View Poll Results: What kind of art do you like best?
Drawing 15 41.67%
Painting 6 16.67%
Photography 1 2.78%
Graphic Design 3 8.33%
Sculpture 2 5.56%
Sewing 5 13.89%
Ceramics 1 2.78%
Other 3 8.33%
Voters: 36. You may not vote on this poll

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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 04:46 PM

So... I've been on this site for quite awhile now and just realized that I've never really been to this forum! It's pretty dispicable of me since I really love art... T_T

Anyway... The first thing I noticed was that almost everything seems to be about drawing! I know drawing is probably the way that most people use their artistic ability... Probably because it's the most convenient? At the most basic level all you really need is something to write with and something to draw on after all...

But... There are so many other kinds of art! Take for example: photography, sculpture, painting, graphic design, etc.

So what about you? What is your favorite type of art and why? Do you like to actually make that kind or maybe you just like to admire it?

As for me... I started out doing mostly drawing but now I've found that I'm more interested in hands-on kind of art. I just took a semester of ceramics and absolutely loved it! I've also gotten into making odd little critter plushies for friends and family though I haven't really made one in a little while...

\ (•◡•) /
Sarasvati is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 05:50 PM

I think drawing just might be one of the easiest art mediums to get into without spending a lot of money. CGs are similar, since you can get decent programs for free. I agree that it has to do with the accessibility of the materials. Also, here on Mene, most people offer drawing commissions, as it's easy, not as time consuming as some of the other mediums, and not too costly.

Take printmaking, for example. You have the cost of the press, press 'blankets', acids, proper basins for the acid baths, a glass surface (table or counter) for inking, and a soaking sink for papers of large sizes. That isn't even all of what you need, and that' s before the actual materials for printmaking are factored in! Then you have to make sure the space is suitable, including a vent hood for the nitric acid fumes.

It's also a lot of physical work, after putting three or so hours into printmaking I would just crash when I got home. As much as I love making etchings, I know that unless I have a class where I have access to a printmaking lab again, I won't be making further plates. Especially when you're paying at least 13 USD for a good quality metal plate. Plastic drypoints are a different matter entirely, but you lose your image so quickly (only ten prints in and you usually start to lose it -_-). That, and it's fun playing with nitric acid. >8D

I'm a painter at heart, despite dabbling with a lot of mediums. Even though my work is illustration-oriented, I just enjoy mucking around with paint. I've recently played around with clay, something I haven't done since elementary school, and enjoyed it immensely. I'm scared of firing stuff though. xD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 06:01 PM

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, about the costliness anyway. ^^; Most people can afford colored pencils and paper where oil pants and canvases are another story entirely...

And I hear you about printmaking... I haven't tried it myself but I had a friend who was in printmaking and it wounded like a lot of work. It looked really fun though I don't think I'll end up trying it. ^^;

What kinds of paint do you usually like to use? Or do you like them all? I'm really not much of a painter but I think watercolors at the most fun to play around with... ^^;

Ciroen is offline
Old 05-28-2008, 12:08 AM

I agree, pencil and paper drawing is one of the least expensive forms; I mean, how much does it actually cost to grab a piece of copy paper and a mechanical pencil? But colored pencils aren't cheap for me, my prismacolors cost me a bundle, and I keep losing them. >w<

My favorite type would have to be computer graphics, but I also like drawing with pastels and painting--when I have the time for them. I also do origami? I think that counts as art. xD I'm not that talented in paper folding, though,I only know the basics like starts, boats, cranes...and the like.

