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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-16-2015, 10:32 PM

Light flashed across the stage as Isaac "Chance" Melville swiveled his hips Elvis-style over the black surface. He crooned into the microphone in a fairly good imitation of the King of Rock, dark hair flopping over his green eyes as he finished his set.

"Great job! Now we just need to make sure the transition between the acts is just a bit smoother."

The drama teacher also took care of the school wide talent show. Miss Dumont never failed to bring out the best in every participant, but it was easier with some then others.

Chance hopped off the stage and grabbed his backpack from the nearest seat. "I'll be back after school to get some more practice in." The youth grinned. "Thanks for letting me get a morning practice in before class!"

"Which you should be getting to soon, otherwise even your smooth talking won't be able to keep you out of detention."

Chance joined a stream of other hurrying students, and headed towards his least favorite set of classes. For the past two years he'd successfully managed to avoid them, but the guidance councilor of Rosewood Wardhaven Private School had finally caught up with him.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-16-2015, 11:13 PM

The sound of a car hood closing filled the mechanic's garage. Dorian Li Ito was surprised they had one, being a private school and all. He rubbed the bottom of his left cheek with the back of his right hand, spreading a small smudge of grease on his pale caramel colored skin. He had been working on his rusty framed, '67 chevrolet.

As the teachers aid he was allowed to be in the workshop when the teacher wasn't there. The teacher tapped his shoulder, interrupting his thoughts. He pointed to the clock. Dorian was going to be be late for class. He bit his bottom lip, his lip ring stuck out more as he did. He set the wrench down in the toolbox before gathering his school's uniform jacket.

Dorian was one of the special children in the school, granted his appearance screamed otherwise. His hair was short in the back, yet his bangs framed his face elegantly down to his chin. It was dark silver in color, nearly gray. Streaks of purple and blue rested on the right side of his bangs. He appeared more as a punk then an engineering prodigy.

He slammed into someone as he ran down the hall. Luckily neither fell to the floor. "Sorry." He said turning to the person before turning to continue to class. His piercing crystal blue eyes barely caught a glimpse of the guy he ran into. His jacket was flung playfully over his shoulder with his backpack, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was covered in grease like always.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-17-2015, 12:01 AM

Chance reeled back, then caught himself with the easy grace of a born athlete. The young man tugged his pristine jacket into place before turning his attention to the man who'd bumped into him like a charging bull.

"Hey, get back here!" An apology was necessary, but he hadn't heard one.

Strident ringing stopped him in his tracks. Chance glanced at his Rolex. "Damn it."

He charged into shop class, only to be told that it wasn't even taking place, not then, not for him anyway. Chance's bag hit the floor with a dull thud; papers scattered everywhere until he emerged with his schedule held high.

French class started with the bang of a door hitting the wall, and Chance making excuses for his tardy arrival. Everyone snickered. He just bowed as he settled into his seat, and smiled innocently at Mr. Edwards when his bespectacled gaze fell on him again. Somehow, with the luck that had earned him his nickname, Chance hadn't interrupted class. He'd even arrived just in time to get the finicky white board working right, projecting the desktop of Mr. E's laptop.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-17-2015, 12:28 AM

Dorian had just made it in time for his Special class before the bell rung out, at least what he thought was the bell. He couldn't hear, just went by the time on the clock. He took his normal seat near the paraplegic girl and her mute sister. He signed his greets to the mute and spoke to the paraplegic. He had an odd accent as he spoke, no one knew he was deaf from birth. Which he rather liked.

The class was a simple one, never really taught them anything. Just made them feel more of an outcast for being separated in a classroom often targeted by the richer and popular teenagers. The paraplegic just nodded to him after class was over, letting him know the first bell had rung. "See you tomorrow Mira, Sara." He told the girls before leaving the classroom. His locker was right near the Special room.

He opened the door to his locker, placing his School's jacket inside. He closed and locked it before heading off to his favorite classroom. He loved mechanics and the next classes he had for the day.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 12:22 AM

(Nice new avi. And sorry for the wait!)

