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Old 07-18-2011, 12:47 AM

~Character Sheets~

Name: Rie (left)
Age: Appears to be 19
Race: Guardian Angel
Bio: An angel sent down from the heavens to watch over Jun after her brother died.
Love: ?

Name: Jun (right)
Age: 17
Race: Human
Bio: After her brother's death she became a total reck, every day she wanted to commit suicide because everyone treats her like a slave.
Love: Doesn't believe in it

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Old 07-18-2011, 06:08 PM

Name : Jacques Rousseau ("Jack Ruso" is his "English Nickname" to make it easy on non-French speakers)
Age : 17

Race : Human

Bio : Jaq grew up in Paris but moved to America for high school. He had been taking English as a secondary language and was very fluent. He often times would speak with friends in English and talk to pen-pals through video messages. Of course, with parental permission. Jaq's parents had many friends from America, where they had traveled to many times. They were looking at places to move around the world for a change, and Jaq got lucky and requested the US. Being from France and speaking English fluently, he gained a lot of attention. He became somewhat self-centered, yet could still maintain his grades. He even knew what he was doing, but he felt happy, so what did it matter?

Love : Jaq was filled up with American stories and stereotypes about the French being obsessed with love. Just because French was the love language didn't mean that. Either way, he was happy to get the attention that older siblings feel neglected of, so he was called a player and inside never really knew who he "loved"; it never made sense to him. He just knew that people said they liked and loved him, so it didn't matter, again.

Last edited by YumeBott; 11-26-2011 at 06:29 PM..

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Old 07-18-2011, 06:19 PM

(wha~ he's so cute! n///n lovely intro btw ^^)

It was early evening so school was over. Jun lived with her Aunt Sabrina who absolutely hated what the pour girl became with the loss of her older brother. Every night Aunt Sabrina would pray to the gods to send someone down to watch over her and the lead her to the one who would show her how to love again..

Jun herself was walking around the busy town thinking of other ways to end her life. She was tired of being a slave to all the people around her but she didn't have the confidence to stand up for herself. Her brother was the one who kept her safe from this cruel life and without him every person she knew would continue to run her over and when they were done, the simply laughed and walked away.

Last edited by Nova_Alchemist; 10-07-2012 at 10:03 PM..

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Old 07-18-2011, 08:17 PM

( xD Tys <3-- wait zomg if hes 18 and there's still school D< that means hes a fkin 5th year senior. That's it, hes still 17. *edits bio* Imma write his name as Jack since its kinda hard on my hands to type jaqw (thats the result :>) )

Jack was riding on a bus that went from the station in the more quieter place in life to an uptown city, not quiet as big as the capital but it was better than being silent. He was writing madly fast, but with talent. He'd ripped papers up before like that; scribbling down his homework while re-reading off of the notes he sped-wrote in class before shoving the book in his backpack and turning to talk to friends. When the train had a sudden jolt, almost as fast, Jack would find himself annoyingly scribbling out the last three words he butchered due to it. Then, he would keep going. In a matter of minutes, all of his classes were finished and he was back to texting. The train continued on, heading towards the busier part of life. There, he'd meet his friends and party a bit before heading home.

( That took me some time to write. Im just gonna not look over it anymore xD; )

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Old 07-18-2011, 08:34 PM

(5th year senior?)

Jun heard other kids from school muttering around her, at first she ignored it then she covered her ears when she heard something about her brother and ran off. She stopped at an alley that had a ladder that led to the roof of a building. An idea hit her and she dropped her bag before climbing up the ladder. Jun pulled herself up and over the ledge of the roof and slowly rose to her feet. She walked around some. When she was satisfied she made her way towards the edge and looked down. All I gotta do is jump... Then it'll all be over... No more bullies, being a slave, or being lonely...

Her aunt picked up the keys to her truck and drove off into town to look for Jun.

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Old 07-19-2011, 06:00 AM

( Yes, 5th year seniors are OLD Dx!! )

Jack got off the bus and had the typical greeting with his friends. A handshake made up when he first came to America, a few words about the B&B's of the school... Bastards and Bitches. A girl named Stacy was rumored to be pregnant. Mitch, one of the guys in Jack's "gang," was being blamed for it. Whether it was true or not, they just kept talking. It was as if school had completely drowned their minds so badly, that the only free they could be was in town. Then, they began to wander the streets. Some of them even picked up dates. Multiple. Dates.

