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Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 03-27-2014, 08:30 PM

All of our pets do those little things that make them unique (or at least, we think they're unique, until we go on youtube and see 15 other animals doing the same exact thing). So what funny little things do your pets do? Had a fish that chased its tail? A cat who chased the mail man? A dog who always put its food in its water dish before eating? Share your stories!

Here's a couple I recently shared in another thread:

Originally Posted by Cherry Who? View Post
My last cat seemed to be smart enough to understand a fair amount of English - or at least his own name and the meaning of certain tones. If he'd do something embarrassing and then I'd later tell my mom about it, he'd start to look embarrassed again.

My current kitty is a lot less clutzy, but he gets embarrassed by the silliest things. If you're playing with him and he runs for the toy and misses, he'll pin his ears back and run away while grumblewhining. "how dare yooouuu" Sometimes he'll run away like that even when he didn't miss. Like he's embarrassed to be seen playing. He's such a baby.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 03-28-2014, 06:18 PM

My little mix breed has this odd habit. if she gets a hard treat she won't eat it right away. she wants to play with it before eating it. she'll make me roll the treat are throw it down the hall way. if she feels like it she'll bring it back to me do the same thing over. till I fuss at her telling her eat her food stop playing with it.

Gunslinger Cerise
Gunslinger Cerise is offline
Old 03-29-2014, 12:02 AM

I'm not sure if maybe this applies to all cats, but mine loves boxes. Regardless of size, he always tries to squeeze into a box and sit comfortably.

kan is offline
Old 04-03-2014, 05:17 AM

my big dog (the picture) smiles

he also never completely comes into my room...

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 04-11-2014, 01:57 PM

I have a corgi that is just full of odd little quirks. He tends to always sleep on his back, his back legs stretched out. His safety blanket is a stuffed bear we were given to us when we got him; though the first one is torn to shreds and the second one is faring similarly, he doesn't like people messing with the bear. Nor is it used for tugging. He will give it to people (or the other dog in the house) if they're upset though, it's precious.

He enjoys laying down to eat and makes snorty pig noises constantly. He grunts when he wants to be pet and loves to help. If you ask him for help (meaning getting stuff out of the car usually) he will run out of the room. He loves being asked to go on car rides, though all he does is cry if we actually take him on one.

If I tell him I have to go potty, he runs into the bathroom before me. I'm thinking that one is because he feels like he's taking care of me like when I take him outside...

He likes to roll and slide across things he's going to eat. If there's an ant or spider on the floor, he will end up killing them by smashing his head on them and sliding his body across them a few times. Yes he eats them and yes I have used that as a tactic for spiders in the bathroom. He does this with new treats sometimes too. He also does the corgi hop around treats and will randomly run full blast through the house.

He loves laser pointers and hates things like zippos, elastic waste lines, belts, office chairs that have adjustable arm or head rests, windshield wiper blades, vacuums, brooms, rakes, shovels, pooper scoopers and apparently on occasion, he also hates oven mits. He's scared of laundry baskets and knows when something stinks. If something stinks or the other dog pooped in the house, he just gets this look on his face and his ears fall back like he's saying, "oh, that's nasty".

I think that sums up a good number of Braden's quirks, though there are probably more. He's such a precious pup <3

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 04-11-2014, 07:48 PM

Your dog sounds hilarious, oh my god.

Little I3ird
Little I3ird is offline
Old 04-12-2014, 12:31 AM

My cat, Piper, is a Siamese-Manx mix kitty and boy is she a pretty little princess. Every other day we give her wet food, which we call "Princess Piper's Perfectly Portioned Pâté" if THAT tells you anything about what a pampered puss she is. Every time she hears rustling around in the kitchen she comes galloping (or it sure does sound like galloping) and practically screaming meows at us.

She's not a huge fan of being pet -- she prefers gentle scratches! It takes a lot to get her interested in any sort of cat toy, but laser pointers? Oh man, she'll go for HOURS. Being that she's mostly Manx, she jumps amazingly high. We've found her in really odd places like in the small hide-hole type cabinets ABOVE the fridge. Her rabbit-like tail is mobile, so it swirls and kinda like... flickers when she's angry/irritated. She loves boxes. We recently bought her a cat post, and did she go for the cat post? Naaaah. Straight for the box, the poo poo head.