The prospect of Shop class haunted him through French. It made him stutter words and trip over sentences. His writing, well that was more of a hopping mess then his usual elegant script. By the time the bell rang, Chance wanted nothing more then to march to the office and tell them he was sick, or jump into his car and speed away home, where no one would bother him. The household staff knew better then to try and parent him.

At least one good thing had happened because of the morning fiasco; Chance found the dreaded class with ease. That didn't stop him from grumbling when he walked inside, glancing at the punk kid who'd bumped into him that morning and trying not to take out his frustration on him. Chance, as part of the popular crowd, held a certain disdain for anyone who dared to be different. Of course, there was a boiling stew of other emotions beneath the surface, but putting them on display would mark him as different too; the others on top of the social ladder wouldn't fail to throw him down at any sign of weakness.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-19-2015, 02:21 AM

(Lol, thank you. :) And you're fine. )

Dorian just smiled as he eyed the broken car in the garage. He run his hand over the hood of the car as he walked over to the driver's side. Popping the hood, he opened it and set the bar to keep it open. It was for the advance class later in the day. He could spot several problems in the engine alone. "Dorian!" The teacher called to him once walking into the class. However being deaf, he didn't hear his name.

The teacher set down the papers on his desk before going to grab his shoulder. Dorian just frown when he was pulled away from the car. The teacher closed the hood and looked at Dorian. He walked to his desk when the teacher mentioned that the bell rung. Without knowing it he was assigned to sit near the boy he had ran into earlier in the morning. "Why do I have to sit with the beginners?" He asked the teacher in confusion, wasn't the student aid suppose to be helping with the class and not learning with them?

The teacher looked at Dorian before simply replying. "Because my desk is too small for both of us, now quiet it down Dorain." He turned to start writing on the board behind him. Dorian made a small face before sitting informally in the chair. "Mr. Melville, have Dorain sit in the chair correctly please." He called over his shoulder as he continued to write today's lesson on the board.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 02:43 AM

Chance snorted when his neighbor spoke up. You just didn't question the teachers, ever. They could make your life hell if they wanted to.

He leaned over and poked the grey haired teen. "Come on, sit up straight!" hissed Chance. Everyone had turned to stare at them, curious. It sent shivers racing up and down his spine. Not good.

What was wrong with this class? It was already making him miserable, and the lessons hadn't even really started yet!

Chance settled back into his seat and tried to take notes and pay attention.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-19-2015, 03:01 AM

Dorian just looked at the boy who poked him for no reason, he didn't see his lips move. Just a random poking he guessed. He just turned back to the board. He snickered as the teacher had made a mistake and left it. "You wrote the wrong name for number three." He simply told the teacher, he spoke with an odd accent but to him it was normal. "It should be cylinder head cover and five is valve spring." He simply corrected the basic engine questions.

The teacher just looked at the sheet then to the board once more. "Ah, you are correct Mr. Ito. Thank you." He simply thanked the boy before correctly his mistakes. However Dorian didn't see his lips to read the thanks, but he had a feeling he was. He folded his arms over the back of the seat, his chin resting on his forearms as he continued to sit straddling the chair.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 08:07 PM

Chance twirled his pencil as the teacher wrote the answers on the board. It was so old fashioned in this room. Nearly all the other classrooms had smart boards, projectors at least, but not so in shop class.

Most students only took trade classes because it was a graduation requirement. Anything that could be called menial labor made them break out in hives of disgust, at least with the popular crowd.

He cocked his head when his neighbor spoke, correcting the teacher. A flicker of a smile showed where his thoughts were headed. Maybe, just maybe, he might have his ticket to at least passing the class.

Chance leaned over and poked the crazy haired guy again, twice actually to make sure he'd gotten his attention. "Sit right, why don't you?" said Chance, a bit louder this time. Maybe his neighbor hadn't heard before.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-19-2015, 08:30 PM

Dorian just looked over at the boy, he was slightly annoyed that he kept poking him. "What?" He simply spoke out. The teacher just turned to see Dorian staring at the boy next to him. He shook his head at the two students. "Mr. Melville, Mr. Ito." He said plainly. He waved his hand to get Dorian's attention. "What is the problem?" The teacher asked the two curiously.

