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the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 12-15-2013, 10:09 PM

Updates on the day and character locations will be posted in the OOC thread.

About the Story
Moonhaven and Sunnyvale are sister towns. Sometimes they have their differences, but they still help each other out any time the other is in need. Any festival is a festival they share. Both have equally large town forums: one is round while the other is square, facilitating different festivals.

Moonhaven and Sunnyvale are connected by the crystal cavern. Sunnyvale is in the east, and Moonhaven is in the west. Further out on both sides of the towns are the resident farmer's land. To the south of both towns is a large body of water with a long beach. To the north of Sunnyvale is a forest, where people can chop down trees to use for material and hunt some wild game. To the north of Moonhaven is the mountains, where you can find caves to mine materials, hunt other wild game, collect various ingredients, and find some hot springs.

Every 1 day within the RP will take up 15 real world days. So the 15th and 30th of every month will mark the day change, and everyone's post on or after that day will include them going to sleep. You're 2nd post afterwards will mark a new day for your character.

I do realize this would make 1 month in Harvest Moon time take over a year, which is why we only RP 1 week of Harvest Moon at a time, and do time skips to the next event we decide on.

For Example:
If we started the RP on December 15th, and in game would start on Spring the 4th. It's 7 days until the Spring Flower's Festival on Spring the 10th. So we'd all RP Spring the 4th until December the 30th. Around December the 25th, we'd make sure we were all at or getting to the place we're gonna sleep at. On/after the 30th of December, the next post we all make will mention something about us going to bed at the end. The next post we each make after that one will talk about what we all are doing on Spring the 5th.

The time it takes for each day may change, depending on how everyone is feeling about if they had enough time for that day.

  • Be descriptive, at least a paragraph.
  • Human characters only.
  • If the job you want isn't on the list, run it by me and we can possible work it in.
  • No killing.
  • Please make use of our NPC's, but do not make them do anything that isn't part of their character summary.
  • Only one job per Roleplayer, but your welcome to be a farmer on the side, and have a family of characters as well.
  • If you get bored of the RP and want to quit, tell me and we can arrange for your character to leave town within a post or 2.
  • Please be able to post within a reasonable amount of time. Tell us if there's extenuating circumstances.

How to Join!
Go to OOC thread, and see directions there.

Last edited by Libra; 01-08-2014 at 12:07 AM..

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 12-15-2013, 10:31 PM

Current Jobs

Sunnyvale Jobs
  • Innkeeper
  • General Store Owner/Cashier (SuperZombiePotatoe)
  • Blacksmith
  • Doctor + Nurse
  • Chef (DragonRose215) + Waiter/Waitress
  • Mayor
  • Young Farmer 1 (ClariusFlorina)

Moonhaven Jobs
  • Bartender (silvergamer)
  • Craftsman/Architect
  • Livestock Salesperson (Bre)
  • Bait & Tackle Shop Owner
  • Witch/Wizard? (zigbigadorlube)
  • Traveling Merchant
  • Young Farmer 2

Current Roleplayers

Originally Posted by ClariusFlorina View Post
Name: Leo
Job: Young Farmer
Appearance or Picture:
Preferred Outfit: You'll often see him wearing his blue baseball cap anytime he's working on the farm. You'll also find him in his typical plaid shirt with rolled up sleeves underneath his jean overalls and working boots. When he does clean up and hit up the towns, you'll find him in dark jeans, a nice button up shirt, and a brown cowboy hat and boots.
Age: 17
Birthday: Autumn 14
Personality: Leo has a short fuse and a bad temper. He often finds himself in fights with anyone that makes fun of him. He's a gentleman to the ladies, but with anyone else who isn't his friend he finds himself getting offended quite easily.
Other Information: Leo grew up helping his grandmother on the farm every summer. Now that his grandma is suffering from dementia and isn't able to get around so easily, he has volunteered to run the farm. The townsfolk had always been nice to him, so he knows they'll help him if something bad were to happen.
Originally Posted by SuperZombiePotatoe View Post

