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Wicked Sickness
Wicked Sickness is offline
Old 04-22-2010, 03:49 AM

So these looked really cool and I figured it would help me get to know my characters better. They're from an RP site I'm on and I'll probably mention current relationships they have just because I want to get more in depth with them. I'm doing to do one list at a time and hopefully I'll end up going through plenty of them since I'm ALWAYS writing for these guys <3

Right now there is four of them: Sydney, Kaige, Amandine and Jordan. I'm sure I will be adding in more later, as I make them on the site. Anyone mentioned aside from these charries are not mine unless stated otherwise

I would love to do the totally insane goal of 1 MILLION drabbles. But for right now, I'll keep it tiny and work my way up ;3

3/100 drabbles.

Completed Lists

None . . . yet!

***If you know a list, have made one or want to make one for me to use please post here or PM me about it!


Current List


1. Time
2. Cherry Blossoms
3. Story
4. Rain
5. Sword
6. Iris
7. Bamboo
8. Moon
9. Shooting Star
10. Rice
11. Wind Chimes
12. Glass
13. Far Away
14. Butterfly
15. Wings
16. Past
17. Snow
18. Night
19. Day
20. Colour
21. Note
22. Fire
23. Path
24. Symbol
25. Lightning
26. Silk
27. Waterfall
28. Memories
29. Sleep
30. Chance


List 1, Drabble 1

Item: Time

Character: Kaige

Time was not something Kaige was good at keeping track of. He never had been and probably never would be. Today he had started off reading a book he got from the library, knowing he had to stop at six thirty so he wouldn't be late meeting Kyle to hang out. However, once he got into it there was no stopping him. He read page after page, not even stopping to look up at the clock. Once the book was finally done he realized it was a shocking three in the morning - Kyle would not be happy with him.


List 1, Drabble 2

Item: Cherry Blossoms

Character: Sydney

One things about Sydney was clear to anyone that met her: she loved nature with an passion. There was nothing she loved more than the mud between her toes or exploring the woods. There was one tree that definitely topped all the others in her mind though - namely because of the flowers it produced. Cherry blossoms were by far her favorite tree. Honestly, Sydney had never seen one of them in person but the pictures always looked amazing. One day she planned on owning one and putting it right in her back yard so she could see one everyday.


List 1, Drabble 3

Item: Story

Character: Jordan

Jordan was definitely still a child at heart and she wasn't afraid to admit it. From playing pretend games with Leo to demanding that John, one of her older brothers, read her a story every night over the phone there was no denying it. A part of her wanted to grow up and really, she tried. All she ended up doing was trying to force one of her sisters to do it instead though and that had never ended up well. She was lost somewhere between girl and teenager. So is the life of a fourteen, almost fifteen, year old.

Last edited by Wicked Sickness; 04-22-2010 at 04:40 AM..


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