePotatoe
79: SuperZombiePotatoe
80: SuperZombiePotatoe
81: SuperZombiePotatoe
82: SuperZombiePotatoe
83: SuperZombiePotatoe
84: SuperZombiePotatoe
85: SuperZombiePotatoe
86: SuperZombiePotatoe
87: SuperZombiePotatoe
88: SuperZombiePotatoe
89: SuperZombiePotatoe
90: SuperZombiePotatoe
91: SuperZombiePotatoe
92: SuperZombiePotatoe
93: SuperZombiePotatoe
94: SuperZombiePotatoe
95: SuperZombiePotatoe
96: SuperZombiePotatoe
97: Damia Flagg
98: Damia Flagg
99: Damia Flagg
100: Damia Flagg
101: Dragoness219
102: Dragoness219
103: Dragoness219
104: Dragoness219
105: Precarious Fool
106: Precarious Fool
107: Precarious Fool
108: Precarious Fool
109: Precarious Fool
110: Siipu
111: Siipu
112: Siipu
113: Siipu
114: Siipu
115: Siipu
116: Siipu
117: Siipu
118: Siipu
119: Siipu
120: Siipu
121: Siipu
122: Siipu
123: Siipu
124: Siipu
125: Siipu
126: Siipu
127: Siipu
128: Siipu
129: Siipu
130: Siipu
131: Siipu
132: Siipu
133: Siipu
134: Siipu
135: Siipu
136: Siipu
137: Siipu
138: Siipu
139: Siipu
140: Linnea
141: Linnea
142: Linnea
143: Linnea
144: Linnea
145: Linnea
146: Linnea
147: Linnea
148: Linnea
149: Linnea
150: Linnea
151: Linnea
152: Linnea
153: Linnea
154: Linnea
155: Linnea
156: Linnea
157: Linnea
158: Linnea
159: Linnea
160: Linnea
161: Linnea
162: Linnea
163: Linnea
164: Linnea
165: Linnea
166: Linnea
167: Linnea
168: Linnea
169: Linnea

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-02-2016 at 01:19 AM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:50 PM

RAFFLE 5: Voice of an Angel

Items being raffled off:

Whimsical Bard | Angelic Blessing

Ticket Price: 15g per ticket
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 30
Tickets Sold So Far: 155 (This Raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send donations to Cool Milk specifying which raffle you're buying for! (And how many tickets!)

Ticket HoldersX

1: Prismatic Llama
2: Precarious Fool
3: Zephi
4: Zephi
5: Zephi
6: Zephi
7: Zephi
8: Zephi
9: Zephi
10: Zephi
11: Zephi
12: Zephi
13: Shadami
14: Shadami
15: Shadami
16: Shadami
17: Shadami
18: Shadami
19: Shadami
20: Shadami
21: Shadami
22: Shadami
23: Shadami
24: Shadami
25: Shadami
26: Shadami
27: Shadami
28: Shadami
29: Shadami
30: Shadami
31: Shadami
32: Shadami
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: Prismatic Llama
44: Kent
45: Kent
46: Kent
47: Kent
48: Kent
49: Kent
50: Kent
51: Kent
52: Kent
53: Kent
54: Kent
55: Kent
56: Kent
57: Kent
58: Kent
59: Kent
60: Kent
61: Kent
62: Kent
63: Kent
64: Kent
65: Kent
66: Kent
67: Kent
68: Kent
69: Kent
70: Kent
71: Kent
72: Kent
73: Kent
74: Prismatic Llama
75: Precarious Fool
76: Precarious Fool
77: Precarious Fool
78: Precarious Fool
79: Dragoness219
80: Dragoness219
81: Dragoness219
82: Dragoness219
83: Dragoness219
84: Dragoness219
85: Dragoness219
86: Dragoness219
87: Dragoness219
88: Dragoness219
89: Dragoness219
90: Dragoness219
91: Dragoness219
92: Dragoness219
93: Dragoness219
94: Dragoness219
95: Dragoness219
96: Dragoness219
97: Dragoness219
98: Dragoness219
99: Dragoness219
100: Dragoness219
101: Damia Flagg
102: Damia Flagg
103: Damia Flagg
104: Damia Flagg
105: Damia Flagg
106: Damia Flagg
107: Damia Flagg
108: Damia Flagg
109: Damia Flagg
110: Damia Flagg
111: R u b y
112: R u b y
113: R u b y
114: R u b y
115: R u b y
116: R u b y
117: R u b y
118: R u b y
119: R u b y
120: R u b y
121: R u b y
122: R u b y
123: Precarious Fool
124: Precarious Fool
125: Linnea
126: Linnea
127: Linnea
128: Linnea
129: Linnea
130: Linnea
131: Linnea
132: Linnea
133: Linnea
134: Linnea
135: Linnea
136: Linnea
137: Linnea
138: Linnea
139: Linnea
140: Linnea
141: Linnea
142: Linnea
143: Linnea
144: Linnea
145: Linnea
146: Linnea
147: Linnea
148: Linnea
149: Linnea
150: Linnea
151: Linnea
152: Linnea
153: Linnea
154: Linnea
155: Kay