Name: Frederick. Known to everyone as Freddie
Job: Shop owner
Appearance or Picture:
Preferred Outfit: Black slacks, light shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black glasses. He likes dressing preppy but comfortable. On special occasions, he dons a blazer and very shiny shoes (only because he polishes them so much). Freddie can't do without his glasses.
Age: 20
Birthday: Winter 17
Personality: Freddie gentle and calm, he doesn't like confrontations and can be shy at times. He, like his great aunt Evelyn, is a good listener, but tends to be more kind and subtle in his opinions. Also, Freddie is a firm believer in hard work and, due to the fact that he is very responsible, can be counted on to get a job done once he's put his mind to it.
Other Information: Freddie took over the general store after his great aunt. She felt that she had been around for a long time, given it everything she had and it was now time for "new blood to flow through it's veins." Freddie is proud and protective of the store and does his best to keep customers happy and the store in it's best condition.
Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Name: Elise
Job: Witch
Appearance or Picture: Elise
Preferred Outfit: Grey peasant dress with a corset and striped stockings. She wears an apron when doing dirty work and in bad weather she dons a cloak and boots (rather than her customary Mary Janes) to protect her from the elements.
Age: 23
Birthday: Winter 11
Personality: Elise is the youngest of a long line of female magicians. She is an intelligent and talented magician but extremely forgetful and often clumsy, much like her grandmother Olga. As her grandmother is getting on in years, Elise has come to Moonhaven to take over the position of Resident Witch. She often tries to use her magic to help others, and thought she means well, her spells sometimes go awry…
Other Information: Her fiery red hair seems to have a mind of it’s own. No matter how much she brushes it or how well she ties it back, it’s always coming loose and getting in her way.
Originally Posted by silvergamer View Post
Name: Annalise "Anna"
Job: Bartender
Appearance or Picture:
Preferred Outfit: Anna tends to wear anything that is comfortable. If it fits, she'll wear it. Since she doesn't like heat much, she's normally seen in tank-tops and shorts on hot days. When it's colder, she'll don a sweater and some jeans.
Age: 19
Birthday: Autumn 8
Personality: A very talkative and fun girl. She loves adventure, whether reading it in a book, or daring to do something crazy. She loves trying new things and seeing new places. When she goes on one of her endeavors, she tends to drag people along with her. She is very friendly, and has a nice sense of humor. The downside? She can talk, and talk, and talk! She forgets sometimes to let other people talk too. She doesn't mean to be rude, it just happens.
Other Information: Anna loves music. She is able to play a variety of instruments. Her dream one day is to play in front of lots of people. She also has family far away from Moonhaven, who send her letters often.
Originally Posted by DragonRose215 View Post
Name: Amara Spencer
Job: Chef
Appearance or Picture:
Preferred Outfit: Outfit
Age: Twenty-Two
Birthday: Spring 12th
Personality: Bubbly, outgoing, cheerful, kind.
Other Information: She considers herself to be a cheerful, fun loving girl. Who in their right mind doesn't like to get out of the house, break away from all of the hum drum of the every day work life and just let loose once in a while? Well.. Anyways, she loves my job. Cooking and running the Café is her passion. Even in her spare time she usually can be found in the kitchen working on a new recipe. Some people have said that she is obsessed with her work, but that isn't true. When you do something you love, how is it work? How can you not spend your time learning new things about your passion? She easily side tracked! Besides that, she is usually kind and caring, unless someone pushes the right buttons.. Then, well.. You better hope she doesn't a frying pan or sharp knife in in hand.. Who knows what accidents may happen in the kitchen?
Originally Posted by Bre View Post
Name: Jalen
Job: Livestock Sales man (Moonhaven)
Appearance or Picture: Jalen is tall and lanky, or that is what his baggy clothes would have you assume. He actually is a fit man, which one would have to be to do the work that he does. His arms and chest are chiselled from a life of working while his hands and feet are calloused for the same reason. His hair is dirty blonde, either naturally so or from all the dirt he collects from being around the animals all day. He has no family, and no one to impress so he wears stubble all along his jaw and chin. His eyes are a bright and icy blue which is appropriate considering his personality.
Preferred Outfit: He wears a dusty old sweater that at one point was bright orange but now mimics a carrot that has just come from the dirt. Beneath that he keeps it simple with a white thin strapped shirt covered by the overalls that hold up his over-sized slacks. Large black working boots complete the ensemble and really add an heir of ‘ I don’t give a crap’.
Age: Twenty seven
Birthday: August
Personality: Jalen isn’t a bad man; he is just…set in his ways. Some people think that they can change him, but those people clearly have not spent enough time around Jalen. He is a stubborn man and unwilling to change his ways for anyone, including the new folks that seemed to be cropping up here and there. He has opinions and he is not afraid to share them but mostly he keeps his mouth shut. But people need animals and he is the livestock dealer so he is mostly cordial, able to offer jobs to new comers and offer bits of advice when needed, if he is feeling up to it. At such a young age one might wonder why he seems so crass, but Jalen has no past to speak of in the community. He sort of just up and appeared one day, claiming to sell and train animals that needed selling and training. He offers good prices though and so really, not many questioned him upon his arrival. He lives day to day, experiencing what he experiences and trying to keep his business afloat in the process.
Other Information: Jalen sells cows, horses, chickens, sheep and goats and can order special animals at request and for a price. He has a shepherd to help herd his animals. Her name is Dee.

Last edited by Libra; 01-08-2014 at 12:08 AM..

