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Aloriel is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 09:15 PM

The School . . .

A school for those who don't blend in with humans. It teaches you how to use your powers. Vampires, nekos, inus, demons, faeries, elves and many more gather in the halls to learn how to coexist with humans and get a better handle on their powers, and who they are. The teachers are nutty, but they make the hours worthwhile.

The Rules . . .

1.)No god modding, I'm god!
2.)No killing each other!
3.)Mild swearing.
4.)Put a :vicky: at the end of the charrie profile to let me know you read the rules.
5.)PM me the profile.

Charachter Skeleton . . .

Appearance: (anime)

Aceepted Profiles . . .

Username: Aloriel
Name: Kaeli Van Durr
Race: Vampire Neko
Powers: phsycic, telekinesis, controls the elements, specialized in old magic, vampires have speed and agility.
Bio: Kaeli spent her childhood trying to either fit in with the vampires or the nekos. Both cast her aside due to her lineage. Due to her lack of friends she took up martial arts in her spare time, which she had a lot of. Her mother was a neko, her father one of the few remaining vampire lords. It wasn't until she started attending Moonlite Academy that she could finally fit in with her friends.
Likes/Dislikes: She likes to read and write poetry, and draw anime. She doesn't like jocks, or arrogant people.
Personality: She is shy at first, until she warms up to you. She will pick a fight with anyone who picks on her friends. She usually wins the fights. She isn't much of a socialite, but she can be a flirt when she has her moments. She isn't one to give trust easily, and she is not naive.


Powers:fast and stroung as a wolf
Bio: jazz never fits in he lost at birth and rised by wolves
Likes/Dislikes:likes being alone dislike ppl who nagg

Race: shape shifter
Powers: cna shapeshift into anything
Bio: His mother hit him over the head with a baseball bat so he cant remember some parts of life.
Likes/Dislikes:likes: animals and life dislikes death.
Personality: easily depressed, loves weight lifting, sort of shy,extremely loving.

Username: shy_twin
Name: Lily
Race: Angel
Powers: Healing, Controls light and water, Flying
Bio: Grew up with her father who is human. Has a mother who is a dark angel. She attended human school until she was 12 but had to leave because her wings began to grow.
Likes/Dislikes: LIKES: Being helpful, reading, music, pokemon DISLIKES: Being mean, loud noise, feeling restless and bored, being in the spotlight too much, violence
Personality: It all depends on her mood, but she mainly acts introverted. Because she is quiet most of the time, she has moments when she totally opens up and babbles her thoughts continuously.

Name:Yukina Utada
Powers: vampires have speed and agility.
Bio:After bein nearly beaten to death by a group of junks a stranger turned her into a vampire then left her on her own.After 300 years of wondering learning how to survive she comes across MoonLite Acadamy.Colapseing at its doors.
Likes/Dislikes:Likes chocolate and sweets and blood from animals.Hates blood from humnas/deamons.ANything with a human aperance
Personality:She is very shy ,but kind and gentel.

Username: Dark Yet Holy Blood
Name: Kira Samantha Day
Race: Succubus
Powers: Slight emotional manipulation. This is not to be confused with mind control. The person will always be free to do whatever they want. Heighten senses.
Bio: Though it was not her choice and she would change it if she could, Kira grew up in your typical slums. Her mother was a prostitute, and her father, and incubus. That is how she came to be. She obviously picked up the genes from dads side, turning her into the creature she is now. Ever since she was younger, everything about her drew humans in. However, it wasn't until she was 16 that she ever acted on those little human crushes, boy and girl. Since then she has been extremely....."physically" active. She enjoys the sensations she gets from feeding off of the life force of humans. However, she likes to consider herself a respectable lady. She never EVER completely drains their life force; Just enough that they are simply unconscious for a few days.
However, this gave her quite the reputation around town. People began to compare her to her mother. Something she hated to hear, even though, she knew it was true. There was nothing even her powers could do to stop the ridicule. Even if she changed their emotions to happiness, they would still happily call her the town whore.
So she left. It's not like she could openly tell them why she did it, right? So she went to the place where she hoped people would understand.