The more and more this went on in his life, the more and more Jack didn't care. He was responsible for the multitude of dates that people picked up. His few words, "je t'aime, ma cheri, I love you," usually worked. If not, Jack decided that the date wasn't meant for his non-french speaking friends. He felt powerful, being in this group of people. It wasn't for a long time did he finally see a shadow casting down from one of the buildings that wasn't normal as they walked. He paid little attention to it until it moved. Jerking his head back out of the conversation he was currently listening to, he realized that it was a person. He traced the shadow up to one of the tall buildings, and there was a girl.

( Excuse the language x.o;; It's kind of a leave-off but I'm afraid to type more because I'll get in trouble for being up late =x= )

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Old 07-19-2011, 06:13 AM

( iz okay, i don't want yumi-chan to get in trouble.... night! <3 )

There was a light breeze in which played with Jun's long hair. She closed her eyes and slowly opened her arms like wings before she 'casually' stepped over the edge of the rooftop and let herself fall, because this building was only about 10ft off the ground it would take a while before she hit the ground.

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Old 07-20-2011, 01:12 PM

( Hurrah. xD; )

Jack quickly looked up at the shadow and bolted on instinct. "Hey!" he screamed, not too far away, but still afraid that he would fail. Reaching his arms out to the figure that owned the shadow, Jack grabbed the girl out of mid-air, spun around and took the blow to the concrete on his back. But he didn't dare let go. It all happened in a matter of a few seconds. "What are you trying to do, kill yourself!?" he managed to say, in between breaths. His fast-twitch muscles were still hyped up, but they traded their energy over to arm strength. If it wasn't already clear enough, he was not, no, never going to let go.. of this, this- Girl, he hissed in his thoughts.

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Old 07-20-2011, 04:16 PM

Jun slowly opened her eyes and gazed at the boy, if you looked closely teeny tiny tears could be seen in the corner of her eyes. She didn't struggle to get out of the boys arms because she knew she would epically fail but she couldn't speak when she looked at the boy. The side she had that didn't care and just wanted the suffering to stop started screaming, What're you doing?! Get up and run! I don't want to... She thought in a small voice. The vibe she got from this boy from was familiar. She'd never met this boy directly but she'd heard rumors from her classmates, it didn't matter to her though. All that mattered was that he showed up out of nowhere and caught..her...

A lot of people were murmuring around them. "Don't you know? That's Jun Hirogashi. She tries to kill herself everyday." A female voice spoke up. "It's pathetic." A second one spoke. They 'hmphped' and walked away as if being seen around the girl was a bad omen or something.

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Old 07-21-2011, 06:27 AM

Jack kept his arms locked around this girl, but looked at her for a moment with a puzzled expression. He shook his head in efforts to attempt to get out these horrific protests that the public had come up with. Jack might have been careless, but that meant that he wasn't going to call something pathetic.

"Well well," he spoke, his adrenaline starting to come off of its spike. "It looks like a little birdie fell out of her nest, ah, ma cherie," 'ma cherie' meaning darling. Shifting to sit in more of an upright position, Jack had a hard time seeing this girl. She was in the bit of shade that the building had to offer. Her hair was dark like his, he knew that much. All else was left a mystery for the most part.

[[ I promise to post more tomorrow x.x;; today was kind of a rush. ; w;" ]]

Last edited by YumeBott; 07-21-2011 at 06:28 AM.. Reason: ._."

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Old 07-21-2011, 06:43 AM

[[ *huggles yumi-chan* okayz, sleep tight if you can help it <3 ]]

Jun blinked a few times and her dim blue-green eyes glanced away from the boy, flushed slightly by the feeling of embarrassment that she wasn't able to open her mouth and speak.

After getting herself to calm down she looked at the boy. "You're the only who's caught me over than my aunt..." She managed to free of his grip and stood, brushing herself off. "Why?" Jun turned back to see the mystery boy wouldn't leave her mind now. Her voice wasn't harsh at all, it was the opposite to tell you the truth. She wanted to start crying because in a way, this boy reminded Jun of her brother.