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 12-15-2013, 11:19 PM

Current Volume

In RP Dates: Spring 4-10
Approximate Date of End of Current Volume: March 31, 2014

The flower festival is on Spring the 10th. Everyone is all a buzz getting ready for it! It has been decided for the Flower Festival to take place in Sunnyvale, and Abraham is very excited about having it in his town!

Past Volumes

Last edited by Libra; 12-15-2013 at 11:33 PM..

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 12-16-2013, 12:15 AM


Leo had woken up pretty early on this spring day to do his usual farming duties. He fed the chickens: Liley, Miley, and Kylie; the cows: Mary and Barry; and cleaned up some more of the farm. He had only been on the farm for the past 3 days, today was his 4th day tending to everything by himself. It was kind of a drag to spend New Year's Eve and New Years Day packing up his stuff and moving to the farm, but he knew it meant a lot to his family.

He found a letter in his mailbox talking about the Flower Festival that was going to take place in 7 days at the Sunnyvale Town Square. He wanted to do something that would help the towns people for it, but he didn't have any flower seeds to grow some of those...

Leo was still standing next to Mary's stall in the barn, and his train of thought was derailed by the cow's big tongue.

"EWWW! Mary!" Leo took out his red bandanna and wiped the cow slobber off his cheek, though it didn't feel like he got it all off. "Why'd you have to do that!?" It was a good thing he was alone on the farm, or else someone would find it very weird that he was yelling at the cow. All Mary replied with was a "moo". He had an idea of what she wanted: to graze.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-16-2013, 09:13 AM


It was 7 o' clock and Freddie had just flipped the sign on the door from closed to open. He had woken up earlier and had attended to the stock that had arrived the day before, so now all there was to do was wait for customers. In his hand he held a cup of coffee, one of his great aunt's favourite blends. He'd taken over the shop from her 3 days ago, but already beginning to feel like had been doing it for a while. That probably came form the fact that he grew up around the shop. It was home for him.

A few people walked passed the shop, but no one came in. Maybe today would be an easy day. You never knew, though, things could turn around when you least expected. Hopefully he wouldn't get any fussy customers, Freddie didn't like those sorts, they made him nervous. The other day, a lady had a tantrum because he had brown eggs and not white ones. Then, he had become so flustered that he knocked his glasses off and spent 15 minutes crawling around on the floor searching for them. The memory made him cringe.

He sat behind the counter and read through the mail, slowly sipping on the coffee. There was a letter from his cousin (who lived quiet a while away from Sunnyvale), a few bills and another announcing the Flower festival. Now there was a treat! The town was bound to be done up beautifully and everyone would be working together to make it happen. Smiling to himself, Freddie decided to help out with the decorations. He was good with those sort of things. If he had a green thumb he would've grown some flowers, but he wasn't so lucky. Yes, he would go to the Mayor as soon as he got a chance and offer his services.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-17-2013, 03:06 AM

“Mmm…” Elise groaned at the noise of birds chirping outside of her window. Did the birds chirp this loudly at mother’s? Elise couldn’t recall exactly but it definitely seemed like the birds in Moonhaven were much more talkative than back at home. Grunting, Elise tried to roll over but instead only managed to spill out of the tiny cot and onto the floor. Fortunately the blankets she had wrapped herself in were dragged down with her and Elise seriously considered just laying there until she fell back asleep. The various chirps and twitters outside her window convinced her otherwise.

Sighing, Elise dragged herself off of the floor and shuffled over to her tiny kitchen. Since grandma had moved back home to live with Mother, Elise had the place all to herself. It wasn’t much but she was excited to be out on her own. Putting the kettle on for some tea, Elise drummed her fingers on the countertop impatiently until the water was hot enough. Once it was ready, she seated herself at the worn wooden table, and without waiting for her beverage to cool, Elise began peeling apart a day old biscuit and dunking the slightly hardened chunks into the hot liquid before ingesting them. Mother would have a fit…

Once she was finished with her meager breakfast, Elise dressed and did her best to tie back her unruly red hair. She wanted to be presentable for her first real outing. Her hair had other plans however and eventually Elise gave up trying to smoosh down the bits that stuck up here or there. Retrieving her staff from where it was propped next to the door, Elise exited the house and took a big breath of fresh air. Today would be a nice day she decided and without bothering to check her mailbox, she set out to discover her new home town.

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
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Old 12-19-2013, 12:13 AM

How is it possible to already be receiving bills even though she had only moved here a few days ago? Anna sighed as she flipped through the mail from today. There was a bill that made her head hurt, a letter from her older sister, and a letter from the town. She tore open the town letter. Quickly scanning it, she got a basic idea of what it said. A flower festival in a week. How nice. That sounded like fun.