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-02-2016 at 01:23 AM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:50 PM

RAFFLE 6: Pick a Class!

Items being raffled off:

Clandestine Rogue | Noble Warrior | Clever Mage | Gentle Healer
(Celes Paradi 2015 Event Item Set)

Ticket Price: 20g per ticket
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 30
Tickets Sold So Far: 104 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send donations to Cool Milk specifying which raffle you're buying for! (And how many tickets!)

Ticket HoldersX

1:Prismatic Llama
2: Precarious Fool
3: Zephi
4: Zephi
5: Zephi
6: Zephi
7: Zephi
8: Zephi
9: Zephi
10: Zephi
11: Zephi
12: Zephi
13: TaiyoTsuki
14: TaiyoTsuki
15: TaiyoTsuki
16: TaiyoTsuki
17: TaiyoTsuki
18: TaiyoTsuki
19: TaiyoTsuki
20: TaiyoTsuki
21: TaiyoTsuki
22: TaiyoTsuki
23: Prismatic Llama
24: Kent
25: Kent
26: Kent
27: Kent
28: Kent
29: Kent
30: Kent
31: Kent
32: Kent
33: Kent
34: Kent
35: Kent
36: Kent
37: Kent
38: Kent
39: Kent
40: Kent
41: Kent
42: Kent
43: Kent
44: Kent
45: Kent
46: Kent
47: Kent
48: Kent
49: Kent
50: Kent
51: Kent
52: Kent
53: Kent
54: Shadami
55: Shadami
56: Shadami
57: Shadami
58: Shadami
59: Shadami
60: Shadami
61: Shadami
62: Shadami
63: Shadami
64: Shadami
65: Shadami
66: Shadami
67: Shadami
68: Shadami
69: Shadami
70: Shadami
71: Shadami
72: Shadami
73: Shadami
74: Shadami
75: Shadami
76: Shadami
77: Shadami
78: Shadami
79: Shadami
80: Shadami
81: Shadami
82: Shadami
83: Shadami
84: Prismatic Llama
85: TaiyoTsuki
86: TaiyoTsuki
87: TaiyoTsuki
88: TaiyoTsuki
89: TaiyoTsuki
90: TaiyoTsuki
91: TaiyoTsuki
92: TaiyoTsuki
93: TaiyoTsuki
94: TaiyoTsuki
95: TaiyoTsuki
96: TaiyoTsuki
97: TaiyoTsuki
98: TaiyoTsuki
99: TaiyoTsuki
100: TaiyoTsuki
101: TaiyoTsuki
102: TaiyoTsuki
103: TaiyoTsuki
104: TaiyoTsuki

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-01-2016 at 08:05 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:50 PM

RAFFLE 7: Wedding Planners

Items being raffled off:

Wedding Arch | Stage Setting - Celebrations Pack | Gather Ye Rosebuds | Wedded Bliss Topiaries | Honeymooners Retreat
(Summer Wedding 2014 Event Item Set)

Ticket Price: 20g per ticket
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 30
Tickets Sold So Far: 100 (This raffle has surpassed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send donations to Cool Milk specifying which raffle you're buying for!(And how many tickets!)