She has a weird obsession with hair scrunchies. When she was a few months old she broke into our bed room and stole one of mine. The little brat ate it and scared the crap out of me. Let's just saaay it had issues coming out the other end, so we take great care to lock anything like that away from her. She's VERY talkative and boy does she express herself not only in her body language, but her vocals. I've never owned a cat that was as prissy as Piper, but... she and I have bonded really well. She does NOT like my fiance most of the time though. It makes him really mad, the poor fellow. Hmmm. A cool thing? She stands up on her back legs and hops up and opens doors. We have to lock them, and we have child locks on all our cabinets and stuff to keep her safe.

My favorite quirk? She sleeps on her back like so:

And last but not least? When she was younger, if she was mad or wanting attention? She'd stick socks in her water bowl. MY socks in particular. SDasdjlaskdjlaskjdda;


And let me tell you... sopping wet socks are gross feeling.

Soki Rachiki
Soki Rachiki is offline
Old 04-13-2014, 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by Little I3ird View Post

My favorite quirk? She sleeps on her back like so:

Our cat Stitch does that. He is an odd, rather timid cat. Sometimes when Stitch lies on his back, I try to scratch his belly, but he often starts swatting at my hand when I do that, however it is probably just a playful gesture and he rarely scratches anyway.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 04-14-2014, 02:52 PM

I should try to find some pictures of my cats and share them here as well XD They have some interesting sleeping poses as to where they're nearly folded in half and half their body is twisted. They're very long bodied which doesn't help...

Update with the corgi. The warm weather has brought out bugs and birds to he has been dragging his head and body across the poor bugs and unfortunately, dried bird poop...

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 04-14-2014, 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by kan View Post

he also never completely comes into my room...
My dog does the same thing!

If he wants my attention, he'll push the door open and just stand there. It's rare for him to actually come inside. Instead, he wants me to come out and play.

He'll do this a lot in the evening when he has some energy, but I just want to sit down and read for a while. That apparently isn't interesting enough for him, so he bursts through my door and just waits for me to entertain him in the living room.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 04-15-2014, 01:41 AM

My cat does that too. Half the time he acts like coming in my room would kill him, so he'll just sit out in the hallway and cry or sit right in my doorway and stare at me. Why???

Booderdooder is offline
Old 04-17-2014, 08:34 PM

Oh my god, every one of these has made me laugh.
But jesus christ, the one about the cat putting socks in the water bowl? That's evil.
And that picture of the dog just standing in the doorway ;3; so cute.

I have a pet parakeet named Fado. We've had him for a little over a month now,
but I can already see his personality. He's a very small bird, and whenever he is
comfortable, he fluffs up to twice his size.

He has a broad diet of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens.
His favorite foods so far are cucumbers, green peppers, and parsley.
He'll eat apples and peaches, but he likes to let them sit until they turn
brown and sticky before he eats them.

He makes a lot of chirping sounds, and when he starts to exercise, he makes
a loud "KAKAKAKAKAKAKAK" sound, and then goes back to chirping sweetly xD
When he exercises, he flies in place above his perch and screams furiously.
He also makes a really weird squeaking sound. It's always in a pattern, too.
Like he will do two small squeaks, and then two really odd clicking sounds.
The clicking part doesn't even sound like it came from him. It sounds almost metallic.

Whenever I get up from the computer or from bed to go to his cage and talk to him,
he stretches out his left or right wing, and the leg that goes with it together.
Then he puts his leg and wing down and stretches both wings back.
I think he forgets he's alive until you walk over to talk to him xD

Sorry about the quality, my phone takes really bad pictures xD

Cataclysm is offline
Old 04-20-2014, 09:16 AM

I used to have a cat named Sammy that would sneak into my room at night, steal my stuffed toys and pace back and forth in the hallway with the toys in his mouth, and the entire time he would make these disturbing, muffled mrrrrooooowwwwwwwwww sounds that should only be heard in nightmares. The first time it happened it scared the crap out of my family.