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Old 07-21-2011, 02:38 PM

[[ I'm gonna go to sleep earlier. .w. As much as I hate it, I sleep better in the dark and I don't have black-out blinds or anything to keep the sunlight away x.x My sleep patterns ruin each other and I usually wake up tired around 8:30-9:30 if I go to bed at 12:00. Or, I can go to bed at 11-ish and get up at 6 no problem. xD; ]]

Jack was somewhat surprised that the girl could free herself from his grip. Standing, he began to play the scene backwards. He came to the conclusion that she had simply slipped out rather than tried to thrash around. That was what he was prepared for, not tactics. People who jump off of buildings shouldn't have tactics!, he thought. The idea of casually committing suicide wasn't something that got along with sanity very well.

"Your aunt's the only one that saves you..?" he asked, brushing off his black jacket and pants. He would need a tailor to sew them up again, or maybe even need new customs. He let out a small tsk-type noise when she asked why. "You were falling from a building, do you think I had the time to think about why I was running? Hell, by the time I could think I was already on the ground."

[[ Mahahah, Jaq and Jun. Like a reversed, bittersweet version of Jack and Jill, except Jill's the one falling down hills and stuff on the deadlier side of life this time... :> ]]

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Old 07-21-2011, 05:52 PM

[[ good girl~ hehe xD ]]

"Of course, aunt Sabrina's the only one who understands..." Jun answered, she glanced at his clothes and examined them. The girl could see where the threads needed sewing and shook her head slightly. At his answered she looked down at the ground, feeling kinda small. I've heard of that... So he was watching me? She put a hand on head before extending it out to the boy. "Jun Hirogashi." She said in short.

[[ hehe, fun~ >3< ]]

Last edited by Nova_Alchemist; 10-07-2012 at 10:10 PM.. Reason: forgot the ooc comment =.='

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Old 07-21-2011, 06:23 PM

[[ Psh D; ]]

Jack crossed his arms when she said that her aunt was the only one that understood. He tilted his head sideways a bit, awkwardly looking at her hand for a moment. He freed his right hand, still keeping his left hand crossed over to it. Her name was... foreign. "Jaq Rorsseau, Jack Ruso." he replied, shaking her hand. He found himself looking around to see where his little bunch of friends wandered off to. They were lenient about people who were already in the "gang" leaving and coming as they pleased, just not so much with new members. Jack, being practically the top of it, was able to walk off. It wasn't a problem, except they would often times disappear for a while and he would be left to do his own things. It was his own consequence.

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Old 07-21-2011, 07:30 PM

[[ *huggles* be happy~ ^0^ ]]

She smirked lightly and released his hand. "Well Jack, I hope we can meet again sometime soon but now I must be going... If you're interested in learning about me, my aunt Sabrina lives right down the street." Jun pointed to the little white house with a pick-up truck parked in front of it. She didn't have the best social skills but at least she was able to get a point across when need be.

"Either that or you can have dinner with me and I'll do best to answer any questions you have." Jun ignored the fact that she felt like a business woman. She stepped from out of the shadows in which hid everything but her hair. Her blue-green eyes seemed lifeless but not at the same time. What little life she had left in her eyes flickered like a dying light-bulb. Deep within her heart she wanted someone to restore the life but never said anything.

She always hid that factor, that's why she said 'only my aunt understands...' Not many people could pick up on how she really felt on the inside..

Last edited by Nova_Alchemist; 10-07-2012 at 10:11 PM..

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Old 07-21-2011, 09:38 PM

Jack felt somewhat torn. He sort of wanted to follow this girl. The gang wasn't going anywhere special, so he could just leave and no one would notice. She did just jump off of a building..., his thoughts told him. But that woman said she tried to all the time!... Her aunt wasn't here to save her, though... so maybe... All kinds of pressure pushed down on him. Peer pressure, self-pressure, publicity-pressure, gravity, they were all too much!

"You're going to jump off a building again," he accused her. "I'm not leaving your side until I'm convinced that ruining this jacket was worth my time." With that, he walked up to her and wrapped his arm around hers, somewhat flirtatiously as always.

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Old 07-22-2011, 01:00 AM

Jun rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Come have dinner me then, maybe that'll convince you." She had a bit of attitude with the last part of her sentence. Jun didn't like being accused. She glanced at Jack when he wrapped his arms around her arms. "If you're worried about your jacket I'll fix it as a way of thanks for saving my life Jack." Jun smirked lightly although she was being serious she was having fun.

