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Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-16-2013, 03:18 AM

Clip, klop, clip, klop. The sound resonated and blended in with the sounds of birds singing and animals running among the trees and ground alike, as well as the flapping noises in the air. The sound belonged to a lone rider, whose gaze was currently directed upward. A cream colored hand shielded the unique yellowish-orange eyes as he wondered absently to himself. 'How long have I been away? Hell how long have I been riding?' the male wondered as he thought back.

Three days ago his employer, an ancient warlock that had assigned him on the task of checking out a rumor to the west about a beautiful woman residing in a secluded village. The warlock had thought the woman to be a beauty that he had sworn to be his, but based on the description that his employer had given him, however it turned out to be someone entirely different. It hadn't been the first time he had been rushed off to investigate a rumor, and he assumed it wouldn't be the last.

Letting out a sigh the male wondered how he would break the news to his employer. He hated disappointing the man, primarily because it usually ended with the old warlock throwing a tantrum and breaking something that in the end he would have to clean up, after the danger of being turned to ash had passed. 'I would never harm you Daisuki' the warlock would constantly try to reassure him, however the orange haired male had reason to be skeptical. He recounted a store he had heard from a scullery maid telling of the last personal servant the warlock had that had been promised the same thing. Well now Daisuki held his position so clearly there was at least some cause for his caution.

'I guess I'll just have to break it to him like I usually do...Who knows maybe he'll give up this time' he thought to himself, though he doubted it. The old man was a stubborn one and he had swore to Daisuki a number of times that he would one day find the girl he had claimed to be his.

A sudden jolt from the horse that the warlock had given him, suddenly brought Daisuki out of his thoughts. Smiling down he gently gave a pat to the horse's neck. "I know, I know you're tired...How about we rest for a bit?" the male quietly asked the horse, gaining a neigh in response. He figured of course that the animal didn't actually understand his words, but figured that the creature would understand enough as he gently led the horse from the beaten path they had been following, to a spring that he remembered passing when he had been going the other way.

It was a short ride before the first the sound of running water reached his ears and the glistening liquid came into sight. Without needing to be convinced the horse continued on its trek until reaching the edge of the spring and bending for a drink. Giving the creature a pat one more time, Daisuki gracefully dismounted, stepping down on the leave strewn ground, and kneeling down to get a refreshing drink himself before fully taking in his surroundings.

He figured from the amount of sunlight that shone through the trees and the activity of the surrounding wildlife that it was still relatively early in the day. 'Should make it back roughly sometime during the late afternoon' he thought to himself as he let out a yawn. He had elected to start his journey back before the crack of down, since the warlock had expected a timely return from him. Letting out another small yawn as his gaze continued to sweep the area, he couldn't help but noticed how comfortable the nearest tree began to look. 'A brief rest wouldn't hurt, and I'm sure Thunder would appreciate the rest as well' he thought with a small chuckle as he glanced back towards the horse, whom seemed to already have the same idea as it had backed away from the waters edge and chose to lay down, tucking long and strong legs beneath the powerful body. Daisuki knew that the horse wouldn't wander off due to the intense training the creature had received, so he wasn't too worried about tying the creature up. "Guess that settles that. We'll take a small rest before going back, sound good?" the boy asked, getting up and moving back towards the nearest tree. He chuckled again as he received another answering neigh before the creatures head laid upon the ground.

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-16-2013, 02:03 PM

Wandering through the woods as usual Liana was having the time of her life. She was chasing birds through the trees and playing tag with the deer. Life was good for this girl. She wandered through the woods everyday close by the house where she lived hidden from view. No one knew about her living here for fear that a curse she knew nothing about would actually happen. She was a good girl and she knew better than to disobey her fairy godmother who looked after her.

The curse that she had to worry about that she knew nothing about was that if she touched a man or was touched by a man in a special way where true love had anything to do with it she would go into a deep sleep. She had no idea about this curse but her fairy godmother kept her in the woods safe from any men. She knew that this curse would take over her body at any moment if she met a man so she was kept safe in the woods.

Wandering through the woods she skipped happily as she wandered down the usual paths she took to gather herbs. Stopping every few feet to put the herbs in her basket she smiled as she worked. Coming to the river that flowed through the woods near her house she stopped and sat down next to the bank of the water.