"He keeps poking me for no reason." Dorian said mentioning to the guy next to him. Annoyance clearly lingering in his voice. The teacher chuckled lightly. "Mr. Ito, I asked him to have you sit in your chair correctly. He must have been poking you to get your attention." He told the annoyed teen. The teacher then turned to the boy next to him. "Mr. Ito is deaf. You must make sure he is looking at you before speaking or he can't understand you." He turned his attention to both the boys, whispers filling the background of the classroom.

"Now both of you pay attention and Mr. Ito sit correctly in your chair." The teacher said to both of them before turning to continued to write on the chalkboard. Dorian just stood up and turned his seat before sitting down correctly on it. He folded his arms over his chest. Still annoyed at the other teenage. Granted he was slumped down in the seat, it was better than before.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 09:00 PM

Ito hadn't heard because he couldn't hear.

Instead of listening to the teacher, Chance found himself wondering what it might be like to be deaf. Speaking, something he took for granted, wouldn't that be hard to learn? And how did you know what others were saying? Sign language, and lip reading, probably.

And everyone whispered. They stared. He was guilty of that too, stealing glances at his neighbor when he should have been listening.

That was why the teacher standing right in front of his desk nearly made him jump to the ceiling.

"Mr. Melville, I'm fairly certain you didn't hear your assignment of the day." He pointed to one of the cars. "I want you to partner up with Mr. Ito and figure out the names of every part of the car, and you'll be staying after class if you must."

Chance groaned, opened his mouth to protest, but then snapped it shut when he remembered how Ito had corrected the teacher. "Fine."

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-19-2015, 09:24 PM

Dorian just ignored the stares, he could feel everyone's eyes on him. Guess the cat was out of the bag, not like he cared. However he found it funny that the boy next to he jumped from fright when the teacher pulled him from thoughts. He apparently snuck up on him. He chuckled lightly until he noticed he had to help the boy with the lesson.

"What?! Why do I have to help him? He is the ding head that can't pay attention to simple mechanics." He questioned the teacher. "Mr. Ito just because you're from another part of town does not mean you can call other teenagers names. You may have a scholarship for being a known prodigy but you still need manners." He simply told the oriental boy. Dorian just huffed lightly, he was getting more annoyed as the class went on.

Why would he need manners? It was not like anyone in life would take him serious once they found out he was handicapped. Everyone always treated him differently after they found out. That's why he was stuck into this school rather than the college of his choice. The elites mechanics went there but once they found out he was deaf, he was placed in this preppy filled rich kid highschool.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 10:22 PM

His neighbor seemed to be getting more annoyed by the second.

By the end of the lesson, after more mishaps then he had toes and fingers to count, Chance was still trying to figure out what was what in the car. He refused to ask that Ito kid any questions, genius though he was supposedly. Should he, the heir for one of the most profitable auto companies in the country, be able to figure out the parts of a car?

Apparently not.

"Do I really need to stay after class?"said Chance.

The teacher gave the two young men a stare. "Yes. You need to learn to pay attention in class."

Chance groaned and turned to the car again. He crouched down and poked the rear axle, and then stood to peer under the hood. Figuring this out, well it seemed impossible despite his familial background, and that he would never admit, especially not to Ito.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-19-2015, 10:49 PM

Dorian just shrugged at the teacher. "I'm the top student in the advance class. He!" He said pointing to Melville, "Can't tell his left foot from the right. Why must I be punished?" He questioned the teacher who just scolded him.

He rolled his eyes at the teenager he was forced to babysit in a way. "We covered that in class. That's the air filter, PVC hose, filter hole. You should atleast know that one. It was number three on the board." He was pointing towards the parts he named. Was the boy really that dense.

"What were you doing in class if you can't name the simplest parts of an engine?" He questioned the boy. "Why am I in the special class when obvious you should be there." He bluntly said. "Mr. Ito. I have warned you about your attitude once today. One more and you'll have detention." The teacher made sure that the oriental boy saw he when he spoke. Once more he sat informally on the chair near the car, clearly bored out of his mind.

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Old 07-19-2015, 11:11 PM

Chance breathed in and out, concentrating on that rather then the insults being heaped on him by the special ed kid. Great. Just great. Not only was he a disappointment to his family, he was the laughing stock of the class.