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Old 07-22-2011, 02:43 PM

Jack smiled, flipped out a small, slick black phone from his pocket and speed-texted something, or someone. Then, as fast as he'd gotten it out, it was already back in his pocket. "Call it a date!" he blurted, also smirking when he saw some others turn and look. "Just for you~"

[[ I swear I already typed up this post Dx I must've forgotten to press send before i tabbed over to something else on the wiki ._." ]]

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Old 07-22-2011, 04:59 PM

[[ lolz? *sleepy still* ]]

Jun blinked a few times and put a hand over her now cherry red cheeks. Did... Did he just... JUST say that?? o///o She slowly let her arm fall back to her side before grabbing the boy's hand and walking towards a small restaurant. Upon reaching it she opened the door and held it open for Jack. A couple of the workers looked over at her and gave her a slight way. "Well if it isn't Jun!" The manager walked over to greet the two. "Finally find someone right for you?" He asked, pretty much whispering into her ear and nudging her gently.

Jun shook her head and maintained the urge to smack the manager after hearing his little comment. "Just get us a table please Henry.." She sighed softly under her breath. He gave a small nod and motioned them to follow him. "Right this way please." The manager started walking to an empty seat and set down the menus then walked away to get someone to get their drinks/orders. Jun sat in the seat closest to the window. "What do you think of this place?" She asked, glancing at Jack curiously.

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Old 07-23-2011, 04:30 AM

The entire time they walked to the restaurant, Jack made sure to keep holding onto Jun. Not even when she tried to pull her arm away. He wasn't planning on letting go. Not after what he just paid to hang on in the first place. He refused to let himself go in the restaurant first, though. He let Jun go in, but he followed her closely. He looked around the room and shrugged. "Nothing compared to you," he said, giving her a soft smile. A usual routine. However, there was a twang of difference this time. He was searching for something that her expressions would give away. He knew the look of a lie. Damn well he did, and he would know best out of anyone. Are you REALLY going to stay off of buildings? was all he wanted to ask. But, he decided not to.

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Old 07-23-2011, 05:04 AM

Jun kept her gaze off of Jack as much as she could which wasn't working too well. There was something about this boy that told her somewhere he might actually cared and wasn't just playing along with it since he was probably popular. "You... You're different from the rest of the townspeople..." Her mind trailed off with her words.

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Old 07-23-2011, 02:15 PM

Jack paused for a moment in both thought and movement. Picking up his walking pace again, he looked up and over his shoulder, as if to see if anyone else was watching. Leaning down a bit to her height, he put a worried expression across his face. "Madam, is because I am a spy of France!" he exclaimed in a soft whisper, before smirking and standing upright again. "I haven't been back in France for years.." He looked around the room again, not sure if he was feeling homesick or just bored that he'd been stuck in a country for a while. America was great, but his years in France included lots of travel.

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Old 07-23-2011, 04:14 PM

Jun blinked a few times when he said this, her mind had a train wreck. "Erm..." She cleared her throat and put a hand on her head. "Please sit Jack." Jun said first since people were starting to stare, they didn't hear him but they were staring. "That's not quite what I meant by different.. I meant you're one of the few who seem to actually give two monkeys bottoms about someone else.." She used the term 'seem' because she didn't know if the people actually cared, or just acted like it so she meant no warm by the term.

She shook her head and glanced at him with a soft gaze when said he hadn't been back for years. "Well... Do you want to go back?" Jun asked in a soft, concerned voice. Once again meaning no harm.

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Old 07-23-2011, 04:33 PM

Jack slipped into his seat, following what Jun had done earlier. He leaned back and clasped his hands together behind his head, also crossing one ankle over his leg. "Monkeys?" he asked, slightly puzzled by her metaphor. "Eh, I could go back if I wanted to... But I like going places with people. Me and my, uh, gang, they don't want to travel. They'd rather raid what they have over and over again. When I lived in France, we went places once every summer at least. I got to skip half of a school year once because we were here. That's when I learned most of my English."

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Old 07-23-2011, 05:15 PM

Jun was still gazing at him, listening to him with interest. Since she found herself unable to speak words she glanced around the area for a waiter. I wonder what's keep them... She thought to herself. Jun spoke softly, gazing at the table and found herself tracing the patterns with her finger, not knowing what to say.


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