She played with a few flowers while she rested next to the river. She smiled softly as she waited listening to the birds singing. She wore a blue dress made of silk and her hair was long and blond. She lay on her stomach and watched the water flow softly past her.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-16-2013, 09:22 PM

(Not too terribly sure how close they are to each other at the moment so I'm just taking a shot in the dark. XD)

Daisuki had been leisurely leaning back up against the tree as his eyes threatened to close, when a different sound reached his ears. He thought he heard the sound of another nearby, and looking over towards Thunder, who had been on the verge of dosing, now awake and fully alert he knew that chances were he was correct in what he heard. He figured the best course of action was to simply let whoever it was be unless they chose to come and cause him issues, however his plans were turned a bit upside down as the stallion that had been laying had other ideas.

Almost with a sense of eagerness the creature stood to his feet, looking towards the orange haired male and neighing once before he began moving towards the sound. Daisuki stared for a moment both amazed and relatively confused before coming to his own feet slowly. "Now what's gotten into you all of a sudden?" he whispered to himself as he began cautiously following the creature towards whatever it was that was drawing him. The pace at first started out slow enough, and was rather relaxing, or at least it had until Thunder's speed suddenly picked up spontaneously. Daisuki wasn't sure what had gotten into the horse as the animal was going against his own training and wandering off like this. With a sigh the orange haired male noticed that Thunder seemed hell bent on go towards whatever it was that caught his attention, and knew that for the meantime he could only follow until he had least caught up enough to catch hold of the reigns.

Thunder had caught the scent and sound of something he had been trained to track, a female, and was simply following instinct whether or not his rider would come with him. Soon enough the stallion came upon what, or rather who, it was that caught his attention before giving a snort and announcing his presence to the laying girl. "Thunder what in the world...oh...erm...hello there" the light orange eyed rider began as he came up behind the horse and found his gaze upon the girl that the animal had apparently found.

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-16-2013, 10:10 PM

Jumping up at the sound of an animal approaching her Liana looked at the horse and let out a smile. She walked towards him and petted him eagerly. "Hello there horsey. How are you?" She asked petting him. Suddenly hearing a voice next to her she jumped into the air and looked at the person behind her. "W....what are you?" She asked in a shakey voice. Her eyes took in the appearance of the man wide with fear never having seen one before. "I....I don't know who or what you are but you should not be here." she said matter of factly.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-17-2013, 12:34 AM

Thunder shook his head in disapproval as he was called horsey. The pride reflected in the animal's eyes, or at least as close to a prideful look that a horse of his breed could get. As the girl jumped at the sound of Daisuki's voice, the creature couldn't help but give out a mirthful whinny.

Daisuki had been relatively surprise to find another person out here, but not quite as surprised as he was at hearing her first question. "P...Pardon?" he asked incredulously. 'What does she mean what am I?...Perhaps she means profession?' he thought to himself as he tried to think out the question logically, though it wasn't exactly going well. He thought perhaps he had misheard the young woman, after all it wasn't exactly a...common question. As the girl continued on he came to realize that he had indeed not heard the girl wrong.

He was dumbfounded for a moment, but at seeing the fear in the young woman's eyes he knew he needed to act fast, least he have an angry father on his hands. "I apologize for startling you madam as well as trespassing upon your land. That had not been my intention I assure you. I also assure you that I mean you no harm, I was merely following him" he said quickly, nodding his head towards the horse. For a moment he thought perhaps she believed him some sort of robber or bandit, although he had never heard of such crimes being committed in these parts, at least not when he passed through three days ago. "My name is Daisuki. I am not here to harm or rob you I promise" he continued, sure that the question of what he was had to be directed towards what it was he did for a living, and although he had not actually disclosed the answer to that either he hoped that she would at least believe him.

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-17-2013, 01:56 AM

Staring at him with wide green eyes Liana watched him carefully. "I have never seen anything like you before." she stated softly. "I just do not know how to react to you." She smiled softly at him and made a small curtsey. "I am Liana. Its a pleasure to meet you daisuki." she said in a soft tone. "What are you exactly?" she asked still not sure she had gotten an answer to her question. "Are you a human? I have never seen a human that looked quite like you before."

