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Old 05-16-2017, 12:13 AM

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Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-16-2017 at 12:45 AM..

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:18 AM

Shiny, fresh, new Hangout! It smells great in here!

---------- Post added 05-15-2017 at 05:19 PM ----------



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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:20 AM

Lookie! I found a picture!!! *points up*

---------- Post added 05-15-2017 at 08:21 PM ----------

LOL, it looks like you already found it. XD

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-16-2017 at 12:22 AM..

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:21 AM

I see it! It's perfect!! XD Makes me want to go hatch more mudkips!!!! XD lolol!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:22 AM

Oh gosh I'm still going on that. I need to charge up my 3DS so I can keep trying. >.< And we still haven't traded pokemon!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-16-2017 at 12:25 AM..

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:23 AM

You do! I do too! Mine is charged but I've been playing BOXBOXBOY (the second one) lol XD We haven't! I don't even think we are friends on sun and moon yet >.<


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:26 AM

I just finished the first game on Saturday night so I'll be moving on to BOXBOXBOY soon! Hm, now that you mention it I don't think we are...

Sometime when you have a sec, can you save the mudkip gif to your photobucket and send me the link so it doesn't get lost?

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:31 AM

Hah! Nice! The Second one doesn't seem too much different from the first one so far but there are a few new tricks that they have I think Nope... pretty sure we had technical difficulties that night XD

Sure I can do that


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:35 AM

I played the demo for the three titles and it was interesting to see the progression in each of the games. That was probably when I was having issues with my wifi...


Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:40 AM

You played all the demos first? XD that's so silly! I haven't tried the Demo of the third. I'll just wait till I'm done with the 2nd I'm like a couple of worlds away from finishing
Oh yes! That's right! I had forgotten about that! XD one of these days You'll have to grab me while I'm on Mene and we can try and get the friends thing taken care of and trade some pokemans!! XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:44 AM

It was a combined demo of all three games. Whaa?! So fast!

Alright, sounds like a plan!


Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:46 AM

Oh it was?? That's a pretty cool way to do it! I know right?? Granted I was like 2 worlds in when I picked it back up after you told me about BOXBOXBOXBOY

Yep! My 3DS is usually always charged XD

No problem!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:48 AM

Yep! Wow, you really zipped through that. I'm pretty sure the last one is called BYEBYEBOXBOY for the record.

I used to put mine on the charger every night but now that I have the Wii U plugged in to play Zelda I don't really have a good place to plug it in where my cat can't chew on it...

Speaking of Zelda I think I'm going to go play for a bit...

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 12:55 AM

I find a lot of the puzzles are pretty easy at the beginning of the worlds but then they can get really hard towards the end XD I'm a bit stuck on one right now and I had to give up for a while lol XD AH thanks! I could remember so I threw in 3 boxes lolol

Ah gotcha. I swear... It drives me nuts how she chews on cables XD

How is Zelda going? I've mad quite a bit of progress with my game but I'm still not close to the end. P.S. if you ever need to know about something in the game and can't find it online, I can try and snap some photos of the official guide book I have XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 02:24 AM

Yeah, there is that. I sometimes have to use the hint thing. ^^;;;

It drives me nuts too. I still haven't been able to get my pictures off of my phone since she chewed on my charging cable. >.<

I just got to Kakariko Village. And I got a horse!!! I didn't realize there were so many colors of horses so I ended up just kind of grabbing the first one I saw, well, after the black one bucked me off. This one is a tanish color with blonde accents. I named it Tamarin. ^_^

I ended up playing till late so now it's time to get some sleep. This game can be addicting, lol.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 02:30 PM

Ah I see! I try my hardest not to use it and so far haven't needed to but that might change on the puzzle I'm on XD

Such a punk :/ I need to organize my phone pics lol

Oh sweet! I love kakariko village! Horsey!! Yeah there are a lot of different colors of horses. I've run into some really unique steeds! And as far as I can tell you can register as many as you want! Wait, you named your horse after a monkey?? You hate monkeys! My first horse's name is Polly :P did you know some horses have more spurs than others?