She opened up the letter from her sister, Rosaline. She sat down on a bench outside while she read it.

Dear Annalise,

It's been different since you've been gone. By the time you've received this, you will probably have been there for about four days. Maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, we've all missed you. It was hard having you gone from the New Years Party. Uncle Al was drunk, again. He went on and on about how good it was of you to take over the bar for him. I guess he didn't like living in Moonhaven. I hope you like it there. I'll have to come visit you sometime. He went on about it being too quiet. I doubt it will be quiet anymore with you around.

Mom sends her best wishes, and so does Grandpa. Make sure to send word back to us soon. We all want to know what it's like. Make sure to tell me if there are any cute guys there. Maybe I'll come too.

Miss you, ~Rosaline.

Anna smiled at the letter, rolling her eyes at the last few sentences. Maybe she would go on about a cute guy so her sister would move here with her. Anna stuffed the mail in a drawer and decided to go on a walk. There were a few hours before she needed to open the shop, so she had time.

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 04:00 AM


After securing the gates, he started walking towards Sunnyvale. He wanted to go find Abraham, the mayor, so he could offer his help and find out what he could do for the Flower Festival.

Leo made his way along the main strip. Usually Abraham was out and about at this time of the morning, whether that meant taking a stroll in the forest or making his daily rounds of how everyone was doing, that's what he was going to find out.

Off to the side of the road he noticed Dr. Jameson and Brian talking. Well, maybe Brian talking wasn't the best way to describe it. It looked as though Dr. Jameson was talking to Brian. One thing is for sure, Brian didn't look very happy.

"Good morning!" Leo said as he patted Dr. Jameson on the back, "How are you this morning Dr. Jameson?" Leo and Brian nodded at each other, and that's when Leo noticed the large burn on Brian's arm.

"I'm am doing well, apart from worrying about people not taking care of their injuries. Lots of things could happen to that burn: infection, inflammation, in-"

"I think I get the picture Alaric," Brian interrupted. "Fine, I'll take some ointments."

"Oh splendid! Please come to the office so I can get that all together for you!" Brian didn't look as excited as Dr. Jameson.

Leo and the doctor smiled, and as Brian and Dr. Jameson turned, Leo said "Before you guys go, have you seen Abraham today?"

Dr. Jameson adjusted his glasses, and looked off into the distance. "I seem to remember seeing him walking into the general store, perhaps check there?"

Leo agreed that it would be a good idea, and exchanged goodbyes with the two of them before walking off towards the general store.

Last edited by Libra; 12-19-2013 at 04:03 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 02:46 AM

Elise wandered aimlessly, still not quite familiar with the layout of Moonhaven. She hadn’t really ventured out much since arriving but today seemed like the perfect day to do it. The young witch hummed to herself as she walked. There were a few other people out and about but they seemed to be concentrating on their own morning tasks and Elise left them to it. There would be plenty of time to get to know everyone without bothering them first thing in the morning…

Something colorful caught her eye and after a moment Elise realized that the lovely shade of blue she saw was actually a young woman’s hair. Excited to see someone her age, Elise picked up her pace to catch up with the other girl. “Hello there!” she said almost too eagerly, “I couldn’t help but notice your super cute blue hair!” Elise smiled, “My name is Elise by the way, I’m new in town…” Blushing slightly, at her outburst, the young woman pushed back some of her fallen red locks and waited to see how the other girl would react to her greeting.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 06:14 AM


"... five boxes of streamers, two green, one blue, one pink and one yellow; fifty balloons... are you sure fifty is enough, Mr. Mayor?" Freddie, pen in hand, looked up at the Mayor, who was leaning on the opposite side of the counter.

"Yes, yes, we have some left over from the last festival," said the Mayor as he adjusted his white wig. The Mayor was a strange man when it came to dress tastes, they were old fashion. In fact, they were almost ancient! But, that never bothered one much. He was a good Mayor, always kept the town in good shape and order and for that his small oddity could be over-looked.

Freddie returned to the list he was making of various decorations that were needed for the Spring festival. " Fifty balloons and... two packets of confetti."
He ran down the list silently to himself. He had the habit of double checking everything, just in case there was a mess-up. Some people called it fussy, Freddie called it efficiency.

" Right," said Freddie as he straightened up and pushed his glasses up his nose," I'll send out the order asap." Noticing the slightly confused look on the older man's face he corrected," As soon as possible, heh. Now, are you sure there's nothing else, sir?"

The Mayor picked up his cane from the counter and smiled warmly," I'm sure there isn't, but if there is I'll let you know. Relax a bit, Freddie. It will do you good." Somehow, Freddie knew that the Mayor was right, but he also that it would take some practice... hours of it.