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-17-2013, 03:02 AM

Confusion once again came to Daisuki's mind at the girl's words. 'Anything like me?...Well I guess my hair and eye color is a bit unusual if not a rarity...maybe it's the first time she has seen someone with my traits' he thought with a mental nod of his head, sure that, that had to have been what she was referring to. His family held the rather rare trait of having rather...unique colored eyes and hair and he did have to admit that other then a selected few of his family he had never seen too many others with similar traits.

A small smile played on his lips as the girl introduced herself as Liana. "Pleasure to meet you Miss Liana" he said with a small bow. As she continued her questions of what he was he tried his best to figure out just how to answer. "Well I am a servant of the Warlock Marcello..." he started though stopped as she asked if he was human. He had to blink a few times at the answer as his mind once again had to wad through the shock of such an...unusual question. "Well...last time I checked I was human, though I do admit it can be relatively hard to tell with orange hair and eye huh?" he said shaking his head and once more allowing a smile to cross his lips. He was at least glad that she didn't seem quite as fearful of him as a few moments ago, but he did notice her watching him carefully, and thus was careful to try and not make any suspicious movements that would bring her alarm once more.

The horse beside him again whinnied, causing a quiet chuckle to come from Daisuki. "And where are my manners? This here is Thunder" he said introducing the animal that had caused him to meet this rather interesting young woman who questioned his humanity.

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-17-2013, 02:41 PM

Smiling at him she nodded her head. "Its nice to meet you Thunder." she said in a small voice as she stared at the pretty horse. "I have never met anyone like you and it has nothing to do with your hair color. I have only been around people who look like me."

Suddenly there was a buzz of magic in the air. Poof........A fairy appeared in front of them. Breathing hard she stared at Daisuke and her eyes opened wide. "Get out of here immediatly." She turned to Liana and gathered her up in her wings. "You are not to have anything to do with him ever again. Did he touch you? Did he hurt you? Are you ok?"

Stammering with a confused look on her face she stared at Yoli. "I am not hurt. What is going on? I demand to know what is wrong with you"

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-17-2013, 03:11 PM

Daisuki was again puzzled by Liana's words. He had thought the whole situation had been about his more unique features, however as the girl stated that it was not the case. "Look like you?" he semi-asked seeking a bit more clarification on what it was she was talking about. 'Definitely a most unusual girl' he thought to himself with another mental nod. Thunder neighed in greeting and had shifted so his head was behind his rider's back to push him forward a bit closer, trying obviously to tell him something, when a buzz of magic stopped the horse's actions.

Daisuki didn't seemed to fazed about the sudden appearance of another female, and one with wings and pointed ears at that, after all he did work for a warlock. He was about to say something, perhaps an apology for trespassing, when the fairy woman began to suddenly question the girl about him touching her. "Erm Madam, I do apologize for trespassing however I am not a pervert nor would I harm a damsel I've no qualms with" he stated with a frown as he attempted to defend himself at least a little at the slightly insulting assumptions.

Seeing however that Liana knew the fairy looking woman and from the concern she expressed towards her actions, he presumed that his presence was perhaps a bit more of a bother in case the women wished to speak in private with one another. Coming to this realization he carefully moved to Thunder's side and once more mounted up onto his back. "Well given the request I shall take my leave. I do apologize again for trespassing. Come on Thunder we must be heading off anyways, least the Master begin to worry" he said attempting to lead the horse back towards the way they had come, though the animal seemed reluctant to move even an inch and began neighing impatiently at him. It was both a bit of a blessing and a curse for the horse's stubbornness, after all Daisuki didn't really wish to leave the girl's presence on such a note, yet he knew that they were trespassing.

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-17-2013, 03:19 PM

Yoli stared at the man on the horse a moment giving him a glare. "You don't understand young man. Its hard to explain. But I suppose I do owe you a bit of an explanation. You see Liana here has never been around a male before. When she was younger she was cursed and that prevents her from being around any male." She nodded her head at him. "So no offence to you personally but you need to know why you can't see her again."

