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whitebeast is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 05:27 AM

Patchy is a girl. ^__________^;

I knooow. O____o;

Kylie has quite a lot over there! -firm nod of the head indeed- But we'll see. I wonder what video games they play though. XDDD;

I'd be surprised if they have 'you know whats' among their chosen stuff. He he he.

It's a gift, Iro. >3 -smiles- I try to use it wisely though! -flexes fingers-


...Hopefully. ; ~ ;

I like giving stuff? Dx;

I just realized, with my spares and stuff, I could probably get a decent item trade already. But naw. I'll still collect some more and then see how it goes.

Might open a buy/sell thread soon.


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PK is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 05:29 AM

xD So every year you clean up the house and repaint the gate? Does the gate really get that rusty /the paint really peeling that much? o.o

And i'm so sorry to hear that : x I hope he passed away peacefully though?

xD Lol, aww...just your lot of bad luck then, i suppose. But i know how you feel. I often end up having to do work myself as well, my sister is more busy then i am at the current moment.

xDDD Who doesn't look forward to free money? Haha. Only problem i would have, would be having to be with my relatives. They're always so stitchy and well, only give back half of what we give them, if anything at all ^^'

Mmm...i suppose. But still, would make a whole lot more sense to just post when it's officially open, not offer away when your offer may be lost within all those pages, heh D :

xD I know.

And huh...well, i've always been bad at judging people's genders online so you can't blame me xD But then again, it's pretty much hard for anyone to judge whether someone else online is a male or female xD

Aww...that's so sweet xD

...o.o Ah. Haha, yeah i would it as spazzing too as for me Role Plays are really supposed to have at least some sort of structure to them xD

Really? But if you're sick, then perhaps you shouldn't post so much but rather, take it slowly and rest alot so that you can get better faster? xD Would make sense.

xD But more on your mule, right? That is, if you have a mule o.o And heh, i think i have two pages too. But only just, and only because i have multiples of the winter event items xD' lucky person, getting gifts xD

I am clicking, and following? D : Lols. By the way, i just remembered your auction when i saw the bunny. I just didn't connect you with the auction until just then D : Lmao. How slow am i? xD'


You're so mean Ironic, leaving me for Patchy D : What does he/she have, that i don't have?

...xDDD Just kidding. Go and have fun xP But be sure to come back soon, eh?

whitebeast is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 05:42 AM

Tis okay. ; ~ ; I doubt you'd think/know I was a lady unless I told you anyway. D:

I'm a guy for now since men have less items, less things to want/covet on the stores...ERGO WIN.

I'll do one sex at a time than to mix them up and go nuts at which one to go at for first. I'm a masochist but not that much!!!

I also have two pages of extras on my mule.

It's mostly Winter Nights Fest items. I have one or two spares in there too. I plan to put the rest of my spares there as well once I get to it.

There was no structure there. Basically he struts in, I react and then so on, so forth.

... But if I don't do anything, I'd be so dull and stuff. So I go on Mene when I can---up and until my head aches and I can't work so I go to sleep. 83
Yes it does. I do try though... I do. I really do!!!


Not yet?


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PK is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 06:11 AM

xD Well, actually, i kind of figured you were a guy until i saw you posting somewhere about having booty or something. I can't remember the exact content of the post, but yeah, lmao, i just figured you for a femme afterwards xD

o.o That's going to be confusing if you keep changing from a male avatar to female avatar though, isn't it? xD And do have a point. I'm saving up too, but yeah...for one item, not really so much for all the items that females can wear, although i do plan on getting all the female items that i can over the long duration that i'm here on Menewsha xD

Ah...i might've thought so. I only have this account right now. Wish i had a mule though xD It'd certainly help in the case i should ever be overflowed with item...which i highly doubt, unless i start doing art regularly or something xD

xD You're lucky that you have spares. Whitebeast must teach me her awesome gold earning ways? D :

...o.o Huh, sounds more like you're just having fun, not Role Playing xD Lol.