Uh oh! Yep the game is super addictive! I've been know to get lost in the game xD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 02:49 PM

You’re more stubborn than I am I guess, lol! I’ve used it quite a few times. Even so that doesn’t always help since it doesn’t show you how to get crowns, only how to make the next move, which can also be confusing.

I need to clear out my phone before I go home to visit since I’m sure I’ll end up taking a gazillion pictures of my dad’s new puppies. He ended up getting two. My sister named one Brooks and I named the other Bento.

I thought it was interesting that it’s like a ninja village. I mean I know the shiekas were always kind of like ninjas but it was fun to see that the village took its inspiration from that as well. You can only register 5 horses. Tamarin is also the name of a fruit I’ll have you know!

Polly is a cute name though. I didn’t know that but I figured that the black horse I tried to catch and got bucked off of was probably better in a bunch of ways. How many horses do you have now?

I have a question about the korok seeds. I got the marakas for the big one on the road to Kakariko village and he let me buy an extra slot in my inventory using a seed. Are there any other uses for those seeds? I don’t want to spend them on more slots until I know because maybe there is something else I might want to do with them…

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 07:36 PM

Hah!! Only in certain situations! XD ah I didn't realize they don't give you the clues for how to get the crowns. They are quite tough to get sometimes. So far I've gotten them all

He got 2 puppies?? Lolol! Brooks and Bento! XD that's like country western and Japanese xD Is it brooks like Garth Brooks?

Yeah for sure! I was super happy once I got the silent armor set they sell there! Shiekas! I know nothing about them! I don't even know how to say the name lol!! Oh I didn't realize it was only 5. I'll have to see how to get rid of some cause I think I have 5 right now lol XD HOO! I didn't know it was a fruit! XD That's pretty funny! lol!!! Looks pretty yummy

Ah gotcha! Yeah the harder they are to sooth the better they are I've found but I could be wrong. The one with more spurs that I got after Polly (I named him Andy) Had 4 spurs and has and aggressive nature lol. But yeah, I have 5 now But I only really use Andy and Polly XD

As for as I know, The Karoke seeds are only used for inventory slots for weapons, bows, and shields. as you unlock more slots, the cost becomes more and more. But Karoke seeds are just about everywhere you go. Keep an eye out for strangely placed rocks, yellow flowers, metal sculptures etc... It doesn't take long to build up a large supply of them!

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 05-16-2017 at 07:42 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 07:51 PM

I don’t go further until I can get all the crowns, lol!

He did! I’ll have to post a photo at some point. Brooks is a family name and I suggested Butterscotch but my dad thought it was too girly so he needed a more “manly” name. >.<

I was browsing around for some beginner tips about the game earlier and saw the silent armor set. I heard it’s really expensive though. Zelda posed as Shiek, a shieka in the Ocarina of Time game. It’s pronounced “shhhh eeek ah”. ROFL! That’s what the guy at the stable said anyway. I’m not sure it looks that yummy from the photo, lol. I wonder what it tastes like?

Gotcha, I’m definitely going to use up the rest of my seeds purchasing more weapon slots in that case then.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 09:48 PM

LOL! Well that's good! Crowns give you extra of those diamond things when you finish a level right?

You totally should! I love puppies! Ahhh gotcha! That's fun to give it a family name! And Butterscotch is totally unisex XD but I like Bento better :P

It is really expensive! But my suggestion is to hunt around for Luminous Stone at night. 10 hunks of that will net you 700 rupees. There are some minigames you can unlock as you go around the land of Hyrule but untill you can get there, the Luminous stones and Amber will give you the best bang for your buck. also Bokoblin horns and other bits of monsters. I will say though, don't sell off all of those things cause those materials are helpful later in the game! Make sure you gather everything you see as you go! Also there is a more protective armor set that you will be encountering in a short bit as you continue the storyline so you might want to save up a bit for that one before you get the silent armor set

Ahhh gotcha! I didn't know that's where the character Shiek came from! Shhhh eeeek ah!! Got it! thank you! Lol I must have missed talking to him or I don't remember XD

I wonder what it tastes like too!!