Liana stood there looking at Yoli with a frown. "What are you talking about? I know hes not human. Humans look like me Yoli. What is going on I demand to know." Growling she stood there with her fists clinched as she waited for some sort of an explanation.

Yoli looked at her a moment. "I am sorry I never told you about this before. You are cursed and if you have anything to do with this male then you will suffer the consiquences of the curse. I have been put in charge of watching you and protecting you."

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-17-2013, 03:42 PM

Daisuki couldn't help but stare for a few moments as the explanation sunk in. 'I see that makes a bit more sense now I suppose...' he thought with a nod of his head. He could indeed understand the predicament that he had now become somewhat involved in. "A curse like that would be rather difficult to get rid of, and definitely be a bit of a burden" he stated with another nod.

He found himself nearly falling off of Thunder in shock however as Liana stated that he wasn't human. Blushing a bit in embarrassment at the almost blunder his orange gaze stared at the blond woman. "I am too a human, you've just never dealt with the opposite gender. Not all humans are just female you know" he stated crossing his arms slightly as he gave up trying to move the stubborn Thunder. He believed that the animal didn't understand anything about what was going on, after all that would require him to understand human language other then just a few commands that had been drilled into his head, and that surely the horse would move soon as he was tired of standing there.

He attempted to tune out the two women as they talked to one another, after all he knew it wasn't polite to listen in on the conversation, and allowed his mind to wander. It came back however to the curse business, and thus he couldn't help but hear the exchange, and that's when an idea suddenly struck him. "Why not just remove the curse rather then simply hiding her away now? The curse sounds like it might be a powerful one, but I do know of someone who may have the power to remove it" he quietly offered.

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-17-2013, 03:52 PM

Staring at him a moment Yoli blinked. "You know someone who can remove the curse?" she asked a moment. It surprised her at the thought of having the curse removed instead of just hiding her away. She was used to keeping her hidden from view and not worried about removing the curse.

Liana still stood there frowning surprised at how he was talking with her. She was not used to anyone being so forward. "Well how was I supposed to know I am used to being seperate from everyone who is male. I am not used to being around males and I just found out I am cursed so yeah really need to be more polite."

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 01:57 AM

Daisuki shrugged his shoulders calmly at the fairy. "I wouldn't see why he wouldn't be able to remove it. He's actually quite knowledgeable in such things so there's a good chance he'll be able to remove it. Now I won't promise anything since I'm not too familiar with the topic myself, but I'm sure even if he can't remove it he'll definitely know someone who can" he stated with a smile. He judged from the fairy woman's reaction that she hadn't necessarily thought of such a solution herself. Then again she had said she was charged with protecting the girl so he could see how it would have slipped her mind easily.

"Well...I did sort of mention I was human before when you questioned me" he said rubbing the back of his head and letting out a small chuckle. "Besides how was I suppose to know you had never been around guys before when I just found out myself? On top of that out right asking people what they are isn't technically considered good etiquette so I'd be careful whom your telling to be more polite. There are those out there after all that would rather chop off a person's ear then answer the same question three times" he stated calmly with another shrug. He hadn't really been too insulted when she questioned another what he was, when he had told her already, after all he wasn't that kind of guy to get so easily insulted as the girl seemed to be.

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-20-2013, 02:13 PM

Looking at the young man a moment she nodded. "Very well bring me to him. You Liana are to go home and stay home until I get back." She nodded at daisuke. "Just tell me where he is and I can teleport us there to him. Just think of the place he is located at and I will teleport us."

Nodding the girl turned and headed home quickly. She paused for a moment looking at the man and her fairy godmother. "Good luck" she called cheerfully as she made her way back home.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-20-2013, 03:08 PM

Daisuki nodded as the fairy told him to bring her to the man he was thinking about. He hesitated however as she then told Liana to go to her home while the two of them went to go see the man he believed could possibly break the curse. "Shouldn't she come with us though so he can inspect the curse to see if he can even break it? I know that we could describe it, but it's a bit different then actually 'seeing' the bindings of the curse first hand" the orange haired male stated, as he tried his best to explain what he meant. He wasn't a magic user himself, even though he worked for one, and wasn't quite fluent in how it all worked. Occasionally he would hear his employer mutter something about it, which he tried hard to always remember.

