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beedabeet is offline
Old 02-12-2010, 11:15 PM

I started writing a novel at the beginning of last year, and I have just started to draw the "anime" that goes with it. This is the latest page I have drawn, I just wanted some artistic feedback.

The main character's name is Alexei Midori Soman, better known as Kira. She has visions of the future and past, and in this case, she's seen a vision of her own past life. She is looking in the mirror the picture I've drawn. I would like some positive or negative feedback on my piece. Thanks for your time :eager:

Girl in the Blue
Girl in the Blue is offline
Old 02-16-2010, 01:05 PM

Try to add some white or lighter streaks across the mirror to give it a reflection effect. Also, make the word bubble large so that people can read what's inside. Good luck!

ravizak is offline
Old 02-17-2010, 08:01 AM

i love the lips especially. XD

but seriously, i agree with Girl in the blue, instead of just lines, add in some reflection marks, like white lines. (i know it sucks you have to do it over the pic XC)
and the only other thing is that the speech bubble is impossibly small. i couldn't even read it in fullveiw. X<

but thats it, other wise, looks great!

sunshinebug90 is offline
Old 02-17-2010, 08:12 PM

I think that some sort of contrast between the background and the character's hair. Black on black is never really great. Why don't you give the mirror some sort of thin boarder or make it hanging on a tan wall or something?
I also agree with what Girl in the Blue and ravizak had to say.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 02:05 AM

The words/bubble need to be enlarged greatly but other then that I think it looks great.

apocalypse rei
apocalypse rei is offline
Old 02-25-2010, 04:25 AM

I agree, there needs to be more contrast and mirror fixing. I am a little put-off by her eyes. Are they supposed to look like cat-eyes? The pupils are very sharp and pointy. And on the left one, I can't tell if it is a piece of hair or her pupil. And I think the hair needs some highlights. The rest of her is shaded and highlighted, so her hair would be as well. Other than that and the speech bubble being unreadable, it is very lovely. Maybe you could tell us some more about your comic?

Leaa is offline
Old 02-27-2010, 10:37 AM

Besides what's already said (lighter streaks in mirror, biggger text balloon etc.) I think if you had a different font for your text it would also be easier to read ^^ A less curlier one... if you still want to have a curly handwriting.. maybe this site can help you find a good one: Blambot Comic Fonts and Lettering ?

Canni is offline
Old 02-28-2010, 11:52 PM

The face is very pretty.
n 3n
As was suggested, use a more legible font with a bigger size to start with.
The eyes also seem a bit off-centered - they're not parallel with each other, and they're tilted at an angle that makes it seem she's odd-eyed.
Her torso is also mis-proportioned - either her shoulders need to be broader, or her chest needs to be down-sized.
My last suggestion is that you shade more.
Her neck and a bit of her shirt are shaded, but nothing else.
In reality, there'd be some shading on her arms and face, with more shading on her shirt, given it was a bit wrinkled [unless she has a miracle iron, and in which case, I need to get myself one of those 8D].
The overall image is nice, though, and I especially love her face and hair.

Beliar is offline
Old 03-01-2010, 03:42 AM

The only issue I saw was that I can't read the lettering so just enlarge it. Also, I have a problem with your reflection's proportions. Beneath her chest the waist is going in too sharply. I don't know if its just how its cut off or what but it doesn't look right. Fix the slant, don't make it so sharp. Maybe do more shading in the shirt and the face itself. I really like the hair. Its pretty.

Mariku is offline
Old 03-06-2010, 09:11 PM

I would start by enlarging the text bubble and text. Another issue would be the hair blending in with the blackground. Maybe change the background color a little? the reflection marks would probably looks better as white.


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