I'm not good at photography, but I do admire talented photographers, both their ability to use perspective to make the ordinary into something amazing, and their patience. I can't imagine how long it would take to get that perfect shot, especially when they have a fast-moving model--like an insect, or bird.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-10-2008, 10:18 PM

Yeah... Colored pencils can get really expensive if you get the good ones but not everyone really does that... I've never had prismacolors because they're just too expensive for me... I know it's kind of kid-like but I still love Crayola brand stuff... ^^;

I also do origami... I only have a few forms completely memorized though... There's two different versions of the crane that I can do, a frog, a swan, and a few other ones... My mom got me a calendar that teaches you how to make different ones each day though... It helps me practice a lot but there's too many for me to memorize them all... ^^;

As for photography... I'm with you on that one... I love taking pictures but I don't really think I'm much of a photographer either... T_T

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-10-2008 at 10:21 PM..

Some Random Randomness
Absolutely Malignificient King o...
Some Random Randomness is offline
Old 06-11-2008, 06:43 PM

I recently started copic markers. Those are expensive. O.<
I spent almost 100 dollars on them, and only have about 20 markers!
Not to factor in that you should use marker paper and everything. It can be even more expensive than a lot of other crafts, such as sculpting, painting (depending on what type) and sewing.

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Jenn_heart is offline
Old 06-11-2008, 10:17 PM

I agree with you all. pencils and papers are pretty cheap. And I love sketching, but I also like painting. Oils mostly( trying water color, but it's not relly working). It's a lot more expensive, and I don't have the time to go and re-wet all my paintbrushes whereas I can regularily doodle at school.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-13-2008, 12:02 AM

@ Randomness: Hm... I don't think I've heard of those... There were these markers that I used in my design class once... They really bled a lot? But it was so they wouldn't end up looking quite so liney? Are they kind of like that? I totally believe you though... Those markers cost a fortune... It was a good thing I only had to buy like five of them... In order to get a set of... Maybe like 20ish I guess it's like $75.00! Yikes!

Some Random Randomness
Absolutely Malignificient King o...
Some Random Randomness is offline
Old 06-13-2008, 10:12 AM

They're 5 dollars a piece. But no, they don't bleed a lot, and you are suppose to buy special marker pads to make sure they use less ink and don't bleed. Also it makes their colours stand out.

They're quite popular, and I've read on the internet about people in America who can't find them anywhere, at any of the art stores they go to. Luckily I found this tiny little boutique in my town that sells them!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-13-2008, 03:06 PM

Hm... Then those definitely weren't the ones I was thinking about... Although they were expensive they weren't quite $5 each... I've definitely never heard of those then...

And wow... That's really lucky! I love when things like that happen... ^^;

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 06-14-2008, 03:19 AM

see i like to draw and what not but mostly with pen or pencil and on paper or in the paint program any microsoft computer offers

AlikaMorein is offline
Old 06-14-2008, 04:48 AM

I boo on your poll! XD I couldn't decide since I love half of the arts you put up there.

I love Drawing, Painting, Graphic Design, Sewing, and Ceramics. Heck! even cooking is an art. But most arts in general are expensive. Materials cost.

But also I think that you see drawing more often because it is an easy medium to display online. You never get the full effect of a painting unless you see it in person. The brushstrokes, all the work and detail. It all gets washed when put into a digital format. You never see every detail of a sculpture from a photo, you can see the perfection of a well made seam, you can't smell the aroma of a fresh baked pie. It all loses its value when made digital.

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jupiter is offline
Old 06-15-2008, 05:31 AM

I love all sort of art. From the opera to ballet, painting, sculpture, photography, even cooking. Life is an art when you see it.

sorastar8 is offline
Old 06-24-2008, 03:36 AM

I love Drawing, Painting, Graphic Design, Sewing, and Ceramics I love all of them and much more i have ben drawing since i was a kid :angel::shock:

Zer0 is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 08:24 PM

I like pretty much every form of art. That also includes music, architecture, dance etc.
Anything that is created. I won't say i like everything i see, i just appreciate it that people create.

I like the things that are inspiring, that are new and refreshing. Breaking cliches and breaking the limits of our minds.
But i mostly captured by high skilled illustration. It can really blow my mind.