As the fairy mentioned teleporting, Daisuki's face couldn't help but go a bit pale. Although he worked for a magic user, magic being used on him wasn't something he was very fond of. Not to mention the last time his employer had mentioned teleporting him somewhere it ended with a rather horrible sickness that had surprised even the warlock. " might be a bit better for a less...magical way for us to go...Besides Thunder here is pretty fast and...Hey Thunder..." the boy began as suddenly the horse began trotting in the direction Liana began heading. The orange haired youth pulled on the reins quickly to try and deter the animal from following, however he held no such luck. "Hey....Hey! Stop! Stay!....Heel?...Ugh..." the boy shouted knowing full well that whatever was in the horse's mind, he was not going to change it.

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-20-2013, 06:27 PM

Frowning Yoli looked at the horse with a chuckle as he tried to follow Liana. "Obviously your horse likes her a lot. Liana your coming with us so head on back here." she said smirking a bit as she watched the animals reaction to her. She helped Liana on top of the horse and then made herself comfortable on the back of it.

"Come on then boy lets see what your horse can do." Yoli said with a laugh as she waited to see how fast they would make it to the area they were heading to.

Liana headed back to the people and climbed onto the horse with the help of her fairy godmother. She patted him eagerly loving the animal to death.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 02:08 AM

Daisuki was fairly relieved that the fairy would allow Liana to come along as well. He had become quite taken with the young girl, even though they had just met. He was also thankful for her coming along as he knew now Thunder would at least listen instead of trying to just follow her. "It does appear that way" he said with a laugh in regards to the animal's affection towards the young woman.

As the fairy helped the young girl onto the back of the horse, the orange haired young man quickly scooted up a bit to give her plenty of room so she could be fully seated and as comfortable as possibly on the back of a horse. Light colored eyes glanced back as he gave Liana a small smile. "You may want to hold on...Thunder doesn't exactly know how to hold back now that his speed as been challenged" he said with a laugh as the horse neighed in response to the fairy wanting to see what he could do.

After a few moments pause, mainly to ensure that Liana wouldn't fall off, Daisuki signaled for the stallion to move. "We're heading back Thunder, let's go" he called to the horse. This time instead of disobeying the horse neighed again and lightly trotted back towards the path they had originally been on before their fateful rest. Once on the path the horse let loose his speed. He was a special breed, designed by the Warlock Marcello created himself, to reduce the time it took for Daisuki to reach the destinations of his various errands, and he was certainly fast. Daisuki knew first hand the horse could easily beat most in a race, the only exception being something natural like light.

Despite the speed of the horse it still took a little while to get to their destination, mainly since there occasionally had to be stops so the poor horse could rest for a few moments and either eat or drink something. Soon enough though the tower where his warlock master resided came into view. It was a bit unusual, since it was a lone solitary structure. No towns surrounded it, merely open fields of sweet grasses and flowers, and the only other structure around was a stable area a bit further off and away from the tower. Daisuki knew he probably should have alerted the warlock to visitors, as he tended not to get too many people out this way as he did like his privacy. In fact the orange haired boy wasn't sure he had ever seen anyone other then himself and the warlock now that he really thought about it.

"Well this is the place, I know it doesn't look like much, but I can assure you it's larger inside" he said with a smile as he pointed towards the tower. Thunder stopped on his own for a moment to allow the group to take in the sight before treading towards the stables knowingly.

(Hmmm think we should have something happen that delays them from meeting the warlock or have them meet with him, but him be all deceptive and such? XD)

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 02:23 AM

(idk I was thinking that he would be honest about what happened and kidnap her or something)

Liana smiled as she rode on the back of the horse. She grinned as she felt the speed of the animal as they made there way to the tower. Staring at it with wide eyes she could not believe how tall it was. It possitivly looked huge. She was shocked at the fact it was off in the middle of no where. She was not used to seeing other places besides where she lived so this was an adventure to her. She was in a state of deep surprise. Waiting for them to get to the place where they could get off of the horse or something she cheerfully hummed a tune enjoying her ride.