Freddie rubbed the back of his neck."I'll try to. But, speaking of relaxing... Seeing that I'm already ordering all these decorations, Mr. Mayor, I wouldn't mind helping to set them up. I'm good with those th-" He was cut off.
" Yes! Excellent idea, Freddie. We're always looking for a young take on things... how's your great aunt, by the way?"
" Oh, um, she's doing well. Enjoying her vacation as only she can."
" Give her my regards the next time you write, yes? Such a spritely woman." The Mayor turned to leave, but stopped suddenly. " Oh, here comes our new"
" Leo," added Freddie.
" Yes, that right. Do you know him, Fred?"
" Oh, um, yes in a way. We've met once or twice."

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 12-20-2013 at 10:59 AM..

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 12-21-2013, 04:40 PM

Although a little surprised by the girl's outburst, Anna laughed. "Hi Elise, I'm Anna." She pushed back some of her hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I get that a lot, would you believe me if I said it was natural?" She looked at the other girl, noticing the other's hair as well. Really red, and really wild.

"I think your hair is cool too. It's kinda wild. I like that." When she mentioned being new here, Anna got excited. "Oh, I'm new here too! Only been here a few days."

"I was going to go on a walk and get a feel for the town, wanna join me?"

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 12-21-2013, 06:00 PM


Looking through the windows, he saw both Abraham and Freddie inside. As he walked in, he put on a friendly smile. "Hello Mayor Abraham, Freddie." Leo nodded at each of them as he said their names, "You're just the people I wanted to see. I know the Spring Flower Festival is next week, and I was curious if there was anything you all needed help with! I'd like to help out any way I can."

Abraham thought about this for a couple moments, and flicked his fingers. "I have an idea, would you be able to help Freddie set up for the festival?"

"That sounds like a great idea! Even with coming here every summer, I never really got to know Freddie that much--"

"Oh look at the time," Leo hadn't even notice Abraham take out his pocket watch. He quickly put it away and walked towards the door with his cane in hand. "Looks like I'm late meet Greta for our afternoon tea. You all take care no--" the last word was cut off by the door closing.

Leo watched the door closed, a little confused. After a moment he shrugged, and placed his hands on the back of his neck. "Well, looks like we'll really have the chance to get to know eachother better." As he turned to face Freddie, his elbow caught on a metal stand that had various key chains attached. Before he could put his arms out, the whole thing crashed to the floor.

"Uh... I'm so sorry about that Freddie! Let me help you clean that up!"


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 12:53 AM

Elise scrutinized Anna's hair for a moment. Changing one's hair color was an easy feat with the help of a potion but Anna's hair didn't seem to be caused by magic. If she could successfully brew a calming potion for her own hair she would have used it in a minute. Unfortunately all of her attempts had ended quite badly, especially that one time...

Having quickly come to her conclusion about Anna's natural hair color, Elise said, "Yes, of course I believe you!" Her own hair was naturally quite colorful as well, as Anna pointed out, and Elise blushed under her praise. She had never gotten any compliments on her wild locks and she Elise wasn't quite sure what to say...

Anna saved her the trouble though. "That sounds lovely!" she exclaimed, "I was planning on doing just that on my own but it's always more fun to share your discoveries with someone else. Like that one time when...Oh, sorry..." Elise blushed when she realized she was rambling again, "I tend to get a bit carried away sometimes..."

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 03:30 AM

Anna laughed. "Naaaah, it's okay. In fact, I love it when people get carried away. They tell the best stories." She giggled. "In my old town, most of the stories started with 'remember the time Anna-'" She thought back to all the stupid and hilarious things she did as a kid. All the times she got old guy Robertson to go red in the face from frustration. Stealing lemons from his backyard.

"Ahh, good times." she said aloud. "Anyway, I hear that Moonhaven has some really pretty mountains in Spring, and some hot springs! Wanna go there? Or did you wanna walk around town?" She was told quite often that she was loud and noisy, but what she had in annoyance, she made up for in politeness. She always asked others opinions first.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 05:45 AM


Freddie made a small wave and smiled at Leo. He seemed like a nice guy from the few times they had met, but still, Freddie was always reserved around new people. While Leo and the Mayor talked Freddie turned to small felt board that hung on the wall behind the counter and pinned the list to it. That way he would be able to see it all the time and wouldn't forget. Turning back to the conversation, and hearing what had newly been said, Freddie laughed nervously.
" Oh...well, yes that does seem like a good idea. Things could go much faster than with, you know, just me."

Soon after that, the Mayor left and he and Leo were left alone. What now, start planning? It did seem a bit early, but as that old saying went...
" He's like that," said Freddie noticing Leo's look of confusion," The Mayor, he has a... hard time sticking to a topic. Yeah, that'll be.. swell, heh. OH, WATCH OUT!"
But, it was too late. Key chains littered the floor and their stand lay on it's side.
" Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear," said Freddie as he hurried to the other side of the counter. He'd spent a good hour arranging those key chains by colour and now he had to start all over again. Although it shouldn't have made things worse, Leo gathering things up and just placing them back anyhow made Freddie feel uneasy. He understood the kind gesture, but the chaotic still bugged him.