Something tells me you're going to get even more sick, but what the hey, it's your life so...yeah, feel free to stay up all night online, etc etc xD

xD You're crazy Whitebeast <3


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Old 01-21-2008, 08:06 AM

The gate is usually repainted once in two years. But after that, there's still the cookie baking, cleaning up and stuff. ~_^

Oh, yeah. Stitchy relatives. Still, it's free money, who am I to complain? ^^;

Originally Posted by PK
Hum...perhaps we'd better move threads so that Patchy's one doesn't get all this spam? Lol xD

And yeah, heh.

xD I wish it'd rain over here. Not thunderstorm, mind you, as i wouldn't be able to be online then, but yeah...we could do with the water as we seem to have a lack of it in our dams xD Except up in Brisbane, where apparently water is overflowing the dams o.o

What time is it over there? o.o It's about 6:30PM here, and well...we're not having dinner until about 7PM, 7:30PM? xD

It's raining almost every day here. That was why the process of repainting the gate had been so slow. It was flooding in certain places here too. XP

Oh? Which part of Australia are you living in?
Speaking of Brisbane, I might be going there for a short while right after Chinese New Year. =)

It is now 4.05pm here. My house is mighty weird. We sometimes eat dinner as early as 4, depending on whether it has finished cooking or not. 8D'
The average time for dinner in my house is about 5.30-6pm. ^_^

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PK is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 08:20 AM

o.o Hrm...every two years, you say? I hope i don't have to do that then, because when i move to the new house, sometime later on this year, i would hate to be outside as the house is somewhat on a downwards slope and well, it'd be hard to see if anything bad was happening near the house xD' Er...yeah, you can tell i'm a mite paranoid. Not my fault though, you can thank my sister for putting the idea in my head : x

:0 Cookies! What type? xD Chocolate chip? Plain? Oatmeal?

xD You have them too, huh? And true, i suppose.

:0 Omgz. You're like, magical Ironic! xDDD'

Huh, it's only threatening to flood in Brisbane as of late, although i do believe that Melbourne was sort of flooded at one point xD The weather's been all over the place this Australian Summer really : x

xD I live in Sydney dear. Though i have friends in Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, etc.

Oh really now? What will you be doing there? xD Visiting relatives?

...o.o 4PM is extremely early for dinnertime. Don't you ever get hungry afterwards? xD And the average time for dinner in my house is hum...well, it varies alot really, but typically we have dinner about 7:30PM; sometimes earlier, sometimes later xD

xD You know i put up a trivia question, right? Haha. I'll be putting up another one just as soon as it's answered so be on the lookout! ;0


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Old 01-21-2008, 08:35 AM

Hee~ I sort of suspected that. But I do call people by their avatars as compared to their proper gender sometimes. Like how I am still referred to he elsewhere, even on Gaia though my friends KNOW I'm a girl. XD

Indeed she does. I am now eying the Sashes. I believe someone booked a few of those. I wonder if she still has any left for sale once she updates her shop section. =P

'You know whats'? I'll not be surprised if they DO play that. It's a two player game, so there MIGHT be a chance of them trying that one out. *cough* xD


Chinese New Year cookies! Well, there ARE chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies. But there are those pineapple tarts, love letters, orange cookies and others as well. I think my mum is only planning to make the choc chip, orange (her specialty) and the tarts. The rest we'll most probably buy from others. =)

Oh, come on. I live in a big Chinese family (well, last I remember, my dad had 4 sisters and 3 brothers). There is BOUND to be some stitchy ones. lol

Well, I hope Oyster Cove would be okay. =X
Nah, a little family holiday. Had not had a decent one in a while. ^^

YES I know. I KNOW 4pm is super early. My friends never believed me whenever I told them I have to go 'afk' for 'dinner'. They go, "Are you sure that's not your TEA TIME?" rofl



OH! I didn't notice. XD

Is it um.. hmm... not Valentine's Day Hairpin... King's Crown? ^_^;

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PK is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 08:51 AM

o.o What on Earth are Chinese New Year cookies? xD Never heard of them. Describe them? xD Maybe i know them by another name, lmao.

And yup...sounds like you're having alot of yummy goodies this year xD I love chocolate chip cookies, as well as oatmeal cookies.