Likes/Dislikes:Likes: Chocolate, boys, girls, and Silence.
Dislikes: Ill-mannered people, spicy things, stuffed animals, and her mother.

Personality: Suave, very very suave. She that elegant woman that swings her hips and licks her lips. She's playful, and smart. She is somewhat kind, however, most of the time, that is simply an attribute she uses to draw people in.

Username: Quarter_Queen

Name: Kireishi (Kirei-beautiful Shi-death) Dāku oni (Dark demon)

Race: Dark demon

Powers: Can summon the darkness, can use it to blend into shadows and spy on people.

Bio: Kireishi Dāku oni was born into a long linage of purebred dark demons. Therefore, this made her into the heir/princess of the Dāku oni, but she doesn't want to inherit something that would take so much effort to keep up. Going to Moonlite Academy as a transfer student because she accidentally used her dark powers at a human school. People automatically think that she's the type of person who would stab their back, but she is in fact the opposite.

Likes/Dislikes: Darkness, any sport, talking, shopping.

Personality: happy-go-lucky, very talkative, makes friends easily, has bipolar disorders and when it is triggered, her dark powers open automatically and she will hurt people even if she doesn't want to.


Last edited by Aloriel; 11-17-2010 at 01:43 PM..

Aloriel is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 10:45 PM

Kaeli walked the halls of Moonlite Academy, trying to figure out her schedule, as it was the first day of school. She just passed a window and happened to look out it. She saw the students massing in the courtyard, surrounding two people.
'Great, another fight,' she thought to herself. Her ears flattened against the side of her head. She hurried to the action and squeezed her way through the crowd. She finally came to the two fighting and folded her arms across her chest.
"Well, this looks like a party! Why wasn't I invited," she yelled so that she could be heard above the crowd that was booing or cheering or egging the fight on. She jumped between the two and put a hand to both their foreheads, making their blows fall short. Her long vampire limbs allowed no harm to her, while her tail swished angrily.
"Now, we'll have to end this party. I'm pretty sure you two are fighting over some stupid reason anyway," she chuckled. She looked from one boy to the other. Well, what a way to start the first day of school.
"Van Durr! In my office; now," she heard the principal's angry voice. She should have figured something was up when she heard the jabbing cheers stop. She looked up at him with an innocent expression.
"Just doing my civic duties sir," she replied. But she knew she wouldn't get out of trouble that easily. She grabbed the boys by the ears and dragged them with her to the principal's office. She sat the two boys down and looked to the Principal as he walked in behind them.
"I had just stopped the fight, I swear," she said before he could yell at her.
"Fine, get to first period then," he barked. She gave him a mock salute and rushed out the door. She pulled out her schedule once more and attempted to figure out her first period class once again. It was art with Miss Argos. She headed on over and cringed as the bell rang.
'What a wonderful start to the day,' she thought bitterly as she walked into the class late.
"Why are you late," Miss Argos asked crossly.
"You know that fight in the courtyard? I stopped it," she answered. All eyes in the class were on her as she took a seat in the back of the classroom.
"Ask Mr. Wells. He'll tell you," she said as she smoothed out her uniform.

Last edited by Aloriel; 07-15-2010 at 11:05 PM..

Bashau is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 08:17 PM

Jazz thought "crap a fight y waz i not inved" as he walk in the big tall school but by the time he got to the fight it stops so he goes to Mrs. Rowe's room mrs. Rowe. is the lybarian here once Jazz gets there drops the hostory of the wolf, a book he had been readin', he leaves saying bye as he runs as fast as a wolf mybe even faster down the halls knocking people downruns into miss Argos class un noiced for Miss Arogs is talk some peson

Aloriel is offline
Old 07-17-2010, 11:36 PM

Kaeli turned her gaze to the late arrival. She gave a small hlaf smile, knowing by the rapidness of his rising and falling chest that he had run there. She patted the seat next to her in welcome, hoping he would take a seat. She'd heard a bit about Jazz, not much, but she'd heard something. She just didn't put much stock in rumors so she basically ignored it.