"Oh it's no trouble... I mind... DON'T mind, I don't mind, heh. Just hook them up anyway... I'll rearrange them properly a bit later... all over again."


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-23-2013, 02:17 AM

Elise smiled when Anna giggled and assured her it was fine. Anna seemed like a pretty cool girl and she was happy to have met her. Maybe she wouldn't have as hard of a time making friends in her new town as she had expected… Before moving to Moonhaven, she had always lived with her parents, and while she loved them, she felt pretty sheltered for it. Now that she was out on her own, she wanted to do her best to make a fresh new start.

“Ooh, hot springs!” Elise sighed longingly before a rather embarrassing thought struck her. “Do you think boys go bathing there too?” she asked nervously, suddenly feeling rather self-conscious. She had never been to a hot spring before and wasn't quite sure what the procedure was. Anna seemed more outgoing and surely wouldn't be as embarrassed about the thought of bathing with the opposite sex as she was.

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 12-29-2013, 02:18 AM


After picking everything back up, Leo decided to take his leave. "Again, I'm sorry!" He said almost running out the door. What a horrible thing to happen. Leo hadn't realized how much of a clumsy oaf he actually was!

For the rest of the day he went around town talking to the townsfolk. He explained to Louie what happened at the general store, and he felt just bad enough for him to send him home with a half priced dinner. It wouldn't help Leo for the rest of the week, but it would get him buy tonight without having to awkwardly show up to buy stuff at Freddie's store until tomorrow at least.

Eventually he went back to his farm. He sat down at his small house on the farm, and looked around. He remembered the place being bigger when he was younger. The farmhouse seemed more like a one bedroom apartment instead of a house. The corner with the futon on it seemed much homey, but now it almost felt small, and cramped. Something caught his eye however, a blue book with gold swirls across the spine. In took a closer look, and flipped through the pages, it used to be his grandfather's diary! He took a seat on his bed, and began reading though it.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 04:25 PM

"No, it's fine... really," but Leo had already left. Freddie hadn't meant to offend him, he always reacted that way when something went wrong. Over-reacting was his horrible habit. He made up his mind to apologise for his behaviour the next time he ran into Leo, which would probably be soon now that they would be working together. All the more reason for them to get along.

It was late in the afternoon now. Freddie doubted that he would receive any more customers, so he decided that it was time to close shop and set up for tomorrow. He set his order book down on the counter, and began writing up the orders for the decorations. But, exhaustion took over and soon he was fast asleep with his head on the book,

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 01-05-2014, 02:04 AM

Anna laughed and held her sides. "You tell me, are there any cute boys even in this town?" She said between giggles. "Cause back in my town all we had were drunks and perverts, so it might be a nice change." She let out a sigh as she caught her breath from laughing. "Now, we better hurry and take a look at it, don't you agree? I have to open the bar soon. I'd hate to open it late on my first day."

The hot springs were enjoyable, as they always were. Anna always loved staying in the water. The only problem was she had a bad sense of time. And this occasion was no exception. "I'm gonna be late!!" she squealed as she finished her bath.

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 12:32 AM


Leo read the diary for a while. Most of it was rather boring: when the best time to plant crops was, which ones got you the most money, various types of fertilizer that made the crops grow faster and juicier. In fact, he didn't find anything fascinating really. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, maybe some way to contact harvest sprites to do some of the work for you? Oh, and you'd have to hit stumps with some magical hammer to draw their attention! That would be insane, he almost wondered if he was for even thinking it.

A knocking sound came from the front door. The sun was just starting to set. He answered, and found the mayor standing outside the door.

"What can I do for you Abraham?" The mayor gave him a questioning look at the book, as if he recognized it. His expression changed as Leo was already putting the book on the stand next to the door.

"My good boy! I would like to invite you to some drinks at the Moonhaven Pub! Well, maybe it has changed names since that beautiful young lady has taken over the place, but we should check it out anyway! Besides, I heard you and Freddie got off to a rough start, and I'm sure getting out would brighten your mood! What? You look confused on how I already--" He patted Leo on the back, "Oh, you know everyone is always talking about everything here! Though, I do believe you need to change into some cleaner clothing. How about this? I'll meet you at the entrance to the Crystal Cavern."

"Bu--" the door had shut before Leo could even say anything. He sighed, and looked at his clothes. He pulled his shirt up a little and was about to sniff it, but decided he would just clean up anyway.

An hour later he met Abraham at the entrance.