Ticket HoldersX

1: Prismatic Llama
2: Precarious Fool
3: Zephi
4: Zephi
5: Zephi
6: Zephi
7: Zephi
8: Zephi
9: Zephi
10: Zephi
11: Zephi
12: Zephi
13: Prismatic Llama
14: Shadami
15: Shadami
16: Shadami
17: Shadami
18: Shadami
19: Shadami
20: Shadami
21: Shadami
22: Shadami
23: Shadami
24: Shadami
25: Shadami
26: Shadami
27: Shadami
28: Shadami
29: Shadami
30: Shadami
31: Shadami
32: Shadami
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: Shadami
44: hummy
45: hummy
46: hummy
47: hummy
48: hummy
49: hummy
50: hummy
51: hummy
52: hummy
53: hummy
54: hummy
55: hummy
56: hummy
57: hummy
58: hummy
59: hummy
60: hummy
61: hummy
62: hummy
63: hummy
64: hummy
65: hummy
66: hummy
67: hummy
68: hummy
69: hummy
70: hummy
71: hummy
72: hummy
73: hummy
74: hummy
75: Precarious Fool
76: Precarious Fool
77: Precarious Fool
78: Precarious Fool
79: Precarious Fool
80: Precarious Fool
81: LiviInLove
82: LiviInLove
83: LiviInLove
84: LiviInLove
85: LiviInLove
86: LiviInLove
87: LiviInLove
88: LiviInLove
89: LiviInLove
90: LiviInLove
91: LiviInLove
92: LiviInLove
93: LiviInLove
94: LiviInLove
95: LiviInLove
96: LiviInLove
97: LiviInLove
98: LiviInLove
99: LiviInLove
100: LiviInLove

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-01-2016 at 11:28 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:51 PM

RAFFLE 8: What is this, the 1920s?

Items being raffled off:

Foamy Delight | Nouveau Headband | Chocolate Contraband | Mene's Chicago Typewriter
(Valentine's Day 2015 Event Item Set)

Ticket Price: 20g per ticket
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 30
Tickets Sold So Far: 100 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)
Remember, send donations to Cool Milk specifying which raffle you're buying for! (And how many tickets!)

Ticket HoldersX

1: Prismatic Llama
2: Precarious Fool
3: Zephi
4: Zephi
5: Zephi
6: Zephi
7: Zephi
8: Zephi
9: Zephi
10: Zephi
11: Zephi
12: Zephi
13: Prismatic Llama
14: Shadami
15: Shadami
16: Shadami
17: Shadami
18: Shadami
19: Shadami
20: Shadami
21: Shadami
22: Shadami
23: Shadami
24: Shadami
25: Shadami
26: Shadami
27: Shadami
28: Shadami
29: Shadami
30: Shadami
31: Shadami
32: Shadami
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: Shadami
44: Prismatic Llama
45: D.J. Dead (free)
46: D.J. Dead (free)
47: D.J. Dead (free)
48: D.J. Dead (free)
49: D.J. Dead (free)
50: Kiari
51: Kiari
52: Kiari
53: Kiari
54: Kiari
55: Kiari
56: Kiari
57: Kiari
58: Kiari
59: Kiari
60: Kiari
61: Kiari
62: Kiari
63: Kiari
64: Kiari
65: Kiari
66: Kiari
67: Kiari
68: Kiari
69: Kiari
70: Kiari
71: Kiari
72: Kiari
73: Kiari
74: Kiari
75: Kiari
76: Kiari
77: Kiari
78: Kiari
79: Kiari
80: Kay
81: Kay
82: Kay
83: Kay
84: Kay
85: Kay
86: Kay
87: Kay
88: Kay
89: Kay
90: R u b y
91: R u b y
92: R u b y
93: R u b y
94: R u b y
95: R u b y
96: R u b y
97: R u b y
98: R u b y
99: R u b y
100: R u b y

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-02-2016 at 01:16 AM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:51 PM

RAFFLE 9:You're Really Dead, Bro

Items being raffled off:

Death's Retirement Scythe | Corpse Hat

Ticket Price: 25g per ticket
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 30
Tickets Sold So Far: 285 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send donations to Cool Milk specifying which raffle you're buying for! (And how many tickets!)

