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Rylynne is offline
Old 11-22-2010, 03:31 AM

@ Shannie : I did tell you before that I was a commons whore, lulz. xDD;; <3<3

@ Su : Yay us then! xDD;; <3<3 I bought all the headbands too! Which prompted me to make my own headbands drawer. >3>;;

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.Simplicity. is offline
Old 11-22-2010, 03:38 AM

@Rye Rye - Oh, I know you're a common whore. :lol:
You always have so many different ones xDDD ; <3

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Rylynne is offline
Old 11-22-2010, 03:50 AM

Well, I'm a commons whore and I'm going to flaunt it to the world! 8DD;; <3<3
I still wish I have as many commons as Seiki does. >3>;; Lulz. XP

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.Simplicity. is offline
Old 11-22-2010, 04:07 AM

I'm sure you're closing in on him, hahaha.~ xD

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Rylynne is offline
Old 11-22-2010, 07:17 AM

Doubt it. xDD;; He probably has a thousand more than me. >3>;; He buys everything from the event commons store, after all. xDD;; So that still leaves the rest of the "normal" commons I don't have that he does. >3>;;

He really should update his inventory screenshots. I wanna see~! 8DD;; <3<3

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 11-22-2010, 08:58 AM

Oh man, he has thousands I think. I like over 3k, I believe. Not totally sure, though.

@ Simplicity - I know what you mean. I need to send this gold back over to my mule before I start spending it. I try to keep it over there so that I dont spend it. It works pretty well, usually. I just haven't been on here much lately to even earn gold, though.

@ Ry - lol I just leave my new event commons in my main inventory usually until I get ready to buy a bunch more from a new event. I dont like having to keep organzing my drawers each time I add them in, so I put it off until I'm in the mood for it.

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Rylynne is offline
Old 12-06-2010, 05:18 AM

Have you organized it yet then? XP <3<3
Lolz, sorry for the SUPER late reply on that. D:

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Suona is offline
Old 12-06-2010, 05:20 AM

From the last event? No. lol
From the previous event, yeah. I try to get them put in their appropriate drawers before I buy new items. That way they dont get mixed up or have so many in the main inventory, you know? I still need to go through each drawer and organize those now, though.

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Rylynne is offline
Old 12-06-2010, 05:36 AM

Good luck with all that then! :'D <3<3

Btw, how have you been? =O I haven't seen you in forever! D: <3<3

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Suona is offline
Old 12-06-2010, 05:48 AM

lol Thanks.

And been stressed. Lots of mix-ups and stuff with my classes, so I dont have any classes for next semester, and everythings in shamples for that. If I dont go to the college, then I wont be able to keep my job (i'm a college tutor at the elementrary school). Soo, stuffs been hectic.

How about you?

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Rylynne is offline
Old 12-06-2010, 10:49 AM

Oh my. :x
I hope that gets sorted out soon though! D: Is there really no hope when it comes to getting classes next semester? =O There has to be some way! Over here in my university, you can go through something called a "teacher's prerogative" and individually get your classes from the professors teaching them. Is there something like that in where you study? =O <3<3

As for me... life has been stressful. @_@;; This time, my personal life is taking more of a hit than anything. Thankfully it's not some trivial boy issue or whatnot anymore though (maybe I'll share that particular recent episode another time xDD). >.<;;

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Suona is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 06:37 AM

Nope, no hope. I register as soon as my time opened up, but it wouldn't let me, and not an hour later my classes were already full, and now even the wait lists are full to the max. Biology classes are really hard to get in. :/ They fill up very quickly. You're able to go in next semester and try to add in, but its honestly almost impossible if you're not on the wait list, especially with Bio classes. My Physics class at the beginning of the semester had every seat taken and people lined up against the wall trying to get in. Soo, it gets really rough, and I can't really risk not being able to get in, I guess. It really bites, and i'm so stressed about it. @__@;;

Yikes. Aren't we quite the pair. Going to make ourselves sick from stress.
Sorry to hear that. D: Something been getting you down?
Haha. Those are always good to hear. You might be glad to know that I actually just flat out told a guy no recently, before he got it in his head to pursue me. ><;; He's like 10 years older than me, and I flat out told him I wasn't comfortable with that in being anything more than friends. He actually really appreciated me being so blunt off the bat, though, so that made me feel good. :]

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Rylynne is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 12:17 PM

Ack. D8 Won't they even help assist you with that matter though? :x Or is there another way to secure a slot aside from the wait list? @_@;;

I've come close to the brink of insanity due to the stress, but I would hate to die from stress. I've come so far, no way it's gonna bring me down now, especially since I'm more than halfway into university life, lolz. xDD;;

Well... it's a pretty private matter as of now, so I'd rather not speak of it. ^^;; I'll share it in due time, once I'm not scared of jinxing anything or hoping too soon or whatnot. :x

And ohh, do I know this guy? Sounds like a familiar guy you mentioned before when we used to chat so much in the forums. xDD;; But good for you though! Better let them down early, else they get the wrong idea and you both will suffer for it in the future. ^^;;
Guys. D8 Some of them around here seem to think that I need to cozy up to a man soon to help cope with life. >3>;; I can see their point, but they should stop acting all surprised and concerned when I'm not making boyfriend-hunting my priority, haha. xDD;;

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 12-10-2010, 04:01 AM

No way, except going to the class at the beginning of the next semester and trying to add in, which is pretty much impossible with most classes, because there are already so many others trying to.