As for myself, i am creative and i like to make illustrations. But i also love to make photos. Or just randomly make things of different materials. I have periods that i work with different things. Like stone, plaster, fabrics, different sort of paint, paper...really anything that i can use to create something. And not everything works out. Most of my works are experimental, but i am learning on my own.
I'm so tired i forgot what else i wanted to say haha..oh well

cairnina is offline
Old 06-27-2008, 05:44 PM

Hmm, I love drawing, painting (oil and water), sewing, ceramic, decoupage and what I have done mostly the last years is making pictures with fabric.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 06-27-2008, 06:02 PM

oh goodness, I love paper/pencil drawings, I love doing ceramics too, but haven't been able to since high school. and charcoal drawings and photography. ^^;; I just wish I had more time to do it!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-29-2008, 07:27 PM

@ Melody: I hear you there! I never seem to have enough time to get what I want done wither... Especially art... T_T I'm not able to work on my ceramics while I'm here at home because I just don't have the means but I do have this special kind of clay that never dries so you can continue to mold it endlessly... I've ben wanting to make some things with it to give me ideas for pots and things to make when I go back to school but I just haven't seemed to be able to get around to it... >.<

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 06-30-2008, 12:18 AM

zigbig- it sucks when you have the will but not the time! D:

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Guivre is offline
Old 11-26-2008, 10:03 PM

I like illustration as well. There is something magical about pairing art with words. Or from words, even.

I love to paint, but that encompasses so many media. I use everything, even if I don't like it that much, it is good for something. For example, I dislike acrylic, but I still use it for a fast drying first glaze over my drawing on board.

One day I will get back into pastel painting also, though I haven't done it for years. It used to be because of allergies, but now they have newer better pastels that don't aggravate them. Now it's just a matter of space as pastels are very fussy to store. I would need another corner of a studio, or even a small separate studio.

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leasfy is offline
Old 11-28-2008, 08:38 AM

I love drawing and music the most. Music can be considered as art too right? :D
Recently I did some photography with a friend of mine. He was really careful in setting up the light,zoom and stuff like that. It was actually pretty much interesting! Music is something that everyone love. Well II think the majority of people are. A friend of mine doing music at university and I never realise that music is more than a singing and lyric too xD

Aeternaexe is offline
Old 12-10-2008, 06:19 PM

Drawing the method I feel most comfortable with, especially as I almost always have some pencils and a piece of paper on me at one point or another. having said that, I adore working watercolours.

Recently, though I'm not certain as to whether it constitutes art, I've been making jewellery. I absolutely love! Anyone can do it, and the sense of pride from making something I can wear is always good. And anyone can do it, too, which is always good :D

Kay is offline
Old 02-21-2009, 05:53 PM

There are many kinds of arts. I sew. I'm still a beginner in sewing, but I have made a few projects so far. I've made a few quilts, a tree skirt for the Christmas tree, a bag, and I am at the moment, waiting for a pattern I ordered for a husky plushie. after I make the husky plushie, I plan on editing the pattern to make a wolf plushie next. ^___^ I <3 wolves.

Claudia is offline
Old 02-21-2009, 09:04 PM

You make a good point.
Personally I used to hardly ever draw and I did a lot of sculpture because I was fascinated with toy designs. So I've gone from toy designs to cartoons..
The main factor of why I moved is space. My place is so cluttered up with careers and hobbies. when I get a home, I will return to sculpture.

So overall I'm guessing space is an issue for others as well. A sculpture setup takes far more space then a drawing setup. It can be crammed in and a sculpture setup can't.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 09:17 PM

I'm more of a crafty/art person.
I am actually folding lucky stars right now.
I like to sew quilts, clothing, and plushies. I am also really big on sewing cat ears.

I like it because I'm not very good at drawing and I like how the more crafty stuff is more hands on.
Right now I am looking around for more ideas because I got an artist table at an anime convention and plan on selling this kind of stuff there. I'm looking into hand puppets.


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