Ticket HoldersX

1: Prismatic Llama
2: xoxoAngiexoxo
3: xoxoAngiexoxo
4: xoxoAngiexoxo
5: xoxoAngiexoxo
6: xoxoAngiexoxo
7: xoxoAngiexoxo
8: xoxoAngiexoxo
9: xoxoAngiexoxo
10: xoxoAngiexoxo
11: xoxoAngiexoxo
12: xoxoAngiexoxo
13: xoxoAngiexoxo
14: xoxoAngiexoxo
15: xoxoAngiexoxo
16: xoxoAngiexoxo
17: xoxoAngiexoxo
18: xoxoAngiexoxo
19 xoxoAngiexoxo
20: xoxoAngiexoxo
21: xoxoAngiexoxo
22: xoxoAngiexoxo
23: xoxoAngiexoxo
24: xoxoAngiexoxo
25: xoxoAngiexoxo
26: xoxoAngiexoxo
27: xoxoAngiexoxo
28: xoxoAngiexoxo
29: xoxoAngiexoxo
30: xoxoAngiexoxo
31: xoxoAngiexoxo
32: Precarious Fool
33: Hadsvich
34: Hadsvich
35: Hadsvich
36: Hadsvich
37: Hadsvich
38: Hadsvich
39: Hadsvich
40: Hadsvich
41: Hadsvich
42: Hadsvich
43: Hadsvich
44: Hadsvich
45: Hadsvich
46: Hadsvich
47: Hadsvich
48: Hadsvich
49: Hadsvich
50: Hadsvich
51: Hadsvich
52: Hadsvich
53: Zephi
54: Zephi
55: Zephi
56: Zephi
57: Zephi
58: Zephi
59: Zephi
60: Zephi
61: Zephi
62: Zephi
63: Sadrain
64: Sadrain
65: Sadrain
66: Sadrain
67: Sadrain
68: Sadrain
69: Sadrain
70: Sadrain
71: Sadrain
72: Sadrain
73: Sadrain
74: Sadrain
75: Sadrain
76: Sadrain
77: Sadrain
78: Sadrain
79: Sadrain
80: Sadrain
81: Sadrain
82: Sadrain
83: Sadrain
84: Sadrain
85: Sadrain
86: Sadrain
87: Sadrain
88: Sadrain
89: Sadrain
90: Sadrain
91: Sadrain
92: Sadrain
93: dragoness129
94: dragoness129
95: dragoness129
96: dragoness129
97: dragoness129
98: dragoness129
99: dragoness129
100: dragoness129
101: dragoness129
102: dragoness129
103: dragoness129
104: dragoness129
105: dragoness129
106: dragoness129
107: dragoness129
108: dragoness129
109: dragoness129
110: dragoness129
111: dragoness129
112: dragoness129
113: dragoness129
114: dragoness129
115: dragoness129
116: dragoness129
117: dragoness129
118: dragoness129
119: dragoness129
120: dragoness129
121: dragoness129
122: dragoness129
123: Shadami
124: Shadami
125: Shadami
126: Shadami
127: Shadami
128: Shadami
129: Shadami
130: Shadami
131: Shadami
132: Shadami
133: Shadami
134: Shadami
135: Shadami
136: Shadami
137: Shadami
138: Shadami
139: Kent
140: Kent
141: Kent
142: Kent
143: Kent
144: Kent
145: Kent
146: Kent
147: Kent
148: Kent
149: Kent
150: Kent
151: Kent
152: Kent
153: Kent
154: Kent
155: Kent
156: Kent
157: Kent
158: Kent
159: Kent
160: Kent
161: Kent
162: Kent
163: Kent
164: Kent
165: Kent
166: Kent
167: Kent
168: Kent
169: star2000shadow
170: star2000shadow
171: star2000shadow
172: star2000shadow
173: Precarious Fool
174: Precarious Fool
175: Precarious Fool
176: Precarious Fool
177: Shadami
178: Shadami
179: Shadami
180: Shadami
181: Shadami
182: Shadami
183: Shadami
184: Shadami
185: Shadami
186: Shadami
187: Shadami
188: Shadami
189: Shadami
190: Shadami
191: Prismatic Llama
192: Precarious Fool
193: Prismatic Llama
194: Prismatic Llama
195: star2000shadow
196: star2000shadow
197: star2000shadow
198: star2000shadow
199: star2000shadow
200: Hadsvich
201: Hadsvich
202: Hadsvich
203: Hadsvich
204: Hadsvich
205: Hadsvich
206: Hadsvich
207: Hadsvich
208: Hadsvich
209: Hadsvich
210: Prismatic Llama
211: Prismatic Llama
212: Siipu
213: Siipu
214: Siipu
215: Siipu
216: Siipu
217: Siipu
218: Siipu
219: Siipu
220: Siipu
221: Siipu
222: Siipu
223: Siipu
224: Siipu
225: Siipu
226: Siipu
227: Siipu
228: Siipu
229: Siipu
230: Siipu
231: Siipu
232: Siipu
233: Siipu
234: Siipu
235: Siipu
236: Siipu
237: Siipu
238: Siipu
239: Siipu
240: Siipu
241: Siipu
242: R u b y
243: R u b y
244: Linnea
245: Linnea
246: Linnea
247: Linnea
248: Linnea
249: Linnea
250: Linnea
251: Linnea
252: Linnea
253: Linnea
254: Linnea
255: Linnea
256: Linnea
257: Linnea
258: Linnea
259: Linnea
260: Linnea
261: Linnea
262: Linnea
263: Linnea
264: Linnea
265: Linnea
266: Linnea
267: Linnea
268: Linnea
269: Linnea
270: Linnea
271: Linnea
272: Linnea
273: Linnea
274: R u b y (Free)
275: R u b y (Free)
276: R u b y (Free)
277: R u b y (Free)
278: R u b y (Free)
279: R u b y (Free)
280: R u b y (Free)
281: R u b y (Free)
282: R u b y (Free)
283: R u b y (Free)
284: Blueblackrose
285: Blueblackrose