He shoved himself right into Ito's face the moment the teacher walked out of the room to do who knew what, go to the bathroom probably. "I paid attention, but I forgot. I'm a dunce when it comes to cars, even if my whole family is absolutely obsessed with them. Why the heck do you think I signed up for this class in the first place!" He hadn't had a choice.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-19-2015, 11:31 PM

Dorian just looked at the little rich boy. The amused look never left his face. As soon as the teacher left the room the kid had gotten into his face. Sometimes it paid to be deaf, he wouldn't have to listen to the annoying voice of the teen. Simple sob story that was all it was.

"Maybe you should take notes then instead of fantasizing. Perhaps then you wouldn't be such a ding head." Dorian calmly spoke. He signed a few insulting gestures to the rich boy before standing up. He just grabbed his backpack and left the room. Even if the teen shouted at him, he wouldn't hear it. Being the student aid, he wouldn't be marked for being absent either. He was highly annoyed, having to help a kid who didn't even seem to care about the class. He rather had the preppy cheerleaders forced on him in the class then that kid.

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Old 07-19-2015, 11:47 PM

He ran over to Ito and grabbed his arm before the other young man left the room. Chance held him there with the strength of desperation, and moved to face him head on.

"I'll pay you to be my tutor!" Kids on scholarships always needed money, right? He'd be doing this Ito guy a favor.

"I can't fail this class or my future is ruined." He nodded towards the door. "You heard teach back there, I'm a Melville, as in Melville Auto Inc. If I don't learn, they'll disown me. So please, help me." Too much information ... but it was too late to take any of it back. Chance knew this was his last chance, after a whole life of trying to make sense of the big metal hulks that dominated nearly all his memories.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-20-2015, 12:04 AM

Dorian just looked at the kid. He was holding onto his arm pretty tightly. He would have jerked his arm away from the boy but stopped when he offered to pay him. He worked a part-time job after school, yet he could always use the extra money. He wasn't a big fan of the Melville Auto company and now he seemed to like it less.

"Your families cars are crap, just so you know. You add too many things in the engine that makes it break down faster." He told the teenager as he jerked his arm away from Melville. "Fine. I'll tutor you but you better attempt to learn or I'll let you fail." He plainly told the boy. He didn't care if he passed or failed really. He would always have the job after school and the one on the weekends.

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Old 07-20-2015, 05:26 PM

"I can't even say anything about that, because I don't know anything about the cars my family sells." He let the other youth go.

"I'll expect you at my house tomorrow after school." Chance plucked a page from one of his notebooks after rummaging through his backpack, and scrawled his address and cell phone number onto it. "You'll be expected, so don't worry about being let in or not. If you can't get there on your own, I'll make arrangements so it's possible." After shoving the paper into the deaf boy's hands, he walked away, headed home and hoping his parents would stop bugging him about the classic car they'd bought him for his birthday, and expected him to repair.

They wouldn't exactly be surprised when he told them he'd hired a tutor. They'd probably be happy he was making an effort.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-20-2015, 06:30 PM

Dorian just rolled his eyes, obvious the rich boy didn't know anything about cars. His facial expressions on the assignment today screamed that. It was rather ironic that he would be a son from a auto company, granted it was horrible company. He had to fix so many Melville cars around his neighborhood on a weekly basis, it was annoying but the pay was good.

Once more Dorian just rolled his eyes at the rich kid. He placed the paper into his backpack before leaving the school. He had a feeling this would be more trouble than it was worth.

The following day was like any other. Bully jocks, confused about their own sexaulity to the point they had to target someone different. Dorian just came to a stop, he looked at the piece of paper with the address the rich boy had gave him. His chevrolet was resting and a cross road, he never came up to this side of town and was quite lost on where to go. If it wasn't for a gardener he probably never find the place.

He had stopped at home to change before coming to tutor the boy. His out was obvious that of someone not rich. He wore simple loose fitting jeans, black in color. Scuffed up blue vans shoes with rainbow laces. He had a teal and gray striped, sleeveless hoodie that he left unzipped to reveal a black wife-beater tank top. His nails were painted black like always, he wore several colorful rubber bracelets and short necklace with a gothic video game emblem on a silver coin. Dorian sighed when he pulled up the front doors, the guy at the gate told him to park there.