My Chihuahua/weenie dog once swallowed a long, long string. I thought it was a tiny piece that had gotten sick in her mouth but noooo, that string was a good foot long xD I'm glad i pulled it out of her mouth rather than out her other end!

Lastly, my puppy-demon The Cuteness doesn't eat food you give him, like scraps from the table or dog treats like milk bones and such. He'll just stare at whatever it is and won't touch it unless he sees my other dog eating it. He also has the jumping skills of a kangaroo, horizontally and vertically. He should join the doggy Olympics.

Oh yeah, and both my dogs also act a bit different than normal dogs because they were both raised by cats. My Chihuahua more than Cuteness. She'll jump on chairs and sleep there for hours, chase string just like a cat, and weirdest of all is sometimes she'll try to eat her food just like my cat does, in the weird sitting/crouching way. She was also raised on cat food until we found out it was unhealthy for dogs...

My animals are strange.

Child of the Night
Sestina is offline
Old 04-25-2014, 11:26 AM

One of my cat's quirks that is she sleeps like she's a human. She sleeps with me on my bed and she probably got her sleeping positions from me but what's really annoying but at the same time terribly cute is that she wants to be sleeping directly at the center of my bed when she's supposed to be sleeping beside my arm. If I move and sleep sideways during the middle of my sleep, she will then move herself directly beside my back that way she's in the center.
Also, she sleeps with her head on my pillow and preferably my blanket covering her too.

Kay Lynn
Classes are kickin' my butt
Kay Lynn is offline
Old 06-03-2014, 07:52 AM

It's gone!

Last edited by Kay Lynn; 11-23-2016 at 06:30 AM..

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 06-22-2014, 11:31 PM

My dog gets upset if you try to stack his toys on top of each other. If any toy isn't sitting the way it should be, he has to knock it down!

And in unrelated news, I learned how to make .gifs.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 06-25-2014, 07:35 AM


Nugget is offline
Old 07-21-2014, 08:09 PM

omgggg that spaniel is killing me with its cuteness

My tux kitty is super floppy and compliant. He doesn't care if you lay him on his back and rub his tummy and play with his feet.
He also eats just about anything; I left a half-eaten bowl of green beans out a few nights ago and the next morning it was almost empty. I was bewildered until later I caught my cat eating the last remaining.
I looked it up and green beans are safe for cats to eat
And when my tux was a kitten, I had a friend visit and he went through her purse. He found a fluffy white hat and stole it out of her purse; the hat was bigger than him at the time lol we died.

My tabby LOVES caps. Like soda bottle caps, spray-bottle caps, etc. He carries them in his mouth and bats them around. It's just so cute

I can go on and on about my dog but I'll get myself lost trying to explain her cuteness.

Last edited by Nugget; 07-21-2014 at 08:19 PM..

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-22-2014, 08:26 PM

Quirks? Well... lets see here...

My cat is allergic to herself... she snores like a whistle... and she likes to sit on my chest to suffocate me

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 07-25-2014, 11:25 PM

Allergic to herself? Does your cat have health problems if she grooms too much, or something?

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-26-2014, 12:42 AM

Probably... she has a problem with food where she constantly thinks she's starving to death so she's very fat

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 07-27-2014, 08:33 PM

Aw, poor thing!

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-28-2014, 01:00 AM

Don't feel bad... she's just always looking for reasons to whine at me

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:59 AM

We have three cats. Each one has their own signature meow. One coos, one squeeks or sometimes opens his mouth and nothing comes out at all, and one mows (sounds like he is saying "ow"). Two of them love to sleep on their backs with their feet up in the air like their playing dead, and if their sitting on a blanket that someone starts to move at all, they start attacking it. They will begin digging at it and biting at it, till it stops moving. At the same time, we have one cat that when he gets excited his tail goes from being a pencil to being a squirrel tail in an instant, all poofed out and frizzy. They all have their own personalities, which is a load of laughs.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 02:40 AM

We once had a cat that wouldn't open her mouth at all... we'd just hear MMmmmm! Mmmmmmm!


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