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-02-2016 at 01:26 AM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:52 PM

RAFFLE 10:Auctions and Polka

Items being raffled off:

Auctioneer's Ledger | Green Lederhosen

Ticket Price: 25g per ticket
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 30
Tickets Sold So Far: 281 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send donations to Cool Milk specifying which raffle you're buying for!(And how many tickets!)

Ticket HoldersX

1: Prismatic Llama
2: xoxoAngiexoxo
3: xoxoAngiexoxo
4: xoxoAngiexoxo
5: xoxoAngiexoxo
6: xoxoAngiexoxo
7: xoxoAngiexoxo
8: xoxoAngiexoxo
9: xoxoAngiexoxo
10: xoxoAngiexoxo
11: xoxoAngiexoxo
12: xoxoAngiexoxo
13: xoxoAngiexoxo
14: xoxoAngiexoxo
15: xoxoAngiexoxo
16: xoxoAngiexoxo
17: xoxoAngiexoxo
18: xoxoAngiexoxo
19 xoxoAngiexoxo
20: xoxoAngiexoxo
21: xoxoAngiexoxo
22: xoxoAngiexoxo
23: xoxoAngiexoxo
24: xoxoAngiexoxo
25: xoxoAngiexoxo
26: xoxoAngiexoxo
27: xoxoAngiexoxo
28: xoxoAngiexoxo
29: xoxoAngiexoxo
30: xoxoAngiexoxo
31: xoxoAngiexoxo
32: Precarious Fool
33: Hadsvich
34: Hadsvich
35: Hadsvich
36: Hadsvich
37: Hadsvich
38: Hadsvich
39: Hadsvich
40: Hadsvich
41: Hadsvich
42: Hadsvich
43: Hadsvich
44: Hadsvich
45: Hadsvich
46: Hadsvich
47: Hadsvich
48: Hadsvich
49: Hadsvich
50: Hadsvich
51: Hadsvich
52: Hadsvich
53: Zephi
54: Zephi
55: Zephi
56: Zephi
57: Zephi
58: Zephi
59: Zephi
60: Zephi
61: Zephi
62: Zephi
63: Sadrain
64: Sadrain
65: Sadrain
66: Sadrain
67: Sadrain
68: Sadrain
69: Sadrain
70: Sadrain
71: Sadrain
72: Sadrain
73: Sadrain
74: Sadrain
75: Sadrain
76: Sadrain
77: Sadrain
78: Sadrain
79: Sadrain
80: Sadrain
81: Sadrain
82: Sadrain
83: Sadrain
84: Sadrain
85: Sadrain
86: Sadrain
87: Sadrain
88: Sadrain
89: Sadrain
90: Sadrain
91: Sadrain
92: Sadrain
93: dragoness129
94: dragoness129
95: dragoness129
96: dragoness129
97: dragoness129
98: dragoness129
99: dragoness129
100: dragoness129
101: dragoness129
102: dragoness129
103: dragoness129
104: dragoness129
105: dragoness129
106: dragoness129
107: dragoness129
108: dragoness129
109: dragoness129
110: dragoness129
111: dragoness129
112: dragoness129
113: dragoness129
114: dragoness129
115: dragoness129
116: dragoness129
117: dragoness129
118: dragoness129
119: dragoness129
120: dragoness129
121: dragoness129
122: dragoness129
123: Shadami
124: Shadami
125: Shadami
126: Shadami
127: Shadami
128: Shadami
129: Shadami
130: Shadami
131: Shadami
132: Shadami
133: Shadami
134: Shadami
135: Shadami
136: Shadami
137: Shadami
138: Shadami
139: Kent
140: Kent
141: Kent
142: Kent
143: Kent
144: Kent
145: Kent
146: Kent
147: Kent
148: Kent
149: Kent
150: Kent
151: Kent
152: Kent
153: Kent
154: Kent
155: Kent
156: Kent
157: Kent
158: Kent
159: Kent
160: Kent
161: Kent
162: Kent
163: Kent
164: Kent
165: Kent
166: Kent
167: Kent
168: Kent
169: Precarious Fool
170: Precarious Fool
171: Precarious Fool
172: Precarious Fool
173: Shadami
174: Shadami
175: Shadami
176: Shadami
177: Prismatic Llama
178: Shadami
179: Shadami
180: Shadami
181: Shadami
182: Shadami
183: Shadami
184: Shadami
185: Shadami
186: Shadami
187: Shadami
188: Precarious Fool
189: Prismatic Llama
190: Prismatic Llama
191: Kay
192: Kay
193: Kay
194: Kay
195: Kay
196: Kay
197: Kay
198: Kay
199: Kay
200: Kay
201: Kay
202: Kay
203: Kay
204: Kay
205: Kay
206: Hadsvich
207: Hadsvich
208: Hadsvich
209: Hadsvich
210: Hadsvich
211: Hadsvich
212: Hadsvich
213: Hadsvich
214: Hadsvich
215: Hadsvich
216: Prismatic Llama
217: Prismatic Llama
218: Siipu
219: Siipu
220: Siipu
221: Siipu
222: Siipu
223: Siipu
224: Siipu
225: Siipu
226: Siipu
227: Siipu
228: Siipu
229: Siipu
230: Siipu
231: Siipu
232: Siipu
233: Siipu
234: Siipu
235: Siipu
236: Siipu
237: Siipu
238: Siipu
239: Siipu
240: Siipu
241: Siipu
242: Siipu
243: Siipu
244: Siipu
245: Siipu
246: Siipu
247: Siipu
248: R u b y
249: R u b y
250: Linnea
251: Linnea
252: Linnea
253: Linnea
254: Linnea
255: Linnea
256: Linnea
257: Linnea
258: Linnea
259: Linnea
260: Linnea
261: Linnea
262: Linnea
263: Linnea
264: Linnea
265: Linnea
266: Linnea
267: Linnea
268: Linnea
269: Linnea
270: Linnea
271: Linnea
272: Linnea
273: Linnea
274: Linnea
275: Linnea
276: Linnea
277: Linnea
278: Linnea
279: Linnea
280: Blueblackrose
281: Blueblackrose

