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Rei Ann
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Rei Ann is offline
Old 07-21-2011, 03:57 AM

~This is a Private One-on-One rp between NinjaKitty and Myself[Rei Ann], please don't post here if you aren't either of us.~

Name: Veronica Snape
House: Slytherin
Bio: Veronica Snape is the daughter of Severus Snape and Mirabella Snape. She has her Father's talent for Potions. She has yet to tell anyone from school that her father is actually Severus Snape, most people just figured that her mother is some pure-blood witch from America or another country. She is very smart and consider to be one of the top students of her year. Though unlike her father she doesn't seem to have an issue with any of the Potter's.
[[Will add more later]]

Name:Scorpius Malfoy
House: Slytherin
Bio: Scorpius has been told by his father that he must work hard to reclaim their family honor and bring back a good name to Slytherin. He's been raised that it's time for a change, to be elite but not evil. Many of his housemates are still stuck in the old ways, but Since Scorpius father knows what happens with the old ways, he urging his son to choose better, and be better than Draco was. Scorpius though doesn't share this, and seems to be buried in books or indifferent, which has lead to many thinking he is stuck up.

Last edited by Rei Ann; 07-23-2011 at 05:27 PM..

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 07-21-2011, 04:13 AM

Name James Potter
House Gryffindor
Bio James Potter is the son of the famous Harry Potter and the lovely Ginny Potter, James always felt like he was living in his father's shadow, all anybody ever seemed to want to know him for was to ask about his father and the battle between him and he who must not be named. James was going to do everything he could to get out of his fathers shadow and into his own limelight.

Name Rose Weasley
House Gryffindor
Bio The daughter Hermione Weasly and Ronald Weasley best friends to the famous Harry Potter, Rose had inherited her mother's smart and love of books so more often then not she was found in the library. Rose and James had been friends since they were little, a friendship helped along by the fact that they saw each other nearly every day

Last edited by NinjaKitty; 07-23-2011 at 06:11 PM..

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 07:25 PM

”Rose dear it’s time to wake up, Harry will be here in a minute with James to take you to the train” the sweet voice of her mother broke into her dreams. Dreams she tried very hard to hold onto, dreams about her dream guy and for some reason he was always blond. An odd thing considering she had never had a boyfriend who was blond. Stifling a yawn the cranky sixteen year old rolled out of bed running her fingers through her tousled bed hair. ”Alright mom I’m up I’m up” her voice came out low and scratchy not her normal voice, but that’s what happened when you pulled the teenager out of her dreams. Still groggy she walked down the hall towards the bathroom; a shower would certainly perk her up. Flipping on the hot water she stripped and stepped into the stream of water. Still trying to hold onto the last snippets of her dream, but it was like trying to hold water in her bare hands it all kept slipping through her fingers.

As she was drying herself off she heard the door open and her mother and fathers voice welcoming someone who she could only assume was James and his father. Dressing herself quickly she grabbed the handle of her trunk and with some effort dragged it thudding down the stairs. Her cat which was going to come with her, a beautiful sleek black cat with a white tipped tail and paws, named Rufus, was curled up on the counter watching the going ons with an amused, well amused look on a cat face anyway. Don’t be so high and mighty mister you just wait until you get into your cat carrier almost as if he had heard her thoughts the cat flashed a glare at the girl. Stiffly he got to his feet stretched and bounded off into the other room. Shaking her head fighting back an amused smile Rose turned her attention to the visitors. James who looked like the spitting image of his father, minus the glasses and scar, and the famous Harry Potter defeater of Lord Voldemort. Despite what she had grown up hearing about the man, she had always seen him as just her friend’s father. He didn’t look like he could have defeated he who must not be named, he was scrawny. The image just didn’t fit in her opinion.