Gui is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 12:39 AM

Urahara flew as fast as he could through the hall way to class, not noticing the people screaming "Ahhhhhhh!!!" and "WHY IS THERE AN EAGLE IN SCHOOL?!" and so on. He finally gets to class and forgets how to change back to human form. The teacher says, "Welcome to class, Urahara, please change back into human form."
"Errr......Ummmm, I forgot how," he says as he looks for a seat (Still in eagle form).

Last edited by Gui; 07-19-2010 at 08:56 AM..

Bashau is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 11:39 PM

Jazz looks at Kaeli studing her looking at her long limbs Jazz looks at her face and says ''soo.... what is up with you u look really wooried about something" Jazz looks at the class and noices the eagel fly in the room

Last edited by Bashau; 07-18-2010 at 11:42 PM..

Aloriel is offline
Old 07-19-2010, 07:34 PM

Kaeli smiled.
"Not worried about a thing," she replied nonchalantly. She looked to see the eagle enter the room.
"Yo! Urahara! Take a breather," she yelled, cupping her hand at her mouth so that her words would be carried to the shapeshifter. She turned her attention back toward Jazz.
"You gonna take a seat or what,' she asked.

Bashau is offline
Old 07-20-2010, 01:52 PM

''yeah i juess" Jazz sits next to Kaeli "i saw u stop the fight that was pretty cool" Jazz looks at Urahara and thinks that is a perfect example why i like to be alone why people do stupid stupid stunts" Jazz gets out his pen getting ready for 1st period

Aloriel is offline
Old 07-21-2010, 10:53 PM

Kaeli smiled at a Jazz compliment type comment.
"Was nothing," she shrugged. She glanced over at Urahara and let out a sigh. The poor guy was really struggling. She knew he had troubles with changing back from time to time. Everyone knew. He was that careless.
'You probably shouldn't have changed,' she sent the thought to Urahara. Kaeli dug in her bag and dug out her drawing pencils and sketchpad. She took her time to draw Urahara as an eagle, because she hadn't seen them too often in her life. Being in her house before attending the academy was depressing. Her parents didn't let her out much because she was a freak. She shook her head and looked down. The eagle looked sad and she couldn't help it.
Miss Argos looked over her shoulder.
"It's reflecting," she said simply.
'Reflecting what," Kaeli asked.
"How you feel. You'll pull people in using your emotions on paper," she replied before she walked away.

Gui is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 08:16 AM

*sigh* pulls up a seat next to jazz, puts a tiny little bottle of inc on the table [wich is really hard] pulls out a feather "oww" and pulls out a pad of paper from under the desk and starts to draw Kaeli. "Hi Kaeli, Whatcha doin'?".

Last edited by Gui; 07-25-2010 at 08:51 AM..

Aloriel is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 09:32 PM

Kaeli chuckled as Urahara sat down next to Jazz, still in eagle form. She let out a tiny noise and flinched as he pulled out a feather after struggling to open a bottle of ink.
"Nothing much, cutie. I can see that your having a hard time today. Anything I can do to help," she replied. She started dipping her brush in the paint and carefully outlined her picture.

shy_twin is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 10:48 PM

Lily was late for her first period class: Art, but she didn't realise that.

She was too busy arguing on her cell phone with her mother as she walked slowly to the classroom. "Mom, for the ten billionth time I'm not coming to join the evil army.....Why not? Because I don't feel like it. You know I dislike so much violence....I don't care if the other angels my age from your realm are doing it."