"I don't think I've ever been in the Crystal Cavern before..." Leo peered in for a couple moments before noticing Abraham was not next to him anymore. In fact, he had no idea where he went. "Mr. Mayor?" He heard him talking nearby. Leo wondered a bit, and found him talking to Louie. Louie had an excited expression on his face, as well as a suitcase in his hand.

"Well Louie, I hope we can find someone to take up the restaurant soon, not many of us care to cook every night of the week."

"Haha, I'm sure the town is in capable hands! You'll find someone lickety split!" A car horn could be heard in the distance. "Oh! That's my queue! Later Boss!" And with that he tossed the key to Abraham and left without another word.

The mayor walked back to Leo. "Apparently one of his old girlfriends came around asking him to come with her. He always talked about this one girl who got away, so he's hoping he can have a second chance at romance." The mayor took off his hat and held it to his chest. "If I could go back to my glory years..." Abraham looked off into the distance, and stayed just like that until Leo gave him a gentle nudge. "Oh right! On to Moonhaven!"

Last edited by Libra; 01-08-2014 at 12:35 AM..

Bre is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 01:31 AM

The sun shone on his back as he lifted the last of his boxes from the truck. Sweat beaded his sun-kissed forehead and he took a moment to wipe at his brow with the back of his hand.

“At least it’s not raining.” He mumbled to himself while hoisting his box of goods higher on his chest and heading back into his shop. He had set it up nicely, with the goods he was selling listed as he came in and other various tools along the wall. His room was upstairs along with his bed, books and a small television, not that he used it often. It was rather plain but that is how Jalen liked it and he boasted something akin to pride as he set down the last of his things. It had been somewhat of a risk coming here and starting anew. The animals didn’t enjoy the trip and neither did Jalen but now that they were all settled the dream was finally starting to become a reality.

Dee came running in from the open door her white coat already covered in dust from the outside. She ran to his side with her tail wagging, her eyes bright.

“Hey Girl.” Jalen reached down and scratched behind her ears. It seemed Dee was settling nicely as well but really Dee would settle anywhere. Her demeanor rarely changed and he figured she would be the one finding all the entertainment while Jalen cared for the animals and worked the land. She was always such a curious and troublesome pup.

Jalen headed back to his truck and began to close up the hatch. In the field behind his house the horses were whinnying and the cows were calling. No doubt they were curious to their new surroundings, and to be honest so was Jalen, not that his face showed any sign of it.

“Welcome to Moonhaven.” Jalen muttered, taking another look at this land that he was now able to call his own.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 01:37 AM

Elise blushed when Anna brought up the topic of boys--a subject which the other girl seemed to now a bit about. Elise, being mostly inexperienced in that department, was somewhat relieved when the conversation quickly changed and they set off for the hot springs.

The trek up the mountainside was interesting and Elise spotted a number of herbs that would prove useful in her potion as they walked. The hot springs themselves were wonderfully soothing, especially after their short hike up the mountain path. Elise felt somewhat awkward about undressing and bathing with someone she didn't know, but Anna was so easygoing and fun to be around that she quickly forgot about her modesty.

Soon they were so caught up in conversing and speculating about their new home and its inhabitants that they nearly lost track of time. Anna's squeal brought Elise back to reality and she was surprised to realize how much of the day had already passed. The young witch stood and followed Anna to the changing rooms where the two women quickly dressed before beginning their descent down the mountain path and back to town.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 01-08-2014, 08:20 AM


Freddie stood inhis his store, in front of the empty key chain stand. The key chains, only recently knocked off, lay on the floor. The chaos around his feet compelled him to crouch down and begin picking them up one by one. His hand could hold no more than 7 key chains, so he resolved to place those back on the stand first and then return for the rest. The first one he replaced was quite pretty. It was in the shape of a blue daisy with a yellow centre and he admired it with a smile. Then in an instant the daisy key chain was on the floor again, aswell as the others he held in his hand. Although it was very peculiar, Freddie couldn't stop himself from bending down, picking the daisy key chain up and placing it on the stand again. He stared at it for a while and when he was sure that it wouldn't fall off, he bent down to pick up more. It was then that he felt a slight knock on his head and saw the daisy key chain on the floor. It had fallen off once again! Freddie was becoming increasingly more annoyed with the situation. He picked up a handful of key chains and began placing them back on the stand very quickly without removing his eyes from them. When all the key chains in his hand were up he said firmly," Now stay there!"
No sooner had he said that were all the key chains back on the stand. What is going on? He stared at the sight with disbelief and, as if by impulse, began moving his face closer towards the stand. When he was about a hands length away... the daisy key chain shot off the stand and hit him squarely between the eyes! He wrenched his head backwards, all the while rubbing the spot where the key chain had hit him. Another one shot off and hit him on the chest. Soon all the key chains began launching themselves at him and Freddie flailed helplessly. Another one caught him in the stomach so hard that he lost his balance and tumbled to the floor. He had closed his eyes before he fell and when he opened them he was met with an impossible sight. The daisy key chain floated in front of his face with the other behind it. Freddie was paralysed as it floated closer towards him. "You don't tell us what to do!" the key chain shouted at him. That was the last straw and Freddie woke up screaming.