”Rose hurry up and eat something you guys have to leave like now if you don’t want to be late. I’m sorry we can’t take you ourselves but we have to get to work I hope you understand honey” Rose didn’t say anything to her mother merely nodded, she didn’t hold a grudge they had work it happened. Grabbing some toast she munched on it while she watched her red haired father come into the room holding her cat Rufus under one arm and the cat carrier under the other. With a little bit of a struggle he forced the cat inside. It was time to go with a quick hug and kiss from both her mother and her father and a quick check to see if they had everything they needed they were all out the door and in the car on their way to King’s Cross Station.

”James hurry up, we leave for Ron and Hermione’s house like now” the voice of his father called up the stairs, amidst shouting from his mother and sister, his sister who wanted to come with them, and his mother telling her she couldn’t go she was sick and needed to be in bed. Smiling to himself James stuffed the book away in his trunk, the book he had been reading for the last few hours after he had woken up hours earlier and couldn’t fall back to sleep. It was a book about his and his father’s favorite sport in the world Quiditch like his father, and his father before him James was the seeker for the house Gryffindor. It was a source of pride for him and he worked hard to keep the spot that had been his for the last five years. His trunk was already downstairs so all that was left was to grab the cage holding his three year old owl Hedwig a beautiful snowy owl, James had named after the owl his father had told him he had owned when he was at Hogwarts. Hedwig let out an angry screech as James swung her a little too hard on his trip down the stairs. ”Oops sorry Hegwig” he apologized to the angry bird that was now glaring at him with one dark eye. Being more careful now he went down the hallway to the kitchen where his father was eating breakfast and watching the argument between his wife and daughter with amused interest.

”Mummy please can’t I go, it won’t make me any worse I just want to see James off, please mummy” his sister begged even as his red haired mother shook her head. ”No honey you can’t go, you’re sick , no more arguing on the matter, that word is final” his mother Ginny told her daughter, tears formed in the little girls eyes, normally that would soften his mother but not this time. Still shaking her head she turned back to the stove and loaded a plate with some eggs and bacon setting it before her soon. ”Don’t worry sis next year you’ll be starting at Hogwarts, so don’t be sad I’ll write you plenty of letters and tell you all about it alright?” his sister gave him a watery smile which made him smile. After a hurried breakfast and kisses all around James and Harry were out the door and on their way to Ron and Hermione’s house to pick up Rose.

In what felt like no time at all they had picked up his fellow sixth year Gryffindor and one of his best friends Rose Weasley who looked just like her mother, except for her eyes which were her fathers. And were on their way to King’s Cross Station. The station was as crowded as always and it took some maneuvering to get their trolleys positioned right. But with the practice of ease they ran through the barrier of platform nine and three quarters and there was the familiar scarlet train loaming before them. It was almost like a homecoming.

Snape waited tapping his foot impatiently against the floor, Draco was supposed to bring his son an hour ago what was the man doing? For some odd reason Snape had agreed to take both his daughter Veronica and Draco’s son Scorpius to the train today. What had come over him? But whatever it wouldn’t take too long, and as long as he kept the hood of his cloak up no one would recognize him as Severus Snape. Nothing would probably come of it if people were to recognize him, but over the years Snape had come to enjoy his privacy, he didn’t want everyone to know that somehow he had survived that fateful day when Voldemort the dark lord had tried to kill him off. He had thought he was dying as well, but something deep inside him had balked and hung on to life and well here he was sixteen years later with a wife and daughter no less.

His wife knew everything and it amazed him how she just accepted it. The door opened and in came Draco leading his son, with the same blond hair. Plastering a smile onto his face he greeted his guests, curtly to be sure, but at least he greeted them. ”Hello Draco here’s Scorpius I presume, have you got all your things?” at a word of affirmation from Draco Snape let it drop, he had never been one for small talk. Soon enough Draco was gone and his daughter was ready to leave. ”Come both of you wouldn’t want to be late now do we?” he asked coldly grabbing his cloak and swirling it onto his shoulder. Leading the way out the door he ushered the teenagers into the car he had borrowed and in what felt like no time they were off on their way to King’s Cross Station.

Last edited by NinjaKitty; 07-30-2011 at 05:39 AM..


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