Yoli rode on the horse only because she did not know where they were going. She was used to teleporting where she wanted to go. The ride was rather bumpy for her and she did not enjoy it. Neither was she comfortable with Liana being so far away from home. But if this boys Master could help then it would be worth it to come this far.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 03:16 PM

(Lol I suppose he could be honest, although he's evil. XD)

Daisuki steered Thunder towards the stables, after the horse stayed still to give the girls a chance to soak in where they were. Once at the stables Daisuki quickly and carefully dismounted, so as not to knock off either the fairy woman or Liana. Once on the ground he offered his help to the two women so they could safely dismount from Thunder's back. Once free of people the horse shook his back, almost relieved to have the weight of people off of it. "I just have to put Thunder back in his stall and we should be good to go" the orange haired male called as he led the horse into the said stall, taking off the saddle and reins.

Thunder seemed rather appreciative to have the gear off of him as he whinnied. The animal didn't waste time, laying down after such a long trek. Once Daisuki was certain that Thunder was all set he returned to the girls. "Alrighty this way" he said, motioning for them to follow him.

There was only one way into the tall tower, an old wooden door that seemed rather rickety. Above it strange symbols were carved above, though the orange haired male had no idea what they meant. Opening the door he revealed a vast sitting room that had a desk at one end with piles of books all over it. All around the walls were bookcases, upon bookcases full of a variety of books. In one corner a spiral staircase made of a sparkling metal wound its way up to higher parts of the towers. "Master Marcello! I've returned" the young male called.

It took a few moments before there was an answer. "Ah Daisuki, I see you've found your way back. I presume your trip was...fruitful?" came the rasping reply as a tall robed man began to descend the staircase.

"Well yes and no. The rumor you had be go investigate turned out to be nothing more then a hoax and a trap that I assume was intended for you. But on the way back I did meet someone who's in need of some help that I thought you might be able to help" Daisuki called back as the older male reached the end of the stairs and now began slowly stalking towards the three.

As the warlock's eyes fell upon Liana they immediately widened. He knew well who this girl was and the reason she had come. A sly smile graced his lips, though soon disappeared at the sight of a fairy. "I see...And who might you two be?"

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 05:08 PM

Liana quietly accepted his help to dismount from Thunder. She gave the horse a smile and a quick pat as she waited for her to be shown where to go. After her fairy godmother Yoli had hopped off and Thunder made his way into his stall she took off walking with them. Yoli floated in front of her her wand out ready to destroy anyone who dared try to hurt her precious ward.

When they got inside the tower and saw a man decend a staircase Yoli opened her eyes wide. "Marcello the magnificent. I never thought I would meet you. I am Yoli Lianas guardian. A pleasure to meet you." She said putting her wand up and curtsying a few times. She pushed Liana forward. "We need your help. She is cursed and we wish to rid her of the curse." She said in a flat voice.

Liana gasped as she was suddenly pushed forward and her eyes opened wide as she looked at the man in front of her. "Please Sir can you help me?" She asked in a fearful tone as she stood in front of him.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 04:04 AM

Daisuki was a bit surprised that the fairy woman knew his master, but then again he was relatively famous for his magic abilities. He was even more surprised at the rather extravagant greeting that she gave him. He glanced towards Marcello, and guessed his surprise was clearly written in his eyes as the warlock looked to him and chuckled. He hoped though that he would be able to help.

The warlock bowed his head slightly in greeting towards the two women. An eyebrow raised as the girl was pushed forward. He already knew he could easily break the spell, but he figured he would attempt to string this along a bit before revealing what he knew. "Perhaps...I would have to see what sort of curse we're dealing with..." the warlock said, stepping close to Liana. A hand reached out and cupped her chin securely, as he turned her head inspecting her. "Symptoms of the curse?" he asked as he seemed to check various things on the girl.

Daisuki was a bit nervous as the warlock approached and immediately grabbed the girl's chin. He had already seen just how protective the fairy was in regards to her safety, even though it hadn't been done to cause harm. He figured that Marcello was simply trying to find out information that perhaps even the fairy didn't know, or couldn't know.