I know what you mean. It just makes me lazier, honestly. I stress out and kind of just fall into myself and dont want to do anything. :/ Its really bad, especially with finals next week.

Okey doke. Sorry I poked.

Nope. This is a new guy that I met not that long ago. Although, there was another guy that is 10 years older than me that i'd mentioned previously, too. This is just a new guy. lol Met him while helping out with doing a mural at an elementrary school.

I know exactly what you mean. They're the same way here.

Queen of Nutcases
Connielass is offline
Old 12-10-2010, 05:12 AM

I think it's just the male race in general.
They seem to be eager to see women in a weak role, just so they can stoke their egos a bit. It makes them feel all big and manly when a woman gets put in a damsel-in-distress kind of position, and they're the ones who "rescue" her.


Roachi is offline
Old 12-10-2010, 08:32 AM

SU! It's been awhile ... How you been chickee?

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Rylynne is offline
Old 12-10-2010, 04:55 PM

@ Su : That's the last resort for our system here, and it can work like a charm if the professor is willing enough. You just have to know which classes and professors to approach now. xDD;;

Aww! D:
*hugglesquishes Su*
It's only a virtual hug, but in my experience hugging someone during finals week helps deal with the stress. So, I'll send you my virtual hug in hopes that it can cheer you up. :'> I wish I could do more though. >.<;;

It's all right. xDD;; Things are settling down now, so I'm not that scared right now. Thank goodness too, since Christmas is almost near and I don't want to be stressed out during the holidays now! xDD;; <3<3

You seem to attract a lot of guys then. xDD;; I think I mentioned that before. XP

Ugh, boys. >3>;; Men, I can deal with. But boys? I don't have enough patience at the moment, haha. xDD;; I feel like such a bitch sometimes, but these days I feel like guys just don't know how to approach a girl. They either don't approach them at all, or they accidentally do something offensive in the process. xDD;; But ah wells~ XP I'm not losing hope now or anything. I guess now just isn't my time. ^^;;

@ Connie : True. xDD;; Admittedly, I like playing and am willing to play the damsel-in-distress part from time to time, but how can they seriously expect me to be their "damsel" forever, so to speak? >3>;; And it irritates me the most when they expect me to be a damsel right off the bat. :x Luckily I know a couple of guys who don't think that, but yeah, it's a little sad that some people still stick to that traditional way of viewing women these days. ^^;;

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Suona is offline
Old 12-11-2010, 08:28 PM

@ Connie - You are quite right

@ Roachi - Hey, chickadee.
Been busy with school and work. I have finals next week, so a bit stressed about that.
How about you?

@ Ry - lol Thanks for the virutal hug, then. And yeah, hugs are always awesome. I know had been stopping by the elementrary school that I use to work at a few times this week to see if my secret santa for work had put up their info in the office. I've been put at the site a town over for now, so I haven't been there, but when I stopped in the room to say hi, I was really glad when I got bumbarded with little hugs. ^^ It kind of cheered me up. Was nice to have some of them be excited to see me and asking when i'd be coming back. :]

Well, i'm glad to hear that, then. *huggles* And I agree. Never nice to be stressed out around the holidays. Just kind of spoils the fun of them.

lol Maybe its just because of the way I act? I try to stay positive in RL and be happy and smiling a lot, and I joke around a lot. So, maybe that just attracts people to me. And I can be a bit goofy. xP;;

I agree completely. It seems like the ones you wouldn't mind approaching you, never do, but the ones you'd prefer to lay off, are the persistent ones that wont take a hint or even take no as an answer. It makes me want to smack them and try to knock some sense into their thick skulls.

Queen of Nutcases
Connielass is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 04:45 AM

I know a few guys as well who are more attracted to strong, independent women.
But I know my father thinks that way. It's a total turn-off.

Me? I'm a mix of the two. I feel no shame in calling on my big strong boyfriend when I don't feel like doing heavy lifting, and he's all for helping me. However, he also finds it really sexy when I show an independent streak.

Suona: It's always a nice feeling to know that you're missed. I'm glad you have friends like that.

As for men who don't get the clue... Yeah. I know the feeling as well.