You totally should! It's super helpful having lots of weapons early in the game

---------- Post added 05-16-2017 at 02:49 PM ----------

Also I saw you got back to the RPs!! I can't wait to go and look!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 11:34 PM

Yeah but most importantly the satisfaction of having crowns on everything, including the door to the level.

Here you go:

The one on the right is Brooks and on the left Bento. Brooks is kind of a calmer cuddle boy, think momma's boy, and then Bento is the wild child as my dad calls him, he's always running around trying to get his brother to play. XD

What does luminous stone look like? I have been wondering if I should sell my ambers and things or keep them for something. Oh! And I defeated my first boss up on the plateau! I was actually really proud of myself because my friend tried to do it and totally failed but I went in like a fucking boss and took names!!! It was totally awesome!!!

Yep! Sheik is Zelda in disguise! In the earlier Smash Bros game you could actually transform from one to another but then in the latest game they separated the two characters.

I definitely get frustrated about the weapons. I was just getting used to fighting with my shield and now all I find is two handed weapons I can't use the shield with... :/

Yep! I was kind of bored at work today.

I need help... I bought my sister the Litten deck because she is showing interest in pokemon. I'm wondering, do you think I should make a special weak deck to fight her with (which would be difficult because I have no good trainer cards left), or just take a deck I already have made that has more powerful cards and just go easy on her? Do you think I should let her win? I don't have much experience playing with a younger crowd like you do. >.<

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-17-2017, 12:22 AM

LOL! 100% the game!

OH MY GOD!! That's so adorable!! These guys are like puppy puppies!! ROFL! That's sweet XD I like my dogs cuddly but then active pups are fun too XD They are so hard to tell apart too!!

Luminous stone glows greenish blue at night. so if you climb up some place in the evening and look around on the sides of mountains and in nooks and crannies, you'll see some rocks glowing. I think there is a cave to the east of kakariko viliage that has some luminous stone. It's north up off the road if my memory serves and there is some luminous stone there. Without giving too much away, I can say that there are some uses for gemstones later in the game but it will be a while before you get there and you'll have plenty of opportnities to get more by then XD haha! Good job! What kind of boss was it?

I have so many Zelda questions that I want to ask but can't yet XD How many towers/regions do you have unlocked so far?

Ah that's cool! I like that transform ability! I guess they could give each of them some more personality and differnt fighting skills with separating them though.

Hah! lol! I forgot how sparse and weak the weapons are in the beginning of the game XD You can still preform the same dodge moves with two handed weapons though so it shouldn't be too differnt How many Shrines have you gotten now?

ROFL! XD Well I will have to go read them tonight XD

I would just say, take a deck you have but go easy on her. like make stupid mistakes and stuff. I tried to go a little easy on the kids when they first played. after a while they actually got pretty good and they beat me fair and square a couple of times! But definitly you should let her win the first one XD I let the kids win a few times and I think it helps boost their confidence XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-17-2017, 12:33 AM

I will darn it!

I can't wait to meet them! It's hard to tell them apart from their heads but from behind it's easy. Bento has a brown bum and Brooks' is white.

Gotcha. I don't like going around much at night. It's dark and there are skeletons around... :/ It was the rock one up in the first area.

I've only been in the main area and the one with Kakariko Village. I strayed briefly into another one but not far at all and headed back once I realized I wandered off the wrong way. Only two towers so far.

Yeah, she was a pretty interesting character. Zelda had magic but Shiek was very fast/agile.