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 06:21 AM

Yoli stepped forward as she saw him cup her chin and said in a quiet tone not sure how to say it. "Please dont touch her. She cant be touched by a male. The curse says that if she is touched intimietly by a male or kissed by a male she will fall into a sleep for a thousand years." She put her hand up to try to move his hand away but thought better of it and put it back down.

Liana felt him cup her chin and felt her breathing rise. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself to prevent him from knowing that this was making her nervous and excited. She calmed her breathing down as much as possible and looked up at the man with her green eyes bright and eager. "So can you help me Sir?" She asked in a fearful tone.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 04:08 PM

The warlock's gaze slide to the fairy woman as she spoke. "If intimacy is what will trigger the curse then a touch like this will do nothing. From what I can tell intimately touch refers to something entirely different then simply touching her" the older male coolly replied. He knew well already the terms of the curse, after all it was his curse. As far as he knew there was no other that could cast such a spell, especially since it had been of his creation.

He continued inspecting her, turning her head this way in that, and looking at her as if a doctor looking at a patient. All the while Daisuki waited on almost nervously as he wondered if his Master would be able to indeed help the girl. "So what do you think? Are you able to do anything?" he asked, hoping that the answer would be positive.

The warlock's gaze turned towards his servant for a moment before looking towards the girl. "I'm actually fairly familiar with this curse. This curse is intended for the young lady here to become the partner of the one who had cast it. Do you have any idea as to who had cast it?" he asked, wondering just how much was known about the spell caster now. It would be much easier for him after all if they knew as little as possible before he chose to tell what he all knew.

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AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 10:24 PM

Staring at him Liana swallowed again breathing hard trying to catch her breath as this strange male inspected her. She was not used to being touched so much and it made her really uncomfortable.

"We do not know who placed this curse on me Sir. We only got told about it by a servant of the mans. We took it serious because the man who supposably put the curse on me is a wizard that is all we know."

Yoli settled down trying to resist the urge to protect her ward from this man who for some reason made her feel unncomfortable but it could be because he was touching her and she did not like that.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 10:27 PM

(Now to create a tie between the original Sleeping Beauty and this one, just for the hell of it. XD)

Marcello was relatively pleased that neither of the two women knew exactly who had placed the curse on the young girl, though did his best to mask the emotion. "I see...I may indeed be able to help. I'm rather...familiar with this curse. I'll have to do a bit more...investigating though. Breaking it usually requires the one whom had cast it to cure it. I believe I can locate the one whom cast it. There's an item in my quarters that should give the required information..." the warlock said after a moment more of 'inspecting' her. He rather liked the feeling of her skin under his fingers. Not being touched by another had perhaps been a blessing...for him.

He signaled for Liana to follow him. Daisuki made a move to follow his master as well, but the warlock quickly held up a hand to stop him. "I'm going to need complete concentration Daisuki. You and Miss Yoli will need to remain here. I only need the girl to come with me" he said stopping the orange haired boy in his tracks. The last thing he really needed was either one stopping him in his plans. He knew the boy had a rather annoying justice streak in him. He figured it had to do with his heritage, after all he had abducted the boy from the very family that had been the downfall of his older sister Maleficent, and he was determined not to make the same mistake.

His sister had gotten cocky, imprisoning the prince that would eventually come to end her life, rather then forcing him under her control or killing him. Princes had a nasty way of sticking their noses where they didn't belong, and so he took the boy when he was still a baby and raised him himself. He hadn't told Daisuki of the royal blood he had, nor did he ever intend to.

Then of course there was the fairy. He remembered well the role her race had played in his sister's downfall as well. Thankfully though he had been watching his servant secretly from a device upstairs, and had noticed that the fairy woman's protectiveness for her ward and the curse placed on her made her suspicious of all males, thus decreasing the chances she would entrust a male to protect and rescue the girl. In terms of magical power he knew he could easily thwart the fairy. 'Still I suppose I should be a little careful...' he thought as he went towards the staircase, and began ascending it, signaling with one skinny finger for the girl to follow again. "Daisuki I'm entrusting you to ensure I do not get interrupted during the process understand?" he questioned, giving the younger male a piercing gaze. The boy nodded his head in understanding, knowing well that he meant primarily to keep the seemingly overprotective fairy within the room while he assumed his Master used the device to locate the one who had cast the spell.


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