He already felt uncomfortable here. Turning off his engine and taken the keys. He step out of his door. He dreaded today.

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Old 07-22-2015, 01:16 AM

Even tough it was after school, he still wore crisp clothes, too clean and new to be donning while working on cars. But he didn't know that, didn't think of it.

When one of the staff came to tell him Dorian was there, Chance hesitated for a second. Than he went off, jogging down the stairs and ignoring the startled looks he got. Then he was grabbing Dorian's arm, and trying to tug him towards the garage where his classic car waited to be put together and worked on. It was a beat up 1967 Rally Sport Camaro with more parts missing, bent, broken and impossible to recognize then Chance wanted to think about.

It looked like the wreck it was when compared to all the other pristine cars in the building.

Chance let go of Dorian and pointed at the car. "Help me fix it, and teach me while you do." He stuttered out another word. "Please."

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-22-2015, 01:57 AM

Dorian was surprised when the rich boy just ran up and dragged him to the garage. He just glared at the boy but stopped when he saw the car. "A '67 camaro?" He asked the rich kid looking at the car then to him. "You want to fix that, dress like that?" It was more mocking him then a questioning.

Shaking his head, he went to the car and popped the hood. It was missing a lot of key parts. He laughed at the kid, "You shoot for a challenge way out of your league don't you." He removed a piece of the engine and tossed it to the boy. "First of all you don't need that. I'm guessing your father gave you this car as practice because that part will just stall the engine." He told him plainly. He walked around the car looking at it's frame before getting on the floor, he was peeking under the car. "You have a hole in the gas tank." He came out from under the car and sat up. He looked at the rich boy. "You'll have less trouble ordering completely brand new parts to the skeletal frame underneath." He told him plainly. "If you have a wielder, we could fix some of the parts. Maybe the junkyard I work at has some parts that we could rig to fit it." He scratched his head in thought.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-22-2015, 02:07 AM

Chance nodded, then shook his head. Of course he was going to work on the car in his clothes, why else would he be wearing them? Trying to fix the car naked, well even he knew that was a disaster waiting to happen.

He followed Dorian and watched as the other young man started crawling around the car like a monkey on its favorite tree. As the genius mechanic started listing off problems, he groaned. "My Dad's the one who chose this car for me, said it was worthy of a Melville." He shrugged and crouched down, slid to his back and peeked under the car, into the inner workings of it.

"There's a welder in the corner of the garage ... But I don't know how to use it. And ... I think my father would want me to go the hard route, and he's right. It's probably the only way I'll remember anything, is by doing it." Maybe he'd be able to pass his class, learn to enjoy it.

Faded Beauty
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Old 07-22-2015, 02:34 AM

Dorian just shook his head once more. "Of course you can't work the wielder. Why would a rich boy know anything useful in life." He said mocking the boy. Dorian just took out his cell phone. He began to take pictures of the car. He was going to looked around the junkyard for parts they could fix and use for the car.

His crystal blue eyes caught something in the engine that shouldn't be there. He placed his phone back into his back pocket. Before reaching for the item, it was rather sharp and cut his hand deeply as it loosened. Dorian just jerked his hand back lightly. He looked at his bleeding left palm. He just rolled his eyes before grabbing a handkerchief from his back pocket and tieing it around the wound tightly. He just reached back and pulled out the metal plate. It was part of a exhaust fan from a industrial cooker. He laughed. "You had a piece of a dry fryer in your engine." He held out the piece of metal for the rich boy to take.

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Old 07-22-2015, 02:53 AM

"My father got it from a junkyard." Chance took the bit of fan and winced when he saw blood. He glanced at the other youth's hand. "You should clean that ..."

He shook his head. "And will you stop making fun of me for not knowing anything?" A step took him right in front of Dorian, so his lips were as easy to read as lines on a page. "You making fun of me for not knowing, it's like those kids at school laughing at you because you can't hear." Sure, he was rich, and spoiled ... privileged, but that didn't mean he had no worries or problems of his own. Chance had just as many things to worry about as the next high school kid.


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