Lmao. My dad has hum...about, i'm not sure really. Alot though. Probably about the same amount of siblings as your dad does, only he has alot more brothers then sisters, lol xD And true. It's just sad that in my family, basically all of the family on dad's side is stitchy : x Though there are the rare few which are nice ^^' should be, i think. I'll try and find out for you xD And heh, that sounds nice. What are you going to do in Brisbane then? Visit the theme parks? Go visit the beach? Coral reef? xD

xDDD I would probably never have believed you either. 4PM is just far too early for dinner xD

Yeah, i was hoping it would draw more people in, but it would seem maybe not? D ':

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-21-2008, 08:54 AM

xD I'm here!

>w> I finally wasn't distracted enough to come post.

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PK is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 09:04 AM

Spanish Leek Squared:
Hey hey Leeky dear <3 How are you?

And haha, that's fine o3o

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-21-2008, 09:08 AM

I'm good! x3

I'm wondering about what kind of ball dress I should get for my ball.


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Old 01-21-2008, 09:12 AM

Hello, SLS! =D

Chinese New Year cookies is a general term used to describe the assortment of cookies made and served in houses during CNY. xD'

So whatever cookies I have just named to you early, those are considered CNY cookies cause people here only usually bother making them whenever it's near the festive season. Hehe

The number of children families used to have are scary! XD

It's okay. Thank you, though!
Most probably visit the beach. My mum and sister LOVES the beach. I'm looking forward to seeing the coral reef if I could, however. I hope it doesn't rain too often there. |3

Well, that might be why I never bother starting a thread during events. Besides, I KNOW I will not take care of it very well. xD'
Though, it seems that you're pulling more people in now? ~_^

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PK is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 09:13 AM

Spanish Leek Squared:
You're going to a ball? :0 Wait...what? xD

I'm glad to hear that you're doing good though ^^


Oh. Well that certainly makes sense then -chuckles- I was thinking, maybe once again i was about out of touch with the rest of the world : x

Talking about chocolate chips, though, that makes me feel like making chocolate chip muffins xD

I know, eh? My mum also has alot of siblings o_o Probably like...hrm...about ten? xD

Actually, it's quite the opposite usually. It's just this year and very late last year that the weather seems to have taken a turn? For the worst or best, goodness knows xD Albeit the Summer was as hot as ever, if not hotter than before, but...yeah, definitely alot more rain than usual.

You should really visit the coral reef -nods- It's absolutely beautiful, or it was when i last visited xD Kind of got creeped out though because i saw a shark near my feet during my visit (not at the Great Barrier Reef but Moreton Bay Island / Tangalooma Resort), but...yeah.

xD Just one more person, mind you, not that i'm not thankful, Leeky is just such an awesome person to talk with but...yeah, i was kind of envisioning people battling it out to post the trivia answers first not well...people getting it right immediately and only one or two people participating xD' Maybe i just have too much of a high hopes for this thread of mine? Heh.

whitebeast is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 09:14 AM


NOT. >_____> It's annoying and ugly. You go about in malls and look for things then the pants they have won't fit you. The hell! The only things that seem to go well/work are...skirts. Still you encounter problems for those but not as much as trying out for pants. Dx

Although I won't deny how damn useful/glad I am when I used to have problems with my balance and stance in my school. I would often fall on my bum and it definitely softened the fall.

Nah. Not that inconsistent mah dear. For now I'll be a man for as long as I can. I have a long list of stuff to go through on the man list of items. I don't think I'll be able to finish those so soon considering how... Easily distracted I can get. So likely I'll be staying like this for months. Many many months. I foresee more commons so I doubt if I'll be able to move out and save for the females like that DX

Not to mention I'm quite fond of this hairstyle. Way too much. Then when I'm all done and such, it's time to go brave the females section and go WTF at the prices/amount of stuff to get.

I made my mule during the Winter Nights fest. I had too many event items. I got pissed and stored them away. Might buy some more in the future though. Who knows? XDDD; I like them though. The Halloween set was nice too. Although not my sort of items, you'll never know when you can actually use them!