I'm one away from getting my second heart or stamina thing. I'm not sure which to choose. I'm leaning towards stamina since I took a heart last time.

You haven't read them yet?!

Sounds like a good idea. I wasn't really in the mood to make another deck anyway. I kind of want to take my main fairy/grass deck because I never get to play with that one but I'm not sure that's the greatest idea because it has all the fancy cards she will probably be jealous of.. I could take the new fire/electric deck I made, that way there shouldn't be so much of a type advantage. But...fairy cards... V_V What do you think?

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-17-2017, 01:00 AM

I believe it! XD

ROFL! Bento had a dirty butt! XD hahaha! That's so cute! You're making me want a puppy!!

Oh gotcha! The Stone Talos? Where exactly did you find it? I was all over that plateau and I never found a Stone Talos up there... ALSO... Night time isn't so bad! Don't be so afraid! Did you know if you headshot all the skeletons with an arrow they will poof? That way you don't have to bother with destroying their bodies first

XD ahh gotcha! You gotta go get more towers!! I ended up doing a lot of exploring into the unknown regions cause I couldn't get to the towers straight away. So did you talk with Impa yet? You gotta tell me the stages of the game you are at so I know what I can talk about without giving anything away! lol!

Ah gotcha! That's pretty niffty! I don't play either of them in the Wii-U smash bros cause I can't win with their fighting style lol

Hearts are really helpful but too, I think I took a stamina vessel pretty early on. it's so helpful when climbing. Also, Restless crickets... cut down grass whenever you can and grab as many of those as you can. You can put them in your food or in with monster parts and make elixers. They will allow you to climb or glide or swim further cause they replenish your stamina wheel! So if you are about to run out on the way up a mountain and have some of those cooked up you can stop and eat and then keep going!

SHEESH!! I just read them!! Oh my gosh!! I read SWTOR first XD lolol! That's gonna be fun to reply to! And then Pokemans was good too I'm curious to see what I'll make Carl do! I didn't think of bringing out my pokemon to feed them either!

If your fairy deck has your Sylveon in it then don't take it. You'll make her cry with Echoed Voice... for reals I'm not sure which would be better. It might be fun to show off the fancy cards and that might make her want to get into it more! But at the same time, if you are gonna crush her with the deck maybe not such a good idea lol XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-17-2017, 11:09 AM

But you already have a puppy, lol!

Yeah, the stone talos. It's in the forest of spirits:

Ignore the red circle that is obviously not in the forest of spirits, lol. I actually found it accidentally wandering around the forest. I came to a glad where there were rocks with mushrooms growing off of them and it was all like a scene from The Lord of the Rings "ooh mushrooms!!!"

Anyway, as I was picking the mushrooms the rocks started moving and the boss came out and I was like fraaaak I'm gonna die!!! So I ran the hell away. XD But then I came back to PWN it later before going down to the next area and did it like a boss. *puffs out my chest*

I still need to talk to Impa. I got distracted exploring around the peeks above Kakariko Village last night. I found a cave with a huge stash which was totally awesome! And I saw a watcher down in the lake below. Have you fought one yet? I decided to be brave and try to float down to a shrine down there despite the watcher roaming about and some really fast lizard things that I ran away from but once I got to the shrine I wasn't actually sure how to do it and ended up teleporting back to Kakariko. I spent pretty much all my rupies to open the fairy fountain. Holy big lady that fairy looks like a pimped out hooker. XD

I haven't done a whole lot with the elixers. I've made a few but eh... I've been mostly just running around and haven't really needed to use them yet. Thanks for the tip though!

Hehe! The Star Wars one was short but I thought it could be fun. And Carl is such a jerk! Doesn't care about feeding his poor pokemon...

I decided to take the fire electric deck because I haven't been able to try it yet and I think that way there should be no type advantage which will make things easier. Hopefully we will have some fun with it!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-17-2017 at 07:32 PM..


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