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Rylynne is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 07:24 AM

@ Su : Aww, that's so nice then~! :'D <3<3 Speaking of Secret Santas though, my secret santa hasn't posted a wishlist or anything yet! D8 And... the party's this Thursday, so I'm scrambling to figure out what she wants and stuff. @_@;; Haayy. >.<;;

Very true~ What are your plans for the holiday season then? :'D <3<3

Lolz, maybe. Your pheromones must be strong then, coming at it from a scientific perspective. Lolz. xDD;;

Yeah, but then it's much more fun to play their game sometimes, and then let them down gently. >3>;; Not play them as in lead them on, but as in trying to understand where they're coming from and stuff in order to find out the gentlest way to let them down easy. ^^;;

@ Connie : My father is attracted to the strong independent woman as well. xDD;; Sadly, there is still the notion of the "meek, kind, sweet" kind of girl that guys look for over here. It's all too evident sometimes, but I don't mind the least anyway, since it's not like all guys around here think that way. >;P

That's good then~ :'D <3<3 How long have you and your boyfriend been together, if you don't mind me asking. ^^;;

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Suona is offline
Old 12-14-2010, 08:05 AM

@ Connie - Yeah, I think it can get annoying when men act like you can't do anything, or shouldn't. Like Ry said, it can be a little fun to play along every now and then, but it isn't cool when they actually act like you're incapable of accomplishing things just because you're a girl.

Friends? Oh, i'm talking about kids from work. Like elementrary school kids. lol But yes, it is a nice feeling. They cheer me up. ^^

I think that usually the ones that dont take a clue are the ones that aren't use to being told no.

@ Ry - Haha. Yeah. They're so cute when they're behaving themselves. Its also much easier to deal with them when i'm not with them for a few hours each day. I do miss them either way, though. They're really cute kids.
What are you doing secret santa's with? Classmates or something? My secret santa took forever to put her's up too.

Dont really have too many plans. Going to do a get together with my close friends on Christmas Eve to exchange gifts and bake, and maybe I'll see if my grandma wants to do anything together. How about you?

lol Maybe? I dunno. Just wish it attracted the guys I was interested in. xP;; It seems like sometimes the guys I like will like me back, but then they seem to suddenly grow apart from that. I think that one of the guys got paranoid because we're pretty different. Like he seemed really interested, and then up and started kind of straying away from hanging out and said we should be just friends, and suddenly he'd act kind of flirty again. Sucks when guys do that. And I often hear the "not good enough" excuse. I think that its just because so many guys around here are big drinkers and partiers, and I dont do either. ><;;

lol You make me sound like i'm evil. ><;; I didn't do it rudely, honestly. He just was really persistent in trying to get me to hang out, wanting to do movies and popcorn with just him at his place. And he kept talking about how he wasn't going to give up so easily because I was too busy to hang out, what with school and work. And I just wanted to let him know ahead of time that I was fine with hanging out with him and everything, but just as friends, because I didn't want it to be anything more than that. He actually really appreciated me telling him in advance that I wasn't interested, that way he wasn't chasing a lost cause, and I didn't have to lie or skirt my way around the subject. I always feels so bad to make up excuses to not hang out with guys that like me that I dont like back, and dont want it to be awkward.

And I guess that I know from personal experience, like with that guy I just mentioned, that it can be irritating if someone sort of leads you on, and then up and says they aren't interested. I mean, I do understand trying to find a way to let it down to them, because i've had to do that, too. Sometimes you just aren't sure how to break it to them, since some aren't as easy to just up and say that you'd prefer to be friends. But I know that sometimes I wish friends would say that to me, that way I would know and not keep trying. Just as long as they didn't seem to lead me on after that.

Queen of Nutcases
Connielass is offline
Old 12-14-2010, 04:03 PM

Suona: Ohhh, I thought you were talking about your co-workers. Still, it's nice to know that kids like you that much too! :yes:

Ry: If you were asking me, we've been together a little over five years. It's not all heaven, and sometimes it takes work, but I wouldn't give him up for the world.

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Suona is offline
Old 12-16-2010, 10:09 AM

Haha. Nope. No hugs from the co-workers. Although, one coworker does his on me all the time, but its jokingly. He's happily married and has two kids. :] But he's really funny.

And yeah, it feels good to get hugs. Lets me know that even though I had to yell at them a bunch, they still miss me. I always worry that i'll start being one of those "teachers" (we just address ourselves as teachers, because its easier for the kids to remember, but i'm a college tutor, technically) that the kids start to dread having, so it feels good when they seem to be missing me. :]

Queen of Nutcases
Connielass is offline
Old 12-16-2010, 03:58 PM

I think it would feel good to anyone who likes kids in the slightest, when kids indicate that they missed you.
My boyfriend's nieces are adorable, but I think (and don't say this to my boyfriend) they must have ADD or some form of it. Sometimes it seems like they miss me, other times, it's like, "CONNI -- Ooh, shiny object."

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Suona is offline
Old 12-17-2010, 05:16 AM

Yeah, I know kids like that. And yeah, it always feels good to be missed.

Today I got put back with working with them, so I had the K-1 kids. Oh man, as soon as they saw me, I was getting tackled with hugs and being clung to. Made me smile. Until we started going, of course. Those kids are just ready for the school year to be over, and are fuulll of energy. They were off the wall today.


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