...My spares were either gifts or stuff I saved up for/got hold of due to my awesome convincing skills. He he he. As Leafey put it, I power posts. I'm on many threads all at once and am quite a talker. I BET YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT!!!

Of course I have fun when I RP. D< It would be futile to RP if you weren't having fun.

Something told you?! YOU HAVE TO LEND ME THAT SOMETHING SO I CAN TELL THE OTHER TIMES IMMA GONNA BE SICK TOO!!! Wait. Can I ask that thing also to tell me if you'll be sick? Or any other person in particular might get sick. Oh dear. I SEEEKKKK.

And yes I am crazy.


Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-21-2008, 09:15 AM

Hi Ironic!

PK; xD Uh, a prom? It's called a Ball here. Anyway, I need a fancy dress. I can't decide on a style.

whitebeast is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 09:22 AM

That's easy Leeky-puff.

It will depend on these factors -in my opinion-

1. Your figure

~ Are you hour glass shaped? Triangular...rectangular, etc

2. What kind of aura you want to exude

~ Do you want to look confident or cool? Perhaps youthful?

3. Your budget.

~ It's not just in the material but the design. Some designs depending on how much fabric and decors they have...can be very expensive


PS: Will you have it tailor made for you or you'lll go out and shop for one at the mall?


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Old 01-21-2008, 09:27 AM

*gold dwindles*

That reminds me a little of myself. Though, it was much worse a few years back. It got... a little smaller now? I still have the big hips, though. =P'

True, true. xD

*waves sword excitely*

"Look, MA! I have sword! I am kid NO LONGER! MUAHAHAHA!!" >8D


@Spanish Leek Squared:
Tomorrow's the last day for the event. I can't wait for the winner announcements for some of the Stickied contests up there. xD

Call me Iro, really. lol

I have it in my sig, and yet, people STILL call me Ironic. How ironic. Ironic... Hehe -shot for lame joke-

whitebeast is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 09:29 AM

It's still fluffy I'm afraid. ; ~ ;

And I no longer fall on my bum though -thankful-

You finally got the sword!

...Oh goodness, why did I snort when I read the Masamune reference regarding the sword? Dx

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-21-2008, 09:34 AM

xD Well.
1. Figure.
I'm thin. I could take a picture to show you how thin?

2. Aura.
No idea really. I should probably figure that out. I just want to look pretty? XDXD;;

3. I get $195 every two weeks from the government, study allowance payment. xD; Then my mother would put in around maybe $200 and my dad would probably put in the same, so money isn't really a issue, since I don't like expensive things. I'm looking for something below $500 not including shoes or other things. Since I want to alter it I assume it's going to be more expensive.

Not the mall, it isn't my style. Probably a small boutique though, the kind that makes dresses for weddings and stuff. They tend to have the only decent dresses around. I'd have to get it fitted to my shape since i'm around a size 6, other stores don't really have dresses that fit me properly, and i'd have to get them fitted somewhere else anyway. Dx

Iro; Oh, is it? I should get baking then. xD;;

Okay, I will. I'm just a little absent minded at the moment.


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Old 01-21-2008, 09:46 AM

I'll be going down for dinner. Will be back shortly. I think there's fish or chicken curry today. Either one. =)


*stares at gold*

Might take another week to get it back to 3k. Oh, well. I'll do some insane long posting around again after the event. |3

I WIN! >8D

I think I'll be sticking with this avatar for a while, unless there's something I REALLY like released in the future. ^^

@Spanish Leek Squared:
Hehe Good luck! Am looking forward to seeing your entry too. xD

Thank you! I appreciate it. ^^

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-21-2008, 09:51 AM

Iro; I don't know if it'll be any good though. >w>;

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 01-21-2008, 10:00 AM

*sneaks in*

Spanish Leek Squared
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Spanish Leek Squared is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 10:01 AM

*nibbles on a cookie* Dx

I think it died.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 01-21-2008, 10:04 AM

*sighs* I swear that I'm a thread killer >.<

This allows happens when I enter a thread and it even happens in my own threads

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-21-2008, 10:08 AM

I was the last one to post though. xD I killed it.

Yes, we all know how it feels. *pat*


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