Then and only then did he realise that it had been nothing but a dream. He was still seated behind the counter and a red mark lined his face where his pencil had been. The key chains where still on the stand. Freddie rubbed his eyes, groaning, and stood up from his seat. He was stiff all over and he stretched his arms up in an attempt to make it go away. "Ugh, he said to himself,"You need to get out more, Fred." The events of this afternoon had made him a little tense. Then again, he might have over reacted a tad. He had definitely made Leo, aswell as himself, feel terribly awkward. Looking outside, he saw that it wasn't too late. A bit of fresh air would do him good.

He stumbled a bit, the after effects of that horrid nightmare, and fetched his coat from the back room. He then switched off the lights and walked out into the cool air. After walking for a bit, he was beginning to feel much better and he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Ah, Freddie!," came a familiar voice from behind him. Freddie had been looking down and hadn't noticed Abraham and Leo walking in his direction. Maybe this was Freddie's chance to apologise for over reacting.
"Hello, Mr. Mayor. Leo," he said and smiled at the both," Out for a walk aswell?"
"Yes, Leo and I are going to Moonhaven for a drink. Why don't you come with us? Two's company, three's a charm."
Freddie had never been to the bar before, mainly because he'd never had anyone to go with, but the idea still made him nervous.
"Oh, me? No, I've never been there before. Not my styl-"
"Splendid!" said Abraham cheerfully as he looked at both the young men,"We'll have grand time the three of us." He then grabbed Freddie around the shoulders and continued walking.

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 02:52 AM

As the two girls traveled back to town, Anna watched as the sky darkened. "I'm gonna run ahead and open the bar. Come by if you aren't busy." She rubbed the back of her head. "I hate leaving you behind, cause I've loved chatting with you. I just don't wanna be late on the first day." Anna stuck her thumb out behind her. "There's a drink waiting for you whenever you want it." With that said, she waved bye to Elise, and darted off towards the town.

Anna, being sporty and fast, made it back to town in no time. She flipped her sign to 'OPEN' and stepped in the door. Taking a breath, she stepped behind the counter, cracked open a water bottle, and relaxed. It was a really nice day. With this small town though, Anna couldn't help but wonder whether anyone would come by today. She started making a mental list of what she would do tomorrow. Maybe go to Sunnyvale?

The door opened and an older gentleman walked in. "Hello Roalle!" she greeted. He smiled and said hi back. "What can I getcha?" She leaned on the counter and he sat down. "Well, actually I'm here to see if I can help you." He opened up his 'bag of goodies' (at least, that's what Uncle Al called it.) "I have something that will make this bar so much better." Anna rolled her eyes. Al warned her about him and his gadgets. "Sorry Roalle, but I won't buy from you unless you buy from me." she insisted. He pouted and ordered some ginger ale. After pouring his drink, he impatiently put a strange looking object on her counter. "And what is this?"

"This is a bottle holder. You can keep all your drinks in order now. Isn't that neat?" His voice was persuasive. Anna laughed. "I really don't need this. Organizing drinks is my specialty, without your fancy stuff." He shrugged. "You remind me of your uncle. I guess I can't persuade you either." He took his leave and Anna sat back down.

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 01-10-2014, 02:56 AM


Leo chuckled as Abraham had ambushed Freddie in almost the same way he used on Leo before: ignoring whatever was said and assumed you were coming anyway. Leo had brought a lantern, since he didn't trust the idea of going though the crystal cavern at night.

As the three walked along, Leo gazed around in amazement. The road was made of brink, and the walls and ceilings were reinforced with beams. In between the beams were various colored quartz, glistening between the lights lining both sides of the tunnel.

"Yes Leo, the tunnel wasn't like this the last time you were here," Started Abraham. "In fact, we only fixed it up about a year ago. Before you probably remember the floor being much rougher in here. We actually had a couple people fall and hurt themselves in here. After that, both towns banded together to improve this pathway! We made a brick path, and added the reinforcements to make everyone feel safer while walking through. The quartz and lighting adds a nice touch too. Though it never hurts to have a lantern with you just in case! Typically we share the workload. If you go through and see a light out, we go grab a replacement for on the trek back. If the light's already been replace, then we put it at either end of the tunnel in the safety boxes. They'll all get used up eventually."

Leo was quite impressed with the whole thing.


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