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-02-2016 at 01:26 AM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:52 PM

Actual Gambling, but Not Really!!

Want to enter a raffle, but don't have the money to spend on tickets? Eli and Cool Milk have got you!

I'd like to introduce a brand new dice game for you cuties to play! It's incredibly simple. Whenever you post, you may roll a 100-sided dice. If the die lands on a number I specify, You'll win 10 free tickets in the raffle of your choosing! If you've already purchased 30 tickets for a raffle, you CANNOT use the free raffle tickets from this game on it. You must pick another. You can split your tickets up between different raffles, if you wish.

The Form:
HTML Code:
smoochu da butt
The current number being rolled for: None! Sorry!

DJ Dead (Rolled a 60)
R u b y (Rolled a 62)

When you roll the number, please ping Elirona, indicating what raffle you would like tickets for.

DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST. Any post that has been edited with a roll in it will be disqualified. Good luck!

(Thank you Precarious Fool: for the suggestion!!!)

Last edited by Cool Milk; 09-02-2016 at 01:06 AM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:53 PM

And with that last reserved post, We're open! Let's chat it up, yo!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:55 PM

Got milk!

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:56 PM

Can charity mules enter the raffles? :O

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 01:57 PM

Sure! I don't see why not. Charity mules are different from regular mules. I'll add it to the rules.

---------- Post added 08-26-2016 at 10:00 AM ----------

It's been added, yay!

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:14 PM

Thank you! Just wanted to make sure, I wouldn't blame yah if I couldn't. XD But I suppose since my main items and the ones on here don't mix, it's not like I personally gain an advantage for entering on Llama.

Do I need to send a separate donation for each ticket, or can I add them up, send one, and list which ones I want to enter? I don't want to make it difficult for you.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:17 PM

oh this is so exciting, elirona

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:18 PM

Yeah, exactly.

You can send one donation for all of them! Just make sure your math is right!

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:18 PM

Pfft. Make sure my math is right? I went to public school! Of course it wont be.

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:21 PM

It's okay. I also went to public school.

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:27 PM

I think I got it, I used a calculator, so I could be lazy. :O

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:28 PM

Isn't that what calculators are for, though? Also, the ticket holdings have been updated. We need 99 more in each raffle for them to happen. :P


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