She entered the classroom while still on the phone but did not notice the presence of her teacher and classmates. "SO WHAT? I LIKE BEING DIFFERENT!" Other students stopped what they were doing and snickered. Lily then notice all the attention she drawed and the teacher glaring at her. She quickly whispered into the phone, "Uhh, got to go mom. I love you. Bye-bye."

Gui is offline
Old 07-25-2010, 03:45 AM

"yeah stay still for awile :) so i can draw you." (What he looks like as an eagle )

Aloriel is offline
Old 07-25-2010, 03:52 AM

Kaeli put down her paint brush and glared at the rest of the class as they laughed at Lily.
"Hey, pipe down! Eveyone has a bad day, so lay off her," she yelled. She gave the teacher a challenging look. Miss Argos backed down and left the girl alone and everyone else decided to get back to their drawings or paintings. She waved at Lily.
"Hey girl! Come join us! This table seem so to be for the quacks and the different," she smiled and motioned her over.

Gui is offline
Old 07-25-2010, 03:56 AM

"Hi" he waved with his wing, he flew over and pulled out a chair for her beside him.


Soo, Kaeli hows your day going so far?

Last edited by Gui; 07-25-2010 at 08:53 AM..

Aloriel is offline
Old 07-25-2010, 04:02 AM

Kaeli smiled at Urahara.
"My day is going just fine. I stopped a fight and didn't get in trouble with the principal. Life's good right now," she answered.
"And hows yours? Can't be easy being a young shapeshifter, huh," she asked.

Gui is offline
Old 07-25-2010, 04:19 AM

"You got that right, hehe," and just as he said that, he changed back to human form and yelled "FINALLY!!!!!". The class erupted into giggles at this remark.

Last edited by Gui; 07-25-2010 at 08:54 AM..

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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IchirusVampireGirl is offline
Old 07-25-2010, 04:21 AM

Yukina found herself walking along once again,but this time instead of heading to knowwhere in priticulare ,she had a place to go. Moonlite Acadamy.She had herd about in her travels.And finaly it was a place where she could lern how to be a vampire.And what she could do for herself.She felt drained.She needed or...blood.She shook her head of the thought as she finaly made it to the doors of the Acadamy.She stared up atthe building and knocked on the doors before colapseing to the ground.Glad she could rest for a little while.

shy_twin is offline
Old 07-25-2010, 05:52 PM

After Lily recovered from embarrassment she gratefully accepted Kaeli's offer to sit at the table. She opened her little notebook and pen and began to write notes about her new friends. Okay, so Kaeli is a vampire neko, Jazz is a demon, and Urahara is a shape shifter. I can live with this. She grabbed a blank piece of paper and a pencil and muttered to herself, "Now what am I going to draw?"

Aloriel is offline
Old 07-26-2010, 12:40 AM

Kaelii chuckled as she watched Urahara changed back to his human form.
"Good thing you clothes come back with you. How embarassing would that be," she remarked. She smiled athim.
"Good for you," she said as her smile grew. She looked to Lily and noticed that she was writing in a notebook. She disreguarded it as she figured most thoughts were private. She continued painting. She rinsed the brush and dabbed it in a different color.

Gui is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 05:05 AM

He looked at keali then look at himself and saw he was shirtliss " oops ".

Aloriel is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 09:16 PM

Kaeli's brow furrowed as she noticed that Urahara was shirtless.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she said apologetically. She got up and got him an art smock.
"That should keep you out of trouble until you can get to your room after class," she said as she tossed it to him. She felt bad for him. Today just wasn't his day.

Gui is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 04:35 AM

"hahaha thanks but im fine like this"

Last edited by Gui; 07-30-2010 at 06:28 AM..

Aloriel is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 04:42 PM

Kaeli gave Urahara a look of doubt, but didn't say anything. He might be fine like that, but the girls would drool over a guy like him. She went back to her painting.
"So, um what are you doing after school today," she asked.

Gui is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 10:51 PM

"getting my 2week old pet tiger today, why what you doin after school wanta come "


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